Daily Messages

Words for You to Ponder Today


  • "One of the most meaningful things we can do as parents is teach our children the power of prayer, not just the routine of prayer. … As parents, we can teach our children to pray for things of eternal consequence—to pray for the strength to be morally clean in a very challenging world, to be obedient, and to have the courage to stand for the right."

    —Tad R. Callister, "Parents: The Prime Gospel Teachers of Their Children"
    Topics: Teaching

  • "Because we need the Holy Ghost, we must be cautious and careful not to go beyond teaching true doctrine. The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of Truth. His confirmation is invited by our avoiding speculation or personal interpretation. That can be hard to do. You love the person you are trying to influence. He or she may have ignored the doctrine they have been taught. It is tempting to try something new or sensational. But we invite the Holy Ghost as our companion when we are careful to teach only true doctrine."

    —Henry B. Eyring, "The Power of Teaching Doctrine"
    Topics: Teaching

  • "As [our children's] prime gospel teachers, we can teach them the power and reality of the Atonement—of their identity and divine destiny—and in so doing give them a rock foundation upon which to build. When all is said and done, the home is the ideal forum for teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ."

    —Tad R. Callister, "Parents: The Prime Gospel Teachers of Their Children"
    Topics: Teaching

  • "As parents, we are to be the prime gospel teachers and examples for our children—not the bishop, the Sunday School, the Young Women or Young Men, but the parents."

    —Tad R. Callister, "Parents: The Prime Gospel Teachers of Their Children"
    Topics: Teaching

  • "In each teaching setting, whether it is a family home evening, a class, a sacrament meeting, or a general or stake conference, the teacher should strive to create a heartfelt desire in his students to live worthy of eternal life with our Heavenly Father."

    —M. Russell Ballard, "Teaching—No Greater Call"
    Topics: Teaching

  • "I believe there is no greater call in the Church than to be an effective teacher. Effective teaching by the Spirit can stir the souls of men with a desire to live the principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ more completely."

    —M. Russell Ballard, "Teaching—No Greater Call"
    Topics: Teaching

  • "Teaching in the home is becoming increasingly important in today’s world, where the influence of the adversary is so widespread and he is attacking, attempting to erode and destroy the very foundation of our society, even the family. Parents must resolve that teaching in the home is a most sacred and important responsibility. … The leaders of the Church spend a great deal of time thinking about how to improve teaching in the Church. Why do we invest this time and effort? It is because we believe in the immense power of teaching to increase the faith of individuals and strengthen families. It is my belief that one of the most effective things we can do to improve teaching in the Church is to improve teaching in our homes. Our teaching in the home prepares us to teach more effectively at church, and our teaching at church helps us to teach more effectively at home."

    —L. Tom Perry, "Mothers Teaching Children in the Home"
    Topics: Teaching

  • "As parents do their part, as we do our part, and as our young brothers and sisters do their part, there comes into their soul what the prophets call a “mighty change of heart.” They come to understand their dependence upon their Heavenly Father and upon their Savior. They recognize that they will be accountable for their lives, and they begin a lifelong adventure of repentance and accepting and keeping covenants. They become less enticed by worldly values and they take upon themselves the name of Christ. They continue their journey of mortality as disciples of Christ, growing in faith, hope, and charity."

    —Neil L. Andersen, "A Classroom of Faith, Hope, and Charity"
    Topics: Teaching

  • "No matter how articulate you are, how well you prepare, and how talented you are in relating to youth, without the pure love of Christ you will not succeed. As your soul is filled with the pure love of Christ, your spiritual gifts are magnified, and you are better able to reach your students."

    —Neil L. Andersen, "A Classroom of Faith, Hope, and Charity"
    Topics: Teaching

  • "Spiritual understanding rarely comes from a lecture. It comes in classrooms where questions are welcome; where doubts and fears can be expressed; and where honest opinions are never dismissed. Spiritually, the classroom of faith becomes less like a lecture hall and more like a fitness center. Students do not get stronger by watching someone else do the exercises. They learn and then participate. As their spiritual strength increases, they gain confidence and apply themselves all the more."

    —Neil L. Andersen, "A Classroom of Faith, Hope, and Charity"
    Topics: Teaching