The eyes don't have it: How the brain could more important when it comes to sight

  • Researchers studying fruit fly vision found the insect's relatively large brain did much of the image processing
  • Team says their discovery 'blows open the way we think about vision'

By Mark Prigg


The brain, rather than our eyes, may be more important for sight, researchers studying fruit flies have discovered.

The groundbreaking discovery could change the way we think about vision.

University of Virginia researchers have found that the very simple eyes of fruit fly larvae, with only 24 total photoreceptors (the human eye contains more than 125 million), provide just enough light or visual input to allow the animal’s relatively large brain to assemble that input into images.

The large eyes of a fly at 200 times magnification. Researchers believe its brain is far more important than its eyes for vision.

The large eyes of a fly at 200 times magnification. Researchers believe its brain is far more important than its eyes for vision.


The researchers say the fruit fly serves as an excellent model for studying neurons because the animal has only about 20,000 of them, whereas humans have about 100 billion.

Yet there are many similarities to how fruit fly and human neurons work.

According to Condron, researchers are within a year of mapping the entire nervous system of the fruit fly, which then will pave the way for greater understanding of how neurons work in a range of organisms, including humans.

Their discovery, published in the online journal Nature Communications, shows that vision may be less important to 'seeing' than previously thought - and in fact it is the brain’s ability to process points of light into complex images that is key.

'It blows open how we think about vision,' said Barry Condron, a neurobiologist in U.Va.’s College of Arts & Sciences, who oversaw the study.


'This tells us that visual input may not be as important to sight as the brain working behind it.

'In this case, the brain apparently is able to compensate for the minimal visual input.'

Condron’s graduate students, Elizabeth Daubert, Nick Macedonia and Catherine Hamilton, conducted a series of experiments to test the vision of fruit fly larvae after they noticed an interesting behavior of the animals during a different study of the nervous system.

They found that when a larva was tethered to the bottom of a petri dish, other larvae were attracted to it as it wiggled attempting to free itself.

The animals apparently saw the writhing motion and were attracted to it, willingly traveling toward it. After several further experiments to understand how they sensed the motion, the researchers learned that the nearly blind animals likely were seeing the action, by wagging their heads side-to-side in a scanning motion to detect it, rather than by only hearing it or feeling vibration or by smelling the trapped larva.

The simple eyes of fruit fly larvae (top)provide just enough visual input to allow the animal¿s brain to assemble images.

The simple eyes of fruit fly larvae (top)provide just enough visual input to allow the animal¿s brain to assemble images.

This was a surprise because of the very simple and limited vision of fruit fly larvae.

'The answer must be in the large, somewhat sophisticated brain of these animals,' Condron said.

'They are able to take just a couple dozen points of light and then process that into recognizable images; something like when an astronomer with a small telescope is able to use techniques to refine a limited image into useful information about a star.'

Condron believes the animals are able to assemble useful images by rapidly scanning their heads and, in so doing, gather up enough light points to allow the brain to compose a panoramic image clear enough to 'see.'

The researchers tested this by presenting larva with a video of a writhing larva (therefore no vibration, no sound and no smell) and found that the larvae still detected and sought out the struggling larva on the video.

They also learned that if they slowed down or sped up the video, the larvae were less attracted or not attracted at all to the video larva.

They also were not attracted to dead real larva, or to tethered larva of another species, and they also had difficulty finding tethered larva in near darkness.

'Apparently they are – to a very high degree – visually sensitive to detail and rate of motion and can recognize their own species in this way,' Condron said.

Close-up of the compound eye of a Fruit Fly, which was studied in the new research - and found to be less important than the insect's brainpower in vision.

Close-up of the compound eye of a Fruit Fly, which was studied in the new research - and found to be less important than the insect's brainpower in vision.

'This provides us with a good model for trying to understand the role that the brain plays in helping organisms, including humans, to process images, such as recognizing faces.'

He believes the head scanning plays an important role in helping the larvae to bring together multiple visual inputs into a unified whole for the brain to process, similar to collecting together multiple pixels to form a picture.

Condron said people with severe vision loss also tend to use head scanning as a means for collecting a 'picture' from very dim light sources.

Visually impaired people who have received experimental retinal implants of just a small number of pixels also often scan their heads to take in enough light to form mental images.

'It’s easy for lab biologists to view fruit flies as simple animals that just feed and reproduce, but we are beginning to realize that that may be in contradiction to the big brain,' Condron said. 'There’s more to what they are able to do than previously thought, whether using that brain for behaviors or for constructing images from a limited visual system.'


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- Andy HB , Hebden Bridge, 04/11/2012 18:44=== Agree totally. Have a green one on me :)

Click to rate     Rating   4

Olio - not the best argument to use since evolution will take the sufficient option not necessarily the most efficient ie the one that does the job - not the neatest! Religion is irrelevant to this discussion.

Click to rate     Rating   7

"There is no random chance with Creationism, God made all not by random chance but by design - Percival" >>>> Then what's the purpose of micro-evolution that Creationists seem so fond of? Am I to assume that God can't make up his mind and so he continues to tweak and alter his so-called designs like an artist who doesn't know when his painting is done? If that's the case, where's the perfection that Creationists speak of? I'm an atheist, but I have nothing against those with religious beliefs, but it's a shame that so many (especially Creationists) seem to think that the answer to everything is "God did it", which tells us nothing about HOW the universe works, and only demonstrates a lack of thought and a lack of curiosity from such people . Isaac Newton was extremely religious, but he wasn't satified with the lazy view that "God did it", he believed that the more man understood the universe and HOW it worked, the closer man will be to God. That's what made him a brilliant scientist.

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- Percival, Newcastle, 4/11/2012 0:04 'God made all not by random chance but by design.' If thats the case didn't make a good job of it. Take the human eye. Six muscles move the eye, three would do. Blood vessels and nerves lie on the surface of the retina resulting in a blind spot and obscured vision. Shoddy incompetent design or the product of evolution by natural selection?

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All of the brain isn't inside the skull.The retina of the eye is a part of the brain and thus provides information directly into it.

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The creationist idea that things change due to ' random chance' has been disproved by science hundreds of years ago. - oiio , FSM, Vatican, 03/11/2012 *****************There is no random chance with Creationism, God made all not by random chance but by design.

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michael99 , brentwood, 03/11/2012 19:51== The creationist idea that things change due to ' random chance' has been disproved by science hundreds of years ago. This latest discovery lends yet more proof of evolution

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I don't know what is 'ground breaking' about this research! But it highlights the fact that even if the eye did evolve then it would also need the brain control systems to be fully functioning for this feature to be of any use. The idea that the brain randomly evolved the functionality to use the sight totally independently to the eyes evolving is unacceptable, the odds for this to happen by pure random chance is just impossible!

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Team says their discovery 'blows open the way we think about vision' --- What's going on ? we have known all this for donkeys years.

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This headline makes no sense? @rikbartholomew #writtenbyfouryearolds?

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