
"For over 2 years, I suffered from severe and chronic facial neuralgia pain. Thanks to my ongoing acupuncture treatments, I am virtually pain free! "

- Tara W

“My triathlon season was a success, in a big part because of my visits to Kate"

- Jayme G

“I tried several other therapies before acupuncture for my elbow pain. After six visits, I was pain free and ready to swing dance again!”

– Mark B

“After chemotherapy, Kate helped boost my energy and relieve insomnia. This is the best I have slept ever!”

– Myra L

“I had surgery on both knees that left me with chronic pain. After receiving acupuncture treatments, I am able to ski and run again.”

– Amy G

Acupuncture in Oaks Pennsylvania (Pa)

Acupuncture for Health Pictures

Are you looking for an acupuncturist in Oaks?

Are you looking for relief from pain, have a chronic condition, need to reduce stress, or you are just desperate for help?

Do you have one of the following conditions?

Back Pain
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Chemotherapy Side Effects
Chronic Fatigue
Immune System

         Irregular Menstruation
         Knee Pain
         Menopausal Syndromes
         Morning Sickness
         Neck and Shoulder Pain
         PMS & Menstrual Cramps
         Repetitive Stress Injuries
         Sciatica Sprains & Sport Injuries
         Stress & Anxiety Tendonitis


Kate can help!


Here are some stats that speak for themselves


75% of Kate’s clients have had significant relief from migraines and 100% have had some relief.

Knee pain

100% have had relief or are completely pain free.  Very often the relief is within several visits and some people even have it after one treatment.  Treating knee pain is almost a miracle cure for athletes because it has been so effective. 

If acupuncture was a drug that treats knee pain, it would be the highest selling and most successful drug on the market, EVER!

- Charles Brown (Exercise Physiologist, Clinical Data Manager in pharmaceutical research 10+ years)


These are just a few conditions, but Kate has treated people with many different conditions and has had great success.  Some clients that have had tremendous success include:

Infertility – Several clients were told that they would NEVER be able to have children and Kate was able to help.

Chronic Back Pain – One client (construction worker) suffered with back and neck pain for years.  Medications wouldn’t help, but the acupuncture did!  He has continued to see Kate whenever he has a flair up and refers everyone in his field to go see Kate because it’s worked so incredibly well.

Chemotherapy Side Effects – The acupuncture has helped alleviate nausea, improve appetite, and help clients sleep.

Stress Reduction – Stress reduction is not always the primary condition that patients seek, but it is always a natural side-effect


Who recommends Kate?

  • Physicians (Internist, Rheumatologist, Dermatologist, Surgeons, Physiatrist)
  • Physical Therapist
  • Chiropractors
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Personal Trainers
  • Her Clients!


Why see Kate?

Kate has a tremendous background with experience as a nurse (Penn, Friends Hospital), fitness trainer and group exercise instructor, herbalist, a holistic health practitioner, and an acupuncturist with 10 years experience. 

Kate integrates her experiences to provide clients with a comprehensive treatment plan that not only includes acupuncture but advice and counseling on lifestyle, diet, fitness, and more.


What Kate’s clients say:

“My triathlon season was a success, in a big part because of my visits to Kate”

- Jayme G

“I tried several other therapies before acupuncture for my elbow pain. After six visits, I was pain free and ready to swing dance again!

– Mark B


“After chemotherapy, Kate helped boost my energy and relieve insomnia. This is the best I have slept ever!”

– Myra L


“I had surgery on both knees that left me with chronic pain. After receiving acupuncture treatments, I am able to ski and run again.”

– Amy G



If you are looking for the best acupuncturist in Oaks, then call Kate for an appointment at 610-825-7027.  Kate has helped clients from Oaks and she can help you as well.  Kate also provides community acupuncture once a month at Stillpoint Yoga which is conveniently located near Oaks in King of Prussia.




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