Rajya Sabha

Indian government
Alternate title: Council of States

Rajya Sabha, ( Hindi: “Council of States”) the upper house of India’s bicameral legislature. The Rajya Sabha was designed by the framers of the Indian constitution as a check on the power of the Lok Sabha (“House of the People”), the legislature’s lower house. It represents the interests of the states and union territories.

The Rajya Sabha may have a maximum of 250 members, most of whom are elected to six-year terms by the legislative assemblies of the states and the union territories; 12 are appointed by the president of India. The allocation of seats to each state and union territory is determined on the basis of population, with each state or territory receiving a minimum of one seat. The terms of one-third of the house’s membership expire every two years. The majority parties in the Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha are not necessarily the same.

The powers of the Rajya Sabha are similar to those of the Lok Sabha. Most bills can be introduced in either house. In order to become law, they must be approved by both houses and receive the assent of the president of India. The Rajya Sabha, however, cannot introduce, reject, or amend revenue bills, which are the sole prerogative of the Lok Sabha, nor can it issue a vote of confidence in the government, which is also the responsibility of the lower house. The Rajya Sabha nevertheless retains some exclusive powers, most notably the power to approve (by a two-thirds majority) all legislation pertaining to the states. Unlike the Lok Sabha, the Rajya Sabha is not subject to dissolution by the prime minister.

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