Garamba National Park

National park, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Alternate title: Parc National des Garamba

Garamba National Park, French Parc National des Garamba,  large natural area in northeastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, bordering on South Sudan. The park, created in 1938, has an area of 1,900 square miles (4,920 square km) and is a continuation of the South Sudanese savanna fed by the Garamba and Dungu rivers; it was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1980. The park, which lies at an elevation between 2,300 and 3,500 feet (700 and 1,065 metres), consists of an extensive plateau and marshland depressions, dotted with inselbergs made largely of granite. Wildlife includes the rare white rhinoceros (which is sometimes the target of illegal poaching), buffalo, hippopotamus, and giraffe. In the south there is an elephant station, Gangala-Na-Bodio, one of the few of its kind in the world, where the animals are domesticated for use in forestry.

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