Yakub Beg

Tajik adventurer
Yakub BegTajik adventurer


Pskente, Uzbekistan


May 16, 1877

Korla, China

Yakub Beg,  (born 1820, Pskente, Kokand [now in Uzbekistan]—died May 16, 1877, Korla [now in the Uygur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang, China]), Tajik adventurer who entered northwestern China in 1864 and through a series of military and political maneuvers took advantage of the anti-Chinese uprisings of its Muslim inhabitants to establish himself as head of the kingdom of Kashgaria (centred at Kashgar). Expanding northward in the area of present-day Xinjiang, he attracted the attention of the Ottoman sultan, who made Yakub the emir of Kashgaria.

During the turmoil, the Russians occupied parts of Chinese Turkistan and Xinjiang and then encouraged Yakub to sign a commercial treaty in 1872. The following year, the British—to ensure a buffer zone between India and the southward-expanding Russian Empire—signed a similar treaty with Kashgaria. Those two treaties, in effect, gave Kashgaria international recognition.

But the Chinese, who had been occupied with rebellions and invasions in other parts of their empire, then decided to take decisive action against Yakub. An army under the noted Chinese scholar-general Zuo Zongtang (1812–85) advanced rapidly westward toward Kashgaria. On May 16, 1877, with the fall of Yakub’s capital city of Turfan, the kingdom of Kashgaria came to an end, and Yakub committed suicide.

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