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Unit: juliol de 2008

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  1. This giraffe got stuck in a well…but was saved by its long neck

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    Nasa 'flying saucer' launch ended in disappointment

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  3. Videos prove water DOES swirl in different directions on opposite sides of the world ...

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  4. Creative people ARE prone to suffering mental illness ...

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    Apple unveils $9.99 streaming app to take on Tidal and Spotify

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  6. Scientists have revealed the secret to building the perfect fire

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  7. Syrian businessmen are forced to pay ISIS up to $100k in taxes or risk torture and death

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  8. If you have a bad boss you'll become a bad boss ...

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    The internet is obsessed with hero cop who fed baby while mother recovered from seizure

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  10. This beautiful Ukrainian lake looks like it could be on Mars

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    Hipster Cat is too cool to acknowledge he looks exactly like U2's The Edge

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  12. Before and after photos show Chinese 'nail houses' that stood in the way of progress

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  13. Man caught trying to smuggle his 8-year-old son into Spain in SUITCASE

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    EXCLUSIVE: Former business partner of designer Christian Audigier shot dead by French mafia

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  15. Police seize 45k euros from Cristiano Ronaldo's mother in Spain

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  16. Retuitat per

    Nasa just launched a real-life flying saucer

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  17. Pope doesn't think kids should use computers because of web's 'dirty content'

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  18. Man who suffers from rare eating disorder swallowed 227 metal objects

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  19. Sketchbook made for tattoo artists lets them practise on pages made of synthetic skin

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  20. Retuitat per

    Nasa is launching a flying saucer. You can watch it here LIVE:

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