The Bruges Group spearheads the intellectual battle against the notion of "ever-closer Union" in Europe and, above all, against British involvement in a single European state.


Britain's Global Leadership

The positive future for a UK outside the EU

The Bruges Group firmly believes that we need to reframe the debate to focus on the positives that Britain poses, in particular our excellent global links, higher education, to the City of London and technical brilliance in manufacturing. The UK, when freed from the restraints of the EU, has numerous attributes. Quite simply we do not have to be governed by Brussels to secure our prosperity, in fact far from it. As things stand Britain, being subsumed within the EU, is punching below its weight. We want this country’s potential to be fulfilled. Establishing the confidence that we need will be an important part of this. This booklet makes this positive case. Members of the Bruges Group will receive this research for free

The City of London in retreat

The EU’s attack on Britain’s most successful industry

How is Britain to remain a well-paid, successful and influential nation in the 21st century?

The UK’s position as a world leader in the provision of international business services is now under threat. The City of London is now in retreat, with excessive and unfriendly EU regulation being largely to blame

The Way Out

A Comparative Analysis of three European Recoveries from the Great Recession

The euro: an impediment to recovery

As recent elections in Greece and the European Parliament, as well as deflationary pressures in the eurozone have shown, political and economic volatility remain very present in the European Union. The rise of Eurosceptic political movements begs fundamental questions about the viability of the economic path imposed by the European Union on its member states. In this study, Josef Filipowicz explores the economic recoveries of three European states from the 2008 financial crisis. Full EU membership is in a large part attributable to the poor response to the economic shocks shown by those countries that have adopted the euro

Everything you wanted to know about the EU

But were afraid to ask

This book explores the EU including explaining key issues to do with Britain and its European Union membership

The Dispossessed, the Never-Possessed and the Bastards

Learning the lessons from rebellion

Should Cameron secure re-election at the head of a minority or slim-majority government, the ensuing Europe debate within the Conservative Party is likely to be even more divisive than Maastricht. Understanding MPs’ behaviour on Europe will allow the pro-withdrawal faction to assess the optimum methods of convincing MPs to side with them, as well as how to counter the Europhile faction’s attempts to poach their followers. The purpose of this work is therefore to act as a case study for newer Eurosceptic MPs to study

The future of the euro

With Professor Bernd Lucke MEP

An address and question time with Professor Bernd Lucke MEP, founder and leader of the Alternative for Germany (Alternative für Deutschland) political party which opposes the euro. Recognising that the Single Currency is harming the economy Bernd Lucke MEP gave a very interesting perspective on the crisis in the eurozone. Professor Lucke discussed the future of the euro

The Bruges Group is a think-tank which holds meetings, lobbies and produces research on issues relating to Britain’s membership of the European Union. Our Founder President was the Rt Hon. the Baroness Thatcher

Since our foundation in 1989, following on from the Bruges speech made by the then Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, the Group has produced ground-breaking research on issues relating to; the cost of the EU, payments to the EU, immigration, the euro, the EU and the environment and EU corruption.

The Bruges Group also comments upon the many EU institutions, such as the Brussels bureaucracy which includes; the European Commission, the European Court of Justice, the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament. These European institutions, and their bureaucrats, produce directives and regulations which are a burden upon businesses and the economy.

Through its work against the treaties which establish and govern the functioning of the European Union the Bruges Group spearheads the intellectual battle against European integration, EU federalism, centralisation and enlargement. The Bruges Group continues to consider issues relating to the UK’s withdrawal from the EU and the need to restore British sovereignty and democracy. As such there should be a referendum on the EU.

The Group often comments on the Conservative Party and Europe; which remains a contentious issue for the government.


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Published Papers

Britain's Global Leadership

The EU’s attack on Britain’s most successful industry

The Dispossessed, the Never-Possessed and the Bastards

Everything you wanted to know about the EU

The Norway Option

Knife Edge: Montgomery and the Battle of the Bulge

Saying 'No' to the Single Market

Montgomery and the First War on Terror

UK’s risks and exposure to the EU

German Economic Policy and the Euro

A Lesson in Democracy

A Crisis of Trust

The City of London Under Threat

Cool Thinking on Climate Change

Are the British a Servile People?

The Costs of Regulation

The Principles of British Foreign Policy

Lost Illusions: British Foreign Policy

The Case for EFTA

Plan B For Europe

Will the EU's Constitution Rescue its Currency?

Galileo: The Military and Political Dimensions

The Fate of Britain's National Interest

Health and the Nation

Criminal Justice and the draft Constitution

Subsidiarity and the Illusion of Democratic Control

A Constitution to destroy Europe

Giscard d'Estaing's "Constitution": muddle and danger presented in absurd prolixity

Free Speech: The EU Version

Federalist Thought Control

Democracy In Crisis

European Union and the Politics of Culture

Britain and Europe: The Culture of Deceit

The Bank that rules Europe?

Conservative MEPs and the EPP: Time for Divorce

Bruges Revisited

Aiming for the Heart of Europe: A Misguided Venture

Is Europe Ready for EMU?

A Single European Currency: Why the United Kingdom must say 'No'

From Single Market to Single Currency