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Linderman Unleashed 062615 TLBR EP6

By TLB Contributor and Talk Show Host: Curt Linderman Sr.

This week on Linderman Unleashed: I begin the program with a special guest, Michelle Ford will be giving us an update on the California state Bill that will destroy health freedoms for families in that state and will probably set a precedent that will sweep the country. SB277 removes all but medical vaccine exemption for any child attending public or private schools. If passed, SB277 will likely be the catalyst for increased legislation across the country and destroy many more lives. We must all be concerned with this state bill.

I will also be discussing how the black community in California is finally becoming active with this very real problem and why they should be.

I will then be discussing the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement (that I refer to as the Monsanto Law) and the devastating effects it will have on our sovereignty and our economy. This is the issue that should prove my point that the right and left in this country is working side-by-side to destroy America and turn it into the corporate controlled oligarchy that the NWO has been planning for centuries. This could very well be the final nail in the coffin for our republic.

I’ll also be discussing the hypocrisy that the Catholic Church is witnessing with this new world order Pope. Could you ever imagine a pope saying that you aren’t “Christian” if you make or own a firearm because you are not “trusting in the Lord” for your protection… he is protected by the Swiss Guard (that is fully armed) and riding down the streets behind bullet-proof glass in the pope mobile?

The insanity that we are witnessing recently can be described as nothing but the end of this planet as we know it. The agenda is apparent, the end game does not bode well for freedom loving citizens and we are the only ones that can stop it.

Join me every Friday at 7 pm EST at the Liberty Beacon Radio Network for compelling dialogue and in-your-face analysis of what truly matters.


Linderman Unleashed is on every Friday night at 7 PM EST at the Liberty Beacon Radio Network and can be heard in full anytime after show publish time (pre-recorded).

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Or visit Curt’s Host Page on TLB’s Radio media website: The Liberty Beacon Town Crier for his current or archived shows.

TLB recommends you visit Curt’s website, Linderman Unleashed for more great/pertinent information, links to everything discussed on the programs and other articles and information of value.



By Eric Zuesse

As the civilizations that we all know, and love, and lived, slide increasingly into totalitarian misery; and the environment, which had been our lives, becomes less and less livable, there will be, in retrospect, one key day, which historians will mark, as the turning-point toward Earth’s death; and it was 23 June 2015.

That’s the day when the U.S. Senate, which had previously turned down the procedural move (called “Fast Track Trade Promotion Authority,” and discussed here) that opens the door to passing U.S. President Obama’s falsely-called ‘trade’ deals, finally (in effect) passed it — thereby reducing the Constitutionally required two-thirds of Senators that’s needed to approve any of these treaties in order for it to become law, down to merely an unconstitutional 50% of the Senators (+ the Vice President as the tie-breaker), as if a treaty were like any merely ordinary law (which requires only 50%+1); “Fast Track” thus enormously increases the likelihood of passing any of Obama’s world-murderous ‘trade’ treaties, from approximately 0%, to approximately 100%.

Here is how these treaties will murder the Earth:

Each of these ‘trade’ deals is about lots more than merely international commerce; it is far more fundamentally about sovereignty — who rules?  There is a feature in each one of them that empowers international corporations to sue any member-nation to the treaty, which tries to pass any regulation, including any environmental regulation, that is stricter than what is set in stone forever in the given ‘trade’ deal. If, for example, scientists discover that, in order for our planet not to go into an exponentially increasing temperature — basically, to go environmentally haywire, and a rapid descent into planetary death (unlivable) — then the requirements for cutting back on fossil fuels must be increased, the situation will already be one in which any member nation that would even try to increase those requirements will be sued by international oil and coal and gas corporations for trying to prevent such environmental haywire, and these lawsuits will be adjudicated by panels not of judges who are appointed by democratically elected representatives of the given nation’s public, but instead by mere panels of international ‘arbitrators’ whose careers will be dependent upon how favorably they rule for international corporations. There will be no democracy, at all, in this. The member-nations to the treaty will no longer actually be democracies. (If they ever were.) There will be a higher power, and it’s trans-national: the hundred or so individuals who collectively control all of the major international corporations.

Instead of national democracies, the member-nations of these ‘trade’ deals will have become little more than supplicants to the international corporate dictatorship, which dictatorship rules collectively over all of the national signatories to the international ‘trade’ treaty.

Now, it’s true that the international corporations will not be empowered to change any law within any one of the member-nations; but, they won’t even need to. How do you think that, in this circumstance, countries will handle their regulatory obligations, if they can be sued for increasing their national standards so as to accommodate new scientific findings, or even merely in order to change financial regulations so as to prevent crashes such as in 1929 and 2008? Any increase in any national regulation will place that nation in almost certain jeopardy of being internationally assessed to pay huge fines to the suing international corporations. That will become the great international racket: suing nations, for violating the ‘rights’ of international investors — ‘rights’ that transcend any of the rights of the citizenry in any one of those countries. (No contrary provision is afforded for nations, to sue international investors; it’s all just one-way.)

So: these ‘trade’ deals will not directly and overtly block any increase in the regulations of food-safety, the environment, drug-safety, worker-safety, workers’ wages, medical care, education, or any of the many other things that governments must regulate in order for the public to be protected, and served. Instead, this legislative blockage will be indirect, and covert. But it will be just as real, and just as effective, as if it were an outright legal prohibition. The individual nations will be forced to yield to the ‘higher’ rights (the real sovereignty) of the top international investors.

In other words: What the U.S. Senate did on 23 June 2015 was to hand America’s sovereignty over to international corporations. It gave President Obama what he had been seeking with unprecedented intensity, and which he has called his “legacy”: it’s the power to transfer lots of America’s democratic national sovereignty over to international corporations — that is, to the roughly 100 individuals on this planet who own the controlling blocks of stock in the world’s large international corporations, the people who are the real beneficiaries in all of this.

Not only will environmental regulations be frozen into place, once a given treaty is in force, and so the entire planet will become, essentially, doomed (because emerging science will be ignored if it doesn’t serve the interests of the hundred or so top billionaires); but protections of workers’ rights will also not increase — not rise in any country — beyond what the treaty specifies. The set-in-stone standards will govern, while the planet simply boils away, and boils off. This will have been the ultimate conservative victory.

The end result of that conservative victory will be global impoverishment, and ultimate environmental collapse, while the world’s few billionaires, and especially the richest hundred of them, will become enormously richer, because their freedoms and associated power will be enormously increased, at everyone else’s expense, by what happened on 23 June 2015. And, of course, those international corporations have been lobbying and buying politicians to the tune of billions of dollars, precisely in order to achieve this outcome — their totalitarian international power.

The most curious aspect of this catastrophic outcome is that the so-called ‘charities’ and ‘non-profits,’ such billionaires’ tax-writeoffs as the Sierra Club and other environmental organizations that are already heavily beholden to international corporations and to the people who control those, have been basically silent about the planetary destruction that their sponsors have been fighting to achieve, via Obama’s ‘trade’ deals. (There’s been token resistance, but only token.) The American public had falsely thought that only a few amendments needed to be added in order for these to be ‘good’ ‘trade’ deals for the public — amendments such as “Trade Adjustment Assistance,” which would provide token and brief transitional training to some of the millions of Americans who will be losing their jobs, as those jobs become increasingly outsourced abroad to lower-wage or more brutally anti-union countries and make ‘us’ more like ’them’ — the low-wage and desperate masses there.

The real “us,” and “them,” are instead the public, versus the aristocracy. It’s so within every country, but it’s unmentionable in the United States; and when you look at ‘non-profits’ such as Greenpeace, Sierra Club, etc., and see that they were virtually silent and not vigorously exposing the corrupt ‘liberals’ during the legislative process, while this monstrosity was passing into law — a monstrosity that will make all of those organizations’ alleged ‘missions’ into mere mockery — the victory of them, over us, was as if those nominal ‘charities’ had never even existed.

For example: the websites of all of those ‘charities’ should have been flaming against “ISDS” as being an Earth-killer, but they weren’t. Instead, they focused on far less-dangerous features, “threats to forests” and the like. That was more covering-up than exposing the mega-threat.

We’re not all in this together. And they know it. Only the public were prevented from knowing it — until too late.

For more about this, see the article I previously linked to. It also provides the historical background, and the only remaining way forward that still might possibly be available to block Obama’s success in this (a Constitutional challenge to the “Fast Track” provision of Richard Nixon’s Trade Act of 1974). 

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity, and of  Feudalism, Fascism, Libertarianism and Economics.


See featured article here

TLB recommends you visit Global Research for more great/pertinent articles.


Bernie Suarez, Guest
Waking Times

Throughout nature it is well known that species will experience changes in its DNA and adaptations in its physical expression and behavior solely for the purposes of surviving in its environment. There are numerous examples in nature of species genetically and physically adapting to its environment for survival reasons. So it’s not a far-fetched suggestion that humanity itself may now be experiencing a physiological mental and cerebral transformation which is changing its behavioral pattern and environmental response to the phenomenon of government.

That’s right, as humans we have an obligation to think critically and objectively when considering the plight of humanity as it struggles in these modern days against the new world order and the human control system. It is up to us to consider the objective expression of this battle for freedom against the oppressive and defective component of humanity known as government.

Whether you understand it or not, those that wish to control you are a parasite on the species. Their infective process is carried out by thought signals within other concurring members of the species. These thought signals of control, rules, laws, policing, and legal system of enslavement perpetuate itself within the species, and is the very system that we know as the controlling governmental system. It seeks to simply control and enslave others. There is really no other purpose for its existence. It generates the mental signals needed to perpetuate the control system of enslavement to take away your individual freedom and your wealth and money. It does all of this by the system of rules we logically understand today as government.

This same governmental system is a sophisticated apparatus. It didn’t just come about by any means. This concept of government, it turns out, is the very burden of life that ensures that life often is a struggle, is stress filled or not enjoyable. This control system is a challenge humanity has been trying to figure out for centuries. Anyone can read ancient history and see the exact same struggle humanity was in back then. It is not difficult to see the parallels throughout history showing how the history of freedom’s struggle is arguably the very history of humanity.

Unfortunately today, all of history is often taught to children from the point of view of the controllers. The concept of freedom is normally hidden from human consciousness from the start with the hope and intention that the human being will never comprehend what it means to be truly free. The control system’s logic instilled from youth is that life is what you are told it is by the control system and you are to obey. We are taught that freedom from controlling governments is not realistic, not possible and not even part of human history.

Realization and Awareness

However, with the advent of the information age and the subsequent advancement in human awareness and consciousness, many within the species (those who are awakened) are realizing that the sky is the limit. Humanity is realizing that truth itself is realized, not expressed to you by a voice on TV or a billboard. Awakened humanity is realizing that we are what we believe we can be. The rules of old are quickly dissolving before our eyes even as the control system marches on with control tactics to keep the masses enslaved.

Reality and fiction are on a collision course. The controllers are intending to force their fiction on humanity even if it means going violent. Today, this forceful violence designed to intimidate and push their agenda is known by many names today including “false flags”. These false flags are now the norm in the eyes of those who are awakened, and spontaneous coincidences in the eyes of those still asleep in the matrix of lies.

This epic moment in human consciousness is leading to something big. What we are now seeing is a rash of staged government violent operations, staged false flag violence and everyday lies from the control system’s mainstream media. As awakened humanity fights off a now weak storm of verbal attacks (“conspiracy theorists”) designed to discredit those awakened, it is primed to usher in a new era which is already underway.

The new era of human consciousness has many features to it. It’s already in progress and it’s all around us even though most people don’t realize it. Humanity is mentally advancing and adapting very comfortably to government lies and propaganda. Yes, that’s right! I believe humanity is adapting so well to government lies and propaganda that the control system is desperate to do whatever it has to do to control, fool and convince those that are still asleep that the dream they are in is still real. They are throwing the kitchen sink at this prospect. The dream of controlling humanity is, after all, a dream to the controllers. The same way you and I have dreams of success and happiness is the same way the controller have dreams of controlling. Like any member of the species, we (they) are wired to not give up on our (their) dreams.

This functional commonality within humanity is a very important reality we must all keep in mind. The same tenacity that we have for fighting for freedom and truth is the tenacity the controllers have for fighting for enslavement and lies.

Rendering the Control System Powerless

I believe our similarities within the species is something that is allowing the species as a whole to adapt to the problematic control system. This diseased portion of humanity known as the control system is losing its mass influence, and the loss of influence is growing and becoming more pronounced with every day that goes by.

For example, as I’ve discussed in the past, more than ever we are now seeing repeated government lies, propaganda, entire operations including false flags and fake terror operations all being pushed on the masses at all-time rates, all the while a growing significant percentage of the human population is not even blinking at these events. It’s as if these false flag shootings, lies, propaganda and staged terror is not even happening. The anxiety it’s supposed to produce is not there and the lies they tell are not believed. Awakened humanity is increasingly seeing government and its lying apparatus as an irrelevant part of life.

We all know the control system is very capable of violence. Yes, they will do anything they can to put every single one of us in a cage (jail, prison) or to take away our money (taxes). Yes they will write thousands of laws to make it easier and easier to attack your freedom and steal your money. And yes they will continue to attack your mind with staged fear (terrorism, false flags and engineered natural events). Awakened humanity is aware of what it is dealing with and it is aware of its individual limitations so it tolerates what it sees, quietly marches on ignoring the fear and quietly awaits the moment when all the cards will fall apart for the control system.

Human Progress

Many who are fully awakened realize that essentially all human progress occurs slowly and incrementally. That is the reason why we all have associates, friends and family who are still asleep in the matrix of lies. We understand it is a slow process. It’s the process of human mental, spiritual, and conscious evolution that we are seeing in motion in real-time. Its happening right now and it’s very real.

I firmly believe humanity is actually adapting to the problem of government. Advanced humanity sees the problem and now it is fully understanding what it’s dealing with. This new and evolving understanding is giving way to the evolutionary process of overcoming government. Humanity is intrinsically changing how it thinks in response to the problem of government. Think for a moment how just a century ago no one had any clue what a false flag was. Can you imagine that?

Here we are in the first quarter of the 21st century and humanity’s mentality is advancing beyond its years even as a huge segment is still stuck on the paradigm of entertainment allowing celebrities, Hollywood and TV to influence their perception of the world. Advanced humanity, nonetheless, is moving forward confidently. Those who are awakened cannot be un-awakened. The awakening process is a one-way street. It’s a process that moves forward not backward. Mathematically speaking there will be more (not less) awakened people on earth tomorrow than yesterday, and so on.

All of these factors put together define the evolution of humanity but not in the sense taught to children in public schools. This is the true and real evolution of the human thought process which includes its new awareness of itself, its new awareness of freedom, and full awareness of its enslavement to government and how it employs the current propaganda control system.

I believe this awareness alone is all that is needed for humanity to guarantee victory over the control system. It may sound crazy and exaggerated but this awareness alone will activate the spirit of freedom deep inside the minds of humans and it will activate the creativity in humanity to do whatever it takes to resist the control system. This resistance, when exercised on a mass scale will deal a blow to the control system in ways we can’t imagine.

So no one should be surprised that the control system will soon be using the U.S. military to practice intimidating Americans and pulling them out of their apartments (Jade Helm 15 operation officially starting soon). That’s because deep down the control system knows what it is up against. It’s up against a sophisticated species that is aware, is watching, is vigilant, loves freedom and most important, is evolving mentally. This new adaptation by the species to the problem of government will ultimately be the greatest threat to the control system. The controllers are hoping to overcome this by spreading fear. They know, however, that if they fail to spread their fear it is game over. Are you ready? Will you be ready when things get much worse? Is the greater picture finally coming together?

About the Author

Bernie is a revolutionary writer with a background in medicine, psychology, and information technology. He has written numerous articles over the years about freedom, government corruption and conspiracies, and solutions. A former host of the 9/11 Freefall radio show, Bernie is also the creator of the Truth and Art TV project where he shares articles and videos about issues that raise our consciousness and offer solutions to our current problems. His efforts are designed to encourage others to joyfully stand for truth, to expose government tactics of propaganda, fear and deception, and to address the psychology of dealing with the rising new world order. He is also a former U.S. Marine who believes it is our duty to stand for and defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. A peace activist, he believes information and awareness is the first step toward being free from enslavement from the globalist control system which now threatens humanity. He believes love conquers all fear and it is up to each and every one of us to manifest the solutions and the change that you want to see in this world, because doing this is the very thing that will ensure victory and restoration of the human race from the rising global enslavement system, and will offer hope to future generations.


Read featured article here

TLB recommends you visit Waking Times for more great/pertinent articles.


By Joachim Hagopian

As the globalists’ vision for a one world totalitarian government unfolds in rapid sequence of their long plotted New World Order, a parallel process is also quietly unfurling in the covert formation of a globalized international military fighting force. The US Joint Special Operations Command Forces have built a notorious reputation as death squads known for conducting middle of the night raids, murdering entire families in the process along with detaining targeted suspects in both Iraq and Afghanistan and now all over the world.

Because Special Forces by their very nature are highly secretive and virtually unaccountable to everyone, including our own government, we never hear much about this global elite killer machine. The only exceptions are the contradictory renditions of how the Navy Seals took out Osama bin Laden, or glossy film renditions glorifying Special Forces exploits as recruitment propaganda commercials, now all closely monitored, controlled and censored by the US military. In fact, the FBI, the CIA and Pentagon all have liaison handlers assigned to Hollywood just to make sure the shady truth about them never gets to the big screen audience. Sadly the film industry has degenerated into joining the lowly ranks of mainstream media as mere gov.whore-corp propagandists. Truth is now the enemy.

Though more often covered only by alternative media, the big story headlines today involve the buildup of NATO forces and heavy arms shipments in Ukraine and all along the Russian border for what could turn out to be a World War III deployment.

Joint NATO-US exercises are busily prepping for future faceoff against the Russian military vying for glacier-free Arctic oil reserves while the US Navy conducts unprecedented drills this month wreaking ecosystem havoc along the Alaskan coastline. Similarly in the South China Sea a growing US naval presence is ratcheting to heat up regional tensions with China in the Pacific theatre of Cold War II. And then of course June 15th marked the US Special Forces kickoff of yet the most unprecedented military exercise of them all with the controversial Jade Helm 15 operation conducted over the next three months as the largest military operation on US soil since America’s deadliest first Civil War.

Underneath the sabre rattling surface of all this worldwide martial activity and bypassing detection from even independent media’s radar focusing exclusively these days on Jade Helm is a one world military elite fighting machine being developed largely in secret led by US Special Operations Command (US SOCOM) in conjunction with the United Nations. Perhaps more than any other journalist Nick Turse has forged a highly reputable investigative career attempting to uncover this top secret, hidden world of US SOCOM. Over this last decade black ops deployment around the globe has increased exponentially.

In January this year Turse reported that as of the end of the fiscal year on September 30th, 2014, Special Operations Forces (SOF) engaged in strategic operations in 133 countries on the planet covering over 70% of the earth’s nations. And that high number is likely a lowball assessment of where the SOCOM public affairs officer is willing to admit US Special Forces may actually be operating. The latest tally is up to 150 countries. Just to demonstrate how Special Forces missions are in such increasingly high demand, barely two months into the new fiscal year last December after the second botched rescue raid resulting in American photojournalist Luke Somers and scheduled to be released the next day South African teacher Pierre Korkie’s deaths, SOCOM already was actively engaged in at least 105 nations, in two months already 80% of the previous year’s total number.

Washington war makers learned but one lesson from Vietnam – to conceal the brutality and sheer insanity of war from the American public’s eyes and consciousness after the first and last televised war had rapidly turned the nation against that debacle. So several decades later in Iraq and Afghanistan US wartime atrocities were deliberately hidden in collusion with MSM pressitute, “in-bed,” inbred journalism, where gov.corp war became sanitized, blood and gore spotless, completely absent of body bags for an “out of sight, out of mind” America whose volunteer army comprised less than 1% of its total population.

Leave it to courageous whistleblower Private Manning presently serving his 35-year prison sentence and Wikileaks to boldly expose a myopic glimpse of the always ongoing US war crimes against humanity. By concealment design this sterilized version of two history-making, decade-long wars could simultaneously rage on year after year, minus any tangible antiwar movement, while bleeding the middle class dry in a stagnant, recession-racked economy, sending combat fatigued troops back into harm’s way a fourth and fifth time for another elitist blood-for-oil motherlode bonanza exclusively set up for filthy rich criminal war profiteers to get only filthier richer. But despite these sinister “out of sight, out of mind” machinations and the continental divide between civilians and military, the American populace eventually grew war-weary.

So the elite had to come up with yet a new and improved enemy threat called ISIS along with their new and improved kind of war. After two costly war defeats – six trillion dollars squandered and still rising, a half dozen MENA failed states, nearly 7000 dead American soldiers and millions of murdered Iraqis, Afghanis and other hapless Muslims – arose the bright idea of a new way to wage war in the 21st century using elite Special Forces in a personnel-downsized armed services waging dozens of dirty little secret wars in every corner of the globe.

The rationale for this new, low intensity form of modern warfare consisting of countless undeclared wars around the world all at once proved cost effective and no one but family relatives of dead victims’ corpses strewn about on far-off foreign soil would ever be aware of the murderous worldwide scale of these dirty little secret operations. With absolutely no accountability or oversight even from US Congress, these deadly imperialistic wars nobody knows about are assured to continue unabated for decades to come. After all, the feds’ fake “war on terror” must go on.

A Department of Defense news article two years ago featured then Special Operations Commander Admiral William McRaven’s SOF 2020 vision calling “for a globally networked force of special operations forces, interagency representatives, allies and partners, with aligned structures, processes and authorities to enable its operations.” This is the blueprint for a globalized international black ops killing machine readily able to engage in strategic and tactical covert operations around the globe acting at the behest of a one world government as the globalist elite’s private security force.

The extensive plan for multiple nations’ black ops forces coming together to train regularly in joint exercises and deployments is facilitating lightning strike assaults and tactical missions of highly unconventional warfare to typically take out enemy command and control centers as well as extraction and assassination of targeted enemy combatants. In recent years this global elite force is designed to provide ready made to act on intelligence (far more effective than the CIA) as well as engage in asymmetrical warfare tactics of guerilla-type activity in rapid deployment missions anywhere on the planet as critical pre-step strategy to launching larger scale military campaigns involving conventional force invasions and occupations against targeted hostile nations and forces.

The forever war on terror in the Middle East and Africa as well as Europe and Asia fortified by a massive global infrastructure supporting over a thousand US military posts around the world guarantees black ops deployment everywhere on the planet. And that next targeted hostile nation could very well be America under martial law once Jade Helm goes live this summer.

The scenario just outlined above fits the Jade Helm itinerary perfectly with massive military armaments and equipment movement and stockpiling along with an influx of state National Guard units deployed in multiple “civil unrest” training exercises seen nationwide all year long, extraction drills observed on March 27th in Fort Lauderdale, large scale movement of troops from Fort Carson now deployed in staging exercises in southern Colorado, a plan for deployment of the 82nd Airborne Division as part of Jade Helm operation and plans announced three months ago by the JH15 designer-PR man Thomas Meade that the Navy Seals will be deployed in Louisiana and Mississippi (supposed non-designated JH states) as part of Jade Helm along with the 1200 Special Forces maneuvering throughout “hostile territories” Texas, Utah and drug cartel dominated borderland of Southern California along with the other Jade Helm border states New Mexico, Arizona and Nevada.

Combine all this torrid activity with multi-federal agency involvement that includes local law enforcement operating over such a widespread area of the US working hand-in-hand with all the intel forces from the FBI and CIA to the DEA, Border Patrol and Homeland Security and this summer into fall is shaping up into not just a simple military exercise for practicing skills to be utilized later on foreign soil as the PR propagandists have claimed… not when an Obama forced into retirement general anonymously revealed that Obama back in 2012 ordered the Pentagon to determine how much of the US armed forces would be willing to kill their fellow Americans and warned us of coming false flag attacks and a prolonged bloody US civil war. Or a retired Homeland Security employee disclosing that in recent years the department’s been planning a likely cyber-attack on the banking infrastructure along with other emergency false flag scenarios leading to martial law.

Or the militarization of police forces across the nation now looking identical to armed military forces acting with complete impunity killing American citizens (over 500 already this year) as a bona fide police state. Or the dozens of non-military, non-law enforcement federal agencies like the US Postal Service, Department of Game and Wildlife, IRS, FDA, EPA all buying up two and a half billion hollow point bullets. Take all of these very real, undeniable dots and connect them together and it appears more than probable that planned crises will become the ready-made excuse for Jade Helm to go live and martial law declared.

The Project for a New American Century (PNAC) whose architects include all the Bush inside job 9/11 neocons called for a transformation of the US military this century. As part of that transformation a popular current military tactical modality has employed the Human Terrain System. It was heavily pushed by General David Petraeus in both Iraq and Afghanistan and is still widely deployed today despite its proven failures. The Human Terrain System employs personnel teams comprised of social scientists primarily trained and educated in anthropology and psychology. Their purpose is to gather key information as a means to learn about and understand the enemy, utilizing that data to win over, manipulate and influence targeted adversarial populations through PSYOPS methods using propaganda and brainwashing techniques through pamphlets, MSM and internet social media disinformation.

Transformation of America was promised by Obama as he only continued the neocon PNAC blueprint to change how America would fight its wars. Last September the United States Army Special Forces Command published the Cognitive Joint Force Entry White Paper. “The decline of the regulated nation state order and the increased prominence of Violent Extremist Organizations (VEO’s)” present the newly deemed asymmetrical enemy that are the so called “terrorists.” This document outlines how asymmetrical warfare both currently and in the future will be fought. SOCOM Admiral McRaven in March 2014 described the Human Domain:

Our SOF engagement takes place in the Human Domain – the totality of the physical, cultural, and social environments that influence human behavior in a population-centric conflict. The Domain is about developing an understanding of, and nurturing influence among, critical populaces. SOF is uniquely suited for operations that win population-centric conflicts, oftentimes, and preferably, before they start.

Cognitive Joint Force Entry now brings an exclusive focus on fighting a thinking man’s war, getting inside the enemy’s head to the thinking processes, hence cognitive depth, cognitive strategy and cognitive resilience become operative keyword buzzwords.

The shift to defeating the enemy psychologically before a shot is even fired takes its cue from the ancient Chinese philosopher Sun Tzu’s Art of War: “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” Shaping prewar interventions has become the Special Operations trademark. Its buzzword is Phase Zero referring to an unending propaganda blitz to shape public opinion. Peacetime becomes just another phase in the forever state of war that the Pentagon and the Bush-Obama regime has incessantly been conditioning Americans to ultimately accept.

The demonization of Putin during this last year over Ukraine is but one recent example. Enemies range from “aggressors” like Putin who defends his nation against US Empire-NATO agenda to offensively surround and isolate the Russian Federation. Of course US created al Qaeda/ISIS are the twenty-first century public enemy number one on the one hand as the 9/11 scapegoats and perpetual war on terror opponents, and on the other hand the neocon proxy war mercenary ally wreaking havoc and terror wherever US-Israeli-Saudi axis of evil unleashes them. The Orwellian double speak of lies never ends.

Announcing the Jade Helm operation to the US public a full four months in advance is a PSYOPS to get inside the head of the domestic enemy – Americans who criticize the federal government for its increasing tyranny. The JH15 Special Operations exercise includes participants acting in the role as infiltrators to “blend in” wearing civilian clothes driving civilian vehicles in local civilian communities. They will be acting as spies who will encourage people to turn in their fellow citizens for subversive, anti-government activities, reminiscent of the civilian national security force that Obama as a 2008 presidential candidate touted just like Hitler’s prewar Nazi Germany youth groups.

Department of Homeland Security and state and municipal fusion centers work closely with local and federal law enforcement agencies and the US domestic intelligence community to ostensibly ferret out dissidents deemed enemies of the state, enemy combatants or belligerents, otherwise labeled homegrown terrorists. That said, for all their collective efforts they have absolutely nothing to show for themselves to even justify their existence much less the tax dollars wasted, not uncovering or finding even one domestic terrorist plot. Jade Helm is practicing asymmetrical warfare against American citizens who have become the enemy to the diabolical oppressors who as traitors are the true enemy of the entire world for what’s happening here in the US is happening throughout Western nations.

DOD 3025.18 is a document directive dated December 2010 about Defense Support of Civilian Authorities. Essentially this federal directive authorizes lethal military force by both active duty personnel as well as state National Guard units and reservist forces in support of police to be used against US citizens in civil matters involving emergencies and civil unrest, in effect overturning the Posse Comitatus law of 1878 that expressly prohibits use of US military in civil matters. Obama’s 2012 NDAA also violates Comitatus law.

To further cause concern, the proliferation of the United Nations security “peacekeeping” forces in recent years and President Obama signing a series of secret contractual agreements authorizing militarized UN forces, Homeland Security, and FEMA along with both US and foreign troops for active deployment on US soil against American citizens during times of civil unrest facilitating martial law conditions is also documented on public record.

On September 25th, 2013 Obama signed the UN Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) along with 121 other nations that went into effect on Christmas Eve that year banning private citizens from owning guns, obviously in direct violation of the Second Amendment of the Constitution. Though Congress never ratified ATT knowing it would cause an uproar amongst the voting public, it hasn’t stopped dictatorial Obama from repeatedly violating rule of law by signing 23 executive orders on gun control as further attempt to undermine and usurp constitutional rights.

There exists a long, well documented history of human rights violations that accompany nations’ efforts to outlaw and confiscate guns from private citizens. Especially where police state totalitarianism prevails, where both law enforcement agencies and government forces are the violent perpetrators, enforcing bans on gun ownership precipitates justifiable and predictable counter-resistance from citizens that in effect cause civil unrest and violence. With police murdering so many Americans nowadays, seemingly intentionally provoking widespread civil protest and unrest in cities across the US, it’s a logical deduction to conclude that such an extreme show of force as Jade Helm to potentially incite violence is more than probable.

A 2008 study examined UN supported gun confiscation programs in alliance with governments in Uganda, Kenya and South Africa and the subsequent levels of increased violence, death and severe human rights abuses associated with enforced gun control bans. The stage may be set for the same disastrous outcome to be triggered here in the US with Jade Helm this summer, especially if its mission includes private gun confiscation.

Further evidence illustrating the devastating consequences that ruthlessly violent government regimes have inflicted on humans comes from democide statistics. For years scholar RJ Rummel has been meticulously studying and compiling numbers of victims murdered by their own governments through history, concluding from his findings that, “Concentrated political power is the most dangerous thing on earth.” He determined that in the last century alone 262 million people were brutally murdered by their own governments, six times more than those killed directly by war.

Moreover, in all nine of the worst cases of genocide committed during the 20th century, a systematic effort by the guilty despots in power disarmed their victims prior to their murderous onslaught exterminating them. These facts alone offer dire warnings to citizens around the world compelling them to actively resist the UN and the 122 nations that comprise most countries on earth that signed the UN Arms Trade Treaty. The globalist objective of a one world government is predicated on disarming the global population in order to minimize opposition to both their tyranny as well as their murderous final solution eugenics. A militarized multi-agency global task force consisting of the UN “war” keepers and black ops will be the globalists’ personal army to enforce their draconian New World Order laws, executing those unwilling to accept their demonic lethal reign of terror. But in the end, they will fail.

Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer. He has written a manuscript based on his unique military experience entitled “Don’t Let The Bastards Getcha Down.” It examines and focuses on US international relations, leadership and national security issues. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field for more than a quarter century. He now concentrates on his writing and has a blog site at http://empireexposed. blogspot. com/He is also a regular contributor to Global Research and a syndicated columnist at Veterans Today.


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By Joachim Hagopian

The accelerated rate of New World Order events unfolding every single day is becoming mind boggling. The latest tragedy in South Carolina where a wacked out white man on Big Pharma killer drugs murdered nine African Americans in a Charleston church has triggered a litany of hot button issues that smack of false flag agenda to attack gun owners, foment a race war, and wag the dog for streamlining the fast track TPP in one fell swoop.

Last Wednesday night 21-year old Dylann Roof was taken in and welcomed by a black bible study group only to have the gunman turn on them an hour later pulling out his .45 caliber handgun and murdering nine victims in a diabolical scheme to start a race war. This latest incident comes on the heels of two months earlier with the Walter Scott shooting also in Charleston where another trigger happy white police officer shot in cold blood another African American in the back.Race tensions are already running high with the sting of the Baltimore riots still fresh a couple months ago. Combined with Jade Helm Special Forces operations already underway infiltrating civilian communities throughout the Southwestern states, the stage is set for a very long hot summer.

Of course mainstream media’s agenda is simply to enflame the tragic situation, reporting how the killer’s long been planning to be the incendiary device that initiates a full scale war between white Americans and black Americans. One of Roof’s friends recalled a drunken rant when Roof vowed a six-month plan “to do something crazy” to incite a race war. Meanwhile, several family members of the shooting victims belonging to the oldest African Methodist Episcopal Church in the South spoke out publicly forgiving the deranged young racist killer. It turns out that Roof had been taking a cocktail of prescription drugs prone to inducing violence, among them the drug Suboxone that’s replaced methadone for treating opiate addiction but is also known to cause both suicidal as well as homicidal impulses in patients.

A common undisputable pattern amongst all the highest profile perpetrators of mass killings in the US to the person is that they all have an extensive psychiatric history of taking notoriously dangerous destabilizing Big Pharma medication. Yet because of the immense power of the pharmaceutical manufacturers and active support from both the psychiatric profession and feds’ Food and Drug Administration, the drug companies are allowed to continue distributing their killer poisons that cause such grave harm to so many American families. Of course it’s no different from another chemical company Monsanto that kills untold numbers of humans, animals and plants around the world, and then manipulates Congress and Obama to pass and sign laws protecting Monsanto from all lawsuits.

As an example of how the media fans the flames of conflict, on Twitter made the statement, “White America must answer for the Charleston Church massacre,” as if all Caucasian Americans pulled the trigger. This message is meant to instill guilt and shame in every white American, and its corollary appears intended to stir up justifiable payback revenge amongst a victimized black population. For media to willfully manipulate, falsely misinform and blatantly attempt to shape public opinion through such inflammatory, biased reporting explicitly instructing dumbed down, docile Americans on how they should think, feel and behave in response to this kind of tragedy classically illustrates a state-run, fascist, corporatized propaganda machine that’s operating within the current US totalitarian regime. And again, the thematically threaded agenda is to create even more mistrust and racial divide, risking yet more acts of racial violence.

Mainstream media virtually ignores racially motivated crimes committed against white victims by black offenders. Yet according to FBI records, the incidence of white criminals victimizing blacks occurs far less. We have a media today with an apparent agenda to intentionally distort the truth in favor of instigating conflict between the races. This age-old divide and conquer strategy by the ruling class is once again being played out while the combinational effect from these devastating lethal shooting sprees is purposely geared to turn Americans against each other along both racial and ideological (gun control vs. gun rights) lines.

Similarly, Obama keeps using these tragedies to feebly invigorate his longtime agenda (23 executive orders worth with now more on the way) to disarm the American citizenry. Right away Obama was calling for more gun control as part of his scheme to criminalize gun ownership timed with the commencement of the Jade Helm operation. The president in fact lied when he said mass killings only happen in America, also purposely misleading citizens into believing that gun violence is ever on the rise. When the per capita population for mass shooting fatalities is taken into account, from 2009-2013 America was not even in the top five at half the ratio. And those five countries Norway, Finland, Slovakia, Israel and Switzerland all have more restrictive gun policies than the US. Additionally, the mass shooting deaths in the US decreased from 93 in 2012 to 68 in 2013.

Regarding Obama’s other flawed assertion, the only gun violence ever on the rise in the US is police murdering hundreds of fellow Americans, 500 already observed so far this year alone. Amongst the rest of us, highly credible sources have consistently shown that violent crime has been dropping steadily in America in recent years, the lowest in nearly four decades. But then the truth is rarely factored in when it comes to either Obama or MSM’s agenda.

It’s rather telling that to Obama disarmament in America pertains strictly to its citizens, violating their Second Amendment rights by only disarming them while war profiteering arms dealers continue amassing the biggest global arms race buildup of weapons of mass destruction (including biological and chemical) in human history. World War III seems right around the corner. The marching orders from Obama’s globalist handlers are quite clear, in short order destroy the United States and eliminate Americans’ capacity to fight back when the US military is ordered to conduct house raids at gunpoint to confiscate privately owned guns while movement toward one world government tightens its death grip of absolute totalitarian control over the global masses.

The militarization of US law enforcement in recent years is part of the sinister plan to wage war against the American people, starting with those of color and extending to veterans, gun owners, Christians, Tea Partiers, constitutionalists, property rights activists, First Amendment protesters and all dissidents taking a stand against fascist governmental tyranny, branding all these groups together as domestic terrorists and enemies of the state.

The exponentially soaring number of police murders of African Americans in particular in this country has the obvious effect to increase racial tensions between black Americans and largely white police. Police murders of blacks triggered widespread protests and violence in Baltimore as well as Ferguson, Missouri this last year. Authoritarian aggression perpetrated by an oppressive state against its citizens by design directly causes reactions leading to civil unrest, which in fact is the intended, planned agenda to ratchet up yet more authoritarian control and aggression. This escalating cycle of creating crises, then imposing a so called state solution that increases tyrannical control is simply the Hegelian Dialectic increasingly employed by modern tyrannical governments.

So this week another highly suspect chain of interrelated events have been unfolding at breakneck speed that feed into the oppressive federal agenda as a wag the dog, sleight of hand focus with the Charleston shooting taking center stage while the US House of Representatives in a 218 to 208 vote quietly sneaks through another critical piece of the most dangerous, most sneaky hidden agenda of them all, the globalist designed ultra-secret Trans Pacific Partnership agreement that grossly undermines United States sovereignty as an independent nation.

After Obama and his masters were denied the necessary House votes just days ago by his own party, another mass shooting tragedy suddenly obscures a retooled vote giving Obama presidential authority to negotiate secret trade deals, creating an giant step closer to the TPP becoming codified law. According to Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution only US Congress has the power to “regulate Commerce with foreign Nations.” Actually only five of the 29 TPP chapters that virtually no one has access to involve foreign trade. AfterWikiLeaks acquired parts of the TPP, its founder Julian Assange had this to say about the 24 TPP chapters not involving trade:

The others are about regulating the internet, and what information internet service providers  have to collect, they have to hand it over to companies under certain circumstances, the  regulation of labor conditions, regulating the way you can favor local industry, regulating the hospital, health care system, privatization of hospitals, so essentially every aspect of a modern  economy, even banking services are in the TPP. So that is erecting and embedding new ultramodern neoliberal structure over U.S. law and the laws of other countries. And putting it in treaty form.

Obama’s abominable open border policy will also be codified into law by one TPP chapter that deals exclusively with immigration, calling for easing restrictions on visa entries. Hundreds of thousands of jobs once belonging to Americans have been outsourced in recent decades. That sober trend will only increase dramatically under TPP. As an example, 250 Disney workers were laid off last October because the very same foreign workers that the Disney employees trained were then brought in to take over their jobs at lower pay. The exact same, all too familiar pattern has been taking place at many large US companies. As examples, Southern California Edison and Northeast Utilities terminated hundreds of jobs in the last two years.

Bottom line, humans and American humans in particular are becoming increasingly obsolete, replaced by either cheap labor or automation. Due to robotics, Oxford scientists predict that within just one generation nearly half of all jobs in the world will disappear. Increasingly we humans (upwards of 90% of us) are looked upon by the elite as mere “useless eaters” taking up needless space and squandering finite energy. Hence, enter their eugenics plan along with UN Agenda 21.

In short, more than ever Fortune 500 transnationals will rule completely over both the dozen nations that have signed on to TPP as well as all their millions of citizens. The twelve nations standing to lose in addition to the United States are Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Brunei, Canada, Mexico, Peru and Chile. Current US federal and state laws will be superseded by globalized big business.

As Obama strengthens his already dictatorial power, after the Senate already voted in favor of the earlier version that hit a wall in the House a week ago, its passing this latest standalone fast track package will next seal the deal in driving the final nail in the coffin of America as a once great nation. This largest economic treaty in history representing 40% of the world’s GDP is far more about global governance than global trade.  With passage of the TPP by the traitors in Washington, clearly the New World Order and its one world government enslaving what’s left of the soon-to-be diminishing global population looms ominously closer on our horizon.

Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer. He has written a manuscript based on his unique military experience entitled “Don’t Let The Bastards Getcha Down.” It examines and focuses on US international relations, leadership and national security issues. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field for more than a quarter century. He now concentrates on his writing and has a blog site at http://empireexposed. blogspot. com/He is also a regular contributor to Global Research and a syndicated columnist at Veterans Today.


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By TLB Contributor: Dave Hodges.

As a result of my contact with confidential sources, in relation to the present illegal immigration crisis and the presence of MS-13, who double as assassins for the Sinaloa and Los Zeta cartels, I have received inside information on how the globalists will ultimately for Americans to abandon their homes and seek safe refuge within the planned urban refugee centers which will be springing up under policies devised by Obama’s people.

The Easy Way and the Hard Way

Anyone who studies Agenda 21 policies does not need a primer on the fact that the globalists ultimately plan to herd six million Americans into 11 mega-cities and we will all live in micro apartments, give up our cars, adopt public transportation, have our every move monitored and forever be the property of the state. And there are two ways that the globalists are going to get us to accept our ultimate fate. There will be the easy way, which will consist of following the money incentives designed to force Agenda 21 policy compliance upon us. There will be a second method used just in case more passive methods of forcing rural/suburban to dense urban relocation are not successful. These methods involve violence and intimidation.

By the way, did your brain just catch the math error? Eleven megacities, with six million people each, equals 66 million total Americans. America presently has a population of approximately 315 million people. Where did the 249 million Americans go?

The Hard Way

As a result of my investigation into the role and extent that the SANCHEZ-Paredes cartel and the Peruvian military control the arms and drugs shipments to the Sinaloa cartel and ultimately the Los Zeta’s and MS-13, I learned how Peru has accomplished much of its population shift away from being a rural nation only 25 years ago to becoming a nation of mostly urban dwellers in 2015.

The capital city of Lima, Peru, has grown from 2 million residents to 8 million residents in less that one generation. There were two primary means employed in Peru in which to force a massive relocation of the Peruvian people from their historic rural homes and farms to the dense inner city, micro apartments of Lima.

According to the United Nations research and scientific studies, nearly two-thirds of the entire population inhabiting the planet will face severe, life-threatening water shortages by the year 2025. The reasons most often cited for the water shortages are waste and poor planning which will result in uneven distribution. Peru has been one of these effected countries where water has been privatized and directed away from areas that the Peruvian, Agenda 21 based leadership wants people to avoid living. If you want to drink water and you live in Peru, you will move where they send you. In Peru, water and finance are intertwined in order to force relocation of rural populations to urban centers. 

state of jefferson bannerTo some extent, this water management scheme designed to get people off of there rural land is in use in Southern Oregon and Northern California. The problem of obtaining water access for the residents in these rural areas has become so bad, due to EPA and BLM communist based land management policies, that many of the residents are giving up and relocating to the cities in search of a job. Many of the residents are exploring the feasibility of an idea which would lead people to form a 51st state, known as the State of Jefferson.

shining pathThere is a second method being used to force people from rural areas in Peru to the stack and pack city of Lima and that is through abject violence. The Shining Path, or more commonly known as SENDERO LUMINSO has been murdering Peruvian rural residents. Their favorite tactic is to behead groups of people, throw their decapitated bodies into a stream and when they wash up downstream, they serve as a stern warning that it is not safe to live in a rural environment. The SENDERO LUMINSO uses this method to keep their cocaine fields free for the SANCHEZ-Paredes cartel in order to have use of the land to harvest cocaine. Secondly, the Peruvian government and the Agenda 21 policies receive a boost because the more independent rural population moves to the cities where they are easier to control and this lessens the threat of a popular uprising.


Coming to your neighborhood armed with IED’s, anti-tank weapons, automatic weapons and WMD’s

This kind of violence, in order to force Agenda 21 compliance, was previously unthinkable in the United States, until the recent immigration crisis reared its ugly head. While the MSM focuses on children who are refugees, we should be focusing on what the Border Patrol is quietly telling us; we are being invaded by MS-13, Los Zetas and the Sinaloa cartel. They are well armed, supplied with anti-tank weapons, RPG’s and automatic weapons. They have already fired upon the American Border Patrol. They are brazen and are more powerful than any local police force. I have come to learn that this paramilitary group will become a Fifth Column and violently carry out the edicts of their sponsors. This means that the rural residents that the BLM and the EPA cannot move from their land, will be forcibly removed. We are looking at the American version of the SENDERO LUMINSO entering our country. Soon our rural sheriffs will be claiming that they out-manned and out-gunned. These activities appear to the be the failsafe policies of the globalists with regard to creating an urban center concentration.

For now, Americans are being nudged into Agenda 21 by what I call the easy way. Financial incentives are being created to “encourage” relocation from rural/suburban to urban living.

The Easy Way

Obama’s plans for his second-term plans includes an initiative to systematically redistribute the wealth of America’s suburbs and rural areas to the inner cities. It’s a transformative communist idea  and it is one that is already underway as these words are being written.

The real brains behind the coming Agenda 21-inspired mass migration from the suburbs to the inner cities is Mike Krulig and his new group of community advisors, Building One America. Their secretive agenda has been mostly achieved by Obama’s appointment of like-minded community activists to his staff. In fact, Krulig was one of Obama’s original community organizing mentors from the President’s Chicago Southside days. The word stealth applies because a damning photo depicting Krulig and Obama meeting at the Whitehouse in 2011 which appeared on the Building One America website. (The photo is displayed above).  However, this type of publicity would not have been good for the swing voters living in America’s suburbs. Obama’s people had the video scrubbed as well as the search engine links. However, the Breitbart people retained a copy of the picture. This begs the question, if the Building One America plan is so good for America, why would the Obama people conceal his affiliation with Krulig and his group of Agenda 21 social engineers?

Kruglik’s Agenda 21 friendly group, Building One America, proposes the creation of a  regional tax-base sharing revenues in which suburban tax money is directly redistributed to nearby cities and economically depressed concentric zones of inner-ring suburbs. Building One America also seeks to move the poor out of cities by imposing mandatory low-income-housing quotas for middle-class suburban developments.

Krulig’s group also seeks to export the controversial regional tax-base sharing scheme currently in place in the Minneapolis–St. Paul area to the rest of the country. Under this program, a portion of suburban tax money flows into a common regional pot, which is then effectively redistributed to urban, and a few less well-off “inner-ring” suburban, municipalities. The Minneapolis-St. Paul area regional government is run by unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats who are out of control. It is critical to know that removing the election process from this endeavor was deliberate for reasons that will become obvious as the reader will discover.

Kruglik’s group also favors a variety of policies designed to force people out of their cars and force suburbanites, robbed of their own tax money, to relocate into densely populated stack and  pack cities. Among Kruglick’s strategies to separate people from their cars is the Vehicle Mileage Tax (VMT). Road pricing for the VMT would be implemented to force drivers out their cars. This will impact all drivers except for the Obama inspired exemption of low income drivers.

The VMT is designed to give favored status to certain groups. These groups represent organizations that want to transfer wealth through the heavy hand of regional government interfering in the housing, transportation and land use market place.

This tyranny is also being beta tested in the Bay area in a project entitled One Bay Area Plan. One Bay Area Plan is a 25 year plan which combines housing, transportation, and Agenda 21 land use policies. The public cover story is that the project is designed to save the planet by reducing Green House Gasses. The generated revenue, estimated at $15 million/day, would be used to fund further Agenda 21 transportation schemes such as buses, trollies and light rail which only a few people presently ride.

This plan also calls for Upzoning which would expland the plan to even more areas in the Bay. This would mean even more requirements for high density housing in cities that do not have their “fair share” of low income people. This will result in more 200 square foot apartments being constructed near public transit lines.

This Bay Area Agenda 21 plan also contains a concept referred to as tthe Communities of Concern (read low income and communities of color) would receive funds from these windfall profits that the region would receive.  (is Obama trying to provoke a race war?). Additionally, development fees would be eliminated for affordable housing developments, while subsidies would be used for favored activities such as the creation of more micro apartments and the construction of low income housing in the suburbs.

Most people mistakenly believe that the reality of the megacities concept in which we are all herded into the stack and pack cities is decades down the road. On the contrary, as you have seen, the program is being beta tested in two large metropolitan areas. These schemes will soon be coming to a neighborhood near you.

We are going to get Agenda 21 one way of the other. The question remains as to whether America is going to be transitioned into an Agenda 21 society by using less aggressive methods, or will we be doing things the hard way?


TLB recommends you visit Dave at The Common Sense Show for more pertinent commentary, articles, radio shows and information.

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By: Jay Dyer

The plan to integrate nations into continental trading blocs is not a new idea.  In Dr. Carroll Quigley’s Tragedy and Hope, reference is made to the plan of the Third Reich to create global trading blocs, which itself is an older British Royal Society plan.  Daniel Estulin, in his The Bilderberg Group and Shadow Masters provides detailed investigations into both Bilderberg and its many-headed Hydra organization, exemplified in Captain America 2: Winter Soldier.  Founded by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, as well as numerous other Atlanticist elites like David Rockefeller, Paul Van Zeeland and numerous other media barons, corporate heads, bankers, and countless other people better than us.  This year’s meeting is scheduled for this week, June 11-14th in Telfs-Buchen, Austria.

Bilderberg, operating under the guise of “free market capitalism,” represents instead the complete culmination of banking corporate world control.  Presented as yet another debate forum, the secretive meetings instead have been revealed in numerous cases to have driven global policy.  The most shining example is the 1955 Bilderberg meeting’s plans for the creation of the “European Common Market” and “European Union (Unity) shown below.  It is important to recall that the European Common Market came into play some three years later in 1958, while the European Union itself was supposedly founded in 1993.  With this in mind, we can see how the TTIP is simply a further extension of the same strategy of economic integration, from the EU to NAFTA.

1955 Bilderberg document highlighting the coming European Union.

In other words, what the banksters planned in secret in 1955 was made public in 1993, having been implemented in gradual, incremental stages.  Indeed, it was the post-World War II era that created all these entities – the U.N., Bretton Woods and the IMF and World Bank, etc.  All of these entities, including Bilderberg, are part of the same power structure that coordinated the last century’s wars for the sole purpose of a world government, all of which is spelled out in Quigley’s CFR archives-based tome, Tragedy and Hope.  Thus, while the populations still think their national governments are at war with other nation-states and market economies are driving economic surplus, the reality is that most nation-states are subsidiaries of the Atlanticist power bloc whose sights are set on the dismantling of Russia, as Estulin’s Shadow Masters details.

Like last year’s Bilderberg meeting, the whispers are this year will discuss the implementation and rollout of artificial intelligence.  2015 has seen a tremendous push for the acceptance of automation, from robots in the workplace, to driverless cars, to implantable microchips.  Transhumanism is now a buzzword, and we in the alternative media community have been vindicated countless times in calling attention to the unified agenda of selling the masses on the acceptance of the new religious ideology.  JaysAnalysis has highlighted this takeover plan from older Pentagon documents, as well as its selling point in countless Hollywood blockbusters (and here).

This year, former DARPA head turned Google exec, Regina Dugan will be speaking, vindicating JaysAnalysis’ identifying Dugan as a key player to watch back in 2012.  In 2013, Dugan gave a talk telling the audience the future of the microchip will be an ingestible form, as well as tattooed RFID tracking.  Dugan’s Ted Talks and lectures detailed the technological side of the pyramid’s plans for rolling out the “Smart” drones, and when read in convert with IBM CEO Ginny Rommety’s lectures on SmartCities and “pre-crime,” we can see the unified plan of the technocrats.  Detailing hundreds of similar examples, what is most difficult to convey is the unified nature of the overall plan, from economic “reform” and “free market shock therapy austerity,” to the implementation of the Smart grid/A.I. takeover, to the bio-chemical dysgenics operations, the Atlanticist plans are unified, strategic, and full-spectrum.  They cover the entire domain of human experience, as well as the entire biosphere.  The transition to SmartCities is the ultimate goal of the Green/Agenda 21 plan, as the below UK think tank Forum for the Future propaganda video demonstrates:

All of this arrives on the heels of Jenner’s trans-formation into a “woman,” despite the obvious absurdity of this idea given male and female chromosomes, as well as Ray Kurzweil’s claim that by 2030, humans will be cyborg hybrids.  Kurzweil stated:

Kurzweil predicts that humans will become hybrids in the 2030s. That means our brains will be able to connect directly to the cloud, where there will be thousands of computers, and those computers will augment our existing intelligence. He said the brain will connect via nanobots — tiny robots made from DNA strands.  “Our thinking then will be a hybrid of biological and non-biological thinking,” he said. The bigger and more complex the cloud, the more advanced our thinking. By the time we get to the late 2030s or the early 2040s, Kurzweil believes our thinking will be predominately non-biological.  We’ll also be able to fully back up our brains.  “We’re going to gradually merge and enhance ourselves,” he said. “In my view, that’s the nature of being human — we transcend our limitations.”

The over-arching plan is the complete trans-cending of limitations, be they law, gender, nature, time and space.  However, while this unified agenda has all the weight of the Fortune 100 and transnational banksters behind it, the Gospel of the transhumanists has one big problem – as long as humans are a finite mind with a limited point of focus in the psyche, there will always be limitations.  Man’s promethean desire to overcome limitations through alchemical techno means is all predicated on naturalism, and naturalism isn’t true.  Transhumanist “immortality” is a deception that, even as life extension (an actual, positive goal) becomes more advanced, will not be offered to the masses.  The same people meeting at Bilderberg desiring immortality are the same people behind mass dysgenics, global drug running and the rigging of global markets.  Why would you trust liars to give you eternal life?  Truly people will believe anything.

The unified plan is also outlined in one of its architect’s most famous dystopian novels, Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World.  In his 1932 work, the future envisioned is entirely under technocratic control, where breeding is controlled by the state through cloning, sterilization, and the abolition of monogamy, property history, tradition and culture.  Huxley’s famous Berkeley speech outlines the strategy – the very thing Bilderberg desires to implement, and even describes mass mind control, brainwashing, and the mass pharmacological neutering of the future genderless Morlock masses.  Huxley referred to it as the “final revolution” – the revolution against man himself. It is a unified plan.

See featured article here


By Joachim Hagopian

Like pretty much everything these days, money equates to power in the big business world of both geopolitics and monopolized corporate control designed to eliminate individual liberties and personal choice around the globe. We’ve seen it with the treasonous US crime cabal government that engineered the murder of 3000 Americans on 9/11 to establish a fake war on terror with fake enemies acting as mercenary Islamic stooges that conveniently facilitated the dismantling of the US Constitution.

As all three branches of the federal government destroyed the US democratic republic,  on a more micro-scaled level we’ve also seen how all the various federal regulatory agencies ostensibly set up to protect public health have in fact betrayed Americans by selling out to special interests of big business and corporate lobbyists.

The Environmental Protection Agency, the Food and Drug Administration, the Federal Communications Commission and even the Center for Diseases Control are all but corporate whores completely taken over by a rotating door of Fortune 500 CEO’s, think tank provocateurs, political action committees and corporate lobbyists none of which serve the public.

A new spending bill in the oligarch owned Congress will spell the death of net neutrality. The oligarch controlled FCC is now in the process of destroying net neutrality, censoring the internet, controlling website access, making it increasingly unaffordable and in particular is bent on destroying the independent news media. Because the elite know more and more of the world’s population are turning to the internet for its main source of information and news in overt rejection of MSM lies and disinformation, through its FCC gatekeeper the plan to eliminate independent news media as well as individual critical thinking have been well underway for some time now.

As part of this sinister process, search engines like the giant Google no longer lists websites by order of heaviest traffic but by the Big Brother filter deciding which sites are “more accurate.” What they fail to mention is by whose standards, the lying government that Google and Facebook have sold out to or those brave souls determined to tell the truth no matter what. The globalist design is to ensure that only the six oligarch owned mainstream media outlets disseminate all news and information to the world, effectively creating a monopoly over the flow of all information from the current 90+% level to the absolute 100%.

Near a decade ago insightful longtime critic of the United States government Michael Parenti in his plain truth primer Democracy for the Few exposed how the watchdog agencies cited above merely protect the very industries they’re supposed to monitor and regulate. The result is the EPA looks the other way when air becomes dirtier, groundwater more polluted and oceans and soil more saturated with toxic contaminants. The FDA gives its rubberstamped approval permitting untested drugs and unsafe foods to be sold to consumers. The CDC and Big Pharma controlled medical establishment squelch known cures for cancer and other terminal illnesses. The Pentagon, Defense Department and Homeland Security are all supposed to keep us safe when in fact in the name of national security every year they make the world far more dangerous and insecure, destroying nation after nation turning them into failed states while exterminating millions of innocent people in our name. Militarized US police are supposed to protect and serve when in fact they are 58 times more apt to murder us than any terrorists. And so on and on it goes, living in the twenty-first century we are learning that the alarmingly grim truth is virtually all our public servants are turning out to be our killers instead of protectors.

Similarly, since its 1921 inception members of the Council on Foreign Relations – little more than a covert front for the elites and the criminal central banking cabal – have infiltrated and embedded themselves as permanent fixtures in all three branches of the federal government to ensure that US foreign policy over this last century propagates unending wars around the globe exclusively for military industrial complex profiteering. The elite have been diligently working and plotting for more than a century to usher in their one world government.

Thanks to the likes of such Skull & Bones lifers as treasonous Bush senior (also a CFR member) and his derelict son George W, New World Order tyranny is already here. From the summer of 1990 to March 1991 alone, then President George H W Bush made no less than 42 repeated references to the globalists’ design for a “New World Order.” Over numerous decades through both democratic and republican administrations alike, such iconic influential presidential cabinet member-advisors and NWO architect-propagandists as Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski have incessantly mouthed that same three word globalist vision countless times as their broken record mantra to condition Americans for what we are now up against.

A morally and financially bankrupt, thoroughly broken fiat slavery debt system masquerading as capitalists’ free enterprise is now ready to implode just as another world war is about ready to explode. The co-timing of these two intertwined events is definitely by no accident. Both have been long planned and designed to bring about the New World Order that’s tragically taken form right before our eyes. In the throes of a major global power shift from West to East, oligarchs from China and Russia are supplanting oligarchs from America and its Western allies to make the Sino-Russo partnership the world’s number one economic power engine in the years to come. The US dollar and petrodollar as international currency are being replaced by BRICS and other financial alliances led by China and Russia backed by an international return to the gold standard.

One can easily see how today’s globalized macro picture reflects the micro picture and vice versa. The globalists’ monopoly and control endgame is absolute throughout every aspect of people’s lives. The so called free trade agreements like oligarchy itself are all about crushing competition in order to guarantee absolute NWO control. And with that as the bigger backdrop frame of reference, this presentation will now focus on how through an illustrative example of the US Food and Drug Administration is currently targeting as its latest conquest an agenda to systematically demolish homeopathic medicine. Paralleling the FDA’s ongoing plan to kill off all competition from the health food industry be it vitamin-herbal dietary supplements, raw dairy products to small organic farming, the latest federal assault to kill off alternative medicine has in its crosshairs the bulls eye target of homeopathic medicine.

When the feds began realizing that Americans have a rapidly growing distrust toward both US leaders and the six mainstream propaganda outlets, Big Pharma and conventional medicine also grew threatened by America’s interrelated shift as health consumers increasingly began embracing alternative healing methods that homeopathy and naturopathy represent. Thus since the international drug corporations own and control both conventional medicine as well as the FDA in the United States, they are now siccing their FDA SWAT team big guns on individual practitioners of natural remedies and cures so that Americans no longer have any health care choices left. Absolute control equates to no freedom of choice at all.

In the last three months the FDA has been on its latest crusade warning Americans about potential harmful side effects from natural healing substances that have been around for centuries. The sheer hypocrisy of libelously smearing homeopathy as a serious public health threat in the face of the far more pervasive death and destruction directly caused by Big Pharma’s drugs with FDA’s bribed blessings amounts to criminal flagrance. According to a November 2014 article published by the American Sociological Association written by a Harvard research fellow, prescription drugs are tied with strokes as the fourth leading cause of death in America. They kill about 330,000 patients a year in the US and Europe. Big Pharma drugs are additionally responsible for an incredible 6.6 million hospitalizations along with 80 million “medically minor” problems. And with such a horrendous track record, Big Pharma’s regulatory gatekeeper the FDA is now insisting that homeopathic medicines are dangerous!

As recently as April Director of the Office of Compliance at the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) told ScienceInsider:

We’ve had tremendous growth in the [homeopathic] market and also some emerging safety and quality concerns. In light of that, we thought it was time to take another look.

Using pure scare tactics, the FDA is falsely warning both consumers and doctors that homeopathic medicines are detrimentally dangerous to your health. An example coming straight off the March FDA website: “FDA is warning consumers not to rely on asthma products labeled as homeopathic that are sold over-the-counter (OTC).” Of course what are they recommending? You guessed it – FDA approved Big Pharma drugs.

Yet using Big Pharma products often prescribed for asthma treatment such as the inhalers Advair, Serevent and Foradil were found by Cornell and Stanford researchers several years ago to increase the risk of death by three and a half times and hospitalization by two and a half times more than those in studies taking placebo drugs. Their results show that Big Pharma inhalers actually cause up to 80% of asthma-related deaths.

Three weeks after it fired its telling first shot across the bow warning against homeopathic products for treating asthma, the FDA rushed to hold a two-day hearing on April 20-21 to provide an ever so brief window of a public forum presenting both the pros and cons of homeopathic medicine. Proponents from both sides submitted their supporting evidence either touting its efficacy or its alleged dangers. Then the FDA announced that only until June 22nd will it accept posts from members of the public to voice their views, issues and concerns on its federal website prior to the FDA’s plan deciding on further regulatory action to soon be implemented that could in effect eradicate the growing multimillion dollar homeopathic industry. Vox Media this year maintains that Americans are spending $3 billion on homeopathy alone. That kind of money speaks volumes in explaining why this sudden whirlwind of recent events is unfolding at breakneck speed after forty straight years of unchanged FDA policy toward homeopathy.

As more Americans fed up over their soaring health care costs have sought relief from symptoms and maladies through alternative health treatments, at the behest of Big Pharma the FDA has abruptly launched an offensive stepping up its war against homeopathy. Whereas from 2002 to 2008 the FDA sent out only nine warning letters to makers of homeopathic medicines, just since 2009 that number has skyrocketed to 40. For years the medical establishment’s agenda has been to produce research demonstrating that homeopathy is no more effective than placebos. Yet there also exists a growing body of empirical support in recent years that strongly shows homeopathic remedies and cures to be increasingly valid and evidence-based. Just as acupressure was so long debunked by Western medicine but now is accepted even by conventional medical practitioners, the same process is being replicated with homeopathic medicine, much to the chagrin of Big Pharma and its FDA appendage.

The main rationale that the FDA is recently using to declare homeopathic remedies unsafe is that they have not been “approved” by the FDA, as if the toxic poisons called prescription drugs that are regularly approved without any sound research are actually safe. The propaganda lies go on further to warn:

OTC asthma products labeled as homeopathic are widely distributed through retail stores and via the internet. Many of these products are promoted as “natural,” “safe and effective,” and include indications that range from treatment for acute asthma symptoms, to temporary relief of minor asthma symptoms.

While on the one hand Big Pharma, FDA, “legitimate science,” the medical establishment and MSM are all quick to jump on the bandwagon criticizing homeopathic medicine as inertly ineffective because it is so heavily diluted, on the other hand in the same breath the FDA website talks from both sides of its mouth urging people to now actively report any and all adverse side effects from homeopathic products as being highly dangerous:

The FDA encourages health care professionals and consumers to report any adverse reactions related to OTC asthma care products labeled as homeopathic to the agency’s MedWatch Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting Program.

The FDA then eagerly offers downloaded forms and phone numbers to police this “out of control harmful” industry. If only the Food and Drug Administration was as diligently gung ho about reporting the lethal effects of prescription medications, perhaps those 330,000 people who’ve been dying every year for decades wouldn’t actually be dead right now. The same old phony fed lies propagated to keep us “safe and secure” are wearing ever so thin to more Americans who are beginning to see the light, that those designated to protect us are in fact psychopathically keeping us in the dark while actually killing us. Be it through their soft kill or hard kill methods, the powers-that-be both in our government as well as their puppet masters controlling them are out to kill 13 out of 14 of us living and breathing on this planet right now. According to their eugenics final solution plan, within the next several years they want over 6.5 billion of us humans dead. If you don’t believe it, just ask CIA-linked Deagel (within 10 years) and America 2050, both brazenly predicting a drastic reduction in the US population from the current 319 million to just 65 million. That’s nearly 4 out of 5 of us Americans disappearing in the next few years.

Before one more relatively inexpensive and valuable resource that’s been practiced for over two centuries is suddenly snatched away from us, it’s imperative that we Americans demand continued access to various alternative healthcare practices and freedom over how we choose to treat, improve, and otherwise maintain our bodies’ optimal health. We have but only a few days left until June 22nd to make our demands publicly known prior to yet another oppressive federal agency bent on usurping and eliminating yet more of our basic human rights and freedoms. The National Center for Homeopathy website has released helpful guidelines and recommendations to assist us health consumers in registering comments to the FDA. Please go now to the federal website to voice your opinion and views about the need for continued homeopathic medicine here.

Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer. He has written a manuscript based on his unique military experience entitled “Don’t Let The Bastards Getcha Down.” It examines and focuses on US international relations, leadership and national security issues. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field for more than a quarter century. He now concentrates on his writing and has a blog site at http://empireexposed. blogspot. com/He is also a regular contributor to Global Research and a syndicated columnist at Veterans Today.


TLB recommends you visit Global Research for more pertinent articles.

See featured article here

banksters-war 1

By: Roger Landry (TLB)

When in a Republic: The True Governors (We The People) FAIL to hold their elected servants Accountable via Apathy, Complacency or comfortable Ignorance, the inevitable result will always be an Accumulation and Concentration of Power Unto Themselves. Witness the birth of “Self Imposed” Tyranny !!!

That being said please consider that we as Americans live in the most politically ignorant and detached society on this planet when it comes to the mechanisms and true goals of our government, or those who pretend to serve the people. I will not endeavor to convince you that a lot of this ignorance is not intentional, orchestrated or choreographed … because it is. What I will say is that this scenario is long past the point of blatant recognition, and our failure to unify our voices and rise up against it, must put a significant portion of the blame squarely in our laps.

Today our children are taught from a very early age (via a corporatist run education system (Common Core)) that Rights are granted privileges by our government … the word unalienable never even coming into the picture.

Read for yourself:  2nd Grader’s Homework Teaches ‘The Government GIVES Us Our Rights’.


Our freedom of speech is confined to “free speech zones” established by said establishment, where we are PERMITTED to speak freely (remember the Bundy ranch). How can you call anything free speech when restrictions, guidelines and permissions are part of, or required prior to you practicing this unalienable right?

Think this is not real, read this: College campuses, zoning out free speech


And when did “To Protect and Serve” become “Law enforcement at all cost”? Where what used to be Peace Officers, are now Law Enforcement officers, ignorant of your rights and the Constitution they swear and oath to uphold. America is now a virtual police state gone mad?

Police Out Of Control: Autistic Teen Pressured Into Buying Weed, Then Arrested


Our right to reasonable privacy is in shambles via the CIA, NSA Homeland Security etc. Our right to Assemble is well into its death throws and may cost you up to ten years in prison or $10,000, and I can easily go on and on and on …

The saddest part is that we as a society have long forgotten our true place in this Republic, and benignly acquiesced our unalienable rights to the stewardship of those individuals who would perpetrate this very tyranny on us, and most Americans seem fine with this?

Please read this: The Endangered Bill of Rights

As a result of all mentioned above, a lack of push-back from enough of our countrymen, and a blatant failure to uphold our commitment to this Republic as its true governors, America is now a Corporatocracy ruled by Global Banksters and powerful Multinational Corporations.

All that has been accomplished in the destruction of this country has been for their gains. These Banksters, who swear or hold no loyalty to any sovereign nation, are criminals with the blood of humanity on their hands! They profit from war, disease, depression, recession, inflation and even (especially) the destruction of America to make way for a global oligarchy (NWO) dominated by, YUP you guessed it … THEM!

This is no longer a guess but a fact reported in a study conducted by one to the most prestigious universities in this country, Princeton.

Cold hard facts: Princeton Makes It Official: USA Has Become Oligarchy, No Democracy

The Dollar is the final catastrophic slap in the face to America. Its collapse is another choreographed disaster intended to bring this once proud and powerful nation to its knees … and one of the mechanisms of this programed scenario is … World War III.

So do you think this is fear mongering, fear porn, exaggerated beyond reason? Yup you are one of those described in the paragraphs above!

Now I ask you all to think long and hard … When your comfort bubble pops as a result of what you have seen above, where will this leave you, those you love and have promised to care for? Will you survive? Will they survive? and at what cost to your humanity? Isn’t it time to get off your complacent, apathetic, comfortable ass and push back?

Time is shorter than you can possibly believe …

Time to make history

The ball is in your court …



by Sheep Media

Warning!  This is not sensationalism, conspiracy theory or propaganda, this is truth and you need to understand it.

 The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Would Promote Off-Shoring of American Jobs

Nearly five million American manufacturing jobs – one out of every four – have been lost since implementation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the World Trade Organization (WTO). Since NAFTA, over 60,000 American manufacturing facilities have closed. The TPP would replicate and expand on the NAFTA model.
A leaked text revealed that TPP is slated to include the extreme foreign investor privileges that help corporations offshore more U.S. jobs to low-wage countries. These NAFTA-style terms provide special benefits to firms that relocate abroad and eliminate many of the usual risks that make firms think twice about moving to low-wage countries.
 SEE: NAFTA Is 20 Years Old – 20 Facts That Show How It’s Destroying The Economy …And The “Secret” TPP Deal (NAFTA ON STEROIDS)
 Under the NAFTA model, U.S. manufacturing imports have soared while growth of U.S. manufacturing exports has slowed.
 TPP includes Vietnam, a new favorite for corporations’ job offshoring, because
wages there are even lower than China.
 Already, the growth of the U.S. trade deficit with China, since China entered the WTO in 2001, has had a devastating effect on U.S. workers and the U.S. economy. Between 2001 and 2011, 2.7 million U.S. jobs were lost or displaced.
 Devastation of U.S. manufacturing drives down wages, erodes the tax base and heightens inequality. Despite major gains in American worker productivity, real median wages hover at 1979 levels. Government data shows that two out of every five displaced manufacturing workers who were rehired in 2012 experienced wage reductions of more than 20 percent. With the loss of manufacturing, tax revenue that could have funded social services or local infrastructure projects has declined, while displaced workers have turned to ever-shrinking welfare programs. This has resulted in the virtual collapse of some local governments in areas hardest hit. (source)

 The powers that shouldn’t be are trying to push this corporate coup d’etat (TPP) through sneakily.

 We the public are not even privy to its contents. Doesn’t that tell you something? This piece of legislation will have grave repercussions for all the countries included in it … without YOUR knowledge. Where has democracy gone folks?

 The TPP, if signed off by US Congress and NZ parliament, will officially and legally be the end to any remnants of America as a sovereign, democratic, and free nation. It will give corporations open slather to do as they please and sue us if we don’t agree, for loss of corporate profits!

SEE: Every Single American NEEDS to See This!!! 


Representative Alan Grayson has a post on his facebook page about this very TPP deal. He is urging Americans to call their representatives and ask them to stop this.  It’s time to excercise our first amendment rights.

(Read Here and CALL)  It’s time for Americans to tell our lawmakers to stand up and say no more, hands off. No deals until it conforms to our Constitution. More importantly no deals with countries who abuse even the basics of  human rights. It’s time for light to be shed on countries like Thailand, Pakistan and even China. We will be watching this NWO TPP fast track that the puppet Obama administration and globalists of the world are pushing, and will update as it becomes available. Western countries like the US are on the downhill slide economically, middle classes are disappearing, economies are crashing, and you can’t deny this. You can’t deny that our prices for goods are skyrocketing, our wages are sliding down, and our middle class is replaced with welfare and disability. It’s time to wake up. One world economy and government are just as an inch away if we do not act. Don’t take my word for it, research it, and get familiar with it, because we are heading on a fast track to total ruin. (source)

*****URGENT: Contact your representatives and let them know you’re against Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) or fast-track bill, which essentially grants the office of the president the power to do treaty by Executive Order.*****

See featured article here

TLB recommends you visit A Sheep No More for more great/pertinent articles.

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