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» FREEDOM » Who will be Thrown into The Dungeon & Forgotten?

Who will be Thrown into The Dungeon & Forgotten?

Published July 2, 2015, filed under FREEDOM


By TLB Contributor: Melissa Diegel

Past Governor Brewer Appoints Judge Joan Sinclair

With more than two decades of courtroom experience in Arizona, Joan is well-rounded and well-suited for this important judicial role,” said Arizona Governor Brewer. “Her strong background in both civil and criminal law – in addition to an obvious affinity for public service – will be a valuable asset to both the court and community.”

Wait … What?

Isn’t this the same Judge that is responsible for hauling an innocent grandmother and mother into court on contempt charges after a You-tube video was released exposing the judges strong statement in court, “it’s not a matter of evidence Ma’am.”

This same judge is responsible for severing the rights to hundreds of families, many of whom have stepped forward all expressing they did not receive a fair trial. All ironically centering around the fact that their “evidence” was omitted, excluded or ignored.

And Isn’t this the same Governor who sat upon the Board of Directors at TGen a (conflict of interestt I might add,) in whom is contracted with Phoenix Children’s Hospital who currently does clinical research trials on Children including wards of the state?


According to an article published by ADI News Services
Governor Jan Brewer appointed Court Commissioner Joan Sinclair as a Maricopa County Superior Court Judge back on August 26, 2012.

“Commissioner Sinclair has been a Maricopa County Superior Court Commissioner since 2006. She originally presided over initial appearances in criminal matters and has been assigned to juvenile court since the end of 2007.”

“Commissioner Sinclair has been licensed to practice law in Arizona since 1995. She also is a member of the New York and Georgia state bars. Prior to serving as a Court Commissioner for Maricopa County, Ms. Sinclair worked for several years in Atlanta, Ga., where her roles included: Social Security Disability Litigation Unit; Federal Highway Administration; and Dekalb County Juvenile Court Solicitor’s Office.”

“Since earning her license to practice in Arizona, Commissioner Sinclair served as a Maricopa County Attorney and worked for the Arizona Death Penalty Judicial Assistance Program. She also clerked for Chief Justice Bud Jones in the Arizona Supreme Court and practiced at firms Meagher & Geer and Dodge Anderson.”

“Additional noteworthy qualifications include service on the Arizona State Bar’s Criminal Jury Instruction Committee (1998-2000) and a recent appointment to the State Bar’s disciplinary panel. Ms. Sinclair graduated from the State University of New York at Buffalo School of Law (1986). She received her undergraduate degree from Le Moyne College (1983).”

Sinclair appointed to Maricopa County Superior Court

5 Families Expose Arizona’s Judicial System

(Mother) Melissa Diegel and (Grandmother) Karla Johnson have bravely stood up to expose the judicial injustices that the families of Arizona have been experiencing. They comprised a team of 5 families who diligently worked hard for months to put together an expansive folder with samples of each of these cases with audios of judges who have committed fraud, doctors on video committing medical malpractice, medical documents, affidavits, and much more. These folders were given to Senators, Congressmen, Legislatures, Sheriff Arpaio, the District Attorney Bill Montgomery, to the Attorney General’s office and to the current Governor of Arizona, Doug Ducey.

Instead of helping these families who bravely stepped forward and showed through their disclosures that their children were being abused through the system, and instead of the state or participants admitting the pattern of practice and the extensive fraud that was being committed…. Karla Johnson and Melissa Diegel were threatened with incarceration, harassment and have been tormented.

Judge Joan Sinclair and Judge Colleen McNally are among two of the judges who have participated in this harassment, and who stand to benefit from having these two ladies be “Thrown in The Dungeon and Forgotten About.”

17,700 Children’s Lives Are at Risk and it is Growing Everyday

16 out of every 17 children are being removed from their homes unnecessarily,  those are the stats! If you hear the word CPS you might be inclined to think abuse, but you better think again … because 85% of the removals are due to neglect. Here are some of the actual allegations in Arizona in which children are being wrongfully removed, so that certain people can line their pockets: Ants, Dirty Dishes, Father Lost His Job, Kitten, Dirty House. 35 children a day are being taken into the system and in Maricopa County alone nearly all of them are never reunited with their families.

Due Process? Think again.

I certainly hope the right people get “thrown into the dungeon,” or at least face the music, specifically the ones committing the fraud. If Arizona doesn’t start cleaning up it’s judicial system the parents, family and children don’t seem like they stand a chance.

Melissa Diegel 2

It sure would be nice to see the legislatures or the police step in and hold somebody accountable, otherwise I see that ultimately they might become legally responsible for having blatantly ignored the evidence. Even the lawyers and doctors on the legislative branch who sit by and do nothing to help ultimately risk heading to the dungeon for their impropriety.

I think it is high time somebody in Arizona with Morals started paying attention to the law here. It seems too many people are breaking it and according to the recordings I have heard, It is a Matter of Evidence and Fraudsters Your Time is Up!


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