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federal reserve

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By TLB Contributor: Dave Hodges

The plot to destroy America is decades old. When I have recently spoken of the removal of dissident journalists in programs such Boa and Operation Lightening Strike, and we witness the unfolding of the NDAA and EO 13603 in order to control the masses through food and enforce civilian conscription without compensation, we are merely witnessing the manifestation of a plot introduced generations ago during the Woodrow Wilson administration. All of these efforts are designed to mobilize an unwilling nation to fight World War III. Some are reacting to these revelations as if America has been caught off guard. The fact remains that Americans were not paying attention, and in large part, still are not aware of what is happening to their country.  Key Russian defectors have been warning us for decades that we were being infiltrated by communists.

George W. Bush

tsa goosing granny“America, the most free nation on earth? Terrorists hate us because of our freedom”?  Do you remember these words that were uttered by George W. Bush after 9/11?  Today, I can barely type these words without laughing hysterically. America has descended rapidly down the path of being a police state and we have been in political free fall since September 11, 2001. Do you also remember when Bush said, “You are either with us, or you are with the terrorists”? The latter statement is not so funny.

I am not going to lie to you America, our country and its values, its economy and the forces that control our country are not what the average American wanta to see. Liberty has taken a backseat to tyranny. However, I believe that freedom is often the result of the space between the prison bars that we create for ourselves on an individual level. Yet, there are five variables that a super globalist elite must control in order to subjugate a nation and its people. The five variables are the media, the rules governing economics, social standards, the political system and the military. This article briefly analyzes the control the super elite have over each of these five areas.

The Media

Six corporations control 98% of the media. These same six corporations virtually control everything that most people see, hear and subsequently believe. The CNN’s and FOX networks have successfully turned the majority of our people into sheep who are willing to accept any form of dictatorship so long as it is endorsed and glorified by the news media.

6 corps control the media

Click on image to enlarge

There is, however, a steadily growing group of Americans who have taken off their blinders and who are slowly but surely waking up to the growing tyranny which is dominating our country.

Amazingly, only two percent of the media broadcasts the message of freedom. The growth of the independent media movement is largely due to just two percent of the media which is not corporate owned by such entities as Gannett Broadcasting and Clear Channel Communications. The chances are that you are reading this article on one of the venues which are free to tell you the truth which subsequently states that every aspect of your society is controlled by the Rockefeller/Rothschild banking empire.

If the super elite controls 98% of the media outlets, they control the narrative. However, David is beginning to fight back against Goliath. The 98% majority is beginning to lose the battle with the two percent. Because of the threat to the establishment, don’t look for the alternative media to be around much longer.

Even if the mainstream media absorbs the alternative media, we are still free to interact with like-minded people, at least for the time being. The encroachment of NSA spying, now under the control of the DHS,  into our daily lives, which monitors our every communication, is very troublesome. Yet, even the absolute control over the mainstream media may not be cracking as much as we had hoped when we consider the fate of the following journalists:

The four journalists to die mysteriously within 24 hours are

Ned Colt w/NBC (Top Left) – Bob Simon w/CBS (Bottom Left) died in a car crash – David Carr w/NY Times (Bottom Right) died just hours after interviewing NSA Russian defector, Ed Snowden – Bob Hager w/NBC (Top Right). Photo courtesy of: J. Schuyler Montague. All but Hager are dead as Hager survived a head on collision in his neighborhood. Add to these events, the matter grows more complicated when Brian Williams was deposed in the same time frame. Unless one is an ardent coincidence theorist, one has to consider the unlikely odds that these events are due to chance and ask, what did these reporters know that someone did not want released?  These factors all occurred within 24 hours of each other as the coincidence odds continue to escalate. The photo was obtained here.

Social Factors

The second factor leading to control over a society is the control over important social factors. The majority of Americans still believe in hard work, their religion and traditional family values which honors the sanctity of marriage as defined in the Bible. Through the control of the media and an increasing control of the government, Americans are being forced into glorifying every form of behavior, previously considered to be perverse and the traditional values of the American family are under attack by the media, Child Protective Services and the education system.

christians burning crossBecause I am a white, Christian, heterosexual male who is the leader of my family and I teach Christian values to my son, I am attacked as an intolerant bigot, where only a few years ago, I was considered to be a social liberal by those who knew me because I have never supported the persecution of people making lifestyle choices that I know are wrong according to my beliefs. As a result, my most sacred beliefs are subject to criticism. We now live in a society that is being ruled by the extreme minority and we are being forced to comply with the intolerant dictates of the social elite.  And I, who never advocated for discrimination against anyone, am experiencing discrimination from those who used to beg for acceptance and equality. Welcome to a fundamentally transformed America.  At this rate, the new America will drive all Christians into the closet formerly occupied by those with alternative lifestyles such as Bruce Jenner, and various religions.

I truly believe that the renewal of the persecution of the Christians is just around the corner. In fact when it comes to the government’s disaster preparedness programming, one could argue that Jesus and the Bible have already been legislated out of any DHS or FEMA program, just ask Pastor Walt Mansfield. According to Pastor Mansfield, “Jesus” will never be uttered inside of a FEMA camp.

I would remind everyone, that at the end of the day, nobody can control how we raise our children. Nobody can ever control the values that a family holds dear, while respecting each person to make their own choices. This freedom is due to the fact that nobody controls what you think, at least not yet and that could change as well.


dollar decline imageThe third factor which must be controlled before a nation can be subjugated is through the control of the economic system. From the period of 1800-1913, a dollar was still worth a dollar. After the inception of the Federal Reserve, the relative wealth of the dollar has been eroded by 97%. What a dollar could buy 100 years ago, can buy three cents worth today.

One unelected entity controls the nation’s banks, The Federal Reserve. The same people control all governmental legislation for all economic policies including the Stock Market. When the super elite get caught with their proverbial hand in the cookie jar and suffer major economic losses, they simply steal from the people and call it a bail-out. As a result, we have had the bail-out, the son of bail-out and the grandson of the bail-outs.

This same super elite outlaws all competing forms of economic exchange except for the very one that they control, the soon-to-be fiat currency called the dollar.  Those who go against the system can meet an untimely end,  just ask friends of JFK with regard to his C-notes. Also, consider the case of Autumn Radtke, the 28 year old, who ran the First Meta bitcoin exchange, who was found suicided in her Singapore apartment last year. Originally, police investigated the “unnatural death” as a homicide.

Yes, the dollar will soon be a fiat currency as Russia, China and India are purchasing Iranian oil in gold and bypassing the dollar as the only medium of exchange (i.e. the Petrodollar). This will lead to war that will be started by a false flag provocation and the Syrians and the Iranians will be blamed. The war will follow the imposition of martial law at home following a series of domestic false flag attacks designed to eliminate all citizen opposition to the coming conflict.

Americans do still have the power to collapse the globalist system of economics by refusing to participate in the system. I have repeatedly called for not shopping at multinational chain stores such as Walmart, which now employs a new security force, Securitas (i.e. the SS) who harasses nonthreatening shoppers. We could grow our own food, shop locally and trade and barter and there would not be a darn thing the super elite could do about it. Most Americans, because of the corporate controlled media are unaware of their options in this area. One caveat, if we ever let the FDA get control over all food as they are trying to presently accomplish, it will be game over. If this ever happens you will be living in the Ukraine, under Stalin, as he starved to death millions of Ukrainians who wanted freedom. I covered this eventuality in a recent article.

The Military

If the super elite have made serious miscalculations on the path towards establishing a New World Order, the handling of the American military is a prime example. Why do you think it was previously announced that America’s military was being downsized to a pre-World War II level at a time when World War III is a real possibility? This is, no doubt, because the military cannot be trusted to do the bidding of the super elite and “take care” of uncooperative American citizens.

For decades, our brave men and women in uniform have been used to fight banker wars of occupation. The exploitation of the service people is growing daily. An average of 22 veterans are committing suicide on a daily basis. The government is trying to disarm the veterans in anticipation of what is coming. Obama is trying to unseat the command structure of the military through the firing of over 260 senior command military officers. Obama is trying to gain total and absolute control over the nuclear arsenal, but has been unable to do so, to date. Obama will never get total control over the military because they know what he stands for. A detailed synopsis of  Obama’s attack upon American military leadership can be found here and here.

At the end of the day, I remain hopeful that our military will prove to be the shining beacon of freedom against the total imposition of tyranny on our soil spearheaded by foreign United Nations mercenaries. However, without the popular support of the people, any military insurgency is doomed to fail. If we fail to wakeup more American people, the military will prove to be an asset as worthless as the dollar will soon be. All mediums of value must have backing and the military is no different.

The Government

The NDAA, Executive Order 13603, the Patriot Act, NSA spying, the use of the election fixing electronic voting machines, force feeding us GMO’s, the completely controlled Democrats and Republicans by the forces of the Rockefeller/Rothschild banking cartel as well as the revealed existence of the new martial law Internment/Resettlement policies are all shining examples of the absolute police state that is being imposed in this country against the will of the people.

Obamacare is destroying small business in this country. It has turned religious liberty on its ear, just ask Hobby Lobby or the Catholic church. Coverage rates for Obamacare have exploded. The Wall Street criminality which led to the bail-outs was caused by a series of illegal Ponzi schemes. Nobody went to jail. And what do we do when a rogue bank, HSBC, is a proven criminal enterprise and nobody goes to jail? How about when the IRS is allowed to harass political enemies? Or a senior diplomatic official is killed less than two months prior to the 2012 election in order to conceal gun running to terrorists. And this is only the tip of the iceberg and NOBODY ever goes to jail! We have lost control of our government.


The revelation that America will have martial law used against them to force compliance in the coming world war is not new. These plots were merely the manifestations of this plot to bring down America.  The communist subversion designed to erode America on five different fronts is not new, it is just coming to fruition.


TLB Recommends you visit Dave at The Common Sense Show for more pertinent articles and information.

See featured article HERE


by Charles Hugh Smith

Reform is impossible in a system optimized for centralized power and financial predators and parasites.

The problem with optimizing private gain by any means available is you also optimize financial predators and parasites. The problem with optimizing a system for centralized power (i.e. the federal government and Federal Reserve) is that you also optimize regulatory capture, influence-peddling and the unholy marriage of wealth and power.

Optimization is a key principle of all technologies. Though the political class claims perfection is possible (with just a few more regulations and laws, heh), engineers understand every system is a series of trade-offs. If you want to optimize one output, everything else in the system is rendered secondary.

The master narrative of the status quo is that maximizing private gain by any means available is good because to get rich is glorious: the goal of getting rich motivates entrepreneurs to do wonderful things that benefit humanity while they amass vast fortunes.

This is the happy propaganda story, and we all know the few outliers who are endlessly trotted out to “prove” its truth: Steve Jobs, the Larrys (Ellison and Page) Bill Gates, et al. Nice, but the handful who fulfill the propaganda version of optimizing private gain by any means available only succeeded because there were no powerful vested interests in their way.

What our system actually optimizes is the assembly of vested interests that buy protection of their racket from the state. These vested interests include wealthy individuals, corporations, cartels and public unions.

Want to earn a 1,000% return on your investment? It’s very difficult to do so by producing a good or service. By any measure, the easiest, lowest-risk way to earn a 1,000% return on your investment is to buy political protection with lobbying and campaign contributions.

What we’ve done is optimize financial predation and parasitism. We’ve created enormous incentives for too big to fail/jail banks, financiers manipulating dark pools and high-frequency trading that add nothing to the real economy, public unions guaranteeing their members unbeatable pensions and benefits while taxpayers foot the bill, politicos who enter office with ambition and few financial means who leave office with great wealth, cartels that buy protection from competition from the centralized state and corporations that rewrite the tax code in their favor with campaign contributions.

Now that we’ve created vast menageries of insatiably greedy financial predators and parasites, we’ve created monsters who want to live regardless of the cost to the nation. Parasites prefer not to kill their host, but their ability to fine-tune the process of sucking as much money out of the system as possible without bringing it down is not as well-developed as their greed.

The Global Financial Meltdown of 2008 proved this. The financial parasites and their parasitic partners in the halls of federal power were blind to the risks of collapse their insatiable greed were generating; they continued sucking the maximum private gain out of the system until the moment it collapsed in a heap.

Predators don’t worry about maintaining the flock of sheep or the schools of little fish. They will dive into the swirling school of frantic fish and consume every last one. Financial predators are the same: financial predators will sell a subprime auto loan to every last debt-serf in the flock, until the ecosystem of prey collapses and there are no marks left for their cons.

This is why our system is well and truly doomed: we have optimized the system for vast menageries of insatiably greedy financial predators and parasites, and now that they exist and have gained power, they want to live and prosper regardless of the cost to the decimated prey and the nation. By optimizing centralized power, we have optimized the protection of financial predators and parasites by the all-powerful central state and bank.

Reform is impossible in a system optimized for centralized power and financial predators and parasites. The predators and parasites will gorge themselves until the system collapses.


Read featured article here

TLB recommends you visit Blacklisted News for more great/pertinent articles.

War is a Racket

Anthony Sutton quotes [T]he power system continues only as long as individuals try to get something for nothing. The day when a majority of individuals declares or acts as if it wants nothing from the government, declares that it will look after its own welfare and interests, then on that day the power elites are doomed.

By TLB Contributor: Ken LaRive

Author’s note: Progressive Politics have done more to enslave this country then any other ideology in the history of The United States of America, and because of the virtual size of our country, most likely in the history of mankind. They have grown offshore mega-monopoly international corporations that have taken nearly all American industry from our mainland, but for the building of weapons and tools of war. They have stolen our rich individualistic heritages, infiltrating our schools and the minds of our children with dependency for them… and have rewritten history to favor their agenda. They have destroyed our civil liberties and Constitution by decree in increments, so that a busy and trusting populous would not notice. They have displaced our gold reserve with paper printed out of thin air, promoted a welfare state on one side and a state of constant war on the other, for profit and control. They have divided us by race, color and creed, and promoted false flags to hate each other, and as they isolate us from the rest of the world on one hand, they promote a one world order on the other, built on the mutual destruction of countries that do not fall in line… and collateral damage is thought to be justified. Their international arms dealings supply weaponry to both sides of a conflict, and make money no matter who wins, as they are in control of our monetary system, our news and entertainment, and have recently acquired one third of our GDP with socialized medicine, a massive document that went unread before voting… It is treachery of the highest order, as we are most effectively controlled and dominated by voluntary servitude. In the name of security and protection, even from our own responsible decisions, our countrie’s sovereignty and our individual Liberty are forfeit.

So effective, they can demand your child by a draft… to send your sons and daughters to war for international corporate and banking profit, exchanging their lives for a piece of colored cloth and painted pot metal… and so propagandized, you actually feel honored. The power and scope of government has grown exponentially, building massive underground cities, new provocative weapons of mass destruction, experimenting with global weather, genetics, space weapons, apocryphal sciences and industry, and all for the primary purpose of furthering the effectiveness of their covert operations to remain in power. They have lied, stolen, cheated and schemed… as they promote fear, anger, frustration, and many negative emotions for an agenda, and use us all as both pawns and sheep to shear. They use religion to keep us subdued, by the threat of labels and liable marque, and have placed themselves above international law. Their abilities are not realized until after the fact, as they use their influence by scientifically sound methods of persuasion and deception that stimulate the bending of human nature. They are faceless, well hidden in the depth of corporations and loop holes, and their front men and women are just like you and I, those who participate but can only see their own compartment, their small microcosm of influence, with an admitted limited understanding of the broader picture. We feel no negativity, no guilt, no responsibility for our collective actions, as you are only required to concentrate on your department’s black bottom line…

The Progressive masters come of age…

In order to truly understand the scope of what I will present here, an understanding of the transition between the Guided Age and the Progressive Era must be studied separately. It is too convoluted and complex for an essay such as this. In fact, a whole encyclopedia could be written of the amazing events and manipulations that transpired . Those years, between about 1870 and now, the Progressive ideology have propped up our society by rule of law. Hungry manipulators eyed the potential of this country long before the Declaration of Independence were signed…

But that transition, fully visible in the study of our history, started with a so-called Republican President, Theodore Roosevelt, the Progressive movement faltering during the next presidency of Taft, and then continued full-force by Woodrow Wilson. It was under his Presidency, a truly amazing and magic moment for bankers, 1913, who promoted the institution of debt slavery called the Federal Reserve Act. It was the year our country was sold out, and our future given to master-manipulators, with no moral compass… And from that time, increment by increment, we have become debt slaves, and have relinquished our civil liberties and our very Constitution has been suspended, forfeited deceleration of due process by new additions to the NDAA, and the entire Patriot Act, force-fed to us all while we celebrated Christmas.

In the middle of this amazing betrayal, by covert means, manipulation of generated and orchestrated fear have been induced into the populous by the events of 9-11, as they have by World Wars, and our country is being dismantled and sold to the highest bidder. We are not even allowed to do an audit of the Federal Reserve, and quite amazingly, our own Fort Knox. So powerful, not even Ron Paul could demand it, even as he sat on the board of the Gold Commission… We are not allowed to see a public audit on what is still in Fort Knox, since the 1930s.

One must understand the politics of the Guided Age and the forgotten presidents… The industrialization and big business in the North both before and after the Civil War. We have to study and understand the giant trusts of that time that monopolized one industry after another, and must study the consequences of the Pendleton Act which then created the Civil Service Act. And the stars of this spectacular show are men like Andrew Carnegie, and the promotion of something called vertical integration. Who were men like John D. Rockerfeller, and his Standard Oil Company? …and oh, what is a “robber baron?” …and on, what is a “carpet bagger”?

Railroads, organized labor and the National Labor Union, stimulated of the Depression of 1873, for further power and control. Glance over the Great Railroad Strike, the Homestead Strike, and the Pullman Strike, and out of the violence emerged the American Federation of Labor. The AFL. Urbanization and Immigration umbrellas resided over a new and more powerful Political Machine. Jain Addams, Hull House, settlement houses for the immigrate, dealing with Native American resentment and the Dawes Severally Act of 1897 that forbade Indians from owning land… Wow. Then, The Populous Party, the McKinly Tariff… The ramification of Cleveland’s second term and the loan for $60 million from J.P. Morgan, and what was his interest? …the convolution of Coxey’s Army, and William Jenning’s Bryan’s deliverance of his famous “cross of Gold” speech…

An era was manifesting itself into the very fabric of government growing in singular and self serving visions in the middle, I speculate, of a forgotten war, the Spanish American War, fought over the island of Cuba. And glance at the contributions, and warnings of William Randolph Hurst and Joseph Pulitzer. And though the war only lasted a few weeks, we seized the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Cuba…. The big stick of Teddy Roosevelt was waved at the world in defiance, though we were told to speak softly, and then the overt and timely introduction of Progressiveness by Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican, started the ball moving.

No sir, it wasn’t the so called Democrat,Wilson, who started it, but he sure picked up the ball from the Democrat’s side. Taft was between, and though Roosevelt was a friend, did not, according to the Progressive Standard, continue his policies. He introduced the noteworthy Payne-Aldrice Tariff and the Progressive Republican or Bull Moose Party, was over-ripe and ready when Wilson took office…

Finally, enters Woodrow Wilson, and the New Freedom. The Underwood Tariff became manifest, and it seemed that these were regulating big business, supported the labor movement, but under the covers made a monumental decision to reform our National Banking System with the Federal Reserve, and it became an independent company, above and held unaccountable by our Congress or law, as described in the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

Like machine gun fire he passed the Clayton Anti-Trust Act that paved the way for progressive bills, and he signed into law the Warehouse Act, the LaFollette Seamon’s Act, the Workingman’s Compensation Act, and the Adomson Act. He then ordered General John “Blackjack” Pershing to invade Mexico to go after the bandit Pancho Villa…. And this is where I would like to bracket here… because what we have now, from the military industrial complex and the big international banks that finance church states and dictators, promote Middle east oil and Saudi Arabia, who lobby for control of our Congress, the violent takeover of Iran by England’s dictator called The Shaw, Germany and Japan prior to WW2, Russia and the Bolshevik Revolution, Korea and Vietnam, and our police actions directed by international business and banks, the horror and lies of 9-11, and all it was, and still is, formulated by a formidable power structure, a lattice work of central banks that originate in Europe and England… And their influence has successfully dominated and infiltrated into the very core of our government, and is what historians are now calling, a “shadow government.”

And though some may call it now a coup, jump started after the assassination of President Kennedy, it has continued to nationalize, by coercion and fear, breaking the very backbone of a free and open society, and our primary source of truth, the media, is controlled. Movies and television, newspapers and magazines, are dominated by a Progressive mindset that has sustained and grown government to unbelievable power and influence, and a congress and lobbying matrix that puts business and banking concerns before the good of our nation. We have men in office holding duel citizenship, with allegiance and loyalty to a separate homeland… And in the process, as I will emphatically state again… we have become debt slaves, with a shredded Constitution and disunited civil liberties.

My observance…

Twice I have traveled through Ashville, North Carolina, and had to stop at the Baltimore Mansion. Of all of the places I have visited in thirty-one states, nothing I have found is more breath-taking. I remember the gardens as we drove up, and a herd of wild horses running through a picturesque landscape of rolling hills, with stands of ancient oaks surrounded by manicured lawns, is amazingly beautiful… The Mansion can not be described by the average person… The riches, the grandeur, the unimaginable wealth is beyond comprehension.

How could a family amass such a fortune?

I remember well the survival stories of my great uncles and grandfathers, who fought in WW1. All of them said they were lucky to have returned. “The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I was over 37 million: over 16 million deaths and 20 million wounded, ranking it among the deadliest conflicts in human history.” And they came home to a changed country no longer in control by we the people, and a national debt beyond comprehension at the time, 25 billion. (Today it is 18.1 Trillion.)

I mention this for one reason only, to show that some may forfeit everything for war, everything they own, their country, their loved ones, their livelihood, and their very life… forcefully drafted, while others became rich beyond the common man’s wildest dreams…

The Government raised money by selling “Liberty Bonds,” and Americans were coerced to buy these bonds to help pay for the war. Countries in Europe had high food and fuel prices, low paying and few jobs, but not so in the United States immediately after the war. We had the Roaring Twenties going on, and industries, such as DuPont, were making synthetics, and the Marijuana Stamp Act destroy the hem industry . Their competition… At the same time government was telling us we can no longer drink alcohol… and through all of these distractions Progressiveness marched unimpeded… The US economy was still strong, however, and the government had more money than it needed…. Amazingly, this so called “budget surplus” actually shrunk the Nation’s debt to around $17 billion… but paid to whom?… And for a short time, the stock Market was kicking, and some corporations who had supplied the war effort had made some men very rich, or even richer. One of these men was a man named Vanderbilt. He lived in the Builtmore mansion.

Again, in a nutshell:

  • The U.S. Government had more money than it needed to pay for the services it provided. This is known as a budget surplus. Not like today…
  • The Government’s debt shrunk from $24 billion to around $17 billion. Not like today…
  • There was also a rise in profits from the stock market, which helped make some people rich. Just like today…

My family, who were farmers here in Louisiana, did not fair very well, just as all farmers at the time…. The price of commodities dropped to a new low, and they could only get about 20 percent of what they could before the war. Land price went through the roof, and farmers could not expand… If a bushel of corn before the war sold for $10, for instance, after the war it sold for $2. And they survived in this environment, raising their children, plowing their sixty acres with a horse… surviving both dust bowls and the years after “Black Tuesday,” October 29, 1929, because that was the mettle of an American back then, before our minds were taken from us.

A small side note, when Americans tried to unite…

“On July 17, 1932, thousands of World War I veterans converged on Washington, DC, set up tent camps, and demanded immediate payment of bonuses due to them according to the World War Adjusted Compensation Act of 1924 (the original act made the bonuses initially due no earlier than 1925 and no later than 1945). Walter W. Waters, a former Army sergeant, led this “Bonus Army“. The Bonus Army was encouraged by an appearance from retired Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler; as a popular military figure of the time, Butler had some influence over the veterans. A few days after Butler’s arrival, President Herbert Hoover ordered the marchers removed, and US Army cavalry troops under the command of General Douglas MacArthur destroyed their camps.”

Secret Societies and Their power in the 20th Century

Butler, although a self-described Republican, responded by supporting Franklin D. Roosevelt in the 1932 US presidential election.

By 1933 Butler started denouncing (crony) capitalism and (lawless) bankers, saying as a Marine general he had been “a racketeer for capitalism.” He said: “War is a racket.”



The International Bankers and their agents created conditions that resulted in World War I. WW2, Korea, Vietnam, and ever police action since:

  • they made a financial killing as a result of the war

  • they financed the Russian Revolution and seized control of that vast nation

  • they manipulated events in Europe after the war so as ‘to create a condition’ (Edward Stanton’s words) the result of which left them ‘sitting in heaven’ financially

  • they used American loans, on which they were paid huge commissions, to reequip German industry with ‘the most advanced technical facilities’ and to make her ‘industrial system… the second best in the world by a wide margin’

  • in the process of their manipulations these unscrupulous, monopolistic vultures used and abused the Germans to the point where they earned their undying hatred, and by building up German industry at the same time as they greatly antagonized the populace

  • they propped up a strong man who could rally the masses behind his ‘cause’ by promising them freedom from the International financial predators…

Your study lesson:

1.) The “Dawes Plan” was conceived by J.P. Morgan, the ROTHSCHILD advocate, and granted Germany 800 million US$ credits, in the first four years after WW1. The Dawes Plan, however, failed when Germany’s reparation payments grew. It was replaced by the “Young Plan” (named after the Morgan agent Owen Young): In order to plunder more easily, and the international bankers established the “Bank for International Settlement” (BIS).

2.) On March 9, 1929, Paul Warburg wrote in the Financial Chronicles:

If we allow orgies of unlimited speculation to go too far,…then a total collapse is assured. Those who understood quietly withdrew from the stock exchange and invested in GOLD AND SILVER.”

Des Griffin adds: “In the fall of 1929 it was time for the International Bankers to push the button that set in motion the machinery that resulted in World War II. After they, their agents and friends had sold out of the crest of an artificially inflated stock market boom, the International Bankers pulled the rug out from under the whole system and sent the United States into what became known as the Great Depression. In the years that followed, the economies of nations around the world slowed to a virtual standstill.” (Descent Into Slavery)

3.) The Bolshevik Revolution was supported by both the U.S. and Germany. The OCHRANA, the secret service found by the last Czar, consisted of several organizations that carried out all the usual functions of a secret service with secret agents, double agents, secret police and agents provocateurs. The Ochrana was a very subversive and criminal group which greatly simplified the work of the controlling world banks.

Huge sums of money from the international bankers, among others from ALFRED MILNER. who later took over the secret “Round Table”, were poured into the Ochrana that already had infiltrated the Bolshevik movement. Agents steered many of its activities. The infiltration was so strong that in 1908 four of the five members of the Peters burg committee of the Bolshevik party were Ochrana agents.

4.)They channeled the funds that came from the international bankers to the Bolsheviks who could therefore suppress their strongest opponents, the Mensheviks and the Socialist Party. Two agents of the Ochrana were the editor and the financial controller of the “Pravda” and supported its beginning. It is said that JOSEPH STALIN (his real name was Jossip Vissarionovich Djugashvili), was also a member of the Ochrana since he was an important contact between the Czarist police and the Bolsheviks. Read the book “The coming race” by Lord Bulwer-Lytton, 1871.


God bless America; it is time to grow up. An education formulated on truth is the only peaceful way to regain our Liberty from tyranny. Without that, everything you are, or hope to become, will die… You will not be strong enough without it. You will not survive. Read, learn, and you will finally see the face of your master… and then, teach your children. Teach them a Love for God, a Love for Country, and a Love for Liberty. Teach them what you have lost, and tell them you are sorry.

Years ago, at a Tea Party rally, I saw a little girl dressed in an 18th century costume. There were men all around me who had a great concern for the nation, and for hours in the hot sun, I listened to stirring speeches of patriotism. I knelt down and with a smile told her I loved her dress. She looked at me, and if on cue said: “Give me liberty, or give me death.”

Quickly I stood up and turned away, and walked from her a distance through colorful clouds of banners and flags, so she would not see my tears. What greater motivation is there for a Libertarian, then the light of trusting eyes, from the open face of a child? God, give me strength.

See featured article and read comments HERE


By TLB Contributor: Dave Hodges

Now that you that you know, or should know, that your bank account is no longer owned by you, a prudent man would also realize that your retirement, 401k, your home and even your freedom is at risk. It is time for you to salvage what you can and then put what’s left of your resources towards surviving what is coming. Literally, your life depends on whether you begin to take your assets out the bank and begin to purchase life sustaining supplies as well as build an economic base designed to meet future requirements in a post-Jade Helm world.

This article will make more sense if you visit The Common Sense Show website and read the articles posted between November 16-20, 2014 and what you will discover will be the following:

1. Your bank deposits are no longer considered to be money.

2. The Credit Swap derivatives have priorty over all bank depositors in case of widespread bank failures. The FDIC will not know your name.

3. On November 10, 2014, the Federal Reserve, the FDIC and the UK banks practiced for widespread bank failure.

4. Drastic policies have been enacted which inhibit your ability to take your money of your bank.

5. Ultimately, the globalists will be coming for your pensions and 401 K’s in addition to the loss of your bank account

The Petrodollar is on the verge of collapse. Some are forecasting that the run on the banks could begin at anytime between now and October of 2015. I do not make financial predictions and attach dates to the predictions, however, given the volatility of the present market, I feel strongly that one might want to error on this side of caution.

The Death of the American Economy

There was an obscure story which ran three years ago which is receiving scant attention and yet, it is the banking story of the decade. It is the number one banking story in human history. It is the story which will destroy America’s banking accounts. It is the story that spells the beginning of the end of America’s financial empire. This is the end of the America’s financial empire and NOBODY is talking about it. What is that story? First, the prerequisite background.

Our Crushing Debt


And this will be looked at as the good ole’ days.

Nearly every publication estimates the derivatives debt to be in the range of one quadrillion dollars to $1.5 quadrillion dollars. Conservative estimates tell us that this derivatives debt, that has been assumed by the governments of the world, is at least 16 times the entire value of the assets of Planet Earth. This generation cannot pay off this debt. Your children, grandchildren and even great-great-great-great-great grandchildren cannot pay off this debt. If the status quo were to remain in place this debt could not be paid off in the 25th century, the 30th century, nor the 50th century. My estimates place the interest on the debt to exceed the entire value of the world’s assets and the interest is increasing far faster than the governments of the world can service the debt. Who is the debt owed to? It is owed to the first movers, the owners of the central banking system. If you want an identifiable target, let’s call the debt owners of the planet the Bank of International Settlement (BIS) along with their henchmen at the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and their minions at the United Nations. The BIS is collapsing its own banking empire in order to usher in a New World Order which will be discussed later in the article.

The world’s economy has been dealt a fatal blow from which it cannot recover. No amount of budget, belt tightening will ever change this fact. the economy of every nation will fail including the United States and there is NOTHING that can be doneto alter that fact! We could literally be taxed at a 100% rate and the derivatives debt and the interest on this debt will continue to increase faster than the nations can pay the debt down.

Bank of America Case In Point

In an obscure, but well reported 2011 event, Bank of America announced it was shifting derivatives in its Merrill investment-banking unit to its depository arm, which has access to the Fed discount window and is protected by the FDIC. This was announced as a news blurb in the main stream media and was prominently reported in the Daily Bail.

This was the single biggest financial event in the history of America. It was bigger than the 1929 stock market crash and it was bigger than the beginning of the bail outs in 2008, but it did not received the banner headlines that it should have received. What does this mean? It means that the Bank of America’s European derivatives are now going to be “insured” by U.S. taxpayers and its two most important financial institutions, the Federal Reserve and the FDIC. What is even more distressing is that the Bank of America did not even seek or receive regulatory approval for this action. This action was simply acted upon on behalf of frightened counterparties. Under the Federal Bankruptcy Act of 2005, the counterparties derivatives debt receive “super priority” when it comes to the disbursement of FDIC insurance payments to failed banks. Where do the rest of us stand in terms of reimbursement for a failed bank? We, the account holders in our banks, are in last place. In short, when your bank fails, your money is gone.


Just how serious is the derivatives debt for the Bank of America? The Daily Bail reported that this was a “direct transfer of risk to the taxpayer done by the bank without approval by regulators and without public input . . . ”  The estimated total of derivatives debt tied around the neck of Bank of America is a little under $80 trillion dollars and is growing exponentially because of the interest payments. And yet, there is another shocker, JP Morgan Chase is receiving the same undue government benefit with $79 trillion of its  national derivatives debt guaranteed by the FDIC and Federal Reserve. What this means for you and me is that when Europe finally implodes and banks fail, U.S. taxpayers will hold the bag for trillions in insurance derivatives contracts, labeled as credit default swaps (CDS) which were sold by Bank of America and JP Morgan. This is when you will lose all control over your money and ultimately your life, if you are not prepared ahead of time.

As Plain As the Nose on Your Face

When the derivatives debt reaches the point where it causes our debt load to be so great that we cannot even service the interest, which is now $505 trillion dollars as per Michael Snyder, all financial institutions will fail. All governments will go into default If the Federal Reserve engages in “print money out of thin air policy” to cover the insurmountable debt, as they did with the bailouts in 2008, the resulting hyperinflation will make the German Weimar Republic seem like a prosperous economy. And do you think your money is safe because of the FDIC? Let me repeat, the FDIC, by law, must first pay the derivatives counterparties.

Since the derivatives debt exceed the world’s total wealth by a factor of at least 16, do you now understand how and why you are not getting your money back when EVERY bank fails in the near future?  

Just the debt insurance that Bank of America and JP Morgan Chase have obtained from the American people totals nearly $160 trillion dollars. Before you accuse me of being paranoid, first explain how that debt can be paid? It cannot be paid back, ever! Why? Because the U.S. government only takes in about $2 trillion dollars per year. Since we no longer have any meaningful tariffs on foreign imports. Thanks to the free-trade agreements, the people of the United States have no way to pay back this money. However, the banksters are grasping for breath as they die on the vine. However, they will not go down without a fight.

They are delaying the inevitable crash which will take them down with us. So, they are trying to keep their heads above water by stealing your bank accounts, your pensions and 401K’s. When your money is gone and your life is destroyed, the one solace we can take is that Wall Street will follow us right into the gates of hell as they will not survive either, and this is all by design. The purveyors of the central banking system are as evil as they come. They have set into motion the derivatives scheme so as to destroy all civilization so they can remake this planet in their own twisted image of their conceptualization of a Brave New World (order).

Out of Chaos Comes the New World Order


Where Should You Put Your Money?

In a post collapse America, paper currency will be worthless, so you can abandon your “cash under the bed solution”.  So, you may ask, where do you put your money today in order to economically survive tomorrow.

You need to invest your cash into precious metals and I do not mean gold or silver certificates. If you are going to buy gold or silver, remember, that “if you cannot touch it, you do not own it”.

If you need a suggestion, I would strongly urge you to consider investigating what Renaissance Precious Metals has to offer. Renaissance Precious Metals is sponsored by Steve Quayle.


Along the same lines, stay out of the Kmarts, Walmarts or any other slave labor mart. Do not shop in big box corporate stores. Buy local and only keep enough money in the bank to pay your monthly bills. Be careful how you withdraw your money. If you need a new home for banking, I would suggest using your local credit union and not Bank of America, JP Morgan, Wells Fargo, etc.

Be very careful when you move your money and know that if  you make a mistake, you could go to jail. In an upcoming article, I will review how you can convert your soon-to-be worthless cash assets into tangible products of sustainable wealth and I will help you do it without going to prison.


Walmart is a participant in the demise of America. Stay out of Walmart at all costs. Along with Monsanto, Walmart is one of the two most evil corporations on the face of the planet.


TLB recommends you visit Dave at The Common Sense Show for more pertinent articles and information.

See featured article and read comments HERE


American Free Press Photoshop by Ken LaRive

By TLB Contributor: Ken LaRive

Author’s note:

In part one, found here, I explained a bit of some very frightening and eminent problems facing America, and why it is so difficult to stop. We are headed for a fiscal cliff not only from several financial bubbles about to pop simultaneously, but from the devalue of the US Dollar by the printing of trillions, (from 10 to 18.7 trillion since Obama has been in office), and the inevitable obsolescence of the Petro Dollar. All of this is poised on a knife’s edge, and it is all mapped out in a new Porter Stansberry book called: America 2020, The Survival Blueprint, with an inspiring introduction by Dr. Ron Paul.

As I read it in one sitting, I saw that there is indeed hope, and yet, few will take the time to understand these very powerful and true solutions in a world of manipulation and chaos. There, I found several viable game plans, formulated from the sound reasoning of statistical historical data, eliciting a sigh of relief. There is hope there, not just to survive, but to flourish, and I suggest every American to read it.

This Is Why There Are No Jobs in America

By Porter Stansberry

I’d like to make you a business offer.

Seriously. This is a real offer. In fact, you really can’t turn me down, as you’ll come to understand in a moment…

Here’s the deal. You’re going to start a business or expand the one you’ve got now. It doesn’t really matter what you do or what you’re going to do. I’ll partner with you no matter what business you’re in – as long as it’s legal.

But I can’t give you any capital – you have to come up with that on your own. I won’t give you any labor – that’s definitely up to you. What I will do, however, is demand you follow all sorts of rules about what products and services you can offer, how much (and how often) you pay your employees, and where and when you’re allowed to operate your business. That’s my role in the affair: to tell you what to do.

Now in return for my rules, I’m going to take roughly half of whatever you make in the business each year. Half seems fair, doesn’t it? I think so. Of course, that’s half of your profits.

You’re also going to have to pay me about 12% of whatever you decide to pay your employees because you’ve got to cover my expenses for promulgating all of the rules about who you can employ, when, where, and how. Come on, you’re my partner. It’s only “fair.”

Now… after you’ve put your hard-earned savings at risk to start this business, and after you’ve worked hard at it for a few decades (paying me my 50% or a bit more along the way each year), you might decide you’d like to cash out – to finally live the good life.

Whether or not this is “fair” – some people never can afford to retire – is a different argument. As your partner, I’m happy for you to sell whenever you’d like… because our agreement says, if you sell, you have to pay me an additional 20% of whatever the capitalized value of the business is at that time.

I know… I know… you put up all the original capital. You took all the risks. You put in all of the labor. That’s all true. But I’ve done my part, too. I’ve collected 50% of the profits each year. And I’ve always come up with more rules for you to follow each year. Therefore, I deserve another, final 20% slice of the business.

Oh… and one more thing…

Even after you’ve sold the business and paid all of my fees… I’d recommend buying lots of life insurance. You see, even after you’ve been retired for years, when you die, you’ll have to pay me 50% of whatever your estate is worth.

After all, I’ve got lots of partners and not all of them are as successful as you and your family. We don’t think it’s “fair” for your kids to have such a big advantage. But if you buy enough life insurance, you can finance this expense for your children.

All in all, if you’re a very successful entrepreneur… if you’re one of the rare, lucky, and hard-working people who can create a new company, employ lots of people, and satisfy the public… you’ll end up paying me more than 75% of your income over your life. Thanks so much.

I’m sure you’ll think my offer is reasonable and happily partner with me… but it doesn’t really matter how you feel about it because if you ever try to stiff me – or cheat me on any of my fees or rules – I’ll break down your door in the middle of the night, threaten you and your family with heavy, automatic weapons, and throw you in jail.

That’s how civil society is supposed to work, right? This is Amerika, isn’t it?

That’s the offer Amerika gives its entrepreneurs. And the idiots in Washington wonder why there are no new jobs…


Porter Stansberry

Author’s Note:

Though this essay was written five years ago, it is so timeless, and reliant, it is used as the first chapter in his new book. There is no doubt that America is self destructing, with corrosive economic mindsets, like cancers, eating us alive from the inside out, and the outside in.

It is said that we have the best Congress money can buy, with a wide spectrum of lobbyists controlling not only our purse strings, but powerfully influencing polices that have nothing to do with what is good for America, her sovereignty, her moral compass, her civil liberties, or her economic future. International corporations and parasitic countries, international banks and an unresponsive and unaccountable Federal Reserve System are selling our country and our children’s future on the back of their black bottom line. Our domestic manufacturing industry is intentionally sent overseas for more fertile opportunities using what can only be described as slave labor without taxes or safety restrictions. Products are produced for a consumer stimulated throw-away society based on debt, and an ever-dying middle class, with a domineering, Progressive, totalitarian government that manipulates and shreds our Constitution is growing unchecked in the midst of an uneducated and misinformed populous who can no longer care or even think for themselves, is unsustainable.

Scientifically designed propaganda by media, and government indoctrination in our schools systems have created a new form of American. A culture of need, breed to be weak-natured, immoral and selfishly motivated, they are conditioned to need government sustenance to survive, a welfare state from cradle to grave. The many orchestrated problems that plague us as a society were created by the power elite to divide and conquer every aspect of of our lives, in an endless loop of manipulation for power and control, and to realize this amazing concept, believe it or not, is half the battle won…

See featured article here.

Rothschild Family crest

By TLB Contributor: Ken LaRive

I remember 1999 vividly. It was filled with fear that the year 2000 would bring the final destruction to humanity, and the world clock could not cope with another digit. What most now think, in retrospect, was that it was all designed to create profit from fear…from survival food, weapons, shelters, to software that would protect our computers… and when the year came and nothing happened, most just shook their heads and laughed at what fools we were…

War, and the machine American Free Press Photoshop by Ken LaRive

War, and the machine, American Free Press Photoshop by Ken LaRive

Conversely, the very next year… 9-11-2001 ushered in a new kind of fear, and never again will we laugh at what possibilities may manifest. Both are similar, however, because many also made unbelievable fortunes in the aftermath of that convoluted horror… And looking back, just like in 1999, it seems well-orchestrated… Orchestrated to make profit out of fear… from the put options three days prior on United and American airlines, to the unrelenting and constant machine-gun wars thereafter…

You see… If your world seems threatened… even if it is not based on truth or reality…if fear of the future grips your heart with what you think can not be understood, or controlled, looking at who has profited might indicate the true cause… and you will see it move full circle, as the root cause of your fear becomes evident.

As I read on-line these days, searching for insight and truth, I see the same biased fear promoted, as is found in our Nationalized Newspapers and media. Essays predict the end times, the end of humanity, and they use words like “may be… might have… or, perhaps” and I discontinue reading from that point… Speculations do not instill truth into the hearts of men, but can promote unreasoned fear… You see, war is a racket of the Central Bank, with a war machine that must be fed, and as money and control is the motivation, fear, your individual fear… is the fuel that keeps it going. Fear might be nothing more than a speculation instilled into the minds of men, who will, in times of great tribulation, look to the powerful for protection… Protection from the very same entity that created it all in the first place…

-Ken LaRive

Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind.

John F. Kennedy


In that year, 2000, there were only seven countries left who refused to incorporate a Central Bank into their economy: Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Cuba, Iran, and North Korea.

Looking at history, every time a Central Bank has taken root… a war or great social upheaval came first… violent and repressive in nature, it was financed and maintained by a loan, a loan issued to pay not only for the war, but the process of rebuilding. With this, the country plunges into debt, just as America is now in debt from one war after another since WW2… As of today, we are 17.8 trillion in debt… So great, we have to print money out of thin air just to pay the interest. Our treasury is empty, the Gold in Fort Knox has not been audited for over 50 years, and to maintain their power over us, we have a complete destruction of our Constitution and Bill of Rights by the NDAA and Patriot Act… But this is not our yoke to bear alone… every country on earth has their own debt to the Rothschild’s Central Bank… and when one of us defaults, we all suffer under the shackles of the Federal Reserve, the grand master of deception, and another war is created, with carpet baggers who scramble to pick up the pieces for pennies on the dollar…

The last man of any authority who fought this, in the United States, was a Democrat by the name of John F, Kennedy. He tried to print our own money, issued by our US Treasury as prescribed by our Constitution… and he was assassinated. His predecessor, Mr. Johnson, within days of his death, rescinded that effort… and the dynasty of the Rothschild House, now 234 years old, have controlled the United States for 101 years, implemented by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

In 2003, only five countries were left without a Central Bank: Sudan, Libya, Cuba, North Korea, and Iran.

Go here, for the true history of Iran.

Go here for the true history of Sudan.

Go here for the true history of Cuba.

Go here for the true history of North Korea.

Go here for the true history of Libya… and you will see a parallel…

After September 11th, we invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, not only for the poppy fields that supply heroin to all of Europe… not only for oil and precious metals… but for the installation of a Central Bank.

And so, as of today, 2014, there are only three countries left who still resist a Rothschild Central Bank. They are: Cuba, North Korea, and Iran, promoted and touted to be our greatest enemies… So great, they are said to threaten the very security of the entire world, and would unhesitatingly send preemptive nuclear missiles to destroy us all, well, primarily we, and our partners in war… And yet, compared to our mighty military industrial complex, they can be nothing but a spec of dust in their all-seeing eye… so there might be something else to consider… Perhaps they are the last three crumbs on the table… or the final pieces of a puzzle that will complete a full set of slaves… slaves who were duped, just like the United States of America.

Only 3 countries left w/o ROTHSCHILD Central Bank!

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.” –Albert Einstein

See featured article here


Toto 1

By: Roger Landry (TLB)

Many of us are aware of the Corporate stranglehold on our Republic. A Princeton Study has clearly stated America is no longer governed by a Democratic process, but instead is ruled by a Global Oligarchy … and nothing happens … it barely makes the mainstream news.


Martin Gilens is Professor of Politics at Princeton University together with Benjamin I. Page Professor at Northwestern University have published results of a unique analysis “using a unique data set that includes measures of the key variables for 1,779 policy issues.” The study concludes that, “Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on US government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence. The results provide substantial support for theories of Economic-Elite Domination…”

Their study further concluded, “When the preferences of economic elites and the stands of organized interest groups are controlled for, the preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy.”

Finally they conclude, “…Our analyses suggest that majorities of the American public actually have little influence over the policies our government adopts. Americans do enjoy many features central to democratic governance, such as regular elections, freedom of speech and association, and a widespread (if still contested) franchise. But we believe that if policymaking is dominated by powerful business organizations and a small number of affluent Americans, then America’s claims to being a democratic society are seriously threatened.”

Read more here:

Princeton Makes It Official: USA Has Become Oligarchy, No Democracy


There can be little doubt as to this fact via the laws we see passed continuously denigrating and disenfranchising We The People in favor of Corporate interests. America today is the most powerful and longest lived Fascist nation in the history of this planet.


Today we see an ever increasing corporate stranglehold of control exercised on our food, pharmaceutical drugs, vaccines, water, environment, property, life savings, freedoms and more. Laws are no longer passed to the benefit of the people, but for the enrichment and control of the corporatist that literally own our leaders. Money does indeed talk in America and the cost of true freedom is only affordable by a very select few.

Cost of freedom

Anyone who feels this a conspiracy theory has no respect for Princeton University or belief in historical fact. The truth has always been hidden in plain sight, but these days less people have the testicular fortitude to ferret it out.

This process has unfolded in America since its inception starting with the first two (failed) attempts at a central banks, exacerbated by the Civil War and the act of 1871, and accelerated by the Federal Reserve act and institution of the income tax in 1913, then shifted into high gear by the declaration of a state of national emergency in 1933 (which still exists), and I could easily continue up to 9/11 and even more recent tyranny including the NDAA and Patriot act.

But instead what I will present you is an outstanding video looking at this topic from a historical perspective.

Discover the truth about the men behind the curtain who own and run the U.S. Government.

See featured video HERE

These men are totally evil, ruthless, greedy and vicious individuals who will stop at nothing to gain control of the world and the enslavement of us all.

They are now taking steps to control and shut down the internet because it is the last means for people to come together, and voice their opinions freely

If We The People decide to ignore this mother of all threats, and out of apathy, complacency or fear of self preservation, do nothing … May God have mercy on our undeserving souls!

Please learn and speak out because …

In America Today

Jade Helm 15

By TLB Contributor: Dave Hodges


Whoever thought that his philosophies would have ever seen the light of day in America?

Every successful revolution follows three stages: (1) Winning the hearts and minds of the people; (2) Resisting illegitmate authority through civil disobedience; and, (3) All out war.

America is being dragged into stage three by the occupation forces that have hijacked our government. Jade Helm is the manifestation of dragging America into a stage three confrontation before the people have had a chance to build a coalition through successfully completing the first two stages. This is the strategy that Stalin employed as he enslaved an entire nation and history is indeed repeating itself.

Economic Collapse As a First Mover

The resulting instability of our economy will provide the pretext to institute a series of false flag attacks which will provide the federal government with a preemptive opportunity to impose one of the most draconian forms of martial law that the world has ever seen. There is a chance that the American people will shed their shackles and finally rise up and that is exactly what the globalists desire.

If the globalists can draw us into an armed conflict over the coming Jade Helm occupation and crush the opposition, they can end all pretenses and their full blown tyranny will be fully exposed for all to see and experience firsthand.

 The Three Stages of a Revolution

dhs Many believe that the revolution has already begun and I would agree with them to some extent. However, there are three distinct stages of revolution and we are moving down the path to civil war at a frightening pace. You may not realize this fact, but the bankers who have hijacked your government certainly do!

When DHS purchases 2.2 billion rounds of ammunition and 2700 armored vehicles, it is clear that they are preparing to kill millions of uncooperative Americans.

When you realize that every federal agency including the National Weather Service has acquired millions of rounds of ammunition, what does that tell you?

What do you think this is about?

 On March 27, under the auspices of DHS, Special Operations forces practiced political dissident extraction drills in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. I took this as a personal declaration of war against the American people.

On March 27, under the auspices of DHS, Special Operations forces practiced political dissident extraction drills in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. I took this as a personal declaration of war against the American people.

Or this?

fema coffins sherrie 2

And this?

un huntsville

They are ready, are you?

To the sheep, they believe everything is as it has always been. To most Americans, they know something is terribly wrong, they just don’t know what exactly is wrong because Anderson Cooper, Wolf Blitzer and Fox and Friends are not telling them.

Stage One of the Revolution

The first stage of a revolution, is a war of ideas and a campaign for the truth.

Where I see the enemy at the gate, most of my friends and neighbors are sleeping through the unfolding attack. We are in a war of words and if we fail to use our words to awaken all of humanity, we are hopelessly lost and the globalists will carve us up for dinner. There is indeed strength in numbers and if we are unable to wake up our fellow countrymen, we will negate the only true tactical advantage that the people enjoy, which is ideological solidarity from a numerically superior force.

It should now make sense to you as to why 98% of the media is controlled by globalist controlled business interests consisting of five mega corporations, who in turn are controlled one way or another, by the members of the Federal Reserve. In order to win this fight, we need more people speaking out, making videos and calling MSM talk shows. We especially need to reach the police and the military in order to remind them of their constitutional duty to protect the people against a tyrannical government, but this is not what we are seeing.

Our counter to the control of the MSM, is to exclusively support the alternative media. If Obama’s globalist friends are successful in taking down the alternative media, then it will become necessary to enact a type of Committees of Correspondence apparatus similar to what our Founding Fathers did in the pre-Revolutionary War period in our history. On the ground communication is timeless, effective and very difficult for a totalitarian government to negate.


Stage Two of the Revolution

Stage two of a revolution consists of civil disobedience or nonviolent resistance. America has gone from a Republic to a police state in less than a generation. The evidence for this transformation is as follows:

1. The passage of the John Warner Defense bill removed all the firewalls between the people and subjugation by federally controlled troops. A scant few spoke out and nobody resisted.

2. The passage of the NDAA, eliminated all due process as it permitted the administration to arrest and indefinitely detain any American without due process. This is what makes the Jade Helm political “Red List” extractions legal and subsequent population relocation legal. A scant few spoke out and nobody resisted

3. Obama’s declaration, through Executive Order 13603, proclaiming the authority seize control over any and all assets in the country and to invoke slave labor at Obama’s whim. A scant few spoke out and nobody resisted

4. Obama’s announced intention to seize all “military grade weapons”. Obama’s definition of a military style weapon is anything that can shoot a bullet. You will soon be reading that all newly produced firearms have a microchip in them so they can be tracked. Any totalitarian regime can cut the legs out of a revolution by disarming the people. When the American people are under the control of Jade Helm, I predict that gun confiscations will begin through Executive Order. A scant few will speak out and nobody will resist.

No matter what gun control laws that Obama brings to the American people, the people need to disobey as civil disobedience is our best friend.  However, passive disobedience is our VERY best friend. Most readers already know what happens when a civilian population surrenders its guns. If your knowledge of history is shaky, take a look at Pol Pot, Rwanda, Hitler, Stalin and Mao. The University of Hawaii tells us that that over 260 million people were killed by their governments in the 20th century and this was accomplished after gun confiscation. Any nation that gives up its guns, has sealed its fate.

When, not if, but when Obama comes for our guns, all of us have a constitutional duty to disobey these unlawful policies. And even if we manage to hang on to our guns, it is easy to predict the next move as Stalin invoked the practice of creating food shortages. You can count on this happening.

Stage Three: All Out War

A successful revolution cannot simply jump to stage three without having progressed through the first two stages and this is the strategy of the globalists as they are dragging the people to the battlefield of their choice.

When Stalin’s forces were dragging a third of the Russians out of their homes, it was too late for the Russians to fight back because the ideological base of resistance, and a sense of collective action, through civil disobedience, had not been built.


The Russian people were defeated by Stalin because they did not win stage one of the revolution. We desperately need to heed this lesson from history and embark on a tireless crusade to wake up our country as to the dangers that lie ahead. And even if the people are sufficiently awakened, it does not guarantee victory of any kind unless of course, the bravado crowd has stored directed energy weapons in their basements.

Therefore, it is the duty of every awake American to educate their neighbors, family and friends, whether they want to hear the truth or not. Remember, any kind resistance to tyranny will not succeed unless there is an attitude of defiance towards the tyranny.

Tyrants require minions to carry out their tyranny.

Education about the present tyranny can lessen the size of the potential minion pool. Again, this is accomplished  in stage one and we almost out of time.

People frequently ask me if I think we can mount an effective resistance and I respond that the odds are really against the people. This fact should not keep people from resisting with every fiber of their being. Further, resistance can evolve into adaptation and this could save the lives of your family.

When Jade Helm Martial Law Is Declared

When martial law is imposed, have a pre-designated meeting place for you and your family because cell phone communications may be down. Carry three days of needed resources in your cars because you cannot predict when you will experience trouble getting home. Form resource coalitions with your friends and coworkers. Store resources at differing safe houses, in your area, with friends and family that you trust. Turn off your television which only serves to condition people to accept defeat and to embrace the plans of the New World Order. Build backup plans for your contingency plans. Someone in my rural area put a notice up at the mailbox commanding everyone to prepare and that they will not feed everyone when the proverbial poop hits the fan. This is good advice. The other side desperately wants a revolution, that is not militarily inspired, so they can crush any remaining resistance to the New World Order. Start preparing today like your life depends on it, because it does.

Prepare, pray and let the globalists run out of steam. To paraphrase the Bible, in Romans 12:2, it essentially commands its followers to not be an integral part of the world. Prepare to be outside the grid, outside the food supply system, outside the need for public services because they will be used to control the people in times of desperation.


At the end of the day, you better start walking if you are not going to start talking. Your team is down by 20 points and the fourth quarter is underway. The odds against victory are long. First, the people have to develop a collective mentality against those forces who began to openly occupy this country in 2008. Second, the military has to become convinced that the people will support them in a popular uprising. Third, the dissident military would have to command enough resources to effectively resist the complete of the takeover which could be only a few months away. Fourth, we would have to hope that any successful military coup would voluntarily extinguish itself and surrender authority to  a civilian government because frequently, there is a second revolution that follows the first because one form of tyranny has replaced the first form of tyranny. This is a lot to happen in such a short time that we have available.

If I were you, I would hedge my bet and prepare to adapt to a collapsed America devoid of any civil liberties unless you care to homestead at the following the residence.



TLB recommends you visit Dave at The Common Sense Show for more pertinent articles and information.

See featured article and read comments HERE

Ron Paul

Photo by Luke Sharrett/Getty Images

By TLB Contributor: Ken LaRive

I think, most likely, that the next several essays will be dedicated to information gleaned from a new book I am reading called “America 2020, The Survival Blueprint,” by Porter Stansberry. It got my attention by an infomercial done by Ron Paul, who was not only very articulate and practiced, but promised to give a viable solution to what seems evident to be a mega economic crash looming on our horizon. I saw right off, within the first fifty pages, that this crash can not be stopped for a variety of reasons. In essence, it is because there is no opposing counter-force greater than the corporate and banking onslaught that is dismantling and bleeding us dry. BLOC countries want to displace the Petro Dollar, and have lost confidence in the Petro Dollar’s ability to be a stabilizing and uniting force. Our military is out of control, and we are creating enemies that are uniting to oppose a Military Industrial Complex that is unaccountable to the American tax payer, and our Congress, and is above our Constitution and International Law. Just a day before 9-11 Donald Rumsfeld stated that there was over 2.2 trillion missing from the Pentagon, and the next day those records were destroyed by a phantom plane that looked like an ICBM missile. Just so happens it destroyed those records in the Pentagon, along with most all CIA and FBI records in building Seven, the forgotten building that fell at free-fall later that day in New York. Though it had sustained minimal damage, it fell as fast as a dime tossed in the air, without resistance… Along with that, our spending, which has now given us a National debt of of 18.7 trillion, almost doubling since Obama has been in office, shows no accountability as to where this money is being spent, as it is printed out of thin air… And the American population is oblivious to these facts, as they struggle to survive in a dying economy, and new racial hatred promoted to divide us… phew, let me start another paragraph…

Here are a few facts to consider, if you have the stomach for such things…

The National debt is one thing, but if one adds up all government, corporate, and consumer debt, that number is about $60 trillion. It is so large that there is no rate of interest that could sustain us? With just a 6% interest on this debt, it would cost one trillion a year just to pay that acquired interest. Now I’m not an economist, but I’m no moron ether, because it is public record that the Government brings in less them $3 trillion a year in taxes. Taxes. Can you wrap your mind around that?

The debt is divided into three main areas of the economy, all bubbles ready to burst.

“The largest threat is the U.S. Corporate bond market, particularly junk bonds.”

These are bonds, called high yield bond, that are issued by less than credible and creditworthy companies, and historically yield less than 5% annually. And yet, in the mid-2014, were up over 6%. Why? It is because banks are issuing unprecedented credit to less than investment-grade firms. High risk, in debt, without working capital, and any negative in the economy would cause default… It happened in 2007, and how did that go? Have we lost our ever-loving minds?

To counter this the Federal Reserve is keeping interest rates at near zero, and this causes the American consumer to spend instead of save. There is, better sit down, a policy by the Federal Reserve to buy billions, if not trillions in Mortgage backed debt, junk bonds, and Treasury Bonds is causing a bull market in bonds. As the Feds buy these bonds it pushes bond rates down, forcing other bond buyers to take more chances with sub-quality bonds having higher yields. Can’t say I understand this convolution completely, but what goes up as a bubble will always come down, and when it certainly does, it will wipe out a huge amount of capital, your life savings. Debt issuers would have already defaulted, but keeping interest rates artificially low has made it possible for risky investments to refinance their debt at a lower rate, just like the adds telling us on TV that Obama has instituted an ability to refinance your home or business, another finger on the same hand strangling our future… and all of it is debt, on the backs of our children.

Student Debt

Now totals more than $1 trillion. The average college student graduates with a 24K debt, and immediately upon graduation racks up on average more that 6K in debt by his new shiny credit card. With his annual income being averaged at $36K, in our economy of food stamp recipients, that is a personal debt-to-income level of almost 100%. Is that sustainable? It is a bubble about to pop, and it will be catastrophic. Oh, but everything is just fine America, as Big Brother manages every aspect of your life from cradle to grave. Bernie Sanders is said to be running for President next election. He is a Socialist Progressive, and the perfect figurehead when everything come to an end. Say goodbye forever to your Constitution, you civil liberties, as we default in this so called “sub-prime” crisis.

The Automotive sector

Is the third bubble about to burst. Where once a car loan was low risk to the lender, now anyone can get a loan. But, buy, buy! Good credit and a substantial down payment is replaced with a seven year loan, borrowing money for the down payment, with 34% of this debt being sub-prime credits. One imbalance, one downward trend, and it will pop, and the sound will be heard all across our nation.

Sub-prime lending was the cause of the housing bust, and we are doing it all over again, and this time it could be far worse, with a depression that will be long-lasting, because we have no mechanism, like a manufacturing base, to pull it back up. The United States is now the biggest debtor in human history, and our children will be burdened with far more then having to live in squalor… they will have to fight not only world bank carpet baggers who will swoop down on all nations defaulting, but fight in another world war that will dwarf all others, as we try to defend our shores from the hordes wanting what is left. But it is far worse than even that. The same banks will profit. I’d like to think that they would be held accountable for what they have so orchestrated, but finding them will not be easy, as one corporation owns another, and another, they are well hidden…

It is not just corruptions, however, immoral and desolate, but actual ignorance as to the mechanisms that creates and destroys economies. In the next essays to come I will try with all that I can muster to find the truth of this matter, and hopeful have the ability to explain it. It is the PETRO DOLLAR that has ushered in this new, and very false sense of security, since WW2, and has become an unsustainable future. Our constitution and Bill of Rights was once a viable part of our nation, and it ushered in an unparalleled and viable economy of free enterprise called the industrial revolution. Unfortunately, our country was sold out by traitors, and our future given to a banking cartel of international central banks and a Federal Reserve who is above our government and rule of law …and we have been bleed dry now for over a hundred years. They now own not only our land, but the Liberty promised to our children. I personally do not see, other than armed conflict, any way to take our country back. All I can hope for is to survive the coming inevitable storm. And what I find, I will share with you…

Think carefully before asking for justice. Mercy might be safer.

Mason Cooley

Author’s Note: We can do more than survive this coming train wreck. We can thrive. There seems to be many ways to prosper in chaos, and one way is acquiring tangible silver. Of all of the precious metals, this seems to be the best buy now, at 16.6 today. You should have 5 to 10 percent of your total assets in tangible silver. Something you can hold in your hand… and it is suggested you buy junk silver, dimes, quarters, and half dollars. And I will give you a method for buying… with more ideas next time…

See featured article and read comments HERE


Political Commentary By: Roger Landry (TLB)

The labels Democrat, Republican, Liberal, Conservative, Progressive or NEOCON are simply tools to engage and divide the masses, to play us against one another and to keep us distracted while the true tyranny is perpetrated, hidden in plain sight. Even those who would claim these titles in leadership are but pawns in a game We The People are never to be permitted to win.

So let us awaken and delve into the misdirection, hypocrisy and tyranny disguised as patriotism and the deceitfully false show of concern for the welfare of America, because to continue in ignorance sounds the death toll for this once great nation now in crisis.

To help demonstrate the validity of this argument let us examine George W. Bush. This modern day politician will be seen in the history books future generations will read from, as a patriot. But if we examine his deeds then reality is a shocking wake up call for those who have been lulled into these beliefs by the lies and misdirection’s of the puppet masters via their most powerful and effective propaganda tool, the mainstream media (MSM)!

A characterization (snapshot) of the Bush presidency.

We start with Bush quite in character as a right wing neo-conservative kowtowing to the Corporate Military Industrial Complex which boomed under his administration. Immediately following the 9/11 incident (another story of tyranny, lies and deceit to be told at a later date), this country geared up for war spurred on by the fervent rhetoric of his administration! Cries of revenge and retaliation where contained in every speech and public address.

The American people where whipped into a patriotic froth waving flags and looking to exact their pound of flesh! Any Muslim regardless of their actual nationality or allegiance was looked at with unwarranted (based on blatant lies) fear. Fear is the most effective form of control over mankind ever devised by mans mind and serves only to perpetuate hate and protracted ignorance. This gave rise to the, most expensive, expansive and destructive manhunt in the history of this planet, but was in reality a perfectly choreographed and pre-planned exercise in smoke and mirrors, lies and deceit.

No price in national treasure, respect or even human life was too large to be suffered in order to find and kill Osama Bin Laden, the devil incarnate! So we pumped up the military machine, and proceeded to invade and occupy Afghanistan. After an extended period of time Bin Lauden was thought to have escaped through the mountain passes of Tora Bora into Pakistan.

We did not leave Afghanistan but settled in to rebuild the country as we, or to be more precise, the puppet masters thought it should be, all the while raping its society for all the gains the international banking cabal and the soulless corporate criminal elements could extract from it, and a new term was coined, Nation Building. At this point we also began performing cross border raids into Pakistan another sovereign nation and sending Predator drones in to kill anyone who opposed us or our goals, all in the name of finding someone we where being told at the time was already dead (more on this later).

Next we were told that Iraq was an eminent threat to our national security because they had weapons of mass destruction including the makings of a nuclear bomb, even though the information available to the administration at the time showed conclusively that Iraq and Sadam Hussein where willing to do ANYTHING to avoid war with the USA.

So again the nation was was lied to and whipped into a frenzy to support another invasion of a sovereign nation on what we where told was a mission of extreme patriotic importance, justified by the need to protect the homeland … really? Protect it from who, or what? It seems very clear to us now these are the questions many of us should have been asking but the finely tuned engine of propaganda (the MSM) was very effective and successful in quelling any dissenting rhetoric.

Again no price in national treasure respect or human life (both American and Iraqi) was to be spared. We marched in and decimated a county where the people enjoyed one of the highest standards of living in that part of the world, and bombed it back to the stone age, eventually killing millions and poisoning generations to come through the massive utilization of depleted uranium ammunition. And guess what, no weapons of mass destruction! At this point you would think any decent peace loving nation would have left but not us.

Again we settled in for another long session of nation building, again raping its society for all the gains the international banking cabal and corporate vultures could extract from it, and contrary to the lies being told, we remain in both country’s, in force to this day!

The winners: The military industrial complex who continue to make billions from these wars. The CIA drug lords who now control 90% of the worlds very lucrative heroin markets through the poppy fields in Afghanistan that thrive with US military protection. The oil companies who again with the protection of American military might firmly entrenched in the region, began the process of building a pipeline through these occupied nations to control the sweet crude oil needed to prop up the failing petro-dollar. The international banking cabals who immediately set up central banks in these countries. The corporate power brokers who continue to suck the life’s blood out of anything worth stealing from these sovereign nations economies. And the crooked politicians who supported these unnecessary wars and in turn profited from them in favor or treasure.

The losers: The people of the sovereign nations we invaded and occupy with millions of innocent civilians dead, maimed for life or displaced from homes that no longer exist, and the massive numbers of stillbirths and birth defects that will plague these nations for many generations to come. The American people with well over a trillion dollars wasted on these imperialistic endeavors each year that this madness continues.The dead American servicemen who where deceived into believing they where giving their lives to protect a homeland that was never in danger to start with. And the respect for this country once seen by the world as Camelot or the shining castle on top of the hill and now thought of as the eight hundred pound gorilla/bully on the block, hated and feared as even the old USSR never was!

How many Americans are even aware that these wars where all planned in detail in the mid to late 1990’s during the Clinton years (fact). Seven nations including Afghanistan and Iraq where put on a hit list, five of these nations being in the middle east and all with one thing in common … they had no central banking system tied to the international cabal who via a very powerful Oligarchy controls the ebb and flow of capitol and wealth across the globe via institutions such as the US Federal Reserve.

But a reason, a catalyst was required to set this all in motion … 9/11 … Yea this event was a mighty convenient occurrence for something already planned but I digress. As of this point Bush is in character as a full blown NEOCON but as bad as this is, for We The People it gets worse!

G.W. Bush wile claiming to be a true conservative, is in fact responsible for initiating the largest (at the time) increase in government spending and national debt in this nation’s history (very Un-Republican). This was done on several fronts, those being the massive military spending required to fight two wars simultaneously, massive tax cuts to large and favored corporations and in his second term a series of stimulus packages and corporate welfare (bailouts) designed (supposedly) to help pull this country out of what was to become the deepest recession since the great depression, caused by the housing bubble collapse.

This economic collapse was the result of horrendous mismanagement and criminal misuse of billions if not trillions of dollars entrusted to the worlds preeminent financial institutions, yet no one goes to prison because these are in fact the puppet masters who own the political system and the politicians (including the president).

So while the middle class embarks on a downward death spiral our government and the Federal Reserve begin to pump what would eventually exceed an estimated $16 trillion (a total far exceeding the entire federal debt at the time) and some say many times this amount internationally, in loans, bailouts and corporate welfare into the very entities responsible for the catastrophe. In essence it can be argued that the criminal perpetrators got rewarded for their misdeeds and the innocent masses got what may still eventually prove to be a fatal bi*ch slap, administered by our trusted elected representatives … lead by Bush!

It is not only our treasury and world respect that have suffered catastrophic losses during the Bush years but also our liberties, rights and freedoms! For those of us who reportedly reside in the land of the free and the home of the brave, this may be the worst of the Bush legacy! Prior to Bush the citizens of this country could not even conceive of institutions or laws controlling and usurping our freedoms and rights on the scale that was being done on a daily basis via mechanisms such as the Patriot Act, a name ill suited for its intent and ramifications.

Then we where forced to contend with the expanded powers or the TSA, Homeland Security and FEMA as well as others we may not even be aware of. What we observed in the name of safety and security was our rights and freedoms being watered down and trampled on in a progression that continues at an accelerated pace! Witness the birth of a police state! Surely our founding fathers who sacrificed so much to bequeath to us our Constitution and Bill of Rights outlining our freedoms, liberties and inalienable rights where rolling over in their graves!

We must also contend with the fact that during his administration the government grows in leaps and bounds including it’s size, scope, influence and intrusion into our daily lives. The list of what most people would describe as very liberal, even progressive and in some cases criminal policies and actions goes on and on, all perpetrated by a supposed right wing, Conservative, anti-big and intrusive government, Republican. Can anyone explain the basis for any of this in context with the stated Republican platform? Is this even a supposed Republican mindset, or is this the blurring of the party definition by those who own the party, in fact both parties, and all to serve an intended and predetermined goal (another future topic).

This is the George W. Bush legacy in all its splendor! A man who’s policies followed both Progressive (Liberal) and NEOCON (Conservative) lines of reasoning to a new crescendo of radicalism that benefited only the Bankers, Wall Street power brokers and the Military Industrial Complex, to the extreme detriment of We The People!

So here we have laid bare the actions of a so called Republican who played the role of a NEOCON, and also a Progressive or Democrat. A man who’s actions cross the entire political spectrum and all its extremes. Bush was railed against, called a war criminal, a murderer and even a tyrant. His economic policies and support of the Federal Reserves tactics where denounced in the 2008 presidential elections by all major candidates from both parties (especially Obama) as being too radical in nature, or as a total abject failure, and his foreign policy was railed on for the imperialistic warmongering it in fact was! His popularity in the lame duck years of his presidency was dismal at best and we all figured anyone would be better than him … we where so very wrong!

What was choreographed so brilliantly during the Bush fiasco was the intended goal of bringing a confident, self assured and prosperous society into a mindset of constant fear and government dependency. The feeling that We The People must depend on an ultra powerful and over-reaching government to keep us safe from boogeymen of their creation, even at the expense of our liberty … Mission accomplished!

As radical as Bush was, as damaging to this country as his economic and political actions and mandates where, and as tyrannical as his freedom robbing ideals seemed, even this pales in comparison to his successors freedom robbing and society destroying exploits … but that is another commentary altogether.

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