The Liberty Beacon

The Liberty Beacon

» Posts tagged 'liberty'


Ken Liberty

American Free Press Photoshop by Ken LaRive

By TLB Contributor: Ken LaRive

Good morning America, I have a bit of news…

Two truths…

Freedom does not exist, it is an illusion. It is a lie. The whole concept of freedom is false, because the mentality of what we are as human beings can not handle it… It always morphs into a tyrannical fascist ideology. This is the Liberty movement, not the freedom movement. It is liberty from tyranny we are after.

Secondly, there is no such thing as a pure Democracy. This too is a lie. It has never existed on the planet. It has always morphed into mob rule, and so into the authoritarianism of tyranny’s fascism, because that is the essence of the human mindset. We can deny it, but we can know this truth by what we have done in the past, as recorded in our history.

What we were given, that we have now lost, is a Republic based on law. This quickly disintegrates because of the mindset of what it means to be a human being, where fascism and tyranny displaces it. What we have is an Oligarchy. This is what the mind of men have wrought. Power and control over others is the true nature of men, and yet a few resist. This sir, is the Liberty movement. Define who you are, and you will have a better chance of uniting, and winning. But know that you are, and always will be, three percent, and though that is plenty enough to cut the cords that bind us all, the rest will not participate. Because slavery, just as liberty, is the reality of the mind of men… a duality in constant odds, and the reason why Liberty, once lost, is so very hard to get back.

Remember also that the goal might only be accomplished by mutual destruction. Because it is the mindset of human beings, who have gained power and control, to rather see it burned to white ashes then to relinquish their ability.

Still, I’d rather die attempting to know who I am as a Libertarian. That is a good reason for being, a worthy goal for a life, a value greater than myself.

Give me Liberty, or give me death.

See featured article HERE


By: Roger Landry (TLB)

Updated July 16th, 2015

What follows is not a bedtime story and may very well anger or even offend some (those most guilty). The truth is a often buried or masked … regardless, it remains a constant, and to those who wish to ignore or corrupt it, not a pleasant one. Those offended by what they are about to read are the ones who need to read and understand what is being said the most because this truth is …

“This is a Republic Of, By and For The People. If it perishes it does so by our own hands, and not by the actions of any tyrannical government!” – Roger Landry (TLB)

When I state or quote this I get very little response or in some cases negative feedback … WHY? It is the absolute truth, no matter how hard it is to hear! We The People, through a major disconnect facilitated by our apathy, complacency, ignorance, or complicity, have permitted just about all that ails us to become reality … FACT!

I am constantly hearing how our leaders continue to pass bills that pile more debt on our backs and that of our children, that remove our civil rights and freedoms and do nothing to extricate us from our imperialistic warmongering even though they campaign on exactly these promises! Yet WE continually reelect these same idiots, and they continue to consolidate power over us. Just look back at the re-election rate of incumbents in this failing country from even the last election cycle, when so many of us railed against the known tyranny … the average exceeds 90% for all of Congress!

“We just can’t trust the American people to make those types of choices…. Government has to make those choices for people.” ― Hillary Rodham Clinton

They claim to represent us but prove by their self-centered actions that nothing could be further from the truth! Just a little research by an involved or concerned citizen would show that their actions in most cases (there are some rare exceptions) prove to serve only their masters and themselves.

Term limits have been discussed for decades as a tool to get this evil and destructive monster we call our government under control, but has a snowballs chance in hell of ever passing in congress as it would short circuit their personal power! It has also been discussed curtailing the access and influence of lobbying, or terminating it all together, basically stemming the flow of money for corruption to our elected leaders … HaHaHa what a freaking joke! These people OWN our representatives, so they will never cut off their noses to spite their faces.

Cost of freedom

“Ours is not a fated existence, for nowhere is our destiny etched in stone. In the final analysis, the last line of defense in support of freedom and the Constitution consists of the people themselves. If the people want to be free, if they want to lift themselves out from underneath a state apparatus that threatens their liberties, squanders their resources on needless wars, destroys the value of their dollar, and spews forth endless propaganda about how indispensable it is and how lost we would all be without it, there is no force that can stop them.” – Ron Paul

Freedom robbing legislation like the Patriot Act and the NDAA rider, Obamacare, just to mention a few (tyranny abounds in many bills) were passed by a majority of congressional members forcing tyranny down the throats of We The People … yet a vast majority of those who voted for this tyranny (in some cases several times) have been re-elected, WHY?

These are but a few examples of how We The People FAIL to hold our elected representatives accountable and in fact embolden them to commit more tyranny against us by not holding their feet to the fire, or just FIRING them (recall)! Are we that gullible, apathetic, ignorant, detached … or just plain stupid?

In America Today

“The wisest thing in the world is to cry out before you are hurt. It is no good to cry out after you are hurt; especially after you are mortally hurt. People talk about the impatience of the populace; but sound historians know that most tyrannies have been possible because men moved too late. it is often essential to resist a tyranny before it exists.” ― G.K. Chesterton

YES, Americans as a society are highly ignorant of the inner workings of our government, probably the most ignorant and detached society on this planet. A majority of Americans are too damn lazy to do the required research into how exactly we are each represented! Instead we place immense TRUST in the people we elect, wanting to believe they will know what is best for us and will always have out best interest as their motivations … BULLCRAP!

At any point in time, even a large minority of this countries population could have taken a stand to push back against encroaching corporatism or tyranny … it has not happened. Most Americans are blissfully and intentionally ignorant of the tyranny unfolding right before their eyes, choosing to maintain the mindset “If I am doing nothing wrong, this wont influence my life”, again BULLCRAP!

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.” ― Samuel Adams

So the next time you rant about the abhorrent economic and political conditions in America … look in the mirror to find the biggest and most responsible culprit … We The People, because at any point in time, an involved and educated people could have changed the path of America!

“Tyranny is always better organized than freedom.” – Charles Péguy

We are over 300 million strong, while they number a few thousand … and any real change for the better MUST begin with us recognizing OUR monumental failure in this long running experiment called America.

So shut your TV off, get off your couch, get educated, be involved and take America back, one booted Senator, Congressman, Governor, Mayor, Councilman or Bureaucrat at a time if necessary!

It is well past time for We The People to wake up, unite our voices and put America back on the path of greatness she has, through our neglect as the true stewards of this Republic, so egregiously steered off of. Please remember … This Has Always Been and Remains Our Duty …

And there is no better time to start than NOW … RECALL!


Litmus Test

“The greatness of America lies not in being more enlightened than any other nation, but rather in her ability to repair her faults.” –  Alexis de Tocqueville

Now please look at the opening quote again and really think …


Randy Maugans-OffPlanet TV with Roger Landry: Media War On Programmed Ignorance

“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” – George Orwell


Roger Landry, the founder of the multisite media project, The Liberty Beacon, joins us to diagram and diagnose the state of of our media malaise. How Americans, specifically, and the entire planet, have been dumbed-down and programmed to accept “the facts as they are” of a world upside down. Landry calls it “programmed ignorance”, we know it better as the tyranny of the mind via mass media. The prescription is to throw off the mainstream media and immerse in the TRUTH.

We cover a broad range of topics: GMOs, vaccinations, chemtrails and fluoride; autism; the take down of the USA to bring in the New World Order; the militarization of police and domestic deployment of the military; the military-industrial complex, BioTech; what America will look like when the economy collapses … and much more … this is a passionate prolific and deep discussion.

Please visit OffPlanet Radio for more great shows and information


Please visit Conscious Consumer Network (CCN) for more great shows and information

Ron-Paul 1

By: Roger Landry (TLB)

If you have to ask me how this title is applicable or even relates to our woes as a country today, then you are either in need of a serious wake up call or you are an agent of those I would describe! The USA gave away just under $50 BILLION in foreign aid (and this is only what we are told) last year to prop up dictators and perpetuate warfare and subjugation, with very little of these funds actually going to help the population of these countries. Some estimates proclaim the FED has given tens of TRILLIONS away to prop up favored nations, dictatorships, and global corporations; all to the benefit of a global oligarchy, but to the detriment of the US dollar (by design)!

Meanwhile, we are being forced to endure the cutting back of programs such as medicare and other vital public services to US citizens, including the threatening of Social Security under the auspice “we can’t afford them”. BULL! As Americans are being told we must learn to do with less, or must live within our reduced means (austerity measures), yet we are in fact spending massive and increasing amounts of your and my savings, income and future earnings on global imperialistic warmongering, the likes of which we railed, rallied and fought against vehemently only a few decades ago … WHY?

Name one country on this planet who, if left alone, would wish to or DARE to attack or invade the USA (by virtue of our thousands of nuclear weapons alone), answer: NONE. If you believe otherwise, then the conditioning has worked well on you! But still we would spend in the vicinity of $1 TRILLION on a F-35 stealth fighter plane program (just one example) and supply BILLIONS in military aid and deadly weapons systems to MANY questionable regimes and (terrorist) organizations that have demonstrated they do not have our best interest at heart (Egypt, Israel and Al Qaeda to mention just three) without so much as a second thought!

We are failing miserably to keep a civilian national support structure in place due to lack of funding or sever inefficiency and over spending, yet we are extremely successful at maintaining and even enhancing the most powerful military force this planet could ever conceived … a big stick to do the bidding of our would be leaders, masters! How can this be explained or even justified, and why are we not asking tough questions and demanding comprehensive answers from our elected representatives? Would it make a difference if we tried, or are there mechanisms already in place to circumvent the will of the people?

We, the American people, once a force to be reckoned with, are today pumped dry of every last cent they can siphon from us, and then consigned to the role of a hindrance or an impediment to the ruling oligarchy, to be pushed aside, ignored, and controlled or subjugated through mechanisms such as the TSA, DHS, gun confiscation and even the declaration of martial law if necessary (any of this sound familiar?). These “would-be emperors” would use the military prowess of this nation, which they control through the co-opted and corrupted political system and their control/ownership of the military industrial complex, to perpetuate their global plans through financial blackmail, bribery, or in an ever rising tide of deadly force.

Now, please understand that MANY in this country still believe to their core that elections matter … WRONG and there is so much evidence to the contrary for those who wish to find it; including a quote from Franklin D. Roosevelt stating “Presidents are not elected, Presidents are selected”.

For those who understand this, it is only logical to assume that the governing (more aptly, the ruling) mechanism in this country, is not a Republic or a Democracy, or even, as some would decry, Socialism, but in fact a Corporate based Authoritarian system ruled by a global oligarchy which, up until now, has veiled a majority of itself from the American people while it gained strength, resources and power! Look around you at all the unconstitutional freedom and rights robbing laws and executive orders being passed unchallenged, and see the veil dropping! Could this ever happen is a well structured Republic, maintained by the interest and participation of its true governing body, the people? NO!

We, The People, are 320 million strong, and an unstoppable force IF we can utilize the knowledge and mindset that is required to push back against the entrenched tyranny in this once great nation! If we can reach a critical mass of even twenty percent of the population, we become an overwhelming force to be reckoned with, and one that cannot be ignored! The revolutionary war was won with less than 20% of the population involved or in support.

If this critical mass was achieved the growth of this movement would be self perpetuating, as more and more see that hope does, in fact, exist! I am very fond of stating my favorite quote from Ron Paul:

“Ideas spread, and they can’t stop them; an idea whose time has come can’t be stopped by any army or any government!”

The idea is spreading at an increasing pace today, and the time of reckoning quickly approaches! We, The People, need to unite our voices, and through peaceful revolution (if allowed) put an end to authoritarianism in America … and Restore this Republic! LIVE FREE !!!



By: Roger Landry (TLB)

PREAMBLE – When you read this please don’t flood me with comments attacking these Presidents character or proclaiming their true historical faults (issues I am truly aware of). This commentary was written on the text book versions of these men, their place and their discussed influence exercised on our history. Thanks!


MY TRIP – I took a trip to Mount Rushmore to have a discussion with four of our country’s most prominent historical leaders. Each responsible for forging a different portion of our national character. The father of our country, the composer of our freedoms and rights, the originator of our national conscience and the mastermind of our international respect and military might. This is how it went…

George Washington:

First I talked to George Washington; I looked up and I asked him, “Mr President what do you think about the state of our freedom in America today?”

He looked down at me and said in a very aristocratic voice, “I sacrificed a big portion of my life convincing other people to die for our right to govern ourselves, to be able to control our own destinies, to bow down to no man!

We fought against tremendous odds and lost, regrouped and fought only to lose again, but in the end, sheer determination, perseverance and the patriotic sacrifice of countless lives won the day. This was done to bring about a form of government that would truly represent all the people.

I have watched these United States grow in area, in prosperity, in populace, and in power; however, it looks to me like you’re about to forsake your birthright, and are through apathy, misdirection, an increasingly self-serving congress, intervention and manipulation by global oligarchs and a monolithic world organization you call the united nations, are on a path to cede the most important gifts we bestowed upon you, your freedom and independence.

Believe this … when these are gone, so is the heart and soul of what is supposed to be America, and even if she continues to exist, it will be in name only!

The cost of Liberty

Thomas Jefferson:

Feeling a little disheveled I turned to Thomas Jefferson and asked him, “Mr. President, what do you think about the the state of our rights in America today?”

He stared down at me with a wrinkled brow and said, “I can remember hiding from the British in a cold and dank fruit cellar with quill and parchment scribbling down thoughts I felt should be self evident, including that all men were created equal, and were endowed with rights such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness from their creator, and not from any king or despot, and that these rights were unalienable.

It pains me terribly to see the ease with which a corrupt and complicit political system negates and dilutes the very liberties so many of us fought and sacrificed our lives to bequeath to you. It is even more troubling that nary a whimper is uttered by the masses and this unfolds right before their very eyes.

I fought for years against a central banking system because of my knowledge of the inherent greed of wealthy men and other obvious and exploitable flaws designed into that system!

It troubles me that liberty may be waning due to apathy, misinformation, indecisiveness, and power grabbing. That the pursuit of happiness is all but gone because of a collapsing economic system brought down by centralized banks wrought with untold influence, greed, and the absolute control of our currency by a federal reserve system I fought so hard to prevent!”


Abraham Lincoln:

Now feeling apprehensive I turned to Abraham Lincoln and asked him, “Mr President, what do you think about the state of American equality and unity today?”

He squinted one eye and took a long deep breath and said, “I watched a nation fall apart over the rights of one man to consider another man his property. I struggled every day with the pain and torment of knowing that, in order to preserve our great union, I would have to take responsibility for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of good young American men; but, there was one thing I knew was even more important than those or even my life, that being the knowledge that this land should not, in fact, could not exist divided, and that if as a result of dealing with this issue I could free the colored race enslaved in this land it was my fervent wish to do so. For this, my life was forfeit!

I look around today and I see a whole different type of racial segmentation. I see politicians playing on the emotions and fears of the Hispanic communities to gain political favor. I see a multitude of illegal aliens treated as well as, or given preferential treatment over, American citizens, and I see the fear and disunity that this engenders.

I still see a disproportionate amount of the black, brown, and red peoples living below the line of poverty with very little hope of ever climbing above it, and this being aggravated by an ever worsening economy with no visible sign of relief. I see states challenging the federal government over laws that tread upon their rights and even mention (even if in jest) of cessation.

I truly fear that America is in the process of loosing its hard earned and unique standing in this world as the land where equality and unity are paramount to our national identity.”

I am blind to

Theodore Roosevelt:

Now I was truly depressed, and I turn finally turned to Theodore Roosevelt and in a weary voice I asked him, “Mr. President what do you think about the sate of American military might and respect it garners in the world today?”

He looked down and sorta wriggled his mustache a little, before bellowing out in a magnificent baritone that resonated off the walls of the cliffs, “Balderdash! I remember when this great country had one hell of a time playing on the stage of world politics and no one took us seriously.

Why it wasn’t until we kicked some Spanish ass in the Philippines and Cuba that we got any real respect at all? Yup, but we worked it out. Built us a fleet of battleships people called the great white fleet and sent it around the world to show them foreigners we were here to stay! Hell, even had a great motto back then “Speak softly and carry a big stick”.

We made quite an impression on the world stage by doing great things like building that big canal in Panama! We got the chance to negotiate the end of a war between Russia and Japan and I even became the first American to win the Nobel Peace Prize! Bully for me! America was finally being seen as a world power and people loved us. This was the golden land of opportunity, and every one from somewhere else wanted to be here!

But now? I look around and I see a whole different story. We got a war going on in Iraq that started over ‘weapons of mass destruction’ that turned out to never be there at all. We got another war going on in Afghanistan, initially to find and kill a guy that supposedly killed three thousand Americans in New York city, but he is already dead and we are still there fighting.

We bombed the hell out of Libya because we didn’t like their leader, or more to the point the bankers didn’t. We indiscriminately drone how many other sovereign nations without hesitation or conscience. We have active military forces in over one hundred and fifty foreign countries around the globe, some involved in skirmishes we are sure as hell not even aware of! All for what? Oil in Iraq, Opium from Afghanistan, and who knows what else from where else! All of this only to the benefit of the oligarchs and the detriment of the American people.

How many more Americans will die for imperialistic ideals that, in my time, were almost acceptable but by today’s standards are barbaric? I used to be so proud of our military and the fear it struck in the hearts of our potential enemies; I look around today, and I see a world who looks at us with the same disdain we used to look at the global tyrants and malevolent dictators with.

We are hated around the globe as the ‘bully on the block’ that nobody has the power or will to stand up to, and it is costing us our national treasure, our respect in the eyes of the world, thousands of great American lives, millions of innocent lives, and our souls!

The biggest cncern

My Reflection:

Well, when I had finished my conversations with these icons of American history, I was so demoralized as to be dysfunctional. I couldn’t think of anything to say because I knew it had all been said. I bowed my head in shame because of what we had done to the country these four Americans of standing had dedicated their lives to building and shaping.

Disheartened I turned to leave, it was then that Mr. Jefferson quietly cleared his throat and spoke in a voice that reverberated deep into my very soul …

The tree of liberty is not dead my distraught friend, but it is surely in need of pruning. We four and millions of Americans before you have worked so hard to give you what you have. We have made sacrifices in our in our livelihoods, our spirits, our families, and our moralities …

So ask yourself this one question …

What would you be willing to sacrifice to bring vitality back to this tree of liberty?

Freedom 01


By: Roger Landry (TLB)

This unalienable right as put forth in the 1st amendment to the constitution, guarantees us expression of information, ideas, and opinions, free of government restrictions or reprisal based on content. In an ideal world, this may be our greatest tool to hold those who govern us in check; however, in reality, does it exist in its true form, or at all any more?

Most of us who own, run or visit websites, and social media of the Liberty persuasion, have seen and heard the horror stories pertaining to people being put on government “watch lists”, being harassed, losing jobs, and generally being ostracized because they dare to voice dissent concerning actions, restrictions, or mandates imposed by our government. As a matter of fact if you are reading this … you (by your very nature) are probably already on some watch list somewhere …

Seditious 1

I am aware of a documented case of a young woman being put on such a watch list because she was an advocate for Ron Paul’s 2008 election bid … seven years ago, and this tyranny has only progressed! Would someone please care to explain to me how this makes this fine, patriotic young woman a threat to this country? It, in fact, does not! What it does make her is a informed and concerned citizen exercising her rights to assembly and free speech. This is a travesty! The only reason this type of situation exists at all is because the entrenched ruling structure is fearful of losing their grip on power via an awakening population.

If a truly independent person of morals and character, who, by their beliefs threatens a radical shift in the way government does business, is elected to high office, especially the Presidency in this country, then all hell could break loose! There would be an instantaneous upset in the balance of corrupt power that has existed for so long. Corruption, cronyism, favoritism, and back room politics in general would suffer a huge focus, scrutiny and exposure.

Having to deal strictly above board and in a truly transparent fashion would leave a considerable number of these so called “ruling elite” out on their butts, or at a minimum in serious doubt as to how to exercise their stolen power (from We The People)! So, for those who rule from the shadows, this must not be allowed to take place, but how to prevent it?

First step: Disinformation and Misinformation

Buy up all the mainstream media, and blanket the American public with pleasant things that are soft, fuzzy, fun and entertaining, and infuse this with your message to the point where we all think and feel that this is the way it is supposed to, or should be. Or blanket the masses with messages of fear and foreboding, while promising that you (the government) will do “whatever is necessary” (including tyranny or treason) to keep We The People safe and secure from our intentionally manufactured fears.

Second step: Corruption, Cronyism, and Favoritism

Buy your candidates. Coddle, pamper, and indoctrinate them, but most of all addict them to power, fame and importance; in essence, make them your faithful lap dogs. If this is not sufficient, find something (or facilitate it) to be used as leverage over them (blackmail). Ensure that all the mechanisms or money necessary to buy, bribe, or extort any possible adversaries be made available.


Third step: (and this is the kicker): Intimidation

If you realize that any person or persons of scruples, values, compassion, and independent thought, may upset your apple cart by speaking  the truth (reality), call them a “nut”, some one “on the fringe”, an “eccentric unfit to be listened to”, or if the case may be “govern”. Intimidate a popular conscientious leader or candidates followers (you and I) through venues such as government watch lists, make it so that getting a loan, a job, or even government assistance is difficult if not outright impossible. This has the result, in a vast majority of cases, of causing people to back off, to disassociate themselves from a cause or situation that is screwing with their lives or their comfort zones.

The few that protest louder … pen them up in obscure unconstitutional “Free Speech Zones”, label them as fanatics, or if these fail, brand them as malcontents that are harmful to society and to your comfortable way of life … “Domestic Terrorists” and lock them away for life … or assassinate them …

Or in essence, by illegal Executive Orders, Unconstitutional Laws or outright Treason …


A very wise man (Voltaire) said …

“I may disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it!”

This quote foretells the disastrous state of our freedom of speech in this country today; this is reality. We are all aware of the illegal activity being perpetrated on We The People to deny, or permanently silence, our unalienable right to herald the truth, and this only serves to strengthen those who would perpetrate harm on us.


I am three generations old and have a pretty good recollection of what “Freedom of Speech” is, or is supposed to be, by our Constitution. Can those graduating from high school or college today say the same thing, having been brought up in a system of perpetuated propaganda and veiled tyranny? Is their concept or understanding of this right the same as mine? Do they feel that the privilege (granted by a tyrannical government) that has supplanted this right … is in fact what our founders bequeathed to us? The answers to these question scream volumes as to the peril We The People face in America today

Now, more than ever in our history, do we need men with scruples, values, compassion, and intelligence speaking their mind … and in the driver’s seat. This bus (America) is headed for a cliff, and none of these morons who pretend to represent us can drive! Get pissed, get motivated, be enthusiastic, but get the word out while we still have some freedom to do so!

A Mans Word

Parting shot … My thoughts … Roger Landry (TLB)

Additional reading:

Independence Day: Should We Celebrate … Or Protest, the Resounding Failure of This Government to Represent Our Founders Principals?

The Truth Of Tyranny: What We Have Already Lost

2nd Grader’s Homework Teaches ‘The Government GIVES Us Our Rights’




Contributed to TLB by: Paul James

It is time you realized that you do not have a government! You have a highly nationally organized crime syndicate running America and your states! It is the most corrupt depraved organization in modern history! Time to wake up America …

listen to this brother :

For example – government is not BROKE – far from it – Walter through has exposed that government IS NOT BROKE and instead is sitting on trillions in investments!  It wants you to think its broke so it can milk more money from you and keep you in poverty and hence – unable to spend the time to unlearn and re-ducate about what the parasite class has done to American and the World since March 9th 1933 when they made the American people a debt slave to the NWO for the purposes of enslaving all nations not already under the control of the NWO – Crown Corp – Vatican – DC criminal cabal!

The California drought and flooding across other nations is completely engineered by the NWO parasites and those in control of the media – courts – state machinery know it – Geo-engineering / chemtrailing it is designed to enable the NWO to control food production and land use and ultimately – to kill you. Ultimately the program is alignment with Agenda 21 and designed  to depopulate California and cause GENOCIDE,

Your STATE – COUNTY AND TOWN de facto government agents know they are not broke!! They have have ignored your demands to do something about these crimes against humanity…

Time to get your head around what your government really is!



Make sure to look at the CAFR example list on the CAFR1 site. It lists about 4500 CAFRs that were compiled for 2013. The list is categorized as you go down the page by County, City, State, Pensions, Special Districts, Enterprise, Council of Governments, Specialty Investment Funds. It is a long list so keep scrolling down to you reach the end.

Keep in mind the listing is just an EXAMPLE LISTING that shows a few out of the 184,000 CAFR reports.

The impact of looking Qualifies the “Scope and Size” of what has been taking place right under the public’s nose every single day for the last 80 years as the Public was masterfully Entertained into total distraction while a complete VOID was maintained for not a cognitive thought to be generated in the public’s cognitive thinking. This was done with the full cooperation of the syndicated media, controlled education, both of the primary political parties, for not a peep or mention.

jail 1

The CAFR is not “a” report, it is “the” report, your local government’s statement of Net Worth that the public should have been going over with a fine tooth comb each year for the last 70-years. But how could they review when they did not know it existed due to the cooperative black-out of its mention?Well, VOID now breached, cognitive thought now taking place, MAKE IT COUNT!The link for the Example listing is here – Listings.html.

** Download the CAFRs by category listed for your state. Put all on one DVD and make copies for distribution to people in your state. Put them up for sale on eBay and Amazon. Anyone you know who runs a large business, make sure they get a copy. They will be amazed and learn the world of government is much different than they had ever imagined or were selectively spoon fed to believe… They may just then take some sincere corrective action with their other business associates.

** Also if you would like to listen to or share a 1-hour radio show with friends CAFR1 did six months ago that covers a lot of excellent detail, information, motives behind what has transpired, replies to government comment, remedy that is in motion, you or they can listen to it is here –

Check Out Politics Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with The American Republic on BlogTalkRadio

Provided to you FYI from,

Walter Burien – CAFR1

PS: Keep also in mind each report shows the holdings / income for just that “one” entity. Now think of the “collective” totals from all.

Now you know why Russia in the 80’s and now China in the 2000’s have transitioned into the USA standard of operation. MORE CONTROL AND MORE WEALTH GENERATED for their government. In the USA the better blueprint was drafted for control and wealth generation, and takeover of it all.

Corrupt Nation

The NWO (New World Order) is not from the outside coming in. It was created here and is being implemented globally. One standard blueprint for population management and profit therefrom. I think we all can modify that blueprint. TRFA coming to a local government close to you. We The People as equal partners with government and not as the current blueprint outlines, as subjects to be controlled, suppressed, and managed. All across the Globe can do the same also, become equal partners with their government and then the world thrives from that point forward. My fingers are crossed and my actions are in motion wishing for the best for one-and-all, are yours?


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See featured article here

What can one man do

Freedom Versus Control


Dreams of the far future destiny of man were dragging up from its shallow and unquiet grave the old dream of man as god…” – C.S. Lewis, That Hideous Strength, 1945

In 1945, George Orwell, famous for his stunningly accurate portrayal of a future police state in 1984, commented on prominent author C. S. Lewis’ book That Hideous Strength. Hideous Strength revolves around the National Institute for Coordinated Experiments (NICE) and the organization’s plot to seize control of all life. Orwell’s commentary was published in the Manchester Evening News in 1945 with the headline “THE SCIENTISTS TAKE OVER.” Orwell wrote,

“All superfluous life is to be wiped out, all natural forces tamed, the common people are to be used as slaves and vivisection subjects by the ruling caste of scientists, who even see their way to conferring immortal life upon themselves. Man, in short, is to storm the heavens and overthrow the gods, or even to become a god himself.

There is nothing outrageously improbable in such a conspiracy.

Indeed, at a moment when a single atomic bomb – of a type already pronounced “obsolete” – has just blown probably three hundred thousand people to fragments, it sounds all too topical. Plenty of people in our age do entertain the monstrous dreams of power that Mr. Lewis attributes to his characters, and we are within sight of the time when such dreams will be realizable.”

Do we live in an age when these dreams of power could become a reality? Lewis and Orwell have been proven very accurate in their portrayals of the future 70 years ago. Much of the momentum for the scientific developments that would create these formerly fantastical technologies began in the lifetimes of both Lewis and Orwell. They witnessed the rise of the science of molecular biology, initiated by the Rockefeller Foundation and other tax-exempt foundations who were interested in finding out how the human body operates, with an eye toward better controlling society. The eugenics and social control paradigms that sprung from this foundation sparked scientific revolution in the early 20th century are still in play today among the intelligentsia of western society.

Vannevar Bush became the first Science Adviser to the United States government during World War II under President Franklin Roosevelt. Bush played a vital role in the creation of what we know today as the Military Industrial Complex. Specifically, the method of scientific research of this gargantuan organization – beginning with the Office of Scientific Research and Development – was devised by Vannevar.

The roots of the internet can be traced to Bush’s ideas in 1945. The forerunner to the computer itself can also be attributed to his early designs. From 1935 to 1946 the Rockefeller Foundation funded Vannevar Bush’s development of the mechanical differential analyzer at MIT for a total of $230,500. This device, along with the Hollerith machine, is considered to be one of the forerunners of the desktop computer that we all know and use today.

Scientific developments and new technologies are often spun as beneficial things for humanity, and in fact many of them are. We need to remember that while each development brings power to mankind, it also gives power to some men over other men. As Orwell said, “There is nothing improbable” about such desires for power.

President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned in his 1961 farewell speech “…in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific technological elite.”

In 1968 LIFE magazine profiled a man named Herman Kahn. Labeled an “action intellectual”, Kahn is a founding father of future studies. LIFE reports, “Herman Kahn has been a major figure in one of the most fascinating shifts of power in U.S. History: from identifiable public leaders to the ‘action intellectuals.’” The article continues, “As counselors to the decision-makers, men such as Kahn often have access to future technology (what is known, but not yet disclosed) and official intelligence (what is known, but not yet revealed, about the capacities and plans of other nations)…

Thus, decisions – based on private knowledge, analyzed by private consultants and debated in private – can become public policy. This is a process of invisible power.”

Scientists from all over the world are warning that robots and artificial intelligence could eliminate humanity. Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, a private space exploration company, told CNBC recently that he is worried about a “Terminator-like scenario” as a result of advancing AI technology.

Top A.I. researcher Hugo de Garis provides another example. De Garis explains that the development of super-intelligent A.I. may lead to a devastating “Artilect” war that could kill billions of people. This war could break out when two distinct groups of humanity emerge; One group embraces the god-like artificial intelligence and technological advancement with religious fervor, the other group fights to prevent it from ever being built. He adds that he is more than willing to take the risk, saying, “As a brain builder myself, am I prepared to risk the extinction of the human species for the sake of building an artilect? … yep.”

This mindset, common among scientific elites, was articulated by Arthur Kroker, Professor of Political Science at the University of Victoria and Director of the Pacific Centre for Technology and Culture. Kroker identified these individuals as “Suicidal nihilists” who “…can very happily ally themselves with a notion of nuclear holocaust or perfect exterminism… They’re creating again and again the exterminism of human memory, the exterminism of human sensibility, the exterminism of individuated human intelligence…”


Partly due to popular culture, transhumanism has begun to catch on with the younger generations. As Amanda Stoel, co-founder of the Facebook group “Singularity Network” told the Huffington Post, “Three years ago, we had only around 400 members, but today we have over 10,000 members.”

Another article from the Huffington Post says that the transhumanist movement is “on the verge of going mainstream” due to increasing popular culture references to transhumanist ideas. Art has been used for millennia to initiate and give support to ideas and movements. Transhumanist artwork in the form of sculptures, paintings, and music is now steadily flowing into our society. Movies like Transcendence, and Avatar are two recent examples.

A haunting sculpture of a humanoid robotic figure crawling through water is featured at the luxury Grove Hotel in Watford, UK.

transhumanist sculpture

The hotel was the site of the secretive 2013 Bilderberg meeting. The Grove hotel hosted Google’s annual Zeitgeist conference just a few short days prior to Bilderberg’s gathering. Google’s CEO Eric Schmidt, who currently employs top transhumanist Ray Kurzweil as director of engineering, must have felt a kindred spirit at the Grove and its metallic humanoid sculptures.

Transhumanists embrace the idea of radical human evolution aided by technology. Some see an entirely new species emerging when revolutionary technologies begin to be applied to the human race. Technologies for the improvement of human performance are at the center of transhumanist thought. Most of these technologies begin with military applications, and only after a period of use by the military or black operations are they unveiled to the general public. In 2008 the JASON group, the Pentagon’s top scientific advisers, warned that the U.S. military could face enemies with technologically enhanced abilities. These capabilities include brain-machine interfaces and pharmaceutical drugs that enhance cognitive abilities.

This new arms race will eventually force our society into a transhuman future due to the never ending desire to dominate our enemies. The debate over whether or not we should genetically modify or chip our soldiers will inevitably spill over into the general public, who will be using these technologies themselves. According to CNN, human trials in the civilian world for memory enhancing brain chips are set to begin in less than a year. Exoskeletons, which provide super-human strength to those who wear them, were originally developed by DARPA, the Department of Defense’s research agency.

Other examples of technology with possible transhumanist applications include nanotechnology, synthetic biology, genetic modification, and cognitive science. Initial uses of these technologies will be to help the disabled walk, hear, and see. After this, enhancement of normal individuals is an inevitability.

Marc Andreessen is a Silicon Valley tycoon who has founded several multi-billion dollar tech companies including Mosaic (the first widely used web browser) and Netscape. He recently drew criticism from Salon magazine for a “tweet storm” on twitter that praised the god-like power of advancing technology. Salon ran the headline “The tech industry’s God complex is getting out of control.”

Andreessen tweeted “I am firmly convinced many people are fundamentally underestimating the power and potential of these new superpowers in the years ahead.” He continued, “Combine modern bio, 3D printing, & computing–>prosthetics & exoskeletons; superpower: paralyzed to walk, disabled to abled, blind to see.”

Some scientists are predicting that getting chip implants will become mandatory due to overwhelming societal pressure. Cybernetics scientist Dr Mark Gasson told the Sydney Morning Herald that, “It’s not possible to interact in society today in any meaningful way, without having a mobile phone. I think human implants will go along a similar route. It will be such a disadvantage not to have the implant that it will essentially not be optional.”

A New Dark Age or Renaissance?

Transhumanists, like political parties and religions, are broken into sects. There are distinct groups within the transhumanist movement that differ on how radical technologies should be employed, but both embrace the core ideals of transhumanism.

There are so called “libertarian” transhumanists who believe that revolutionary technologies should be used for the good of mankind. Billionaire businessmen Peter Thiel and Elon Musk are among the ranks of this group. They are engaging in R&D on synthetic biology, space exploration, artificial islands (with the goal of escaping government interference), and actively support the Singularity Institute.

The industrial revolution and all of its technological advancements spawned dozens of communities that sought to live out utopian ideas in response to new issues caused by the revolution. The industrial revolution will pale in comparison to the coming era of transhumanism and the Singularity. This time the very makeup of human beings is about to change, and has begun to change already. Brain chips and genetically modified species are a far cry from steam powered trains and assembly lines.

Interests that represent the power structure – which historically seeks to perpetuate itself and dominate everything else – are actively investing in and researching these technologies as well; but with a different goal in mind. Money and power will have a significant influence in how the era of Singularity develops.

Gaping societal divides will inevitably ensue over the development of these technologies. Fred Charles Ikle, Undersecretary of Defense for Policy under President Reagan, outlines this divide in his 2006 book Annihilation from Within. Ikle writes, “The prospect is that in the decades ahead, biotechnology – together with other sciences – may fundamentally change the human species and thus pose an elemental threat to democracy, the world order, and indeed to all civilizations.”

The broader geopolitical, technological and economic shape of the future is being molded by current trends and power plays by the establishment. We are facing a situation where governments are going broke, globalist influences have broken down national borders, and non-governmental organizations, tax exempt foundations and mega corporations are filling the gap. In the coming era, mega corporations will provide advanced technology to their constituents and thus gain loyalty in their own unique sectors of society. As we stray away from broken governments to provide security and prosperity, these entities will take the reigns. According to futurists Parag and Ayesha Khanna,

“Employees of Facebook or Google can spend their days on campuses that are effectively full-service communes; the same is happening in companies in Russia, India, and China. One day a corporate passport might afford them greater freedom of mobility than their national citizenship.”

Analysts writing in the 2008 U.S. Army War College paper “Leadership in the Era of the Human Singularity” portray a future in which multiple scenarios are possible. One sees a new renaissance and unprecedented human development aided by technology, the other envisions a new dark age of world-wide high tech totalitarian control.

In the paper, Dr. Barton Kunstler documents the impact of ESI’s (Enhanced Singular Individuals). These people are “augmented” with performance enhancing technologies like brain chips. Kunstler states,

“This is the crux of power and also a focus of much futurist thought. Technocracy has long been depicted as uniform and oppressive, with social control the primary aim. In broadest terms, ESIs will influence social organization to reflect and favor the expression of their outsized talents. This shift could imply a commitment to creativity and innovation, with society organized to favor artists, visionaries, scientists, and inventors… Or it could result in 1984-like scenarios due to the power endowed by invasive, body -and psyche- penetrating technologies.”

We are in a war of ideas right now. If there were ever a time for activism and involvement in the direction of society, it is now. How will we deal with technologies that will intrude into our bodies and minds? Will a tyrannical global elite – as envisioned by papers published by the United Kingdom’s Ministry Defense, Army War College and others – dominate the globe in a technocratic scientific dictatorship? Ultimately it is up to individuals and the choices we make.

The ideasphere of the future is being shaped now. Elites around the world are keenly aware of the importance of the historical time we are living in, and the media promotion of transhumanism is beginning to prepare us. Awareness of these issues is a critical step. Only then do you have choice.

Should our progress be measured by the power of our technology, or something else? A highly technological society is not necessarily free. A more prudent test of progress is the amount of liberty that we enjoy. No matter how much science and technology attempt to tame nature, alter our bodies and forever change the human race in an attempt to cheat death, risk and uncertainty will always be present. In striving for these things we may end up destroying the human spirit, and a power hungry elite is more than willing to help us along.


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The Liberty Beacon project (TLB) is proud to present a gentleman who personifies activism on so many levels including art, music, visual and audio media. The show you are about to listen to exemplifies a mindset we in the liberty movement wish so many had.

Listen to this recorded show by clicking on the image below.

TLB radio

Please listen and read the accompanying message by our guest … Neal Fox and understand … anything good should be nurtured … Please help Neal move forward in his projects vital endeavors here:

The Conspiracy Project Fund Raiser

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A sample of Neal’s great work …


Conspiracy Project


By TLB Contributor: Neal Fox

We can’t leave the fight for freedom to a handful of overworked Patriots and expect to maintain or increase the level of freedom we’ve had for the last 200 years. We need more people and we need them fast!

But how do you get people who have been raised on TV and video games to put down their beers (or whatever else they use to relax) long enough to find out what’s really going on in the world. Can you get them to read a 700 page book or watch a 2 hour documentary? And if they see something that’s just too unbelievable, will they turn off to the whole movement?

That’s the problem I’ve tried to tackle with the CONSPIRACY Project. My forte is tacking difficult subjects and putting them into a form people would enjoy. I use music, film, art, animation, live performance and any other art form I can to create an entertaining experience with a message.

The first phase of the project is a one hour and twenty five minute “documentary in song.” I believe it’s the first of its kind. Seventeen songs that go into most of the basic “conspiracy theories” in a way that will leave the average person wondering and wanting to find out more.

I spent two and a half years writing and producing the soundtrack and film.
It was done all on my dime. I don’t owe favors to any special interest groups. This project won’t be getting any government grants so I’ve started my first crowd funding campaign.

A few weeks ago we did a private screening and the reaction was more than what I hoped for. Even a few very skeptical people came up to me and said I opened their eyes. After working on it every day for two and a half years, this made me tear up.

I have to raise the money to manufacture the DVDs and CDs, enter all the relevant film festivals, and start to promote the film any way I can. Crowd funding is the best way to keep the project exactly the way I intended it. And it gives people a chance to help and be part of the project.

All my life I’ve been trying to figure out what was the thing I could do for my fellow man that would make the most difference. I’m not about to run for office. I’m not a great business man so I don’t have piles of money. I’m just a songwriter struggling to earn a living like most other indie musicians.

But hang on. Songs can change the world. Artists create worlds. What better way to get ideas across to people than through aesthetics.
My good friend, artist, writer, rapper, David Carus says, “Artists run this planet.” I believe that’s true.

So the campaign is off to a good start. But we need your help. Anyone who donates some money will have some nifty perks to choose from. But more than money, we need to get the word out.

Go to the campaign and check out the five minute video that explains everything. Donate if you can. Then share, share, share!


American Free Press Photoshop by Ken LaRive

By TLB Contributor: Ken LaRive

At least once a week something seemingly out of my control comes over me, and I have to write something down. It wells up inside, infiltrates and permeates my mind in the middle of the night, and the formula is tossed like a subconscious tennis game to completion.

The time is 06:30, and the golden glow of the sun can be seen through the trees from my office window, growing by the moment on a perfectly blue sky. And as I look to fill this blank screen with these thoughts, a dread fills me… It sits inside as a kind of frustrated wonder, as what I want to say might just be beyond my ability. Thoughts so profound, I just don’t know where to start… and I know that most likely what I say will make little difference in the broader spectrum…

The block of sliver tags…

Yesterday, I saw a photograph of a war memorial where the dog-tags of every man who died in Vietnam were suspended from a ceiling on filaments. From the photographer’s vantage point of just a few yards away, it looked like a large block of silver, topped with vanilla icing.

Men commented on this photograph on Face Book. All seemed to think themselves patriots in one form or another, but with far different perspectives in the viewing… Some looked at it with pride, a display that indicated the comradeship of men in arms, men who fought together as one. Others viewed it in incomprehensible wonder… Others in awe and reverence… And others still, expressed gratitude for their service, noting that they had paid the ultimate price to advance our freedoms… And all, including myself, felt the utmost respect for these men, our brothers… I was, however, the only one there who expressed that this war memorial reflected the horror of war. Horror, for the loss of our humanity, without reason. It was the thought that war had no good reason that set them off…

I saw there, over sixty thousand men, my brothers, who died for nothing that could be positively defined… and when I asked the question, “What did these men die for?” no one could tell me. Not one. One stated that it was to fight Communism, and yet could not define that word when questioned… And yet, they all collectively reveled in a patriotism that could not be denied. And then, one of them questioned my loyalty to America, which stimulated another to call me a traitor, and another said I was a “Freak’n Liberal.” And yet, though I asked the question again, could not get a definitive answer. I had to withdraw, and it has haunted me ever since to understand it…

Traitors and cowards…

I’m fixing to be sixty-six in a couple of months, and I am no longer the wide-eyed and trusting boy who left his family and home for a place he had only recently found on a map. I was 57 on the draft in 1969. There were men all around me who were refusing to go, and some gave up everything to go to Mexico or Canada… and at the time I thought they were traitors, cowards… but I no longer think this.

I grew up in service, and learned a lot about myself and the world. God knows I needed some form of structure living in that virtual hell-hole called the inner city of New Orleans. I thought it was normal to have six murders over a weekend. I thought it was normal that the black man and white man would fight, and the destruction of property from City Park to Pontchartrain Beach was the transition for a greater good. And I realize I was conditioned from a young age to accept it…but I no longer do.

I looked at that twinkling silver cube that must have taken a stupendous effort to create, and the true horror of it gripped my heart and soul. I saw the lives of men who would now be grandfathers, husbands, sons and brothers, just like me. And the loss, the monumental loss, filled me with the greatest revulsion. When I participated in war, at 19, the questions I have today were indeed asked then, but the true gravity of the situation was not understood. It took fifty or more years of living to do it, and I’m still trying… as somewhere along the way, from learning the pain of death of a loved one, changing a diaper in the middle of the night, to working hard offshore for my family… somewhere in the middle of it all, as I grappled to find my self-worth and God in my life, I developed an empathy based on Love. An empathy based on life experiences, something that is lacking at 19… an element of immaturity sorely needed for the war machine. You see, they don’t require men like me to war, because I would ask the question why. And yes, I would die for this country, no doubt, but I will not die so that some man, or a corporation, will get rich… Before I pull the trigger on a fellow human being, I must know why. And I don’t think that is too hard to ask!

I could not understand my feelings back then, dull and incomprehensible feelings that welled up in me. I grappled to understand the hate-filled glares on the faces of people at the airport, and some had even spit in our faces… I tried to understand the man who wrote obscenities on the bombs lighting up our horizon, and the people being incinerated by Monsanto’s Napalm. And through it all, deep in the quick, I felt the yearning and lonely solace of my country so far away, marking the days for my return… And as I closed my eyes in the night, in a room of forty other men, I was haunted by the memories of the life I had left behind… I had hugged my girlfriend around the waste while sitting at her kitchen table that last night… my arms held her tight as my head settled on her stomach… And like the man I wanted to be, swallowed back my tears, my greatest fears, and told her I’d see her soon… I told her not to worry. I laughed it off, and told her a guy who was raised in New Orleans could survive anything. But the body bags were already coming home… the football hero, a neighbor’s nephew, the young boy who had worked at the meat market…

I remember the seven people who told me goodbye as I boarded the plane the next morning, and saw them standing at the window from my seat… I saw my sister Cindy, and the love of my life, Maddy, and both were crying. I could never forget this.

We have all been betrayed in this life. Tragedy has stolen loving lives from us, painful relationships that dissolved, and yet we come away from these pangs with a new understanding and insight. But in war… this is another matter…

As I now travel to the Veteran’s Administration for checkups… There are many men there suffering from what is called PTSD, Post Traumatic Syndrome. They saw things, did things, things that they never could justify, and so can not forget. There were horrors so great it follows them throughout their lives… But to me, it seems that those who come away from that experience with some form of justification, are more able to cope… like the men commenting on that war memorial. They used words like justice, honor, good, and right, to keep their sanity. You see, without words such as these, the loss would be just too much to comprehend, too much to reason. But for me, I find my solace in my unswerving need to find truth. My sanity, my very salvation, is this need. There are those I have known who have had faith, and are now but empty shells, and no matter how I try, my words bounce back unrealized…

Facts I consider today that I had no clue about at nineteen…

  1. The military industrial complex, that we hear about, grew large enough in WW2 to win the war. It was so lucrative, so big, it refused to dissipate, and we were warned by one of our greatest hero, General Eisenhower, that it would control our country if left unchecked. He was right. Find his warning here. From that time til now we have been in one war after another, and they get around this Constitutional breach by calling it a police action. When there is a lull in the tide of war, another fear is soon promoted, a new enemy created, and threats even from factions inside of our own government are manifested, like our right to bear arms, our open borders, or government spying, and out of this fear we buy every weapon and box of ammunition within reach. Very profitable, and pure genius! Unfortunately, few see through this…
  2. International banking cartels vie to control the world first by war, and then by reconstruction. They care nothing about anything but profit and survival, and make money no matter who wins, as they back both sides.
  3. Industry once found in America are put overseas in places conquered in a variety of methods, some by war, and others economically. These businesses are not regulated as they would be here, nor are there any viable labor laws. For all intent and purpose, they utilize the populous there as slave labor. Prices can be kept low, and commodities sold back to us, the largest consumers on the planet, accepted by us even with low quality design and workmanship. They are intentionally configured to break one month after warranty…. we live in a throw away society for a reason…. It is designed that way, and it is very lucrative… and that is the true reason for war.
  4. War is a racket. And here was our warning… and here. …and here. But we did not listen. We did not have the power to change…
  5. The Federal Reserve prints money out of thin air, and charges us interest for that privilege. When President Bush Jr. took the reigns of the Presidency we were at 6 trillion in debt, and when he got out we were at about ten. Now we are at 18.1 trillion, and gaining with no end in sight. What is happening now as Saudi/OPEC floods the market with oil, is destruction of the last viable industry we have left, the oil patch. It is all about competition, as we made it clear that we the people overwhelmingly want to be energy independent. The US and Russia are considered competition to these oil producers, and if they can destroy the infrastructure, cause layoffs, it will take years to recoup. If we could learn form the past, we would look at 1983, but one major difference is that we are about to default on our loans, just as the USSR did in the middle ’80s. We are told to keep calm, as our country is sold to the highest bidder.
  6. Our congress is the best money can buy. Almost to the last man they are sponsored by a multitude of industry, just as NASCAR drivers. Both sides of the isle take their standing orders from the same source, and all can be likened to a fixed wrestling match.
  7. War is about corporate profit, and has little or nothing to do about fighting Communism, terrorism, or bringing in a nebulous idea like Democracy. A Republic based on law, as was our original concept for America, has been hijacked by a Progressive mindset of big government, and the domination of the people both mind and spirit, by hook or crook. The only moral compass is found in their offshore bank accounts, and that is a black bottom line. They do not want to promote a Republic based on law, because they are the same people responsible for the destruction of ours…
  8. My era, Vietnam, was motivated by the false flag of The Tonkin Gulf Incident. Learn more here. And though most have been well conditioned to believe the official narrative of 9-11, it too was a false flag. Learn about this here, and here, and here. The world you live in does not belong to you, and from every direction there is a concerted effort to control your mind and destiny. But of course, most will deny this.
  9. Our Constitution has been suspended by the NDAA and Patriot Act. What seems viable is an illusion, granted by a powerful central government who dominates and controls every aspect of our lives from cradled to grave. Those truly in power in America control the media, our educational system, central banking debt slavery, and we are now considered a socialistic state, where over fifty percent of the population are now getting some form of government assistance. Socialized medicine, has given government power of over a third of industry, with all of our personal information at their disposal.
  10. Two days prior to 9-11 Rumsfeld stated that over two trillion was missing from the Pentagon, and yet we haven’t the money to secure the borders. Can you wrap your mind around what two trillion dollars is?
  11. We are not allowed to audit ether our own Fort Knox or the books of our true masters, the Federal Reserve. They have more power then the president, and is unaccountable by even international law or our Constitution. They can destroy us economically by just a simple notation, a virtual transfer of funds. We are utterly at their mercy, and supposed to trust them, and be calm. We trust them with our future, the future of our children, our sovereignty, our lives and fortunes. We are told we are free, and yet we are not at Liberty to question their actions. Not at Liberty…

Author’s note: Once, back in the year 1974, I became friends with a Marine who had spent two hitches in Vietnam. He had actually reenlisted to go back. I asked him why, and he told me he wanted to make things right, to have a second chance, and to back the men in his unit… the men he had left behind…

One night, after a few drinks, as the girls talked and laughed in the living room, he brought me up to a spare upstairs bedroom. There he pulled an old sea-chest from his closet, painted green, with his name and serial number stenciled on the top…

“I’m going to share something with you Ken,” He said in a serious voice… And he unlocked the pad, and opened it up. There on the top was a hand-made comb cut from a piece of aluminum, a clothe pin made out of bamboo, a plastic wallet with pictures of oriental children, faded from water, a woven straw hat with what looked to be a bullet hole in the middle, and there, wrapped in a gallon Crown Royal bag, was a human skull, with a bullet hole at the temple.

I had to sit down.

He had brought that skull from the theater of war, as a souvenir, a trophy. I was speechless, as I let this sink in, and I realized that this man had a side in him that he kept well hidden, and yet respected me enough to share it… but to me, it was a burden I carry to this very day, and hard to admit.

I knew emphatically, for all intent and purpose, that the side he was showing me was indeed insane, and a growing fear swept over me. What horrors had this man witnessed, that he would smuggle these items back, and keep them hidden under lock and key, as his life continued…

I didn’t understand it then, and not to this very day… but to me he was ruined in a way, so deep inside, with a pain so great, he could never, ever be whole again. And soon afterwards he divorced his wife, and disappeared from my world… and I must admit I was glad. I saw in his eyes that he was capable of anything, and that his mindset was created in the horrors of war… and his perspective has influenced mine.

And in the process, over a period of many years, I have learned to hate war. It is indeed, the greatest of all waist, and the truest horror for men. And I work to stop it.

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