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Nazis-460Left to right: Dr. Josef Mengele, Rudolf Höss, Josef Kramer, and an unidentified officer. Photo from United States Holocaust Memorial Museum #34755. See: German Medical Society Apologizes for Nazi-era Atrocities by Doctors


by John P. Thomas – Health Impact News

Creating an Elite Class of Super Humans

This is the first part of a two part series exploring the relationship between the controversial eugenics movement of the past and modern genetics. Eugenics was dedicated to cleansing and purifying humanity from “inferior” members with the hope of solving various social problems related to poverty, disability, and illness. To accomplish this, it sought to create a superior race of people and to use forced sterilization and extermination to eliminate future generations of defective human beings. Darwin’s theory of evolution was used to justify the practice of eugenics. Later, when eugenics fell from favor, modern genetics began to grow up from the ashes of the former movement.

When Adolf Hitler applied Darwin’s theory of evolution and the principles of eugenics to the goals of the German state, the result was the murder of eleven million men, women and children. These lives were sacrificed in the name of eugenics. Eugenicists were seeking to improve the conditions of life for humanity by creating a “superior” race of people.

The eugenics movement had a very dark side, which led to social control, loss of reproductive freedom, and the loss of life. Should we be concerned that modern genetic science might have a dark side as well? Will the fruit of genetic research be misused by ill-intentioned people to gain control over others as happened with eugenics in the past? Has modern genetics completely severed itself from its roots? Or, might it become the tool that will be used to try to create a master class of genetically superior human beings in America?

What are the deceptions and dangers of the modern genetics movement? Does true health and true happiness lie in the human genome? Are we really bound to the set of genes that we received from our parents, or can we overcome what we were given? What are the factors that activate or deactivate certain genes, and how can we control the expression of our genetic make-up to promote our health and the health of our children? What are the motivations of certain groups who want us to believe that genes control every aspect of our lives – that we have no other options than to suffer while genetic scientists look for genetic cures for all that ails us? Are we really more than our genes or is our genetic code all there is?

These questions and many more will be examined in these articles. Let’s begin by learning about the development of eugenics.

Eugenics in a Nutshell


The word Eugenics means “good genes.” Eugenicists believe that principles of Darwin’s theory regarding “the survival of the fittest” can be used to support the elimination of weak and undesirable people from society. They believe that human beings are inherently no different than animals, and therefore we can and should be bred like animals. A farmer does not allow deficient cows in his herd to reproduce, and in the same way, eugenicists believe that certain people in our society should control human reproduction.

Simply put, eugenics consists of rational methods for putting evolution on the fast track, so that only the “best” people will reproduce and become superior beings. It is also the fast track for helping inferior families and inferior groups of people to stop their reproduction and to quickly die out.

Eugenicists believe that natural attraction, affection, and love between men and women should not be the basis upon which procreation should be based. Rather, scientists and the medical system should provide scientific and common sense control over the individuals who should be allowed to mate with one another. People with the best traits should be encouraged to reproduce, and those with defective traits should be prevented from producing children by various methods such as sterilization, segregation, and, if necessary, death.

Are We Doomed to a Life of Suffering and Illness, Because of Our Genetics?

A steady stream of information has been distributed in every corner of society for over 150 years telling us that defective germplasm, or “bad genes”, lead to problems of child development, illness, low achievement, alcoholism, and even poverty. We are also told that good genes must be present in order for people to live healthy, prosperous, and happy lives.

The general teaching is that our personal genetic code is the master blueprint that determines nearly everything about us. It determines our intellectual gifts, our artistic gifts, our physical structure, and establishes the parameters through which we will develop certain illnesses and ultimately die. We have been taught that this blueprint is written in stone, and if couples produce children, then their combined genetic material will create a new, unchangeable blueprint for their children. We are also told that the real “cure” for diseases will come from genetic repairs that are just beyond the horizon of modern science.

Scientists are using techniques of genetic engineering to modify plants and animals (GMOs). We are told that human modification is just around the corner. We are promised that the next step in medicine will be a personal one, where our illnesses will be treated with drugs that have been specifically formulated to match the requirements of our genetics. However, until that time comes, we must continue to rely on existing pharmaceutical drugs.

In short, we are being told that in some cases, there isn’t much hope for healing until modern genetics brings us the cure for all that ails us. Thus, some of us and some of our children are doomed to a life of illness and suffering unless we are willing to consider other options.

Aborting “Defective” Children Up to the Age of Five is Another Option

Matteo_di_Giovanni_Massacre-of-innocents-Bethlehem-460The Massacre of the Innocents at Bethlehem, by Matteo di Giovanni, 1487. Source.


Some people now believe that if parents decide that they wish to have the life of their child brought to an end before age five, because of disability, illness, inconvenience of the parents, or for any other reason, then the parents should have the right to abort the child. So, if you don’t like the color of his hair, the color of her eyes, the developmental delays that you are observing, the illnesses that are making life difficult, or the behaviors that you cannot control, then you should have the right to have your child aborted (legally killed) up to age 5 or 6. [1, 2, 3]

Historically, killing a child after it is born was called infanticide. This is now being given a new name – “post-birth abortion” or “after-birth abortion.”

Central to this way of thinking is the belief that children are only potential human beings until they reach the age of “self-awareness,” which is believed to happen around age five. Proponents of post-birth abortion see children as disposable until the child becomes aware of its existence as a person and can begin to develop goals and ambitions for life.

It is believed that prior to age 5, children live in a pre-aware state, and have an animal-like existence, which is just like a chimpanzee, a dog, a chicken, or a pig. Thus, killing a young child because of bad genetic composition is no different than killing a sick dog or a mature pig that is ready to be processed into sausage.

Those who believe in post-birth abortion are challenging American society to reconsider how we value human life. They are observing the fact that we already permit babies in the womb to be killed, we encourage the termination of the lives of animals when they are seriously ill, and most of us approve of slaughtering animals to supply food. Based on this, they ask, “Why do we extend special privileges to young children who have the same level of consciousness as animals or babies in the womb? Why do we preserve the lives of defective people who are draining society of its resources?”

These groups extend their argument to the elderly as well. If a person with some form of dementia such as Alzheimer’s is no longer aware of his or her own existence as a human being, can no longer understand his or her medical condition, and is so frail and feebleminded that he or she can no longer contribute anything to society, then they would tell us that the termination of that person’s life is no different than euthanizing an animal or aborting a baby in the womb.

“Modern” Thinking is Simply the Old Eugenics Resurfacing as “Science”

The idea that people in authority should have the legal right to terminate the lives of other people in certain circumstances to benefit the greater good of society is not new. These thoughts have a long history, which was part of the original eugenics movement that began in 1859. The human extermination program that was implemented by Adolf Hitler before and during World War II was a prime example of eugenics. He was trying to purify the human race by killing all those who he determined would have an inferior contribution to the human germplasm if they were to reproduce. He and other leaders of the Third Reich believed that only superior human beings should be allowed to reproduce, and the inferior should be eliminated.

The proposal that we legalize the killing of “defective” children is just the reappearance of old style eugenics with a slightly new twist.

What do Eugenicists Believe?


Eugenicists believe that everything about us is determined by genetic composition. Who we are and how we behave is determined almost entirely by our germplasm – our personal genetic code.

If we have bad genes, then there is nothing that can be done about the situation. If our genes are seriously defective, then eugenicists would say that sterilization or termination of life is the best solution to the problem. Both of these options would help preserve future generations from inheriting defective germplasm from defective parents.

What do Eugenicists Desire?

Eugenicists seek to create a class of people who possess superior attributes such as intelligence, physical strength, and physical appearance. They also seek to discourage reproduction by “inferior” people.

When techniques of discouragement fail to reduce the birth of new “defectives,” then forced sterilization of undesirables is pursued under the authority of the state. When sterilization is not practical, then termination of life is used to decrease the surplus population of defectives.

Charles Darwin and the Birth of Modern Eugenics

Charles_Robert_Darwin_by_John_Collier-460Charles Darwin in 1881, by John Collier. Image source.


Eugenics historian Edwin Black carefully described the development of the Eugenics movement from the period of time beginning with the work of Charles Darwin in 1859 to our present time. He described the goals of eugenicists and their influence over social policy. His 566 page book records the history of the eugenics movement and shows how eugenics was transformed into modern genetics. The book is filled with quotations in which eugenicists explain their theories and their beliefs in their own words. Here is a taste of what he reported in his book, War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race. Mr. Black stated:

On May 2 and May 3, 1911, in Palmer, Massachusetts, the research committees of the ABA’s [American Breeders Association] eugenic section adopted a resolution creating a special new committee. “Resolved: that the chair appoint a committee commissioned to study and report on the best practical means for cutting off the defective germ-plasm of the American population.”

Ten groups were eventually identified [by the American Breeders Association] as “socially unfit” and targeted for ”elimination.” First, the feebleminded; second, the pauper class; third, the inebriate class or alcoholics; fourth, criminals of all descriptions including petty criminals and those jailed for nonpayment of fines; fifth, epileptics; sixth, the insane; seventh, the constitutionally weak class; eighth, those predisposed to specific diseases; ninth, the deformed; tenth, those with defective sense organs, that is, the deaf, blind and mute. In this last category, there was no indication of how severe the defect need be to qualify; no distinction was made between blurry vision or bad hearing and outright blindness or deafness.

Not content to [only] eliminate those deemed unfit by virtue of some malady, transgression, disadvantage or adverse circumstance, the ABA committee targeted their extended families as well. Even if those relatives seemed perfectly normal and were not institutionalized, the breeders considered them equally unfit because they supposedly carried the defective germ-plasm that might crop up in a future generation. The committee carefully weighed the relative value of “sterilizing all persons with defective germ-plasm,” or just “sterilizing only degenerates.” The group agreed that “defective and potential parents of defectives not in institutions” were also unacceptable [to society]. [4]

The notion that certain elite groups should be in charge of cleansing society of defective persons was popular in the United States during the first 45 years of the 20th century. It was only after the full extent of the eugenics program in Nazi Germany was brought to light that eugenicists in the United States began to take a less public position.

When Charles Darwin’s book The Origin of Species was published in 1859, it provided the perfect theory for those who believed in human breeding. Darwin’s cousin, Sir Francis Galton of England, applied The Origin of Species to his concerns about the degenerate state of society. Francis Galton believed social problems were caused by defects in human germplasm (genes). He believed that if “defective” people could be prevented from conceiving and giving birth to children, then problems such as poverty, mental illness, mental retardation, and alcoholism would die out.

Francis Galton – the First Major Leader in the Eugenics Movement

Francis_Galton2-460Francis Galton. Image source


Australian researcher and writer Roger Sandall described how Francis Galton’s life was transformed by the theory of Darwinian evolution. Roger Sandall wrote:

Coming at a critical stage of both his scientific career and his domestic life, Darwin’s book shattered Galton’s religious beliefs and turned him towards biological research. He always had what he called “a hereditary bent of mind”, and from 1859 he proceeded to investigate, he said later, matters “clustered round the central topics of Heredity and the possible improvement of the Human Race.” [5]

I will summarize a few additional points drawn from Roger Sandall’s discussion of Francis Galton and the early eugenics movement. These points are not just the old and moldy views of a long dead eugenicist, but are beliefs that continue to influence the thinking of many people today.

Francis Galton taught his followers that only the genetically perfect should be allowed to reproduce. In his 1873 essay “Hereditary Improvement” he insists that those of feeble constitution must embrace celibacy “lest they should bring beings into existence whose race is predoomed to destruction by the laws of nature.”

Galton believed that certain races were superior, and the reproduction of inferior races should be tightly controlled so that only the few best specimens of that race would be allowed to become parents, and only a few of their descendants should be allowed to live.

Galton recommended that his country (England) should be scoured for the names and addresses of gifted people who would be urged to intermarry. This intellectual aristocracy would receive special benefits. Defectives would receive nothing at all. Endowments would be used to maintain a privileged class living in healthy circumstances, which would enable it to multiply in comfort.

Galton declared that the gifted class should treat lower classes with all kindness, so long as they maintained celibacy. But if these lower classes continued to procreate children who are morally, intellectually, and physically inferior, then it is easy to believe the time may come when such persons would be considered to be enemies of the state. As such, he believed that they would forfeit all their claims to kindness from the superior class.

Eugenics Replaces Religion

Roger Sandall summarized Galton’s effect on society and its moral underpinnings. Sandall stated:

When Galton wrote, late in life, that the effect of Darwinism was “to demolish a multitude of dogmatic barriers by a single stroke, and to arouse a spirit of rebellion against all ancient authorities whose positive and unauthenticated statements were contradicted by modern science”, a radical antinomian spirit was unleashed; and when he declared that eugenics “must be introduced into the national conscience, like a new religion,” adding that “it has indeed strong claims to become an orthodox religious tenet of the future,” a kind of displaced religious zeal was put at the service of political compulsion: allied to German nationalism, it is unsurprising that it led, step by step, to policies of racial exclusion and finally annihilation. [6]

Creating an Elite Class of Super Humans



Proponents of eugenics believe that a pure bloodline should be created that contains only the best traits of humanity. They believe that techniques of good breeding should be used to create a race of super humans who are made in the image of the eugenicists. These super humans will all be highly intelligent, strong, healthy, beautiful, talented, prosperous, motivated, and capable of submitting their will to the will and greater good of society.

Physical appearance is also seen as being important. People will need to have a certain skin color, hair color, eye color, and meet high standards for mental acuity and emotional stability. They also must possess “ideal” physical strength and physical form (either male or female) in order to have the right to reproduce.

People with a personal or family history of poverty, chronic illness, addiction, disabilities, lack of motivation, minimal intellectual achievement, and non-conformist thinking would be unwelcome in this new society, and would not be allowed to reproduce.

Why Don’t We Hear the Word “Eugenics” Used Much Today?

Ku_Klux_Klan_Virgina_1922_Parade-460Three Ku Klux Klan members standing at a 1922 parade in Virginia. Image source.


Very few people use the word eugenics today when speaking in public, because it is on the list of politically incorrect words. Despite the positive rhetoric of eugenics, it was a highly racist endeavor, which sought to elevate one race above all others. This will be discussed in detail at a later point in this article.

Even though people no longer openly use the word eugenics, the insidious principles of eugenics can still be observed all around us in 21st century America. Eugenics is insidious, because it destroys life, denies reproductive freedom, destroys the functioning of the family structure, and targets certain classes and races of people for destruction. It does all this while seeking to establish a master race which is intended to dominate the world.

The plans of eugenicists closely follow the principles Darwin’s theory of evolution, which tells us that the strongest and fittest should overcome and replace the weak and inferior. Eugenicists have determined that they are the fittest and most able people for managing society and it is their responsibility as the superior beings to actively purge the weak and inferior from society. They believed that defective people need to be prevented from reproducing so that the number of defectives in the world will dwindle and fade away, while they, the fittest group of people, are allowed to survive and flourish.

The Eugenics Enthusiasts in U.S. History

Alexander_Graham_Bell-460American Inventor and Eugenicist Alexander Graham Bell. Image source.


Historically, the goals of the eugenics movement were to eliminate poverty, disability, numerous chronic illnesses, and human suffering. These lofty goals were designed to provide the greatest amount of happiness to society. On the surface, this sounds good to most people. These goals led many prominent Americans to support the eugenics agenda.

People such as Nobel laureate George Bernard Shaw, author H. G. Wells, Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, among many others, were very involved in promoting eugenics. Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, was one of the most zealous participants in the American Eugenics Movement. [7]

College professors were prominent among both the officers and members of various eugenics societies which sprang up in the United States and Europe in the early 20th century. In virtually every college and university, professors were inspired by the new creed of eugenics, and most of the major colleges had credit courses on eugenics. These classes were typically well attended and their content was generally accepted as part of proven science. [8]

Eugenicists believed that the primary determinant of mankind’s behavioral nature was genetic, and various environmental reforms designed to improve living conditions, for example, were largely useless. Further, the eugenics movement believed that those who were at the bottom of the social ladder in society, such as the Black race, were in this position not because of social injustice or discrimination, but as a result of their own inferiority. [9]

The Horrors of Eugenics: Forced Sterilization in the U.S. Upheld by the Supreme Court

carrie-emma-buck-460Carrie Buck sits with her mother, Emma Buck, on the grounds of the Virginia State Colony of Epileptics and Feeble-Minded in Madison Heights, near Lynchburg. This photograph was taken in November 1924 by Arthur H. Estabrook, a eugenics researcher who interviewed the two women before testifying in a legal case that resulted in the forced sterilization of Carrie Buck. Source.


In the early 1900s, eugenicists began to use persuasion to gain voluntary cooperation with their new way of thinking about human reproduction. In the United States, the strategy of persuasion was eventually replaced by a strategy of coercion and compulsion.

In 1927, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the State of Virginia’s sterilization plan in Buck Versus Bell, which affirmed that it had the right to sterilize mentally deficient residents to prevent them from “producing more of their kind.” This decision opened the door to forced sterilization in many U.S. states.

At that time, eugenicists believed that human character and behavior was almost completely determined by the germplasm. In contemporary language, we would say everything is determined by one’s genes. Eugenicists believed that every “negative” trait they observed in a person could be passed on to their descendants. For example, a person living in poverty is poor because of his genes, and unless sterilization is pursued, that person will create children who are destined for poverty. They admitted that sometimes defective germplasm might not be seen in every child conceived by “defectives,” but if it was present in one generation, then it will be permanently present in all succeeding generations, and will eventually reappear.

In the Buck vs. Bell decision of May 2, 1927, the United States Supreme Court upheld a Virginia statute that provided for the sterilization of people considered to be genetically unfit. The Court’s decision, delivered by Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., included the infamous phrase “Three generations of imbeciles are enough.” Upholding Virginia’s sterilization statute provided the green light for similar laws in 30 states, under which an estimated 65,000 Americans were sterilized without their own consent or that of a family member. [10]

Eugenics in Nazi Germany: 11 Million “Inferior” People Put to Death

Grave-Bergen-Belsen-German-Concentration-Camp_1945-460A broken and twisted mound of emaciated corpses lay strewn in one of three open burial pits at the liberation of Belsen on 15 April 1945. British troops were faced with over 10 000 dead inmates who required immediate burial to halt the spread of typhus and other diseases. Belsen, one of many Nazi concentration camps of the German Third Reich, was used as an instrument of genocide against Jews and those of other nationalities and categories. Image source.


The belief that the state had the right to control human reproduction was taken to the extreme in Nazi Germany in the late 1930s and early 1940s. The Third Reich of Germany extinguished the lives of 6 million Jews, and 5 million other people who were deemed undesirable. Undesirables included Jews (from all levels of society), and people from various other groups. The other groups included outspoken Christians and their pastors who would not submit to Nazi ideology. Gypsies, homosexuals, mentally ill persons, people with low mental functioning, and people who were deaf, blind, crippled, and epileptics were all targeted for extermination. The list of inferiors included all people of Polish ethnicity, people in interracial marriages, and people with dark/African skin color. [11]

For the sake of expediency, extermination of defectives and inferior people was the final solution chosen by Hitler. Forced sterilization of eleven million people was not practical, and it would not remove the influence of such people from society. Extermination, however, would immediately stop reproduction of these people and also would allow their personal resources to be confiscated for the German war effort.

Eugenics: Desensitizing People to the Value of Human Life

Of course, eugenic programs of the past and genetic programs of the present do not begin with mass scale slaughter of unwanted people as happened in Germany. They are marketed as benevolent programs that are designed to help people be happy and prosperous. They subtly condition people to believe that the State has a right to control every aspect of their reproduction for the sake of personal happiness.

This belief is then gradually expanded to show that the government has a similar right to control human reproduction for the sake of creating a happy and prosperous society. It progresses from voluntary programs to involuntary programs – from cooperation to mandatory compliance. The techniques of the eugenics movement involve sterilization and death. The objective of preventing reproduction by undesirables was achieved by all means possible.

Each step in the implementation of an eugenics program desensitizes people to the value of human life. It leads people to accept the idea that some people are inferior and others are superior, because of their genetic makeup. It teaches people to give honor to certain people and to submit to a small group of super people who are considered to be the model race. It teaches people to accept sterilization and the killing of the minority to support the needs and goals of the majority. The proposed killing of children up to the age of 5 years old, for example, is an outgrowth of eugenic thinking, because in that mindset there is no hope for the defective children, and the best thing we can do for everyone is to simply eliminate them before they begin to drain society of its precious resources.

First the weakest and most helpless are targeted by eugenicists, and then certain undesirable people, who have “bad genes,” are marked for destruction. This type of population reduction is called systematic depopulation. Depopulation is also called genocide, which is the killing of large groups of people who share a common trait such as ethnic background or religious affiliation.

The Family is not Compatible with the Practice of Eugenics


Eugenicists also will seek to destroy the family structure in order to accomplish their goals. The value and functioning of the family unit consisting of a husband/father, wife/mother and numerous children will be attacked on every front.

This is necessary to break the emotional bonds that tie family members together, and replace it with zealous allegiance to the state. Commitment to the power of the state must be stronger than love and commitment to family members so that defectives in the family can be sterilized or removed without a struggle.

The Existence of God is not Compatible with Eugenics

The-end-kkk-460“The End” Referring to the end of Catholic influence in the US. Klansmen: Guardians of Liberty 1926. Image Source.


There must also be a breaking of affection and commitment to God. Eugenics is incompatible with true religion. Eugenics and the power of the state must rule over people and not the God of the Bible.

Eugenicists understand that one can only serve one master, and their master must be the god and religion of Darwinian Evolution. The moral absolutes of conservative biblical Christianity stand in direct opposition to Darwin’s theory of evolution and the full implementation of eugenic techniques.

The belief that life is a gift from God, and should be cherished and preserved, is incompatible with the outworking of eugenics, which seeks to put life under the authority of a superior class of people and under the authority of the state.

Specific Methods of How Eugenics is Forced Upon Society

Specifically, these are some of the methods that have been used to implement eugenics programs over the past hundred years. Please note how they start with encouragement and voluntary participation, and end up with involuntary means to control and reduce the population.

1. Convince superior human beings to produce more children. The fruit of this strategy would result in a rapid increase in the number of “superior” people and strengthen the “superior” bloodline. In Nazi Germany, breeding centers were established to produce large numbers of superior blond blue-eyed children. Most of these children were conceived outside of marriage and fathered by Nazi officers. [12]

2. Encourage inferior human beings to have fewer children, or discourage them from having children altogether. This would shrink “undesirable” bloodlines and weaken the possible influence on the superior bloodline.

3. Prevent people with certain inferior qualities from marrying superior people. This means to forbid inter-racial marriage, marriage between disabled and non-disabled people, and marriage of superior people with those of undesirable ethnic, religious, or economic position, because they would weaken the bloodline of the superior group.

4. Physically isolate severely deficient people from the greater society by institutionalizing them in the name of providing compassionate care or simply put them into containment camps. This will prevent them from marrying and reproducing.

5. Impose forced sterilization on feebleminded people, criminals, and on other incurable defectives such as alcoholics and paupers, so they cannot pass on their undesirable flaws to another generation.

6. Give people a low cost or no cost opportunity to use contraceptives and/or to choose pre-birth abortion to prevent the birth of disabled children and to prevent babies from being born into poverty.

7. Terminate the lives of defective children and defective elderly adults who are not able to contribute to the greater good of society, or who threaten the economic status of those who have been declared the superior race. Use genetic screening for babies in the womb and abort those who have defective genes.

8. Implement programs that will weaken the reproductive capacity of the population. Vaccines, pesticides, GMO food, highly processed food, antibiotics and other drugs, etc. all are known to have a negative influence on fertility. [13] (Those who are aware of these influences can avoid exposure and protect their fertility.)

9. Implement economic programs that will decrease the buying power of low-income persons, which will place increasing financial pressure on low-income working families, so that they will choose to limit the number of children they produce. [14]

10. Contain or exterminate anyone who resists the use of eugenics and who would threaten the development of the superior human bloodline.

Who is Superior and Who is Not?

Karl-Brandt-Nuremberg-Doctors-Trial-460War Crimes Tribunal at Nuremberg. Adolf Hitler’s personal physician, 43-year old Karl Brandt. Brandt was also Reich Commissar for Health and Sanitation, and was indicted by the U.S. prosecution with 22 other Nazi doctors. Brandt was found guilty of participating in and consenting to using concentration camp inmates as guinea pigs in horrible medical experiments, supposedly for the benefit of the armed forces. He was sentenced to death by hanging. Image Source.


This question is the key to understanding eugenics. It is also the key for uncovering the deceptions and lies that are used to justify eugenics as a socially advanced way of managing society.

Adolf Hitler and his colleagues decided that it was the Nordic or Aryan bloodlines that were superior to all other bloodlines on the Earth. Thus, Adolf Hitler and others like him were to become the superior bloodline. Those with similar physical characteristics/appearance, emotional functioning, and mental capacities, and those who possessed certain ideological convictions were to become archetypes of humanity. They were to be raised up above all other people and others were to be brought into subjection to them.

Hitler found that the most efficient method of preventing reproduction and discontinuing the negative influence on the Aryan bloodline was to terminate the lives of undesirables. These were the people who threatened the racial superiority of the leaders of the German Third Reich and threatened their economic prosperity and social happiness. Eugenicists always seek to protect their own race, their own ethnic group, their own religion (which is now called Social Darwinism), and their own economic prosperity regardless of the country where they live.

In the view of the German leaders of the Third Reich, even inferiors in their own Aryan race needed to be purged from the bloodline. They saw the Darwinian struggle for survival of the fittest in the context of the German war effort. War was a positive force for bloodline purification, not only because it eliminated the “weaker” races which they were attacking, but also because it weeded out the weaker members of their own Aryan race. Hitler was convinced that the strongest people would survive. Nazi Germany, partly for this reason, openly glorified war because it was an important means of eliminating the less fit of the highest race, a step necessary to upgrade the Aryan race. [16]

The Japanese Eugenics Program

Pearl_harbour-460U.S. Battleships in Pearl Harbor bombed by Japanese Aircraft. Image source.


While Hitler’s eugenic program was in full force, a similar program was underway in Japan. The Japanese were actively involved in building up and maintaining a pure Japanese bloodline. They were influenced by American eugenicists and used many of the same techniques that were being used by Hitler. They were trying to keep the Japanese bloodline pure for the same reasons other eugenicists named. [17]

Eugenics Goes Hand in Hand with War

The eugenics programs of Germany and Japan shared several similarities. Both believed that there was a superior race (bloodline) and that bloodline must be preserved to strengthen the power of the state and to preserve the prosperity of society.

Of course, the Germans and the Japanese differed on the matter of which race was to be superior. They both believed that their respective race deserved, and was destined, to dominate the world. They were in agreement that active steps must be taken by government to purify the population, and to prevent superior pure-blooded people from intermarrying with inferior people groups. However, they obviously were in disagreement about which bloodline was superior. Should it be Oriental/Japanese blood or Caucasian/German blood?

Eugenicists have Transformed themselves into “Genetic Scientists”


The massive extermination of human life by the Third Reich of Germany cast a dark shadow over eugenics, and people tried to distance themselves from the word eugenics. However, the movement did not die with the death of Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich. Neither did the eugenics movement die when the word eugenics became unfashionable.

There were several decades of transition during which the language of eugenics was transformed into the new language of human genetics.

After the horrors of Hitler’s eugenics program were brought to light, eugenicists realized that they needed to change their tactics. In 1947 the remnant board of directors of the American Eugenics Society (AES) unanimously agreed, “The time was not right for aggressive eugenic propaganda.” Instead, the AES continued quietly soliciting financial grants from such organizations as the Dodge Foundation, the Rockefeller-funded Population Council, and the Draper Fund for the purpose of proliferating genetics as a legitimate study of human heredity. [18]

In 1959, the leaders of the American Eugenics Society understood that reestablishing eugenics was an uphill battle. A draft address written by the president of the American Eugenics Society, Frederick Osborn, confirmed this when he prepared to speak to his Board of Directors. He outlined the future of eugenics, which included an ambitious campaign of behind-the-scenes genetic counseling, birth control, and university-based medical genetic programs. At the same time, President Osborn conceded that the movement’s history was too scurrilous to gain public support. [19]

We now know that the eugenic theories of the past, which said that human breeding would solve all problems of poverty and illness, was not supported by science or even empirical observation. The eugenics movement was based on faulty assumptions about inheritance, and used incomplete observations of family trees to make conclusions that often falsely labeled people as imbeciles, deficient, or defective. The truth about the science of eugenics is that there was no science to eugenics. What passed for scientific method in the former eugenics movement between 1859 and 1959 did not stand the test of time. [20]

Edwin Black continued with his summary of how eugenics was intentionally transformed into genetics to escape the negative history of the past. He wrote:

In a candid 1965 letter, Osborn wrote, “I started hopefully on this course thirty-five years ago and someday would be glad to tell you all of the steps we took—the work we did, the conferences we held, and the money we put into the then Eugenical News—about $30,000 a year, to propagandize eugenics. It got us nowhere, probably because we did not have the backing of the scientific world.”

Edwin Black wrote:

That same year, after numerous genetic counseling and human heredity programs had been established, Osborn was able to confidently write to Paul Popenoe, “The term medical genetics has taken the place of the term negative eugenics.”

Keeping a low profile had paid off. On April 12, 1965, Osborn wrote a colleague at Duke University somewhat triumphantly, “We have struggled for years to rid the word eugenics of all racial and social connotations and have finally been successful with most scientists, if not with the public.”[21]

Edwin Black describes the completion of the transition:

The face lift of the eugenics movement was completed during the sixties, seventies and eighties. Many entities changed their names. For example, the Human Betterment League of North Carolina changed its name to the Human Genetics League of North Carolina in 1984.

In Britain there were name changes as well. The Annals of Eugenics became the Annals of Human Genetics and is now a distinguished and purely scientific publication. The University College of London’s Galton Chair of Eugenics became the Chair of Genetics. The university’s Galton Eugenics Laboratory became the Galton Laboratory of the Department of Genetics. The Eugenics Society changed its name to the Galton Institute. [22]

Insensitivity to Death: Accept Killing as “Necessary” for Advancement of Society

The slippery slope of eugenics rapidly taught people to become insensitive to death. How could the people of Germany become able to tolerate millions of innocent people being killed in the death camps? The answer, I believe, is that they were systematically led, step by step, to accept killing as a necessary reality for the advancement of their people.

Are Americans on the same slippery slope today?

Kevorkian-UCLA-460Dr. Jack Kevorkian. Image source.


Twenty years ago, great numbers of Americans were horrified to hear how Dr. Jack Kevorkian was setting up equipment so that totally disabled or terminally ill people could commit suicide. In 1999 this was a crime and he was convicted of that crime. He served an eight year prison sentence. [23]

Today, several states have legalized physician-assisted suicide, and in the minds of many, physician-assisted suicide or euthanasia is just another medical procedure that is available for those who desire it.

On New Year’s Day 1973, human abortion was completely illegal in most U.S. states and only available in other states for a very limited number of reasons. Even though some strongly objected to the ban, others were truly horrified over the thought of killing babies in the womb.

Three weeks later that all changed when the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the prohibition against abortion in Roe versus Wade. Today, abortion on demand is treated as just another medical procedure by most people, even though a small minority still vigorously object to the practice.

In the 40 years that followed the Roe versus Wade decision, over 55 million babies have been aborted in the United States. [24] How many people today are horrified by this statistic?

Our society permits people to terminate the lives of unborn children so that women can have control over their bodies. We permit physicians in some states to assist severely ill patients to commit suicide (euthanasia) so that these patients can have control over their bodies. These “freedoms” are seen as progressive steps that are being used for the “good” of individuals and society.

The problem is that when birth control and death are involved, the rights of certain groups seem to be crushed while the rights of other groups are elevated. Before Roe vs. Wade, the rights of the unborn and the rights of the mother were kept in balance. Today, mothers have nearly all the rights, and children in the womb have almost none. Before Roe vs. Wade, the life of an unborn child was considered to be in the hands of God and should not be tampered with by human intervention. This has now changed, and abortion has become a personal matter, which is up to the decision of the mother.

In a similar way, the time for a terminally ill person’s death was considered to be a sacred matter between that person and God. Physicians were legally and ethically bound to do no harm to a patient. Causing the death of a patient was considered to be harm. Today, the killing of a person who wants to die is no longer seen as “doing harm,” and is now permitted.

When it comes to taking life from others, things always seem to move in a less restrictive direction. Those whose life is taken become a kind of underclass and those who take their lives become a superior class. The rights of the underclass continue to shrink while the rights of the superior class continue to grow.

Going back to the topic of post-birth abortion, which was discussed at the beginning of this article, we see that babies and young children are definitely in the underclass position. I can’t help but wonder how long it will be before post-birth abortion during the first week after birth will be accepted and legalized – being seen as the right of parents exercised for the good of society? How long will it be before post-birth abortion up to the age of five will be hailed as a sign of an advanced society that truly cares about the greater good of its members?

Conclusion: Where is Modern Genetics Leading Us?

If our tolerance for the termination of life in the United States continues to increase, then expanded opportunities to take life will follow. Who will be the next group of “defectives” who will be targeted for either repair or extermination? Perhaps it will be people whose only “defect” is that they are poor, are aliens, or are strangers to us and just don’t seem to fit in with social norms.

People may no longer call themselves eugenicists, but the desire to perfect humanity and create a “better” people remains a strong desire in the hearts and minds of many scientists, politicians, and corporations. Many people have never heard the word eugenics, nevertheless, their grumbling words condemn those they do not like. They speak against the existence of certain groups in society and speak about how things would be better if someone would do something about “those people.” Those who refuse vaccines today, for example, are considered a threat to society, and mandatory vaccine laws are being proposed in many states in 2015.

Will modern genetics respond to the grumblers among us, and be the tool that politicians ultimately use to fix the problems in our society? Will its advances be the stimulus that justifies the termination of healthy, but undesirable people in our society? Will modern genetics become the eugenics of our times? What is the dark side of genetics and how is it being used by corporations to create a new class of people in America? These questions and many others regarding modern genetics will be explored in the next article in this series.

Part 2:

Mapping the Genome and Modern Genetics: Eugenics Repackaged for Modern Times


[1] “Some College Students Approve of ‘After-Birth Abortion’… Up to Age 5,” 10/6/2014, Retrieved 6/9/2015.

[2] Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva; “After-Birth Abortion: Why Should the Baby Live?” Published 2/23/2011, Retrieved 6/16/2015.

[3] Peter Singer; “Taking Life: Humans,” online excerpts, Retrieved 6/9/2015.—-.htm

[4] War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race, Edwin Black, Second paperback edition 2012, page 58, ISBN 978-0-914153-29-0.

[5] “How Eugenics Began,” Roger Sandall, Retrieved 6/14/2015.

[6] IBID.

[7] “A History of the Eugenics Movement,” Dr. Jerry Bergman, Retrieved 6/14/2015.

[8] IBID.

[9] IBID.

[10] “Buck vs. Bell Trial,” Eugenics Archive, Retrieved 6/14/2015.

[11] “Non-Jewish Victims of the Holocaust,” Jewish Virtual Library, Retrieved 6/11/2015. [4]

[12] “Nazi Program to Breed Master Race: Lebensborn Children Break Silence,” David Crossland, SPIEGEL ONLINE, Retrieved 6/18/2015.

[13] “Are GMO Foods, Vaccines, and Big Pharma Producing an Infertile Generation?” Health Impact News, 9/13/2014.

[14] “For Most Workers, Real Wages have Barely Budged for Decades,” Pew Research Center, 10/9/2014, retrieved 6/20/2015.

[15] War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race, Edwin Black, Second paperback edition 2012, page 563, ISBN 978-0-914153-29-0.

[16] “Darwinism and the Nazi Race Holocaust – Answers in Genesis,” Dr. Jerry Bergman, First published in Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal 13(2):101–111, 1999, Retrieved 6/14/2015.

[17] Jennifer Robertson, “Blood Talks – Eugenic Modernity,” History and Anthropology, 2002 Vol. 13 (3), pp. 191–216, PDF Retrieved 6/11/2015.

[18] War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race, Edwin Black, Second paperback edition 2012, page 422, ISBN 978-0-914153-29-0.

[19] War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race, Edwin Black, Second paperback edition 2012, page 423, ISBN 978-0-914153-29-0.

[20] “Science of Eugenics” Retrieved 6/18/2015.

[21] War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race, Edwin Black, Second paperback edition 2012, page 424, ISBN 978-0-914153-29-0.

[22] War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race, Edwin Black, Second paperback edition 2012, page 425, ISBN 978-0-914153-29-0.

[23] “Dr. Jack Kevorkian Dies at 83,” The New York Times, 6/24/2011, Retrieved 6/20/2015.

[24] “55,772,015 Abortions in America Since Roe vs. Wade in 1973,” Steven Ertelt,, 1/18/2013, Retrieved 6/21/2015.


See featured article here

TLB recommends you visit Health Impact News for more great/pertinent articles and information.


Preface by: TLB

For the uninitiated who will see this type of information for the first time and chalk it up to conspiracy … we strongly urge you to read through the article and the associated links. Just because information is made available to you in a blatant (in your face) fashion, and may make you uncomfortable, is not a good reason to doubt its validity, or dismiss it out of hand.

What you will read below is discussed or touched on in many articles in a fringe fashion (not so blatantly), and many of the concepts and accusations are somewhat familiar to most of you on at least some basic level.

If you take what TLB has shown you via this article and radio show,

Dr. Ngare Exposes WHO & UNICEF Tyranny on Developing World to TLB in an Exclusive Must Hear Interview

Please listen by clicking on the TLB Radio Network Logo …

TLB radio

Exposing the hidden agenda of intentional and criminal sterilization of millions of African women, and tens of millions more in developing (poor) third world countries, under the guise of benevolent vaccines … then what you are about to read is merely an extension of the same albeit much more blatant.

Please keep an open mind and read on …


UN WHO File Reveals Dual Purpose of Vatican Eugenics Vaccines

UN WHO file titled “Global Vaccine Market Features and Trends” exposes the true dual purpose of eugenics vaccines. Profiteering ($100 billion marketing goal) from Vatican UN/WHO genocide.

The file provides incriminating evidence and financial motive for Vatican UN WHO criminal acts of terrorism, bioterrorism, mass murder and genocide.  The Crown (corporate entity for the reigning Pope) created UN (formed to build Vatican Fourth Reich/NWO)  and WHO (formed to continue Vatican Nazi Third Reich Eugenics program) intentionally disseminate viruses (Ebola, E. Coli, Meningitis, Polio) in sparsely populated areas (controlled groups) to terrorize (exploit human fear) the World into getting vaccinated and sick. Terrorism is used by the UN and WHO to intentionally create fear and trick billions of people into being sterilized and poisoned by UN WHO marketed “ethnic” bioweapon vaccines.

There are an estimated 7 billion people living on Earth today.  In order for the Vatican and the Pope (the Crown) to profit and acquire the $100 billion projected marketing goal stated in the UN WHO “Global Vaccine Market Features and Trends” file, every person on Earth would have to be vaccinated.  To achieve the Vatican UN WHO eugenics vaccines goal the news media are paid to instill fear in the World’s population by circulating apocryphal (false) stories of non-existing viral pandemics for Ebola, E. Coli, meningococci B Meningitis, Polio, smallpox, AIDS (triggered by WHO laced smallpox vaccine), H1N1 (the Venezuelan equine encephalitis taken and disseminated from US Army Fort Detrick Maryland biological weapon research lab by bioweapon expert Marc S Griswold and flown to Mexico aboard Obama’s Air Force One April 16, 2009), H5N1 (lab mutation of the DNA sequence of a gene of the H1N1 virus), MERS (lab mutated H5N1 virus by biological weapon terrorist Ron Fouchier) viruses.

The Vatican tasked the World Bank (Vatican established and controls it and the UN WHO) to force the governments of every country in the World, including Canada, the 1871 Crown Corporation UNITED STATES and the Jan1, 1855 est Crown (Pope) Corporation “City of London Corporation” UK to implement policies to carry out the Vatican (and the Crown/Pope) genocidal depopulation agenda.  The UN World Bank’s “World Development Report 1984” p.146 and p. 22 “Step to reduce fertility” confirms that the UN and the WHO are implementing the Vatican’s genocidal depopulation agenda using nonsurgical chemical sterilization vaccines. In the 1972 UN WHO memo Virus-associated immunopathology: Animal models and implications for human disease the WHO calls for development of virus-induced immunodepression to prolong certain virus infections. Live virus laden vaccines were developed to do just that – “induce immunodepression to prolong certain virus infections”.

Prolonging induced virus infections has one purpose – profiteering through costly “treatment”.  There is no profit to be made by the Vatican and the Crown (the Pope) if vaccines were developed to “prevent” or “cure” viral infections.  Vaccines were developed to cause healthy people to become sterile and mortally ill. Vaccines are “for profit” manufactured bioweapons that disseminate live viruses and poisons throughout the world.


See featured article here

TLB recommends you visit PRESS CORE  for more pertinent articles and information


nwo agenda 21

By TLB Contributor: Dave Hodges

Oregon’s Senate Bill 810 was the first legislation in the U.S. to establish a road usage charge system for state transportation funding.

The VMT will get America out of their cars.

The Oregon program is under the auspices of a federal program, which will soon be rolled out nationwide program to track your vehicle mileage using a GPS and a cellular link to transmit your travels to a centralized location.

Oregon is requiring a GPS unit to be installed in every vehicle which will subsequently track your mileage for purposes of taxation. It also has a big brother component to it as it tracks your personal travels and the date will be stored in a central location.

Oregon motorists will be billed at the end of each month for the miles driven. The amount of tax that must be paid is based calculations made with a secret formula about the taxpayer’s overall “carbon footprint”. If a motorist drives more than the accepted amount, your automobile smart meter will also attach a penalty to the tax owed for the miles driven.

What if you refuse to pay your tax? A remote kill-switch will disable your vehicle.

On the eve of the official roll out of Jade Helm, this seems almost insignificant. However, it is highly significant as Jade Helm 15, or its successor will be enforcing these Agenda 21 mandates which are rapidly increasing in number.

As American plunges head long into Agenda 21 under the pseudo-science of Climate Change, what will the future hold? If we look across the ocean, we can see an English speaking country where Agenda 21 is much further along than it is here in this country. By examining South Africa, we can get a clear look at what is coming our way.

South Africa Has Become the Model for Agenda 21

The United Nations biodiversity "Wildlands" map of the futuristic United States.

South Africa has it all, rewilding, UNESCO’s Education for All which has dumbed downed an entire population, prohibition to thin out forests which leads to massive flooding, protection of endangered species resulting in private property forfeiture, job promotions and school admissions based upon mindless  racial quota systems, policies supporting depopulation and the installation of a system of living designed to destroy human motivation and the hope for a better future. Yes, Agenda 21 is gobbling up South Africa. And if America is not careful, South Africa’s hopelessness will soon become our national mantra as well.

South Africans Speak Out

In the last several months, I have received several communications from people living in South Africa. I have heard from a teacher, a professor, an engineer, a nurse, a construction worker, a former police officer and a locally elected political official who contacted me through a third party in order to escape detection. All of these individuals found me as the result of my weekly radio show through our live streaming capability, or they found me through my website. I come from a generation where I find this kind of international reach for a radio program broadcasted out of my home with a satellite uplink, to be stunning. But even more stunning, is the total destruction of a country and its culture and that is taking place in South Africa. To a person, these people blame their adoption of Agenda 21 policies in one form or another.

Stack and Pack Cities

The home of the Agenda 21 future. It is the same, regardless of the country.

One of the more popular Agenda 21 policies centers around herding people into extremely cramped and densely populated urban centers. In the United States, we are beginning to witness the introduction of micro apartments in places like San Francisco, New York City and Ft. Collins, where the living space does not exceed 500 square feet. However, in South Africa, they have turned their urban areas into a type of prison characterized by filth and squalor and extreme political control.

Many of the urban residents live behind high walls, there is electrified fencing and the properties are frequently guarded by the South African version of Blackwater.

Local police forces have been decimated and the citizens are living in fear of these privatized security firms who rape and rob many innocent victims in their jurisdiction. These security firms do so with impunity as the private security firms strictly serve the elite and their prime directive is to keep the people in line and in fear of the one ruling political party. Movement of people, especially at night, is tightly controlled. South Africa is becoming a Marxist “papers please” society.  Both educators and person who did not identify his occupation who wrote to me stated that if you are a white male and you are arrested by these private security firms, you have a very high probability of being raped in the holding cell.

Does President Obama plan to do the same inside of the United States through the use of goon squads? Watch the following short video and decide for yourself.

Here is an excerpt of an email I received on this topic from a resident of South Africa.

Hello Dave,

I listen to your show frequently as you talk about the dictatorial policies of governments that embrace Agenda 21. I wanted you to know how bad it is here in South Africa. Our government and our political parties are more authoritarian than they are in China or were in Stalinist Russia. 

…Our third largest political party is openly Marxist and the national song is “Kill the farmer”. This is what our current president sings at his political rallies. Our seconds largest party is socialist.

Here is another email I received from South Africa on their Agenda 21 land policies and wealth redistribution policies.

Dear Dave,

Thanks for the work that you are doing to help save the average person. Could you pay a little more attention to the genocide against white people that is beginning to happen in South Africa?

We have had thousands of our farmers murdered and raped and thousands of commercial farms have been given to “previously disadvantaged people” and 98% of those farms no longer produce anything. Increasingly our food is controlled by government friendly corporations that are not white owned. 

Our roads are in a state of disrepair and 1.3 million people pay 85% of all taxes of which they receive no benefit.

It is amazing how cheaply we will sell our future and our souls for.

In response to this email, I would point out that America has only 92 million full-time working employees. We presently have about 102 million working age Americans who do not work full-time. Fifty million are on food stamps, that is one in six people in this country. Who is paying the taxes for these Obama phone recipients who garner about $75,000 per year in government benefits while being supported on working people’s tax dollars? On this point, we have already surpassed South Africa.

Personal Safety

South Africa is known as both the rape and murder capital of the world. American gay rights activists may want to pay close attention to what it is like to live in an Agenda 21 society. In South Africa, gays are murdered, particularly lesbians.

In America, farms and ranches are presently being seized through administrative fiat of Agenda 21 organizations such as the EPA. In South Africa, most farms do not produce food because their owners have been murdered by these Blackwater/Academi security firms. I cannot stop hearing Obama’s words echoing in my head as he promised America that he would develop a “private civilian security force that is just as strong, just as powerful and just as well-funded as the military”. This is what they have in South Africa and rape and murder rate speak to the wisdom of this globalist approach to law and order.

Extreme Gun Control

gun control un

There is nothing so dangerous to a totalitarian regime as an armed population capable of self-defense. The UN ideal of totally disarming the civilian population and leaving the masses vulnerable to the ruling party is nearly complete.

In most South African communities, firearms ownership is limited to a handgun and 100-200 rounds of ammunition depending on your local communities rules. There are several communities that have totally banned private gun ownership. Some communities are permitted to “rent” guns to tourists for limited hunting, but this is reserved for the elite and it is very expensive. There have been recent prohibitions against carrying  anything on your person that might be considered a dangerous weapon. Objects as benign as key chains, cigarette lighters, pocket knives, screwdrivers are banned in some communities.

In many areas, self-defense of property and self is not a guaranteed right. We have seen this insanity in England for sometime where there are no “stand your ground” kind of codified self-defense statutes. In tightly controlled Agenda 21 communities, we are witnessing the fact that the government can be the only purveyor of force and violence even in self-defense.

Here is another excerpt from another South African who emailed about their version of South African gun control, UN Agenda 21 style:

Hello Dave,

I read your website frequently and have read everything you have written about Agenda 21. As I am sure you know, South Africa has been overrun by the UN and its Agenda 21 policies. Nowhere is Agenda  21 in more evidence than it is in gun control….It is very difficult to get a firearm in this country if you are white. It is a long process and you basically have to prove to the police that your life would be in danger without one. That definition is defined by the police.

Child Welfare In South Africa

The most despicable crime on the face of the earth is child sex trafficking and the global elite are involved in controlling the industry in every country. This is a byproduct of Agenda 21.

In South Africa, parents don’t dare let their children go to play in the park or walk to local stores anymore. All of the South Africans who wrote to me have told me that is it’s just too dangerous to let your kids play outside and many of the missing children end up in child sex-trafficking rings. The privatized security firms transport the children and they are suspected of abducting many “blond haired and blue eyed children” into sex slavery rings.

America, is this beginning to sound familiar? As an aside, I previously worked on a story that demonstrated how a government official with a security clearance had her child stolen by CPS, for not touting the Agenda 21 liberal agenda at her place of employment and there is evidence that the child was sex-trafficked while in the custody of two male, homosexual parents. Fortunately, I was able to raise enough money ($40,000) to bring in attorneys who tore the Virginia CPS to shreds and the child was returned to the mother.  This is what Agenda 21 brings to a community. This is what happens when out of control thugs become your local policemen and they are not truly accountable to any civilian oversight. It doesn’t matter if it is Academi or CPS, it is all the same.

The Dumbing Down of the Masses

Last fall, my wife attended a math curriculum night at my son’s middle school. Many parents were calling for the end of Common Core for all the previously identified reasons. By the way, my son’s former middle school is the number ranked middle school in Arizona and the majority of the parents are highly educated. Common Core emanated from UNESCO’s Education for All (e.g. Agenda 21). Just like its predecessor, No Child Left Behind, education is being eroded in this country through no fault of the teachers and the administrators who are required to follow the senseless mandates. The South African version of Common Core has also had a devastating effect on education.

Just as is the case with American students, South African students, once the pride of Africa, have been dumbed down to the level of near illiteracy. After reading the personal anecdotes of parents experience with South African education, their government is much further along in the dumbing down of their population through the introduction of education programs which arise out of the United Nations than we are in the United States.

Quota systems are preventing many white children from going to a university. Many white children are forced to go abroad to study, if their parents can afford it. I am sure that many of you recognize these policies as classic divide and conquer strategies designed to pit one group against another so the people do not unite across racial and economic lines against the totalitarian and inhumane policies of Agenda 21.

Here is an email I received from a South African teacher.

Mr. Hodges

Our public schools are totally dysfunctional…You may not maintain your own culture. What this means is that our standard of education has collapsed and there is no discipline in schools. Our grade 12 pupils can barely read or write, yet these same people are given access to universities but only if they are not white. The schools are totally racist and white kids do not stand a chance. Parents with money are leaving for other countries. It is interesting that your government routinely turns down requests to move to the States by our white citizens. Yet, your government lets millions of Mexican cross your border illegally and with impunity. If we were not white, I believe we could come to the States. Your government is practicing the same racism that we are living under in our own country. If it already hasn’t it will soon show up in your schools…

Now consider the following video from Dr. Pook, one of the creators of Common Core who stated that he helped to create Common Core to reverse the “white privilege” that he was born into as an American.

The emerging similarities between South African schools and American schools, by intentional design, are stunning to say the least.

Racially Prejudiced Quota Systems In the Work Place

In South Africa there are quotas for almost all aspects of professional life. Two people told me that one cannot study to be a veterinarian or a nurse if you are white. Quota systems have knocked white applicants to the bottom of the hiring preference ladder if they are white. Firms that are owned by white contractors have lost their right to bid in deference to people whose firms are owned by people of color. The popular refrain that many wrote to me about is what is popularly referred to as “Black economic empowerment” rules.


One South African wrote to me and said that he wanted to give me a feel for what is coming to America and what it’s like to in a Marxist country which is dominated by Agenda 21 policies.  One theme dominated these communications and that is wealth redistribution on a grand scale. Here is another email where this sentiment is expressed and it is a sentiment that should concern all Americans.

Hi Dave,

…What’s worse is the absolute apathy of the people that live here. Most people have no idea of the different stages of a communist takeover and just accept that living like this is just the way it is. You are labeled as negative or a racist as soon as you mention this in any public forum. I thinks most of us are just hoping that something will change, but we don’t want to know the truth.

…I just wanted to give you a small idea of what life is like in the new South Africa.”

This should serve as a warning to all Americans that our society, as we know it, is living on borrowed time.


TLB recommends you visit Dave at The Common Sense Show for more pertinent articles and information.

See featured article here


Randy Maugans-OffPlanet TV with Roger Landry: Media War On Programmed Ignorance

“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” – George Orwell


Roger Landry, the founder of the multisite media project, The Liberty Beacon, joins us to diagram and diagnose the state of of our media malaise. How Americans, specifically, and the entire planet, have been dumbed-down and programmed to accept “the facts as they are” of a world upside down. Landry calls it “programmed ignorance”, we know it better as the tyranny of the mind via mass media. The prescription is to throw off the mainstream media and immerse in the TRUTH.

We cover a broad range of topics: GMOs, vaccinations, chemtrails and fluoride; autism; the take down of the USA to bring in the New World Order; the militarization of police and domestic deployment of the military; the military-industrial complex, BioTech; what America will look like when the economy collapses … and much more … this is a passionate prolific and deep discussion.

Please visit OffPlanet Radio for more great shows and information


Please visit Conscious Consumer Network (CCN) for more great shows and information


by: Amazing Discoveries

The Jesuit Order was created by Catholic Ignatius Loyola in 1500s to counter the Reformation and uplift the authority of the Papacy.

Read more about Loyola and the Jesuits’ plan to destroy Protestantism

Founder of the Jesuits, St. Ignatius of Loyola. Source: Wikimedia Commons
Founder of the Jesuits, St. Ignatius of Loyola.

Source: Wikimedia Commons…

Since the beginning, the purpose of the Jesuits has included global political domination, as Loyola himself once said:

Finally, Let all with such artfulness gain the ascendant over princes, noblemen, and the magistrates of every place, that they may be ready at our beck, even to sacrifice their nearest relations and most intimate friends, when we say it is for our interest and advantage (emphasis added).i

The world’s wars and revolutions occur because the Jesuits want to establish a one-world government with the Papacy at its head. Even over a century ago their plans were succeeding, as 19th-century theologian Luigi De Sanctis tells us:

At what then do the Jesuits aim? According to them, they only seek the greater glory of God; but if you examine the facts you will find that they aim at universal dominion alone. They have rendered themselves indispensable to the Pope, who, without them, could not exist, because Catholicism is identified with them. They have rendered themselves indispensable to governors and hold revolutions in their hands; and in this way, either under one name or another, it is they who rule the world (emphasis added).ii

As the sources below attest, the Jesuits have been involved in—and even spearheaded—many of the world’s worst wars, revolutions, and massacres. At times, the Jesuits are directly involved, at other times, they use their influence over the Freemasons and other secret societies.

The Jesuits and Other Secret Societies

Some people may not actually see Catholicism as being very powerful. There might be hints, but few see the fullness. This is because the Papacy doesn’t want people to know how much political clout it holds. To prevent opposition, the Papacy uses the Jesuits to build its political empire.

The Jesuit symbol and motto
The Jesuit symbol and motto “IHS” on a Masonic temple’s stained-glass window.

The Jesuits control…

The number of Jesuits is always up for debate, and even the best sources can’t give matching accounts. The Society does not want us to know how many there really are. Often, they are hidden behind sodalities—other front secret societies:

And we have it on good authority that the Jesuits have been active in forming other holy orders (or sodalities), such as the Knights of Peter Claver and the Knights of Columbus, over which they retain immense control. For it is an old trick on the part of the sons of Loyola, that whenever their Order is under threat or suspicion they swell their numbers by means of the sodalities of ‘new’ orders.iii

Moreover, the Pope has thousands of secret agents worldwide. They include Jesuits, the Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, and others. The Vatican’s Intelligence Service and its field resources are second to none.iv

There is considerable analogy between Masonic and Jesuitic degrees; and the Jesuits also tread down the shoe and bare the knee, because Ignatius Loyola thus presented himself at Rome and asked for the confirmation of the order.v

Read more about the Societies under Jesuit control

Planning Three World Wars

In a letter dated January 22, 1870, Italian revolutionary and Illuminati leader Guiseppe Mazzini wrote this to Albert Pike, 33-degree Freemason:

We must allow all of the federations to continue just as they are, with their systems, their central authorities and diverse modes of correspondence between high grades of the same rite, organized as they are at present, but we must create a super rite, which will remain unknown, to which we will call those Masons of high degree whom we shall select. With regard to our brothers in Masonry, these men must be pledged to the strictest secrecy. Through this supreme rite, we will govern all Freemasonry which will become the one International Center, the more powerful because its direction will be

Albert Pike wrote a letter to Mazzini on August 15, 1871, in which he outlined plans for three world wars that were seen as necessary to bring about the One World Order. For a short time, this letter was on display in the British Museum Library in London and it was copied by William Guy Carr, former Intelligence Officer in the Royal Canadian Navy.

We shall unleash the nihilist and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity…will receive the pure light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer…the destruction of Christianity and atheism. Both conquered and exterminated at the same time.vii

According to, these were the purposes of the three world wars Pike and Mazzini had in mind:

The First World War: To overthrow the power of the Czars in Orthodox Russia and bring about an atheistic communist state.

The Second World War: To originate between Great Britain and Germany. To strengthen communism as antithesis to Judeo-Christian culture and bring about a Zionist State in Israel.

The Third World War: A Middle Eastern War involving Judaism and Islam and spreading internationally.viii

Dr. Dennis L. Cuddy agrees:

Mazzini, with Pike, developed a plan for three world wars so that eventually every nation would be willing to surrender its national sovereignty to a world government. The first war was to end the czarist regime in Russia, and the second war was to allow the Soviet Union to control Europe. The third world war was to be in the Middle East between Moslems and Jews and would result in Armageddon.ix

Read more about Albert Pike and Freemasonry

The French Revolution

The French Revolution of 1789-1799 was a fight not only against feudalism and the French monarchy, but also against the Church. The Word of God was replaced with the goddess of Reason. God’s standard was replaced with a human standard: The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen.

The French Revolution and the spread of the antiChristian Cult of Reason were the result of Jesuit, Masonic, and Illuminati influence.

The Phrygian cap, used as a symbol of freedom by the Jacobins in the French…


Jesuit Professor Adam Weishaupt created the Order of the Illuminati in 1776 in Bavaria, Germany. These Illuminati were part of the coalition of rebels that became the Jacobins—the group responsible for the French Revolution.

The Jacobins currently terrorizing France, Barruel argued in his preface, could not have appeared out of thin air…The principal authors of the conspiracy, he claimed, were Voltaire, Jean-le-Rond d’Alembert, and King Frederick of Prussia, who had secretly planned to destroy Christianity…These “sophists” had formed an alliance with the Freemasons, whose antireligious conspirital origins Barruel traced back to the medieval Knights Templars. The final and most utterly evil group in this triple conspiracy, however, were the Bavarian Illuminati, under their satanic leader Adam Weishaupt. Jacobinism had emerged out of the union of these three groups.x

The French philosopher Voltaire, whose ideas were instrumental in the French Revolution, was a Freemason—as was Napoleon:

The evidence in favor of a Masonic initiation previous to Napoleon’s assumption of the imperial title is overwhelming: The initiation took place in the body of an Army Philadelphe Lodge of the—Ecossais—Primitive Rite of Narbone, the third initiation of the “Ecole Communique” being an advancement in that Rite; These initiations took place between 1795 and 1798.xi

Pope Pius VI died shortly after being dethroned by Berthier….


Napoleon, under orders from the Jesuits, took the Pope captive in 1798.

American historian Emanuel Josephson tells us that the Jesuits used Napoleon in their larger scheme:

Weishaupt and his fellow Jesuits cut off the income to the Vatican by launching and leading the French Revolution; by directing Napoleon’s conquest of Catholic Europe; [and]…by eventually having Napoleon throw Pope Pius VII in jail at Avignon until he agreed, as the price of his release, to reestablish the Jesuit Order. This Jesuit war on the Vatican was terminated by the Congress of Vienna and by the secret, 1822, Treaty of Verona.xii

Eric Phelps explains that “The parallels between the Jesuits’ French and Russian Revolutions are striking.” Here are some of the comparisons:

1. Both revolutions were based on communist writings of Freemasons—Voltaire and Marx. Did not the Jesuits perfect communism on their reductions in Paraguay?

2. Both revolutions plundered the state churches..

3. Both revolutions ended the monarchies. Were not the Jesuits enemies of both the Bourbon and the Romanoff dynasties? Had not both monarchies expelled the Jesuits from their countries?

4. Both revolutions produced Jesuit Republics—republics in form, but absolute monarchies in power…

5. Both revolutions declared atheism as the religion of the state. Evidenced by their deeds, are not the Jesuits truly atheists?

6. Both revolutions carried out a reign of terror by an inquisitional secret police…

7. Both revolutions resulted in military dictators who punished the enemies of the Jesuits. Did not the Jesuits benefit even though Napoleon and Stalin, in deceiving the nations, openly banned the Order from France and Russia?xiii

Giovanni Nicolini agrees:

During the Order’s Suppression from 1773 to 1814 by Pope Clement XIV, General Ricci created the Illuminati with his soldier, Adam Weishaupt, the Father of modern Communism, who, with his Jacobins, conducted the French Revolution. Years later Jesuit General Ledochowski, with his Bolsheviks, conducted the Russian Revolution in 1917, it being identical to the upheaval of 1789.xiv

The Ustaša

In 1929, the Ustaša military organization was founded. This group assassinated King Alexander of Yugoslavia in 1934, and slaughtered Jewish and Orthodox Croatians. For the Ustaša, “relations with the Vatican were as important as relations with Germany.”xv

In 1941, Adolf Hitler put the Ustasha into power, in compliance with the Vatican-Third Reich Concordat, of July 20, 1933. Under that Concordat Dr. Ante Pavelic, the dictator of Croatia—with the direct aid of the Archbishop of Zagreb Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac—instructed the Ustasha to implement a program of forced “conversion” of the Croatia population to Catholicism: 840,000 people were murdered when they refused to become Roman Catholics.xvi

In an official document dated as late as May 8, 1944, His Eminence Archbishop Stepinac, head of the Catholic hierarchy (in Nazi Croatia, who was later convicted of war crimes) informed the Holy Father that to date ‘244,000 Orthodox Serbs have been converted to the Church of God.'”xvii

Catholic priest and writer Franjo Kralik wrote this in the Croation version of Catholic Weekly in 1941:

Love has its limits. The movement for freeing the world from the Jews is a movement for the renaissance of human dignity. The all wise and Almighty God is behind this movement.”

World War II

There are definite and frightening connections between Catholicism and the Jesuits and Hitler and the Nazis.

According to former Catholic Priest L. H. Lehmann, “It was a priest, Father Staempfle, not Hitler, who really wrote Mein Kampf.”xviii

Lehmann also asserts this:

Hitler approves of everything particularly relating to Jesuit Catholicism as opposed to Protestantism. He approves of the indisputability of Catholic dogmas, of the intolerant attitude of Catholic education, of the necessity of blind faith, of the personal infallibility of the pope…In an open and prophetic expression of his admiration for the Catholic Church, he says: “Thus the Catholic Church is more secure than ever. It can be predicted that, as passing phenomena vanish away, she will remain as a beacon light” (emphasis added).xix

One of the principle Catholic personalities to help Hitler into power was Franz von Papen,…


Hitler himself said this:

I learned much from the order of the Jesuits…Until now there has never been anything more grandiose, on the earth, than the hierarchical system of the catholic church. I transferred much of this organization into my own party.xx

The powerful Nazi leader Franz von Papen, Vice-Chancellor of the Reich, said this:

The Third Reich is the first world power which not only acknowledges but also puts into practice the high principles of the papacy (emphasis in original).xxi

In response to von Papen’s surprising claims, historian P. D. Stuart asks, “Now, are we to regard it as sheer coincidence that von Papen was not only Vice-Chancellor of the Nazi party, but also a member of the Catholic Center Party in the parliament of the Weimar Republic (1919-1933)? And is it merely coincidental that von Papen was also given the honorary dignity (title) of Papal Chamberlain by Pope Pius XI; or that the said honour was revived on July 24, 1959 by Pope John XXIII?”xxii

Note, as an aside, that the Third Reich was not the only superpower to follow the Pope’s principles. American President George W. Bush called John Paul II, “a champion of human freedom” and “an inspiration to millions of Americans.”xxiii In 2001 the Bush-appointed US ambassador to the Vatican declared that the “values of [the Bush] Administration and those of the Vatican line up hand in glove.”xxiv Read more about the relationship between the Papacy and the USA

Chief of the Nazi Sicherheitdienst Walter Shellenberg tells us about the Nazi secret service:

The SS had been organized by Heinrich Himmler according to the principles of the Jesuit Order. The rules of service and spiritual exercises prescribed by Ignatius de Loyola constituted a model which Heinrich Himmler strove carefully to copy. Absolute obedience was the supreme rule; every order had to be executed without comment.xxv

Himmler was closely associated with the Jesuits through his father and brother. Hitler said of him, “I can see Himmler as our Ignatius of Loyola.”xxvi

P. D. Stuart questions these connections, as should we:

Why were Hitler’s closest advisers Jesuits? Why did Mr. Hitler admire and copy the Jesuits? Are these just mere coincidences? Or are we once again seeing the Jesuits playing the chameleon, and eclipsing the wiles of Ovid?

…let us not mince words here, Hitler, the faithful “son of the Catholic Church,” was the Pope’s Malleus Papa—his hammer.xxvii

Read more about the Jesuits and their political impact on the world

Recent Regimes

Fidel Castro’s time in power was also part of the Jesuit ploy:

[Wherever] a totalitarian movement erupts, whether Communist or Nazi [i.e. fascism], a Jesuit can be found in the role of “adviser” or leader; in Cuba [it was] Castro’s “Father” Armando Llorente.xxviii

Castro himself was Jesuit-trained at various Jesuit schools, including El Colegio de Belén, a Jesuit boarding school in Havana!xxix

Zimbabwe’s president Robert Mugabe, leader of Africa’s current “reign of terror,”xxx has Jesuitical roots. Historian P. D. Stuart says this:

President Robert Mugabe.
“Mugabe: From secret Jesuit to grieving father to embittered tyrant”
Bereft by…

Even mass murderer Robert Mugabe is Jesuit trained. Mugabe was raised as a Roman Catholic, studied in Marxist and Jesuit schools, including the exclusive Kutama College, headed by Father Jerome O’Hea, S.J., who took Mugabe under his wing.xxxi

Lord David Owen, British Foreign Secretary in the late 1970s, has this to say about Mugabe:

Whatever Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe’s leader, may claim in the coming days, there is no way that the country can have anything like fair and free elections. His ruthlessness became clear to me when, as Foreign Secretary, I was negotiating with him over Rhodesian independence between 1977 and 1979…He was, however, an ideological zealot of Jesuit upbringing, implacable and obdurate.xxxii

The Papacy and the Jesuit Order are behind Mugabe and his seemingly “unCatholic” actions:

Amid escalating calls to excommunicate him from the Roman Catholic Church, President Robert Mugabe has donated a large sum of money to it…But Father Oskar Wermter, a Jesuit missionary priest who has lived in Zimbabwe for over 30 years, said calls to excommunicate Mugabe were “old hat” and were unlikely to be heard (emphasis added).xxxiii

Read how Britain’s Prince Charles is also under the influence of the Papacy


Many writers warned of a great conspiracy of the Jesuits in America. Samuel Morse, the father of Morse Code, was one of them. The preface of Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States, written in 1835, reads as follows:

Samuel Morse in 1840.
Public Domain….

The author undertakes to show – that a conspiracy against the liberties of this Republic is now in full action, under the direction of the wily Prince Metternich of Austria, who knowing the impossibility of obliterating this troublesome example of a great and free nation by force of arms, is attempting to accomplish his object through the agency of an army of Jesuits. The array of facts and arguments going to prove the existence of such a conspiracy, will astonish any man who opens the book with the same incredulity as we did.xxxiv

In 1816 John Adams wrote this to President Jefferson:

Shall we not have regular swarms of them here, in as many disguises as only a king of the gypsies can assume, dressed as painters, publishers, writers and schoolmasters? If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on earth and in hell it is this Society of Loyola’s.xxxv

Source: JamesHenry on Flickr.

President Abraham Lincoln said this:

The Protestants of both the North and South would surely unite to exterminate the priests and the Jesuits, if they could learn how the priests, the nuns, and the monks, which daily land on our shores, under the pretext of preaching their religion…are nothing else but the emissaries of the Pope, of Napoleon III, and the other despots of Europe, to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free.xxxvi

The great French General Marquis de Lafayette once said this:

It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country the United States of America are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated most of the wars of Europe.xxxvii

These men of the past knew the truth. As we can see by the list below, many American universities are run by Jesuits.

Loyola, founder of the Jesuits, said, “all rectors and public professors in universities and academies, …


Frighteningly, American presidents are being trained at these institutions, along with many other high government officials. Read about the current infiltration of Jesuits into American politics

There is no safety on Earth anymore. The deep-rooted government behind the scenes has already been established, and no human power can overthrow it. The only way to win is with Jesus. He is our only hope. Don’t cling to your physical possessions, your social status, or even your family. All of this can be taken away. The only thing that can’t is God’s love. Are you ready to meet Him when He comes?

Don’t be deceived by the different faces we see in power today. They all belong to the same source, but each has a different role to play in the creation of a new world order and the final endgame predicted in Bible prophecy. Bush, Obama, and all the presidents to come have a specific role to play—the next step in the huge plan.

Read more about the history and reputation of the Jesuit Order

TLB recommends you visit Amazing Discoveries for more great/pertinent articles.

See featured article here

Ex-Illuminati Member ‘Svali’ Reveals All

Illuminati Wife Tells All (Videos part 1-4)



by Makia Freeman

The 2015 UN Summit will be held in September 2015 in New York. Like any UN summit, it will be full of UN buzzwords such as consensus, empowerment, rule of law and sustainability, all of which are fake and have a sinister double meaning. The United Nations, founded by the Rockefellers and the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), has always been, right from its inception, about creating a One World Government. It has achieved this by appearing to be “of the people” when “of the globalists” would be a more apt description. Later this year, it will attempting to adopt the “post-2015 development agenda” which will be a furthering of its Agenda 21 aims, such as grabbing national land under the guise of saving the environment, forcing people off their land into tiny apartments in Smart Cities, global gun control and global internet control (the latest of its power grabbing schemes).

The Post-2015 Development Agenda

Here are some of the items on the agenda at the 2015 UN Summit:

  • Protecting our planet and combatting climate change
  • Building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions to achieve sustainable development
  • Delivering on a revitalised Global Partnership (which includes “meeting all commitments on the means of implementation”)

Sounds great and seems so noble if you don’t know the background to all this. However, when you pass the above points through the Orwellian translation unit, it means centralizing vast amounts of power into a body destined to become the World Government, under the pretext of fighting an imaginary manmade global warming or climate change. It also means extending the reach of the UN so that local bodies (local councils and municipalities that belong to ICLEI, the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) can implement its global directives and make it look grassroots or like it was locally decided.

United Nations “Consensus” = Bought-and-Paid-For Opinion

The UN loves to boast about how it operates by consensus. However, it’s fake consensus, much like the nations of the West have fake democracy. There is no real democracy when all of the political candidates have the same view on key issues, and answer to the same force. Likewise, there is no real consensus when the direction and agenda have been decided in advance. It’s just a playing out of a discussion, cleverly guided by key agents to ensure the outcome is what the elite have secretly dictated beforehand. One way this happens at the UN is through the World Bank (a branch for the UN) which pays for people (from all corners of the globe) to come to events to give appearance of a global consensus of all the citizens of the world. However, a condition of them being funded is that they say what they are told to say. Rose Koire and others have also exposed the Delphi Technique, which is a way that meetings are cleverly manipulated by facilitators to guide the group towards an end goal, view or consensus, while making it appear the group arrived there organically.

United Nations “Empowerment” = One World Military

When the UN talks about empowerment, it is not really talking about individual empowerment for you or I. That is just a pretext. The UN is seeking global power. It was set up to become higher and more powerful than national Governments. It is seeking the empowerment of itself. It wants an army or police force with which it can start to impose all its rules over every nation and person on Earth. There is already a UN “Peacekeeping” force – another Orwellian name for military soldiers. War is Peace. In a similar vein, the UN “Humanitarian Missions” are not called wars but are wars. They involve the attacking and bombing of innocent countries (including many civilians, women and children, such as happened in Libya) because UN leaders and “the international community” (i.e. the elite-controlled global consensus) has decided that they want more control over a particular area. The more that the UN empowers itself, the closer we step to a One World Military force.

United Nations “Rule of Law” = Subversion of National Sovereignty

The UN keeps invoking the “Rule of Law” mantra to convince people it has authority over them when it doesn’t. Interestingly, this is exactly the phrase used by George Bush Sr. on September 11th, 1991, when he publicly pushed for a New World Order. The UN keeps arrogantly proceeding with its “Rule of Law” idea, however the basic rule of treaty law is that a treaty is only binding on the signatories, and the UN is still trying to impose the ICC (International Criminal Court) upon all countries, even those who have not signed on to it. This is based upon the arbitrary number of “60” countries that ratified it. It all stems from the false belief that UN Charter trumps the US Constitution.

United Nations “Sustainability” = Centralization of Control

The 2015 UN Summit agenda includes “effective, accountable and inclusive institutions to achieve sustainable development”. Sustainability and sustainable development are clever pretexts for centralization of power. This stems from the decision made decades ago by the elite to use the threat of pollution and environmental catastrophe, or the threat of humanity itself, as the cover for a worldwide power grab. Consider the excerpt below from the Report from the Iron Mountain:

“It may be, for instance, that gross pollution of the environment can eventually replace the possibility of mass destruction by nuclear weapons as the principal apparent threat to the survival of the species. Poisoning of the air, and of the principal sources of food and water supply, is already well advanced, and at first glance would seem promising in this respect; it constitutes a threat that can be dealt with only through social organization and political power.”

Consider also this excerpt from the Club of Rome’s 1991 document entitled The First Global Revolution:

“In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality and their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together … all these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself.”

The Entire Foundation of the United Nations …

Underpinning all the marketing buzzwords of the United Nations, and underpinning the entire foundation of the United Nations itself, is the same insidious ideology behind many famous “isms”. It’s the same ideology behind fascism, socialism and communism. It’s called collectivism – and it doesn’t matter whether you’re left or right (a false dichotomy anyway since both sides are controlled by the same force), because collectivist thinking controls all parts of the current political spectrum across the world.

Collectivism is the idea that the group is more important than the individual, that the State is everything, that only the State grants human rights and that there should be no private property. Collectivism is total anathema to individual freedom and rights, and everything upon which the American Republic was founded. No one has exposed this better than G. Edward Griffin, whose speeches and books are worth close attention.

The elite controllers promoting collectivism are trying to achieve, though the UN, one of the finest pieces of brainwashing ever attempted: to convince you that all your rights are granted by Government – and therefore that Government (i.e. the elite at the top) may take them all away if it deems so. Such a balance of power is inherently tyrannical. To deny that humans are born with or come to Earth with intrinsic rights is to deny the basic worthiness of a person – and to set up a situation where they can become enslaved later on in life.

(As an aside, one of the 3 most notorious conspiracy documents ever written, in my opinion, was The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Towards the end of the document the writers admit that the World Government they are trying to install is collectivist.)

Below is a quote from the official UN Charter:

Chapter II, Article 5:
UN Security Council may suspend rights and privileges

“A Member of the United Nations against which preventive or enforcement action has been taken by the Security Council may be suspended from the exercise of the rights and privileges of membership by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council. The exercise of these rights and privileges may be restored by the Security Council.”

And which members comprise the UN Security Council? There are 5 permanent members (US, Britain, France, Russia and China), all of whom have historically had governments which have experimented upon, tortured, killed and committed genocide against their own citizens, and citizens from other countries.

As Edward Griffin write in his book The Fearful Master: A Second Look at the United Nations:

“… the UN assumes that the Charter is vague and broad enough so as to authorize it to do absolutely everything! This concept of unlimited power was made absolutely clear when the UN World Court declared: “Under international law, the organization [the UN] must be deemed to have those powers which, though not expressly provided in the Charter, are conferred upon it by necessary implication as being essential to the performance of its duties.”

The Collectivist 2015 UN Summit Draws Closer …

There you have it. The collectivist foundation of the UN has always been in diametric opposition to the individualistic foundation of the US. The UN was set up to be able to administer and oversee (i.e. control) everything from your state of health to your housing. The US Federal Government was set up with strict limits on how much it could do (especially in the 9th and 10th Amendments of the Bill of Rights).

As the 2015 UN Summit draw closer, it would be well worth revisiting what kind of world we want to live in, before it is overtaken by a collectivist New World Order.

Makia Freeman is the editor of The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at, writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the global conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance.


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TLB recommends you visit War Is A Crime for more great/pertinent articles.

The Protocols of Zion: Revelation of the Method


Listen to pre-recorded show below topic intro in full anytime after show start time

Linderman Unleashed 062615 TLBR EP6

By TLB Contributor and Talk Show Host: Curt Linderman Sr.

This week on Linderman Unleashed: I begin the program with a special guest, Michelle Ford will be giving us an update on the California state Bill that will destroy health freedoms for families in that state and will probably set a precedent that will sweep the country. SB277 removes all but medical vaccine exemption for any child attending public or private schools. If passed, SB277 will likely be the catalyst for increased legislation across the country and destroy many more lives. We must all be concerned with this state bill.

I will also be discussing how the black community in California is finally becoming active with this very real problem and why they should be.

I will then be discussing the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement (that I refer to as the Monsanto Law) and the devastating effects it will have on our sovereignty and our economy. This is the issue that should prove my point that the right and left in this country is working side-by-side to destroy America and turn it into the corporate controlled oligarchy that the NWO has been planning for centuries. This could very well be the final nail in the coffin for our republic.

I’ll also be discussing the hypocrisy that the Catholic Church is witnessing with this new world order Pope. Could you ever imagine a pope saying that you aren’t “Christian” if you make or own a firearm because you are not “trusting in the Lord” for your protection… he is protected by the Swiss Guard (that is fully armed) and riding down the streets behind bullet-proof glass in the pope mobile?

The insanity that we are witnessing recently can be described as nothing but the end of this planet as we know it. The agenda is apparent, the end game does not bode well for freedom loving citizens and we are the only ones that can stop it.

Join me every Friday at 7 pm EST at the Liberty Beacon Radio Network for compelling dialogue and in-your-face analysis of what truly matters.


Linderman Unleashed is on every Friday night at 7 PM EST at the Liberty Beacon Radio Network and can be heard in full anytime after show publish time (pre-recorded).

Click on the TLB Logo to hear the show

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Or visit Curt’s Host Page on TLB’s Radio media website: The Liberty Beacon Town Crier for his current or archived shows.

TLB recommends you visit Curt’s website, Linderman Unleashed for more great/pertinent information, links to everything discussed on the programs and other articles and information of value.



By Eric Zuesse

As the civilizations that we all know, and love, and lived, slide increasingly into totalitarian misery; and the environment, which had been our lives, becomes less and less livable, there will be, in retrospect, one key day, which historians will mark, as the turning-point toward Earth’s death; and it was 23 June 2015.

That’s the day when the U.S. Senate, which had previously turned down the procedural move (called “Fast Track Trade Promotion Authority,” and discussed here) that opens the door to passing U.S. President Obama’s falsely-called ‘trade’ deals, finally (in effect) passed it — thereby reducing the Constitutionally required two-thirds of Senators that’s needed to approve any of these treaties in order for it to become law, down to merely an unconstitutional 50% of the Senators (+ the Vice President as the tie-breaker), as if a treaty were like any merely ordinary law (which requires only 50%+1); “Fast Track” thus enormously increases the likelihood of passing any of Obama’s world-murderous ‘trade’ treaties, from approximately 0%, to approximately 100%.

Here is how these treaties will murder the Earth:

Each of these ‘trade’ deals is about lots more than merely international commerce; it is far more fundamentally about sovereignty — who rules?  There is a feature in each one of them that empowers international corporations to sue any member-nation to the treaty, which tries to pass any regulation, including any environmental regulation, that is stricter than what is set in stone forever in the given ‘trade’ deal. If, for example, scientists discover that, in order for our planet not to go into an exponentially increasing temperature — basically, to go environmentally haywire, and a rapid descent into planetary death (unlivable) — then the requirements for cutting back on fossil fuels must be increased, the situation will already be one in which any member nation that would even try to increase those requirements will be sued by international oil and coal and gas corporations for trying to prevent such environmental haywire, and these lawsuits will be adjudicated by panels not of judges who are appointed by democratically elected representatives of the given nation’s public, but instead by mere panels of international ‘arbitrators’ whose careers will be dependent upon how favorably they rule for international corporations. There will be no democracy, at all, in this. The member-nations to the treaty will no longer actually be democracies. (If they ever were.) There will be a higher power, and it’s trans-national: the hundred or so individuals who collectively control all of the major international corporations.

Instead of national democracies, the member-nations of these ‘trade’ deals will have become little more than supplicants to the international corporate dictatorship, which dictatorship rules collectively over all of the national signatories to the international ‘trade’ treaty.

Now, it’s true that the international corporations will not be empowered to change any law within any one of the member-nations; but, they won’t even need to. How do you think that, in this circumstance, countries will handle their regulatory obligations, if they can be sued for increasing their national standards so as to accommodate new scientific findings, or even merely in order to change financial regulations so as to prevent crashes such as in 1929 and 2008? Any increase in any national regulation will place that nation in almost certain jeopardy of being internationally assessed to pay huge fines to the suing international corporations. That will become the great international racket: suing nations, for violating the ‘rights’ of international investors — ‘rights’ that transcend any of the rights of the citizenry in any one of those countries. (No contrary provision is afforded for nations, to sue international investors; it’s all just one-way.)

So: these ‘trade’ deals will not directly and overtly block any increase in the regulations of food-safety, the environment, drug-safety, worker-safety, workers’ wages, medical care, education, or any of the many other things that governments must regulate in order for the public to be protected, and served. Instead, this legislative blockage will be indirect, and covert. But it will be just as real, and just as effective, as if it were an outright legal prohibition. The individual nations will be forced to yield to the ‘higher’ rights (the real sovereignty) of the top international investors.

In other words: What the U.S. Senate did on 23 June 2015 was to hand America’s sovereignty over to international corporations. It gave President Obama what he had been seeking with unprecedented intensity, and which he has called his “legacy”: it’s the power to transfer lots of America’s democratic national sovereignty over to international corporations — that is, to the roughly 100 individuals on this planet who own the controlling blocks of stock in the world’s large international corporations, the people who are the real beneficiaries in all of this.

Not only will environmental regulations be frozen into place, once a given treaty is in force, and so the entire planet will become, essentially, doomed (because emerging science will be ignored if it doesn’t serve the interests of the hundred or so top billionaires); but protections of workers’ rights will also not increase — not rise in any country — beyond what the treaty specifies. The set-in-stone standards will govern, while the planet simply boils away, and boils off. This will have been the ultimate conservative victory.

The end result of that conservative victory will be global impoverishment, and ultimate environmental collapse, while the world’s few billionaires, and especially the richest hundred of them, will become enormously richer, because their freedoms and associated power will be enormously increased, at everyone else’s expense, by what happened on 23 June 2015. And, of course, those international corporations have been lobbying and buying politicians to the tune of billions of dollars, precisely in order to achieve this outcome — their totalitarian international power.

The most curious aspect of this catastrophic outcome is that the so-called ‘charities’ and ‘non-profits,’ such billionaires’ tax-writeoffs as the Sierra Club and other environmental organizations that are already heavily beholden to international corporations and to the people who control those, have been basically silent about the planetary destruction that their sponsors have been fighting to achieve, via Obama’s ‘trade’ deals. (There’s been token resistance, but only token.) The American public had falsely thought that only a few amendments needed to be added in order for these to be ‘good’ ‘trade’ deals for the public — amendments such as “Trade Adjustment Assistance,” which would provide token and brief transitional training to some of the millions of Americans who will be losing their jobs, as those jobs become increasingly outsourced abroad to lower-wage or more brutally anti-union countries and make ‘us’ more like ’them’ — the low-wage and desperate masses there.

The real “us,” and “them,” are instead the public, versus the aristocracy. It’s so within every country, but it’s unmentionable in the United States; and when you look at ‘non-profits’ such as Greenpeace, Sierra Club, etc., and see that they were virtually silent and not vigorously exposing the corrupt ‘liberals’ during the legislative process, while this monstrosity was passing into law — a monstrosity that will make all of those organizations’ alleged ‘missions’ into mere mockery — the victory of them, over us, was as if those nominal ‘charities’ had never even existed.

For example: the websites of all of those ‘charities’ should have been flaming against “ISDS” as being an Earth-killer, but they weren’t. Instead, they focused on far less-dangerous features, “threats to forests” and the like. That was more covering-up than exposing the mega-threat.

We’re not all in this together. And they know it. Only the public were prevented from knowing it — until too late.

For more about this, see the article I previously linked to. It also provides the historical background, and the only remaining way forward that still might possibly be available to block Obama’s success in this (a Constitutional challenge to the “Fast Track” provision of Richard Nixon’s Trade Act of 1974). 

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity, and of  Feudalism, Fascism, Libertarianism and Economics.


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Bernie Suarez, Guest
Waking Times

Throughout nature it is well known that species will experience changes in its DNA and adaptations in its physical expression and behavior solely for the purposes of surviving in its environment. There are numerous examples in nature of species genetically and physically adapting to its environment for survival reasons. So it’s not a far-fetched suggestion that humanity itself may now be experiencing a physiological mental and cerebral transformation which is changing its behavioral pattern and environmental response to the phenomenon of government.

That’s right, as humans we have an obligation to think critically and objectively when considering the plight of humanity as it struggles in these modern days against the new world order and the human control system. It is up to us to consider the objective expression of this battle for freedom against the oppressive and defective component of humanity known as government.

Whether you understand it or not, those that wish to control you are a parasite on the species. Their infective process is carried out by thought signals within other concurring members of the species. These thought signals of control, rules, laws, policing, and legal system of enslavement perpetuate itself within the species, and is the very system that we know as the controlling governmental system. It seeks to simply control and enslave others. There is really no other purpose for its existence. It generates the mental signals needed to perpetuate the control system of enslavement to take away your individual freedom and your wealth and money. It does all of this by the system of rules we logically understand today as government.

This same governmental system is a sophisticated apparatus. It didn’t just come about by any means. This concept of government, it turns out, is the very burden of life that ensures that life often is a struggle, is stress filled or not enjoyable. This control system is a challenge humanity has been trying to figure out for centuries. Anyone can read ancient history and see the exact same struggle humanity was in back then. It is not difficult to see the parallels throughout history showing how the history of freedom’s struggle is arguably the very history of humanity.

Unfortunately today, all of history is often taught to children from the point of view of the controllers. The concept of freedom is normally hidden from human consciousness from the start with the hope and intention that the human being will never comprehend what it means to be truly free. The control system’s logic instilled from youth is that life is what you are told it is by the control system and you are to obey. We are taught that freedom from controlling governments is not realistic, not possible and not even part of human history.

Realization and Awareness

However, with the advent of the information age and the subsequent advancement in human awareness and consciousness, many within the species (those who are awakened) are realizing that the sky is the limit. Humanity is realizing that truth itself is realized, not expressed to you by a voice on TV or a billboard. Awakened humanity is realizing that we are what we believe we can be. The rules of old are quickly dissolving before our eyes even as the control system marches on with control tactics to keep the masses enslaved.

Reality and fiction are on a collision course. The controllers are intending to force their fiction on humanity even if it means going violent. Today, this forceful violence designed to intimidate and push their agenda is known by many names today including “false flags”. These false flags are now the norm in the eyes of those who are awakened, and spontaneous coincidences in the eyes of those still asleep in the matrix of lies.

This epic moment in human consciousness is leading to something big. What we are now seeing is a rash of staged government violent operations, staged false flag violence and everyday lies from the control system’s mainstream media. As awakened humanity fights off a now weak storm of verbal attacks (“conspiracy theorists”) designed to discredit those awakened, it is primed to usher in a new era which is already underway.

The new era of human consciousness has many features to it. It’s already in progress and it’s all around us even though most people don’t realize it. Humanity is mentally advancing and adapting very comfortably to government lies and propaganda. Yes, that’s right! I believe humanity is adapting so well to government lies and propaganda that the control system is desperate to do whatever it has to do to control, fool and convince those that are still asleep that the dream they are in is still real. They are throwing the kitchen sink at this prospect. The dream of controlling humanity is, after all, a dream to the controllers. The same way you and I have dreams of success and happiness is the same way the controller have dreams of controlling. Like any member of the species, we (they) are wired to not give up on our (their) dreams.

This functional commonality within humanity is a very important reality we must all keep in mind. The same tenacity that we have for fighting for freedom and truth is the tenacity the controllers have for fighting for enslavement and lies.

Rendering the Control System Powerless

I believe our similarities within the species is something that is allowing the species as a whole to adapt to the problematic control system. This diseased portion of humanity known as the control system is losing its mass influence, and the loss of influence is growing and becoming more pronounced with every day that goes by.

For example, as I’ve discussed in the past, more than ever we are now seeing repeated government lies, propaganda, entire operations including false flags and fake terror operations all being pushed on the masses at all-time rates, all the while a growing significant percentage of the human population is not even blinking at these events. It’s as if these false flag shootings, lies, propaganda and staged terror is not even happening. The anxiety it’s supposed to produce is not there and the lies they tell are not believed. Awakened humanity is increasingly seeing government and its lying apparatus as an irrelevant part of life.

We all know the control system is very capable of violence. Yes, they will do anything they can to put every single one of us in a cage (jail, prison) or to take away our money (taxes). Yes they will write thousands of laws to make it easier and easier to attack your freedom and steal your money. And yes they will continue to attack your mind with staged fear (terrorism, false flags and engineered natural events). Awakened humanity is aware of what it is dealing with and it is aware of its individual limitations so it tolerates what it sees, quietly marches on ignoring the fear and quietly awaits the moment when all the cards will fall apart for the control system.

Human Progress

Many who are fully awakened realize that essentially all human progress occurs slowly and incrementally. That is the reason why we all have associates, friends and family who are still asleep in the matrix of lies. We understand it is a slow process. It’s the process of human mental, spiritual, and conscious evolution that we are seeing in motion in real-time. Its happening right now and it’s very real.

I firmly believe humanity is actually adapting to the problem of government. Advanced humanity sees the problem and now it is fully understanding what it’s dealing with. This new and evolving understanding is giving way to the evolutionary process of overcoming government. Humanity is intrinsically changing how it thinks in response to the problem of government. Think for a moment how just a century ago no one had any clue what a false flag was. Can you imagine that?

Here we are in the first quarter of the 21st century and humanity’s mentality is advancing beyond its years even as a huge segment is still stuck on the paradigm of entertainment allowing celebrities, Hollywood and TV to influence their perception of the world. Advanced humanity, nonetheless, is moving forward confidently. Those who are awakened cannot be un-awakened. The awakening process is a one-way street. It’s a process that moves forward not backward. Mathematically speaking there will be more (not less) awakened people on earth tomorrow than yesterday, and so on.

All of these factors put together define the evolution of humanity but not in the sense taught to children in public schools. This is the true and real evolution of the human thought process which includes its new awareness of itself, its new awareness of freedom, and full awareness of its enslavement to government and how it employs the current propaganda control system.

I believe this awareness alone is all that is needed for humanity to guarantee victory over the control system. It may sound crazy and exaggerated but this awareness alone will activate the spirit of freedom deep inside the minds of humans and it will activate the creativity in humanity to do whatever it takes to resist the control system. This resistance, when exercised on a mass scale will deal a blow to the control system in ways we can’t imagine.

So no one should be surprised that the control system will soon be using the U.S. military to practice intimidating Americans and pulling them out of their apartments (Jade Helm 15 operation officially starting soon). That’s because deep down the control system knows what it is up against. It’s up against a sophisticated species that is aware, is watching, is vigilant, loves freedom and most important, is evolving mentally. This new adaptation by the species to the problem of government will ultimately be the greatest threat to the control system. The controllers are hoping to overcome this by spreading fear. They know, however, that if they fail to spread their fear it is game over. Are you ready? Will you be ready when things get much worse? Is the greater picture finally coming together?

About the Author

Bernie is a revolutionary writer with a background in medicine, psychology, and information technology. He has written numerous articles over the years about freedom, government corruption and conspiracies, and solutions. A former host of the 9/11 Freefall radio show, Bernie is also the creator of the Truth and Art TV project where he shares articles and videos about issues that raise our consciousness and offer solutions to our current problems. His efforts are designed to encourage others to joyfully stand for truth, to expose government tactics of propaganda, fear and deception, and to address the psychology of dealing with the rising new world order. He is also a former U.S. Marine who believes it is our duty to stand for and defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. A peace activist, he believes information and awareness is the first step toward being free from enslavement from the globalist control system which now threatens humanity. He believes love conquers all fear and it is up to each and every one of us to manifest the solutions and the change that you want to see in this world, because doing this is the very thing that will ensure victory and restoration of the human race from the rising global enslavement system, and will offer hope to future generations.


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By Joachim Hagopian

As the globalists’ vision for a one world totalitarian government unfolds in rapid sequence of their long plotted New World Order, a parallel process is also quietly unfurling in the covert formation of a globalized international military fighting force. The US Joint Special Operations Command Forces have built a notorious reputation as death squads known for conducting middle of the night raids, murdering entire families in the process along with detaining targeted suspects in both Iraq and Afghanistan and now all over the world.

Because Special Forces by their very nature are highly secretive and virtually unaccountable to everyone, including our own government, we never hear much about this global elite killer machine. The only exceptions are the contradictory renditions of how the Navy Seals took out Osama bin Laden, or glossy film renditions glorifying Special Forces exploits as recruitment propaganda commercials, now all closely monitored, controlled and censored by the US military. In fact, the FBI, the CIA and Pentagon all have liaison handlers assigned to Hollywood just to make sure the shady truth about them never gets to the big screen audience. Sadly the film industry has degenerated into joining the lowly ranks of mainstream media as mere gov.whore-corp propagandists. Truth is now the enemy.

Though more often covered only by alternative media, the big story headlines today involve the buildup of NATO forces and heavy arms shipments in Ukraine and all along the Russian border for what could turn out to be a World War III deployment.

Joint NATO-US exercises are busily prepping for future faceoff against the Russian military vying for glacier-free Arctic oil reserves while the US Navy conducts unprecedented drills this month wreaking ecosystem havoc along the Alaskan coastline. Similarly in the South China Sea a growing US naval presence is ratcheting to heat up regional tensions with China in the Pacific theatre of Cold War II. And then of course June 15th marked the US Special Forces kickoff of yet the most unprecedented military exercise of them all with the controversial Jade Helm 15 operation conducted over the next three months as the largest military operation on US soil since America’s deadliest first Civil War.

Underneath the sabre rattling surface of all this worldwide martial activity and bypassing detection from even independent media’s radar focusing exclusively these days on Jade Helm is a one world military elite fighting machine being developed largely in secret led by US Special Operations Command (US SOCOM) in conjunction with the United Nations. Perhaps more than any other journalist Nick Turse has forged a highly reputable investigative career attempting to uncover this top secret, hidden world of US SOCOM. Over this last decade black ops deployment around the globe has increased exponentially.

In January this year Turse reported that as of the end of the fiscal year on September 30th, 2014, Special Operations Forces (SOF) engaged in strategic operations in 133 countries on the planet covering over 70% of the earth’s nations. And that high number is likely a lowball assessment of where the SOCOM public affairs officer is willing to admit US Special Forces may actually be operating. The latest tally is up to 150 countries. Just to demonstrate how Special Forces missions are in such increasingly high demand, barely two months into the new fiscal year last December after the second botched rescue raid resulting in American photojournalist Luke Somers and scheduled to be released the next day South African teacher Pierre Korkie’s deaths, SOCOM already was actively engaged in at least 105 nations, in two months already 80% of the previous year’s total number.

Washington war makers learned but one lesson from Vietnam – to conceal the brutality and sheer insanity of war from the American public’s eyes and consciousness after the first and last televised war had rapidly turned the nation against that debacle. So several decades later in Iraq and Afghanistan US wartime atrocities were deliberately hidden in collusion with MSM pressitute, “in-bed,” inbred journalism, where gov.corp war became sanitized, blood and gore spotless, completely absent of body bags for an “out of sight, out of mind” America whose volunteer army comprised less than 1% of its total population.

Leave it to courageous whistleblower Private Manning presently serving his 35-year prison sentence and Wikileaks to boldly expose a myopic glimpse of the always ongoing US war crimes against humanity. By concealment design this sterilized version of two history-making, decade-long wars could simultaneously rage on year after year, minus any tangible antiwar movement, while bleeding the middle class dry in a stagnant, recession-racked economy, sending combat fatigued troops back into harm’s way a fourth and fifth time for another elitist blood-for-oil motherlode bonanza exclusively set up for filthy rich criminal war profiteers to get only filthier richer. But despite these sinister “out of sight, out of mind” machinations and the continental divide between civilians and military, the American populace eventually grew war-weary.

So the elite had to come up with yet a new and improved enemy threat called ISIS along with their new and improved kind of war. After two costly war defeats – six trillion dollars squandered and still rising, a half dozen MENA failed states, nearly 7000 dead American soldiers and millions of murdered Iraqis, Afghanis and other hapless Muslims – arose the bright idea of a new way to wage war in the 21st century using elite Special Forces in a personnel-downsized armed services waging dozens of dirty little secret wars in every corner of the globe.

The rationale for this new, low intensity form of modern warfare consisting of countless undeclared wars around the world all at once proved cost effective and no one but family relatives of dead victims’ corpses strewn about on far-off foreign soil would ever be aware of the murderous worldwide scale of these dirty little secret operations. With absolutely no accountability or oversight even from US Congress, these deadly imperialistic wars nobody knows about are assured to continue unabated for decades to come. After all, the feds’ fake “war on terror” must go on.

A Department of Defense news article two years ago featured then Special Operations Commander Admiral William McRaven’s SOF 2020 vision calling “for a globally networked force of special operations forces, interagency representatives, allies and partners, with aligned structures, processes and authorities to enable its operations.” This is the blueprint for a globalized international black ops killing machine readily able to engage in strategic and tactical covert operations around the globe acting at the behest of a one world government as the globalist elite’s private security force.

The extensive plan for multiple nations’ black ops forces coming together to train regularly in joint exercises and deployments is facilitating lightning strike assaults and tactical missions of highly unconventional warfare to typically take out enemy command and control centers as well as extraction and assassination of targeted enemy combatants. In recent years this global elite force is designed to provide ready made to act on intelligence (far more effective than the CIA) as well as engage in asymmetrical warfare tactics of guerilla-type activity in rapid deployment missions anywhere on the planet as critical pre-step strategy to launching larger scale military campaigns involving conventional force invasions and occupations against targeted hostile nations and forces.

The forever war on terror in the Middle East and Africa as well as Europe and Asia fortified by a massive global infrastructure supporting over a thousand US military posts around the world guarantees black ops deployment everywhere on the planet. And that next targeted hostile nation could very well be America under martial law once Jade Helm goes live this summer.

The scenario just outlined above fits the Jade Helm itinerary perfectly with massive military armaments and equipment movement and stockpiling along with an influx of state National Guard units deployed in multiple “civil unrest” training exercises seen nationwide all year long, extraction drills observed on March 27th in Fort Lauderdale, large scale movement of troops from Fort Carson now deployed in staging exercises in southern Colorado, a plan for deployment of the 82nd Airborne Division as part of Jade Helm operation and plans announced three months ago by the JH15 designer-PR man Thomas Meade that the Navy Seals will be deployed in Louisiana and Mississippi (supposed non-designated JH states) as part of Jade Helm along with the 1200 Special Forces maneuvering throughout “hostile territories” Texas, Utah and drug cartel dominated borderland of Southern California along with the other Jade Helm border states New Mexico, Arizona and Nevada.

Combine all this torrid activity with multi-federal agency involvement that includes local law enforcement operating over such a widespread area of the US working hand-in-hand with all the intel forces from the FBI and CIA to the DEA, Border Patrol and Homeland Security and this summer into fall is shaping up into not just a simple military exercise for practicing skills to be utilized later on foreign soil as the PR propagandists have claimed… not when an Obama forced into retirement general anonymously revealed that Obama back in 2012 ordered the Pentagon to determine how much of the US armed forces would be willing to kill their fellow Americans and warned us of coming false flag attacks and a prolonged bloody US civil war. Or a retired Homeland Security employee disclosing that in recent years the department’s been planning a likely cyber-attack on the banking infrastructure along with other emergency false flag scenarios leading to martial law.

Or the militarization of police forces across the nation now looking identical to armed military forces acting with complete impunity killing American citizens (over 500 already this year) as a bona fide police state. Or the dozens of non-military, non-law enforcement federal agencies like the US Postal Service, Department of Game and Wildlife, IRS, FDA, EPA all buying up two and a half billion hollow point bullets. Take all of these very real, undeniable dots and connect them together and it appears more than probable that planned crises will become the ready-made excuse for Jade Helm to go live and martial law declared.

The Project for a New American Century (PNAC) whose architects include all the Bush inside job 9/11 neocons called for a transformation of the US military this century. As part of that transformation a popular current military tactical modality has employed the Human Terrain System. It was heavily pushed by General David Petraeus in both Iraq and Afghanistan and is still widely deployed today despite its proven failures. The Human Terrain System employs personnel teams comprised of social scientists primarily trained and educated in anthropology and psychology. Their purpose is to gather key information as a means to learn about and understand the enemy, utilizing that data to win over, manipulate and influence targeted adversarial populations through PSYOPS methods using propaganda and brainwashing techniques through pamphlets, MSM and internet social media disinformation.

Transformation of America was promised by Obama as he only continued the neocon PNAC blueprint to change how America would fight its wars. Last September the United States Army Special Forces Command published the Cognitive Joint Force Entry White Paper. “The decline of the regulated nation state order and the increased prominence of Violent Extremist Organizations (VEO’s)” present the newly deemed asymmetrical enemy that are the so called “terrorists.” This document outlines how asymmetrical warfare both currently and in the future will be fought. SOCOM Admiral McRaven in March 2014 described the Human Domain:

Our SOF engagement takes place in the Human Domain – the totality of the physical, cultural, and social environments that influence human behavior in a population-centric conflict. The Domain is about developing an understanding of, and nurturing influence among, critical populaces. SOF is uniquely suited for operations that win population-centric conflicts, oftentimes, and preferably, before they start.

Cognitive Joint Force Entry now brings an exclusive focus on fighting a thinking man’s war, getting inside the enemy’s head to the thinking processes, hence cognitive depth, cognitive strategy and cognitive resilience become operative keyword buzzwords.

The shift to defeating the enemy psychologically before a shot is even fired takes its cue from the ancient Chinese philosopher Sun Tzu’s Art of War: “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” Shaping prewar interventions has become the Special Operations trademark. Its buzzword is Phase Zero referring to an unending propaganda blitz to shape public opinion. Peacetime becomes just another phase in the forever state of war that the Pentagon and the Bush-Obama regime has incessantly been conditioning Americans to ultimately accept.

The demonization of Putin during this last year over Ukraine is but one recent example. Enemies range from “aggressors” like Putin who defends his nation against US Empire-NATO agenda to offensively surround and isolate the Russian Federation. Of course US created al Qaeda/ISIS are the twenty-first century public enemy number one on the one hand as the 9/11 scapegoats and perpetual war on terror opponents, and on the other hand the neocon proxy war mercenary ally wreaking havoc and terror wherever US-Israeli-Saudi axis of evil unleashes them. The Orwellian double speak of lies never ends.

Announcing the Jade Helm operation to the US public a full four months in advance is a PSYOPS to get inside the head of the domestic enemy – Americans who criticize the federal government for its increasing tyranny. The JH15 Special Operations exercise includes participants acting in the role as infiltrators to “blend in” wearing civilian clothes driving civilian vehicles in local civilian communities. They will be acting as spies who will encourage people to turn in their fellow citizens for subversive, anti-government activities, reminiscent of the civilian national security force that Obama as a 2008 presidential candidate touted just like Hitler’s prewar Nazi Germany youth groups.

Department of Homeland Security and state and municipal fusion centers work closely with local and federal law enforcement agencies and the US domestic intelligence community to ostensibly ferret out dissidents deemed enemies of the state, enemy combatants or belligerents, otherwise labeled homegrown terrorists. That said, for all their collective efforts they have absolutely nothing to show for themselves to even justify their existence much less the tax dollars wasted, not uncovering or finding even one domestic terrorist plot. Jade Helm is practicing asymmetrical warfare against American citizens who have become the enemy to the diabolical oppressors who as traitors are the true enemy of the entire world for what’s happening here in the US is happening throughout Western nations.

DOD 3025.18 is a document directive dated December 2010 about Defense Support of Civilian Authorities. Essentially this federal directive authorizes lethal military force by both active duty personnel as well as state National Guard units and reservist forces in support of police to be used against US citizens in civil matters involving emergencies and civil unrest, in effect overturning the Posse Comitatus law of 1878 that expressly prohibits use of US military in civil matters. Obama’s 2012 NDAA also violates Comitatus law.

To further cause concern, the proliferation of the United Nations security “peacekeeping” forces in recent years and President Obama signing a series of secret contractual agreements authorizing militarized UN forces, Homeland Security, and FEMA along with both US and foreign troops for active deployment on US soil against American citizens during times of civil unrest facilitating martial law conditions is also documented on public record.

On September 25th, 2013 Obama signed the UN Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) along with 121 other nations that went into effect on Christmas Eve that year banning private citizens from owning guns, obviously in direct violation of the Second Amendment of the Constitution. Though Congress never ratified ATT knowing it would cause an uproar amongst the voting public, it hasn’t stopped dictatorial Obama from repeatedly violating rule of law by signing 23 executive orders on gun control as further attempt to undermine and usurp constitutional rights.

There exists a long, well documented history of human rights violations that accompany nations’ efforts to outlaw and confiscate guns from private citizens. Especially where police state totalitarianism prevails, where both law enforcement agencies and government forces are the violent perpetrators, enforcing bans on gun ownership precipitates justifiable and predictable counter-resistance from citizens that in effect cause civil unrest and violence. With police murdering so many Americans nowadays, seemingly intentionally provoking widespread civil protest and unrest in cities across the US, it’s a logical deduction to conclude that such an extreme show of force as Jade Helm to potentially incite violence is more than probable.

A 2008 study examined UN supported gun confiscation programs in alliance with governments in Uganda, Kenya and South Africa and the subsequent levels of increased violence, death and severe human rights abuses associated with enforced gun control bans. The stage may be set for the same disastrous outcome to be triggered here in the US with Jade Helm this summer, especially if its mission includes private gun confiscation.

Further evidence illustrating the devastating consequences that ruthlessly violent government regimes have inflicted on humans comes from democide statistics. For years scholar RJ Rummel has been meticulously studying and compiling numbers of victims murdered by their own governments through history, concluding from his findings that, “Concentrated political power is the most dangerous thing on earth.” He determined that in the last century alone 262 million people were brutally murdered by their own governments, six times more than those killed directly by war.

Moreover, in all nine of the worst cases of genocide committed during the 20th century, a systematic effort by the guilty despots in power disarmed their victims prior to their murderous onslaught exterminating them. These facts alone offer dire warnings to citizens around the world compelling them to actively resist the UN and the 122 nations that comprise most countries on earth that signed the UN Arms Trade Treaty. The globalist objective of a one world government is predicated on disarming the global population in order to minimize opposition to both their tyranny as well as their murderous final solution eugenics. A militarized multi-agency global task force consisting of the UN “war” keepers and black ops will be the globalists’ personal army to enforce their draconian New World Order laws, executing those unwilling to accept their demonic lethal reign of terror. But in the end, they will fail.

Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer. He has written a manuscript based on his unique military experience entitled “Don’t Let The Bastards Getcha Down.” It examines and focuses on US international relations, leadership and national security issues. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field for more than a quarter century. He now concentrates on his writing and has a blog site at http://empireexposed. blogspot. com/He is also a regular contributor to Global Research and a syndicated columnist at Veterans Today.


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