The Liberty Beacon

The Liberty Beacon



Nazis-460Left to right: Dr. Josef Mengele, Rudolf Höss, Josef Kramer, and an unidentified officer. Photo from United States Holocaust Memorial Museum #34755. See: German Medical Society Apologizes for Nazi-era Atrocities by Doctors


by John P. Thomas – Health Impact News

Creating an Elite Class of Super Humans

This is the first part of a two part series exploring the relationship between the controversial eugenics movement of the past and modern genetics. Eugenics was dedicated to cleansing and purifying humanity from “inferior” members with the hope of solving various social problems related to poverty, disability, and illness. To accomplish this, it sought to create a superior race of people and to use forced sterilization and extermination to eliminate future generations of defective human beings. Darwin’s theory of evolution was used to justify the practice of eugenics. Later, when eugenics fell from favor, modern genetics began to grow up from the ashes of the former movement.

When Adolf Hitler applied Darwin’s theory of evolution and the principles of eugenics to the goals of the German state, the result was the murder of eleven million men, women and children. These lives were sacrificed in the name of eugenics. Eugenicists were seeking to improve the conditions of life for humanity by creating a “superior” race of people.

The eugenics movement had a very dark side, which led to social control, loss of reproductive freedom, and the loss of life. Should we be concerned that modern genetic science might have a dark side as well? Will the fruit of genetic research be misused by ill-intentioned people to gain control over others as happened with eugenics in the past? Has modern genetics completely severed itself from its roots? Or, might it become the tool that will be used to try to create a master class of genetically superior human beings in America?

What are the deceptions and dangers of the modern genetics movement? Does true health and true happiness lie in the human genome? Are we really bound to the set of genes that we received from our parents, or can we overcome what we were given? What are the factors that activate or deactivate certain genes, and how can we control the expression of our genetic make-up to promote our health and the health of our children? What are the motivations of certain groups who want us to believe that genes control every aspect of our lives – that we have no other options than to suffer while genetic scientists look for genetic cures for all that ails us? Are we really more than our genes or is our genetic code all there is?

These questions and many more will be examined in these articles. Let’s begin by learning about the development of eugenics.

Eugenics in a Nutshell


The word Eugenics means “good genes.” Eugenicists believe that principles of Darwin’s theory regarding “the survival of the fittest” can be used to support the elimination of weak and undesirable people from society. They believe that human beings are inherently no different than animals, and therefore we can and should be bred like animals. A farmer does not allow deficient cows in his herd to reproduce, and in the same way, eugenicists believe that certain people in our society should control human reproduction.

Simply put, eugenics consists of rational methods for putting evolution on the fast track, so that only the “best” people will reproduce and become superior beings. It is also the fast track for helping inferior families and inferior groups of people to stop their reproduction and to quickly die out.

Eugenicists believe that natural attraction, affection, and love between men and women should not be the basis upon which procreation should be based. Rather, scientists and the medical system should provide scientific and common sense control over the individuals who should be allowed to mate with one another. People with the best traits should be encouraged to reproduce, and those with defective traits should be prevented from producing children by various methods such as sterilization, segregation, and, if necessary, death.

Are We Doomed to a Life of Suffering and Illness, Because of Our Genetics?

A steady stream of information has been distributed in every corner of society for over 150 years telling us that defective germplasm, or “bad genes”, lead to problems of child development, illness, low achievement, alcoholism, and even poverty. We are also told that good genes must be present in order for people to live healthy, prosperous, and happy lives.

The general teaching is that our personal genetic code is the master blueprint that determines nearly everything about us. It determines our intellectual gifts, our artistic gifts, our physical structure, and establishes the parameters through which we will develop certain illnesses and ultimately die. We have been taught that this blueprint is written in stone, and if couples produce children, then their combined genetic material will create a new, unchangeable blueprint for their children. We are also told that the real “cure” for diseases will come from genetic repairs that are just beyond the horizon of modern science.

Scientists are using techniques of genetic engineering to modify plants and animals (GMOs). We are told that human modification is just around the corner. We are promised that the next step in medicine will be a personal one, where our illnesses will be treated with drugs that have been specifically formulated to match the requirements of our genetics. However, until that time comes, we must continue to rely on existing pharmaceutical drugs.

In short, we are being told that in some cases, there isn’t much hope for healing until modern genetics brings us the cure for all that ails us. Thus, some of us and some of our children are doomed to a life of illness and suffering unless we are willing to consider other options.

Aborting “Defective” Children Up to the Age of Five is Another Option

Matteo_di_Giovanni_Massacre-of-innocents-Bethlehem-460The Massacre of the Innocents at Bethlehem, by Matteo di Giovanni, 1487. Source.


Some people now believe that if parents decide that they wish to have the life of their child brought to an end before age five, because of disability, illness, inconvenience of the parents, or for any other reason, then the parents should have the right to abort the child. So, if you don’t like the color of his hair, the color of her eyes, the developmental delays that you are observing, the illnesses that are making life difficult, or the behaviors that you cannot control, then you should have the right to have your child aborted (legally killed) up to age 5 or 6. [1, 2, 3]

Historically, killing a child after it is born was called infanticide. This is now being given a new name – “post-birth abortion” or “after-birth abortion.”

Central to this way of thinking is the belief that children are only potential human beings until they reach the age of “self-awareness,” which is believed to happen around age five. Proponents of post-birth abortion see children as disposable until the child becomes aware of its existence as a person and can begin to develop goals and ambitions for life.

It is believed that prior to age 5, children live in a pre-aware state, and have an animal-like existence, which is just like a chimpanzee, a dog, a chicken, or a pig. Thus, killing a young child because of bad genetic composition is no different than killing a sick dog or a mature pig that is ready to be processed into sausage.

Those who believe in post-birth abortion are challenging American society to reconsider how we value human life. They are observing the fact that we already permit babies in the womb to be killed, we encourage the termination of the lives of animals when they are seriously ill, and most of us approve of slaughtering animals to supply food. Based on this, they ask, “Why do we extend special privileges to young children who have the same level of consciousness as animals or babies in the womb? Why do we preserve the lives of defective people who are draining society of its resources?”

These groups extend their argument to the elderly as well. If a person with some form of dementia such as Alzheimer’s is no longer aware of his or her own existence as a human being, can no longer understand his or her medical condition, and is so frail and feebleminded that he or she can no longer contribute anything to society, then they would tell us that the termination of that person’s life is no different than euthanizing an animal or aborting a baby in the womb.

“Modern” Thinking is Simply the Old Eugenics Resurfacing as “Science”

The idea that people in authority should have the legal right to terminate the lives of other people in certain circumstances to benefit the greater good of society is not new. These thoughts have a long history, which was part of the original eugenics movement that began in 1859. The human extermination program that was implemented by Adolf Hitler before and during World War II was a prime example of eugenics. He was trying to purify the human race by killing all those who he determined would have an inferior contribution to the human germplasm if they were to reproduce. He and other leaders of the Third Reich believed that only superior human beings should be allowed to reproduce, and the inferior should be eliminated.

The proposal that we legalize the killing of “defective” children is just the reappearance of old style eugenics with a slightly new twist.

What do Eugenicists Believe?


Eugenicists believe that everything about us is determined by genetic composition. Who we are and how we behave is determined almost entirely by our germplasm – our personal genetic code.

If we have bad genes, then there is nothing that can be done about the situation. If our genes are seriously defective, then eugenicists would say that sterilization or termination of life is the best solution to the problem. Both of these options would help preserve future generations from inheriting defective germplasm from defective parents.

What do Eugenicists Desire?

Eugenicists seek to create a class of people who possess superior attributes such as intelligence, physical strength, and physical appearance. They also seek to discourage reproduction by “inferior” people.

When techniques of discouragement fail to reduce the birth of new “defectives,” then forced sterilization of undesirables is pursued under the authority of the state. When sterilization is not practical, then termination of life is used to decrease the surplus population of defectives.

Charles Darwin and the Birth of Modern Eugenics

Charles_Robert_Darwin_by_John_Collier-460Charles Darwin in 1881, by John Collier. Image source.


Eugenics historian Edwin Black carefully described the development of the Eugenics movement from the period of time beginning with the work of Charles Darwin in 1859 to our present time. He described the goals of eugenicists and their influence over social policy. His 566 page book records the history of the eugenics movement and shows how eugenics was transformed into modern genetics. The book is filled with quotations in which eugenicists explain their theories and their beliefs in their own words. Here is a taste of what he reported in his book, War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race. Mr. Black stated:

On May 2 and May 3, 1911, in Palmer, Massachusetts, the research committees of the ABA’s [American Breeders Association] eugenic section adopted a resolution creating a special new committee. “Resolved: that the chair appoint a committee commissioned to study and report on the best practical means for cutting off the defective germ-plasm of the American population.”

Ten groups were eventually identified [by the American Breeders Association] as “socially unfit” and targeted for ”elimination.” First, the feebleminded; second, the pauper class; third, the inebriate class or alcoholics; fourth, criminals of all descriptions including petty criminals and those jailed for nonpayment of fines; fifth, epileptics; sixth, the insane; seventh, the constitutionally weak class; eighth, those predisposed to specific diseases; ninth, the deformed; tenth, those with defective sense organs, that is, the deaf, blind and mute. In this last category, there was no indication of how severe the defect need be to qualify; no distinction was made between blurry vision or bad hearing and outright blindness or deafness.

Not content to [only] eliminate those deemed unfit by virtue of some malady, transgression, disadvantage or adverse circumstance, the ABA committee targeted their extended families as well. Even if those relatives seemed perfectly normal and were not institutionalized, the breeders considered them equally unfit because they supposedly carried the defective germ-plasm that might crop up in a future generation. The committee carefully weighed the relative value of “sterilizing all persons with defective germ-plasm,” or just “sterilizing only degenerates.” The group agreed that “defective and potential parents of defectives not in institutions” were also unacceptable [to society]. [4]

The notion that certain elite groups should be in charge of cleansing society of defective persons was popular in the United States during the first 45 years of the 20th century. It was only after the full extent of the eugenics program in Nazi Germany was brought to light that eugenicists in the United States began to take a less public position.

When Charles Darwin’s book The Origin of Species was published in 1859, it provided the perfect theory for those who believed in human breeding. Darwin’s cousin, Sir Francis Galton of England, applied The Origin of Species to his concerns about the degenerate state of society. Francis Galton believed social problems were caused by defects in human germplasm (genes). He believed that if “defective” people could be prevented from conceiving and giving birth to children, then problems such as poverty, mental illness, mental retardation, and alcoholism would die out.

Francis Galton – the First Major Leader in the Eugenics Movement

Francis_Galton2-460Francis Galton. Image source


Australian researcher and writer Roger Sandall described how Francis Galton’s life was transformed by the theory of Darwinian evolution. Roger Sandall wrote:

Coming at a critical stage of both his scientific career and his domestic life, Darwin’s book shattered Galton’s religious beliefs and turned him towards biological research. He always had what he called “a hereditary bent of mind”, and from 1859 he proceeded to investigate, he said later, matters “clustered round the central topics of Heredity and the possible improvement of the Human Race.” [5]

I will summarize a few additional points drawn from Roger Sandall’s discussion of Francis Galton and the early eugenics movement. These points are not just the old and moldy views of a long dead eugenicist, but are beliefs that continue to influence the thinking of many people today.

Francis Galton taught his followers that only the genetically perfect should be allowed to reproduce. In his 1873 essay “Hereditary Improvement” he insists that those of feeble constitution must embrace celibacy “lest they should bring beings into existence whose race is predoomed to destruction by the laws of nature.”

Galton believed that certain races were superior, and the reproduction of inferior races should be tightly controlled so that only the few best specimens of that race would be allowed to become parents, and only a few of their descendants should be allowed to live.

Galton recommended that his country (England) should be scoured for the names and addresses of gifted people who would be urged to intermarry. This intellectual aristocracy would receive special benefits. Defectives would receive nothing at all. Endowments would be used to maintain a privileged class living in healthy circumstances, which would enable it to multiply in comfort.

Galton declared that the gifted class should treat lower classes with all kindness, so long as they maintained celibacy. But if these lower classes continued to procreate children who are morally, intellectually, and physically inferior, then it is easy to believe the time may come when such persons would be considered to be enemies of the state. As such, he believed that they would forfeit all their claims to kindness from the superior class.

Eugenics Replaces Religion

Roger Sandall summarized Galton’s effect on society and its moral underpinnings. Sandall stated:

When Galton wrote, late in life, that the effect of Darwinism was “to demolish a multitude of dogmatic barriers by a single stroke, and to arouse a spirit of rebellion against all ancient authorities whose positive and unauthenticated statements were contradicted by modern science”, a radical antinomian spirit was unleashed; and when he declared that eugenics “must be introduced into the national conscience, like a new religion,” adding that “it has indeed strong claims to become an orthodox religious tenet of the future,” a kind of displaced religious zeal was put at the service of political compulsion: allied to German nationalism, it is unsurprising that it led, step by step, to policies of racial exclusion and finally annihilation. [6]

Creating an Elite Class of Super Humans



Proponents of eugenics believe that a pure bloodline should be created that contains only the best traits of humanity. They believe that techniques of good breeding should be used to create a race of super humans who are made in the image of the eugenicists. These super humans will all be highly intelligent, strong, healthy, beautiful, talented, prosperous, motivated, and capable of submitting their will to the will and greater good of society.

Physical appearance is also seen as being important. People will need to have a certain skin color, hair color, eye color, and meet high standards for mental acuity and emotional stability. They also must possess “ideal” physical strength and physical form (either male or female) in order to have the right to reproduce.

People with a personal or family history of poverty, chronic illness, addiction, disabilities, lack of motivation, minimal intellectual achievement, and non-conformist thinking would be unwelcome in this new society, and would not be allowed to reproduce.

Why Don’t We Hear the Word “Eugenics” Used Much Today?

Ku_Klux_Klan_Virgina_1922_Parade-460Three Ku Klux Klan members standing at a 1922 parade in Virginia. Image source.


Very few people use the word eugenics today when speaking in public, because it is on the list of politically incorrect words. Despite the positive rhetoric of eugenics, it was a highly racist endeavor, which sought to elevate one race above all others. This will be discussed in detail at a later point in this article.

Even though people no longer openly use the word eugenics, the insidious principles of eugenics can still be observed all around us in 21st century America. Eugenics is insidious, because it destroys life, denies reproductive freedom, destroys the functioning of the family structure, and targets certain classes and races of people for destruction. It does all this while seeking to establish a master race which is intended to dominate the world.

The plans of eugenicists closely follow the principles Darwin’s theory of evolution, which tells us that the strongest and fittest should overcome and replace the weak and inferior. Eugenicists have determined that they are the fittest and most able people for managing society and it is their responsibility as the superior beings to actively purge the weak and inferior from society. They believed that defective people need to be prevented from reproducing so that the number of defectives in the world will dwindle and fade away, while they, the fittest group of people, are allowed to survive and flourish.

The Eugenics Enthusiasts in U.S. History

Alexander_Graham_Bell-460American Inventor and Eugenicist Alexander Graham Bell. Image source.


Historically, the goals of the eugenics movement were to eliminate poverty, disability, numerous chronic illnesses, and human suffering. These lofty goals were designed to provide the greatest amount of happiness to society. On the surface, this sounds good to most people. These goals led many prominent Americans to support the eugenics agenda.

People such as Nobel laureate George Bernard Shaw, author H. G. Wells, Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, among many others, were very involved in promoting eugenics. Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, was one of the most zealous participants in the American Eugenics Movement. [7]

College professors were prominent among both the officers and members of various eugenics societies which sprang up in the United States and Europe in the early 20th century. In virtually every college and university, professors were inspired by the new creed of eugenics, and most of the major colleges had credit courses on eugenics. These classes were typically well attended and their content was generally accepted as part of proven science. [8]

Eugenicists believed that the primary determinant of mankind’s behavioral nature was genetic, and various environmental reforms designed to improve living conditions, for example, were largely useless. Further, the eugenics movement believed that those who were at the bottom of the social ladder in society, such as the Black race, were in this position not because of social injustice or discrimination, but as a result of their own inferiority. [9]

The Horrors of Eugenics: Forced Sterilization in the U.S. Upheld by the Supreme Court

carrie-emma-buck-460Carrie Buck sits with her mother, Emma Buck, on the grounds of the Virginia State Colony of Epileptics and Feeble-Minded in Madison Heights, near Lynchburg. This photograph was taken in November 1924 by Arthur H. Estabrook, a eugenics researcher who interviewed the two women before testifying in a legal case that resulted in the forced sterilization of Carrie Buck. Source.


In the early 1900s, eugenicists began to use persuasion to gain voluntary cooperation with their new way of thinking about human reproduction. In the United States, the strategy of persuasion was eventually replaced by a strategy of coercion and compulsion.

In 1927, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the State of Virginia’s sterilization plan in Buck Versus Bell, which affirmed that it had the right to sterilize mentally deficient residents to prevent them from “producing more of their kind.” This decision opened the door to forced sterilization in many U.S. states.

At that time, eugenicists believed that human character and behavior was almost completely determined by the germplasm. In contemporary language, we would say everything is determined by one’s genes. Eugenicists believed that every “negative” trait they observed in a person could be passed on to their descendants. For example, a person living in poverty is poor because of his genes, and unless sterilization is pursued, that person will create children who are destined for poverty. They admitted that sometimes defective germplasm might not be seen in every child conceived by “defectives,” but if it was present in one generation, then it will be permanently present in all succeeding generations, and will eventually reappear.

In the Buck vs. Bell decision of May 2, 1927, the United States Supreme Court upheld a Virginia statute that provided for the sterilization of people considered to be genetically unfit. The Court’s decision, delivered by Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., included the infamous phrase “Three generations of imbeciles are enough.” Upholding Virginia’s sterilization statute provided the green light for similar laws in 30 states, under which an estimated 65,000 Americans were sterilized without their own consent or that of a family member. [10]

Eugenics in Nazi Germany: 11 Million “Inferior” People Put to Death

Grave-Bergen-Belsen-German-Concentration-Camp_1945-460A broken and twisted mound of emaciated corpses lay strewn in one of three open burial pits at the liberation of Belsen on 15 April 1945. British troops were faced with over 10 000 dead inmates who required immediate burial to halt the spread of typhus and other diseases. Belsen, one of many Nazi concentration camps of the German Third Reich, was used as an instrument of genocide against Jews and those of other nationalities and categories. Image source.


The belief that the state had the right to control human reproduction was taken to the extreme in Nazi Germany in the late 1930s and early 1940s. The Third Reich of Germany extinguished the lives of 6 million Jews, and 5 million other people who were deemed undesirable. Undesirables included Jews (from all levels of society), and people from various other groups. The other groups included outspoken Christians and their pastors who would not submit to Nazi ideology. Gypsies, homosexuals, mentally ill persons, people with low mental functioning, and people who were deaf, blind, crippled, and epileptics were all targeted for extermination. The list of inferiors included all people of Polish ethnicity, people in interracial marriages, and people with dark/African skin color. [11]

For the sake of expediency, extermination of defectives and inferior people was the final solution chosen by Hitler. Forced sterilization of eleven million people was not practical, and it would not remove the influence of such people from society. Extermination, however, would immediately stop reproduction of these people and also would allow their personal resources to be confiscated for the German war effort.

Eugenics: Desensitizing People to the Value of Human Life

Of course, eugenic programs of the past and genetic programs of the present do not begin with mass scale slaughter of unwanted people as happened in Germany. They are marketed as benevolent programs that are designed to help people be happy and prosperous. They subtly condition people to believe that the State has a right to control every aspect of their reproduction for the sake of personal happiness.

This belief is then gradually expanded to show that the government has a similar right to control human reproduction for the sake of creating a happy and prosperous society. It progresses from voluntary programs to involuntary programs – from cooperation to mandatory compliance. The techniques of the eugenics movement involve sterilization and death. The objective of preventing reproduction by undesirables was achieved by all means possible.

Each step in the implementation of an eugenics program desensitizes people to the value of human life. It leads people to accept the idea that some people are inferior and others are superior, because of their genetic makeup. It teaches people to give honor to certain people and to submit to a small group of super people who are considered to be the model race. It teaches people to accept sterilization and the killing of the minority to support the needs and goals of the majority. The proposed killing of children up to the age of 5 years old, for example, is an outgrowth of eugenic thinking, because in that mindset there is no hope for the defective children, and the best thing we can do for everyone is to simply eliminate them before they begin to drain society of its precious resources.

First the weakest and most helpless are targeted by eugenicists, and then certain undesirable people, who have “bad genes,” are marked for destruction. This type of population reduction is called systematic depopulation. Depopulation is also called genocide, which is the killing of large groups of people who share a common trait such as ethnic background or religious affiliation.

The Family is not Compatible with the Practice of Eugenics


Eugenicists also will seek to destroy the family structure in order to accomplish their goals. The value and functioning of the family unit consisting of a husband/father, wife/mother and numerous children will be attacked on every front.

This is necessary to break the emotional bonds that tie family members together, and replace it with zealous allegiance to the state. Commitment to the power of the state must be stronger than love and commitment to family members so that defectives in the family can be sterilized or removed without a struggle.

The Existence of God is not Compatible with Eugenics

The-end-kkk-460“The End” Referring to the end of Catholic influence in the US. Klansmen: Guardians of Liberty 1926. Image Source.


There must also be a breaking of affection and commitment to God. Eugenics is incompatible with true religion. Eugenics and the power of the state must rule over people and not the God of the Bible.

Eugenicists understand that one can only serve one master, and their master must be the god and religion of Darwinian Evolution. The moral absolutes of conservative biblical Christianity stand in direct opposition to Darwin’s theory of evolution and the full implementation of eugenic techniques.

The belief that life is a gift from God, and should be cherished and preserved, is incompatible with the outworking of eugenics, which seeks to put life under the authority of a superior class of people and under the authority of the state.

Specific Methods of How Eugenics is Forced Upon Society

Specifically, these are some of the methods that have been used to implement eugenics programs over the past hundred years. Please note how they start with encouragement and voluntary participation, and end up with involuntary means to control and reduce the population.

1. Convince superior human beings to produce more children. The fruit of this strategy would result in a rapid increase in the number of “superior” people and strengthen the “superior” bloodline. In Nazi Germany, breeding centers were established to produce large numbers of superior blond blue-eyed children. Most of these children were conceived outside of marriage and fathered by Nazi officers. [12]

2. Encourage inferior human beings to have fewer children, or discourage them from having children altogether. This would shrink “undesirable” bloodlines and weaken the possible influence on the superior bloodline.

3. Prevent people with certain inferior qualities from marrying superior people. This means to forbid inter-racial marriage, marriage between disabled and non-disabled people, and marriage of superior people with those of undesirable ethnic, religious, or economic position, because they would weaken the bloodline of the superior group.

4. Physically isolate severely deficient people from the greater society by institutionalizing them in the name of providing compassionate care or simply put them into containment camps. This will prevent them from marrying and reproducing.

5. Impose forced sterilization on feebleminded people, criminals, and on other incurable defectives such as alcoholics and paupers, so they cannot pass on their undesirable flaws to another generation.

6. Give people a low cost or no cost opportunity to use contraceptives and/or to choose pre-birth abortion to prevent the birth of disabled children and to prevent babies from being born into poverty.

7. Terminate the lives of defective children and defective elderly adults who are not able to contribute to the greater good of society, or who threaten the economic status of those who have been declared the superior race. Use genetic screening for babies in the womb and abort those who have defective genes.

8. Implement programs that will weaken the reproductive capacity of the population. Vaccines, pesticides, GMO food, highly processed food, antibiotics and other drugs, etc. all are known to have a negative influence on fertility. [13] (Those who are aware of these influences can avoid exposure and protect their fertility.)

9. Implement economic programs that will decrease the buying power of low-income persons, which will place increasing financial pressure on low-income working families, so that they will choose to limit the number of children they produce. [14]

10. Contain or exterminate anyone who resists the use of eugenics and who would threaten the development of the superior human bloodline.

Who is Superior and Who is Not?

Karl-Brandt-Nuremberg-Doctors-Trial-460War Crimes Tribunal at Nuremberg. Adolf Hitler’s personal physician, 43-year old Karl Brandt. Brandt was also Reich Commissar for Health and Sanitation, and was indicted by the U.S. prosecution with 22 other Nazi doctors. Brandt was found guilty of participating in and consenting to using concentration camp inmates as guinea pigs in horrible medical experiments, supposedly for the benefit of the armed forces. He was sentenced to death by hanging. Image Source.


This question is the key to understanding eugenics. It is also the key for uncovering the deceptions and lies that are used to justify eugenics as a socially advanced way of managing society.

Adolf Hitler and his colleagues decided that it was the Nordic or Aryan bloodlines that were superior to all other bloodlines on the Earth. Thus, Adolf Hitler and others like him were to become the superior bloodline. Those with similar physical characteristics/appearance, emotional functioning, and mental capacities, and those who possessed certain ideological convictions were to become archetypes of humanity. They were to be raised up above all other people and others were to be brought into subjection to them.

Hitler found that the most efficient method of preventing reproduction and discontinuing the negative influence on the Aryan bloodline was to terminate the lives of undesirables. These were the people who threatened the racial superiority of the leaders of the German Third Reich and threatened their economic prosperity and social happiness. Eugenicists always seek to protect their own race, their own ethnic group, their own religion (which is now called Social Darwinism), and their own economic prosperity regardless of the country where they live.

In the view of the German leaders of the Third Reich, even inferiors in their own Aryan race needed to be purged from the bloodline. They saw the Darwinian struggle for survival of the fittest in the context of the German war effort. War was a positive force for bloodline purification, not only because it eliminated the “weaker” races which they were attacking, but also because it weeded out the weaker members of their own Aryan race. Hitler was convinced that the strongest people would survive. Nazi Germany, partly for this reason, openly glorified war because it was an important means of eliminating the less fit of the highest race, a step necessary to upgrade the Aryan race. [16]

The Japanese Eugenics Program

Pearl_harbour-460U.S. Battleships in Pearl Harbor bombed by Japanese Aircraft. Image source.


While Hitler’s eugenic program was in full force, a similar program was underway in Japan. The Japanese were actively involved in building up and maintaining a pure Japanese bloodline. They were influenced by American eugenicists and used many of the same techniques that were being used by Hitler. They were trying to keep the Japanese bloodline pure for the same reasons other eugenicists named. [17]

Eugenics Goes Hand in Hand with War

The eugenics programs of Germany and Japan shared several similarities. Both believed that there was a superior race (bloodline) and that bloodline must be preserved to strengthen the power of the state and to preserve the prosperity of society.

Of course, the Germans and the Japanese differed on the matter of which race was to be superior. They both believed that their respective race deserved, and was destined, to dominate the world. They were in agreement that active steps must be taken by government to purify the population, and to prevent superior pure-blooded people from intermarrying with inferior people groups. However, they obviously were in disagreement about which bloodline was superior. Should it be Oriental/Japanese blood or Caucasian/German blood?

Eugenicists have Transformed themselves into “Genetic Scientists”


The massive extermination of human life by the Third Reich of Germany cast a dark shadow over eugenics, and people tried to distance themselves from the word eugenics. However, the movement did not die with the death of Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich. Neither did the eugenics movement die when the word eugenics became unfashionable.

There were several decades of transition during which the language of eugenics was transformed into the new language of human genetics.

After the horrors of Hitler’s eugenics program were brought to light, eugenicists realized that they needed to change their tactics. In 1947 the remnant board of directors of the American Eugenics Society (AES) unanimously agreed, “The time was not right for aggressive eugenic propaganda.” Instead, the AES continued quietly soliciting financial grants from such organizations as the Dodge Foundation, the Rockefeller-funded Population Council, and the Draper Fund for the purpose of proliferating genetics as a legitimate study of human heredity. [18]

In 1959, the leaders of the American Eugenics Society understood that reestablishing eugenics was an uphill battle. A draft address written by the president of the American Eugenics Society, Frederick Osborn, confirmed this when he prepared to speak to his Board of Directors. He outlined the future of eugenics, which included an ambitious campaign of behind-the-scenes genetic counseling, birth control, and university-based medical genetic programs. At the same time, President Osborn conceded that the movement’s history was too scurrilous to gain public support. [19]

We now know that the eugenic theories of the past, which said that human breeding would solve all problems of poverty and illness, was not supported by science or even empirical observation. The eugenics movement was based on faulty assumptions about inheritance, and used incomplete observations of family trees to make conclusions that often falsely labeled people as imbeciles, deficient, or defective. The truth about the science of eugenics is that there was no science to eugenics. What passed for scientific method in the former eugenics movement between 1859 and 1959 did not stand the test of time. [20]

Edwin Black continued with his summary of how eugenics was intentionally transformed into genetics to escape the negative history of the past. He wrote:

In a candid 1965 letter, Osborn wrote, “I started hopefully on this course thirty-five years ago and someday would be glad to tell you all of the steps we took—the work we did, the conferences we held, and the money we put into the then Eugenical News—about $30,000 a year, to propagandize eugenics. It got us nowhere, probably because we did not have the backing of the scientific world.”

Edwin Black wrote:

That same year, after numerous genetic counseling and human heredity programs had been established, Osborn was able to confidently write to Paul Popenoe, “The term medical genetics has taken the place of the term negative eugenics.”

Keeping a low profile had paid off. On April 12, 1965, Osborn wrote a colleague at Duke University somewhat triumphantly, “We have struggled for years to rid the word eugenics of all racial and social connotations and have finally been successful with most scientists, if not with the public.”[21]

Edwin Black describes the completion of the transition:

The face lift of the eugenics movement was completed during the sixties, seventies and eighties. Many entities changed their names. For example, the Human Betterment League of North Carolina changed its name to the Human Genetics League of North Carolina in 1984.

In Britain there were name changes as well. The Annals of Eugenics became the Annals of Human Genetics and is now a distinguished and purely scientific publication. The University College of London’s Galton Chair of Eugenics became the Chair of Genetics. The university’s Galton Eugenics Laboratory became the Galton Laboratory of the Department of Genetics. The Eugenics Society changed its name to the Galton Institute. [22]

Insensitivity to Death: Accept Killing as “Necessary” for Advancement of Society

The slippery slope of eugenics rapidly taught people to become insensitive to death. How could the people of Germany become able to tolerate millions of innocent people being killed in the death camps? The answer, I believe, is that they were systematically led, step by step, to accept killing as a necessary reality for the advancement of their people.

Are Americans on the same slippery slope today?

Kevorkian-UCLA-460Dr. Jack Kevorkian. Image source.


Twenty years ago, great numbers of Americans were horrified to hear how Dr. Jack Kevorkian was setting up equipment so that totally disabled or terminally ill people could commit suicide. In 1999 this was a crime and he was convicted of that crime. He served an eight year prison sentence. [23]

Today, several states have legalized physician-assisted suicide, and in the minds of many, physician-assisted suicide or euthanasia is just another medical procedure that is available for those who desire it.

On New Year’s Day 1973, human abortion was completely illegal in most U.S. states and only available in other states for a very limited number of reasons. Even though some strongly objected to the ban, others were truly horrified over the thought of killing babies in the womb.

Three weeks later that all changed when the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the prohibition against abortion in Roe versus Wade. Today, abortion on demand is treated as just another medical procedure by most people, even though a small minority still vigorously object to the practice.

In the 40 years that followed the Roe versus Wade decision, over 55 million babies have been aborted in the United States. [24] How many people today are horrified by this statistic?

Our society permits people to terminate the lives of unborn children so that women can have control over their bodies. We permit physicians in some states to assist severely ill patients to commit suicide (euthanasia) so that these patients can have control over their bodies. These “freedoms” are seen as progressive steps that are being used for the “good” of individuals and society.

The problem is that when birth control and death are involved, the rights of certain groups seem to be crushed while the rights of other groups are elevated. Before Roe vs. Wade, the rights of the unborn and the rights of the mother were kept in balance. Today, mothers have nearly all the rights, and children in the womb have almost none. Before Roe vs. Wade, the life of an unborn child was considered to be in the hands of God and should not be tampered with by human intervention. This has now changed, and abortion has become a personal matter, which is up to the decision of the mother.

In a similar way, the time for a terminally ill person’s death was considered to be a sacred matter between that person and God. Physicians were legally and ethically bound to do no harm to a patient. Causing the death of a patient was considered to be harm. Today, the killing of a person who wants to die is no longer seen as “doing harm,” and is now permitted.

When it comes to taking life from others, things always seem to move in a less restrictive direction. Those whose life is taken become a kind of underclass and those who take their lives become a superior class. The rights of the underclass continue to shrink while the rights of the superior class continue to grow.

Going back to the topic of post-birth abortion, which was discussed at the beginning of this article, we see that babies and young children are definitely in the underclass position. I can’t help but wonder how long it will be before post-birth abortion during the first week after birth will be accepted and legalized – being seen as the right of parents exercised for the good of society? How long will it be before post-birth abortion up to the age of five will be hailed as a sign of an advanced society that truly cares about the greater good of its members?

Conclusion: Where is Modern Genetics Leading Us?

If our tolerance for the termination of life in the United States continues to increase, then expanded opportunities to take life will follow. Who will be the next group of “defectives” who will be targeted for either repair or extermination? Perhaps it will be people whose only “defect” is that they are poor, are aliens, or are strangers to us and just don’t seem to fit in with social norms.

People may no longer call themselves eugenicists, but the desire to perfect humanity and create a “better” people remains a strong desire in the hearts and minds of many scientists, politicians, and corporations. Many people have never heard the word eugenics, nevertheless, their grumbling words condemn those they do not like. They speak against the existence of certain groups in society and speak about how things would be better if someone would do something about “those people.” Those who refuse vaccines today, for example, are considered a threat to society, and mandatory vaccine laws are being proposed in many states in 2015.

Will modern genetics respond to the grumblers among us, and be the tool that politicians ultimately use to fix the problems in our society? Will its advances be the stimulus that justifies the termination of healthy, but undesirable people in our society? Will modern genetics become the eugenics of our times? What is the dark side of genetics and how is it being used by corporations to create a new class of people in America? These questions and many others regarding modern genetics will be explored in the next article in this series.

Part 2:

Mapping the Genome and Modern Genetics: Eugenics Repackaged for Modern Times


[1] “Some College Students Approve of ‘After-Birth Abortion’… Up to Age 5,” 10/6/2014, Retrieved 6/9/2015.

[2] Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva; “After-Birth Abortion: Why Should the Baby Live?” Published 2/23/2011, Retrieved 6/16/2015.

[3] Peter Singer; “Taking Life: Humans,” online excerpts, Retrieved 6/9/2015.—-.htm

[4] War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race, Edwin Black, Second paperback edition 2012, page 58, ISBN 978-0-914153-29-0.

[5] “How Eugenics Began,” Roger Sandall, Retrieved 6/14/2015.

[6] IBID.

[7] “A History of the Eugenics Movement,” Dr. Jerry Bergman, Retrieved 6/14/2015.

[8] IBID.

[9] IBID.

[10] “Buck vs. Bell Trial,” Eugenics Archive, Retrieved 6/14/2015.

[11] “Non-Jewish Victims of the Holocaust,” Jewish Virtual Library, Retrieved 6/11/2015. [4]

[12] “Nazi Program to Breed Master Race: Lebensborn Children Break Silence,” David Crossland, SPIEGEL ONLINE, Retrieved 6/18/2015.

[13] “Are GMO Foods, Vaccines, and Big Pharma Producing an Infertile Generation?” Health Impact News, 9/13/2014.

[14] “For Most Workers, Real Wages have Barely Budged for Decades,” Pew Research Center, 10/9/2014, retrieved 6/20/2015.

[15] War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race, Edwin Black, Second paperback edition 2012, page 563, ISBN 978-0-914153-29-0.

[16] “Darwinism and the Nazi Race Holocaust – Answers in Genesis,” Dr. Jerry Bergman, First published in Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal 13(2):101–111, 1999, Retrieved 6/14/2015.

[17] Jennifer Robertson, “Blood Talks – Eugenic Modernity,” History and Anthropology, 2002 Vol. 13 (3), pp. 191–216, PDF Retrieved 6/11/2015.

[18] War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race, Edwin Black, Second paperback edition 2012, page 422, ISBN 978-0-914153-29-0.

[19] War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race, Edwin Black, Second paperback edition 2012, page 423, ISBN 978-0-914153-29-0.

[20] “Science of Eugenics” Retrieved 6/18/2015.

[21] War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race, Edwin Black, Second paperback edition 2012, page 424, ISBN 978-0-914153-29-0.

[22] War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race, Edwin Black, Second paperback edition 2012, page 425, ISBN 978-0-914153-29-0.

[23] “Dr. Jack Kevorkian Dies at 83,” The New York Times, 6/24/2011, Retrieved 6/20/2015.

[24] “55,772,015 Abortions in America Since Roe vs. Wade in 1973,” Steven Ertelt,, 1/18/2013, Retrieved 6/21/2015.


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By TLB Contributor: Dave Hodges

The United States is the equivalent of a four letter word in the Middle East. Many people in that region of the world detest and loathe our very existence. Why? Because our government, on behalf of the bankers and the oil companies, have plundered their resources, manipulated their governments, killed millions of Muslims without justification as the U.S. has invaded the region three times in recent history. The CIA may be responsible for funding most terrorism in the Middle East, but there is no shortage of willing participants to join such organizations as al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas and now the latest threat, ISIS.

In short, the people in the Middle East hate America’s guts, yet the Obama administration is placing hundreds of communities at risk by transplanting the victims of United States tyranny right into American backyards without a thought or care to the welfare for the citizens of this country. This article addresses the insanity and/or the treasonous nature of this issue.

Obama’s Policy of Suicide by Immigration

Presently, there is a tsunami of unscreened Muslims into 190+ American communities from war-torn areas filled with the victims of American imperialism who believe that the only good American, is a dead American. The most striking aspect of this silent invasion is that the Federal government has admitted under oath that they have no idea who these people are and what their intentions consist of.

When we juxtapose Obama’s position to the multiple scenarios of Christian persecution and genocide in some areas of the Middle East, Obama has not lifted a finger to help Christians who are being slaughtered at the hands of Muslim extremist groups such as ISIS. Obama plays golf…

golf obama

Meanwhile, our self-created enemies are engaged in getting even with innocent Christians.

isis ethopia

Paul Sperry’s “Infiltration” How Muslim Spies and Subversives have Penetrated Washington

Researcher, Paul Sperry, the author of Infiltration has detailed the type of immigrants that we are importing from the Middle East. Here, Paul Sperry, details the threat to our communities while appearing on C-SPAN2.

Sperry cites how we know from the testimony offered from the FBI officials who are in charge of that type of vetting  immigrants are not being allowed to perform their duties of protecting American communities from would-be unscreened terrorists as expressed in a recent radio interview in which FBI agents have admitted, under oath, that they have no idea who and what they are letting into the country.

The United Nations and the State Department Are Behind This Invasion of America

The following is one of the most stunning videos I have seen in sometime with regard to the radical unscreened, extremist Muslim invasion of America. The program has its roots with the United Nations and the State Department is its willing accomplice.

The man’s name is Antonio Guterres and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. His job is the deculturalization of European nations and the United States. Leo Hohmann, from World Net Daily, has another in what is turning into a series on Obama’s plan to change America by changing the people. This invasion has impacted 190 American communities and it is growing by the day. There are over  10,000 anti-American Somali refugees in ten years who have settled in Minnesota, alone. In the first 4 months of this year, we have admitted 4,425 Somalis to America.

ABC News reported the following: 

A mysterious ISIS recruiter known online as “Miski” was in close and repeated social media contact with Elton Simpson for months before the Sunday attack in Garland, Texas, an ABC News investigation has found”. “Miski is well known to FBI officials who say his real name is Muhammed Hassan, a fugitive since 2009 when he fled Minneapolis as a teenager to join terror groups in Africa”. This begs the question: Who are we keeping out?


Antonio Guterres is the head of the UNHCR and he is responsible for sending 9,000 Muslims from anti-America Syria to Boise and Twin Falls, Idaho. This man and his organization is your enemy!


Secretary of State, John Kerry and Anne C. Richards are the UN’s accomplices in these devastating immigration policies.

Is this why we are seeing with ever-greater frequency these kinds of scenes inside of the United States?

How long will it be until this picture is commonplace inside of the United States?

How long will it be until this picture is commonplace inside of the United States?

  ....and this?

… and this?

Fifth Column Watch

We have already had an ISIS attack on American soil in Garland, Texas. The FBI Director has admitted to the fact that the FBI has open ISIS in all 50 states. Last summer, I documented the flow of MS-13 gang members into the United States. For 30 months, I have detailed a Russian troop presence in our country, complete with pictures, eye witnesses, government documents and videos. The UN’s Refugee/Resettlement is merely the latest in the implantation of 5th column forces inside of the United States. However, this invasion has reached 190 American cities and towns.  In a future article, these groups will be tied together with regard to their common purpose as well as detailing how Jade Helm will factor into this scenario.


TLB recommends you visit Dave at The Common Sense Show for more pertinent articles and information.

See featured article and read comments HERE


By Sayed Hasan

Translated from French by Jenny Bright

While the whole world – with the exception of Israel and Saudi Arabia – celebrates a ‘victory for international diplomacy’ that should end decades of sanctions and repel the risk of international war in the region, certain truths should be recalled about the real motives of the US administration in Iran and Tehran’s foreign policy.

The Vienna agreement concluded July 14th, 2015 between Iran and the “P5 + 1” (the five members of the UN Security Council – China, USA, France, UK, Russia – plus Germany) concluded 12 years of negotiations on the Iranian nuclear issue. Initiated in 2003 by the Bush administration, the very year of the invasion of Iraq, the accusations that Iran has a secret military nuclear program and aspires to obtain the atomic bomb were as unfounded as those that were brought against the alleged weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. These allegations, which all data and all international observers proved to be false, only served as a pretext for the aggression that was to be the last act of the project for a New Middle East redesigned according to the desiderata of Washington. A Middle East in which there would be no room for any state or any force that could represent a danger to US hegemony and their control of resources and strategic areas of the region.

Iran – like Syria – constituted a major obstacle to this project, and was to meet the same fate as Iraq, the invasion of which was only a prelude. Its aggression was planned, and has often been presented as imminent, but the American failure in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Israeli-American debacle against Hezbollah in 2006 and the emergence of new poles around rising powers such as Russia and China, in partnership with Latin America, South Africa and other Eurasian powers, prefigured a geostrategic shift to a multipolar world in which the United States would not only lose their exclusivity, but their very relevance. Hence the American desire to regain some presence – and the will for the Obama administration to achieve some diplomatic ‘successes’ – by concluding the ‘historic’ agreements with Cuba and with Iran, two nations under a State of siege without precedent for decades because of their independent, anti-imperialist and internationalist policies, and who have not folded despite the economic, diplomatic, media (and sometimes military) merciless war to which they were subjected. On the contrary, Cuba, like Iran, had reached an unprecedented regional influence, and despite Western propaganda, the agreements represent for them a resounding victory and a crushing defeat for Washington and its vassals who can put forward only illusory successes, trumpeted to compensate for their inanity.

Thus Barack Obama who put forward a fatwa of Sayed Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, banning the production, possession and use of nuclear weapons, presenting it as a result obtained by the efforts of his administration. But the reality is that this prohibition was enacted by Imam Khomeini as early as 1984, in the middle of the Iran-Iraq war, while Iran was subjected to the chemical attacks of Saddam Hussein – with the active complicity of the West. Despite the existential threat which then weighed upon the Islamic Republic and the pressing demands addressed in this regard by the Iranian political and military elites , Imam Khomeini categorically prohibited any research on chemical, biological or nuclear weapons – and a fortiori any possession or use of such weapons. His authority remains so overwhelming that it is inconceivable to see this religious – and not just political – prohibition challenged by anyone within the Islamic Republic, or even Hezbollah as Hassan Nasrallah could explicitly highlight. Besides, Sayed Ali Khamenei himself issued an explicit fatwa to this effect in the mid-1990s, made public in 2004. It was recalled by Iran in 2005 before the International Agency for Atomic Energy (IAEA), whose reports all testified to there being no hint of Iran pursuing a military nuclear program, all the data clearly establishing the opposite. But perhaps ‘Big Brother’ apportions so many resources to spying on the private conversations of his vassals that he forgets to take note of the official statements and reports of his antagonists, and even of his own intelligence agencies, up to those of Israel , all of which corroborate the purely civilian nature of Iran’s nuclear program.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad himself, caricatured excessively in the West as a genocidal provocateur at his time, by the way of preparing the masses for the coming aggression (when he did not even have the appearance of a ‘mullah’, contrary to Hassan Rouhani; Western ‘codes’ are fickle), recalled that intangible principle from his inaugural address . Finally, Iran has remained a spearhead of the International Conference for Nuclear Disarmament, working for the decommissioning of all weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East under the slogan ‘Nuclear energy for all, nuclear weapons for none’.As emphasised by Vladimir Putin, a champion of respect for international law for whom this agreement also represents a great victory, this movement can only be strengthened, and Iran is bound to play a leading role in the Middle East.

Thus, only the gullible masses, conditioned by corporate media dutifully following orders, could believe that there was a real danger of possession of nuclear weapons by Iran. Note that the prize for inconsistency must again be awarded to the pathetic Francois Hollande, who dared to declare in response to the enlightened question of a presstitute (“Can we trust the mullah regime?”) : “My concern was to prevent nuclear proliferation, to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.If Iran was to get nuclear weapons, Saudi Arabia, Israel, other countries would also want to gain access to nuclear weapons. And it would be a risk for the entire planet.” Undoubtedly, a nuclear Israel would be a threat to the entire planet – and it is actually so, this country being one of the few countries to possess hundreds of nuclear warheads without having ratified the Treaty of Non-Proliferation, and without allowing any inspection of its sites by the IAEA. Such contortions speak volumes about the degree of debasement of France faced with USraeli interests.

Thus, the accusations against Tehran have always been shameless lies to hinder its development and to contain its power and sovereignty, which leaders and the Iranian people are well aware of, contrary to what some analysts may suggest. Western sanctions against Iran are to be gradually lifted in the coming months, which will end an artificial crisis ‘completely manufactured’ – in the words of Mohammad Javad Zarif, the Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs –, to the great dismay of Israel. Benjamin Netanyahu, who had notably campaigned on his intransigence on the Iranian nuclear issue, for which he has threatened his very relations with the White House with an unprecedented interference in American politics, has indeed condemned the agreement in the most explicit terms . This short speech is worth quoting and commenting on:

The world is a much more dangerous place today than it was yesterday.

The leading international powers have bet our collective future on a deal with the foremost sponsor of international terrorism. They’ve gambled that in ten years’ time, Iran’s terrorist regime will change while removing any incentive for it to do so. In fact, the deal gives Iran every incentive not to change.

In the coming decade, the deal will reward Iran, the terrorist regime in Tehran, with hundreds of billions of dollars.This cash bonanza will fuel Iran’s terrorism worldwide, its aggression in the region and its efforts to destroy Israel, which are ongoing.

Amazingly, this bad deal does not require Iran to cease its aggressive behavior in any way. And just last Friday, that aggression was on display for all to see.

While the negotiators were closing the deal in Vienna, Iran’s supposedly moderate President chose to go to a rally in Tehran and at this rally, a frenzied mob burned American and Israeli flags and chanted ‘Death to America, Death to Israel!’

Now, this didn’t happen four years ago. It happened four days ago.

Iran’s Supreme Leader, the Ayatollah Khamenei, said on March 21 that the deal does not limit Iran’s aggression in any way. He said: ‘Negotiations with the United States are on the nuclear issue and on nothing else.’

And three days ago he made that clear again. ‘The United States’, he said, ‘embodies global arrogance, and the battle against it will continue unabated even after the nuclear agreement is concluded.’

Here’s what Hassan Nasrallah, the head of Iran’s terrorist proxy Hezbollah, said about sanctions relief, which is a key component of the deal. He said: ‘A rich and strong Iran will be able to stand by its allies and friends in the region more than at any time in the past.’

Translation: Iran’s support for terrorism and subversion will actually increase after the deal. [There follows a parallel with North Korea, which would have obtained nuclear weapons in spite of its commitments and international inspections].

The bottom line of this very bad deal is exactly what Iran’s President Rouhani said today: ‘The international community is removing the sanctions and Iran is keeping its nuclear program.’

By not dismantling Iran’s nuclear program, in a decade this deal will give an unreformed, unrepentant and far richer terrorist regime the capacity to produce many nuclear bombs, in fact an entire nuclear arsenal with the means to deliver it.

What a stunning historic mistake!

Israel is not bound by this deal with Iran and Israel is not bound by this deal with Iran because Iran continues to seek our destruction.

We will always defend ourselves.

Thank you.

Should we see nothing but a sound effect, one of those grotesque and shameless statements which are customary to Netanyahu, like the ‘diagram’ –taken straight out of Looney Tunes cartoons – which he brandished before the United Nations General Assembly in September 2012? Beyond the usual extravagances of the military nature of the Iranian nuclear project, and the blatant inversion of values that constitutes the imputation to Iran, a nation that has committed no aggression since the 18th century, an alleged militarism and expansionist policy (this is rather the true picture of Israel from its establishment to the present), it should be noted that many of the statements of Netanyahu are based on reality, or even, if we replace the terms ‘terrorism’ and ‘aggression’ with ‘Resistance’ and ‘internationalism’, quite relevant.

Yes, the world has changed, and the Israel that terrorised the region and imposed its law for decades is now afraid, and has very good reasons to be afraid. It is a pleasant enough spectacle worthy of being watched more closely.

Since the fall of the Shah in 1979, the Iranian regime has passed from the status of the United States’ main ally in the Middle East, in line with the pro-American medieval autocracies – and before Israel itself, with whom relations were as close as conceivable – to that of its most resolute opponent. One of the first decisions of Imam Khomeini was to close the Israeli embassy and replace it by the first Palestinian embassy in the world; as for the US Embassy, it was also closed after the confinement of American staff for over a year, in order to obtain the extradition of the Shah, exiled to the United States, to be tried and punished for his crimes. If Iran has no direct diplomatic relations with the United States, officially regarded as the ‘Great Satan’ and the ‘heart of global Arrogance’, it does not even recognise the existence of Israel (let alone its legitimacy), the ‘Little Satan’, described by Imam Khomeini as ‘a cancerous tumour that must disappear from existence’ as early as 1979.

Imam Khomeini declared the last Friday of Ramadan as the International Al-Quds (Jerusalem) Day, during which millions of Muslims march in Iran (and worldwide) with, indeed, cries of ‘Death to America’, which means Death to American imperialism, and ‘Death to Israel’, which is a call for the outright disappearance of the State of Israel, not just the end ofthis regime or that policy. And indeed, as Netanyahu stressed, Hassan Rouhani himself participates in such events in which American and Israeli flags are burned – although some mainstream media, for once, questioned the authenticity of the charge of Netanyahu, while in other circumstances, they had always taken for granted the Israeli statements; this proves that the master is Washington before Tel Aviv. Besides, the slogans ‘Death to America’ and ‘Death to Israel’ punctuate all Sayed Khamenei’s speeches, hostility to Israel and American foreign policy being deeply rooted in the whole of Iranian society, which is very cultivated and alert, and even highly sophisticated.

This hostility from Iran to US hegemony and Israeli militarism is not only political and diplomatic but also economic and military: as early as 1979, the factions of the Palestinian, then Lebanese, Resistance, found a first choice ally in Tehran, who lavishly dispensed money, training and weaponry to Hezbollah and the PLO, then to Hamas and Islamic Jihad,unconditionally. Initially clandestine, Iran and its allies do not even keep quiet about this support anymore, and claim it loud and clear. It is thanks to them that Israel could be routed in Lebanon and held in check in Gaza. Iran affirms it does everything possible to arm Resistance factions, and never responded to US-Israeli threats but by upmanship:

« No, we are not involved in Bahrain. Whenever we are involved, we explicitly declare it. We were involved in the fight against Israel, which resulted in victories in the 33-days [Lebanon, 2006] and 22-days wars [Gaza, 2008-2009. And from now on, wherever a nation or a group fights and confronts the Zionist entity, we will support and help it, and we are not at all afraid of saying this. This is a fact. » Sayed Ali Khamenei, 3 February 2012

These are the official posture and language of the Islamic Republic of Iran and all its leaders and representatives, whether Sayed Khamenei or Hassan Rouhani, of their Syrian allies or Hezbollah, and whether the Western press makes its headlines out of it or passes over it – tamely – in silence to allow its masters to brag of an alleged diplomatic victory. Such is the policy of Iran since 1979, continued despite all the tensions, through the Iran-Iraq war that ravaged the country, and at the height of Western sanctions and US-Israeli aggression threats. The lifting of sanctions against Iran will inevitably result in increased support for the Resistance movements in the Middle East, as Netanyahu fears, and announces new defeats for Israel .

Thus we easily understand the rage of the Israeli Prime Minister, who, after trying to get US support to attack Iran, then to derail the nuclear negotiations, and finally, in desperation, to include recognition of the existence of Israel in the final agreement (which the Islamic Republic of Iran categorically rejected and will not accept ever), finds himself completely isolated and humiliated. Certainly, for the terrorist, racist and colonialist state of Israel, Iran is an existential threat. Not that it threatens its people with genocide, of course. Sayed Khamenei explained what he meant by the necessary disappearance of the Zionist entity, and we should listen carefully:

The Zionist entity is an entity that has set itself the goal of showing blatant violence since the beginning of its illegitimate birth. They do not even deny this violence. They have set themselves the goal of clenching an iron fist. They say this everywhere and they are proud of it. This is their policy. 

Since the year 1948 – when this illegitimate entity came into being officially – until today, they have been pursuing this policy. It is 66 years now that they have been pursuing this policy. Of course, it had committed many crimes in Palestine even before it was officially recognized and even before colonialists imposed it on the world and on the region. But during these 66 years, they did whatever they could as a government and as a political system. They committed any violent act that one can think a government can do to a people. And they have no scruples whatsoever. This is the truth of the Zionist entity.

There is no cure for this except the annihilation of this entity. Annihilating the Zionist entity does not at all mean massacring the Jewish people in the region. The logical statement that our magnanimous Imam (may God bless him) made – that Israel should be annihilated – is based on a humanist principle. We presented to the world the practical solution for this and no one could criticize it in a reasonable way. We said that a poll and a referendum should be conducted so that the people who live in, come from and belong to this region will determine who should rule over it. We said that the people should resolve this issue.

This is the meaning of annihilating the Zionist entity. This is the solution. This solution is understandable and favored by today’s standards of logic in the world. This is a practical solution. We even put forward a proposal to the United Nations and a number of international organizations in charge of such affairs. And this proposal was discussed by them.

There is no cure for the problem that this savage and wolfish entity – whose policy is to behave towards people with iron fists, cruelty and savagery and that does not care about and deny killing people and children, attacking different regions and causing destruction – has created except its destruction and annihilation. If, by Allah’s favor, that day comes and if it is annihilated, then so much the better. But what is the cure as long as this fake entity survives? The cure is decisive and militant resistance against this regime.

The Palestinians should display power in the face of the Zionist entity. No one should think that if it had not been for the missiles of Gaza, the Zionist entity would have stopped its incursions. This is not the case. Notice what they are doing in the West Bank. This is while there is no missile, weapon and gun in the West Bank. The only weapon that the people have there is stones. Notice what the Zionist entity is doing there. It is doing whatever it can. It destroys people’s homes, it destroys their gardens, it destroys their lives and it humiliates and belittles them. If it is necessary, it closes water on them and it blacks out electricity.

The Zionists could not tolerate someone like Yasser Arafat who compromised with them. They besieged, humiliated, poisoned and destroyed him. It is not the case that if we do not display power in the face of the Zionists, they will tolerate and show mercy to people and observe their rights. This is not the case at all. The only cure that exists before the Zionist entity is annihilated is that the Palestinians manage to act in a powerful way.

If they act in a powerful way, it is possible that the other side – which is this wolfish and violent regime – will retreat, as they are looking for a truce with all their power. This means that they have become desperate. They kill people and children and they show cruelty in an excessive way. But they are desperate as well. They are in dire straits and this is why they are after a truce.

Therefore, we believe that the West Bank should become armed like Gaza. It is necessary to show power. Those people who are interested in the fate of Palestine should do whatever they can. This is what should be done: the people in the West Bank should become armed as well. The only thing that can alleviate the Palestinians’ pains is to show power. Otherwise, if we act in a tame, subservient and obedient way, nothing that is to the advantage of the Palestinians will be done and the violence that this violent, malevolent and wolfish creature is showing will not decrease. Sayed Ali Khamenei, July 23rd, 2014

This is Iran. Iran is determined to arm the Palestinian people and any Resistance movement for their self-defence against the policy of terror and occupation. And in the middle of the Israeli aggression against Gaza, while everyone spoke only of peace, it said in front of the world it intended to intensify its internationalist policy of arming factions of the Resistance (its policy of ‘aggression’, according to Netanyahu) and extend it to the West Bank.

For Iran, not only is this the only way to improve the lives of Palestinians, as demonstrated by Hezbollah in Lebanon, but it is only one step before the final disappearance of the Zionist entity from the Middle East map. Incidentally, is it not Cuban internationalism in Congo and Angola which dealt the fatal blow to the racist regime of South Africa? The analogy is certainly not perfect, but many parallels can be drawn between Havana and Tehran – two brave, sovereign and anti-imperialist powers, truly at the service of their people and of the oppressed, moved only by humanitarian considerations in their foreign policy, without the slightest expansionary hint. Cuba is in the process of normalising its relations with Washington, which has irretrievably lost Latin America, but for Tehran, the die is not cast yet.

Yes, such is the Iranian vision. Whether one considers the Iranian view of the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as possible, desirable or unthinkable is not the issue (although it will be interesting to evaluate it in terms of morality, international law and pragmatism; one can already point out the example of the end of French Algeria): what matters is that this is the official and unofficial position of Iran, that Iran is determined to work without relief and mobilise all its resources for this purpose. And what is clear is that the Middle East is in the process of remodelling with Iran as the main regional power, bound to play a world power role.

The Axis of Resistance (Iran-Syria-Hezbollah) will definitely be strengthened, while Israel and Saudi Arabia, and their regional allies (Turkey, Egypt, Gulf countries, etc.), can only see their influence wane. Having failed to hinder the development of Iran and to influence this Iranian internationalist foreign policy, which is the real American preoccupation, Washington was forced to negotiate exclusively on the nuclear issue, and give in to demands from Iran.

Faced with this dramatic victory of the Islamic Republic, which has seen all its requirements met without any truly significant concession on his part, Barack Obama vainly self-congratulated by presenting the agreement as “a powerful display of American leadership and diplomacy”. He nevertheless acknowledged:

We will continue to have profound differences with Iran… even if Iran doesn’t get a nuclear weapon, Iran still poses challenges to our interests and our values… Israel has legitimate concerns about its security relative to Iran. You have a large country with a significant military that has proclaimed that Israel shouldn’t exist… that has financed Hezbollah, and as a consequence there are missiles that are pointed towards Tel Aviv… But will we try to encourage them to take a more constructive path? Of course. But we’re not betting on it.

You’d better not, Mr Terrorist-in-Chief.




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These signs are being carried by truck drivers all over this country.

The above signs are being carried by truck drivers all over this country.

By TLB Contributor: Dave Hodges

Foreign occupation forces are training and will be training to overrun this country in a martial law scenario. Why foreign troops? Because American troops might not be able to be counted upon to carry out the orders of subjugation that will come down from this globalist inspired banker-hijacked administration.

In the past several days, an enormous military exercise has become known to the public. This October over 36,000 troops from more than 30 countries will be gearing up for what NATO calls its largest exercise in over a decade and the exercise is called “TRIDENT JUNCTURE”

Here is a link to a video produced by NATO about TRIDENT JUNCTURE. Watch the video and then ask yourself, “What is missing?”

Were you able to answer the question? What is missing in this NATO report on TRIDENT JUNCTURE is that they do not tell you what kind of threat, or where the threat would be specifically coming from. As I have discovered, the answer to the question as to the location of TRIDENT JUNCTURE is that the drill could be carried out in one location, multiple locations anytime and anywhere.

NATO Disclosure

trident juncture

According to NATO, the TRIDENT JUNCTURE DRILL (TJ 15) is put together in two parts. The CPX/CAX aspect of the drill will be conducted between the dates of October 3-16, 2015. However, this will follow three days what they are calling “battle staff warm-up” from September 30th to October 2nd. The official purpose of this drill is that it will serve as a “joint certification venue for NATO Response Force 2016 (NRF 16) and Full Operational Capability (FOC) event for JFCBS”. Please note the geographical location of these actions remains very vague.

NATO speaks of a complement to TRIDENT JUNCTURE in what is being called “LIVEX“. LIVEX will run from October 21st to November 6th. AIRCOM will be the leading component of the drill and it will involve over 200 aircraft from all NATO nations and they will perform in a specified training area in southern Europe. The importance of southern Europe will be explained in the conclusion part of this article.

Meanwhile Back Home

The United States Army plans to cut 40,000 soldiers from its ranks over the next two years. Please keep in mind that the US military is war mode and the targets are primarily Russia and China. This is national suicide!

This is a reduction that will impact all of the Army’s domestic and foreign posts, as this was recently published from a collection of documents obtained by USA TODAY. If the United States is really on war footing, then these actions, led by President Obama, must be looked at under the lens of treason.

Certainly, if the reduction in US military force is in diametrically opposite response to the foreign build up of troops on American soil, then Obama’s actions make perfect sense, although it is still undeniable treason. Why would the globalists want to diminish the size of the U.S. military? There are two reasons that come to mind. First, and in the long-term, America is supposed to lose World War III. Second, and in more in the immediate time frame, American troops may oppose an United Nations/NATO “Peacekeeping” force designed to restore order to an American public and military that will not accept the direct usurpation of national sovereignty. Reducing the size of the American military will reduce the size of the American threat to an United Nations takeover. If you dismiss this as idle speculation, than ask yourself why we are seeing the following on American soil?

Why Are Surface to Air Missile Batteries Popping Up Around Key Defense Faciities?

I am certain that many readers will recall when I first published photographs of these surface to air missiles in Texas. The photos came under a lot of criticism and skepticism.  However, the local media covered the event and the eventually the photos were vetted as authentic. My sources told me that these missiles were part of a defensive scheme to protect the nuclear waste disposal plant, PANTEX from low flying suicide aircraft whose goal it would be to take out the plant and create a holocaust in the region.

These are high resolution photos of the SAM missiles, that many say do not exist. These missiles are located 45 miles southeast of Lubbock, TX and were originally photographed by Texas resident, Travis Kuenstler.  These photos will soon be back in the news at The Common Sense Show, as we have just learned that this represents World War III preparations and the countering of the ISIS threat on or southern border.

These (above) are high resolution photos of the SAM missiles, that many say do not exist. These missiles are located 45 miles southeast of Lubbock, TX and were originally photographed by Texas resident, Travis Kuenstler. These photos will soon be back in the news at The Common Sense Show, as we have just learned that this represents the countering of the ISIS threat on or southern border. and now it seems likely that these missiles are also representative of civil war preparation for the military. The suppression of massive civil unrest following an economic collapse does not require the use of surface to air missiles.

I have reports of similar missiles in Colorado, Missouri and Arkansas. Yesterday, I received photos of more surface to air missile batteries in northern Michigan near Camp Grayling, which is a known FEMA camp facility which also doubles as a training facility for security personnel headed to Guantanamo Bay.

Here is an email I received with regard to a very similar set of circumstances in which a missile launcher was places just outside of a major military aircraft maintenance plant.

Hi Dave,

We live on the old Whurtsmith AFB in Oscoda Michigan.  Kallita Aircraft company has maintenance facility here.  We’ve been seeing F-16s flying over and today heard C130’s. A local man just posted this picture,,,,,My husband is retired Air Force and we have been trying to monitor events in our area.  One comment on the posting is that the National Guard units from Grayling are having exercises.  But a missile launcher?????  Yikes


Reportedly, these are new. What are the powers that be expecting?

Reportedly, these are new. What are the powers that be expecting?

Foreign Troops Continue to Pour Into the United States

In May, I received and published information from trusted sources, that 36,000 Turks assigned to NATO were in the process of being sent to a variety of Texas bases.

I have also previously covered the fact that thousands of Danish soldiers trained at Camp Grayling in April.

Here is a second email on the topic of the construction of large number of barracks being constructed at Ft. Bliss. However, many of the troops at Ft. Bliss are gone and have redeployed to other duty assignments such as the Middle East. Why would they need additional housing facilities?

Dear Mr. Hodges

I am part of a construction crew who is overseeing a multi-company construction of barracks on Ft. Bliss. Some of them are temporary TDY that I have seen with disaster relief.  I estimate that the new facilities could house as many as 20,000 troops based upon my previous experience in these matters.  

What is really strange is that the normal insignias etc. are missing from our construction sites that would normally be added. There is is nothing in this area of the base to indicate that this is a United States military facility. I have not personally seen military from other countries but there isn’t one of us on my team that does not think that this is the case here.  A fellow friend in the field saw the same at Lackland.  In light of what you have been writing on, I thought I would make this information available to you. For obvious reasons, please do not print my name. 

Recently, WNEM TV in Michigan ran a story in which they noted that 3,000 Polish troops were training in the area. We have seen live combat drills in Flint, Michigan complete with explosions and troops movements. In fact, The Common Sense Show has produced documentation that could fill a book with regard to foreign troop activity on American soil.

Gun Confiscation

No doubt that may of saw that yesterday the Obama administration announced that they were going suspend the gun rights of any Social Security recipient who was not the primary executor of their finances because they are obviously mentally infirm. An estimated five million guns could be confiscated. This is the kind of thing tyrants do before they implement martial law.  The VA has been used to go after Veterans guns. Now the Social Security administration is going after the guns of the elderly. Who is next?

Connecting the Dots

In the coming NATO LIVEX drill, we see that southern Europe is identified as the training ground. There is every reason to believe that NATO’s TRIDENT JUNCTURE is involved in this region as well since the two drills are linked together in NATO documents. What countries comprise southern Europe? This is where the dots begin to connect. Southern Europe is comprised in part by the countries, also called Mediterranean Europe, that extends along the Mediterranean Sea on the Southern edge of Europe. It encompasses the major countries of Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Greece. Any listener to The Common Sense Show has heard me interview top economists (e.g. Joseph Meyer) who have said first Greece’s economy will fail first followed by Portugal, Spain, and Italy.What do people do when their economies fail and they lose their money? They riot! 

I recently wrote an article which I detailed how draconian the governments have become in these countries. For example, protesting outside of government buildings in Spain is now illegal. These are always preemptive moves governments with failing economies employ to stay in power. I think it is quite clear that TRIDENT EXPOSURE AND LIVEX drills are a multinational martial law force which is training to suppress revolution as these countries will soon experience an economic meltdown. This is a civil war prevention force.

The deployment of foreign troops on American soil is a gathering of the forces to accomplish the same objective as TRIDENT EXPOSURE AND LIVEX. However, as Steve Quayle mentioned on our July 19th interview, Steve said that America is entering into a civil war period. Steve is absolutely correct. As a case in point, these missile batteries we see that are deployed outside key defense facilities are speaking to the fact some officers in our military are moving to protect critical infrastructure military assets.

What does this all mean? It is likely that the concept of Jade Helm is international and joint international military forces will be used to subdue dissidents and uncooperative military forces in countries as they experience an economic meltdown. I think it likely that Jade is a subset, or a component part of the NATO drills. It is also very coincidental that these drills are taking place in such close proximity to each other. Does this point to an impending event? That is the simplest and mostly likely conclusion. Now we should be able to see where Jade Helm fits into these unfolding events.


TLB recommends you visit Dave at The Common Sense Show for more pertinent articles and information.

See featured article HERE


Russian Deputy Defense Minister, Anatoly Antonov, said that the nuclear bomb test conducted this month over Nevada, confirms US plans to deploy nuclear weapons to Europe, placing them within reach of the Russian Federation. He called the test “irresponsible” and “openly provocative”.

“It turns out that under the disguise of a notorious and invented threat coming from the Russian side, the United States was not only increasing the military potential and activity of NATO member states, but was upgrading its nuclear potential as well,” Antonov said on Monday.

Russia believes that the US conducted this test in order to examine the weapon’s potential use by NATO bombers in Europe.

“”The atomic bomb, which was tested, is a dual purpose device. It can be both an element of strategic offensive weapons, when delivered by heavy bombers, and an element of non-strategic nuclear weapons when delivered by tactical aircraft”,” Antonov said, ““The special feature of the test was the fact that the F-15E fighter-bomber was used as a carrier for a nuclear weapon. This gives grounds to believe that the test was conducted in order to examine the possibility of using the B61-12 atomic bomb by NATO fighter-bombers stationed in Europe.””

Whether or not the allegations made by Russia are true, statements such as this do provide us with an inside look into the mindset of the Russian people. If Russians believe they may be subject to a NATO first strike, even if such a threat doesn’t exist, it will likely enhance the country’s readiness, which could increase the risk of a strategic miscalculation, potentially leading to nuclear war. With escalating tensions between Russia and the West possibly surpassing those which existed during the last cold war, there are concerns that the Russian Federation may conduct its own first strike against the West, on the assumption that the country is acting in its own defense.

In response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the United States and NATO have placed thousands of troops, planes and heavy weapons very near to the Russian border. While these forces are said to be in place to reassure NATO allies in the region, Russians could easily mistake this military buildup as a prelude to attack on Russian territory. In response, Russia has steadily reminded the West that it is still a nuclear power, and that it will not hesitate to use such weapons, should the country feel threatened in any way.

While ISIS and civil rights cases currently flood mainstream media, primarily serving as a distraction away from real world events, Russians are truly preparing themselves for a major war with NATO. Since the end of the cold war, we have trained ourselves to believe that a nuclear war can never happen, this is exactly what our current government wants us to believe at this time. For this reason, Americans will surely be blindsided and unprepared should today’s events lead to a war such as this.

All it would take is one miscalculation, accident or false assumption, to set off a chain of events, which could negatively effect our children and children’s children for generations to come.


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TLB recommends you visit THE WAR MONITOR for more pertinent articles and information.


By: GMI Reporter

A groundbreaking new study reveals that GMO soy accumulates the carcinogenic chemical formaldehyde, calling into question its safety and the notion that GMOs are substantially equivalent to their conventional counterparts. 


Systems Biology Group, International Center for Integrative Systems: GMO Soy Accumulates Formaldehyde & Disrupts Plant Metabolism, Suggests Peer-Reviewed Study, Calling For 21st Century Safety Standards

A new study published today in the peer-reviewed journal AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES reveals genetic engineering of soy disrupts the plant’s natural ability to control stress, and invalidates the FDA’s current regulatory framework of “substantial equivalence” used for approval of genetically engineered food (GMOs).

The study, led by Dr. V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai, Ph.D., an MIT-trained systems biologist, utilizes his latest invention, CytoSolve, a 21st century systems biology method to integrate 6,497 in vitro and in vivo laboratory experiments, from 184 scientific institutions, across 23 countries, to discover the accumulation of formaldehyde, a known carcinogen, and a dramatic depletion of glutathione, an anti-oxidant necessary for cellular detoxification, in GMO soy, indicating that formaldehyde and glutathione are likely critical criteria for distinguishing the GMO from its non-GMO counterpart.

Dr. Ayyadurai stated, “The results demand immediate testing along with rigorous scientific standards to assure such testing is objective and replicable. It’s unbelievable such standards for testing do not already exist. The safety of our food supply demands that science deliver such modern scientific standards for approval of GMOs.”

“The discovery reported by Dr. Ayyadurai reveals a new molecular paradigm associated with genetic engineering that will require research to discover why, and how much formaldehyde and glutathione concentration, and what other cellular chemicals relevant to human and animal health, are altered.  We need the kinds of standards Dr. Ayyadurai demands to conduct such research,” stated Dr. Ray Seidler, a former EPA Senior Scientist.  “Formaldehyde is a known class1 carcinogen. Its elevated presence in soybeans caused by a common genetic engineering event is alarming and deserves immediate attention and action from the FDA and the Obama administration. Soy is widely grown and consumed in the U.S., including by infants fed baby food products, with 94% of soy grown here being genetically engineered,” declared Seidler.

The study concludes the U.S. government’s current standards for safety assessment of GMOs, based on the principle of “substantial equivalence,” is outdated and unscientific for genetically engineered food since it was originally developed for assessing the safety of medical devices in the 1970s.  The current criteria for assessing “equivalence” considers only basic nutritional and superficial characteristics such as taste, sight, smell and touch, for declaring GMOs safe for human consumption, allowing them to be fast-tracked to market without independent scientific testing.  If formaldehyde and glutathione were criteria, then the GMO would likely not be deemed “equivalent” to its non-GMO counterpart. This finding calls into question the FDA’s food safety standards for the entire country.

The publication of the paper coincides with release of a bulletin by the Obama Administration on July 2, 2015, calling for “Improving Transparency and Ensuring Continued Safety in Biotechnology.”

Ayyadurai shares, “This is not a pro- or anti-GMO question. But, are we following the scientific method to ensure the safety of our food supply? Right now, the answer is ‘no’. We need to, and we can, if we engage in open, transparent, and collaborative scientific discourse, based on a systems biology approach.”

The full study can be read here.

Contact Information: 
Nathan Nye:, (910)876-2601;
Alison Channon:, (202)789-7752

SOURCE Systems Biology Group, International Center for Integrative Systems


See featured article here

TLB recommends you visit GreenMedInfo for more great/pertinent articles and information.


Today, the ‘poorest of the poor’ are superfluous to empire and thus the policy of genocide. The current world war between the classes has become a war between exterminators and those who would fight to survive!

By: Dr James Petras


‘The war and its results have turned Yemen back a hundred years, due to the destruction of infrastructure . . . especially in the provinces of Oden, Dhalea and Taiz.’ – Izzedine al-Asbali, Yemeni Human Rights Minister

‘Yemen is devastated. There are no roads, water or electricity. Nobody’s left but thieves.’ – A resident of Sana (Yemen)



The Euro-American and Japanese ruling classes, as well as their collaborators in the Afro-Asian and Latin American countries, have accumulated vast profit. This has occurred through a complex stratified system re-concentrating the world’s wealth through: 1. The exploitation of labor in the First World (North America and Western Europe); 2. super-exploitation of labor in the Second World (China, ex-USSR); 3. dispossession of peasants, native communities and urban dwellers to grab resources, land and real estate in the Third World; and 4. wars of genocide against the poorest of the poor in the ‘Fourth World’. Besides all the forms of brutal exploitation and dispossession, which enrich the Euro-US ruling classes, by far the most sinister and threatening to humanity is the concerted worldwide effort to literally exterminate the poorest-of-the poor, the hundreds of millions of people no longer essential for the accumulation and concentration of imperial capital today.

This essay will begin by mapping the genocidal wars against ‘the wretched of the earth’, identifying the geography of genocide, the countries and subjects under attack, and the trajectory, which has been chosen and executed by the leaders of the Euro-American regimes.

Then we will examine the reason for genocide within the dynamics and forms of contemporary capitalism. In particular, we will develop the genocide hypothesis: that imperial genocide of the poorest of the poor is a deliberate policy to reduce the growing surplus labor, which is no longer needed or wanted for wealth accumulation but is increasingly feared as a potential political threat.

In the last section, we will discuss how the ‘wretched of the earth’ are responding to this policy of imperial genocide and what is to be done.

Mapping Genocide Against the Poorest of the Poor

It is no coincidence that the most violent assaults and invasions by the Euro-American powers have taken place against the poorest countries in each region of the world. In the Western hemisphere, the Euro-US regimes have repeatedly invaded the absolutely poorest country, Haiti, overthrowing the popularly elected Aristide government, decimating the population via a cholera epidemic spread by UN mercenary ‘peace-keepers’, killing tens of thousands of poor Haitians and rounding up thousands of protestors. The occupation continues. Honduras, the second poorest country in the region, experienced a US-backed coup d’état deposed their recently elected president and imposed a terrorist puppet regime, which regularly assassinates dissidents and landless rural workers. Peasants are dispossessed; the economy and society are in shambles with tens of thousands of Hondurans (especially children) fleeing the violence.

Today, the Euro-American powers actively support the absolutist regime of Saudi Arabia as it bombs and slaughters thousands of Yemeni civilians and resistance fighters. Yemen is the poorest country in the Gulf region.

In South Asia, the US invaded and occupied Afghanistan; its coalition of puppets and NATO allies have massacred and displaced millions of poor farmers and civilians. Afghanistan is the poorest of the poor countries in the region.

In Africa, the Euro-American powers and their local collaborators have invaded, bombed and occupied Somalia, Chad and Mali – among the poorest of sub-Sahara countries.

After the US-NATO campaign of destruction against Libya, 1.5 million sub-Saharan Africans and black citizens of Libya lost their stable employment and became the victims of ethnic slaughter. Their attempts to escape the violence and starvation by fleeing to Europe are blocked by the leading powers (the same powers that destroyed the Libyan economy and society). Those, who do not drown in their flight, are detained and returned to their devastated countries and early deaths.

In Western Europe, millions of Greeks, Spaniards and Portuguese, inhabiting the poorest countries in the region, have faced massive job losses, widespread impoverishment and spiraling suicides – all induced by austerity programs designed to pillage their economies and enrich their Euro-US creditors.

In the United States, 1.5 million black (mostly male) Americans, are ‘missing’ – products of early death, industrial-scale incarceration and police assassinations. American Indian communities are subject to depredations and early death from the policies of the Federal and State governments. Their lands have been handed over to mining (and now fracking) to serve the interests of the mining and agro-business elite. Throughout the US Latino agricultural workers are increasingly viewed as ‘expendable’ with technology and the effects of global climate change (such as the severe drought in California) depriving them of livelihood.

In the Levant, Palestinians, now the poorest of the poor and the most disenfranchised, face continued Israeli land grabs, pillage and violence in the West Bank and genocidal attacks in Gaza. Iraq and Syria have experienced millions of deaths and displacements, reducing previously prosperous, educated and sophisticated multi-ethnic populations into impoverished, uprooted and desperate people deliberately driven backwards to tribal loyalties.

Why Imperialism ‘Genocides the Poorest of the Poor’

With the exception of Iraq and Syria, all of the violated countries have been poor in resources and markets, and possess large unskilled labor. The people are targeted and savaged because they no longer serve as ‘labor reserves’ – they are now excess-surplus labor – in Nazi racial hygiene terminology, they have become ‘useless mouths to feed’. This has intensified as crisis engulfs the West and the least productive sectors of capitalism, finance, real estate and insurance (FIRE), have become the leading sectors of capital. ‘Cheap labor’ is less needed, least of all overseas labor from conflictual regions.

The ‘poorest of the poor’ countries under attack lack rich resources ripe for plunder; their populations do not exist among the priorities of the multi-national bankers – except when seen as ‘obstacles’. In the colonial past, sectors of these populations would have been recruited by imperial countries to submit, obey and serve as imperial mercenaries or coolie labor. They would have been transported and employed by empire for ‘dirty’, dangerous and poorly paid jobs in other colonized countries – like the millions of Indians scattered throughout the former British Empire. Today, such coolies have no value.

The genocidal nature of the wars against the ‘poorest of the poor’ is best demonstrated by the actual targets and primary victims of these wars: Millions of civilians, families, women, children and heads of households have suffered the worst. These ‘targets’ represent the most stable and essential elements responsible for family reproduction and security. The ‘poorest of the poor’ communities are being destroyed. Genocidal bombing has overwhelmingly targeted the essential factors for survival: cohesive households, communal settings, subsistence food growing regions and access to clean water. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that marriage ceremonies and traditional social gatherings have been ‘mistaken targets’ of missiles and drone strikes. Despite the denials from the White House, the geographic extent and nauseating number of such attacks demonstrate that according to the ‘genocide hypothesis’ there is ‘nowhere to hide’: The targeted populations will have no marriage celebrations, no social life, no increase in children among the poorest of the poor, no protection for the elders, no social fabric and no communal organizations – there will be no survival networks left for the superfluous of empire.

The ‘genocide hypothesis’ underlies the practice of ‘total war’. The practice includes massive attacks on non-military targets (‘Shock and Awe’) and the use of high tech weaponry to target collectives of the poorest of the poor – repeatedly, over long periods of time and wide geographic regions.

If, as the apologists of genocidal wars claim, the bombings of weddings and slaughter of school children are ‘collateral’ in the ‘Global War on Terror’ why are they happening everywhere in the fourth world and virtually everyday?

The genocide hypothesis best explains the data. Even the terminology and claims made by imperialist experts regarding their weapons systems support the genocide hypothesis. These weapons, we are told, are ‘intelligent, precise and highly accurate’ in targeting and destroying ‘the enemy’. By their own admission, then, the poorest of the poor have become ‘the enemy’, as imperial weapons makers support ‘intelligent’ genocide with ‘precision’.

When liberals and leftists criticize how imperial drone strikes kill civilians, instead of ‘armed terrorists’, they are missing the essential point of the policy. The prime purpose of the wars and the imperial weapons of mass destruction is to kill the largest number of the very poorest in the shortest time.

No member of the financial-high tech capitalist class has ever complained about the mass killing of the ‘poorest of the poor’ anywhere or at any time because the victims are, for the purpose of accumulating imperial profit and concentrating wealth superfluous. The poorest don’t figure into the formulae of profit and productivity; they don’t ‘make or take’ markets. On the other hand, their continued existence is a potential liability. They are aesthetically unappealing on the outskirts of luxury resorts. To the rich, they represent a desperate criminal element and they may pose a real or imagined ‘terrorist’ threat. For these reasons, the rich would ‘prefer’ that they would quietly cease to exist, or if the warlords have to dispose of them, the world will be a safer and more attractive place to accumulate wealth. ‘Let them kill each other, as they have done for millennia’, the empire piously opines and the bankers and their high tech allies can use their military and mercenaries without soiling their own hands. The elite ignore the mass immiseration while the militarists bomb ‘the problem’ out of existence.

Today genocide occurs in once vibrant living and working communities, not hidden in ‘concentration camps’. The secret ovens and gas chambers have been replaced by an ‘open range’ of incendiary weapons that end lives, burn neighborhoods and workshops, devastate livestock and crops. Those who survive the bombing are starved, enclosed, malnourished and inflicted with disease. Eminent doctors tell us that the misery is ‘self-inflicted’ and that the poorest of the poor are ignorant and lack healthy habits. Recurrent epidemics from HIV to cholera to Ebola are quintessential ‘4th world diseases’. Even though the Caribbean had not seen cholera for over a century, its introduction into Haiti via the bowels of imperial mercenary troops (UN peacekeepers from Nepal) was blamed on the Haitians’ lack of access to clean water! Not since the small pox blankets passed out by the US Army to freezing Native Americans in their concentration camps of the 19th century have we heard such apologists for genocide!

The truth about genocide is that all this is known, repeatedly documented and forgotten. White workers in the First World cannot even register these ‘facts’ under their own noses, let alone express any form of solidarity. Imperial genocide, committed by proactive militarists and ‘passive’ rich elites, are no secret even if they deny their complicity. The key word here is ‘mission’. ‘Mission Accomplished’ was the celebratory banner over the total destruction of Iraq. The warlords claim rewards for successfully completing ‘the mission’. Yemenis are dying under US-supplied Saudi bombs; Somalis are scattered in tens of thousands of tents to the four corners of the earth; Haitians continue to enjoy the ‘gift of cholera’ from UN ‘peacekeepers’ and rot in massive open air prison-slums – their leaders imprisoned or assassinated.

The Poorest of the Poor Respond

In the face of genocide and their irrelevance to the profit motive of modern high tech and finance capital, the poorest of the poor have chosen multiple responses: (1) Mass out-migration, preferable to the First World, where they won’t be bombed, raped or starved as they had been at ‘home’; (2) Internal migration to the cities, under the illusion of an ‘urban safe haven’ when in fact their concentration in slums makes it easier for the bombers; (3) return to the countryside and subsistence farming or the mountains and subsistence herding, but the missiles and drones relentlessly follow them; (4) mass flight to a neighboring country where the local gendarmes will ‘herd’ them into camps to rot and (5) finally resistance. Resistance takes various forms: There are spontaneous upheavals when the scope of abuse exceeds all endurance. This form involves attacking the local collaborators and gendarmes and authorities and sacking food warehouses. Such action burns briefly and dies (many times literally). Some choose to join armed resistance bands, including gangs of brigands, political ethno-religious rivals and terrorists who retaliate against authors of their genocide and its collaborators with their own version of justice and material and celestial rewards.

Total war from above and the outside breeds total war from the inside and below. The rebellion of the ‘wretched of the earth’ in the 21st century is far different from that portrayed by Franz Fanon in the middle of the last century. Fanon described a revolt against colonialism and neo-colonialism. Today the revolt is against deracination and genocide. During colonialism, the ‘wretched’ needed to be subdued to better exploit their labor and resources. Today, the ‘poorest of the poor’ are superfluous to empire and thus the policy of genocide. The current world war between the classes has become a war between exterminators and those who would fight to survive!

PetrasProfessor James Petras, is the author of more than 62 books published in 29 languages, and over 600 articles in professional journals, including the American Sociological Review, British Journal of Sociology, Social Research, and Journal of Peasant Studies. He has a long history of commitment to social justice, working in particular with the Brazilian Landless Workers Movement for 11 years. He writes a monthly column for the Mexican newspaper, La Jornada, and previously, for the Spanish daily, El Mundo. Dr. Petras received his B.A. from Boston University and Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley. You can visit his website here.


TLB recommends you visit the Professor James Petras website for more pertinent articles and information.

See featured article and read comments HERE


by Waking Times

Video – Dr. Martin Blank, PhD of Colombia University leads a group of concerned scientists in an important appeal about the safety of wi-fi and other electromagnetic signals. To put it bluntly, these devices are causing cell damage and ending many of our lives prematurely, and these scientists want you to know about it.

“The time to deal with the harmful biological and health effects is long overdue. To protect our children, ourselves and our ecosystem, we must reduce exposure by establishing more protective guidelines.”


See featured article here

TLB recommends you visit Waking Times for more great/pertinent articles and information.


Preface by: TLB

For the uninitiated who will see this type of information for the first time and chalk it up to conspiracy … we strongly urge you to read through the article and the associated links. Just because information is made available to you in a blatant (in your face) fashion, and may make you uncomfortable, is not a good reason to doubt its validity, or dismiss it out of hand.

What you will read below is discussed or touched on in many articles in a fringe fashion (not so blatantly), and many of the concepts and accusations are somewhat familiar to most of you on at least some basic level.

If you take what TLB has shown you via this article and radio show,

Dr. Ngare Exposes WHO & UNICEF Tyranny on Developing World to TLB in an Exclusive Must Hear Interview

Please listen by clicking on the TLB Radio Network Logo …

TLB radio

Exposing the hidden agenda of intentional and criminal sterilization of millions of African women, and tens of millions more in developing (poor) third world countries, under the guise of benevolent vaccines … then what you are about to read is merely an extension of the same albeit much more blatant.

Please keep an open mind and read on …


UN WHO File Reveals Dual Purpose of Vatican Eugenics Vaccines

UN WHO file titled “Global Vaccine Market Features and Trends” exposes the true dual purpose of eugenics vaccines. Profiteering ($100 billion marketing goal) from Vatican UN/WHO genocide.

The file provides incriminating evidence and financial motive for Vatican UN WHO criminal acts of terrorism, bioterrorism, mass murder and genocide.  The Crown (corporate entity for the reigning Pope) created UN (formed to build Vatican Fourth Reich/NWO)  and WHO (formed to continue Vatican Nazi Third Reich Eugenics program) intentionally disseminate viruses (Ebola, E. Coli, Meningitis, Polio) in sparsely populated areas (controlled groups) to terrorize (exploit human fear) the World into getting vaccinated and sick. Terrorism is used by the UN and WHO to intentionally create fear and trick billions of people into being sterilized and poisoned by UN WHO marketed “ethnic” bioweapon vaccines.

There are an estimated 7 billion people living on Earth today.  In order for the Vatican and the Pope (the Crown) to profit and acquire the $100 billion projected marketing goal stated in the UN WHO “Global Vaccine Market Features and Trends” file, every person on Earth would have to be vaccinated.  To achieve the Vatican UN WHO eugenics vaccines goal the news media are paid to instill fear in the World’s population by circulating apocryphal (false) stories of non-existing viral pandemics for Ebola, E. Coli, meningococci B Meningitis, Polio, smallpox, AIDS (triggered by WHO laced smallpox vaccine), H1N1 (the Venezuelan equine encephalitis taken and disseminated from US Army Fort Detrick Maryland biological weapon research lab by bioweapon expert Marc S Griswold and flown to Mexico aboard Obama’s Air Force One April 16, 2009), H5N1 (lab mutation of the DNA sequence of a gene of the H1N1 virus), MERS (lab mutated H5N1 virus by biological weapon terrorist Ron Fouchier) viruses.

The Vatican tasked the World Bank (Vatican established and controls it and the UN WHO) to force the governments of every country in the World, including Canada, the 1871 Crown Corporation UNITED STATES and the Jan1, 1855 est Crown (Pope) Corporation “City of London Corporation” UK to implement policies to carry out the Vatican (and the Crown/Pope) genocidal depopulation agenda.  The UN World Bank’s “World Development Report 1984” p.146 and p. 22 “Step to reduce fertility” confirms that the UN and the WHO are implementing the Vatican’s genocidal depopulation agenda using nonsurgical chemical sterilization vaccines. In the 1972 UN WHO memo Virus-associated immunopathology: Animal models and implications for human disease the WHO calls for development of virus-induced immunodepression to prolong certain virus infections. Live virus laden vaccines were developed to do just that – “induce immunodepression to prolong certain virus infections”.

Prolonging induced virus infections has one purpose – profiteering through costly “treatment”.  There is no profit to be made by the Vatican and the Crown (the Pope) if vaccines were developed to “prevent” or “cure” viral infections.  Vaccines were developed to cause healthy people to become sterile and mortally ill. Vaccines are “for profit” manufactured bioweapons that disseminate live viruses and poisons throughout the world.


See featured article here

TLB recommends you visit PRESS CORE  for more pertinent articles and information

Does your government love you? Will it protect you through the tough economic times ahead?

Does your government love you? Will it protect you through the tough economic times ahead?

Or, will those who are viewed as burden to society suffer the same fate as a unwanted dog in a humane shelter?

Or, will those Americans who are viewed as a burden to society, suffer the same fate as an unwanted dog in a humane shelter?

By TLB Contributor: Dave Hodges

China’s stock market is failing along with the sell out of the Greek people and the collapse of their economy. In Greece, it is merely a matter of time until the entire country goes up in flames and results in a civil war. This is merely the tip of the iceberg. The “civilized world” as we know it, is in an undeniable economic meltdown.

With regard to the present set of economic circumstances, the pattern in history is always the same:

1. The government anticipates an economic meltdown. When they cannot spend their way out of the impending depression, they move to the next predictable step.

2. The government, fearful of civil unrest directed at them over the economic failures of their nation, begin to erase all civil liberties and frequently disarm the people in a move motivated by self-preservation. An unmistakable police state type of government emerges and the people live in fear.

3. Just prior to the economic collapse, government goon squads “remove” dissident leaders and others who may follow them. “See something, Say something” snitch, snatch and grab practices are enforced by the self-appointed Gestapo of that society. Frequently, a false flag event is carried out and is blamed on the targets of the purge, thus, gaining temporary acceptable from those citizens who just hope to be left alone.

4. When Jade Helm type of dissident leader extractions fail to quell the growing sense of public unrest, wholesale roundups and subsequent exterminations take place.

This four step descent into abject and genocidal tyranny is precisely where the modern nations are headed. All nations, in the modern era, will soon walk this path and produce the darkest days the planet has ever witnessed.

The emergence of secret police, the erasure of civil liberties, deaths squad executions of perceived dissident leaders, and mass roundups and executions of the masses of people that are no longer needed, or who will not comply, are carried out. America, ask yourself, what is the purpose of the NDAA and Executive Order 13603?

Spain and Italy Will Soon Go the Way of Greece

Demonstrators with their mouths taped sit outside the Spanish parliament during a protest against Spanish government's new security law in central Madrid, Spain, early July 1, 2015. Spanish government's new security law, which toughens fines for unauthorised street protests, comes into effect July 1. Critics consider it a violation of the right to protest and a limit to free expression and have labeled it "Ley Mordaza" (Gag Law). REUTERS/Juan Medina - RTX1IIKE

Demonstrators with their mouths taped sit outside the Spanish parliament during a protest against Spanish government’s new security law in central Madrid, Spain, early July 1, 2015. Spanish government’s new security law, which toughens fines for unauthorized street protests, comes into effect July 1. Critics consider it a violation of the right to protest and a limit to free expression and have labeled it “Ley Mordaza” (Gag Law). REUTERS/Juan Medina – RTX1IIKE

The New York Times reports that under a new Spanish law that went into effect on July 1, citizens can be fined the equivalent of almost $700 for insulting an officer, over $33,000 for recording and disseminating images of police officers, and more than $664,000 for participating in an unauthorized protest outside government buildings.

The law covers Internet surfing and I want to specifically point to portions of the law which target illegal downloading, habitual access of websites that allegedly promote terrorism, and violent protest. Didn’t the Obama administration grant themselves the same censorship powers with the implementation of Net Neutrality?

The Common Sense Show will soon be banned in Spain and viewers could be punished, at least according to emails I have received from Spain. Additionally, Spanish citizens can no longer report police brutality or protest outside the Spanish legislature. Nazi Germany has once again returned to Spain. The message in Spain is clear, “you may not protest against tyranny”. The Spanish government is telling the people what is coming. The same could be said about the United States.

At the heart of the Spanish law, a blind man could see that the intent is to squash all criticism of the government. Why? Because Spain’s economy is on the verge of collapse and will soon become the next Greece. Italy will follow Greece and then we will see the wholesale collapse of the EU.

The typical pattern in world history is that when an economic collapse is anticipated, civil liberties, including gun ownership are erased. This has become a typical pattern in Europe since the global economic meltdown of 2008. Following the evisceration of civil liberties, mass detention centers are planned for and built. Europe is no exception to that rule. In fact, most modern nations have followed in the footsteps of this past practice with regard to an economic collapse including the construction of what we in America call, FEMA camps.

Jade Helm and FEMA Camps Have Gone International

The UK’s economy is failing and the conditions are so bad, that Scotland unsuccessfully tried to break away.

In response to a failing economy, the UK has taken definitive steps to prevent any citizen protests with regard to the loss of civil liberties. Dictatorial control goes hand in hand with an economic collapse. In the UK, citizen protest are largely banned. And when we see the suspension of civil liberties in anticipation of an economic collapse, can FEMA camps be far behind?

Contents from the following email was sent to me several weeks ago, twice by different people and was also posted the following on Godlike Productions.

Dear Dave

Is Jade Helm 15 taking place outside the United States? The reason I ask is because I have, for a long time, wondered WHY a local shopping mall near me on the edge of town, (In the UK) … had what looked like 3 strange little towers on each corner. They seems to serve no purpose because they had shuttered windows on each 3 sides which were always closed, never used. Almost looked sealed, and decorative.

The penny dropped the other day. After watching all the Jade Helm/ Wal Mart vids on youtube …. I realised there was a good possibility that this mall near me could be used as a holding centre or detention camp of some sort, like the Wal Marts in the US.

The 3 three little towers are positioned so that they overlooked all the car parks and grounds on all sides.
All that is needed is a razor wire fence and voila – the mind boggles…

Another strange thing ….. there is another supermarket on the opposite edge of town which is a weird shape with a gold roof shaped like a pyramid or triangle from the air.

It has only recently finished being constructed.
I asked a workman why the cafe within the supermarket was so badly located and designed and pointed out other design flaws which the general public were talking about ….. to which he replied, ” Oh none of that really matters – they, Asda, only have the use of this building for 3 years – then – who knows?

supermarket 1

supermarket 2

supermarket 3

Australia Moves to Subjugate Its People

Regardless of the country, concentration camps always look the same.

Regardless of the country, concentration camps always look the same.

The Australian economy is also failing. And what do governments do when their economies are about to fail? The subjugate the people. And as we see in Greece, Spain, and the UK, we are also witnessing the same in Australia. As a consequence, as Australia’s economy falters, the government is passing increasingly restrictive laws which are eroding civil liberties including the loss of the right to own a firearm, the last protection a citizenry has to prevent abject terror from being carried out against the people by the government. And of course the obvious question remains, does the Australian government have FEMA detention camps? The answer is an unqualified yes! Click here to read a frightening account of how FEMA went to Australia and instructed the government on how to construct FEMA camps.

Logan’s Run

The world is largely being run by individuals, who, in one way or another, subscribe to a Fabian socialist belief system which basically calls for the extermination of anyone who is not “useful and productive” to a society. Fabian socialists believe that when an individual or group no longer serves the purpose of the elite, that their lives have lost meaning and they should be exterminated. We saw this theme played out in the 1976 movie entitled, Logan’s Run.

In the movie, Logan's Run, when one reaches age 30, an implanted chip turns red and the person is exterminated.

In the movie, Logan’s Run, when one reaches age 30, an implanted chip turns red and the person is exterminated. In the movie, Logan’s Run, when one reaches age 30, an implanted chip turns red and the person is exterminated.

logans run 2In some future time set forth by the movie, the Logan’s Run population had to seek refuge in a dome to protect what was left of humanity. However, the size of the population had to be controlled to prevent overpopulation on the inside. As time went on, and unknown to the people, the conditions of planet had once again become habitable. The people were kept ignorant of this fact. The purveyors of the perverted society kept executing people when they reached 30. This movie exemplified the Fabian Socialism mantra which decrees that when a person is no longer productive in the eyes of the ruling authority, they should be exterminated. Make no mistake about it, the planet that we inhabit is being run by people who very much subscribe to this belief system. After all, do you see ANY evidence that your government loves you and will protect through the emerging crisis?  Of course not, the government has responded to the coming crisis by putting massive amounts of troops on the streets of America in a drill we refer to as Jade Helm 15.

Preparing to rid America of useless eaters.

Preparing to rid America of useless eaters. Preparing to rid America of useless eaters is certainly one way to “master the human domain”.

The Useless Eaters Need to Be Eliminated

"We don't need you anymore" and a large segment of the American population is no longer needed by the elite ruling class. We have 92 million working age Americans fully employed. In contrast, we have 102 million working age Americans who are unemployed or underemployed. What use do these Fabian Socialists have for these people? These conditions are the breeding ground for genocide.

“We don’t need you anymore” and a large segment of the American population is no longer needed by the elite ruling class. We have 92 million working age Americans fully employed. In contrast, we have 102 million working age Americans who are unemployed or underemployed. What use do these Fabian Socialists have for these people? These conditions are the breeding ground for genocide. Globalist, Henry Kissinger, says “We don’t need you useless eaters anymore.” A large segment of the American population is no longer needed by the elite ruling class because they no longer produce anything needed by the ruling class. We have 92 million working age Americans fully employed. In contrast, we have 102 million working age Americans who are unemployed or underemployed. One in six Americans are on Food Stamps. What use do the ruling elite, Fabian Socialists, have for these people? These conditions are the breeding ground for genocide.

Is this why Sherrie Wilcox found these outside of Atlanta?

Sherrie Wilcox discovery of FEMA coffins 50 miles outside of Atlanta.

Sherrie Wilcox discovery of FEMA coffins 50 miles outside of Atlanta.


You would have to be a complete fool if you believe your government serves you and is concerned for your welfare. The government, as do all governments serve the elite. Since more than 50% of all Americans are no longer needed in the eyes of the elite, do you really think your government isn’t going to “trim the fat”?

Steve QuayleSpeaking of trimming the fat, is there anywhere that you and your family could run to and relative safety? This Sunday (July 19th) from 8pm-10:30pm (Eastern), Steve Quayle will appear on The Common Sense Show to discuss this very question.


TLB recommends you visit Dave at The Common Sense Show for more pertinent articles and information.

See featured article HERE

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