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New World Order


By TLB Contributor: Dave Hodges

More and more people and organizations are becoming adept at identifying the evil injustices which have invaded every facet of our lives.

Jade Helm has put this nation under martial law. Malls, schools, stadiums, arena and warehouses are being prepared to become makeshift FEMA camps. Christians, on a national scale are being marginalized in favor of gays and Muslims. Pharmaceuticals have taken over the legislative process and are getting government to mandate vaccines with no exemptions. CPS is still stealing kids, many for no other reason than the fact that is profitable to do so.

One Enemy Is At the Heart of What Is Going On

Of all the identified enemies of humanity, there is one enemy which stands out among all others. IF you took away Jade Helm, you would still have the bankers. Jesus did not chase the Jews, followers of ISLAM, the gays, the Pope, he chased the banks from the temple.


Pogo is correct. It is we the people who have become adept at mastering the craft of perpetuating our own enslavement. We provide the labor and the capital which enslaves us. This article illustrates one small example of how we are being enslaved and more importantly, what we can do about it.

Whether it is banking, healthcare or even public education, the globalist bankers have virtual control the entire system. They also control the dialogue through their domination of the mainstream media and they do so to their advantage and to our extreme detriment.

This article will take a very brief look at banking and then propose solutions based upon common sense and from the field of psychology which could be used to mitigate the effectiveness of the globalists on a broad front in this arena.

Stop Feeding the Beast

The globalists have a definitive infrastructure and when we decide enough is enough and withdraw from this system, their house of cards will begin to crumble and could eventually collapse. The moment humanity realizes that we are contributing to our own enslavement and demise by our complicit participation in the globalists rigged game, we can choose to alter our course by making different decisions. Our continuing decision to fully participate in the banking system is mind boggling because this system is sowing the seeds of humanity’s destruction.


First, it’s incomprehensible that people do not take the time to investigate with whom they are entrusting their money. The money changers represent the group most despised by Jesus and if that is not enough, let us consider the fact these banksters contribute to the starting of every war in order that they can loan out the money for the arms build-up. And then the banksters loan out the money to clean up the mess and we repeat this scenario over and over and over again. To survive, the system needs your children’s involuntary servitude in the military. In other words, when you deposit money in the bank, you are participating in the future death of many of today’s children as they grow into young adulthood. Why would any reasonable person entrust their money to such a system of evil?

Second, the banksters take your money into their hallowed institutions and then multiply it by a factor of nine (i.e. fractional reserve banking) and then loan out this imaginary money at your expense by the inflationary practice that this culminates in. Then the banksters have the intestinal fortitude to loan us back the money at 15, 20, 25% interest on money created out of thin air. When you put money into the bank, you are committing financial suicide.

Third, when the banksters print their money out of thin air and then charge the government and the people for the right to use “their” money, we in effect are paying for the right to be their debt slaves. And all of this occurs despite the fact that the Constitution says that Congress shall coin money. Of course, a dumbed down populace cannot appreciate or be cognizant of the principles of the Constitution. Why? Because the globalists also control education which is another story for another time.

Fourth, the international banksters are hands down the most corrupt and evil influence on the planet. They perpetrated the Arab Spring in which many have died and there is no end in sight.

The banksters, through the Bilderberg control over NATO, overthrew Libya because that country would not join the Bank of International Settlement’s central banking system and enslave their people into generations of crushing debt. Immediately prior to the time of Libya’s occupation, the Libyan people paid 14 cents for a gallon of gas, provided free education to their citizens as well as free health care. Young Libyan couples getting married were given a home. In America, you American couples get married, buy a home, only to have many of these homes stolen by the fraud of MERS. The banksters could not have that kind of wealth wasted on common people, because unless someone is their debt slave, they cannot be readily controlled.


Today, everyone of the five megabanks are stealing the homes of their customers through the MERS fraud. The banks also launder money for the drug cartels (e.g. HSBC Bank and Wachovia Wells Fargo). They profit from

Don’t wait for the collapse of the dollar because it will be too late.

child sex rings and they are using your bank deposits as a force multiplier to accomplish these evil deeds. Whether we want to face these facts or not, everyone who keeps their money in these institutions is an accomplice to these crimes. Through a multitude of legislation, the globalist bankers have declared your bank deposit to be their money to do what they will with it and your rights be damned.  Buy precious metals!

We need to collectively come to realize that we the people are playing in a rigged game and we desperately need to cash out and find a new game to play. And it is just not banking that we need to be worrying about. The globalists control the very foundations of civilization. However, at the heart of this control is banking and that is where our attack needs to being. Yet, I know that it seems impossible for most of us to not play in the globalist game of domination because so much of our lives are wrapped up in these evil institutions. So what is a victim to do?

Psychological Manipulation

The answer to the above question may have its roots in the field of psychology. Through institutions such Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Tavistock Institute, which controls over 30 research and polling sites in America. Tavistock is well known for the science of creating phony polls to influence and alter the public’s perception of an event based upon group think principles. More importantly, Tavistock has been at the forefront of psychological research on the manipulation of the masses. The psychological research of Tavistock helps us to understand how so few on this planet can so completely control so many. The effectiveness of their developed psychological controls are so complete, that the masses have largely been reduced to a herd of mindless sheep in which the many are conditioned to embrace and rejoice in their slavery.

What is good for the goose is also good for the gander. We, as a people, have the same opportunity to use the same psychological principles against the banksters. There are literally dozens of psychological strategies which we as the common people could employ. In the remaining part of the article, two strategies will be discussed and if they were employed by the masses, we would see an immediate impact on the control level of the globalists.

The Hawthorne Effect

Since the discovery of the Hawthorne Effect by the Harvard School of Business, it was discovered that research subjects change their behavior when they realize that they are being watched.Today, this is a well known principle in the arena of effective research in which researchers are trained to minimize their level of intrusiveness in their naturalistic field research.

Based upon this principle and if I were a globalist, I would welcome the public revelations of the NSA spy scandal for all the apparent reasons listed above. How many of us will be prevented from speaking out as things continue to decline for fear of future retribution? Fortunately, we live in a universe of duality and, therefore, this same principle can be also be used against the globalists as well.

What happens when you shine a light on rats? Everybody knows that the rats run for cover. This knowledge should be an empowering motivator for the alternative media. This knowledge should also encourage all of us to become a citizen journalist. Being a citizen journalist whistle-blower needs to become our national pastime in which we report every act of wrongdoing on the part of every corporation and every government official, whether their rank is high or low.

To be effective and to create our own cultural norms, the alternative media needs to exalt people like Ed Snowden and immortalize the memories of Michael Hastings and Andrew Breitbart. There needs to become so many of us, that the globalists need to feel that there is nowhere to hide.

An Army of Citizen Journalists

America, if you want to preserve what little freedom you have left, you have a duty to become a participant in the resistance against global tyranny. Our collective efforts could someday be sufficient in numbers to shift the consciousness of this planet and create counter-critical mass in which a tsunami of opposition beliefs to the prevailing status quo sweeps across the planet and removes much of the control the banksters enjoy today.


In a person’s role as a citizen journalist, the coverage can seem miniscule on the surface. Perhaps the event one can cover may be as mundane as children cited for drawing with chalk on the sidewalk or a 10 year old girl ticketed for operating a lemonade stand without a license. Together, we can create a debris field which can impede and eventually turn back the progress of the globalists. No, I do not think we can eliminate the influence the money changers, but we can invoke change by utilizing the principle of the Hawthorne Effect. And if there was one thing that I could have personal influence over, I would encourage all of you to educate your neighbors and friends about fractional reserve banking. I know of nobody, who understands this principle, who agrees with it. Fractional reserve banking could be the beginning point for any discussion about the unwarranted globalist control over humanity (i.e. “Do you know what happens to you money when you deposit it in the bank?”).

What To Do About the Banks?

You work at your job, your employer sends your check to your bank and you make automated payments for your bills from your bank account and you do not have to lift a finger to make all of this happen once your sign the banks paperwork. If you are like me, you can go months without having to withdraw any cash from the bank because the bank, on our behalf, controls most of our financial obligations if we so permit. Our lives are so intertwined in these corrupt financial institutions, it is not practical to totally extricate ourselves from the banks in one decisive action. However, we can systematically starve the banks to death through the gradual withdrawal of our support and our money.

Is it possible for you to withdraw enough of your money to equal over 90% of your total holdings in the bank? On the surface, this would appear to be an impractical solution. The concept of fractional reserve banking has built in a very effective firewall to real globalist profits through the multiplication of your deposits by 900%. For even if we were to collectively withdraw 80% of our money from the banks, the globalists would still double their profits based upon this concept. If Ron Paul in his former role on the House Banking Committee could not even audit the Federal Reserve, it is safe to say that, for now, the tinkering of this system is nearly impossible. However, this is where the idea of financial guerrilla warfare comes into play.

Attacking the Banksters On Our Terms

“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”

Albert Einstein

Is your glass half empty or half full? We make the choice to become optimistic or pessimistic. Voluminous amounts of psychological research is replete with the established fact that optimists live longer, make more money, have happier marriages and enjoy many more social advantages than do pessimists. Our happiness, our success and our well-being largely boils down to our own choices. Freedom is the space between the prison bars of life. When we realize that even in the most dire of situations, we have some measure of freedom, we can initiate change. And when many people realize this fact, we can initiate change on a global scale.

If we come to view the evil monolithic organizations such as the IRS and the Federal Reserve as insurmountable foes with no weaknesses to exploit on our end, then our pessimism will rule the day and we will capitulate to this criminal system just the like a herd of sheep.

When you change the way that you look at things, the things you look at change.

The alternative media is excellent at identifying and exposing problems. However, if all we do talk, then our revelations begin to become irrelevant. When all we do is to call attention to the negativity, then we invite more negativity into our paradigm. Our glass will always be half empty. And now it is time to discuss the second psychological principle that we can employ against the globalists.

Some psychologists call the following attractor energy in that we invite into our lives the things that we pay the most attention to. And what we invite into our lives attracts more of what it is that we are paying attention to. If we only focus on the problems, then we will invite more problems. Therefore, it is incumbent upon all of us to focus mostly on changes that are needed. Thus, significant action must follow our observations and words. You will eventually become what you think

“As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”

Proverbs 3:27

First, we must visualize being out of the corporate dominated system of the globalists. Ask yourself, what would that look like and then work to make it happen.

With regard to beginning to withdraw from the central banking system, people should not use direct deposit from their employer to the bank. Keep a minimal amount of cash in the bank so that you may cash your checks. Pay your mortgages with a money order. Do the same for your car loans. Better yet, do not make purchases that you cannot afford to pay cash for. Debt makes you a slave to the banksters.

Pay cash for as much as you can and limit the amount of cash that you let go into the bank. Remember, for every dollar that goes into the bank, the globalists multiply it times nine and much of that money goes toward programs designed to maximize their control over us.


Shop at your local merchants. Avoid corporate chain stores, owned by the megabanks, like the plague. Regularly, hold and/or attend garage sales, swap meets and farmers markets to find what you need. Learn to grow your own food and subsist on that food supply as much as possible. You get the idea, get out of their money system as much as possible and we will significantly weaken the money changers system. We are not going to be able to invade Wall Street, so we have attack it from the inside. This is financial guerrilla warfare.

There is also a side benefit to these withdrawal strategies. When the collapse of the dollar finally arrives, you will be better prepared to survive. It is time to roll up our sleeves and work towards getting out of this corrupt system.

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world…”

Romans 12:2


TLB recommends you visit Dave at The Common Sense Show for more pertinent articles and information.

See featured article HERE


Commentary by: Roger Landry (TLB)

In reality modern nations and free societies are but an illusion. There are those among us who consider themselves the Elite of humanity. These would be emperors feel it is their right and destiny to control and rule (not govern) this country and indeed the world. What you will read here is but an introduction for the uninitiated … This saga is centuries in the making, and only now approaches maturity.

There is no longer much doubt that this Oligarchical Elite literally owns our military, our leaders, our country, our money and their main instrument of modern propaganda, the mainstream media. A recent Princeton study clearly states America is no longer governed by Democracy but is ruled by an Oligarchy. The preoccupation, misdirection and constant propaganda provided by the MSM makes their actions and agenda almost impossible to ferret out … almost. This level of control is made possible by the divisiveness they instill in us through a constant barrage of fear, hatred and prejudice from birth.

This Elite controls the ebb and flow of capital across the globe and can control or strongly manipulate Nations through central banking and the International Monetary Fund. This control is almost absolute, especially since they are willing to do whatever it takes (via a total lack of conscience) to maintain that extremely valuable (in terms of power and money) control. Bribery, Extortion, Murder and Perpetual Warfare are their tools and mechanisms of manipulation. We Are not talking about your local bank here, we are talking about the banking powers that tell them when where and how high to jump … and when they can come down, and that they better not dare repeat what really goes on behind the veil of public perception.

Humanity is in imminent danger and our programmed failure to recognize this and push back against it only emboldens their actions! Genocide or the culling of the herd is much easier today with tools like GMOs, vaccinations, engineered disease, geo-engineering, pesticides, fluoridated water, global warfare and many other mechanisms at their disposal, and under their complete control.

Indeed this control works so well that via the manipulation of governments, they not only have the power to control humanity but in many cases force us, through unjust laws and taxation, to fund the very mechanisms of population control or culling they deem necessary to maintain this power they possess.

Sponsors of our own demise

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Almost every war in the last few centuries has been fought for the profit and strategic goals of this caste. Untold millions have died or suffered extreme poverty to satisfy their lust for profit, control and power. But if we are only seen as cattle to be manipulated for their goals … Do we have any attack of conscience when slaughtering cattle?

When you try to picture this Elite, the Ruling Oligarchy or those who consider themselves to occupy a caste so far above the rest of humanity, that they would refer to the rest of us as cattle, to be thought of and treated as such, there is one family, the true Oligarchy of all tyrants, that stands above all on the list, being responsible for the rise and fall of kings, queens, emperors and nations.

Lets introduce one of the grandest of the Elites … Nathan Rothschild …


In 1791 the Rothschild dynasty also gets control of this nation’s money, through Alexander Hamilton (their agent in George Washington’s cabinet) when they set up the first central bank in the USA called the First Bank of the United States. This is established with a 20 year charter. Although not a permanent entity, it facilitates the infestation of the US government from that point on.

With the Rothschild family net worth estimated far in excess of $100 TRILLION (about twice the total world debt), and controlling interest (Via the intermingled and interbred eight families) in just about every major financial institution on this planet. This cabal is estimated to have a cumulative net worth far exceeding $300 TRILLION, their influence and power go far beyond what most can ever imagine. Nations, presidents, emperors, monarchs and even despots bend before their collective will … or suffer the catastrophic consequences!

What you will find below is an outstanding explanation of this dynasty, its global tyranny, mechanisms of control and its ultimate goals. TLB highly recommends you visit its website of origin for more pertinent information.

Please read on …


When Rothschild Dials 911

By: Dean Henderson

Since America’s inception there has been a lingering notion that European Illuminati bankers seek to bring America to its knees and return it to the fold of the Crown of England, which centuries ago became the key political vassal for the Eight Families who own majority stock in every private central bank in the world- Rothschild, Rockefeller, Kuhn Loeb, Lehman, Goldman Sachs, Warburg, Lazard and Israel Moses Seif .

Many US Presidents warned of the intrigues of the cabal, including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, John Quincy Adams; and later Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. The latter two were assassinated for trying to nationalize the Federal Reserve via the issuance of Treasury Department-backed (publicly-issued) currency. The Eight Families own 52% of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, far and away the most powerful Fed Bank. Their ownership is disguised under names like JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley.

Do I exaggerate when I claim that there are Eight Families? Well, yes, actually these oligarchs have interbred to the point that they are now, for all practical purposes, one big family, with the Rothschilds being the most powerful. Their net worth alone is estimated at well over $100 trillion.

These people, whose latest justification for lording over us is that they are descended from Jesus Christ himself, are, for obvious reasons, counter-revolutionary. In their collective if obtuse minds, there are no good revolutions. Democracy is antithema. Government is something that only gets in the way. It must be discredited and bought. The American Revolution really pissed these inbreds off. In Canada, Australia and New Zealand, the Crown of England still holds sway via the Governor General. Most European countries retained their monarchies. In America, we had a revolution, democracy and government.

A medieval rollback of the American Revolution begins with the concept that “government is the root of all evil”. This strain of thinking is promoted by the Saudi/Israeli-owned Fox News. These nations are not “Islamic” and “Jewish”. They are fronts for the Crown of England and the Rothschilds. The well-paid corporate lackey leadership of the Republican Party pushes this anti-government agenda, while the idiocracy misnomer known as the Tea Party takes this monarchist argument to its fascist extreme.

Key to this revolutionary rollback is that seminal event- 911- which was used by Windsor family country cousin George Bush Jr. to dismantle our Bill of Rights, bankrupt our nation and destroy our image throughout the world via two oil-grab, narco-stimulant, contractor-friendly wars. In the weeks before 911 the financial weekly Barons reported that Deutsche Bank had purchased huge put options (betting that a stock will go down in price) on American & United Airlines, and WTC reinsurance giants Munich RE, Swiss RE & Axa.

Deutsche Bank, historically owned by the Nazi-funding Warburg family, bought Bankers Trust in 1999 to become the world’s largest bank with $882 billion in assets. Bankers Trust, as its name indicates, had been the Eight Families’ US wealth repository and is the largest shareholder of the Four Horsemen- Exxon Mobil, Chevron Texaco, BP Amoco and Royal Dutch/Shell- who later reaped the Iraq/Afghanistan oil bonanza.

In 2001 Sen. Carl Levin’s (D-MI) Banking Committee fingered Banker’s Trust as a major player in drug money laundering. On August 28th, just two weeks before 911, Deutsche Bank executive Kevin Ingram pled guilty to laundering heroin proceeds and arranging US weapons sales to parties in Pakistan and Afghanistan. A June 15, 2001 New York Post article said Osama bin Laden was the likely buyer. Kevin Ingram is a close friend of Clinton Treasury Secretary and Goldman Sachs insider Robert Rubin, now a board member at Citigroup. Ingram had worked at both Goldman Sachs and Lehman Brothers.

Banker’s Trust purchased the fast-growing Alex Brown investment bank in 1997 before the two merged into Deutsche Bank. Alex Brown took its name from founder A. B. “Buzzy” Krongard who served as chairman until the 1997 Bankers Trust buyout. Krongard is now the #3 man at CIA. On September 15th, four days after 911, the New York Times reported that Deutsche Bank Global Private Banking Chairman Mayo Shattuck III had suddenly resigned.

Mohammed Atta and two of other alleged hijackers had accounts at the Deutsche Bank Hamburg headquarters. There were reports that bin Laden’s family had taken a large stake in Deutsche Bank with help from Carlyle Group financial advisor George Bush Sr. The bin Laden’s had $2 million invested in Carlyle Group. They held big stakes in Microsoft and Boeing, and had extensive business dealings with Citigroup, GE, Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs and Fremont Group (recently spun-off by Bechtel). Within twenty days of 911, Deutsche Bank had hired away (effectively silencing) SEC lead investigator Richard Walker, whose main task would have been to delve into the mysterious shorting of airline and insurance stocks prior to 911.

The final phase of counter-revolution can be accomplished through the withdrawal of Eight Families’ funding of America’s $11 trillion debt, which has mostly accrued due to the US military’s role as mercenary praetorian guard of the Illuminati global empire, coupled with a devastating US military defeat in Afghanistan.

On August 15, 1871 Sovereign Grand Commander of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry General Albert Pike, who later founded the Ku Klux Klan and prosecuted the Indian Wars, wrote a letter to Italian P-1 33rd Degree Grand Commander and Mafia founder Guiseppe Mazzini. In the letter Pike talked of a Brotherhood plan for three World Wars. The first, he said, would destroy czarist Russia and create a Communist “bogeyman” which the bankers could employ to justify their foreign interventions around the world. The second, Pike said, would be used to create Israel, which would become a mercenary force for the international bankers, protecting Middle Eastern oil interests for Rothschild and Rockefeller combines.

The Third World War, stated Pike’s letter, would pit Arabs against Zionists, and would culminate in a New World Order completely controlled by the international bankers and their secret societies. Pike described the events that would unfold as pretext for WWIII, “We’ll provoke a social cataclysm which in all its horror… everywhere the citizens obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries…will receive the true light through the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out into public view.”

In June 2001, a female Russian doctor stated in a Pravda column that the US would be subject to a massive terrorist attack in late August 2001. She was then asked what she believed was coming next. She suggested selling dollars and buying Russian rubles, saying that the secret group behind 911 was the most powerful force in the world, worth over $300 trillion. She said this group would soon “strike America in the back” while it was down and that the next shoe to drop would be the decimation of the US economy. This “secret group” could only be the Illuminati Rothschild-led Eight Families.

Cecil Rhodes, the Rothschild protégé who founded the Business Roundtable in the early 20th century wrote his last will and testament in 1877. Rhodes’ vision was implemented through the establishment of the Royal Institute for International Affairs in London. Rhodes founded the Standard Chartered Bank, whose UAE Dubai branch supplied the 911 hijackers with the funds needed to carry out the attack.

Rhodes last will and testament said he hoped, “to establish a trust, to and for the establishment and promotion and development of a secret society, the true aim and object whereof shall be the extension of British rule throughout the world…and the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British Empire.”

Dialing all American Revolutionaries!


Dean Henderson is the author of five books: Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight Families & Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics & Terror Network, The Grateful Unrich: Revolution in 50 Countries,Das Kartell der Federal Reserve, Stickin’ it to the Matrix & The Federal Reserve Cartel. You can subscribe free to his weekly Left Hook column


TLB Highly recommends you visit Left Hook by Dean Henderson A Weekly Whack at the Global Oligarchy.

See attached article and here




by Zen Gardner

There’s been something of a lull in truly major developments of late, despite all the garish noise and typical bravado of global figureheads and their complicit media and a few events here and there. Sure, there are skirmishes worldwide and economies continue to crumble as governments continue their draconian crackdowns, but the urgency of many regarding our ongoing situation is apparently suspended in some sort of strange holding pattern.

While it’s encouraging that the awakening is keeping TPTB’s machinations at bay and forcing them to change directions and tactics, I find it nonetheless a bit foreboding.  It’s clearly not a time to let our guards down.

The indicators that this September and October hold some interesting confluences is nothing to ignore. The signs are very clear and it’s obvious they’re up to no good.

If you think back to 9/11, there were no warnings as to the vast dimension of what was about to transpire on the world stage. That particular sudden shift in the collective consciousness and the subsequent restructuring of society within that emotionally charged atmosphere were unprecedented. Surely the beginnings of the World Wars and the false flag events that were used to justify them as well as draw in US participation such as the sinking of the Maine, the Lusitania and then the infamous Pearl Harbor set up, were similarly traumatic for their day.

But in this modern era of instantaneous communication and media dominance and global interconnectedness the 9/11 events were exponentially more drastic, which portends for further such engineered catastrophes.

The Russian Gambit

Since the Muslim terrorism meme seems to be running out of relative steam, especially now that it’s clear the West is again using these same elements they groomed from the start to foment their wars, they’ve now resurrected the Russian demon. Russia and the US have been working in close cooperation for decades on many levels, especially after the West imploded their economy and their previous Union was drastically dispersed.

Russia has needed outside help to get back on her feet so we know there is a lot more going on behind the scenes than meets the eye. Over time the tables have turned somewhat as they’ve gained more economic independence and exploited their vast natural resources, something the West has had their eye on all along. Ukraine is one such gem of natural wealth, as outlined in globalist architect Zbigniew Brzezinski’s book The Grand Chessboard in 1997 where the allusion to the need for a new Pearl Harbor was first coined and where he also names the countries and states of that entire region as the prize the West should strive to control.

Never discount the fact that this entire play we’re witnessing is fully staged. At the very least it is being carefully manipulated to create just the atmosphere that will take the New World Order plan to its next level. The TTIP and coming UN meeting in September to put their imprimatur on the next stage attests to this.

Similar to the global economic take down to bring about a one world digital currency, the hidden powers behind the scenes know exactly what they’re doing, despite any setbacks their interim plans may have taken.


The Doors for Major Events Are Wide Open

Unfortunately a variety of options are now available as lynch-pins they can yank out at any moment that would make the wheels fall off of our current societal structure and drastically change humanity’s course. Not only could this orchestrated cold war simulation burst into some kind of military conflagration, whether limited or an all out nuclear war thus changing the course of humanity profoundly, but the undermining of Syria continues, as does the pugnacious Israeli hate for Iran that apparently cannot be satisfied, just to name two such vectors.

Add to that the descent of the United States into a totalitarian 3rd world state with a first world military and the potential for another major false flag event, not just to distract from domestic issues and the clearly seen unraveling at hand, but to galvanize the mass American mind into the next level of hysterical jingoism. In that climate the US machine can go after any named culprit it wants, having saturated the Middle East and Eastern Europe with military installations, especially over the past 14 years, and now gaining massive impetus.

This may be stating the obvious but this is our real time predicament. And we must be prepared for any eventuality. We won’t be warned by them, that’s for sure. The value of just such a drastic manipulated event is in the emotional impact, massively supported by government propaganda via their mainstream media mouthpieces, dutifully filling in the blanks as to whodunnit and why we need more war and domestic controls. This scenario then bleeds into the NATO countries the fastest and travels the world in new restrictions and mind traps, all based on fear.

The Walking Dead

These are not very pleasant scenarios, but if we can’t see the handwriting on the wall by now we’re in even worse shape already.

Despite the sabre-rattling and economic, military and police crackdowns, most think the world will just keep trundling on with little adjustments here and there, but all will be fine. Their faith and reliance on authority refuses to be shaken. The consequences of such thinking may require individual action and that option was engineered to be discarded in most cases since birth.

If anyone isn’t aware of the grand plan to institute global governance they are seriously hindered from connecting the dots of this worldwide meltdown. Once you understand the plan, everything from the Agenda 21 driven land grabs, gun control false flags, and the plethora of other One World driven programs, to the deliberate evisceration of the world’s food and water supply while toxifying anything that brings life to the planet and its inhabitants come into focus.

Depopulation, disempowerment and gulag type city incarceration are plainly stated plans of these megalomaniacs. The slightest bit of open minded research will prove that to anyone willing to investigate.

Spiritually It’s Anything But Calm

Many are experiencing very trying times as this transition continues. As I’ve said repeatedly, for those not spiritually prepared, the next major storm is going to hit very hard and turn their worlds upside down in a moment. For those aware of the forces at work and sensitive to spiritual conditions the great war is already here and well under way. Is is already World War 3 by the technical definition of world wars and depopulation is also well under way.

When the ocean comes to life and the waves and currents become tumultuous, everything in and on the sea is greatly affected. Perhaps the deeper levels under the sea feel the impact less immediately, but everything is part of the whole experience. Similarly, as the waves of global tension rise and manifest in all walks of life, so our spirits sense the deeper changes working behind the scenes both causing and reacting to these pressures and disruptions.

I know I and many others have been experiencing such changes. Perhaps it’s difficult to concentrate, your sleep pattern is disrupted, or waves of emotion and questions pass through seemingly without reason, even to the point of anxiety and depression. If you’ve been on a boat in rough seas it’s not easy to do much of anything, be it writing, eating or hardly any normal activity while being tossed by a storm. This is what many are experiencing.

So before you get all introspective and down on yourself, remember almost all of this is being brought on by external influences. Know, too, that you are not alone in much of what you are experiencing. We’re all in this turbulent bathtub together. There are some very dark forces, both earthly and spiritual, deliberately trying to make things confusing and conducive to fear, a very suggestible state to be in.

This is why the media is pounding on the tropes they’ve embedded into the mass mind harder than ever – humanity is very susceptible in times like these.


Abandon Their Stinking, Sinking Ship

A story was told last year of how the passengers of a sinking ferry boat were told to put on their life jackets but stay where they were. Do not jump off the ship, even as it was listing they were told. 302 people died needlessly as a result, while those who did abandon ship, following their basic instincts, were rescued from the water. Those who didn’t, died in their mind-frozen, authority-obeying seats, if you will, holding on to their so-called life jackets, a token gesture of care from rulers who don’t give a damn for who dies or how many. They only want to preserve a semblance of order as long as they can while their perfidy in perpetrated.

Don’t fall for the life jacket ploy. It’s like waiting for FEMA to come to your rescue. It’s all a sham to keep you quiet and staying in the boat. And just waiting for them to take the initiative.

When people wake up to the reality that today’s authorities do not have mankind’s well being or even survival at heart, and are in fact working feverishly for its demise into controllable factions of a vastly reduced number, they start to approach the point of taking action.

This begs the question: will such activation be in time to thwart their Machiavellian plan?

The Sleepy Sound of the Alluring Sirens

The Sirens of Greek mythology were beautiful, singing bird-like maidens said to put unwary sailors to sleep as they lured their ships onto the reefs and their ensuing destruction. There couldn’t be a more fitting illustration of the shallow, mind numbing spewings of the likes of of Obama, Cameron, and a host of other puppeteered so-called first world leaders. It’s all essentially a sleep inducing lie with a very disturbing, destructive motive, dressed in syrupy sing song platitudes.

It seems the more they lie the more people believe them. As the adage goes, tell a big enough lie and everyone will believe it. That apparently applies to quantity of lies as well.

History bears this out. Yet do we learn from it? Does anyone know any history? Is the history that they have been taught the truth, as in real, true history? These questions come front and center as individuals proceed through the wake up process.


Steady As She Goes

Spiritual disciplines and communing with nature are very healing, comforting and strengthening in times like these. As is drawing close to those you love and who love you, as well as forming active community with other awakened souls in whatever form we can. Remembering that most of these strange phenomena are outside spiritual attacks and influences will help clear the mind and heart from confusion. This is also why alternative information must include the so-called “bad” news with the good; it’s important to keep track of these trends, as well as continue to expose them to the unwary.

Our accumulated voice is rescuing and empowering people by the day. Never ever let that be minimized in your mind and heart.

Do your best to be “steady as she goes” as we all traverse this next phase. A major event is on the horizon in some shape or form. It’s their trump card, having worked so well in the past. They even brag about this fact. As David Rockefeller infamously stated years ago, “All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the new world order.”

They cannot control us all, especially as the awakened grow in strength and numbers. They’re aware of this, which is why they’ve become somewhat slipshod in their execution of their plans of late. They know time is of the essence, which, as I said, may be why they moved straight for the Russia confrontation, temporarily bypassing their thwarted efforts to go after Syria and Iran as was their admitted original plan. But they’re still in play and obviously active.

Stay alert and prepared – physically, mentally and spiritually. And do your best to help prepare those around you, and inspire even more to get prepared.

The storm that’s coming following this relative lull will be earth-shattering. The US would gladly nuke one of its own cities if it has to. Jade Helm is no innocuous drill. Insane Israel would be happy to attack and nuke anyone or everyone to push their self-serving genocidal program. These self proclaimed controllers are all psychopaths, so never expect anything to make sense or follow any sort of path of reason, as much as they try to create scenarios to justify their actions.

Don’t be lulled into complacency by contrived rhetoric. It’s all a lie.

Very strange dark powers are at work. Stay supple, stay sharp, stay acutely conscious – but keep your dukes up.

Much love, Zen


See featured article here

TLB recommends you visit Zen Gardner for more great/pertinent articles.


Commentary by: Roger Landry (TLB)

What will it take for Americans to wake up to what is going on right under our noses, what we are not being told, or told the truth about? We were promised the “Fundamental Transformation of America” and this is about the only promise the current occupant of the white house has kept, and he kept this promise in spades! Except it is nothing good for We The People and is facilitating the downfall of America as we know it.

Today we live in a nation that is broke beyond understanding with a debt load  weight that will bend the backs of our children and their children for generations to come. The services WE pay for are being cut back even as our tax burden increases because we can no longer afford them.

Today those who have, are getting more and paying less, and those of us who don’t have are getting less but paying more. Today the average American is locked into a system of economic slavery who’s only beneficiary is the caste that controls this very government and a vast majority of the world. A caste who creates their wealth out of thin air and lend it to us at interest … Isn’t this something you or I would go to prison for and stay for a very long time?


The Fundamental Transformation of America is almost complete, but not quite, because we are Americans – stubborn, not easily defeated or discouraged and we still hold our middle class mindset that we are great and proud, with the innate ability to overcome any adversity. So another mechanism must be brought into the war being perpetrated against us … The dilution of the American population, a perpetual invasion from the south of millions of people not of our mindset (more on that below).

The biggest threat to our national security today is NOT from the middle east, Not from China, and Not from Russia etc… it is from our own compromised southern boarder. A boarder that is compromised NOT by lack of money or manpower, but by “intentional sabotage” by the very people we elect and trust to protect us. Think this is a stretch or an exaggeration, then watch this …

No, all who cross the border illegally are not bad people, and some wish only for a better life, a chance to fulfill dreams never attainable in their homeland. But they are not us … they are not legal citizens of this once great nation, they will be the straw to break the proverbial camel’s back, and those who would play God KNOW this.

But what about the radical Jihadists allied with the Mexican drug cartels (FACT), or other sworn enemies of America known to be in Mexico? If the border is no hindrance for Mexicans, south or central Americans … how the hell is it a hindrance for those who wish to see America fall?

Why is this president failing his constitutional duty to protect the American people by sealing the boarder, all the while passing the buck to an inept congress? Congress was never needed to seal the border.

He as Commander In Chief could at any point in time send troops or national guard to the border to supplement the border patrol and stem the tide of illegals, criminals and terrorists invading American soil. This is his most prominent mandate as our President, to “Protect American soil and sovereignty from foreign entities”! Sure to make immigration policy or law, yes congress is integral … BUT NOT to seal the border!

So after years of this ongoing invasion, why hasn’t he? NO I mean REALLY … WHY ???

It is estimated by some that more than twenty million illegals are currently in this country (I would venture a much higher number) and more flood across the border daily unhindered by this government. Remember the part about our services being cut back because we cannot afford them? How many illegals do you think your tax dollars are supporting?

Millions of Americans go hungry, live on the street homeless or die because they lack the healthcare to keep them alive. Yet we feed, cloth, educate and maintain the health of a HUGE number of ILLEGAL immigrants … so basically rather than stem the immense tide flooding illegally into this country … this government encourages it (by the very action of NOT stemming it) and offers them through its (not ours) generosity all that MANY Americans can only wish they had,  but due to a failing economy, must do without. So Please tell me again how this is not intentional … a mechanism to dilute the financial, mental and cultural strengths of America.

What we now see is instead of these illegals striving to become a integral part of the society that is hosting and indeed supporting them (some do) in so many ways (welfare. Healthcare, housing, education), this government institutes policies that force the American society to accommodate them and their shortcomings, such as the language barrier and education. These actions mentioned above ultimately result in the retardation of the need or ambition for learning, working or contributing to their host communities, and facilitates the perpetuation of this burden on you and I … and you have to know this government is very aware of this.

I am not anti-Hispanic … My wife, children and grandchildren are Hispanic, so do not dare to throw that in my face … I am not anti-immigration either … I am anti ILLEGAL immigration and pro America first … a concept those we elect to serve and protect us seem to have forgotten … or those who they really serve have instructed them to ignore.

It has been said many times that in order to fully facilitate the New World Order, America (thus the powerful middle class) must be brought to its knees first … You are getting a first hand glimpse at their play book, my friends and our defensive strategy is WHAT ???

You want some reasons for my RANTING?  Ok, I will offer them! Please read the attached article links, paying special attention to the time line in the first one and fully comprehend that this is ample proof that this plan has been long in the process.  These are just a few examples and I can offer MANY more, or you can do some research!

Then you decide if those of you who voted TWICE for the Fundamental Transformation of America … are content with it.

I am not, and I am PISSED OFF !!!



Additional reading:

Government Hiring Escorts For 65,000 Unaccompanied Illegal Alien Children

Plan To House Immigrant Teens Prompts A Backlash In Virginia Town


v0 1

By TLB Contributor: Dave Hodges

The plot to destroy America is decades old. When I have recently spoken of the removal of dissident journalists in programs such Boa and Operation Lightening Strike, and we witness the unfolding of the NDAA and EO 13603 in order to control the masses through food and enforce civilian conscription without compensation, we are merely witnessing the manifestation of a plot introduced generations ago during the Woodrow Wilson administration. All of these efforts are designed to mobilize an unwilling nation to fight World War III. Some are reacting to these revelations as if America has been caught off guard. The fact remains that Americans were not paying attention, and in large part, still are not aware of what is happening to their country.  Key Russian defectors have been warning us for decades that we were being infiltrated by communists.

George W. Bush

tsa goosing granny“America, the most free nation on earth? Terrorists hate us because of our freedom”?  Do you remember these words that were uttered by George W. Bush after 9/11?  Today, I can barely type these words without laughing hysterically. America has descended rapidly down the path of being a police state and we have been in political free fall since September 11, 2001. Do you also remember when Bush said, “You are either with us, or you are with the terrorists”? The latter statement is not so funny.

I am not going to lie to you America, our country and its values, its economy and the forces that control our country are not what the average American wanta to see. Liberty has taken a backseat to tyranny. However, I believe that freedom is often the result of the space between the prison bars that we create for ourselves on an individual level. Yet, there are five variables that a super globalist elite must control in order to subjugate a nation and its people. The five variables are the media, the rules governing economics, social standards, the political system and the military. This article briefly analyzes the control the super elite have over each of these five areas.

The Media

Six corporations control 98% of the media. These same six corporations virtually control everything that most people see, hear and subsequently believe. The CNN’s and FOX networks have successfully turned the majority of our people into sheep who are willing to accept any form of dictatorship so long as it is endorsed and glorified by the news media.

6 corps control the media

Click on image to enlarge

There is, however, a steadily growing group of Americans who have taken off their blinders and who are slowly but surely waking up to the growing tyranny which is dominating our country.

Amazingly, only two percent of the media broadcasts the message of freedom. The growth of the independent media movement is largely due to just two percent of the media which is not corporate owned by such entities as Gannett Broadcasting and Clear Channel Communications. The chances are that you are reading this article on one of the venues which are free to tell you the truth which subsequently states that every aspect of your society is controlled by the Rockefeller/Rothschild banking empire.

If the super elite controls 98% of the media outlets, they control the narrative. However, David is beginning to fight back against Goliath. The 98% majority is beginning to lose the battle with the two percent. Because of the threat to the establishment, don’t look for the alternative media to be around much longer.

Even if the mainstream media absorbs the alternative media, we are still free to interact with like-minded people, at least for the time being. The encroachment of NSA spying, now under the control of the DHS,  into our daily lives, which monitors our every communication, is very troublesome. Yet, even the absolute control over the mainstream media may not be cracking as much as we had hoped when we consider the fate of the following journalists:

The four journalists to die mysteriously within 24 hours are

Ned Colt w/NBC (Top Left) – Bob Simon w/CBS (Bottom Left) died in a car crash – David Carr w/NY Times (Bottom Right) died just hours after interviewing NSA Russian defector, Ed Snowden – Bob Hager w/NBC (Top Right). Photo courtesy of: J. Schuyler Montague. All but Hager are dead as Hager survived a head on collision in his neighborhood. Add to these events, the matter grows more complicated when Brian Williams was deposed in the same time frame. Unless one is an ardent coincidence theorist, one has to consider the unlikely odds that these events are due to chance and ask, what did these reporters know that someone did not want released?  These factors all occurred within 24 hours of each other as the coincidence odds continue to escalate. The photo was obtained here.

Social Factors

The second factor leading to control over a society is the control over important social factors. The majority of Americans still believe in hard work, their religion and traditional family values which honors the sanctity of marriage as defined in the Bible. Through the control of the media and an increasing control of the government, Americans are being forced into glorifying every form of behavior, previously considered to be perverse and the traditional values of the American family are under attack by the media, Child Protective Services and the education system.

christians burning crossBecause I am a white, Christian, heterosexual male who is the leader of my family and I teach Christian values to my son, I am attacked as an intolerant bigot, where only a few years ago, I was considered to be a social liberal by those who knew me because I have never supported the persecution of people making lifestyle choices that I know are wrong according to my beliefs. As a result, my most sacred beliefs are subject to criticism. We now live in a society that is being ruled by the extreme minority and we are being forced to comply with the intolerant dictates of the social elite.  And I, who never advocated for discrimination against anyone, am experiencing discrimination from those who used to beg for acceptance and equality. Welcome to a fundamentally transformed America.  At this rate, the new America will drive all Christians into the closet formerly occupied by those with alternative lifestyles such as Bruce Jenner, and various religions.

I truly believe that the renewal of the persecution of the Christians is just around the corner. In fact when it comes to the government’s disaster preparedness programming, one could argue that Jesus and the Bible have already been legislated out of any DHS or FEMA program, just ask Pastor Walt Mansfield. According to Pastor Mansfield, “Jesus” will never be uttered inside of a FEMA camp.

I would remind everyone, that at the end of the day, nobody can control how we raise our children. Nobody can ever control the values that a family holds dear, while respecting each person to make their own choices. This freedom is due to the fact that nobody controls what you think, at least not yet and that could change as well.


dollar decline imageThe third factor which must be controlled before a nation can be subjugated is through the control of the economic system. From the period of 1800-1913, a dollar was still worth a dollar. After the inception of the Federal Reserve, the relative wealth of the dollar has been eroded by 97%. What a dollar could buy 100 years ago, can buy three cents worth today.

One unelected entity controls the nation’s banks, The Federal Reserve. The same people control all governmental legislation for all economic policies including the Stock Market. When the super elite get caught with their proverbial hand in the cookie jar and suffer major economic losses, they simply steal from the people and call it a bail-out. As a result, we have had the bail-out, the son of bail-out and the grandson of the bail-outs.

This same super elite outlaws all competing forms of economic exchange except for the very one that they control, the soon-to-be fiat currency called the dollar.  Those who go against the system can meet an untimely end,  just ask friends of JFK with regard to his C-notes. Also, consider the case of Autumn Radtke, the 28 year old, who ran the First Meta bitcoin exchange, who was found suicided in her Singapore apartment last year. Originally, police investigated the “unnatural death” as a homicide.

Yes, the dollar will soon be a fiat currency as Russia, China and India are purchasing Iranian oil in gold and bypassing the dollar as the only medium of exchange (i.e. the Petrodollar). This will lead to war that will be started by a false flag provocation and the Syrians and the Iranians will be blamed. The war will follow the imposition of martial law at home following a series of domestic false flag attacks designed to eliminate all citizen opposition to the coming conflict.

Americans do still have the power to collapse the globalist system of economics by refusing to participate in the system. I have repeatedly called for not shopping at multinational chain stores such as Walmart, which now employs a new security force, Securitas (i.e. the SS) who harasses nonthreatening shoppers. We could grow our own food, shop locally and trade and barter and there would not be a darn thing the super elite could do about it. Most Americans, because of the corporate controlled media are unaware of their options in this area. One caveat, if we ever let the FDA get control over all food as they are trying to presently accomplish, it will be game over. If this ever happens you will be living in the Ukraine, under Stalin, as he starved to death millions of Ukrainians who wanted freedom. I covered this eventuality in a recent article.

The Military

If the super elite have made serious miscalculations on the path towards establishing a New World Order, the handling of the American military is a prime example. Why do you think it was previously announced that America’s military was being downsized to a pre-World War II level at a time when World War III is a real possibility? This is, no doubt, because the military cannot be trusted to do the bidding of the super elite and “take care” of uncooperative American citizens.

For decades, our brave men and women in uniform have been used to fight banker wars of occupation. The exploitation of the service people is growing daily. An average of 22 veterans are committing suicide on a daily basis. The government is trying to disarm the veterans in anticipation of what is coming. Obama is trying to unseat the command structure of the military through the firing of over 260 senior command military officers. Obama is trying to gain total and absolute control over the nuclear arsenal, but has been unable to do so, to date. Obama will never get total control over the military because they know what he stands for. A detailed synopsis of  Obama’s attack upon American military leadership can be found here and here.

At the end of the day, I remain hopeful that our military will prove to be the shining beacon of freedom against the total imposition of tyranny on our soil spearheaded by foreign United Nations mercenaries. However, without the popular support of the people, any military insurgency is doomed to fail. If we fail to wakeup more American people, the military will prove to be an asset as worthless as the dollar will soon be. All mediums of value must have backing and the military is no different.

The Government

The NDAA, Executive Order 13603, the Patriot Act, NSA spying, the use of the election fixing electronic voting machines, force feeding us GMO’s, the completely controlled Democrats and Republicans by the forces of the Rockefeller/Rothschild banking cartel as well as the revealed existence of the new martial law Internment/Resettlement policies are all shining examples of the absolute police state that is being imposed in this country against the will of the people.

Obamacare is destroying small business in this country. It has turned religious liberty on its ear, just ask Hobby Lobby or the Catholic church. Coverage rates for Obamacare have exploded. The Wall Street criminality which led to the bail-outs was caused by a series of illegal Ponzi schemes. Nobody went to jail. And what do we do when a rogue bank, HSBC, is a proven criminal enterprise and nobody goes to jail? How about when the IRS is allowed to harass political enemies? Or a senior diplomatic official is killed less than two months prior to the 2012 election in order to conceal gun running to terrorists. And this is only the tip of the iceberg and NOBODY ever goes to jail! We have lost control of our government.


The revelation that America will have martial law used against them to force compliance in the coming world war is not new. These plots were merely the manifestations of this plot to bring down America.  The communist subversion designed to erode America on five different fronts is not new, it is just coming to fruition.


TLB Recommends you visit Dave at The Common Sense Show for more pertinent articles and information.

See featured article HERE

Illegal Immagration 1a

By: Daniel Taylor

Crises will be used to create a “global consciousness” and create pretext for more government control.

Unprecedented numbers of illegal immigrants are crossing into the United States. European countries, especially France, are experiencing a surge of illegal immigration due to violence in Syria, Iraq, and other parts of the middle east.

The bigger picture in all of this is the fact that people are fleeing countries that are in a state of chaos due to the nefarious influence of international bankers and the military industrial complex. The people fleeing are victims. They are being used in a greater agenda that goes beyond national politics and rivalries.

A recently leaked report from Customs and Border Protection shows that people from at least 75 different countries are attempting to enter the United States illegally. Many of them are attempting to flee corruption and violence taking place in Syria, Ukraine, and Iraq among other countries. The CBP report states that many people coming from the middle east are making a temporary stop in the European Union before coming to the United States. As reported by the Telegraph, France is currently experiencing an influx of illegal immigration similar to the United States. Afghans, Syrians and others are making an attempt to gain access to Britain, and eventually the United States.

While tensions in these hot spots have been boiling for years, the influence of western powers has recently sparked intense conflict across the globe, triggering an intensified surge of desperate individuals who want nothing more than to live in peace.

Mexico and Latin America

The porous southern border of the United States is the site of deadly standoffs between Mexican drug gangs and Mexican military helicopters shooting at Border Patrol agents. President Obama, during arecent visit to Mexico, pointed the finger at American’s use of illegal drugs and guns for Mexico’s plague of violence.

As reported by Bloomberg in 2010, mega banks including Wells Fargo (Bailed out with $36 billion in taxpayer money in 2008) and Bank of America (Which began giving credit cards to illegal aliens with no social security numbers in 2007) were caught laundering money to Mexican drug cartels. In total over $300 billion was laundered in operations that were blatantly ignored by Wachovia, now part of Wells Fargo. Among other illegal activities, the money bought planes used to deliver narcotics.

Iraq and the Middle East

The mass slaughter of Christians in Iraq at the hands of the Islamic State is forcing tens of thousands to seek refuge. The terror group has its hands on at least 52 American made howitzer artillery guns and almost 2,000 Humvees. As Kurt Nimmo reports, a former Al-Qaeda commander recently said that the Islamic State works for the CIA. Nimmo reports, “Na’eem said ISIS, now IS or the Islamic State, is part of the neocon and Israeli “Clean Break” plan to balkanize the Arab and Muslim Middle East.”


Meanwhile in Ukraine, over 100,000 people are fleeing violence that is threatening to spark a hot war between NATO and Russia. As part of a continuing plan to encircle Russia, Billionare George Soros admits that he played a major role in the overthrow of the Ukrainian government.

Predictions of the Ministry of Defense – Ultimate goal of global government

A 2010 report from the United Kingdom’s Ministry of Defense stated that by 2040 a “global society” will emerge, plagued with tensions brought about by globalization. The report says that “sustained international migration” will “drive the development of a global culture…” Because of the increased migration, tensions will inevitably emerge. “Intrusive global culture” will threaten traditional customs and beliefs and “possibly radicalize” certain groups.

On June 11, 2002 a conference on North American integration was held by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. The center, which influences policy making in Washington, is funded by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, The Gates Foundation and George Soros. During the 2002 meeting, shocking revelations were made regarding the elite’s plans to create a North American Union between Canada, Mexico, and the United States. In order to accomplish this, representatives from various think tanks agreed that a campaign of social engineering needed to re-shape beliefs about national sovereignty and identity.

Bruce Stokes, Council on Foreign Relations Senior Fellow, National Journal columnist and Chatham House member told the conference that a true “North American Community” would only be “born out of the heat of conflict.”

The Pope recently called on the world to embrace illegal immigrants and rejected the “globalization of indifference” in a globalized world. As we can see in the evidence presented in this article, the people suffering across the world do need compassion, but our human drive to help our fellow man is being manipulated.

In a 1997 paper written by Maj. Bart R. Kessler, presented to the Research Department of the Air Command and Staff College, light is shown upon yet another plan on part of globalist think tanks to propagandize the world into accepting their vision for the future. In “Bush’s New World Order: The Meaning Behind The Words,” Kessler shows that in the 1970′s, the World Order Models Project, financed by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the Rockefeller foundation, proposed “strategies of transition” into a new global era. Saul H. Mendlovitz, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, directed the project. Richard A. Falk, also a member of the CFR, contributed academic work.

The goals of the WOMP were to, “…go beyond the nation-state system…to use a much broader range of potential actors, including world institutions, transnational actors, international organization, functional activities, regional arrangements…”

The project sought to use world leaders like the Pope to promote the globalists agenda. Richard Falk wrote,

“Symbolic world leaders such as the Secretary General of the United Nations or the Pope might espouse [the WOMP agenda]… as a program for the future… These kinds of external developments…

would initiate a world order dialectic within American politics that would begin to break down decades of adherence to [the Westphalian system] and its infrastructure of values, perceptions and institutions.”


TLB recommends you visit OLD-THINKERS NEWS for more great/pertinent articles and information.

See featured article and read comments here:


By TLB Contributor: Dave Hodges.

It is no secret that the globalists use the mass media to send their messages to the public regarding the inevitability of the globalists takeover and the emergence of the subsequent conditions related to humanity’s enslavement. In the past few years, the mass media has specifically targeted the attitudes of our children. Our children’s books are increasingly being utilized to brainwash them into accepting the inevitability of the existence of a tyrannical world government in which society is exclusively based upon Agenda 21 principles.

Last November, the third part in the Hunger Games, series entitled Mockingjay was released in movie theaters.

In this article, I will provide two cogent examples of children’s authors turned New World Order  (NWO) propagandists.  There is strong circumstantial evidence to suggest that neither of the two children’s authors featured in this article actually created the plot that made their way into their collective books. I believe the authors wrote the story lines and added flavor to the plot, but I do not believe that these two children’s book authors, Suzanne Collins and Margaret Haddix, created the plots that will be described here in this article.

Please note that in this article I am only discussing two authors and their works, but there are literally dozens of these kinds of books to choose from which serves to demonstrate to our children that resistance to the New World Order is futile.

Hunger Games

Suzanne Collins

My family has previously watched two of the hottest movies in history, which are a part of the Hunger Games trilogyThe movies are based on the first two books of the trilogy “authored” by Suzanne Collins. The movies and the books have proven to be a hit with the younger generation. This best-selling trilogy, published by Scholastic, has also developed a massive global following of all ages.  

As many of you are aware, the movie takes place in a futuristic, fictional country called Panem, that is located in what was once North America (Union) that was subsequently destroyed by some unknown apocalyptic event.

The country is divided into 12 districts which went into rebellion against the autocratic rule of the central government. Panem consists of a wealthy Capitol city which brutally rules over the twelve surrounding, poorer districts. The people of the featured District 12, as well as the other 11 surviving districts live in abject poverty devoid of any semblance of technology. There can be little doubt that these living conditions are the result of herding the population into 12 densely populated “stack and pack” urban centers, in which the collective carbon footprint of the commoners has been dramatically reduced. This parallels what we now see from Agenda 21 advocates which are championing the notion of 11 American urban megacities with each containing six million people each. This adds up to a total of 66 million Americans who will be living in these cities. What will happen to the other 250+ million unaccounted for Americans in this scenario? This question precisely underscores the phrase “humanity is under direct attack by the genocidal elite”. The elite are telling you in their own words what is coming.

One of the mainstays of Panem is a gladiator game called the Hunger Games. These ritualistic games represent human sacrifice and also serve as punishment for the previous rebellion against the Capitol. One boy and one girl between the ages of 12 and 18, from each district, are selected through an annual lottery to participate in the Hunger Games, an event in which the participants (i.e. so-called “tributes”) must fight, to the death, until only one remains alive. The message to tsa land of the freethe average citizens is that you are the property of the state and the state holds the power of life and death over each individual.  This also reminds me of the TSA’s approach to committing sexual assault against air travelers in which the same message gets delivered to the flying public. The TSA has never foiled one terrorist plot, but they are very good at groping our children and wives as they violate everyone’s Fourth Amendment rights.


The “Wild-lands” biodiversity boundary surrounding District 12.

There is a strong mitigating factor which influences the odds for being selected to participate in the games, and that factor is food. It is interesting to note that the areas surrounding the 12 districts are filled with plentiful game to hunt and eat. However, as movie goers witness in the opening scene of the original Hunger Games triology, the government expressly forbids venturing into the pristine wilderness (i.e. Wildlands and biodiversity areas) to hunt because the central government wants to utilize food as a population control instrument through the complete management of the distribution of all food. The more food rations a family obtains from the government, the more times the family’s teenage children are entered into the lottery, thereby increasing their teenagers chances for induction into the games.


The UN’s manifestation of forcing people into stack and pack cities.

This is the ultimate example of government using food as a weapon against its own people. In the movie, the “wildlands area” was even patrolled by a drone.  In 2008, drones were not even part of the American lexicon, yet Collins saw fit to display a drone as playing the role of protecting the pristine wilderness and its wildlife from human poachers. Many readers will recognize the United Nations map as the manifestation of the biodiversity “Wildlands” approach to herding people into densely populated stack and pack cities

Today, in America, we are already implementing this “stack and pack” mentality in our cities ranging from New York City to Fort Collins to San Francisco in densely populated areas known as micro apartments. These apartments range in size from 250 square feet of living space to 500 square feet.

The home of the Agenda 21 future.

 The Nation of Panem

A map of Panem's 12 Districts. Note that Capitol City is located in Colorado, precisely where the Federal government is moving much of its operations, to Colorado. This parallels the United Nations approach to the creation of 10 districts in the U.S. in 1972.

Nixon's Ten FEMA regions

A multi-distinct United Nations Agenda 21 theme is readily portrayed as the Hunger Games viewer/reader quickly learns that Panem is organized into 12 districts which is an ubiquitous parallel reference to the United Nations decree passed, in 1972, which demanded that the United States must reorganize into 10 super regions. Immediately, President Richard Nixon issued Executive Order # 11647 on February 14, 1972, which fulfilled the U.N. order as these 10 regions were created and, today, await activation in which all local governmental control will be rendered obsolete.

The Hunger Games promote the high speed bullet train connecting the districts, through vast uninhabited biodiversity zones. Billions are being spent today in the pursuit of this Agenda 21 futuristic from of travel reserved solely for the elite.

The Hunger Games promote the high speed bullet train connecting the districts, through vast uninhabited biodiversity zones. Billions are being spent today in the pursuit of this Agenda 21 futuristic from of travel reserved solely for the elite.

The plot centers around the heroine and hero from District 12, Katniss and Peeta, who are taken to the Capitol to compete in the Hunger Games in a high speed bullet train which travels through the utopian Agenda 21 Wildlands consisting of vast expanses of absolutely barren land. The Capitol city is where the elite. the 1%, reside with all their wealth and technologically advanced toys. The Hunger Games participants were awestruck at the technological marvels which have been withheld from the masses in the outlying districts in a kind of “rules for thee, but not for me” bifurcated society. The Agenda 21 symbolism is striking and undeniable and Collins writing on this subject, proves she is indeed an expert on Agenda 21 policies as well as the implementation of these policies.

The Hunger Games District 12 representative, Effie Trinket, utters the catch phrase of the movie just before she chooses the unlucky pair to represent their district in the games when she states “May the odds be ever in your favor.” This catch phrase is both descriptive and ironic. The lives of the district inhabitants have been reduced to the whim of the state and also to the laws of chance. In Panem, similar to other autocratic regimes, the spirit of self-determination is very limited by design.

In a particularly telling exchange between Seneca, the Hunger Games administrator and Panem’s President Snow, played magnificently by Donald Sutherland, the symbol of Panem’s governmental despotism, reveals the true purpose behind the games as he asks

Seneca, “Why do you think we have a winner?”

Seneca asks, “What do you mean?”

Snow repeats, “I mean, why do we have a winner?” Snow answers his own question “Hope.”

Expressing bewilderment Seneca says, “Hope?”

Snow declares that “Hope is the only thing stronger than fear. A little hope is effective, a lot of hope is dangerous. Spark is good too as long as it is contained.”

Among the Hidden

among the hiddenAs I allege that the plot connected to the Hunger Games was created for its author of record, Suzanne Collins, in order to promote the inevitability of the complete implementation of Agenda 21, there is another children’s fantasy author who has written an Agenda 21 novel which parallels the same pattern as we see with Collins.

How could I make such an outrageous claim? Well, not only is do I suspect Collins is complicit in writing a book that was designed for her, but I suspect many children’s authors have been handed plots to develop along with a large paycheck. Take the case of children’s author, Margaret Peterson Haddix.

Margaret Peterson Haddix has emerged on the child book scene as an author who exposes the heinous themes of the globalists and their draconian depopulation strategies such as the one child policy. Her most popular recent book, Among the Hidden is about a child named Luke Garner, who is an illegal child (i.e. third born in a society which executes families who have more than two children). The book is filled with groups such as the “Population Police” who will execute families who violate the allowed child bearing precepts. There are also the “Food Police” who regulate daily caloric intake. Any aware person, who is familiar with the precepts of Agenda 21, must be smiling in amusement at the obvious references.

Among the Hidden has led to a seven-book series for kids about “Shadow Children”—third children in a society that only allows two, children who initially have to hide but who eventually band together and risk their lives to bring about change.

Haddix is an author who, like Suzanne Collins had never written anything but children’s fantasy books. This is an emerging literary trend in which children’s authors are being tapped to write multi-part series on Agenda 21 topics. Some might view this as a coincidence. However, after reading the next section, the coincidence theorists will quickly turn into conspiracy theorists.

Who Are the Real Ghost Writers?

The publisher for Margaret Haddix’s books is Simon and Schuster whose parent company is CBS. CBS was a path-finding pioneer in the early days of the Green Agenda. And in Haddix’s earlier writings, there is not one hint of any topic in her writings resembling Agenda 21 themes.

Suzanne Collins writes for Scholastic. Scholastic is a publicly owned company and they are listed as SCHL on NASDAQ. They are one of the Wall Street boys. Therefore, the primary purpose of the company is to maximize profits. Also, it is safe to say that Scholastic has been promoting Agenda 21 policies for quite some time. As an example of the publisher’s globalist leanings, Scholastic squashed a blogger, named Marc Dean Millot, who suggested that the grants awarded by Obama’s Common Core education plan “Race to the Top” may not be as transparent as the administration would like us to believe. Elliot subsequently posted his criticisms of what has become known as Common Core curriculum on Mark Russo’s website, entitled, This Week in Education, which is also sponsored by Scholastic. Scholastic pressured Russo into deleting Millot’s tell all on Obama’s substandard education plan. As I have reported before, the Common Core curriculum originated out of the United Nations. Coincidentally, Millot had a contract with Russo which promised him journalist independence. Let me be clear on this point, Scholastic is an enthusiastic supporter of the globalist agenda of propagandizing our children into accepting a tyrannical world government under Agenda 21 policies.


What we are left with are two children’s authors who suddenly and inexplicably are shifting their personal literary interests and begin to write children’s books on topics related to Agenda 21, depopulation, etc., in a dramatic and complete departure from their previous and exclusive genre.  The fact that these two authors are making this shift at the same time speaks to the fact that their work now represents a centralized agenda.

I believe these two authors wrote the words to the books in question, but where did these two gain the intricate knowledge of Agenda 21 policy displayed in their writing? We need to learn to become Judo experts and use the weight of our attacker against them. As the NWO rushes at us in full stride, we need to grab their lapels and flip them on their heads. This is why I let my son read their latest propaganda.For me as a parent, I see an opportunity to teach children that freedom is the space which lies between our self-created prison bars and that we can collectively control how wide the space is between the bars. We may not be able to rescue America from the clutches of the global elite, but I have discovered, from my anecdotal experiences, that most people believe that the spirit of hope and self-determination can exist within people no matter what their political circumstances. It is between our ears and in our hearts is where we find the human spirit. The global elite can take away our lives, but they cannot take away our spirit, unless we offer ourselves up to them.

In the next part in this series, I will be discussing other media creations which promote various aspect of the globalist agenda and included in this analysis will be a look at Steve Quayle’s latest book, Xenogensis.


TLB recommends you visit Dave at The Common Sense Show for more pertinent commentary, articles, radio shows and information.

See featured article here


By TLB Contributor: Dave Hodges.

As a result of my contact with confidential sources, in relation to the present illegal immigration crisis and the presence of MS-13, who double as assassins for the Sinaloa and Los Zeta cartels, I have received inside information on how the globalists will ultimately for Americans to abandon their homes and seek safe refuge within the planned urban refugee centers which will be springing up under policies devised by Obama’s people.

The Easy Way and the Hard Way

Anyone who studies Agenda 21 policies does not need a primer on the fact that the globalists ultimately plan to herd six million Americans into 11 mega-cities and we will all live in micro apartments, give up our cars, adopt public transportation, have our every move monitored and forever be the property of the state. And there are two ways that the globalists are going to get us to accept our ultimate fate. There will be the easy way, which will consist of following the money incentives designed to force Agenda 21 policy compliance upon us. There will be a second method used just in case more passive methods of forcing rural/suburban to dense urban relocation are not successful. These methods involve violence and intimidation.

By the way, did your brain just catch the math error? Eleven megacities, with six million people each, equals 66 million total Americans. America presently has a population of approximately 315 million people. Where did the 249 million Americans go?

The Hard Way

As a result of my investigation into the role and extent that the SANCHEZ-Paredes cartel and the Peruvian military control the arms and drugs shipments to the Sinaloa cartel and ultimately the Los Zeta’s and MS-13, I learned how Peru has accomplished much of its population shift away from being a rural nation only 25 years ago to becoming a nation of mostly urban dwellers in 2015.

The capital city of Lima, Peru, has grown from 2 million residents to 8 million residents in less that one generation. There were two primary means employed in Peru in which to force a massive relocation of the Peruvian people from their historic rural homes and farms to the dense inner city, micro apartments of Lima.

According to the United Nations research and scientific studies, nearly two-thirds of the entire population inhabiting the planet will face severe, life-threatening water shortages by the year 2025. The reasons most often cited for the water shortages are waste and poor planning which will result in uneven distribution. Peru has been one of these effected countries where water has been privatized and directed away from areas that the Peruvian, Agenda 21 based leadership wants people to avoid living. If you want to drink water and you live in Peru, you will move where they send you. In Peru, water and finance are intertwined in order to force relocation of rural populations to urban centers. 

state of jefferson bannerTo some extent, this water management scheme designed to get people off of there rural land is in use in Southern Oregon and Northern California. The problem of obtaining water access for the residents in these rural areas has become so bad, due to EPA and BLM communist based land management policies, that many of the residents are giving up and relocating to the cities in search of a job. Many of the residents are exploring the feasibility of an idea which would lead people to form a 51st state, known as the State of Jefferson.

shining pathThere is a second method being used to force people from rural areas in Peru to the stack and pack city of Lima and that is through abject violence. The Shining Path, or more commonly known as SENDERO LUMINSO has been murdering Peruvian rural residents. Their favorite tactic is to behead groups of people, throw their decapitated bodies into a stream and when they wash up downstream, they serve as a stern warning that it is not safe to live in a rural environment. The SENDERO LUMINSO uses this method to keep their cocaine fields free for the SANCHEZ-Paredes cartel in order to have use of the land to harvest cocaine. Secondly, the Peruvian government and the Agenda 21 policies receive a boost because the more independent rural population moves to the cities where they are easier to control and this lessens the threat of a popular uprising.


Coming to your neighborhood armed with IED’s, anti-tank weapons, automatic weapons and WMD’s

This kind of violence, in order to force Agenda 21 compliance, was previously unthinkable in the United States, until the recent immigration crisis reared its ugly head. While the MSM focuses on children who are refugees, we should be focusing on what the Border Patrol is quietly telling us; we are being invaded by MS-13, Los Zetas and the Sinaloa cartel. They are well armed, supplied with anti-tank weapons, RPG’s and automatic weapons. They have already fired upon the American Border Patrol. They are brazen and are more powerful than any local police force. I have come to learn that this paramilitary group will become a Fifth Column and violently carry out the edicts of their sponsors. This means that the rural residents that the BLM and the EPA cannot move from their land, will be forcibly removed. We are looking at the American version of the SENDERO LUMINSO entering our country. Soon our rural sheriffs will be claiming that they out-manned and out-gunned. These activities appear to the be the failsafe policies of the globalists with regard to creating an urban center concentration.

For now, Americans are being nudged into Agenda 21 by what I call the easy way. Financial incentives are being created to “encourage” relocation from rural/suburban to urban living.

The Easy Way

Obama’s plans for his second-term plans includes an initiative to systematically redistribute the wealth of America’s suburbs and rural areas to the inner cities. It’s a transformative communist idea  and it is one that is already underway as these words are being written.

The real brains behind the coming Agenda 21-inspired mass migration from the suburbs to the inner cities is Mike Krulig and his new group of community advisors, Building One America. Their secretive agenda has been mostly achieved by Obama’s appointment of like-minded community activists to his staff. In fact, Krulig was one of Obama’s original community organizing mentors from the President’s Chicago Southside days. The word stealth applies because a damning photo depicting Krulig and Obama meeting at the Whitehouse in 2011 which appeared on the Building One America website. (The photo is displayed above).  However, this type of publicity would not have been good for the swing voters living in America’s suburbs. Obama’s people had the video scrubbed as well as the search engine links. However, the Breitbart people retained a copy of the picture. This begs the question, if the Building One America plan is so good for America, why would the Obama people conceal his affiliation with Krulig and his group of Agenda 21 social engineers?

Kruglik’s Agenda 21 friendly group, Building One America, proposes the creation of a  regional tax-base sharing revenues in which suburban tax money is directly redistributed to nearby cities and economically depressed concentric zones of inner-ring suburbs. Building One America also seeks to move the poor out of cities by imposing mandatory low-income-housing quotas for middle-class suburban developments.

Krulig’s group also seeks to export the controversial regional tax-base sharing scheme currently in place in the Minneapolis–St. Paul area to the rest of the country. Under this program, a portion of suburban tax money flows into a common regional pot, which is then effectively redistributed to urban, and a few less well-off “inner-ring” suburban, municipalities. The Minneapolis-St. Paul area regional government is run by unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats who are out of control. It is critical to know that removing the election process from this endeavor was deliberate for reasons that will become obvious as the reader will discover.

Kruglik’s group also favors a variety of policies designed to force people out of their cars and force suburbanites, robbed of their own tax money, to relocate into densely populated stack and  pack cities. Among Kruglick’s strategies to separate people from their cars is the Vehicle Mileage Tax (VMT). Road pricing for the VMT would be implemented to force drivers out their cars. This will impact all drivers except for the Obama inspired exemption of low income drivers.

The VMT is designed to give favored status to certain groups. These groups represent organizations that want to transfer wealth through the heavy hand of regional government interfering in the housing, transportation and land use market place.

This tyranny is also being beta tested in the Bay area in a project entitled One Bay Area Plan. One Bay Area Plan is a 25 year plan which combines housing, transportation, and Agenda 21 land use policies. The public cover story is that the project is designed to save the planet by reducing Green House Gasses. The generated revenue, estimated at $15 million/day, would be used to fund further Agenda 21 transportation schemes such as buses, trollies and light rail which only a few people presently ride.

This plan also calls for Upzoning which would expland the plan to even more areas in the Bay. This would mean even more requirements for high density housing in cities that do not have their “fair share” of low income people. This will result in more 200 square foot apartments being constructed near public transit lines.

This Bay Area Agenda 21 plan also contains a concept referred to as tthe Communities of Concern (read low income and communities of color) would receive funds from these windfall profits that the region would receive.  (is Obama trying to provoke a race war?). Additionally, development fees would be eliminated for affordable housing developments, while subsidies would be used for favored activities such as the creation of more micro apartments and the construction of low income housing in the suburbs.

Most people mistakenly believe that the reality of the megacities concept in which we are all herded into the stack and pack cities is decades down the road. On the contrary, as you have seen, the program is being beta tested in two large metropolitan areas. These schemes will soon be coming to a neighborhood near you.

We are going to get Agenda 21 one way of the other. The question remains as to whether America is going to be transitioned into an Agenda 21 society by using less aggressive methods, or will we be doing things the hard way?


TLB recommends you visit Dave at The Common Sense Show for more pertinent commentary, articles, radio shows and information.

See featured article and read comments HERE


by Michael Snyder

When you want to discover what an organization is really all about, it is important to dig down to the roots.  And when you uncover the roots of the Bilderberg Group, you find some very unsettling things.  It turns out that the Bilderberg Group has had Nazi connections from the very beginning, and it continues to advance the agenda of the Nazis to this very day.  This year, the Bilderberg Group is meeting from June 11th to June 14th at the Interalpen Hotel which is near the city of Telfs, Austria.  This organization has so much power that even several days before the event police are keeping everyone (including reporters) 10 kilometers away from the hotel.  If this is just a group of private citizens getting together to chat about world issues, why all the security?  What is so special about this group of people that rates such extraordinary measures?  And why are they so bound and determined to keep all of the rest of us away from them?

During World War II, the Nazi effort to unite all of Europe (and ultimately the rest of the world) through war failed miserably.  When the war ended, those that believed in that dream decided that another approach would be necessary.  Instead of war, a united Europe dominated by Germany would be achieved through international treaties and diplomacy.  In 1957, the European Economic Community was established, and it began with just six countries: Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and West Germany.  Since that time, it has expanded to 28 nations and has become known as “the European Union”.

The idea for the common currency that the European Union uses today, the euro, was conceived and developed by the Bilderberg Group.  This organization has always been at the forefront of European unity, but most people have no idea where it came from.

Well, the truth is that the Bilderberg Group first met in 1954, and one of the key founders of the group was Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands.  Not only was he a founder, Prince Bernhard actually served as the organization’s chairman until 1976.  So why is this important?  Most people do not realize this, but Prince Bernhard actually belonged to the Nazi Party at one time.  The following is an excerpt from an article that appeared in the Telegraph

“Bernhard, a secret history” has revealed that the prince was a member of the German Nazi party until 1934, three years before he married Princess Juliana, the future queen of the Netherlands.

Annejet van der Zijl, a Dutch historian, has found membership documents in Berlin’s Humboldt University that prove Prince Bernhard, who studied there, had joined Deutsche Studentenschaft, a National Socialist student fraternity, as well as the Nazi NSDAP and its paramilitary wing, the Sturmabteilung.

He left all the groups on leaving university in December 1934, when he went to work for the German chemical giant, IG Farben.

And Prince Bernhard’s association with IG Farben also links him to the Nazis.  The following comes from a book entitled “The Nazi Hydra In America” by Glen Yeadon…

“The Bilderberg group, founded by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, held its first meeting in 1954.  The prince, a former officer in the SS, had worked in IG Farben’s notorious NW7 group, which served as spies for the Third Reich.  Bernhard belonged to the Dutch branch of the Knights Templar.  In 1954, he was appointed to govern the Dutch order.  John Foster Dulles was one of the most helpful Americans in setting up the Bilderberg group.  Incidentally, in 1954 Dulles testified in favor of a bill designed to return vested enemy assets, such as GAF, to their previous owners.”

As the quote above just pointed out, John Foster Dulles was instrumental in helping the Bilderberg Group get established.  His brother, Allen Dulles, was responsible for Operation Paperclip which enabled large numbers of Nazi scientists (among others) to come into the United States and start working for the U.S. government in various capacities.  Allen Dulles was so passionate about this program that it continued even when two presidents tried to shut it down

Dulles’ CIA Operation Paperclip assimilated Nazi scientists into the American establishment by obscuring their histories and preventing efforts to bring their true stories to light. The project was led by officers in the United States Army. Although the program officially ended in September 1947, those officers and others carried out a conspiracy until the mid-1950s that bypassed both law and presidential directive to keep Operation Paperclip going. Neither Presidents Truman nor Eisenhower were informed that their instructions were ignored.

The “godfather” of the Bilderberg Group is a former U.S. Secretary of State named Henry Kissinger.  He has attended the gathering almost every single year, and he will be there once again in 2015.  This is a man that is so committed to globalization that he even wrote a book entitled “World Order“.  But what hardly anyone knows is that he actually discussed overthrowing the West German government with a group of “disgruntled Nazis” back in the 1970s

A German academic has unearthed evidence showing former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger once discussed a coup with disgruntled Nazis to overthrow the West German government in the 1970s.

Kissinger and Richard Nixon were aggrieved at the left-leaning government of the day’s burgeoning friendship with the hardline East German government.

Kissinger became the contact man for a secret spy network made up of old Nazis and elite aristocrats aimed at torpedoing the plans formulated by Chancellor Willy Brandt.

The guys behind this movement have been at it for a very long time.

And they are still advancing the values and principles at the heart of the Nazi movement to this very day.  The following are just a few examples of this…

Just like the Nazis, they advocate for highly centralized national governments that are heavily socialized.

Just like the Nazis, they are deeply committed to globalization.  The Nazis sought to establish their empire through war, while these guys seek to do it through diplomacy and negotiation.

Just like the Nazis, they believe in strict gun control for the general population, centralized government-controlled education and the removal of organized religion (especially Christianity) from public life.

Just like the Nazis, they believe that they are the elite of the world, they are anti-Israel, and they believe in using military power to advance their cause when necessary.

And just like the Nazis, they are deeply committed to eugenics and population control.  These days, they use language that is more “politically correct”, but most of them are absolutely convinced that the number one problem in our world is overpopulation.  For much more on this, please see my previous article entitled “46 Population Control Quotes That Show How Badly The Elite Want To Wipe Us All Out“.

Of course nobody associated with the Bilderberg Group would ever use the word “Nazi” to describe themselves.  That term has become so associated with evil that nobody wants anything to do with it.  But the values and the principles of the Nazis endure in organizations such as the Bilderberg Group.

The ultimate goal, of course, is a one world government that dominates the entire planet.

Let us hope and pray that they are never able to achieve that.


TLB recommends you visit End Of The American Dream for more great/pertinent articles.

See featured article here


By Bernie Suarez

We all know to build a house you need to have the right tools. Not having the right tools makes the difference between success and failure. So then what tools might the globalists be using right now to advance their plans for a one world government, the so called new world order and global enslavement?

Understanding the necessary tools the controllers need and are currently using to meet their goals might allow us to figure out where we should focus our energy, and it may show us what things we might be able to do to slow down, derail or even stop their new world order plans all together.

So here are ten powerful tools being used by the controllers, ten tools without which there will be no new world order.

1- Global warming/Climate change psyop

It is becoming abundantly clear. No global warming means no new world order, no Agenda 21, no global carbon tax, no usurping of local and state rights in favor of global agendas, no domination over the individual and no micromanaging of the individual’s energy expenditure for the sake of the planet and a “sustainable” earth. Few topics are as important to the new world order plans as the global warming hoax/climate change religion. For this reason the global warming hoax has become completely immune to logic, science, reason and truth and instead marches right along from ignoring of the facts, to name calling to direct control of climate legislation, all while the paid politicians insist the science is “settled”. No one should be surprised by the locked-in ignorant and stubborn mindset of this movement. This was a big issue to the Eugenics control freaks many decades ago. They put a lot of work into ensuring long term success and we are now seeing the results of this long term effort.

2- Government “scientific consensus”

Without government pseudo-science, the globalists recent plans would have fallen apart long ago. Let’s face it, almost every day now we’re hearing about a “study” that proves yet another government narrative. These coincidences happen because government “scientists” are not interested in the true results and scientific correlations. Truth does not make money, in fact its a money loser. Conclusions that support government agendas, on the other hand, do make a lot of money. For this reason science has been hijacked by government for political agendas.

In place right now are numerous prominent “scientific” journals all waiting to publish whatever studies support the new world order agenda. The sooner people realize that the science has been taken over, the sooner this important new world order tool can be taken away from them. Without this powerful weapon, the globalists would lose their ability to push all the medical, food related, environmental and chemical related “studies” on the masses. This would immediately pose a threat to large pharmaceutical companies, vaccine makers and many other drug-related companies.

3- Geoengineering and chemtrails spraying

This is a topic increasingly inseparable from the climate change-global warming fraud. Geoengineering is very real and a lot of things are at stake if the globalists had to give this issue up. For this reason don’t expect geoengineering of the skies to end any time soon and they won’t admit they’re doing it until they’ve secured a good excuse for doing it. That excuse will be “global warming”.

They need these programs fully running to get their new world order. The plans are central to controlling the weather, manipulating the environment for political and financial gain and engineering drought to control food and water supplies and thus control populations among other reasons.

The globalist controllers are saving geoengineering so they can roll it out as the “solution” to global warming. This very likely was the plan all along. The process goes something like this – Problem: Global warming- Reaction: use emotional stimulators like the polar bears, ice capsule melting, human extinction stories- Solution: Spray the planet with metal particles every day.

4- ISIS psyop

The recent Mosul-style “takeover” of Ramadi in Iraq by ISIS is another example of how ISIS, who gets exclusive image-glorifying public relations from the U.S. mainstream media is portrayed as an invisible, lucky, superior fighting force who can only be stopped using tactics that move the PNAC plans forward.

In a recent TV appearance endorsing the ISIS psyop, CIA front mouthpiece Colonel Anthony Shaffer stuttered his way through an interview explaining exactly how ISIS conveniently took over Ramadi with striking coincidence due to “sand storm” issues. He also then explains how ISIS is now crawling all over Afghanistan and needs to be stopped there too. Let’s see- Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, isn’t it convenient how ISIS only shows up in PNAC approved countries where the U.S. needs to expand their occupation and/or lost influence? Shaffer also rambles on telling you what ISIS is thinking, detailing their victories (problem, reaction) then telling us what the “solution” is with selecting WHO gets to fight ISIS, that being ONLY the Kurds. Shaffer declares that Iraq and the Iraqi army is “gone”. The idea of having a sovereign official Army (whether Iraqi, Iranian or any other) seems to be a big threat to the globalist plans.

Let’s not forget the global ISIS super fighting machine recently was said to be in Mexico and showing up in Texas and California in information gathered via “chatter”. This is just another reminder of the super human powers ISIS has, just in case anyone has forgotten.

Fact is that ISIS is the perfect tool to advance literally every single component of the new world order plans. They are a huge ace in the hole for the globalists to be used throughout the Middle East and domestically with the help of Intelligence-Mainstream media coordinated reports to keep the domestic threat of terror alive in the minds of the masses, thus justifying the police state and more surveillance and tyranny, all the while CIA’s and Mossad’s ISIS cruise on right along helping nail down the PNAC plans for the Zionists and Western U.S. NATO alliance.

5- Secret global trade agreements

All global trade agreements are quietly looming in the background as critical components of the new world order. The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement for one (and other similar agreements) are all top secret global corporate agreements that transcend and undermine sovereign governments and impose their will on the individual and they are powerful tools for the new world order plans. Is anyone not seeing this? When it’s all said and done the controllers wish to forcefully impose secret business and government agreements on the “useless eaters” and once and for all throw the Constitution and national sovereignty in the trash, where they feel it belongs. They’ve been working on this for some time and they will continue hammering away at this until it happens. Like the constantly morphing anti-internet freedom legislation (SOPA and CISPA) TPP will, if necessary, reappear and reshape itself in many ways until they can find a way of ramming it into legislation. The other thing about these trade agreements is that they will relate to internet censorship and many other issues.

6- Debt based dollar fraud

Another huge ongoing fraud, critical to the one world government enslavement system, is the money system itself. Think of how quickly the globalist plans would fall apart if everyone realized how money works. Most people have no idea that the U.S. dollar is nothing more than an IOU. They have no idea how the Federal Reserve came into being and they have no clue that the Federal Reserve is a private corporation with no authority whatsoever to print money on behalf of the United States government. The entire debt based dollar system is based on lies, fraud, and deceit. Due to this hidden knowledge about money, people feel threatened when they begin to research it or call it out for what it is- possibly the greatest fraud perpetrated on the American people.

7- Lobbyist to law cycle

Everyone should be aware of how money from large corporations and individuals goes to paying lobbyists who then make sure the politicians go along with the wishes of the person (who is funding the lobbyists). This simple cycle of money corruption speaks for itself and should be enough to wake up Americans to say no, once and for all, to political corruption and start taking back their voices. This lobbyist to law cycle not only ensures that the laws that get passed are laws representing the wishes of the lobbyists, but even more importantly it ensures that the average American has no voice whatsoever. Without this important corrupt cycle in place, too many morally sound and justified laws representing the will of the people would get through. Then, before you know it, the globalist new world order plans would begin to burn out by necessity. For this reason the lobbyist to law cycle remains a key component for achieving the new world order plans.

8- Left-Right paradigm

The ongoing Left-Right paradigm is another quiet ace in the hole. It’s the large part of the script on which the globalists success depends on. That’s right, voter ignorance is actually driving the new world order plans. Millions of Americans still follow Hillary, Jeb Bush, Rand Paul and the rest of the bought out political stooges whose loyalties are to the companies putting money in their pocket. Sadly millions of Americans did not learn their lesson from the Bush and Obama years, which fit each other perfectly. Despite the clear continuity of lies, war expansion, false flags, and loss of liberties between the last two criminal administrations, it’s difficult to imagine that anyone actually believes there is a difference between left and right, Democrats and Republicans. Without the ability of the control system to maintain the illusion of choice between two parties which serve the exact same master, the new world order control plans would fall apart overnight.

9- CIA’s mainstream media

Information is everything. No CIA controlled mainstream media means no support of any wars by Americans. No one would believe any false flags, and all political stories would fall on deaf ears. Human consciousness would thrive. A life without mainstream media would warrant a topic of its own. Suffice it to say, CIA’s mainstream media is potentially the lifeline of the entire new world order and future control of all humanity. It is the very matrix by which the globalists exert their influence, deception and control over humanity. It is the radio signal feeding your brain the next episode of mind control, the next psyop, the next lie. The history of media and its use as a mind control tool is well established and for that reason mainstream mass media is another must have tool for the advancement of the globalist new world order plans. Unfortunately for them, less and less people today are watching TV so they are being forced to keep up with the times by broadening their reach with other technologies.

10- Entertainment distraction

Finally, none of the above would ever come to pass were it not for the forever valuable, forever reliable (if you are the globalist) entertainment distraction. That’s right, if you remove entertainment the control system would be overwhelmed with opposition. Too many people would be awakened- Acts of kindness not seen on TV might abound. People might actually have enough time to research things, to care, to educate themselves. The globalists have stated that a well educated critical thinking public is a threat to their plans. This last super important tool ensures that everything goes as planned, for now.


Let’s make a mental note of these critically important tools without which there will be no new world order. Thankfully all of this information is known to many who are awakened. This information is spreading and when enough people get together and act, the game will be over for the globalists. Watch the news stories every day and see how they are using and feeding into these 10 tools every day. That’s because they need these tools for survival. That’s right. To the globalist controllers, these 10 tools are a matter of life and death. So let’s keep pushing to expose these critical issues because to truth seekers stopping these globalist tools is also a matter of life and death.

Bernie Suarez is a revolutionary writer with a background in medicine, psychology, and information technology. He has written numerous articles over the years about freedom, government corruption and conspiracies, and solutions. A former host of the 9/11 Freefall radio show, Bernie is also the creator of the Truth and Art TV project where he shares articles and videos about issues that raise our consciousness and offer solutions to our current problems. His efforts are designed to encourage others to joyfully stand for truth, to expose government tactics of propaganda, fear and deception, and to address the psychology of dealing with the rising new world order. He is also a former U.S. Marine who believes it is our duty to stand for and defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. A peace activist, he believes information and awareness is the first step toward being free from enslavement from the globalist control system which now threatens humanity. He believes love conquers all fear and it is up to each and every one of us to manifest the solutions and the change that you want to see in this world, because doing this is the very thing that will ensure victory and restoration of the human race from the rising global enslavement system, and will offer hope to future generations.

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