Five brave contestants. 24 savage hours.

Dear programmers,

This past weekend, the Operating Systems Lab in the Thomas Beam Engineering Building was a battleground. Five contestants divided into two teams to undertake IEEExtreme, a 24-hour programming competition.

I attended the opening at 5 PM on Friday night to shake hands with the participants, and when I returned to proctor the event at 5 AM the next morning, I stepped into a dungeon, musty with the stench of Wingstop, where the brave young gentlemen sat in darkness. They didn’t greet me. They were broken. Shattered.

I commend all of these warriors, but I reserve the highest praise for one: Sanju Varghese, a Computer Science student, an old friend of mine, and the only contestant who stayed for the entire duration of the event. Code on, Sanju.

The spoils of war.



Eligible Members: Schedule Your Interview!

Future Tau Bates,

We’re excited to have you as members of the Nevada Beta chapter! To complete your initiation process, you’ll have to schedule an interview with us and submit your resume. The interview will involve questions about quantum mechanics and fluid dynamics but mostly structural analysis and numerical methods for solving partial differential equations.

Just kidding. We just want to get to know you. We’ll ask about your personality, hobbies, and interests. You’ll do great.

Click here to give your available times, and I’ll email you your scheduled time and date in a few days.

Please email your resume to It’s just a formality.




A special thanks to Jeff Lee of Autodesk!


Last night and this morning, Jeff Lee, a representative of Autodesk, visited the Howard R. Hughes College of Engineering to give a workshop on using the new Autodesk Fusion 360 CAD/CAM software.

Jeff discussed how Autodesk fits into the future of making things, the Design for Autodesk program, the Student Expert Network, and of course, how to design, render, and share a product or component using Fusion 360. Students had a chance to draft the product seen below, a phone case featuring our university’s logo.

unnamed (1)

Also, thanks to ASME and SASE for helping to organize and advertise the event.

Our mechanical and civil engineering students agreed that the workshop was very useful and insightful, so thank you once again, Jeff, and we all hope to see you again in the spring.



A-Tech Software Engineering Workshops a Success!

On Friday, Computer Science students from the Advanced Technologies Academy visited our labs at the Howard R. Hughes College of Engineering to learn about web development, cloud-assisted research, game engines, and careers in software engineering. The group of 57 was one of the brightest and most enthusiastic I’ve come across, and I’m sure they’ll bring many creative projects and ideas to our school should they choose to attend UNLV.

Thank you to the volunteers who helped with the event:

Randolph Huynh (Tau Beta Pi)
Nicholas Huynh (Tau Beta Pi)
Nicholas Moya (Tau Beta Pi)
Andrea Aldana
Ja Manipon
Nicole Manglicmot
Brandon Navarro
Elliott Ploutz

Special thanks to Mark Newburn and David Bonnesar for taking the time to visit our campus and giving a Q&A session for the students, and thanks to Josefina Ly for reaching out to everyone and organizing the event!




Volunteers needed! Top high-school students to visit UNLV’s Computer Science dept.

The Advanced Technologies Academy (A-Tech), one of the most recognized high schools in the U.S., is sending their Computer Science (CS) students on a field trip to visit our college from 8:30 am to 1 pm on Friday, October 9th. We need as many volunteers as we can get from our CS, Computer Engineering, and Electrical Engineering departments to greet the students, escort them to various labs, and have a round-table discussion with them to answer their questions about pursuing a degree in CS. Lunch is complimentary.

Members of our college’s chapters of IEEE and ACM will be participating. Come join us if you want to help introduce these young and talented people to the wonders of computation, mathematics, and software.

Notify me of your interest by September 25th or help us by spreading the word!




Welcome, College of Engineering students!

I hope the new semester is going well for everyone. Tau Beta Pi has gone through a few major changes recently. Firstly, let’s welcome our new board of officers:

President: Justin Le
Vice President: Val Lawdensky
Recording Secretary: Stephanie Wirtanen
Treasurer: Caitlyn Alcantara
Corresponding Secretary: Ed Hoyuela-Alcaraz
Social Media Director: Matt Meza

The team is really looking forward to bringing new events and resources to you this semester, so be sure to check this site or our new Facebook to stay updated. This semester, we hope to collaborate with some of the other student orgs who are already doing an excellent job of serving the student body, so if you’re involved with other groups, you’re bound to run into a few Tau Bates from time to time. Feel free to say hi and ask us what’s new!

Secondly, we’re in the process of revising and updating the content on the main site, so if you have news that might interest Engineering students, let us know and we’ll spread the word on our blog. We plan to be very active online this semester, so check back regularly for fresh content and our schedule of events.

Best wishes,

