Бикипиэдьийэ:Түмсүү сирэ

Бикипиэдьийэ диэн сиртэн ылыллыбыт
Саҕалааччыга · Түмсүү · Портааллар · Наҕараадалар · Бырайыактар · Көрдөбүллэр · Сыанабыл
Crystal 128 three.png
Бикипиэдьийээнциклопедия эрэ буолбатах, бу дьон түмсэр сирэ. Эн манна ыстатыйа суруйуоххун сөп, эбэтэр баар ыстатыйаны тупсаран биэриэххин сөп. Билигин сахалыы салааҕа 10 453 ыстатыйа баар. Атын бикимэдьиистэри кытта атын кыттааччылар болҕомтолорун тардар сиргэ, кэпсэтэр сиргэ, сурутууларга уо д. а. сирдэргэ алтыһыахха сөп.

Саҕалааччыларга көмө[уларыт]

Crystal help index.png Көмө — Быраабылалар, ыйыылар - кэрдиилэр — Саҕалааччыларга көмө — «Кумах»


  • Кулун тутар 1-9 күннэригэр Украина уонна Саха бикипиэдьийэлэрэ доҕордоһуу күннэрин ыыттылар. Бу атын биикилэри кытта ыытыллар бастакы тэрээһин буолла. Былырыын алтынньыга Смоленскайга биики-кэмпириэнсийэ кэмигэр түһэрсиллибит сөбүлэҥ олоххо киирдэ.
  • 2014, Тохсунньу. Бикипиэдьийэҕэ икки нэдиэлэлээх Биики-марафон түмүктэннэ. Сиһилии.

Бырайыакка кыттабыт[уларыт]

Алтыһыы: Категория:Алтыһыы — Кыттааччылар болҕомтолоругар — Кэпсэтэр сир — Куоластааһын — Ырытыы сиэрэ — Тоҕо манна киирдибит? — Биики-көрсүһүүлэр
Оҥоруохха наада: Саҥа көннөрүүлэр — Хаартыска, ойуу көрдүүбүт — Саҥа ыстатыйалар — Запросы на улучшение и написание статей — Статьи, требующие улучшения — Статьи для рецензирования — Статьи без русских интервики-ссылок в английской, немецкой, Википедиях — Запросы на перевод — Список статей, которые должны быть во всех языковых версиях — Список статей-сирот 
Ырытыылар: Сотуллуохтаах ыстатыйаларТупсарыллыахтаах ыстатыйаларТалыллыбыт ыстатыйаларга кандидаттарҮчүгэй ыстатыйаларга кандидаттарТалыллыбыт испииһэктэргэ уонна портаалларга кандидаттарТематические обсужденияЫйытыктар
Биики-бырайыактар: Көрүү | Бары | Арассыыйа куораттараДокументирование шаблоновБилэҕин дуо…ДьонСобытия дняОскуолалар уонна университеттарБанк обещанийТүбэспиччэ сирэйдэри тупсарыыКөмпүүтэр оонньуулараМедицинаСитимнээһинЗаливкаЯдро энциклопедии
Портааллар: Халыып:П — Халыып:П — Халыып:П — Халыып:П — Халыып:П — Халыып:П — Халыып:П — Халыып:П
Көрдөөһүн: Бикипиэдьийэ иһигэр көрдөөһүн
Категориялар: Обзор | Барыта | Аналлаах — Мета категориялар — Кэм — Информация — Култуура — Билим — Үөрэхтээһин — Уопсастыба — Айылҕа — Итэҕэл — Дойдулар уонна омуктар — Техника — Философия — Киһи — Экономика

Саха бикипиэдьийэтин тупсарабыт[уларыт]

Ойуулар: Commons-logo.svg Баар ойуулар — Маннааҕы ойуулар — Ойуулар туһунан — Ойуу лиссиэнсиэйтин ырытыы — Ойуулары атын салааларга көрдөөһүн
Категориялар: Категориялар (АБВ) Категорияннан көрдөөһүн Категориялары ырытыы
Үнүстүрүмүөннэр: Поиск мышкой — Викификатор
Арбааһын: Баннердар уонна лого
Атын: Архыып — Халыыптар — Информацияны ылар сирдэр Сурутуу — RSS-ханааллар


Администрация: Дьаһабыллар — Бюрокрааттар
Тиһиктэр: Олорор сирдэринэн Тылы билиилэринэн Бары кыттааччылар Эспиэрдэр уонна тиэмэни сэргээччилэр
Көрсүһүүлэр: Викимания-2008, Викимания-2007 (Тайбэй, Тайвань, август 2007) — Вики-конференция 2007 (Санкт-Петербург, 27—28 октября 2007), Вики-конференция 2008 (Москва, 18—19 октября 2008)

Атын омуктары кытта үлэ[уларыт]

Бырайыактар: Саха посольствота Бикимиэдьийэ пуондатын бырайыактарын тиһигэ
Коллегаларбытыгар көмөлөһөбүт: Аҥылычаан бикитигэр «Россия» портал
Нэдиэлэ тылбааһа Мета-биикигэ:
Каждую неделю, начиная с понедельника, заготовка или первый абзац важной статьи выбирается для перевода на столько языков (особенно малых языков), на сколько возможно.

Текущий перевод: Халыып:Перевод недели

Страничка для обсуждения текущих дел временно находится тут: Бикипиэдьийэ talk:Как помочь разделу. --HalanTul 06:17, 9 Бэс ыйа 2008 (UTC)

The LocalisationUpdate extension has gone live[уларыт]

The LocalisationUpdate extension is now enabled for all Wikimedia projects. From now on new localisations that become available in SVN will become available to your project within 24 hours. Your localisations get into SVN from translatewiki.net typically within a day and at worst in two days. This is a huge improvement from the old practice where the localisations became available with new software. This could take weeks, even months.

The localisations done by our community at translatewiki.net are committed to SVN typically every day. When the system messages in English are the same as the local messages, they will now be inserted in a file and are available for use in all our projects in a timely manner

What this means for you[уларыт]

Local messages have an impact on the performance of our system. It is best when messages are as much as possible part of the system messages. In order to remove unnecessary duplication, all the messages that have a local localisation and are exactly the same as the system message will be removed. What we ask you to do is to compare and proof read the messages in translatewiki.net and the local messages. You can then either remove local messages when the translatewiki.net message is to be preferred or, you can update the message at translatewiki.net.

Messages that are specific to your project will have to stay as they are. You do want to check if the format and the variables of the message are still the same.

Why localise at translatewiki.net[уларыт]

When you localise at translatewiki.net, your messages will be used in all Wikimedia projects and eventually in all MediaWiki based projects. This is how we provide the standard support for your language. When messages change, at translatewiki.net you will be prompted to revisit your translations. Localising is more efficient because we have innovated the process to make you more efficient; there is text explaining about messages and we have applied AJAX technology to reduce the number of clicks you have to make.

Translatewiki.net update[уларыт]

  • Currently 99.54% of the MediaWiki messages and 87.60% of the messages of the extensions used by the Wikimedia Foundation projects have been localised. Please help us help your language by localising and proof reading at translatewiki.net. This is the recent localisation activity for your language. Thanks, GerardM 15:47, 30 Балаҕан ыйын 2009 (UTC)
  • Currently 98.98% of the MediaWiki messages and 84.79% of the messages of the extensions used by the Wikimedia Foundation projects have been localised. Please help us help your language by localising and proof reading at translatewiki.net. This is the recent localisation activity for your language. Thanks,
  • Currently 99.96% of the MediaWiki messages and 88.96% of the messages of the extensions used by the Wikimedia Foundation projects have been localised. Please help us help your language by localising and proof reading at translatewiki.net. This is the recent localisation activity for your language. Thanks, GerardM 12:47, 14 Ахсынньы 2009 (UTC)
  • Currently 99.54% of the MediaWiki messages and 87.55% of the messages of the extensions used by the Wikimedia Foundation projects have been localised. Please help us help your language by localising and proof reading at translatewiki.net. This is the recent localisation activity for your language. Thanks, GerardM 15:38, 18 Тохсунньу 2010 (UTC)

How can we improve the usability for your language[уларыт]

We expect that with the implementation of LocalisationUpdate the usability of MediaWiki for your language will improve. We are now ready to look at other aspects of usability for your language as well. There are two questions we would like you to answer: Are there issues with the new functionality of the Usability Initiative Does MediaWiki support your language properly

The best way to answer the first question is to visit the translatewiki.net. Change the language to your language, select the “vector” skin and add the advanced tool bar in in the preferences and check out the new functionality. And make some changes in your user page. When there is a need to improve on the localisation, please make the necessary changess . It should update your localisation straight away. We would like you to report each issue individually at http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Usability_issues.

When there are problems with the support of MediaWiki for your language, we really want to know about this. It is best to report each issue separately. In this way there will be no large mass of issues to resolve but we can address each issue on its own. Consider issues with the display of characters, the presentation of your script, the position of the side bar, the combination of text with other languages, scripts. It is best to try this in an environment like the prototype wiki as it provides you with a clean, basic and up to date environment. The prototype wiki is available for five languages but you can select any of them, change the preferences to your language and test out MediaWiki for your language.

We would like you to report each issue individually at http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Language_issues. The issues you raise will all be assessed. It is important to keep each issue separate, because this will make it easier to understand the issues and find solutions.

PS This text has been approved by Naoko, Brion and Siebrand. Thanks, GerardM 15:47, 30 Балаҕан ыйын 2009 (UTC)

2010 Fundraising Is Almost Here[уларыт]

Wikimedia Foundation RGB logo with text.svg

Hello Wikipedians, I am Theo and I am working for the Wikimedia Foundation during the 2010 Fundraiser. My job is to be the liaison between your community and the Foundation. This year's fundraiser is intended to be a collaborative and global effort; we recognize that banner messages which may perform well in the United States don't necessarily translate well, or appeal to international audiences.

I'm contacting you as I am currently looking for translators who are willing to contribute to this project by helping translate and localize messages into different languages and suggesting messages that would appeal to your readers on the Fundraising Meta Page. We've started the setup on meta for both banner submission, statistical analysis, and grouping volunteers together.
Use the talk pages on meta, talk to your local communities, talk to others, talk to us, and add your feedback to the proposed messages as well! I look forward to working with you during this year's fundraiser. If someone could translate this message I would really appreciate it so that everyone is able to understand our goals and contribute to this year's campaign.
Theo (WMF) 21:22, 20 Алтынньы 2010 (UTC)

Көр/See: Бикипиэдьийэ:Кэпсэтэр_сир/Этии_киллэрии#2010_Fundraising_Is_Almost_Here. --HalanTul 22:24, 20 Алтынньы 2010 (UTC)

Language support group for Sakha[уларыт]

The Wikimedia Foundation has brought together a new team of developers who are dedicated to language support. This team is to support all the languages and consequently it is not realistic to expect that the team members can provide proper support for your language. It is for this reason that we are looking for volunteers who will make up a language support team.

This language support team will be asked to provide us with information about their language. Such information may need to be provided either to us or on a website that we will indicate to you. Another activity will be to test software that will likely have an effect on the running of the MediaWiki software. We are looking for people who clearly identify their ability. Formal knowledge is definitely appreciated.

As much of the activity will be concentrated on translatewiki.net, it will be a plus when team members know how to localise at translatewiki.net.
Thanks, Gmeijssen 20:39, 1 Олунньу 2012 (UTC)

IMPORTANT: Admin activity review[уларыт]

Hello. A new policy regarding the removal of "advanced rights" (administrator, bureaucrat, etc) was recently adopted by global community consensus (your community received a notice about the discussion). According to this policy, the stewards are reviewing administrators' activity on smaller wikis. To the best of our knowledge, your wiki does not have a formal process for removing "advanced rights" from inactive accounts. This means that the stewards will take care of this according to the new admin activity review here.

We have determined that the following users meet the inactivity criteria (no edits and no log actions for more than 2 years):

  1. Saaska (administrator)

These users will receive a notification soon, asking them to start a community discussion if they want to retain some or all of their rights. If the users do not respond, then their advanced rights will be removed by the stewards.

However, if you as a community would like to create your own activity review process superseding the global one, want to make another decision about these inactive rights holders, or already have a policy that we missed, then please notify the stewards on Meta-Wiki so that we know not to proceed with the rights review on your wiki. Thanks, Rschen7754 19:30, 18 От ыйын 2014 (UTC)