Lesotho in 1996

A constitutional monarchy of southern Africa and member of the Commonwealth, Lesotho forms a landlocked enclave surrounded by South Africa. Area: 30,355 sq km (11,720 sq mi). Pop. (1996 est.): 1,971,000. Cap.: Maseru. Monetary unit: loti (plural: maloti), at par with the South African rand, with (Oct. 11, 1996) a free rate of 4.54 maloti to U.S. $1 (7.16 maloti = £ 1 sterling). Kings in 1996, Moshoeshoe II and, from February 7, Letsie III; prime minister, Ntsu Mokhehle.

On Jan. 15, 1996, King Moshoeshoe II was killed in a car crash on a mountain road. (See OBITUARIES.) He was the grandson of Moshoeshoe I, the "father" of the Basotho nation. His death came just a year after he had been restored to the throne. His son had been installed as King Letsie III by the military, which had dethroned his father, and had reigned from November 1990 to January 1995. He had abdicated voluntarily in January 1995 in favour of his father. On February 7 Letsie III was crowned again.

Four prominent Basotho were charged with treason on March 20, accused of having attempted to stage a coup by radio on February 29 and having conspired to overthrow the government between September 1995 and February 1996. The four were Makara Sekautu, president of the opposition United Party; Matsoso Bolofo, a former member of the National Security Service; and Lepoko Molapo and David Jonathan, both former members of the Royal Lesotho Defence Force.

This article updates Lesotho, history of.

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