English Français

Algar do Carvao

Date de soumission : 06/11/1996
Catégorie : Naturel
Soumis par :
Direcçao Regional de Ambiente Secretaria regional do turismo e Ambiente
Coordonnées Terceira Island - Açores
Ref.: 565

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Algar do Corvao is situated a strombolian volcano with two cones (a principal and an accidental one) and is 629 m high. It is composed by a vertical chimney of 45m high and it becomes obliquely wider in its end, with three arched roofs. It ends with 90m in a potable lagoon whose average surface is 400m2 . In its deeper part it is 15m. The walls allow the water infiltration which gives origin to white silica stalagtites and stalagmites. It is also important to refer the existence of black obsidian "volcanic vitrious glaze" (glass). The plant communities of the volcanic chimney has a great diversity of species which are mostly endemic, some are rare and threathened and are included in the Appendix I from the Berna Convention. Others are included in the IUCN Bryophyte Red List.