Luxembourg Physical Map

Luxembourg Physical Map

Physical map of Luxembourg, equirectangular projection

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Luxembourg geography information
Luxembourg is one of the smallest countries in Europe. It is ranked 167th in size of all the countries of the world. The country is about 2,586 km² in size. In the west it borders the Belgian province of Luxembourg, which is (at 4,443 km²) nearly twice the size of the country. The north of the country, part of the Ardennes, has hills and low mountains, with the Buurgplaatz as the highest point at 559 m. The rest of the country is also hilly.
Luxembourg's eastern border is formed by three rivers, the Moselle, the Sauer/Sûre and the Our.

The Moselle valley with its vineyards is to the east and the iron and coal mining region is in the extreme south. Luxembourg's major rivers are the Moselle, Sure, the Alzette, and the Our.

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