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Pikeun kagunaan séjén tina Grénada, tempo Grénada (disambiguasi).
Bandéra Grénada
“Ever Conscious of God We Aspire, Build and Advance as One People”[1]
Hail Grenada
Lagu Karajaan
God Save the Queen
Location of Grénada
Ibu kota
(jeung kota panggedéna)
St. George’s
12°03′N 61°45′W
Basa resmi Basa Inggris
Grup étnis  82% hideung, 13% campuran hideung jeung Éropa, 5% Éropa jeung Hindia Wétan, jeung katurunan Arawak/Karib[2]
Démonim Grenadian
Pamaréntah Démokrasi parleméntér dina Monarki konstitusional
 -  Raja/Ratu Elizabeth II
 -  Gubernur Jéndral Cécile La Grenade
 -  Perdana Mentri Keith Mitchell
 -  ti Britania Raya 7 Pébruari 1974 
 -  Total 344 km² (ka-203)
132,8 mil² 
 -  Cai (%) 1,6
 -  Perkiraan  12 Juli 2005 110.000 (ka-185)
 -  Kapadetan 319,8 /km² (ka-45)
828,3 /mil²
GDP (PPP) Perkiraan 2010
 -  Total $1,098 milyar[3] 
 -  Per kapita $10.657[3] 
GDP (nominal) Perkiraan 2010
 -  Total $674 milyar[3] 
 -  Per kapita $6.542[3] 
HDI (2007) Green Arrow Up Darker.svg 0,813 (luhur) (ka-74)
Mata uang Dolar Karibia Wétan (XCD)
Zona wanci (UTC−4)
 -  Usum panas (DST)  (UTC−4)
TLD Internét .gd
Kode telepon +1-473
a pakiraang 2002.

Grénada (Basa Inggris: Grenada) nyaéta hiji nagara kapuloan nu ngawengku pulo Grénada jeung genep pulo lianna di tenggaraeun Laut Karibia. Grénada aya di kalér-kuloneun Trinidad jeung Tobago, kalér-wétaneun Vénézuéla, jeung kidul-kuloneun Saint Vincent jeung Grenadines.

Tempo ogé[édit | édit sumber]

Bibliograpi[édit | édit sumber]

  • Adkin, Mark. 1989. Urgent Fury: The Battle for Grenada: The Truth Behind the Largest U.S. Military Operation Since Vietnam. Trans-Atlantic Publications. ISBN 0-85052-023-1
  • Beck, Robert J. 1993. The Grenada Invasion: Politics, Law, and Foreign Policy Decisionmaking. Boulder: Westview Press. ISBN 0-8133-8709-4
  • Brizan, George 1984. Grenada Island of Conflict: From Amerindians to People’s Revolution 1498–1979. London, Zed Books Ltd., publisher; Copyright, George Brizan, 1984.
  • Martin, John Angus. 2007. A–Z of Grenada Heritage. Macmillan Caribbean.[4]
  • Sinclair, Norma. 2003. Grenada: Isle of Spice (Caribbean Guides). Interlink Publishing Group; 3rd edition. ISBN 0-333-96806-9
  • Stark, James H. 1897. Stark’s Guide-Book and History of Trinidad including Tobago, Grenada, and St. Vincent; also a trip up the Orinoco and a description of the great Venezuelan Pitch Lake. Boston, James H. Stark, publisher; London, Sampson Low, Marston & Company.
  • Steele, Beverley A. 2003. Grenada: A History of Its People (Island Histories). MacMillan Caribbean. ISBN 0-333-93053-3

Rujukan[édit | édit sumber]

  1. "Government of Grenada Website". Diakses pada 1 Nopémber 2007. 
  2. Grenada factbook
  3. a b c d "Grenada". International Monetary Fund. Diakses pada 21 April 2011. 
  4. "Grenada Heritage". Diakses pada 28 Juni 2010. 

Tumbu kaluar[édit | édit sumber]

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