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Population statistics refer to numerical data on the population that is the subject of observation, and serve as a basis for analysis of demographic and social changes and tendencies that influence structural population changes.

Population changes are usually a result of the direct influence of natural changes (births and deaths) and mechanical changes (migration).

Sources of data on population and households are the Censuses which were carried out in 1921, 1931, 1948, 1953, 1961, 1971, 1981, 1991, 1994 and 2002, according to uniform methodologies and forms for all Census areas.

Estimated mid-year population figures are based on Census results and data on natural population increase, and since 1992 the estimations include the data on mechanical increase.

Registration of vital events (births, deaths and marriages) can be defined as registration of a person from his/her birth to the end of life, including changes of personal status (marital status). Sources of data on births, live births, deaths and marriages are the relevant registers, while for divorces, the registers and records of the relevant courts.

Migration of population, as one of the components of the population development, has dual implications over the demographic situation of an area or territory. Migrations directly influence the increase or decrease in population size (depending on whether the net migration is positive or negative). Besides changing the population size, considering the relatively higher proportion of the young and reproductively capable people, migrations are changing the age and sex structure of the population, and indirectly influence the intensity of the natural growth of the population. Sources of data on mechanical changes in population, i.e. migration of population within the Republic of Macedonia are the forms registering or notifying resettlement of removal, which are completed by competent clerks in the Ministry of Interior.

Since 2009, the State Statistical Office monitors the movement and residence of foreigners in the Republic of Macedonia by electronically obtaining data from the records of the Ministry of Interior.

Starting from 2004, the vital statistics data cover the vital events occurring only within the territory of the Republic of Macedonia. All indicators related to vital events are calculated on the basis of this methodology.

According to the data from the last Census of Population, Households and Dwellings in 2002, the Republic of Macedonia had 2.022.547 inhabitants, which is 3.9% more compared with the Census in 1994 and 43% more compared with the Census in 1948.

According to population estimates (at 30.06.2014), the Republic of Macedonia has 2 067 471 inhabitants, and the population density is 80.4 inhabitants per km2.

As regards population ageing, in 2014, the participation of the young population (age group 0-14) in the total population was 16.8%, and the participation of the old population (age group 65 and over) was 12.5%.

In 2014, the birth rate was 11.4 live births per 1000 inhabitants, and compared with the previous year, the number of live births increased by 458 children, or 2.0%.

The total fertility rate (TFR) in 2014 was 1.52 live births per woman.

According to the mothers’ age, in 2014, most (35.5%) were live births to mothers aged 25-29. The mean age of mothers for all live births was 28.5 years, while the mean age of mothers at first birth was 26.8 years.

Given that the largest number of live births (88.5 percent) in 2014 occurred within marriage, it can be said that the reduction of fertility is due to postponement of marriage to older age. The number of marriages registered in 2014 was 13 813, which represents a decrease of 1.2% compared to the previous year, while the number of divorces was 2 210, which represents an increase of 8.1% compared to 2013. The average age at first marriage is 26.0 years for bride and 28.8 for groom.

Changes in the age structure of the population have their impact on the number of deaths in the country. In 2014, there were 19 718 deaths, an increase of 2.7% compared to the previous year. The average age at death is 69.9 years for males and 74.8 years for females, which means that women live 4.9 years longer on average.

The most common causes of death are circulatory diseases with 57.2% of the total number of deaths, followed by neoplasms with 18.9%, symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical findings, not elsewhere classified with 7.4%, endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases with 4.2%, etc.

As a result of the declining birth rate and the increasing rate of general mortality in the last 10 years, the rate of natural increase has dropped from 2.7‰ (per 1000 population) in 2004 to 1.9‰ in 2014.

In 2014, 8 260 persons changed their place of residence within the Republic of Macedonia, and net migration was 1 699 persons.
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Key Indicators
  Birth rate  ( 2014) : 11.4 live births per 1000 inh.  

  Rate of natural increase  ( 2014) : 1.9 per 1000 inh.  

  Total fertility rate  ( 2014) : 1.52 live births per woman  

  Crude mortality rate  ( 2014) : 9.5 deaths per 1000 inh.  

  Infant mortality rate  ( 2014) : 9.9 infant deaths per 1000 inh.  

  Nuptiality rate  ( 2014) : 6.7 marriages per 1000 inh.  

  Divorciality rate  ( 2014) : 1.1 divorces per 1000 inh.  

  Net migration  ( 2014) : 1 699  

  Population  ( 31.12.2014) : 2 069 172  

Time Series

Terms and explanations

Live birth - is the complete expulsion or extraction from its mother of a product of conception irrespective of the duration of pregnancy, which after such separation, breathes or shows any other evidence of life, such as beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord or definite movement of voluntary muscles, whether or not the umbilical cord has been cut or placenta is attached.

Stillbirth (late foetal death) - If a child has been born or taken out of its mother's body without any signs of life (such as heartbeats or muscle movements), but only if the gestation period was 28 and more weeks.

Crude birth rate - crude birth rate is the ratio between the number of live births in the calendar year and the same mid-year population, multiplied by 1000.

Rate of natural increase - the rate of natural increase shows the difference between live births and deaths during the year divided by the mid-year population, multiplied by 1000.

Natural increase - the difference between the number of live births and the number of deaths for a specified period of time.

Total fertility rate (TFR) - is the average number of children that would be born alive to a woman, assuming no female mortality at child bearing ages (15-49) and the age-specific fertility rates of a specified reference year.

Crude mortality rate - is the ratio between the number of deaths in the calendar year and the mid-year population of the same period, multiplied by 1000.

Infant mortality rate - is the ratio between the number of infant deaths in a given calendar year and the number of live births in the same year, multiplied by 1000.

A deceased person - is every live-born person that showed permanent disappearance of all evidence of vital functions.

An infant death - is a child who died before completion of the first year of age.

Marriage is the act by which the legal relationship of husband and wife is constituted.

Divorce is the final dissolution of a marriage by a valid decision of a competent court.

Nuptiality rate - the ratio between the number of marriages during a given year and the mid-year population of the same period, multiplied by 1000.

Divorciality rate - the ratio between the number of divorces during a given year and the mid-year population of the same period, multiplied by 1000.

Internal migration covers the changes of the place of permanent residence or stay within the Republic of Macedonia.

International migration covers the movement of citizens of the Republic of Macedonia to and from other countries, as well as the movement of foreigners.

Net migration of population is the difference between the number of immigrants and emigrants of a particular country in a given period of time.

Citizens of the Republic of Macedonia are persons with Macedonian citizenship and registered permanent and/or temporary residence/stay in Macedonia.

Citizens of the Republic of Macedonia, residents of Macedonia, are persons with Macedonian citizenship, counted as population of Macedonia.

Citizens of the Republic of Macedonia, not residents of Macedonia, are persons with Macedonian citizenship and registered permanent and/or temporary residence in Macedonia who are not counted as population of Macedonia due to the length or intended length of their stay.

Foreigner is:

- person with foreign citizenship and permission for permanent or temporary residence in the Republic of Macedonia,

- person with foreign citizenship and valid work permit or business visa, who has a registered temporary residence in the Republic of Macedonia,

- person without established citizenship or without citizenship, who has a registered permanent or temporary residence in the Republic of Macedonia.


© State Statistical Office