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flag of Georgia Georgia

Farmer with his cattle on the outskirts of Gori, Georgia.

Farmer with his cattle on the outskirts of Gori, Georgia. © Chris Stowers (Panos)

Following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the newly independent Georgia faced high levels of poverty, internal conflict, poor governance and an inefficient economy, including high unemployment (reaching 65% in 1994). For 17 years, the UK and other donors worked with the government of Georgia to identify the country’s main development needs and deliver strategies to tackle these challenges.

In recognition of the significant progress that Georgia has made, DFID shut its office in Tiblisi in December 2008. However, UK aid will continue to be channelled through other organisations, including the European Union, the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the UN.

Key facts

Population: 4.4 million
Average life expectancy: 71 years
Average per capita income: US$4,770

Find out more in Key facts: Georgia

DFID's achievements

DIFD's accomplishements in:

  • governance
  • regional development
  • primary health-care reform
  • European integration
  • conflict resolution


Find out more in DFID's achievements: Georgia