The World Factbook

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The World Factbook  
Sampul édisi citak The World Factbook pamaréntah (édisi 2012-13).
Panulis Central Intelligence Agency
Basa Basa Inggris
Rupa Almanak ngeunaan nagara-nagara di dunya
Nu medalkeun Diréktorat Intélijen[1]

The World Factbook (ISSN 1553-8133; kawanoh ogé salaku CIA World Factbook)[2] nyaéta sumber rujukan anu diproduksi ku CIA Amérika Sarikat dina wangun almanak ngeunaan nagara-nagara di dunya.

Rujukan[édit | édit sumber]

  1. Central Intelligence Agency (2007-04-25). "Intelligence & Analysis - Products". Diakses pada 23 Oktober 2010. "The DI publishes unclassified reference aids that are available to the public. The annual World Factbook is a comprehensive compendium of profiles on more than 260 countries and other entities."  (Archived by WebCite at

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