Vikipedeja:Dūmu meits

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puslopa, kuramā var meitīs redzīnim, aizdūt vaicuojumus, izsaceit idejis, diskutēt i tai tuoļuok.

Lyudzams, pasarakstej sovejūs komentarus ar četrom tildem (~~~~).
Jaunus komentarus, lyudzams, davīnoj lopys zemīnē.
Damīdz ite, kab atstuotu jaunu viesti.

Nerunā latgaliski? Pajautā latviski! Nekalbi latgališkai? Paklausk lietuviškai!
Don't speak Latgalian? Ask in English! Не говоришь по-латгальски? Спроси по-русски!

Puslopu ruodeklis


Meilī ļauds, kas struodoj pi latgaliskuos versejis Vikipedejai! As byutu ar mīru īsasaisteit kūpeigajā dorbā, bet juosoka pagaidam ite dīzgon pagryuši saprast darbeibys sistemu i juos papyldynuošonys sistemu. Ari Jiusu kontaktinformaceju maņ naizadeve atrast :( 26393531

P.S. :) atrodu augšejā lobajā styurī, kai dasaregistrēt - tagad pieteju itū lopu tuoļuok...

Vasals, breineigi, ka gribi atīt par paleigu! Kū vaira byus tolcuonu, tū dreižuok aizpiļdeisim tānejuos sprogys i dadzeisim koč jau vysutyvuokūs kaimiņus - žemaišus Lītovā i vyrovīšus Igaunejā. Jī vēļ napaseņ turēja pa kaidim 500 rakstīņu, niule jau - vaira kai 1000.
1. Suoc ar tū, ka ej iz golvonū puslopu i izguodoj, kurū atzari gribātim papiļdeit. Zylys kruosys teksts irā nūruodis iz tū, kū cyti jau ap itū temu pīrakstejuši. Sorkonys kruosys teksts zeimoj, ka nūruode sataiseita, bet, nūīmūt pa jai, poša teksta vītā vēļ navā nikuo. Malnys kruosys teksts zeimoj, ka i pošys nūruodis vēļ navā.
2. Piečuok pastaigoj pa puslopom, pamaigi iz "Edit" i patiemiej, kai teksts izaver kodātā atmejā. Kodiejums cīši parosts:
pa treis apostrofi teksta obejūs golūs zeimoj tukluokus literus ("Bold";
pa div apostrofi teksta obejūs golūs zeimoj kursivu ("Italic");
pa pīci apostrofi teksta obejūs golūs zeimoj "Bold" + "Italic";
< br > (bez atostumu) zeimoj puorceļšonu iz jaunu aileņu;
< br >< br > (bez atostumu) zeimoj puorceļšonu pa div ailenis iz prīšku;
[ [ ... | ... ] ] (bez atostumu) zeimoj nūruodi - patiemiej, kai tys dareits jau asūšajūs rakstīņūs.
Vēļ irā kurys nakurys zeimis, bet ap jom - piečuok, kod jau pamatus byusi izavuicejs.
3. Kab byutu vīgļuok, īsoku pajimt jau asūšu rakstīni, damīgt "Edit" ("Edit" viersā - vysa rakstīņa kodiejums; "Edit" suonā - tik tuos atdalis kodiejums), aizzeimuot ("Select" aba "Ctrl+A") vysu kodātū tekstu i puorspīst caur "Copy" i "Paste" (voi "Ctrl+C" i "Ctrl+V") iz tū vītu, kur gribiesi raksteit pats sovu gobolu, i "raksteit viersā", izlītojūt jau asūšuo kodiejuma šablonu. Tik puorspīžūt vajag dasavērt (!!!) diveju lītu:
  • kab puorspīzdams svešu rakstīņu kodus nadamīgtim "Save page" zamoškā - tūlaik var sasamaituot teksts;
  • kab tovā jaunajā tekstā napalyktu teksta "pādi" nu agruokuo rakstīņa - "pādi" var palikt tik kodiejuma zinē, a tekstu puormej vysu pats sovu.
4. Kur kū raksteit? Ite paraugam byus diveji varianti, kurus vari izraudzeit papiļdeit:
  • golvonajā puslopā atrūņ "Ļaudeiba" -> "Pasauļa vaļsteibys", damīdz; atsadareis vaļsteibu saroksts, pyrmais byus "Afganistans" - vari damīgt iz juo i paraudzeit kū naviņ pīraksteit ap Afganistanu (informaceju var atrast iņternetā, bet vajag dasavērt, kab jei kuortuotūs nazcik olūtūs (na tik vīnā) i partū byutu patycama);
  • golvonajā puslopā atrūņ "Latgola" -> "Religeja", damīdz; atrūņ "Latgolys katuoļu bazneicys"; tai vys tuoļuok īdams atrassi vītu vysam Latgolys katuoļu bazneicu sarokstam; vari, saceisim, apraksteit vīnu bazneicu.
Vaicoj, kas vēļ naskaidrys. Vaicoj ite pat - Vikipedeja irā virtuala kūpeiba ("virtual community"), i latgalīšu Vikipedejis kontaktu vīta ir ite - taišni tī, kur tu niu skaiti:) Lai lūbsīs dorbs! Ej tolkā i vaicoj, kas naskaidrys! Stiernīts 14:34, 8 April 2007 (UTC)

Kod oficialai dasaceisim latgalīšu Vikipedeju?[pataiseit]

Kai zynoms, žemaišim i vyrovīšim jau ir sovys vikipedejis - [1] i [2]. Prūtams, varim i tuoļuok roksteit ite - inkubatorā, bet pošim sovs Vikipedejis muižys vuords ari byutu loba līta ari kuplynuotu myusu skaiteituoju i roksteituoju kūpu. Pa munam, byutu vajadzeigi kaidi 2-3 raksteituoji, kurim latgalīšu volūda ir dzymtuo (kai vīgli saprast, es taids naasmu). Kod byus latgalīšu vikipedejis ībolsuošona, tod vysi native speakers varēs pi sova bolsa dalikt literu N - ar bolsuošonu na vysod īt vīgli - [3]. Stiernīts jau šmukus tekstus dalika i nazcik agruokūs klaidu puorlobuoja. Nu taipoš vajadzeiga i infrastruktura - rakstīņs par wiki-markiešonu jaunajim autorim, rakstīņs par pareizraksteibu. Kod byus skaidri tī pamata vaicuojumi, tod ilguok gaideit, pa munam, navajag. Kalvis.apsitis 18:03, 10 October 2006 (UTC)

Ta pradiekat so prašimo Latgaliu vikipedėjės [4]. Padiesam.
Tūlaik suocit nu prasejuma ap latgalīšu vikipedeju [5]. Paleidzēsim. Zordsdavini 08:28, 13 October 2006 (UTC)
Stiernīts napaseņ pasūleja Encyklopedejis strukturu - ka tū liktumem vydā, byutu lels paleigs raksteituojim. Ka latgalīšu Vikipedejā byus daudzi materiala, byus vys gryušuok dareit lelys puormejis. Da šam vīns maņ napazeistams autors dalyka nazkū par VEFa skrīnmašiņu modelim. Daguoja tū puorceļt nu suoku puslopys zam Aviacejis. Ka nabyus radzama struktura, varātu byut, ka autori sirdeisīs naatroduši sova rakstīņa tamā pošā vītā. Kalvis.apsitis 10:50, 13 October 2006 (UTC)
Maņ taidi aizguodi, ka tys "napazeistamais autors" varātu byut Aviātors:) Guodoju, ka byus lobs tolcuons i pi myusu;)
Cyta vydā - kas zyna, kur var atrast tū tabeleiti: "Itys lītuotuojs latgalīšu volūdu muok vydyskā leidzīnī"? Stiernīts 15:01, 4 November 2006 (UTC)
Čė mustās šneki aple "babel" šabluona?
Ite tu nak jau runoj ap "babel" šablonu? Zordsdavini 11:19, 7 November 2006 (UTC)
Nui, ap jū. Latgalīšu volūdys muociešonys šablons jau irā Aviātora lītuotuoja puslopā, tik jimā drupeit vajadzātu palobuot raksteibu. A ap cytu volūdu muociešonu taidus šablonus vajag sataiseit latgaliskai. Stiernīts 15:19, 7 November 2006 (UTC)
Nu ton šabluona geriau dėrbtė, kumet jau vikipedėjė būs. Lietā anėi sokas :( 14:09, 20 November 2006 (UTC)
Stiernīts priregistrava prašīma Latgalėškā vikipedėjē - pareiškat parama ("Support") anā [6]
Stiernīts registrēja dasacejumu latgalīšu vikipedejai - izsokit sovu atspaidu ("Support") jai [7]Zordsdavini 11:11, 13 October 2006 (UTC)

Latgalīšu Vikipedejis projekts lūbeigai ībolsuots. [8] Paļdis vysim, kuri bolsova!
Vacajā vītā nikuo ap latgalīšu Vikipedeju navā - nasabeistit verūtīs iz [9]. Dazynuošona/informaceja tān ir ite: [10].

Klausimas Zordsdavini i kitiems žemaičiams: Ar ilgai laukti už srities vardą (DNS)? Ar bus reikalingas latgalų administratorius?
Vaicuojums nu Zordsdavini i cytu žemaišu: ci ilgai vajag gaideit muižys vuorda (DNS)? Ci byus vajadzeigs latgalīšu administrators?

Kėik lauktė - napasakīso. Šēp kor kas mienesė, bet viskuo būn. Latgaliu administratuorios tikrā īr rēkalings. Savėm siūlau ėrgi pri anū. Deja, rašītė nalabā galieso, nes namuoko, bet visūs kitūs rēkalūs padieso. Administratuorē sokoramė puo vikipedėjės sokorėma ;)
Cik daīs gaideit - napasaceišu. Vysā jau jūs taisa kas mieneša, bet byun vysa kuo. Latgalīšu administrators eistyn irā vajadzeigs. Sevi pasūlu taipoš pi jūs. Žāļ, ka raksteit na cīš kū variešu, tok vysuos cytuos lītuos paliedziešu. Administratori sataisomi piec vikipedejis sataiseišonys ;) Zordsdavini 08:49, 31 October 2006 (UTC)
Ėš tėkra geriau pradiuo torietė biuruokrata vėina, vuo ne ožsakinietė daug admėnu (sysop), ons galies admėnus skėrtė. Zordsdavini 14:07, 30 November 2006 (UTC)

Prīš dā koront būtom gerā ėškart pasakītė kuokė kalba pradiuo būs. Ėš onglu jauto verstė īr napatuogē, ta gal geriau nuruodītė latviu. Namespace liktās vadėnas. Zordsdavini 14:07, 30 November 2006 (UTC)

Registrieju jaunu dasacejumu latgalīšu vikipedejai. (Pasėkeitė taisīklės ė vėsks vielek nu pradiū) Zordsdavini 08:40, 12 February 2007 (UTC)

Stiļa vuiceiba deļ jaunūs autoru[pataiseit]

Prosu vysu (i eistyn tūs, kurim latgalīšu volūda dzymtuo i kurim nasagrib redzēt ite daudzi taidu rakstīņu, ap kurim nazynuosim - treit iz reizis uorē ci puorlobuot da pošu pamatu) pīsadaleitu stiļa pamatu (style guidelines) raksteišonā. Ka autors nazkaidā situacejā navā drūss, vajag pasūleit jam izsprīdumu. Tys varātu byut i kolektivs sasprīdums, i kaida autoritativa rekomendaceja. Pa munam, lobuok, ka irā koč napiļneigs parāds, nakai piļneigs haoss (Prudons to saceja: Anarheja ir parāds ci Хаос - мать порядка - Proudhon). Ka rakstīnī ap pareizraksteibu irā klaidys voi duraceibys, tod lyudzu tū puormeit. Kalvis.apsitis 19:39, 10 October 2006 (UTC)

Latgalīšu Vikipedeja i roboti[pataiseit]

Vikipedeja jau 6 godus ekzistej bez lelu gryutumu. I piec sovvaļnīku/vandaļu dorbu (kod jī puormej rakstīņus i vītā roksta aptuomeibys) vysod bejs vīgli atsagrīzt atpakaļ da pareizuo teksta. Tok drūss teik baileigs - varbyut vajadzeigs pagluobis puorspīdums? Pīvadumam, robots, kurs puorstaigoj latgalīšu vikipedejis rakstīņus ; i turīni izgloboj iz atsaceiga cylvāka lokaluo diska. Robots varātu ari skaiteit bīžuokuos pareizraksteibys klaidys (pīvadumam, ka kurs cieški lītoj tūs pošus napareizūs baļticizmus voi rusicizmus...). I apsaver, voi nūruodis vēļ dora; voi napropulst (i voi nav puormeiti) lobi teksti. Varbyut kam ir zynomi roboti, kuri varātu automatiski tū dareit, kab mes napagaisynuotumem nikuo loba i vierteiga? 20:07, 10 October 2006 (UTC)

ISO kods?[pataiseit]

Ar īr pradiets ISO kuoda prašīms?
Voi irā aizsuokts ISO koda dasacejums? Zordsdavini 08:30, 13 October 2006 (UTC)

Latgalīšu volūda ISO standartūs - itymā rakstīnī par myusu ISO koda situaceju - lyudzu puormeit, ka kas na tai.
Atsakymas apie ISO kodą - atrodo, kad latgalų kalba dar neturi ISO kodą. I [11], i US Congress Library i Ethnologue - panaši situacija: latgalai charakterizuoti kaip vienas iš latvių kalbos dialektų. Galbūt, ISO koda registravimas pavyks tada, kada atsiųsim JAV Kongreso bibliotekai 30-50 latgalų knygų, a galbūt reikalingas "Latvijos elektroninių dalykų ministerijos" [12] prašymas? Tikrai nežinau. Kokia žemaičių kalbos situacija i jos ISO klausymai?
Atsacejums ap ISO kodu - ruodīs, ka lagalīšu volūda vēļ natur ISO koda. I [13], i US Congress Library i Ethnologue - leidzeiga situaceja: latgalīši karakterizāti kai vīns nu latvīšu volūdys dialektu. Varama līta, ISO kodu registrēt lūbsīs tūlaik, kod atsyuteisim ASV Kongresa bibliotekai 30-50 latgalīšu gruomotu, a varbyut vajadzeigs "Latvejis elektroniskūs lītu ministrejis" [14] prasejums? Eistyn nazynu. Kaida žemaišu volūdys situaceja i juos ISO vaicuojumi? Kalvis.apsitis 11:18, 13 October 2006 (UTC)
Pas mumis situacėjė apraša geriausē kelė laiškiokā:
Pi myusu situaceju vysulobuok aproksta nazcik viestuleišu: [15] [16] [17]
Liktās vėsks gerā būs. Kningu mes tėik natoram, vuo bibliuotekas galat ė sava nuruodītė. Aš nuruodiuo ėš vėsa Žemaitiu koltūras draugėjė.
Kaiba vyss byus labi. Gruomotu mes tai daudzi naturim, a bibliotekys varit i sovys nūruodeit. Es vysā nūruodeju Žemaišu kulturys bīdreibu Zordsdavini 12:07, 13 October 2006 (UTC)
Beje, aš žemaitiu kalba pristatīdams mėnavuojau anūn kap "minor language" kap bavaru, kašubu ė pan.
Cyta vydā, es žemaišu volūdu prīškāstateidams pasauču juos "minor language" kai bavarīšu, kašubīšu i leidz. 19:17, 15 October 2006 (UTC)


Rēk sokortė wiki logo. Kap latgalėškā: "Wikipedia/free enciklopedia"?
Vajag sataiseit wiki logo. Kai byus latgaliskai "Wikipedia/free enciklopedia"? Zordsdavini 07:35, 17 October 2006 (UTC)

Latgaliskai tys irā "Vikipedeja/breivuo eņciklopedeja". Tev zynomys programys, kurys gatavej taidus logo? Kalvis.apsitis 07:45, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
Aš galo pats pamegentė nupaišītė.
Es varu pats paraudzeit izzeimēt Zordsdavini 08:22, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
Čė on grētūju Paskiau nupaišīso geriau (dabā kuo tā narīškē gavuos).
Ite iz dreizuos rūkys. Piečuok izzeimiešu lobuok Zordsdavini 08:47, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
Jau pataisiau
Jau pataiseju Zordsdavini 08:52, 17 October 2006 (UTC)
Labai ačiū!
Cīši paļdis! 12:33, 17 October 2006 (UTC)

Dasaregistriešona Inkubatorā[pataiseit]

Atlaidit, mun taids vaicuojums. Asu Latvīšu Vikipedejā jau dasaregistriejs, tok grybātu ite ari. Dieļ kuo navar jimt jau tū pošu vuordu? Kai cytvolūdu rakstīņi - tei poša tema, aļa volūda cyta. Ci maņ latgalīšu Vikipedejā vaiga jaunu propilu? I vieļ - tei eislaiceiguo verseja padora kasdiņa dorbu cīši gryušu, ka navā vaira bat-ltg Vikipedejis. - Roalds.

Активные пользователи dūmu meita[pataiseit]

Итак, создаю эту тему, чтобы на первых парах узнать о количестве активистов этого раздела. --Dark Eagle (runuot · devīņs) 12:58, 9 January 2011 (UTC)

+1 Я более или менее активен в латгальской ВП (пока инкубатора).Afro-Braz-Ilian talk 14:35, 9 January 2011 (UTC)
+1 я тоже=)--Andrijko Z. 14:48, 9 January 2011 (UTC)

Среди нас или наших знакомых / друзей есть специалисты по латгальскому языку? Andrijko Z. 20:09, 9 January 2011 (UTC)

Могу предложить 2-их - Roalds и Stiernīts (постараюсь с ними связаться) но на крайняк и я могу им быть  ;Р --Dark Eagle (runuot · devīņs) 21:22, 9 January 2011 (UTC)
Можно ещё связаться по вики-почте с участником Vucyns (он же Vcuks?), который был довольно активен несколько лет назад, а также написать участнику Kalvis.apsitis, который недавно возобновил активность.
Есть на уме люди, которым можно было бы предложить поучаствовать в проекте, но их участие не могу гарантировать, во-первых, по той причине, что это отнимает массу свободного времени (особенно, если человек только начинает писать в ВП и плохо знаком с вики-разметкой, стилем, правилами итп.), во-вторых, потому что есть и другие способы публичного использования языка на письме, например, публицистика. По этим и другим причинам многие, знающие о проекте, пока не приняли активного в нём участия.
Думаю, не было бы плохо заняться популяризацией проекта в Интернете (которая до этого времени ведётся довольно вяло), размещением извещений в популярных в Латвии социальных сетях, размещением баннеров на латгальских сайтах итп. —Gleb Borisov 16:09, 10 January 2011 (UTC)
Gleb, а ты бы не согласился быть тем спецом?
А насчёт популеризации, многие не вносят сюда вклад, т.к. это всеголишь инкубатор и в скором времени они также покидают проект... поэтому сперва нужно создать эту википедию, и только потом зазывать толпы народа --Dark Eagle (runuot · devīņs) 17:20, 10 January 2011 (UTC)
Спецом для каких задач? —Gleb Borisov 21:43, 10 January 2011 (UTC)
Спецом по латгальскому языку ;) По этому выводу, следует связываться с meta:User:Shanel (самый активный из лангкома) и вдолбить ему, что этот раздел соответсвует всем критериям, чтобы он был создан --Dark Eagle (runuot · devīņs) 22:27, 10 January 2011 (UTC)
Боюсь, я не подхожу уже по той причине, что являюсь участником проекта, а по этому заинтересованной, ненейтральной стороной. А, во-вторых тут нужен авторитетный источник как человек с учёной степенью, например, Лидия Лейкума. —Gleb Borisov 22:46, 10 January 2011 (UTC)
  • Напишите письмо Лидии Лейкума, попросите посодействоватьAndrijko Z. 00:23, 11 January 2011 (UTC)
    • И еще: ребят, я заметил - мы прям с вами такие активные стали=) Давайте еще за январь каждый из нас сделает по 10 правок в вепсском и кабардино-черкесском разделах, у них тоже хороший уровень, и им надо помочь хотя бы мизерной помощью, а уж дальше они выгребут=)Andrijko Z. 03:10, 11 January 2011 (UTC)
      • Насчёт вепсского и кабардино-черкесского разделов — нет проблем, думаю, можно за январь и больше правок сделать. —Gleb Borisov 12:21, 11 January 2011 (UTC)

Latgaļu/latgalīšu volūda[pataiseit]

Старые раны о главном... Высказываем своё мнение (желательно с аргументами) --Dark Eagle (runuot · devīņs) 19:05, 12 January 2011 (UTC)

  • То есть?=)Andrijko Z. 19:41, 12 January 2011 (UTC)
Какое название латгальского языка является правильным... --Dark Eagle (runuot · devīņs) 21:54, 12 January 2011 (UTC)
Я хоть вообще не владею латгальским, но мне кажется, что тут все очевидно: фраза "латгальский язык - latgalīšu volūda, фраза "латгальский" - Latgaļu, также как "русский язык", "русский", "украинский язык", "украинский" и т.д... Тут нужно употреблять в зависимости от того, как от тебя требуют (какую форму). С точки зрения лингвистики самоназвание русского языка "русский язык", а не просто "русский", потому что "русским" может быть все что угодно, а "русским языком" - только язык=) Andrijko Z. 22:02, 12 January 2011 (UTC)

ISO code[pataiseit]

If i am not mistaken, you requested a new ISO code for your language. Can you tell us about the process - how did you apply, which documents did you need to get, how did you convince ISO to get you the code? This may be useful for future applicants. Feel free to create a new page on Meta about it.

If you already wrote something about it, please share a link. Thank you. --Amir E. Aharoni 01:50, 11 February 2011 (UTC)

This project is approved[pataiseit]

The Board of Trustees and language committee have deemed that there is sufficient grounds and community to create the new language project. Congratulations!

The domain will be created soon. Until then we recommended to continue working in the incubator. --Amir E. Aharoni 08:46, 13 February 2011 (UTC)

The day has come!!! Greatest GRATITUDE to our Holy Father, to all contributors and supporters from all other Wiki Incubator projects! We have done a hard work for many years to open this wikipedia page. I am so happy! Reason for celebrity! Roalds* 18:16, 13 February 2011 (UTC)

Administracejis ībolsuošona[pataiseit]

Ībolsuosim administraceju, kab īsuoktu dorbu kai piļņvierteigs projekts!

Pasūleišu sevi kai pirmū kaņdidatu =) arī Gleb Borisov vor kļūt par adminu... --Dark Eagle (runuot · devīņs) 18:47, 15 February 2011 (UTC)

Maņ dūmojās, ka Vikipedejis administratorus var ībolsuot tik piec juos atdareišonys. Pīmāram, rusinu Vikipedejā pyrmais admins ībolsuots tik aizguojušā nedeļā. --Gleb Borisov 21:35, 15 February 2011 (UTC)
Nui! Cikom Vikipedeja navā atdareita, nikaidys administracejis navar byut. Tok mes varim paguoduot - kaidu administraceju sataiseit? Vysi administratori nabyus, guoduoju, vajag vērtīs pa aiktivitatei i cik ilgi ite inkubatorā dora. I kai ar birokratim? I myusim vajag BOTus, vīnam obligatai vajag byut volūdys BOTam (seņ taidu ite gribieja), kas palabuotum seikuos standarta klaidenis. Vorbyut nūstateit, ka par administratoru var byut tik tod, ka mieneša laikā padora, par pīvadumu, 50 lobuojumus? Myusim vajag mudri izaraisteit! Roalds* 11:54, 16 February 2011 (UTC)
Birokratu pi myusim var ari nabyut, kai tys irā lelumā Vikipedeju. Runuojūt ap botim, guodoju, ka vājadzēs pījimt botu standarta nūsacejumus, kai tys tyka padareits rusinu Vikipedijā, kab atvīglynuotu botu registraceju. Ap administratorim — nui, parostai vysur, kab varātu kaņdidēt iz nazkuru karūgu, lītuotuojam vajag byut nūstateitam stažam i redigiejumu skaitam. --Gleb Borisov 05:07, 19 February 2011 (UTC)
Taid vajadzātu ite pataiseit en:Wikipedia:Bot policy leidzeigu puslopu --Dark Eagle (runuot · devīņs) 10:21, 19 February 2011 (UTC)
Navā dastateigai. Var sataiseit puslopu Vikipedeja:Boti, kurā byus dūta nūruode iz m:Bot policy i kurā varēs izvītuot aizprasejumus piec bota tīseibu daškieršonys. Verīs, kai tys irā, pīm., pi žemaišim. --Gleb Borisov 13:49, 19 February 2011 (UTC)

Viereibys! Varbyut gols golā sataisam sovu administraceju? Tān Vikipedeja atdareita, var ībolsuot vysakū. --Roalds 11:30, 6 sulu mieness 2011 (EEST)

  • Vīns (tamlaiceigs) administrators myusim jau irā. Kab ībolsuotu kaidu jaunu administratoru, vajag atdareit ite jaunu temu (vīnā temā vīns lītuotuojs) i piec bolsuojuma aizpraseit statusu ite: meta:Steward requests/Permissions#Administrator access, īdūdūt nūruodi iz atteiceigū diskuseju. Itū var aizsuokt sevkurs. --Glebs 15:52, 6 sulu mieness 2011 (EEST)
    • Munys prīkšrūceibys navā piļneigis... tyk pamati, pīvadumam navaru dūt botim flagus itt. --Dark Eagle 19:39, 6 sulu mieness 2011 (EEST)

Vuordu pluots[pataiseit]

Vysim gribu pīvierst uzmaneibu ap NAMESPACES. Kaidi būs prīkšlikumi? --Dark Eagle 18:13, 20 Marts / Pavasara mieness 2011 (UTC)

Kū tu eistyn grybi saceit? Ka runa irā ap tū, ka pošulaik teik lītuoti latvīšu volūdys namespaces latgaļu vītā, tod, cik saprūtu, tys irā tik laika vaicuojums. --Gleb Borisov 03:55, 21 Marts / Pavasara mieness 2011 (EET)
As runuoju ap namespaces puorvārsumu pareizeibu... --Dark Eagle 07:56, 21 Marts / Pavasara mieness 2011 (EET)

Vaicuojums ap sprīžām: kai pereizuok būs Vikipedejis sprīža ci Sprīža ap Vikipedeju(?), tys saisteits ar vuordu pluotu atjaunynuošonu --Dark Eagle 12:20, 22 Pavasara mieness 2011 (EET)

Šūdīn vokorā vuordu pluots tiks puormeits latagliskai, ja ceļās kaidi vaicuojumi, vērstīs bugzilla:28184 --Dark Eagle 18:43, 22 Pavasara mieness 2011 (EET)
Lai jau palīk Vikipedejis sprīža, tik varbyut varātu analogiskai puormeit ari cytus vuordu pluotus, pīvadumam, Sprīža ap lītuotuoju. Cyta vydā guodoju, ka tān vajadzātu palaist botu, kas puormeitu vysuos lopuos [[Lietotājs: iz [[Lītuotuojs:, [[Kategorija: iz Kategoreja: i t. t. --Gleb Borisov 19:54, 23 Pavasara mieness 2011 (EET)
Tyka puormeiti vysi vuordu pluoti... I tuvuokuo loikā palaideišu bots, lai puormietu vacu vuordu pluotu pasaukys --Dark Eagle 20:42, 23 Pavasara mieness 2011 (EET)

Bot policy[pataiseit]

Hello. To facilitate steward granting of bot access, I suggest implementing the standard bot policy on this wiki. In particular, this policy allows stewards to automatically flag known interlanguage linking bots (if this page says that is acceptable), which form the vast majority of such requests. The policy also enables global bots on this wiki (if this page says that is acceptable), which are trusted bots that will be given bot access on every wiki that allows global bots.

This policy makes bot access requesting much easier for local users, operators, and stewards. To implement it we only need to create a redirect to this page from Project:Bot policy, and add a line at the top noting that it is used here. Please read the text at m:Bot policy before commenting. If you object, please say so; I hope to implement in two weeks if there is no objection, since it is particularly written to streamline bot requests on wikis with little or no community interested in bot access requests. Manuelt15 22:13, 20 Marts / Pavasara mieness 2011 (EET)


  1. --Gleb Borisov 04:00, 21 Marts / Pavasara mieness 2011 (EET)
  2. --Dark Eagle 07:56, 21 Marts / Pavasara mieness 2011 (EET)
  3. --Roalds 10:48, 22 Pavasara mieness 2011 (EET)
  4. --GreenZeb 15:36, 22 Pavasara mieness 2011 (EET)
  5. --Edgars2007 15:36, 22 Pavasara mieness 2011 (EET)
  6. --Viskonsas 11:48, 31 Pavasara mieness 2011 (EEST)


  • none


Vajadzātu taid puorvērst m:Bot policy latgaliskai, i sataiseit puslopu Vikipedeja:Boti --Dark Eagle 12:16, 22 Pavasara mieness 2011 (EET)

Implemented. Manuelt15 23:02, 2 sulu mieness 2011 (EEST)


Es nemāku izteikties latgaliešu valodā, bet vēlīni sveicieni visiem ar latgaļu Vikipēdijas oficiālo izveidi! ;) Jau sen to vajadzēja izdarīt! --GreenZeb 00:39, 21 Marts / Pavasara mieness 2011 (EET)

Volūdu sarokstā rezultati ilgai īkešuoti[pataiseit]

Itymā lopā latgalīšu Vikipedejis navā - [18] (jai vajadzātu byut nazkur starp bazneicslavu i karakalpaku volūdom). Nu suoku dūmuoju, ka tī rezultati ir nu nazkaida keša i paīs nedele i byus. Nu ūtrys pusis, verūs, ka - Vikipedeju statistikys lopā latgalīšu Vikipedejis verseja ir apzeimuota ar sorkonu (navā normaluos vērteibys "1.16wmf4"). Varbyut nazkas navā vēļ izdareits? Kalvis 19:47, 23 Pavasara mieness 2011 (EET)

Sovaidai, maņ gi pyrmajā lopā latg. Vikipedeja irā. --Gleb Borisov 20:01, 23 Pavasara mieness 2011 (EET)
Ar atrodu:
225      Latgalian       Latgaļu         ltg     453     918     11,071  2       194     -1      0       13
--Dark Eagle 20:45, 23 Pavasara mieness 2011 (EET)
Nu suoku naredzēju i nazcik reizis mīdzu sovā Firefox'ā iz Refresh. A tod spīdu vīnlaiceigai iz Shift i Firefox'a pūgu Refresh (pa munam, tys nūzeimoj atsyuteit lopu ar HTTP aizprasejuma hederi "Cache-Control: no-cache") i tod gols golā īraudzeju itū pošu aili kū jyus. Izaruoda, ka muna puorsavierieja kešā beja nazkaida vaca ituo saroksta verseja :) Cyts metods byutu Tools > Clear Recent History i sovu kešu vīnkuorši iztreit - bet tas napaleidzēs gadīnī, kad ceļā nu mums da Vikipedejis irā kaids starpnīkservers (proxy) ar sovu vacū kešu. Kalvis 23:50, 24 Pavasara mieness 2011 (EET)

Current events[pataiseit]

Kai puorvast frazi "Current events" - Īmamie nūtikšonys? --Dark Eagle 14:54, 26 Pavasara mieness 2011 (EET)

Tod jau byutu Īmamuos nūtikšonys. Varbyut pīrokstom parostai Aktualumi? --Glebs 20:09, 26 Pavasara mieness 2011 (EET)
Nadūmuoju, ka en:Portal:Current events pīstuov pasauka Aktualumi... --Dark Eagle 23:27, 26 Pavasara mieness 2011 (EET)
Beju pasavērs latvīšu Vikipedejā... Jim Aktualumi (Aktualitātes). --Glebs 23:41, 26 Pavasara mieness 2011 (EET)
Jim tys nava pa temoj, tā irā parodeja... Kai ira lītaunīkim? --Dark Eagle 23:51, 26 Pavasara mieness 2011 (EET)
Naradzu jim taidys puslopys. Jim juos vītā Forums. --Glebs 23:57, 26 Pavasara mieness 2011 (EET)
Tānejuos nūtikšonys --Stiernīts 19:57, 10 sulu mieness 2011 (EEST)

Congratulations, Latgalians![pataiseit]

Vasals, Latgalians, it's grate to see that you have now Vikipedeja in your own language! My small gift to you is an article I wrote today to the Võro vikipeediä about the Latgalian language: With best wishes, your northern neighbour --Võrok 23:11, 30 Pavasara mieness 2011 (EEST) (from the Võro vikipeediä).

Tereq, aitjumma! Very nice present. :) -- Glebs 23:38, 30 Pavasara mieness 2011 (EEST)

Izalaseits atvaigs i vierteigs rakstīņs[pataiseit]

Vasali, Vikiļauds! Kuo guodojit, kai cieški myusim vajag puormeit suoku puslopys atvaigu i rakstīni? Žemaiši nazcik ilgai jau namej, izaver, ka tymā Vikipedejā nivīns nadora. Tū ļauds vysod ītēmej. Tok vierteigu, pylnu rakstīņu myusim navā daudzi, a atvaigu nu Vikitekys vīglai dabuot. Varbyut sataiseit sarokstu, kurymā kaņdidej atvaigi i rakstīni iz prīšku? I vēļ - izguoduoju, ka atvaigu var jimt tik tod, ka byus koč i 4 sacīni ap itū temu. Tai izaraisteisim. --Roalds 01:44, 11 sulu mieness 2011 (EEST)

Varātumem sataiseit divejis puslopys vuordu pluotā "Vikipedeja": vīnu deļ vierteigu rakstīņu, ūtrū — deļ atvaigu izalasejuma. Nazynu gon, ci vajadzātu nūstateit 4 sacīņu limitu, cikom vēļ navā daudz aktivu dalinīku. Dūmoju, golvonais, kab par izalasejumu dalinīku vydā byutu koņsenss. --Glebs 11:58, 12 sulu mieness 2011 (EEST)

Vikipedejis bots[pataiseit]

Sastateju pīprasējumu metā ap bota statusa dašķieršanu DEagleBot. Lyudzams paturēt itū ideju, kab namāsluot padaļu "Nasenejis puormejis". Paļdis --Dark Eagle 18:13, 3 labeibys mieness 2011 (EEST)

Breineigai! Pylnai dūdu sovu vuordiskū atspaidu robota dorbam, kas myusu Vikipedejā irā cīši svareigs. --Roalds 12:30, 5 labeibys mieness 2011 (EEST)
Done. --Mav 04:10, 10 labeibys mieness 2011 (EEST)

Suoku puslopys izavierīņs[pataiseit]

Vasali! Parkū taida atjaunynuošona? Es saprūtu, ka myusu ite navā daudzi i moz irā taidu, kas aktivai pīsadola, tok suoku puslopys dizains irā koč kas cīši svareigs. Pyrma puormeju jau varātum sasprīst kūpā jaunu izavierīni, na tai? Nui, maņ napateik jaunais.
Naārtai rytynuot iz leju, kab apsavārtu vysu atvaigu. A tān koč kaidu pusi redzu. Tys nabyutum logiskai, ka atdoru puslopu i radzu vpylnu atvaigu i pylnu vierteigu rakstīni? Maņ kategorejis vysā naizaver tik svareigys. Moš taisom cytu puslopys dizainu vysā nu jauna? --Roalds 15:27, 6 rudiņa mieness 2011 (EEST)


  • Botname: HiW-Bot
  • Operator  : Hedwig in Washington
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted : automatic
  • Programming Language(s)  : Python (pywikipedia), daily update
  • Function Summary  : Interwiki, Internationalization by removing chaos in Babel-Category so it can be used properly and easy. Double redirects will be added shortly
  • Already has a bot flag (Y/N)  : Yes: 29 Wikis so far, others pending. see here
  • Function Details  : just using the standard; parameters: -auto -all - log -catr

I humbly request bot status on this wiki in order to update Interwiki, and improve Internationalization by removing chaos in Babel so it can be used properly and easy by everyone.

Thank you for consideration! --Hedwig in Washington 06:52, 13 rudiņa mieness 2011 (EEST)


Gribēju tikai minēt, ka gadījumā, ja meklējat avotu biogrāfijām, tad šo to var atrast Latgolas Vordā, piemēram, te ministru prezidenta Alberinga biogrāfija. 70 gadi ir apkārt un autortiesības nav. Līdz ar to pie nelielas apdares var pārlikt šeit, kas būtu vismaz sākumam okok variants :) --Zemgalietis 04:21, 8 leita mieness 2011 (EEST)

Ō, paļdis! Nak jau pasavērsim. --Roalds 00:04, 10 leita mieness 2011 (EEST)

Sovrūčis administracejis ībolsuošona[pataiseit]

Niule latgaļu Vikipedejā vajadzātu ībolsuot patstāveigu administraceju, kab itys projekts vaira nabūtu atkareigs nu metys. --Dark Eagle 07:58, 12 leita mieness 2011 (EEST)

A myusim vysā irā dalinīku ap kū bolsuot? Pošu lobī nūguoja paceli, tānejī atīt tik kaidu strāšnu klaidu pataiseit. --Roalds 13:57, 12 leita mieness 2011 (EEST)

Language support group for Latgalian[pataiseit]

The Wikimedia Foundation has brought together a new team of developers who are dedicated to language support. This team is to support all the languages and consequently it is not realistic to expect that the team members can provide proper support for your language. It is for this reason that we are looking for volunteers who will make up a language support team.

This language support team will be asked to provide us with information about their language. Such information may need to be provided either to us or on a website that we will indicate to you. Another activity will be to test software that will likely have an effect on the running of the MediaWiki software. We are looking for people who clearly identify their ability. Formal knowledge is definitely appreciated.

As much of the activity will be concentrated on, it will be a plus when team members know how to localise at
Thanks, Gmeijssen 21:06, 22 jaunagods mieness 2012 (EET)

One year Latgalian Wikipedia[pataiseit]

Hello Latgalian Wikipedians,
congratulations, today it is now 1 year since the subdomain was created. From the Wikimedia Incubator & Language Committee, we would like to get some feedback from newer wikis about their situation.

We prepared some questions about what we would like to know. Feel free to answer as many of them as you like.

  1. How has activity developed after the subdomain's creation? (in comparision with the situation on Incubator)
  2. Is it now easier to be found by new users? How was the reception of the new wiki: in media maybe? in friends/family circles?
  3. Were your exceptions in general fulfilled or not?
  4. Would you have done something in a better/different way in hindsight?
  5. Is there anything where you say 'This should have been better during the testing phase (Incubator, Langcom)'?
  6. What was nice/easy/desirable on Incubator? :-)

Best regards, --MF-W 05:05, 18 pavasara mieness 2012 (EET)

Latagļu kūpportrets[pataiseit]

Vāga sastateit sorokstu, kuru personeibu fotografejis salykt latgaļu kūpeiguo atvaigā. Cytaiš File:Latgalians in 20th - 21st century.png irā kaut kaids pīsasmīklis --Dark Eagle (talk) 21:48, 1 sulu mieness 2012 (EEST)

--Dark Eagle (talk) 08:01, 3 sulu mieness 2012 (EEST)


Labdien. Vai kāds man spētu palīdzēt pārtulkot vārdu lv:Morāvija uz latgaliešu valodu? Vai tas ir Morāveja? Paldies, Magairlin (talk) 19:56, 2 zīmys mieness 2012 (EET)

Предложение поддержать проект[pataiseit]

Уважаемые господа!

С большим интересом слежу за выполняемой Вами, крайне важной работе. Предлагаю свою помощь в реализации проекта латгальской Википедии. Только что издал с коллегой книгу "Латгалия: в поисках иного бытия", в которой дается взгляд русских на проблемы, которые стоят перед латгалами и Латгалией ( Книга не претендует на полноту, но впервые на русском языке системно излагает проблематику. При написании книги использовались и материалы, которые публиковались в созданнном Вами разделе Википедии. Свой взгляд на проблематику навязывать не буду, сориентируюсь на требования Википедии к подготовке материалов. На латгальском только читаю, но не пишу. Готов популяризировать латгальский раздел Виипедии в латвийских и мировых СМИ, имею опыт в такого рода работе. Могу написать статьи по экономической, социальной, демографической тематике Латгалии и Латвии, в которых профессионально разбираюсь. Готов привлечь к реализации проекта специалистов и найти деньги на оплату их труда, перевод наработаных материалов на латгальский. Имею опыт написания проектов в ЕС, получения средств и управления ими. Можем совместно подготовить запрос на финансирование данного раздела Википедии. Могу организовать международные конференции и семинары по латгальской тематике, найти средства на их проведение. Рекомендации для включения в проект мне могут дать латгальцы Янис Тутинс, Янис Урбанович, Виктор Авотиньш.

Президент Института европейких исследований(Латвия), д..э.н. Александр Владимирович Гапоненко т.0037129204048,

Translation request for Ido Wikipedia[pataiseit]

Could anyone please translate this into Latgalu?

Welcome to the Ido Wikipedia. Ido was first known as reformed Esperanto and was created in 1907 after seven years of deliberation by a committee of professors and linguists. You may notice that Ido looks somewhat like Esperanto, but with a number of differences including a complete lack of diacritical marks, the use of the letter 'q', along with many of the words themselves. If you are studying Ido and want to write for our Wikipedia, feel free! There are people here to correct your Ido should you make a mistake. Just use the Taiss:Revizo tag whenever you think your article could use some grammatical revision. The main site for the Ido language is located here, Ido publications are located here, and the English Wikipedia article on Ido is located here. A complete list of sites in Ido on the internet is located here. Lastly, the main reasons for choosing Ido over the more well-known Esperanto are summed up in this article.

Thanks for your help. --Chabi1 (talk) 09:55, 27 pavasara mieness 2013 (EET)

Catalan Culture Challenge[pataiseit]

I apologize if this message is not in your language. Please help translate it.

The Catalan-speaking world... Want to find out more? From March 16 to April 15 we will organise the Catalan Culture Challenge, a Wikipedia editing contest in which victory will go to those who start and improve the greatest number of articles about 50 key figures of Catalan culture. You can take part by creating or expanding articles on these people in your native language (or any other one you speak). It would be lovely to have you on board. :-)

We look forward to seeing you!

Amical Wikimedia--Kippelboy (talk) 07:44, 16 pavasara mieness 2014 (EET)

Changes to the default site typography coming soon[pataiseit]

This week, the typography on Wikimedia sites will be updated for all readers and editors who use the default "Vector" skin. This change will involve new serif fonts for some headings, small tweaks to body content fonts, text size, text color, and spacing between elements. The schedule is:

  • April 1st: non-Wikipedia projects will see this change live
  • April 3rd: Wikipedias will see this change live

This change is very similar to the "Typography Update" Beta Feature that has been available on Wikimedia projects since November 2013. After several rounds of testing and with feedback from the community, this Beta Feature will be disabled and successful aspects enabled in the default site appearance. Users who are logged in may still choose to use another skin, or alter their personal CSS, if they prefer a different appearance. Local common CSS styles will also apply as normal, for issues with local styles and scripts that impact all users.

For more information:

-- Steven Walling (Product Manager) on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation's User Experience Design team

No one needs free knowledge in Esperanto[pataiseit]

There is a current discussion on German Wikipedia on a decision of Asaf Bartov, Head of WMF Grants and Global South Partnerships, Wikimedia Foundation, who rejected a request for funding a proposal from wikipedians from eowiki one year ago with the explanation the existence, cultivation, and growth of the Esperanto Wikipedia does not advance our educational mission. No one needs free knowledge in Esperanto. On meta there has also started a discussion about that decision. --Holder (talk) 13:38, 5 lopu mieness 2014 (EEST)

Media Viewer[pataiseit]

Greetings, my apologies for writing in English.

I wanted to let you know that Media Viewer will be released to this wiki in the coming weeks. Media Viewer allows readers of Wikimedia projects to have an enhanced view of files without having to visit the file page, but with more detail than a thumbnail. You can try Media Viewer out now by turning it on in your Beta Features. If you do not enjoy Media Viewer or if it interferes with your work after it is turned on you will be able to disable Media Viewer as well in your preferences. I invite you to share what you think about Media Viewer and how it can be made better in the future.

Thank you for your time. - Keegan (WMF) 00:29, 24 lopu mieness 2014 (EEST)

--This message was sent using MassMessage. Was there an error? Report it!

Using only UploadWizard for uploads[pataiseit]

Wikimedia Commons logo

Hello! Sorry for writing in English. It was noted that on this wiki upload is not fully functional for users, who will experience a very difficult and/or illegal uploading. In fact, the licenses/copyright tags dropdown is empty, making it hard or impossible to comply with copyright requirements during upload itself.

Presumably, you don't have interest nor energies to have hundreds templates with the now required HTML, even less a local EDP. I propose to have

so that you can avoid local maintenance and all users can have a functioning, easy upload interface in their own language. All registered users can upload on Commons and existing files will not be affected.

All this will get done around 2014-07-03.

  1. If you disagree with the proposal, just remove your wiki from the list. Remember also to create MediaWiki:Licenses locally with any content (see a simple example), or uploads will be soon disabled anyway by MediaWiki itself (starting in version 1.24wmf11).
  2. To make the UploadWizard even better, please tell your experience and ideas on commons:Commons:Upload Wizard feedback.

Nemo 16:09, 19 vosorys mieness 2014 (EEST)

Media Viewer is now live on this wiki[pataiseit]

Media Viewer lets you see images in larger size

Greetings— and sorry for writing in English, please translate if it will help your community,

The Wikimedia Foundation's Multimedia team is happy to announce that Media Viewer was just released on this site today.

Media Viewer displays images in larger size when you click on their thumbnails, to provide a better viewing experience. Users can now view images faster and more clearly, without having to jump to separate pages — and its user interface is more intuitive, offering easy access to full-resolution images and information, with links to the file repository for editing. The tool has been tested extensively across all Wikimedia wikis over the past six months as a Beta Feature and has been released to the largest Wikipedias, all language Wikisources, and the English Wikivoyage already.

If you do not like this feature, you can easily turn it off by clicking on "Disable Media Viewer" at the bottom of the screen, pulling up the information panel (or in your your preferences) whether you have an account or not. Learn more in this Media Viewer Help page.

Please let us know if you have any questions or comments about Media Viewer. You are invited to share your feedback in this discussion on in any language, to help improve this feature. You are also welcome to take this quick survey in English, en français, o español.

We hope you enjoy Media Viewer. Many thanks to all the community members who helped make it possible. - Fabrice Florin (WMF) (talk) 00:54, 20 vosorys mieness 2014 (EEST)

--This message was sent using MassMessage. Was there an error? Report it!

Help for translate[pataiseit]

Hello and sorry for writing in English. Can anyone help me translate a small article (2 paragraphs) from English to your language and create the article in your wiki? Please, fell free to answer in my talk page in your wiki anytime. Thanks! Xaris333 (talk) 04:08, 13 labeibys mieness 2014 (EEST)

Letter petitioning WMF to reverse recent decisions[pataiseit]

The Wikimedia Foundation recently created a new feature, "superprotect" status. The purpose is to prevent pages from being edited by elected administrators -- but permitting WMF staff to edit them. It has been put to use in only one case: to protect the deployment of the Media Viewer software on German Wikipedia, in defiance of a clear decision of that community to disable the feature by default, unless users decide to enable it.

If you oppose these actions, please add your name to this letter. If you know non-Wikimedians who support our vision for the free sharing of knowledge, and would like to add their names to the list, please ask them to sign an identical version of the letter on

-- JurgenNL (talk) 20:35, 21 labeibys mieness 2014 (EEST)

Process ideas for software development[pataiseit]

’’My apologies for writing in English.’’


I am notifying you that a brainstorming session has been started on Meta to help the Wikimedia Foundation increase and better affect community participation in software development across all wiki projects. Basically, how can you be more involved in helping to create features on Wikimedia projects? We are inviting all interested users to voice their ideas on how communities can be more involved and informed in the product development process at the Wikimedia Foundation. It would be very appreciated if you could translate this message to help inform your local communities as well.

I and the rest of my team welcome you to participate. We hope to see you on Meta.

Kind regards, -- Rdicerb (WMF) talk 01:15, 22 labeibys mieness 2014 (EEST)

--This message was sent using MassMessage. Was there an error? Report it!

Grants to improve your project[pataiseit]

Apologies for English. Please help translate this message.

Greetings! The Individual Engagement Grants program is accepting proposals for funding new experiments from September 1st to 30th. Your idea could improve Wikimedia projects with a new tool or gadget, a better process to support community-building on your wiki, research on an important issue, or something else we haven't thought of yet. Whether you need $200 or $30,000 USD, Individual Engagement Grants can cover your own project development time in addition to hiring others to help you.

Meta RfCs on two new global groups[pataiseit]

Hello all,

There are currently requests for comment open on meta to create two new global groups. The first is a group for members of the OTRS permissions queue, which would grant them autopatrolled rights on all wikis except those who opt-out. That proposal can be found at m:Requests for comment/Creation of a global OTRS-permissions user group. The second is a group for Wikimedia Commons admins and OTRS agents to view deleted file pages through the 'viewdeletedfile' right on all wikis except those who opt-out. The second proposal can be found at m:Requests for comment/Global file deletion review.

We would like to hear what you think on both proposals. Both are in English; if you wanted to translate them into your native language that would also be appreciated.

It is possible for individual projects to opt-out, so that users in those groups do not have any additional rights on those projects. To do this please start a local discussion, and if there is consensus you can request to opt-out of either or both at m:Stewards' noticeboard.

Thanks and regards, Ajraddatz (talk) 20:04, 26 leita mieness 2014 (EET)

Languages in censuses[pataiseit]

Hello, Dear wikipedians. I invite you to edit and improve this article and to add information about your and other country.--Kaiyr (talk) 14:21, 31 leita mieness 2014 (EET)

Global AbuseFilter[pataiseit]


AbuseFilter is a MediaWiki extension used to detect likely abusive behavior patterns, like pattern vandalism and spam. In 2013, Global AbuseFilters were enabled on a limited set of wikis including Meta-Wiki,, Wikispecies and (in early 2014) all the "small wikis". Recently, global abuse filters were enabled on "medium sized wikis" as well. These filters are currently managed by stewards on Meta-Wiki and have shown to be very effective in preventing mass spam attacks across Wikimedia projects. However, there is currently no policy on how the global AbuseFilters will be managed although there are proposals. There is an ongoing request for comment on policy governing the use of the global AbuseFilters. In the meantime, specific wikis can opt out of using the global AbuseFilter. These wikis can simply add a request to this list on Meta-Wiki. More details can be found on this page at Meta-Wiki. If you have any questions, feel free to ask on m:Talk:Global AbuseFilter.


PiRSquared17, Glaisher

— 19:36, 14 solnys mieness 2014 (EET)


Приглашаю всех в вики-сабантуй который пройдет 24-26 апреля 2015 года в Уфе. Регистрация тут. Срок подачи заявок: до 31 марта 2015 года включительно. --Kaiyr (talk) 20:11, 2 zīmys mieness 2014 (EET)

[Global proposal] (vysi) Izmainīt lapas[pataiseit]

MediaWiki mobile

Hi, this message is to let you know that, on domains like, unregistered users cannot edit. At the Wikimedia Forum, where global configuration changes are normally discussed, a few dozens users propose to restore normal editing permissions on all mobile sites. Please read and comment!

Thanks and sorry for writing in English, Nemo 00:33, 2 pavasara mieness 2015 (EET)

Inspire Campaign: Improving diversity, improving content[pataiseit]

This March, we’re organizing an Inspire Campaign to encourage and support new ideas for improving gender diversity on Wikimedia projects. Less than 20% of Wikimedia contributors are women, and many important topics are still missing in our content. We invite all Wikimedians to participate. If you have an idea that could help address this problem, please get involved today! The campaign runs until March 31.

All proposals are welcome - research projects, technical solutions, community organizing and outreach initiatives, or something completely new! Funding is available from the Wikimedia Foundation for projects that need financial support. Constructive, positive feedback on ideas is appreciated, and collaboration is encouraged - your skills and experience may help bring someone else’s project to life. Join us at the Inspire Campaign and help this project better represent the world’s knowledge!

(Sorry for the English - please translate this message!) MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 22:01, 4 pavasara mieness 2015 (EET)

Feedback request: VisualEditor's special character inserter[pataiseit]

I apologize for writing in English. Please translate this message so that all of your editors can read it. Thank you!

Hi everybody, my name is Erica, and I am a Community Liaison at the Wikimedia Foundation. I'm writing to you because the Editing team at WMF wants to know what you think about VisualEditor and its new Speciālā rakstzīme tool. This change will affect all users on about 50 Wikipedias, including your Wikipedia. Many editors at these Wikipedias need a special character tool to be able to write articles correctly, which is why we are asking you now.

The new special character inserter tool is available in VisualEditor now. Admins at your wiki can change the contents by following the directions at

Screenshot from VisualEditor that shows the special character inserter
New design for the special character inserter. The red arrow points to the button for the tool, which is marked with Ω (omega).

To test the Speciālā rakstzīme tool, please:

  1. Opt-in to VisualEditor by going to Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-betafeatures and choosing "Vizuālais redaktors". Save your preferences.
  2. Edit any article or your user page in VisualEditor by clicking on the new "Pataiseit" tab at the top of the page. See the mw:Help:VisualEditor/User guide for information on how to use VisualEditor.
  3. Please post your comments and the language(s) that you tested at the feedback thread on The developers would like to know what you think about this new design. It is important that they hear from as many editors as possible. You may leave your comments in any language.

When the special character tool has been refined a little more based on your thoughts, we will offer VisualEditor by default to all editors at this wiki. If you want to help prepare, please read the advice on

Thank you, Elitre (WMF) (talk) 20:33, 12 pavasara mieness 2015 (EET)

SUL finalization update[pataiseit]

Hi all,apologies for writing in English, please read this page for important information and an update involving SUL finalization, scheduled to take place in one month. Thanks. Keegan (WMF) (talk) 21:45, 13 pavasara mieness 2015 (EET)

VisualEditor coming to this wiki[pataiseit]


Hello again. Please excuse the English. I would be grateful if you can translate this message!

VisualEditor is coming to all editors at this Wikipedia on Monday, March 30th. Vizuālais redaktors is software that allows people to edit articles without needing to learn wikitext code (like typing [[ to start a link). You don't have to wait until the deployment to test it; you can test Vizuālais redaktors right now. To turn it on, select "Beta" in your preferences. Choose "Vizuālais redaktors" and click save.

Now, when you press the "Pataiseit" button to edit an article, you will get the new VisualEditor software. To use the wikitext editor, you can press "Labot pirmkodu". (After the deployment, everyone will automatically have the option to use either VisualEditor or the current wikitext editor.) For more information about how to use VisualEditor, see mw:Help:VisualEditor/User guide.

More information about preparing for VisualEditor is posted here.

  • It's easier to add templates if you've added TemplateData instructions to them.
  • Please help translate the pages about VisualEditor here and on, and its user interface. See VisualEditor TranslationCentral for general information. To translate the user guide, go to the page, and select "Tulkot šo lapu". Your language should be available from the drop-down menu on the right. Once you've done this, you'll see the document in English side by side with any translation work already done in your language. You can add new translations or change old translations. To translate the user interface, you need to create an account at Contact me personally if you need help with that.
  • We need your help to improve the software! Please let us know if you find any problems. You can report issues in Phabricator, the new bug tracking system or on the central feedback page on If you notice major issues affecting your project, please leave a note on my talk page. If it's an emergency (like an unexpected bug causing widespread problems), reach out to James Forrester, the Product Manager, at or on IRC in the #mediawiki-visualeditor channel.
Wrong target page? Fix it here Sign up for VisualEditor's multilingual newsletter

Thank you, and happy editing! --Elitre (WMF) (talk) 21:38, 19 pavasara mieness 2015 (EET)

VisualEditor now active here[pataiseit]

Click this icon while in VisualEditor for a link to the User Guide.

Hello again (and again, apologies for using English on this page. Please do translate my message, if you can!).

As some of you have noticed, this Wikipedia now has Vizuālais redaktors (VisualEditor or "VE") enabled for all users. There are now two tabs for editing: "Pataiseit" and "Labot pirmkodu". Click "Pataiseit" to use VisualEditor. Click "Labot pirmkodu" to edit using wikitext markup.

All edits using VisualEditor will be tagged with "Tag:Vizuālais redaktors" in recent changes, watchlists, and page histories. To access the User Guide for VisualEditor, click on the "(?)" icon in VisualEditor's toolbar. If you wish to disable VisualEditor, this can be done under "Editing" in your preferences.

Please report any software "bugs" or errors you find at MediaWiki’s VisualEditor Feedback page. Translations for the user interface and its help guide are still needed: you can learn how to support your community with this and other tasks at this instructions page. Please contact me if you need further help though. Happy editing, User:Elitre (WMF) (talk) 18:09, 30 pavasara mieness 2015 (EEST)

Stewards confirmation rules[pataiseit]

Hello, I made a proposal on Meta to change the rules for the steward confirmations. Currently consensus to remove is required for a steward to lose his status, however I think it's fairer to the community if every steward needed the consensus to keep. As this is an issue that affects all WMF wikis, I'm sending this notification to let people know & be able to participate. Best regards, --MF-W 19:12, 10 sulu mieness 2015 (EEST)

VisualEditor News #2—2015[pataiseit]

22:48, 10 sulu mieness 2015 (EEST)

Nominations are being accepted for 2015 Wikimedia Foundation elections[pataiseit]

This is a message from the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee. Translations are available.

Wmf logo vert pms.svg


I am pleased to announce that nominations are now being accepted for the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections. This year the Board and the FDC Staff are looking for a diverse set of candidates from regions and projects that are traditionally under-represented on the board and in the movement as well as candidates with experience in technology, product or finance. To this end they have published letters describing what they think is needed and, recognizing that those who know the community the best are the community themselves, the election committee is accepting nominations for community members you think should run and will reach out to those nominated to provide them with information about the job and the election process.

This year, elections are being held for the following roles:

Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is the decision-making body that is ultimately responsible for the long term sustainability of the Foundation, so we value wide input into its selection. There are three positions being filled. More information about this role can be found at the board elections page.

Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC)
The Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) makes recommendations about how to allocate Wikimedia movement funds to eligible entities. There are five positions being filled. More information about this role can be found at the FDC elections page.

Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) Ombud
The FDC Ombud receives complaints and feedback about the FDC process, investigates complaints at the request of the Board of Trustees, and summarizes the investigations and feedback for the Board of Trustees on an annual basis. One position is being filled. More information about this role can be found at the FDC Ombudsperson elections page.

The candidacy submission phase lasts from 00:00 UTC April 20 to 23:59 UTC May 5 for the Board and from 00:00 UTCApril 20 to 23:59 UTC April 30 for the FDC and FDC Ombudsperson. This year, we are accepting both self-nominations and nominations of others. More information on this election and the nomination process can be found on the 2015 Wikimedia elections page on Meta-Wiki.

Please feel free to post a note about the election on your project's village pump. Any questions related to the election can be posted on the talk page on Meta, or sent to the election committee's mailing list, board-elections -at-

On behalf of the Elections Committee,
-Gregory Varnum (User:Varnent)
Coordinator, 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee

Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee, 05:03, 21 April 2015 (UTC) • TranslateGet help

Wikimedia Foundation Funds Dissemination Committee elections 2015[pataiseit]

Wikimedia Foundation RGB logo with text.svg

This is a message from the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee. Translations are available.

Voting has begun for eligible voters in the 2015 elections for the Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) and FDC Ombudsperson. Questions and discussion with the candidates for the Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) and FDC Ombudsperson will continue during the voting. Nominations for the Board of Trustees will be accepted until 23:59 UTC May 5.

The Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) makes recommendations about how to allocate Wikimedia movement funds to eligible entities. There are five positions on the committee being filled.

The FDC Ombudsperson receives complaints and feedback about the FDC process, investigates complaints at the request of the Board of Trustees, and summarizes the investigations and feedback for the Board of Trustees on an annual basis. One position is being filled.

The voting phase lasts from 00:00 UTC May 3 to 23:59 UTC May 10. Click here to vote. Questions and discussion with the candidates will continue during that time. Click here to ask the FDC candidates a question. Click here to ask the FDC Ombudsperson candidates a question. More information on the candidates and the elections can be found on the 2015 FDC election page, the 2015 FDC Ombudsperson election page, and the 2015 Board election page on Meta-Wiki.

On behalf of the Elections Committee,
-Gregory Varnum (User:Varnent)
Volunteer Coordinator, 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee

Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery 03:45, 4 May 2015 (UTC) • TranslateGet help

Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees elections 2015[pataiseit]

Wmf logo vert pms.svg

This is a message from the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee. Translations are available.

Voting has begun for eligible voters in the 2015 elections for the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees. Questions and discussion with the candidates for the Board will continue during the voting.

The Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees is the ultimate governing authority of the Wikimedia Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered in the United States. The Wikimedia Foundation manages many diverse projects such as Wikipedia and Commons.

The voting phase lasts from 00:00 UTC May 17 to 23:59 UTC May 31. Click here to vote. More information on the candidates and the elections can be found on the 2015 Board election page on Meta-Wiki.

On behalf of the Elections Committee,
-Gregory Varnum (User:Varnent)
Volunteer Coordinator, 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee

Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery 17:20, 17 May 2015 (UTC) • TranslateGet help

Content Translation beta-feature is now available[pataiseit]


Инструмент Content Translation был включен как бета-функция в Википедии на вашем языке. Чтобы переводить, включите бета-функцию и пройдите на страницу вашего вклада или прямо на страницу перевода, выберите язык, с которого вы переводите, и напишите название статьи, которую вы хотите перевести. Если такая статья уже есть на вашем языке, будет показано предупреждение. Когда вы закончите писать перевод, вы можете опубликовать её как полноценную страницу в Википедии. Если страница с таким же названием будет создана пока вы переводите, вам будет предложено сохранить ваш перевод как черновик в вашем пространстве пользователя. Количество созданных статей показано на странице статистики.

Это первая проба этого инструмента на вашем языке, и возможно, что вы обнаружите неисправности, о которых мы ещё не знаем. Мы будем отслеживать как инструмент используется здесь, но мы просим вас сообщать нам о найденных вами неисправностях на странице обсуждения, или через Фабрикатор. Вы можете найти дополнительную информацию на странице описания проекта.


Hello, Content Translation has now been enabled as an opt-in beta feature on this Wikipedia. To start translating, enable the beta feature and go to Special:ContentTranslation or to your contributions page and create a new translation by selecting the source language, the article name and target language. If the article already exists then a warning will be displayed. After you translate the article, you can publish it directly as a new page on the Wikipedia. In case the article gets created by another user while you were translating, you will see an option to save the newly published translation under your user namespace. The number of published pages can be seen on the Content Translation stats page.

Since, this is the first time we have installed the tool on this Wikipedia, there are chances that there may be some problems or service disruptions which we are not yet aware of. We will be monitoring the usage to check for any failures or issues, but please do let us know on the Content Translation talk page or through Phabricator if you spot any problems that prevent you from using the tool. For more information, please read about how to use the tool. You can also view a short screencast on how to use Content Translation. My apologies for writing this announcement only in English and Russian. Please feel free to translate this message for wider distribution. Thank you.--Runab WMF (diskusija) 19:20, 18 lopu mieness 2015 (EEST)

Pywikibot compat will no longer be supported - Please migrate to pywikibot core[pataiseit]

Sorry for English, I hope someone translates this.
Pywikibot (then "Pywikipediabot") was started back in 2002. In 2007 a new branch (formerly known as "rewrite", now called "core") was started from scratch using the MediaWiki API. The developers of Pywikibot have decided to stop supporting the compat version of Pywikibot due to bad performance and architectural errors that make it hard to update, compared to core. If you are using pywikibot compat it is likely your code will break due to upcoming MediaWiki API changes (e.g. T101524). It is highly recommended you migrate to the core framework. There is a migration guide, and please contact us if you have any problem.

There is an upcoming MediaWiki API breaking change that compat will not be updated for. If your bot's name is in this list, your bot will most likely break.

Thank you,
The Pywikibot development team, 19:30, 5 June 2015 (UTC)

VisualEditor News #3—2015[pataiseit]

13:44, 13 vosorys mieness 2015 (EEST)


01:01, 20 vosorys mieness 2015 (EEST)

Any active admins?[pataiseit]

I want to help out. Any admins that can translate pages from English to Latgalian? IllogicMink (diskusija) 05:24, 23 vosorys mieness 2015 (EEST)

Please join the 2nd edition of the VisualEditor Translathon[pataiseit]



I'm pleased to announce the 2nd edition of the VisualEditor Translathon.

It is a translation rally, focused on interface messages and help pages related to VisualEditor. In order to participate, you need to sign up on the Translathon page on TranslateWiki.

The top 3 contributors will each win a Wikipedia t-shirt of their choice from the Wikipedia store[1]. Translations made between July 15th and July 19th (CDT time zone) qualify[2].

If you are at Wikimania Mexico this year, you are also welcome to join a related sprint during the hackathon in Workplace 1 - Don Américo, Thursday 16 July at 4pm (CDT) at the conference venue, so you can meet other fellow translators and get support if you need some.

Interface messages have the priority. You will need to create an account at in order to work on them, if you don't have one. It is recommended to create the account ASAP, so that it can be confirmed in time.

You can also help translate documentation pages about VisualEditor on You can use your Wikipedia account to work there.

You will find instructions, links and other details on the Translathon page.

Thanks for your attention, and happy translating!
Elitre (WMF) 23:56, 13 sīna mieness 2015 (EEST)

  1. You can choose between any short-sleeve shirt, or other items for the same value.
  2. This means both new translations, and updates for messages in the "Outdated" tab of the translation interface.

Proposal to create PNG thumbnails of static GIF images[pataiseit]

The thumbnail of this gif is of really bad quality.
How a PNG thumb of this GIF would look like

There is a proposal at the Commons Village Pump requesting feedback about the thumbnails of static GIF images: It states that static GIF files should have their thumbnails created in PNG. The advantages of PNG over GIF would be visible especially with GIF images using an alpha channel. (compare the thumbnails on the side)

This change would affect all wikis, so if you support/oppose or want to give general feedback/concerns, please post them to the proposal page. Thank you. --McZusatz (talk) & MediaWiki message delivery (diskusija) 08:07, 24 sīna mieness 2015 (EEST)

What does a Healthy Community look like to you?[pataiseit]

Community Health Cover art News portal.png

The Community Engagement department at the Wikimedia Foundation has launched a new learning campaign. The WMF wants to record community impressions about what makes a healthy online community. Share your views and/or create a drawing and take a chance to win a Wikimania 2016 scholarship! Join the WMF as we begin a conversation about Community Health. Contribute a drawing or answer the questions on the campaign's page.

Why get involved?[pataiseit]

The world is changing. The way we relate to knowledge is transforming. As the next billion people come online, the Wikimedia movement is working to bring more users on the wiki projects. The way we interact and collaborate online are key to building sustainable projects. How accessible are Wikimedia projects to newcomers today? Are we helping each other learn?
Share your views on this matter that affects us all!
We invite everyone to take part in this learning campaign. Wikimedia Foundation will distribute one Wikimania Scholarship 2016 among those participants who are eligible.

More information[pataiseit]

Happy editing!

MediaWiki message delivery (diskusija) 02:42, 1 labeibys mieness 2015 (EEST)

What does a Healthy Community look like to you?[pataiseit]

Community Health Cover art News portal.png

The Community Engagement department at the Wikimedia Foundation has launched a new learning campaign. The WMF wants to record community impressions about what makes a healthy online community. Share your views and/or create a drawing and take a chance to win a Wikimania 2016 scholarship! Join the WMF as we begin a conversation about Community Health. Contribute a drawing or answer the questions on the campaign's page.

Why get involved?[pataiseit]

The world is changing. The way we relate to knowledge is transforming. As the next billion people come online, the Wikimedia movement is working to bring more users on the wiki projects. The way we interact and collaborate online are key to building sustainable projects. How accessible are Wikimedia projects to newcomers today? Are we helping each other learn?
Share your views on this matter that affects us all!
We invite everyone to take part in this learning campaign. Wikimedia Foundation will distribute one Wikimania Scholarship 2016 among those participants who are eligible.

More information[pataiseit]

Happy editing!

MediaWiki message delivery (diskusija) 05:29, 1 labeibys mieness 2015 (EEST)

Wikidata: Access to data from arbitrary items is coming[pataiseit]

(Sorry for writing in English)

When using data from Wikidata on Wikipedia and other sister projects, there is currently a limitation in place that hinders some use cases: data can only be accessed from the corresponding item. So, for example, the Wikipedia article about Berlin can only get data from the Wikidata item about Berlin but not from the item about Germany. This had technical reasons. We are now removing this limitation. It is already done for many projects. Your project is one of the next ones. We will roll out this feature here on August 12.

We invite you to play around with this new feature if you are one of the people who have been waiting for this for a long time. If you have technical issues/questions with this you can come to d:Wikidata:Contact the development team.

A note of caution: Please be careful with how many items you use for a single page. If it is too many pages, loading might get slow. We will have to see how the feature behaves in production to see where we need to tweak and how.

How to use it, once it is enabled:

Cheers Lydia Pintscher MediaWiki message delivery (diskusija) 20:46, 3 labeibys mieness 2015 (EEST)

Wikidata: Access to data from arbitrary items is here[pataiseit]

VisualEditor News #4—2015[pataiseit]

Elitre (WMF), 01:28, 15 labeibys mieness 2015 (EEST)

How can we improve Wikimedia grants to support you better?[pataiseit]

My apologies for posting this message in English. Please help translate it if you can.


The Wikimedia Foundation would like your feedback about how we can reimagine Wikimedia Foundation grants, to better support people and ideas in your Wikimedia project. Ways to participate:

Feedback is welcome in any language.

With thanks,

I JethroBT (WMF), Community Resources, Wikimedia Foundation.

(Opt-out Instructions) This message was sent by I JethroBT (WMF) through MediaWiki message delivery. 03:56, 19 labeibys mieness 2015 (EEST)

How can we improve Wikimedia grants to support you better?[pataiseit]

My apologies for posting this message in English. Please help translate it if you can.


The Wikimedia Foundation would like your feedback about how we can reimagine Wikimedia Foundation grants, to better support people and ideas in your Wikimedia project. Ways to participate:

Feedback is welcome in any language.

With thanks,

I JethroBT (WMF), Community Resources, Wikimedia Foundation.

(Opt-out Instructions) This message was sent by Taiss:User through MediaWiki message delivery. 04:03, 19 labeibys mieness 2015 (EEST)

Introducing the Wikimedia public policy site[pataiseit]

Hi all,

We are excited to introduce a new Wikimedia Public Policy site. The site includes resources and position statements on access, copyright, censorship, intermediary liability, and privacy. The site explains how good public policy supports the Wikimedia projects, editors, and mission.

Visit the public policy portal:

Please help translate the statements on Meta Wiki. You can read more on the Wikimedia blog.


Yana and Stephen (Talk) 21:12, 2 rudiņa mieness 2015 (EEST)

(Sent with the Global message delivery system)

Open call for Individual Engagement Grants[pataiseit]

My apologies for posting this message in English. Please help translate it if you can.

Greetings! The Individual Engagement Grants program is accepting proposals until September 29th to fund new tools, community-building processes, and other experimental ideas that enhance the work of Wikimedia volunteers. Whether you need a small or large amount of funds (up to $30,000 USD), Individual Engagement Grants can support you and your team’s project development time in addition to project expenses such as materials, travel, and rental space.


I JethroBT (WMF), Community Resources, Wikimedia Foundation. 2015. gada 4. rudiņa mieness, plkst. 23.52 (EEST)

(Opt-out Instructions) This message was sent by I JethroBT (WMF) (talk) through MediaWiki message delivery.