Françoise Giroud

French journalist
Françoise GiroudFrench journalist

September 21, 1916

Geneva, Switzerland


January 19, 2003

Neuilly-sur-Seine, France

Françoise Giroud (France Gourdji),   (born Sept. 21, 1916, Geneva, Switz.—died Jan. 19, 2003, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France), French journalist who , cofounded and edited L’Express, France’s first weekly newsmagazine, and coined the term nouvelle vague to describe the French cinema of the 1950s. Giroud edited the new women’s magazine Elle from 1946 to 1953, and in 1953, with Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber, she founded L’Express, which she edited until 1974. In the mid-1970s she briefly served in the government as minister of women’s affairs and then as minister of culture. Giroud also wrote screenplays, some 30 books, and a column for the newsmagazine Le Nouvel Observateur from 1983.

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