Issue Details (XML | Word | Printable)

Key: MBS-7359
Type: Improvement Improvement
Status: Open Open
Priority: Normal Normal
Assignee: Unassigned
Reporter: PATATE12
Votes: 4
Watchers: 0

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MusicBrainz Server

Show work attributes straight away

Created: 18/Mar/14 10:26 AM   Updated: 10/Apr/14 02:31 PM
Component/s: Data display, Edit system
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None

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It's an important feature to be able to link to JASRAC this way but the edit is — unlike work credits, publishers, lyrics and other relationships in general — not immediately visible during its pending period.
This is blocking JASRAC auto-linking if the now duplicate JASRAC work annotation is deleted at the same time (autoedit) and this will encourage people to add JASRAC ID multiple times (in vain).

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PATATE12 made changes - 18/Mar/14 10:27 AM
Field Original Value New Value
Link This issue is related to MBS-6481 [ MBS-6481 ]
PATATE12 made changes - 18/Mar/14 10:58 AM
Link This issue is related to MBS-5863 [ MBS-5863 ]
PATATE12 made changes - 18/Mar/14 01:59 PM
Description It's an important feature to be able to link to JASRAC this way but the edit is not immediately visible during its pending period (unlike add label, etc. several other edits).
This will block JASRAC auto-linking if the now duplicate JASRAC work annotation is deleted and this will encourage people to add JASRAC ID multiple times (in vain).
It's an important feature to be able to link to JASRAC this way but the edit is — *unlike work credits, publishers, lyrics and other relationships in general* — not immediately visible during its pending period.
This is blocking JASRAC auto-linking if the now duplicate JASRAC work annotation is deleted at the same time (autoedit) and this will encourage people to add JASRAC ID multiple times (in vain).
nikki made changes - 18/Mar/14 03:16 PM
Summary Show work JASRAC ID straight away Show work attributes straight away
nikki made changes - 18/Mar/14 03:16 PM
Link This issue is related to MBS-4886 [ MBS-4886 ]