Final Fantasy XV: Stella is gone, Episode Duscae 2.0 slated for June 9
posted on 06.04.15 at 10:01 AM EDT by (@salromano)
The latest Active Time Report... report.

Final Fantasy XV

Final Fantasy XV director Hajime Tabata discussed more fan feedback, key changes from Final Fantasy Versus XIII, and dated version 2.0 of the Episode Duscae demo during today’s Active Time Report broadcast.

Get the full details and video below.

More Feedback

#1: “I want to buy and sell items in bulk.”

Tabata: “Of course, we will be making things more convenient in the final game. (So you will be able to buy in bulk?) I think you will, yes. (And also sell in bulk?) I think you will be able to, yes. I’m pretty sure it’s normal to be able to do that in games.”

Enemies also drop other items, like screws and bits, which sell for very cheap in the demo and serve no other purpose. Is there some other reason to have them in the game, including

“In the final game, you will have all kinds of dropped items and other stuff that you collect. And you don’t just have to sell them. Of course, we’re thinking about other ways to use these items. Of course, there will still be some items that exist just to be sold. But you can use some things to customize the car. There will be items tied in to doing that kind of stuff, too… You will probably need to collect 50 screws to do anything with them. But we do plan to include a proper system allowing players to use the items they accumulate.”

#2: “More sound effects. There is no music in the field sections of the demo, just environmental sounds. We want more sound effects.”

Tabata: “The sound team is currently working on that, and what they’re looking to do is program the environmental sounds to change dynamically through AI control. And they are currently working on getting the drivers and the AI setup in place, to make that kind of dynamic change possible. So if it all works, then we should be able to create a system where the sounds that surround the player will shift organically as the environment around them changes. Even if this isn’t possible, then at the very least we will have it so the effects change when you go to different areas.”

What about background music?

Tabata: “For the demo, we only included music during combat and events. So we will be adding more variety for the full game. And because it’s clearly an open world game, things like having the BGM start up again after being silent are very much a genre standard. So we weant to do what we can to meet those standards. I guess that, compared to the environment effects, the level of geekery is probably a bit lower but, rest assured we will be putting lots of effort into the BGM, as well.”

#3: “Thoughts on moving in the water and underwater battles.”

Tabata (paraphrased): ‘We need to set priorities for everything. Underwater action is labor intensive and takes a lot of work. If we just take moving around for Noctis, customizing the water physics, setting up new motions, diving and swimming, adding a special control system, etc.. But battles on top of that would skyrocket the workload. All battle motions, sounds, etc. would need to change underwater. If it were just Noctis alone, we might be able to do underwater battles. But to do the same for his team, it’s difficult. Current AI is for tracking while on land. Underwater ou also need a vertical element. The ultimate goal would be to have the party dive underwater and battle under there like they would on land, but it would be almost in possible tech wise. On the other hand, things like that can be introduced later via downloadable content. We’re trying to work in Leviathan segment from the E3 2013 trailer’.

#4: “Stamina gauge to tell you when you’ll tire out running.”

Tabata (paraphrased): ‘I cant’t say right now it would be best to have a gauge, but we can certainly look at including something to let you know before the stamina runs out.’

Versus XIII Changes

Some time has passed since announcing Final Fantasy XV, and Episode Duscae was a turning point in development. With all the demo feedback, Square Enix has set its sights on what to do during the mastering phase and what everyone is enthusiastic about. After last year’s Tokyo Game Show and leading up to the release of Episode Duscae, information released about the game was limited to the game system—what direction gameplay was taking. Tabata says he understand that fans are interested in information on the characters and story.

After the switch from Versus XIII to XV, the first decision Square Enix made was to make sure XV would have a complete and coherent story in one game. In deciding which elements would fit into XV from Final Fantasy Versus XIII, the team went through everything in detail and tried to keep as many elements from the original story in as possible. The team considered what what would fit and what was essential for the story to be containefd in a single title. They decided to be as faithful to Nojima’s original Versus XIII story as possible, so they created a narrative that utilized the original story as much as possible.

But there were changes:

Stella – Presented as the heroine to play opposite Noctis in Versus XIII. The team wanted to keep her as a heroine and pursued ways to tie her into Final Fantasy XV‘s design, but we found it difficult to make sense of her character and role within the new game. So then they thought, “Do we want to recreate Stella in a different role and image, or do we want to start over with a new heroine?” After a lot of consideration, the team decided not to include Stella and go with a new heroine named Luna, who has a different role in the story.

Crown City of Insomnia – Shown in the trailer as the opening for Versus XIII. There was a scene of a party taking place in the castle within the city. And there was a sequence of scenes right after the party where the city is attacked by the enemy forces of Niflheim. This sequences has been deleted from the game. The reason is because scenes like those had to be regressed because of a very critical factor. Now the sequence is: Noctis and his crew leave Insomnia, then the Niflheim army attacks the crown city. The reason behind this is extremely important, but is considered a spoiler.

Tabata (paraphrased): ‘As we make these major changes, there are other characters that we introduced, like a woman with dark hair, and a female dragoon, that are still in the game with their own important roles within the story.’

Nojima (scenario) statement: “This is Nojima. As director Tabata just announced, the plot that was developed during the Versus era has served as the basis for the Final Fantasy XV story. I’m sure the story will make many changes as they adapt my draft into a more detailed script, but I believe that the important things I wanted to express will be taken to another level by the XV team. As I express my support, I will be waiting for XV to be completed just like everyone else.”

Tabata summed up by saying, in short, that Final Fantasy XV, while based on Versus XIII, is a different game.

Episode Duscae 2.0

The next version of the Final Fantasy XV: Episode Duscae demo, version 2.0, will launch on June 9 at 8 a.m. PDT / 11 a.m. EDT / 16:00 BST.

Here’s an overview trailer:

E3 and Gamescom

Previously, Square Enix said it would showcase a short trailer at E3 before beginning the main game’s promotion at Gamescom. That trailer will not longer be showcased. You’ll have to wait for Gamescom, sorry.

Also, here’s an artwork teaser:


Luminous Studio 1.5 Tech Demo #2

  • DarthBrian

    RIP Capable heroine who is a match for Noctis in power and ability.

    Hello Damsel in Distress.

    • James Stine

      Since when has Luna been described as a “damsel in distress” first off? Secondly, Noctis has always seemed more powerful than Stella even then… so.

      • DarthBrian

        In the demo Noctis’ friends mention Luna is in trouble and she’s waiting for you. Sounds like a damsel in distress to me.

        And in the gif I showed it is implied that their powers are similar. Probably two sides of the same coin.

        • James Stine

          They mentioned Luna making it out alive or not, in reference to the destruction of Insomnia… so, she was able to take care of herself and escape the city.

          Doesn’t sound much like a damsel to me.

          • DarthBrian

            Sounds like they don’t know if she’s alive or not. i.e. damsel in distress.

            • James Stine

              I don’t know if REGIS is alive, does that make him a damsel in distress too?

              • Anime10121

                He’s a damdude in distress

                Ba dum tshh gitit? damdude? :) :D XD

                no… I sowwy I leave now

                • Ferrick

                  damn dude *ba dum tss*

        • Ferrick

          how does waiting for someone equate to damsel in distress?

          • DarthBrian

            It says she’s in trouble in the demo.

            • Zackasaur

              Any character in trouble is immediately a damsel in distress?

              I would be more cautious with huge assumptions based on little info.

              • Ferrick

                this is pretty much how every fem discussion (not much of a discussion, more so to screamfest) starts :3

                • Zackasaur

                  Guidelines, mate.

                  • Ferrick

                    exactly, which is why it is stupid from the very start, to call someone who’s simply waiting and in trouble as a “damsel in distress”, is outright silly and ignorant

        • YourColourTV

          I think Final Fantasy is the very last franchise you need to worry about such things lmfao

        • D.3ND

          Unless she was forcefully drag into a car,teleported,thrown in a Durlap Sack or grab be the waist by the main antagonist or one of his henchmen then she is consider a Damsel in Distress. From what I saw at the end of the demo she got out of the city by herself.

          • DarthBrian

            The secret ending has a news report saying that Noctis and Luna were found dead. Obviously disinformation but that’s what Noctis and his friends are hearing so obviously she’s in trouble.

            • Rentekabond

              But if the report is False and Noctis got out, wouldn’t it be equally as believable to think that Luna also escaped? Because we know that the report is wholly false for one part, there’s no real reason to believe the second half regarding Luna.

              • DarthBrian

                And there’s no reason to believe she isn’t in trouble either. Based on all the preview materials so far, it sure seems like she’s someone that Noctis cares for and is worried about.

                But whatever, I guess we’ll see… *shrug*

                • Rentekabond

                  That’s true as well, which is the point I was trying to get across. You were immediately just dumping her to the extreme when we know nothing about her. Let’s not forget that Stella was, for what we knew, someone Noctis cared for.

                  Being in trouble and needing help doesn’t automatically denigrate a character, especially considering that Noctis has his squad on him backing him up 24/7.

            • vishmarx

              how do you know she isnt kicking ass at the same time?
              sure she looks battered, but noct gets his a** handed a 100 times before getting to her as well.
              canonically as well(behemoth)

    • Kaisenex

      yeah, i’m sure you played the full game to know if she really is a damsel in distress….now you are just overreacting.

      • DarthBrian


        In the demo…

        They said that Luna is in trouble and she’s waiting for Noctis.

        Damsel in distress.

        • Kaisenex

          when do they say this?

        • vishmarx

          i dont remember them saying she’s in trouble.
          besides, look at the gif, stella is in trouble too

          • DarthBrian

            It’s in there somewhere I’m pretty sure I heard it while playing. I’ll let you know when I play 2.0 of the demo. :p

            • D.3ND


    • MrTyrant

      Sad true because I fear they might go this way they usually are, I hope Luna to get an antagonist role even if she were of main interest of Noctis I kinda like love-hate relationships of rivals of opposite gender.

  • Nesther

    “I’m sure the story will make many changes as they adapt my draft into a more detailed script”

    Wait, what. They’re still figuring out the story? Is this game ever going to come out?

    • SeraphicSmile

      Perhaps he just doesn’t know the extent to which his original scenario has been changed. It’s just a statement meant to reassure people upset about the original story being changed that he approves whatever changes they make. Regardless, it seems they’re still working on a lot of things. Details could still change. Doesn’t this game come out in 2016? The story isn’t even necessarily the first thing they have to pin down, at least down to the last detail.

    • James Stine

      Story and things are refined close to end of development in some areas, it’s not at all uncommon. And yes, the game is going into full PR mode in August.

    • Zackasaur

      That’s how game design works. Story teams, art teams, gameplay teams, AI teams, modeling, marketing, etc. are all separate and simultaneous.

      • Nesther

        Some parts finish far earlier than the others, including the art team. That and the writing should’ve been done by now, if we’re expecting a release date anytime soon.

        • Zackasaur

          That is true, but FF games need active art, writing, culture, etc. teams for much longer in the process than most games do.

  • Wolf Star

    It’s still final fantasy versus 13 but slightly changed. Umm I’m happy but at the same time sad that Stella is gone for good. Plus the castle battle would’ve been sweet :3

    • Noct98

      I highly doubt that the game is still versus 13 but slightly changed.

      First of all, the combat is completely different from Versus XIII, we actually could control 3 characters but we can’t do this anymore.

      By removing Stella, the plot has esentially changed a lot.

      So no, XV is a completely different game now.

      • Geǿ Marley

        Do we know if we can change to his old clothes at least?

    • DarthBrian

      Final Fantasy Versus XIII is officially dead. Final Fantasy XV is a completely different game. :(

      • Zackasaur

        Completely? lol?

        • DarthBrian

          Yes. :(

      • Wolf Star

        For real? If it was then noctics wouldn’t be the main character lol.

        • DarthBrian

          Noctis in name and looks only. T_T

  • Anime10121

    Hot damn “We’re trying to work in Leviathan segment from the E3 2013 trailer”

    So even the Leviathan battle isnt confirmed for the game just yet XD

    Well, its being rerevealed “completely” in a couple months… alls I gots to say is

    Please be good Please be Good Pleese be GuD :V

    • KOKAYI5

      Everytime I look up they say something’s not done. What is done?!

  • King Shesh

    This makes me incredibly sad. This was the thing I was fearing after Tabata was announced as director.

    I can now safely say that Versus XIII is dead. And this makes me sad. XV may end up being fantastic, but it isn’t the game I’ve waited years for.
    No Stella, no ballroom scene, etc

    This is really upsetting

    • Noct98

      Indeed, Versus XIII as we know it is completely dead.

      Square-Enix never fails to disappoint their fans.

    • EX+

      No Stella and no ballroom shouldn’t kill a game for anyone.

      • King Shesh

        It isn’t just that. It’s all the changes we’ve been seeing over the past year

  • MrTyrant

    Ok I want to know if the himecut girl will be in, the one that was shown in one of the promotiol art and I will be happy.

    • vishmarx

      confirmed she’s in

      • MrTyrant


  • new_tradition

    Farewell Stella. We hardly knew ye…

    (still like her character design the most from the Versus/XV characters)

    About that teaser art, I kind of hope there will be strong family themes in the game. Looks like it might specifically be about Noctis’ relationship with his papa, but by all means, expand on it xD

    • King Shesh

      I loved the ballroom scene. Sad it’s gone :(

  • Zackasaur

    Well, it all makes sense. I am ecstatic about playing FFXV, which is shaping up amazingly.

    This game alone means Gamescom will be better than E3, and that is despite Sony’s conference having moved to Paris Games Week.

    • vishmarx

      its hilarious to see people crying so much over stella
      when the f*** did they get to know her so well lol?
      generic blond a replaced by blond b.
      we know nothing about either of them.
      im kinda more worried about the writer.
      though the demo update seems fantastic. hope my console arrives in time

      • Ferrick

        its probably the face, yea probably the face

        • swiss


        • vishmarx

          its the same bloody face lol.
          just different hairstyles

      • Kaisenex

        because “MY STELLA HAS POWERS AND I DON’T KNOW ANYTHING ELSE ABOUT LUNA”…like come on now…we don’t know anything about luna, she can have powers too…

        • KOKAYI5

          Most people are saying if she is a damsel.

          • Kaisenex

            no….everyone who’s mad is saying she’s a damsel in distress…

            • KOKAYI5

              Well if they make her like Beatrix or Rikku or Squall I’d accept her. What do we do if she is a damsel?

              • Kaisenex

                we deal with it and be mature about it instead of going “LOL DAMSEL I WAS RIGHT HAHAHA”

                • KOKAYI5

                  I wouldn’t do that. I just don’t want to see it happen.

    • Bart Fatima

      You already know I00% agree with ya.

    • D.3ND


    • SeraphicSmile

      You can’t really know for sure though, can you? There are potential surprises during both E3 and Gamescom. We usually don’t know about many things that will be shown before they are. Unless FFXV really outshines any possibility?

      • Zackasaur

        For me, it pretty much does. It is by miles my second favourite set of people in the game industry… Only topped by KHIII.

        There is nothing else out there that can match it for me. Not even to 1% of the excitement. It’s just a matter of my taste. c:

        These two projects are basically my video game dream projects being realised. The rest of the industry doesn’t even have the right people to match that for me. As a result, any chance of this being topped for me falls far, far outside of reasonable doubt.

        You don’t have to feel the same. This is a very personal sentiment.

        • SeraphicSmile

          Yeah, I kinda had KHIII in mind when I typed that question too but I forget if it’s confirmed to have any real showing at E3 or not. It does make sense to look forward more to the games being shown further in development and at the same time regardless.

          I get really hyped up for the game shows in general because I know I’ll see many interesting things rather than one or two I’m very interested in.

          Well, I may get really excited for this game again when they start promoting it more heavily later on. It does seem to be shaping up, and I like how transparent they’re being with these reports and the demo feedback. I’m gonna try to follow these games more closely now because honestly, I should really be anticipating them. The Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts series are still a pretty big part of me.

          • Zackasaur

            Oh, I absolutely love my game conferences. I plan a series of parties for all of them, each year! c:

            And sometimes I go to them, E3 included. I’m doing Sony’s theatrical E3 this year.

            I love games as an art and enjoy being part of the industry. With interests as wide and diverse as mine, every game conference has things that I want to play. I’m a very happy nerd. xD

  • vishmarx

    seriously , is no one else excited to do synched backflips and fight the dino?

    • Ferrick

      not a triple synched backflip with Kpop blasting in the background, diasppoint

    • KOKAYI5

      They added more acrobatics? !

    • Kaisenex

      let’s do some backflips together in anticipation for this

  • Skerj

    When I read Nojima, I imagined Nomura and Kojima doing a fusion dance. I would play their game.

    Despite the changes from Versus XIII, I had a blast with the XV demo and it just might be the first FF I actually complete, if I don’t go back to Type-0 HD first.

    • Zackasaur

      Nomura and Kojima are actually close irl friends.

      And I’m glad you are having about as much fun as I have!

  • vishmarx

    anyone captured the lestallum scenes there werent supposed to show?

  • XrosBlader821

    So as somebody who doesn’t follow FF news actively…
    Who is Stella?

    • Noct98

      A NPC that was removed for reasons.

    • Anime10121

      Someone who obviously never got her groove back XD

      serious answer- the prior heroine of FFVS.XIII

    • Ferrick

      a generic blonde

    • Zackasaur

      An NPC from the original Versus XIII concept who has since been edited into Luna, a new NPC.

    • DarthBrian
    • vishmarx

      a blond girl called star(stella) who had some unknown role in the story who got replaced by another blonde girl called moon(luna) who looks identical with tied up hair that has some unknown role in the story

  • Bart Fatima

    Gamescom is going to be huge!!! I’m so curious about the picture too

    • KOKAYI5

      Cid? Or maybe new badguy of the masked dude’s leader.

      • swiss

        its noctis with his dad

        • KOKAYI5

          All I can see on this phone is a sword a guy in a cloak and thats it. I think I see noctis now curled up on him. Thought that was armor. I need a new phone….

          • Kaisenex

            lol you do..

      • Kaisenex

        huh…? do you not see the kid he’s holding? obviously noctis and his dad.

        • KOKAYI5


  • Zackasaur

    Here is an interesting thought:

    Versus XIII to XV is not all that exceptional a transition. Basically EVERY big game (and book, film, etc.) goes through changes in design, plot restructure, character changes, etc. This stuff is 100% typical of our favourite games–Previous Final Fantasies, Kingdom Hearts, Suikoden II, The Last of Us, Halo, Mass Effect, Fire Emblem, Metal Gear Solid, etc.

    The ONE major difference here is that we usually don’t get to peak behind the curtains like this. Versus XIII was announced early as a -concept-, and we have watched every stage of its development since then.

    Imagine if we could have seen the gameplay changes, reworked events, cut characters, etc. in all of our other favourite games. At most, we get behind-the-scenes documentaries/interviews, and even those are curated for our consumer eyes.

    Versus XIII/XV is not particularly abnormal (longevity aside). It is just a rare outside look at how games and stories are crafted.

  • King Shesh

    Nomura must be really upset his game is so different

    • DarthBrian

      Yeah. :(

    • Kaisenex

      why would he be upset? i don’t think he’d be they probably would have canned this if tabata didn’t take over

      • King Shesh

        I think the upper SE execs put Tabata in Nomuras position and Nomura wasn’t 100 percent satisfied with the decision.
        And honestly, how would you feel if you had a vision for something and someone changes it. I’d be at least a bit upset.

        • Luna Kazemaru

          IMO he doesn’t have much reason to be if he went no where with it for fucking 9 years

          • Zackasaur

            Nomura has zero fault in the Versus XIII dev hell. He was a victim to terrible corporate management that kept stealing his team to fix other games and stubbornly insisting on a faulty engine. Meanwhile, Nomura directed many other successful projects and contributed work to many more. He was and is SE’s most essential employee.

            I agree with you about the whiners here. But let’s not discredit Nomura with false history. He always did good work and definitely resents the people who got in the way.

            • Luna Kazemaru

              Not saying he was fully to blame but the fact of the matter this stuff can go both ways dude he got off the project himself as far as i know so I am pretty sure he expected change

              • Zackasaur

                He definitely expected change, yeah.

                Let’s just not tarnish a great dev’s legacy with untrue statements because we’re upset with the overreaction of others.

                Nomura is not at fault for Versus XIII’s executive mishandling, and he is the reason XV under Tabata is possible today. He fought to keep the project alive and chose Tabata to take over, knowing fully that some changes would be required. And those changes are fine! Nomura did nothing wrong, and he is also not weeping in a chair right now. He is working on KHIII like he wanted, and he at least gets to see something come from the years he put into fighting for Versus XII’s survival.

                • Luna Kazemaru

                  I’m pretty sure he isn’t weeping lol because he actually understand how development works but yes maybe i am abit to harsh on how some of this is playing out :V

                  • Zackasaur

                    Yep! That’s all I’m saying. c:

                    Nomura isn’t at fault for the problems of the past, but he is also a whole lot more informed, reasonable, and realistic than some of these comments. lol

                    I’m sure he is fine, the game is fine, and we will be fine.

          • King Shesh

            True lol
            I hated him for that. It was also SE’s fault for not doing anything about it earlier

        • Kaisenex

          well he can’t juggle between ff15 and kh3…that would be impossible. you would have to get someone to take the reigns. that’s why nomura trained tabata.

          • King Shesh

            Understandable, but you could still feel for Nomura watching his vision change without his ability to stop it. And originally he was supposed to do versus, then move to 3. That just never panned out

        • Ferrick

          It was because of Nomura that the project took so long, and he was too hush hush with us so him being kicked out of the project is probably best

          • Zackasaur

            Not true. Read my reply to Luna, below.

          • King Shesh

            True. But it could also have been the upper execs and their scheming. I think I read somewhere they wanted xv on mobile…tho Im not sure lol

    • Zackasaur

      Nomura chose this so that he could keep progressing with KH, always his priority.

      I’m sure he has been upset with SE’s old executive fuck-ups. After all, they kept wrecking his project for an entire console generation!

      But Nomura decided to push forward with KHIII and trained Tabata to take over XV in his place. I imagine he is happy he was able to get his game concept produced at all, even if it entails some (probably logical) changes. Mad at the past and happy with the future.

      • King Shesh

        I remember how he gave an interview shortly after Tabata was chosen. He was like “I’m most like xehanort” and talked about having rage or something.
        I sense he wasn’t happy leaving the project behind. And honestly, how would you feel if you had a vision for something and someone changes it. I’d be at least a bit upset.

        • Zackasaur

          Right, but he was talking about being enlightened by the dark past and having to walk some balance between light and dark.

          There was a lot of nuance to both that letter and to Nomura’s decisions to work on KHIII full-time and have Tabata take over XV.

          As I said, he was rightfully very upset about the past. Wada, et al. screwed over him and his team repeatedly. But at least the future is bright. Still, it’s hard not to be impacted by the past. It develops our characters.

          • King Shesh

            Thats true….but it could have just been pent up anger at being booted from the game lol

            • Zackasaur

              But we know that he wasn’t and can’t have been booted, so that would be an invalid interpretation. :P

              No doubt he had bottled anger, but that was in reflection of the previous ~8 years.

  • DarthBrian

    I’m guessing no airships now either.


    • Wolf Star

      They never said no to airships :3

      • DarthBrian

        They haven’t said “yes” either. :(

        • PhoenixAutomatic

          It’s being planned let’s hope for the best.

        • vishmarx

          they have implied that though.
          what theyre working on is real time flying ala gta,
          if it isnt possible , then well have something else

    • Zackasaur

      They said they are trying to make it viable.

  • Kaisenex

    the japanese ATR has some different scenes in the 2.0 trailer..check it out 58:20

    • Zackasaur


    • DarthBrian

      Wow. Cool. Thanks. :)

    • vishmarx

      the animations are vastly improved

    • Karysonson

      It’s actually 1080p too.

      • Kaisenex

        i also noticed the english trailer had the logo ver 2 just slapped on lol…while the japanese has effects and stuff


    It’s okay IF and only IF Luna is as much a badass as Beatrix from ff9 or any of the FF leads. If they make her a weakling only able to do magic and has a glass jaw or not even offensive magic then they didn’t do her the way I would like. People hate Lightning but she kicked ass her ENTIRE GAME!

    • Ferrick

      that’s because she is the only character in her ENTIRE GAME…

      • KOKAYI5

        What were all those other people in ff13 then?

      • MrFinalgamer

        I’d argue Sazh was the best character in XIII.

        • Ferrick

          i think he was talking about raightingu returns, but yes, sazh’s afro is the best character

          • KOKAYI5

            Naw I was talking about 13. Didnt like the sequels.

        • KOKAYI5

          I like heroes who want help people. Not average joes who only care about themselves and their loved ones. Realistic or not. Most of the cast suffered from this short sightedness.

        • Anime10121

          Caius made that entire saga worth it…. and then LR happened >_>

          • Zackasaur

            Caius is actually my favourite FF antagonist. Absolutely amazing.

          • KOKAYI5

            Caius was in the second game. What got you thru 13?

            • Anime10121

              My hopes and dreams XD

              nah, but seriously, it wasnt that bad to me… not the best FF by a long shot, but it was still a fun game!

              • KOKAYI5

                That’s how I feel.

        • Fruity_Rider

          Nah m8, it was the chocobo chick on his head.

      • DarthBrian

        There’s a lot of characters in FFXIII. Unless you’re talking about Lightning Returns, then that was the entire point of that game. :p

    • DarthBrian

      Mmmmmm…Lightning. <3

      • KOKAYI5

        Right? She wasn’t always nice but a few more lead females could stand to be as tough as her.

        • D.3ND

          Don’t forget her boyfriend is a 8th grader.

          • KOKAYI5

            Hope’s little bro figure. They’re friends.

            • D.3ND

              50% of the time yes.

              • KOKAYI5

                You think Lightning tapped Hope’s sweet shota ass?

                • D.3ND

                  Why not, she’s a tough brad, an awesome cook and beats the crap out of men and women equally.

                  • KOKAYI5

                    Then I guess Hope’s living the dream. Dating older women.

                    • D.3ND

                      yea………luck y bastard…………

                    • KOKAYI5

                      Spoiler ..

                      Well they got sparated on earth I think. At LR end.

                    • D.3ND

                      xiii-2 and LR never exist in my mind

                    • KOKAYI5

                      ……… Sir, I’d like to endorse you for president.

  • PhoenixAutomatic

    Stella was one of the main reasons why I got intrigued back when Square first showcased the trailer for Versus XIII, not only that but an amazing sequence had to be removed? I really do not like this.
    As from that huge change, I’m glad they decided to retain the female dragoon and the green eyes woman.
    As for 2.0, I’ll be damned! That fighting sequence with the Dino looked phenomenal, not only that but a back flip attack!? WOOO! The changes for the camp scene are also really great, looking forward to play the demo once again!
    btw, where’s character switching?

    • DarthBrian

      Character switching is out. They announced that back during TGS iirc.

      • PhoenixAutomatic

        Tell Tabata to bring it back.

        • Zackasaur

          Nah, Noctis was where the fun was, anyway. The others are lame by comparison.

          • PhoenixAutomatic

            Noo I really wanted to play with prompto and gladious especially prompto since what I saw from the 2011 trailer. But they had exclude it, just great…

            • Zackasaur

              They excluded it because play testing showed that people preferred playing as the much more fun and powerful Noctis.

              Given limited resources, they either had to stretch them across four characters (at least) or put everything into making the important one as fun, complex, versatile, and optimised as possible.

              I find it a very practical decision. I want to play as Sora in KHII, rather than have resources diverted to let me play as Goofy.

              • PhoenixAutomatic

                I’ll agree with you on that but they had so many years to develop since they showed the entire group. But as you mentioned they had limited resources, I can understand.

                • Zackasaur

                  I think the thing to remember is that the game has been repeatedly paused and restarted internally. XV is at least the third version of Versus XV to go into development. We’re not -really- looking at a decade of pure development on one game, here. It just feels that way on the outside.

                  • PhoenixAutomatic


        • DarthBrian

          I’ll tell him to bring back Stella too. I’m sure he’ll listen to me.

          • PhoenixAutomatic

            Sure thing, he will.

  • Karysonson

    So Stella = Luna confirmed then. I wonder what role Luna shall play.

  • Karysonson

    Also, why were people expecting concept trailers to be in the full release? That battle between Noctis and the soldiers was just to show off concepts, not the actual story. The party also became pretty irrelevant when Stella was re purposed so I don’t really care. Tabata sure dropped some bombs this morning but overall had to be stated.
    FF Versus XIII is dead. This project is FFXV.

    • Noct98

      That’s the point, a lot of people were expecting Versus XIII.

      • Luna Kazemaru

        people should have know things where going to change when it was change to 15 FFS its like alot of you are trying to find things to get upset about….

        • Kaisenex

          so right..

      • Karysonson

        It’s literally been 9 years. Things are bound to change, especially with creators.

    • Kaisenex

      he did the right thing and told us straight up…instead of lying like some people….*cough* baba *cough*

    • Zackasaur

      Versus XIII isn’t dead. It’s a concept that only got a chance to live via XV.

      I’d say it is a phoenix.

      • tokyobassist

        You mean Project Phoenix hirr durr lol.

        • Zackasaur


  • Luna Kazemaru

    This just end concepts for video games can change over the years especially games that have basically been in development hell!! Angry arm chair developers at 10!!

  • swiss

    so did anyway notice the new camera SE added it pulls back now no? okay

    • Karysonson

      Nope. People are still crying over Stella atm.

    • Luna Kazemaru

      nah more qq about a character we knew little to nothing about

    • Zackasaur

      The camera looks great! I’m glad to see development going so well and player input taken so seriously.

    • Noctis Pendragon

      Everyone don’t give a **** about all those gameplay imrpovement , sad true .

      • Kaisenex

        yeah man, everyone only cares about the waifu….this is kind of like that zesteria crap again, when people complain about their waifus and don’t talk about gameplay things.

        it’s pretty sad.

        • D.3ND

          Endangerment of Waifu over rules everything. lol

        • MasterAaron

          A major character in the story is gone.

          That’s not a small thing to discuss about.

          • Kaisenex

            yet we knew nothing about the story…so nothing important was lost.

  • DarthBrian

    No Niflheim attack on Insomnia means the whole introductory concept of the game has been scrapped.

    Kind of lol’ing now while crying at the same time. :p

    • Ferrick

      its just a concept and teaser lol, this wasn’t the first time SE did this (IE: XIII)

      • Luna Kazemaru

        this isn’t the first anyone has done this ffs >.>

      • DarthBrian


        All of this is in the game for the most part. They just changed the combat system and didn’t want to reveal Vanille yet so they put Lightning in her scene.

        • Ferrick

          …exactly my point, what the original teaser & trailer shows doesn’t mean that it would appear in game

          • DarthBrian

            But the concept portrayed in the trailer is EXACTLY THE SAME as the final game. The reveal trailer for Versus XIII has nothing in it that is in the final game except for Noctis. The whole CONCEPT of that reveal trailer is that his home is attacked and he defends it. THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN ANYMORE.

            • Ferrick

              no its not, while the start of that trailer is in the game, the REST IS NOT! which is the same for versus

              • DarthBrian

                Yes it is.

                The jungle area is in the game. The shiny tunnel area is in the game. The fight with the mech on top of the train is in the game. It is all there.

    • Geǿ Marley

      Wait so the part we saw E3 2013 with behemoth and the palace is scrapped?

      • Karysonson

        No, the battle there, at least at the beginning, won’t be in the final game.

        • Geǿ Marley

          At least the behemoth will be in the final games. Makes me wonder why they showed it on E3 as FFXV then..

      • DarthBrian

        Yeah, scrapped. Though that might take place in another city. That battle won’t take place in Insomnia though.

        • Geǿ Marley

          Wonder how it unfolds then.. But I really hope that the story will reamin dark..

    • Karysonson

      Proof of concept doesn’t equal actual plot event’s. This was created to display the character, his abilities, and the tone. Nothing more.

  • MasterAaron

    That’s disappointing. Luna looks incredible weak and that’s my issue with this. Stella was strong and looked the part aswell. Hopefully she isn’t as weak as she looks.

    • Ferrick

      just because she’s sparkly doesn’t mean she’s weak… well unless if said sparkle IS her powers then she’s as useful as jubilee from X-men

      • DarthBrian

        She’s clutching her necklace and being emotional, maybe crying, hard to tell.

        • Kaisenex

          and you are probably being too emotional too..

          • DarthBrian

            It’s been 9 years I’ve been waiting and anticipating. Of course I’m fucking emotional.

            • Luna Kazemaru

              then step away from the keyboard and calm down then lashing out as concepts changing

            • Kaisenex

              and you were expecting NO CHANGE at all? please… i’ve been waiting 9 years too, you are not special

              • DarthBrian

                I was expecting the same concept at the very least. That concept is pretty much dead.

                The only thing from the original idea that still apparently exists is “a fantasy based on reality”. But until we get our hands on the full game, we won’t know if that’s still there either.

        • Ferrick

          because clutching a necklace equals to being weak, so i guess by that logic Geralt of Rivia is weak then because he clutches his necklace too

          • DarthBrian

            Does he look down in sadness too? Or is he just looking at his penis?

            • Ferrick

              oh so its only a woman thing then? Ok, get off your keyboard now

              • DarthBrian

                No, it’s a Geralt joke. Lighten up.

          • Orichalon Hades

            well to be fair

            Geralt is totes weak

            i mean a fall from 10 meter just killed Geralt like 10 min ago :v

            • Ferrick

              Roll :V, it solves nearly all of your fall damage

              • Orichalon Hades

                but i was sliding to my doom

                >fall to cliff

                • Ferrick

                  lol still better than

                  >fall off
                  >sees water below, and boat icon
                  >crashes into said boat


                  • Orichalon Hades

                    >jdiving into sea
                    >thinking its faster
                    >a single solitary rock jutting out
                    >hits it anyway

                    damn you Geralt!

            • Luna Kazemaru

              i see what you did there lol

      • MasterAaron

        Keyword “look”. It’s just not this scene. Compared to Stella, Luna does look weak in comparison.

        • Ferrick

          right because pointing a sword equates to looking stronger while we barely know a thing about her character

          • Orichalon Hades

            maybe Luna carries a gatling gun, then she can look strong :v

          • MasterAaron

            We know Luna is not the heroin. She is a completely new character and doesn’t share the same role as Stella.

            People are disappointed. Deal with it.

            • Luna Kazemaru

              same can be said to you.

              development processes change over the years. GET OVER IT.

              • MasterAaron

                I understand that but I have the right to be disappointed.

                Get over it.

                • Luna Kazemaru

                  yes you do just do know Speculating =/= actual facts is what i been saying

            • Ferrick

              people are being silly, get over it

              • MasterAaron

                Being disappointed is being silly now? Nice logic.

                Your the one who’s being silly here just because people don’t share the same opinion as you. Get over it and get off that high horse.

                • Ferrick

                  because being overly salty over a character we barely know and only summons her sword for a few seconds isn’t silly

    • Karysonson

      I like how you got Luna’s whole character down from 5 to 7 seconds. Please….

      • Luna Kazemaru


      • MasterAaron

        Talking about design here. For all we know Luna could be OP but it still doesn’t change the fact that she looks weak in comparison to Stella.

        • Karysonson

          She looks as though she’s in a formal setting. Might even keep her hair down normally.

          • MasterAaron

            A new hairstyle won’t change her weak ass look.

            • Orichalon Hades

              Ashe in the beginning o FFXII was pretty weak looking too, with her Wedding Dress and design.

              turns into a total badass later in game.

              whose to say Luna won’t be badass later on too?

    • Luna Kazemaru

      holy shit you guys are reaching so hard its amazing

    • DesmaX

      I always saw that as a sign of dedication.

      Like she’s motivating herself to do something.

    • Orichalon Hades

      really liking that short hair,


      my heart will always belong to Celes.


  • DesmaX

    I’m surprised they’re actually aiming to make a complete story.

    I’m really glad, but I was pretty sure they would do at least a XV-2.

    Oh well, they’ll leave a plot hole dedicated for that, I’m sure

    • Zackasaur

      Previous FF sequels were made without plot holes. I mean, look at X and XIII. They both end rather well without “needing” their somewhat abrupt sequels.

      • DesmaX

        … It would be great if they actually started doing that. Nothing grand, just a small(s) plot hole(s) that can be used later on.

        X-2 was fine, but XIII ending was god awful; I always saw XIII-2 as a way to fix that ending

        • vishmarx

          xiii ending was fine
          still better than the crap we got later

          • DesmaX

            Well, yeah. But I still hated it

    • Ace

      Final Fantasy XV-2 will allow you to dress up the guys via dress spheres.

  • Zackasaur

    9 June cannot come soon enough. The demo changes look hawt. Go glitch out of the map to find Titan while you still can!

  • Zuhri69

    So, Stella was replaced by Luna. Hmmm…. I don’t know what to make of this since I barely know Stella. Oh well..

    • vishmarx

      so you didnt get the secret stella-pedia that everyone here has?
      dude, people bought ps3’s simply because they liked stella’s character so much.

      • Orichalon Hades

        what does Stella lookslike again?
        i actually never even seen her character before.

        Seen Luna a bunch of time tho, really liking her looks now. Short Hair is best hair

        • Ferrick

          basically luna but with long hair

        • Sal Romano

          She’s in the picture used for the post.

          • Orichalon Hades

            liking short hair better

      • Luna Kazemaru

        what character!!!!!! All we got for the most part was here pointing a fucking sword and getting into it with our boy in a teaser

        • vishmarx

          ‘what character’ i have no clue

      • Zuhri69

        Dude, I bought my PS3 cos of Versus XIII!! Well, moving into motion, that’s just that. I don’t know what to feel about this. Sad? Angry? Indifferent? I don’t know. I just hope this Luna had the same air of confidence Stella seem to possess.

        But, I am really curious by what they meant that they’ll start promoting the game by Gamescon. Is the game really that close to release…..

  • DarthBrian

    For people who are confused as to why some of us are sad that Stella is gone, someone on NeoGAF summed it up nicely:

    “For people who keep posting this kind of thing, we actually know quite a
    bit about stella added up from the trailers and the information given
    out about her over the years, even if we don’t know about how the story
    went exactly with her in it.

    So for changing her in the story, it actually represents a fairly big shift in the direction of the game’s overally design.

    The entire point of the name “Versus” was because Stella and Noctis were
    supposed to be two complete opposite forces, like their respective
    Kingdoms, and they were supposed to likely duel over love and battle.

    It was essentially a romeo and juliet type story where they meet at a
    party, she keeps her identity a secret and ended up being an agent for
    the other side even though she and Noctis shared the exact same
    situations of near death experiences, having the same power, and
    responsibilities to their Kingdom.

    In changing her, they are essentially taking out that Versus element of
    her character, and thereby changing the entire point of the game. They
    are no longer going to be forced to fight each other, she will be
    relegated to looking pretty only, and probably not do much if the recent
    trailers indicate anything.

    Its a shame for female representation and the actual interesting dynamics of not just fighting enemies.”

    So there ya go…

    EDIT: Source –

    • Orichalon Hades

      how they know this thing just from a couple of teasers lol

      • Luna Kazemaru


      • MasterAaron

        Did you even read..

    • EX+

      That whole post sounds extremely speculative. And since when did this user know what Luna is going to do? And the whole female representation thing is getting annoying now.

      Either way, I’m fine with it. Never liked Romeo and Juliet.

      • Skerj

        They should throw Lightning in it, problem solved.

    • Kaisenex

      people speculating

      • Luna Kazemaru

        its neogaf dude that whole thread is speculating and angsty posters

      • EX+

        Speculating and not knowing what they’re talking about.

    • Karysonson

      Assuming Luna won’t fulfill that role? We haven’t even seen Luna out of a chair yet. Stop making assumptions.

      • DarthBrian

        Based on what we know of Luna, she and Noctis don’t have any intention of fighting each other.

        • Orichalon Hades

          how do you know all of this?

          all i know about her is that she looks great and sits on a chair

          • vishmarx

            onlu weak people sit on a chair.
            stella always stands

          • Kaisenex

            he doesn’t lol

          • DarthBrian

            Pre-release info and the secret ending of the Episode Duscae demo.

        • Karysonson

          What’s to say she isn’t a spy from Niflheim?

          • DarthBrian

            From what I’ve heard, they’re childhood friends. But perhaps that changed too. who knows at this point? >_>

    • Rentekabond

      “In changing her, they are essentially taking out that Versus element of her character, and thereby changing the entire point of the game. They are no longer going to be forced to fight each other, she will be
      relegated to looking pretty only, and probably not do much if the recent trailers indicate anything.

      Its a shame for female representation and the actual interesting dynamics of not just fighting enemies.”

      Again with this, as if the original way was the only right way to do anything or as if we actually know anything about the story (especially considering that, going by the interview, the story isn’t even done yet). Maybe for once Square has decided not to put the entire game in the trailers like they’ve done for like every other game in the past 15 years.

      That ‘relegated to looking pretty only’ line is really what gets me. It screams of projection and completely dumps on female characters way more than changing this character from something we didn’t know much about to something we don’t know mch about does.

      • DarthBrian

        The point is its something people were intersted in and excited about and now it’s completely different.

        • Rentekabond

          Then they should just say that instead of badmouthing things they don’t know about and bringing in some unrelated outside nonsense like female representation.

          • DarthBrian

            But there was pre-release information where they talked about some of this stuff. No links as of yet but if I find them, I’ll provide them. This stuff didn’t just come out of the minds of fanboys.

    • King Shesh

      I agree with the Romeo and Juliet thing. I wanted that vibe with them to get the whole Shakespearean aspect in the game

      • DarthBrian

        Romeo and Juliet where Juliet could legitimately kick Romeo’s ass.

        • Budgiecat

          a strong female with a conflicting ‘villain/hero’ role woulda made for an interesting story

          now we get the predictable ‘save the waifu Luna’

    • Noct98

      “The entire point of the name “Versus” was because Stella and Noctis were supposed to be two complete opposite forces”

      This is false, the name Versus means what they wanted to go to a different direction with this game.


    Wonder what Nomura thinks about all this? Is all these rewrites and altered stuff still true to his vision?

    • Nesther

      I wouldn’t be surprised if he were the next person to leave Squeenix.

      • Luna Kazemaru

        why because he sat on concepts of a vision for 9 years and did little to nothing to show for it?

        • Nesther

          It’s hard to work on something if your team is being taken apart to be used as cogs in the XIII and XIV development machine.
          Also he clearly did a lot of work on it, as the 2011 and 2013 gameplay trailers show.
          His hands were tied, due to Squeenix upper management.

          • vishmarx

            he wouldnt be kicked from the job 9 years later if that were true.

            • Zackasaur

              That is 100% true and documented fact. Not “excuses.” Just truth.

              He also was never kicked. He made the decision to keep up with KHIII and spent time training Tabata to take over XV.

              • vishmarx

                except he isnt much involved in kh3 either,
                the bbs team was making it to begin with and the director said a year ago that nomura’s arrival made little difference as he was simply supervising

                • Zackasaur

                  Okay, that is the exact opposite of the truth. Nomura has 100% creative control over the project and is putting more hours into it than anyone else on staff. He IS directing, and the Osaka/BbS team is LITERALLY his own team. xD Nomura made that team with CoM and kept building it until all KH development moved to Osaka. Nomura is in charge of everything KH. Always has been, for every game.

                  That thing was also never said.

                  You’re clearly not very familiar with the development and team. And that’s okay, as long as you don’t spread false information.

              • Budgiecat

                I believe he was kicked.

                If he wasnt kicked, he wouldnt have been so “no comment” about it when asked.

                • Zackasaur

                  That is standard corporate policy for discussing inside events without PR consent and assistance. We see it with rumours, controversies, restructurings, etc.

                  All you could reasonably glean from that is: “Nomura works in a large corporation.” xD

                  • Budgiecat

                    Japanese standard corporate policy is “…..” lmao

                    But its quite easy to read between the dots by now

        • Zackasaur

          Nomura did nothing of the sort. SE executives wouldn’t let the team do their work. He worked incredibly hard to bring the project to us and is the reason there wwill be a XV at all.

      • KOKAYI5

        That’s what I’m worried about. I know he was pissed off not long ago.

    • EX+

      He moved off the project with his own will and he was still in charge when this game was announced to be FF15. I doubt he’s thrilled, but I don’t think he’s too upset.

      • KOKAYI5

        All the best to him then. Hope he still has a future with square besides just kh games.

      • Budgiecat

        You know this how? No one ever said anything about “moving off the project of their own free will”

        dont make stuff up.

    • Fainaru Ora

      Nomura is probably raging inside due to all the changes and what not.

      • KOKAYI5

        I know I would be. I tried writing comics with friends in the past. But the longer we did it the more we hated each other’s ideas. Nomura isn’t perfect but I like his work. I hope he can at least get kh3 to be his way.

    • vishmarx

      do they need to be??
      his vision isnt exactly that of a god so why should i give a f***.
      kingdom hearts is hardly the example for a good story and deep characters.

      • KOKAYI5

        So hostile.
        I just dont like when someone’s work becomes something estrange to them. I wonder if he is feeling bad watching helplessly as they may be making changes he can’t stand.

        • vishmarx

          well then she should have done something about it instead of quitting

          • KOKAYI5

            I doubt there’s was any room for him after taking this long to get the game done. They might not have said get out but it might’ve been implied.

      • Cocteau

        Relax he wasn’t trashing the game, just asking a question that deserved to be asked.

      • Ukuma7

        Whao…you don’t like KH?? Not a deep story?

    • Karysonson

      Nomura was the director, not the writer of the narrative. That role goes to Nojima, who personally reworked his own writing. He gave the project his blessing and seems content with how the draft was reworked.

      • KOKAYI5

        Still wonder if Nomura likes these changes. This was all his idea now they don’t seem to bring him up at all.

        • Karysonson

          Because he’s working on KH3. Why would they need to bring him up anyway?

          • KOKAYI5

            Just to make sure characters and story stay true to how they were suppose to be. They checked with him before but a lot has happened since then.

      • Budgiecat

        Its nice that we have you as an insider working at S-E to tell us these things :p

        • Luna Kazemaru

          just as nice as watching people here assuming how any form of video game development works right? ;3

          • Budgiecat

            Not sure what that means but Nomura had a specific vision on this game that people were following through his interviews and trailers and now that is obviously gone despite Tabata promising to keep that vision intact….

            • Luna Kazemaru

              I’ve been saying this whole time things can change over a span of 9 years we don’t know what they have been planning or when they thought up these changes sorry the lot of you can’t wrap your fucking brains around it

            • Karysonson

              Nomura talked a lot but did we ever see things like the airship? No. And even in 2013, Nomura was talking about how he changed Stella’s design as he wanted her to look more cute. I’m pretty sure the plot for Versus didn’t just magically stay the same until “Tabata got his evil hands on it”.

              • Budgiecat

                DIfferent CEO direction (Wadaburgers)

                • Karysonson

                  If that is so, then why haven’t we seen KH3 since E3 2013? Because it’s under Nomura, who likes to talk but doesn’t show.

                  • Budgiecat

                    because everything had to be scrapped for Unreal 4 since he was too pissed to keep using Luminous Engine lol

        • Karysonson

          They literally just stated this in the live stream. Did you watch or read what is above? If not, you’re unable to contradict my statement.

          • Budgiecat

            Tabata says a lot of things

            I’ve found that he often contradicts what he says…

            • Karysonson

              Oh really? Provide an example.

              • Budgiecat

                How he doesnt want to make handheld games anymore because his eyesight is failing…..then comes out with Agito for mobile, and announces Agito+ for Vita lol

                How he said Type Zero HD was started in 2012 then later on he recanted and said it was started in 2013…

                and others..

    • bloodiOS

      Like he previously stated, he’s probably channeling his anger into some more productive *LOL*

      • vishmarx

        fapping isnt productive

        • bloodiOS

          Well, yeah, you fapping has nothing to do with what Nomura does.

      • KOKAYI5

        Seriously I hope he doesn’t quit due to this. Quit make video games I mean.

  • MasterAaron

    It’s like people didn’t read the article. It’s just not a design change but also a story change. Luna has a ENTIRELY different role in the story than Stella. Shes her own character.

    Stella is completely gone and It’s perfectly understandable why people are upset.

  • EX+

    So they’re changing the story. Eh. It’s not as if we knew much about it.
    Stella’s gone? I’m not thrilled, but we didn’t know too much about her anyway.

  • Zuhri69

    Wait, hold up, they decided to delete the ballroom scene as well? NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!


  • vishmarx

    i honestly do not care about any of these changes
    what got me hyped for xv was noctis walking out like a badass and teleporting around and wrecking the hell out of those soldiers with his dozen flying swords.
    thats what i wanted to play and that seemingly what im still getting
    heck i didnt even know he had an entourage until the 2011 trailer.

    • Noctis Pendragon

      Can’t wait to see people talking about the new demo gameplay , looks sick .

    • Budgiecat

      bad things happening

      not just this

      removal of character switching is still #1 greatest loss

      with that, you can throw strategy out the window which is what is supposed to make an RPG different from a generic hack n slash

      • vishmarx

        yeah yeah we know.

        • Budgiecat

          I’ll always be here to make sure you never forget lol

      • MrFinalgamer

        Pretty sure I used strategy when playing Birth By Sleep, and KH 3D (especially with how BS hard those bosses get).

        • Budgiecat

          you did? I dont think you can control Donald and Goofy in those games.
          You were using twitch reaction gameplay skills controlling one single character.

          Also remember the first Behemoth battle in the Duscae 1.0 demo where Ignis came up with that STRATEGY plan?

          Instead of a cutscene that would have actually been playable via Nomura’s character switching.
          Thats what I’m talking about when I refer to strategy.

          • MrFinalgamer

            The command system allows for a LOT of customization, and does give depth to strategy by letting you tackle any situation how you want.

            • Budgiecat

              not positionally

              You know like VC, FF Tactics….only it’d be in real time.

  • DarthBrian

    Here’s how Tabata really feels:

    • PhoenixAutomatic

      That’s going a bit too far…

      • DarthBrian

        I know. He shouldn’t say such things.

        • Budgiecat

          I’ll get the belt

      • Luna Kazemaru

        Just let him cry it out man

        • PhoenixAutomatic


    • Kaisenex

      your tears are delicious..

      can’t wait to play this game! :)

    • D.3ND

      someone needs a hug. :S

    • Noctis Pendragon

      Tabata is as honest as always .

  • Orichalon Hades

    Screw Luna and Stella

    what i really want is Attack Cancel via Dodging/Blocking/Warping/whatever


    • vishmarx

      im 90% sure its in the demo update. but who cares about that
      back to waifu wars

      • Orichalon Hades


        • vishmarx

          in any cases, tabata said they wanted it in duscae 1.0 but it slipped their mind or came up as a complaint in the feeback
          so im assuming its there. considering they said all the fixes they werent initially sure about have been added to the demo as well

          • Orichalon Hades

            i hope it didn’t slip out of their mind this time.

            if Tabata can only change 1 thing and 1 thing only it should be Attack Cancelling, no ARPG is complete without Attack Cancel.

    • Zackasaur

      Tabata confirmed attack canceling. However, heavier attacks cannot be canceled for game balance. Plus, it just makes sense. :P

  • Heropon

    I will miss Versus XIII

    • vishmarx

      and ill miss silents hills.
      you see, there are fates far worse that a re envisioning with a 10x bigger budget on better hardware with a different team

      • Zackasaur

        Not a different team, really. Just a stand-in director trained by the original director, as well as new hires to make the production bigger.

    • Zackasaur

      I’ll enjoy playing its realised version. c:

  • bloodiOS

    I knew as soon as that bitch was introduced that my Stella was tossed into the trash. People keep on saying I don’t know that, thinking I’m crazy and believe that she’s still in there somehow. So, there, fuck this shit, my interests really are plunging now. Let’s see what version 2.0 has to offer in terms gameplay mechanics, if it sucks, I’ll just drop this shit altogether.

    • Karysonson

      …because of one woman? Overreaction much?

      • bloodiOS

        I already dislike many things that demo had to show me prior to this.

        • Karysonson

          And Stella is the tipping point for you?

          • Luna Kazemaru

            to alot of people it seems :V

          • bloodiOS

            Not yet, but it has a huge impact, if 2.0 sucks, that will be the tipping point.

      • Kaisenex

        i don’t think he was a fan of the gameplay from seeing him comment on the OF

    • Zuhri69

      Yeah, sorry bout that blood. At any rate, i hope there are some other things that can win you over.

  • Elvick

    So I can officially say that Luna is lame. Stella for life.

    • Orichalon Hades

      Short Hair > Long Hair

      • Ukuma7

        Both is sexy

        • Orichalon Hades


          but short hair is sexier

          • Ukuma7

            Hahaha, I do lean towards shorter hair myself…

      • bloodiOS

        So Cindy (short hair) is more appealing than Luna (long hair)?

        • Orichalon Hades


          if Luna has her hair done like the gif down below somewhere then

          Luna > Cindy
          Cindy > Luna

          • Budgiecat

            now you’re just trying to trigger him…

            • bloodiOS


              • Budgiecat

                just saying he’s making light of this loss, focusing on shallow things like hair length..

                • bloodiOS

                  He didn’t know who she was so it’s not like it matters.

                  • Budgiecat


                    how could he not know?

                    • Orichalon Hades

                      who Stella?

                      i don’t even how she looks like lol

                    • Budgiecat

                      were you born in 2006 or sumfin??

                    • Orichalon Hades


                      i only know how Luna looks like.

                      i seriously thought Stella was the bob haired chick.

                      turns out i was completely wrong

                    • Budgiecat

                      what have you been doing the last 10 years lol

                    • Orichalon Hades

                      apparently missing the biggest thing ever in the universe.



                    • Budgiecat

                      Nah I mean you never paid any attention to FF Versus XIII news at all?

                    • Orichalon Hades

                      not really

                      watch the trailer
                      both of them i think

                      and i only started to follow ff xv news after Tabata take over.

                      and by that point Stella was already replaced ( i think)

                      so yea, i have no idea how Stella looks like until now. That’s also why i thought Stella was the bob haired chick

                    • Budgiecat


                    • Orichalon Hades

                      there’s no point in chasing after rumours.

                      Unless you’re Geralt….and have the possibility to plough some Succubus when chasing said rumour

          • bloodiOS

            But her hair is long either way, it was just bunched up in that GIF. So it’s really no longer matter of short or long hair, but just the styling then?

        • Skerj

          She is.

    • vishmarx

      its official folks.
      its official

      • Elvick

        Yes it’s officially my opinion. Move it along.

    • Luna Kazemaru

      ignis > stella fite me


    What’s the story behind Gladio’s tatoos?

    • vishmarx

      papa lcie

      • KOKAYI5

        I thought he used to be in a gang or something but that’s better. Lol

  • PhoenixAutomatic

    Aside from changes that many people were upset about. Let’s try to enjoy the game and accept the decisions taken by the director. I am happy but upset at the same time about few things as well. If nothing works out, I’ll probably wait till Ito-san shows his next game If there’s a possibility.

    • vishmarx
      • PhoenixAutomatic

        Ito’s working on something definitely, Before I pass away I need to play the last game he makes.

        • vishmarx

          damn .
          i hope so.
          ffxii is by far my personal favorite ff

          • PhoenixAutomatic

            It was hated by mane but also loved by many. I wanna see something like that again. Something amazing and fun to play. The battle system was great.

            • vishmarx

              ivalice is simply the best ff world so far.
              so many species, so many varied awesome locations, usually mature stories,deep lore etc etc.
              also, the battle system was more strategy than flash.
              and ,controversial opinion, but i really liked mist limit breaks.

              • PhoenixAutomatic

                Exactly. You da man!

              • Ukuma7

                Not to mention I had some weird crush on Fran…maybe it was the leather and heels on a attractive rabbit girl…idk

              • Heropon

                Yup , I also want to see a game set in The Ages of Myths or God.. It’s will be great to see all of the story unfold and how it will affect the future of Ivalice

                • vishmarx

                  yeah times when eidolons were regular beings instead of spirits of the past, and the land was at its prime and humanity was litlle

                  • Ukuma7

                    I loved searching for the eidolons that was proby fav summoning system out of all of them

                    • vishmarx

                      izjs makes it 3x better,
                      you can now level them up and control them directly.
                      damn my fight my ardramelech(simply because of how early you can potentially stumble upon him),queklain and zodiark were memorable as hell. so worth it.
                      i loved the summon designs too. so unique compared to the traditional ones

                    • Ukuma7

                      Who was the slime dude in the underground? Looked like oogie boogie, and my favorite was the wind guy ( bad with the names its been years)

                    • vishmarx

                      sewer guy is indeed queklain,awesome late game fight.
                      dude has poison aura.
                      wind? do you mean the dragon?coz thats ardramelech
                      i dont remember wind guys specifically.
                      maybe chaos?

                    • Ukuma7

                      Yea I think.its ardramelech he do the tornados, dude wooped my ass several times but I got him >:)

                    • vishmarx

                      epic fight. you can get to him really early in the game if you get lost

                    • Ukuma7

                      That’s why I got stomped so bad haha I was.underleveled and exploring haha

              • kcz7

                My reasoning for why 12 is my favorite is bc of the battle system. I had played XI for 3 years before buying XII. So, coming from MMO experience, XII was like a single player MMO styled FF. I automatically fell in love. I loved that you could run past mobs or engage at your leisure just like in XI/any MMO. Goodness I love that game! The feels are reals mang bwahahaha.

          • Ukuma7

            I really enjoyed 12 too, my favorite is 9, but its nice to see fans of other titles besides 7 and 10

            • kcz7

              I have no bad blood, but I shake my head when I see 7 lovers (also a good song ^^b 7!! – Lovers). I played original two, but the 3rd one (FF3 US; SNES; actually FF6) is the one I fell in love with. Then the 7-10 era I was more into sports like Madden/NCAA/FIFA. I played XI for 6 years, but also bought XII during my deployment in 2009. I sunk hella’va hours into that game. Skip’d 13, but been playing FFXIV since Phase3 beta for PS3. I can understand their 7 feels, bc it’s the same when I talk about 6. No bad blood, just like “ohhhh another 7 lover, /sigh” thing.

          • kcz7

            YUS!! I still have my copy & PS2 along w/my other fav PS2 game “Spartan: Total Warrior” (for whenever I’m having 300 THIS IS SPARTA withdrawals ^^).

        • Heropon

          I hope he will team up with Takashi Tokita this time

          • PhoenixAutomatic

            You mean make more mobile titles? Because he’s the current head of the mobile gaming division.
            Jokes aside, There’s hoping but I don’t think that would be possible but who knows maybe they both can.

        • KingNigma

          you dyin

  • Kaisenex

    so can we talk about the gameplay instead of your precious waifu guys? it looks really nice.

    • Kaisenex
    • Zuhri69

      Flip for the win yo! And now we have charge attack. And more team combo’s. Fxxxxxx aye!!!!

  • Budgiecat


    just got here

    I knew it!

    I knew Tabata when he laughed months ago at that Stella fan question that she was gone!
    I knew it!

    Goddamn it…….

    • vishmarx

      ah….time for some ,no party switching’ arguments.please.
      stella is killing me with boredom

    • DarthBrian

      I know right? :(

    • Kaisenex

      your next line is…”when will they add character switching!?”


  • vishmarx

    so now you can charge the greatsword’s attacks.which means
    why u no stella?

  • Unknowingreaper

    Why not just say Stella has a new role instead of over complicating things. She’s been in like two cut scenes and barely know anything about her. Now people are up in arms about something that doesn’t even matter

    • Orichalon Hades

      >barely know anything about her.

      apparently many people have inside information about Stella that we don’t know about :v

      • Unknowingreaper

        Like what

        • Orichalon Hades

          no idea

          i don’t even know what Stella looks like before Sal told me

          • Unknowingreaper

            Pretty much the same as the new girl

            • Budgiecat

              who are you clueless people? lol

            • bloodiOS

              Pretty much the same as the new girl

              Say what now?

              • Unknowingreaper

                Pretty much the same except her hair is up

                • bloodiOS

                  Yeah, no.

                  • Unknowingreaper

                    Right… Both blonde with blue eyes petite both wearing white I’d say they look a lot alike but whatever think what you want

                    • bloodiOS

                      If just having the same color of hair, eye, and clothes are enough to make two people looks “a lot alike” or even “pretty much the same”, sure.

                    • Unknowingreaper

                      Whatever man I don’t really care

  • Noct98

    I am still gonna get the game though but definitely a lot of people are pissed, i wonder if this game would live up to expectations.

  • Kaisenex
    • bloodiOS

      That’s a wrong pic ;P

      • Kaisenex


    • Budgiecat

      so this was Luna in 2013 E3 showing all along??

      Or is that really revised Steall and did they really just mess with the entire script in under a year?
      Thats not a good sign….

      • Zackasaur

        Their silence on Stella and introduction of Luna indicates that this had been done long ago.

        I think they were quiet about the 100% confirmation because of PR guidelines. They had to focus on gameplay systems and the demo in all of their public presentation. They are now in a different PR stage and opening up to these questions.

        • Budgiecat

          So who is that girl in that pic above??

          • Cael

            It’s Stella.

            • Budgiecat

              But Zackasaur says thats Luna!!

              • vishmarx

                its a mystery

          • Zackasaur

            Luna in the early stages of the transition. They further tweaked the design, of course. That 2013 one looks kind of halfway between the two.

            • Budgiecat


              I wanna punch them

              • Zackasaur

                I want to hug them afterwards. :3

                • Budgiecat


                  but I’ll just punch them again

                  and then I’ll stick needles in them all around so you cant hug em

                  • ash45

                    then will I’ll stick needles in you :p after that I will huge theme and tie you up and throw TMT at you and tell tabata and the others the bad cat is gone since you hate honest people and all

                    • Budgiecat

                      this isnt going to happen because your power level is only 45 while mine is over 9000

                    • ash45

                      your only 9000 that nothing I am 1500000 and that just my first form try again :p

                    • Budgiecat

                      no your power level is in your username stop lying

                      Even Farmer with a shotgun can rek u

                    • ash45

                      like a uesr called budgie cat has any power lolol

                    • Budgiecat

                      unlimited power

                    • ash45

                      sorry I have ultima weapon your no match

                • ash45

                  I agree

          • ash45

            its luna bro get over it this was done long ago

        • Xengre

          Yeah, this was done quite some time ago. It was Stella’s model rework to make her “prettier”. She had to later be scrapped for Luna who you can see in 2014/2015 trailers and on the Wiki. It appears they took a great deal of the above, Stella, concept and used her for Luna so they have quite a bit of similarities but they are different models.

          This is Luna

    • KOKAYI5

      Too soon.

    • Syltique

      Oh dear lol.

    • Cheng

      Isn’t her name Stella Nox not Stella Von? o.O

      • Kaisenex

        idk i didn’t make it




    • Budgiecat

      I blame you

    • Nororu

      you mean prompto?

  • Nororu

    they should delete prompto and revive stella with a new role in the party.

    • Orichalon Hades

      They should delete FFXV and make FF XII Zodiac Edition HD :v

      • vishmarx

        ff12 with assets made in luminous.
        imagine luminous balthier

        • Noctis Pendragon

          If SE could remake every FF under Luminous …

      • Ukuma7

        And then reimage ffix with those awesome cartoony style art into high detailed models like dragon quest hero’s…I would poop

        • Orichalon Hades

          But Toriyama Art tho

          everyone’s ends up looking the same ;_;

          • vishmarx

            this lol.
            as much as i like it

          • Ukuma7

            ? Who all looked the same? In 9? I thought you had more generic looking people in 12 then 9

            • vishmarx

              he means toriyama art.
              and NO, dont you dare call ff12’s cast generic.

              • Orichalon Hades

                Bunny girl is best girl

                • Ukuma7

                  Bunny girl is only girl;)

              • Ukuma7

                The cast was not generic I thought you were talking about the worlds people , sorry

        • kcz7

          Give me CHIBI STYLE !!! hahahah ^O^) / YUSSS

  • DarthBrian

    A lot of what we know about Stella comes from the cutscene in the trailer that was on the Advent Children Comlpete Blu-Rei. Here’s a fan-dub of that scene:

    So all that is gone now. But I’m pretty sure they’ll still use the legend of seeing the light of the Kingdom of the Dead after Etro opens the doors thing. Though that does tie it a bit in to FFXIII and since this is now FFXV who knows if they’ve changed that too. We will have to wait and see.

    • Yuntu

      Maybe they changed it to get a little more away from FFXIII? I mean there must be a reason that they specifiacially ( omg how to you write this word ) changed THIS.

      • DarthBrian



    Finally got to see the vid. Had to drop the quality to almost nothing….

    • vishmarx


      • Zackasaur

        It sounds like his internet is being a butt.

        Which is a pretty sucky thing, I can tell you.

      • KOKAYI5

        My samsun galaxy ring is shit at vids.

        • vishmarx

          been there lol,
          s3 buffers at 360p at times on lte

          • KOKAYI5

            Next January I’m getting a better pho e for sure. I don’t like having one for due to the prices and upgrade but if I gotta have one at least let it be good.

  • Kaisenex
    • Zackasaur

      Awwwwwwwww yeah.

      Spamming that gif everywhere now.

      • Budgiecat

        you’re a sick individual..looking all up in that hairy ass

    • Orichalon Hades

      dat ass crack tho

      • Kaisenex


        • Orichalon Hades

          considering how hairy that ass crack is

          you should be banned for posting this.

          • Kaisenex


            • Orichalon Hades


              already calling the cops

    • Budgiecat

      Garuda farted

      • Kaisenex

        of course you would be looking at his butt.

        • Budgiecat

          you posted it

          dont turn this back on me

          • Kaisenex

            but you pointed it out…

            • Budgiecat

              You knowningly set up the bait. I was just pointing out your setup.

              • Kaisenex

                you controlled me when i did it, i now realize that’s your power.

  • Bart Fatima

    I kinda wish Stella could of stayed, but ww haven’t had the chance to formally meet Luna yet. Tabata stated that the last phase of marketing will begin this Gamescom and TGS. So we should surely expect a mid to late 2016 release. Hopefully Star Ocean releases before, which I doubt since they said they only were 10% complete. But will see !!!

    • Orichalon Hades


      • Bart Fatima


  • Kaisenex
    • Ukuma7

      That’s siiiccc

    • Zancrow

      Work that butt!

      • Budgiecat

        Garuda: “why you all up in muh ass n shit??”

    • KOKAYI5

      Glad they put acrobatics in it. These days games try to be so realistic they act like it makes fights look stupid everytime.

    • 7thDestiny

      All that bass and no trouble

  • vishmarx
    • Zackasaur

      I doubt we’re getting a resolution bump already… Though that would be cool. But the camera is lovely.

      And DAMN does this look good. Thanks for the gifs.

      • vishmarx

        especially the charged heavy attack gif, looks better than i remember

        • Zackasaur

          Yeah, it’s pretty sick.

      • bloodiOS

        A boost in performance is more preferable than a boost in resolution at this stage.

        • vishmarx

          though i kinda doubt it

          tabata did say they fixed the fps in the extra time they got

    • Budgiecat

      lol at that last soldier trying to throw a spinning hook kick while holding the flag banner..

      • vishmarx

        they can combo you with that and it hurts like a b****

        • Jay

          Yeah it does…

        • Noctis Pendragon

          Their figthing style is just awsome , would be nice if Noctis could learn it .

    • Yuntu

      Is it just me or did they change some of the animations for the greatsword?

      • vishmarx

        they changed animations for all attacks
        lot smoother now

        • Yuntu

          Yeah, I’m glad about that – especially with the greatsword. It just looked clunky before.

  • Ace

    Looks like we’ll have to wait another 6 years for that trailer…

  • vishmarx

    is anyone getting the feeling were gonna see kh3 big time at e3?

    • Ukuma7

      Naw son KH III is a myth

      • vishmarx

        which is confirmed to be at d23 whatever expo

        • Ukuma7

          Bruh…don’t be so gullable ;)

          On a serious note if its gonna be there then coo, I look forward to it

  • DemiFiendRSA
  • MisterS

    I am honestly disappointed. The stella and prince noctis-sama dynamic made the game interesting for me and i will always think about what would have been..

  • Karysonson

    Individual tabs for Ps4, Xbone, and Windows/Pc in the FFXV editor.


    • vishmarx

      whats ffxv editor?

      • Karysonson

        Basically, the thing they used to create the game and test out the assets.It was shown off in the Tech demo.

        • vishmarx

          huh, nice catch.

          • Karysonson

            I’m hopping this is a big catch…

            • Bobby Jennings

              You’re hoping for a PC release right?

              • Karysonson

                Yup! I really want to play something like this at 60fps. Though 30 is fine, 60 is more smooth. Also, playing at 4k would be nice~~

                • Bobby Jennings

                  You still need to help me build a PC :O

                  • Karysonson

                    Haha, almost forgot. I’ll come up with something by tonight in the open forum.

                    • Bobby Jennings

                      If anything, tag me I guess. :D

                    • Karysonson

                      Left a message in the open forum, however I’m not sure if it tagged you.

      • bloodiOS

        Watch the Luminous Studio 1.5 Tech Demo #2 video and skip to 4:10.

    • Noctis Pendragon

      They surly use the same editor for FF Agnis and FF XV traillers .

  • Budgiecat

    No Marlon, she cant hear you. Stella is gone…


    The details Nomura gave us were vague on who Stella was and what she meant to the story.

    She was in opposition to Noctis for INPUT reason.

    She was the opposite of Noctis: forthcoming, polite, and truthful to her beliefs. Forthcoming and polite can be applied to several Final Fantasy females. What made Stella stand out from the crowd? She believed her choices were the right choices because of an upbringing. What did that upbringing involve and how different was it from Noctis? What are her beliefs?

    She came from a rich family. Who are the Fleuret family and what did they want?

    Why was Stella in opposition to Noctis?

    Nobody from the fanbase can answer me with objective information because there is no real facts released from either director that can lead to answers.

    • MisterS

      Which nomura will answer those one Day..

  • Kaisenex
  • Budgiecat

    So Nojima didnt rewrite the script.
    Tabata team did. And for what reasons, is still unclear to me.

    • ClaudiusWhite

      They explain in the video…and even in this very article which I’m sure you’ve read through right?

      • Unknowingreaper

        They pretty much had to do this game from scratch. I feel bad for them honestly I think they should of canned versus taken elements from it and made a brand new game. Maybe a little backlash from canceling but not nearly as much for this game being in development since Moses crossed the river.

    • Mozendo

      “And for what reasons, is still unclear to me.”
      Have you even read KH’s story? There were probably 7 variations of Noctis.

      • Budgiecat

        I said he wouldnt interfere.

        Y U no listen

  • Vyse Legendaire


    Game looks sharper now.

  • Unknowingreaper

    Didn’t wanna watch the whole thing any gameplay?

    • KOKAYI5

      Some. They posted now here.

  • Soul-Master

    Stella…. why her of all characters? That aside, if they really think it was for the best… guess I’ll have to embrace it.

    • Budgiecat

      Maybe the conflicting plot of her vs Noctis was too huge for one game they thought.

      So they axed her and her plot to infuse Luna who will be more of a typical sidelined damsel in distress love interest, hence her more youthful appearance and demeanor as opposed to Stella’s more mature elegance…


      • KingKellogg The Waffle Haggler

        Yes Budgie, fight. Win. Destroy!

      • Noctis Pendragon

        Stella doesn’t look more mature than this : .

        • Budgiecat

          to be honest, thats a horrible rendition of Luna. We know she wont look like that in-game. She’ll def be more Moe like as in the 3D render

  • Jay

    Next month news… Noctis changed out for Lightning.

  • Retro Reloaded

    Feels like this has everything but vision. There are too many cooks
    in the kitchen. It’s to the point that they’re asking the players to
    stir the pot as well.

    I hope I’m wrong but I think we’re gonna get a watered down mess.

  • PuppetMaster

    WTF :O
    What have they done…

  • Pekola

    Luna has to prove herself.

    From what we know of Stella, she seemed resolute and firm. Her eyes were sharper and her hair was darker. Which gives the impression of a more grounded heroine (visual cues wat)

    But Luna has bigger eyes, lighter hair and so far, what we’ve seen of her is just sitting on a chair being all sparkly. Which kind of contrasts with Stella who seemed less squeamish.

    My fear is that they’ll go the route where Luna is merely a damsel who waits for Noctis to save her.

    I don’t understand why they -had- to change Stella’s role within the game. But she was very interesting, specially seeing how she was willing to square off against Noctis.

    Luna so far looks like a pretty pixie girl. And that is worrying because a girl who just waits for the guy to rescue her while she glows with some ~special power~ is amateur hour.

    I guess we’ll see.

    • Martian Wong

      The day Stella dies is the day we full understand the pain and anger experienced by Tetsuya Nomura.

    • osa

      We really know very little about Stella. By the end of the game she easily could’ve become sparkling Stella.

      We also know very little about Luna as well. Even less than we knew about Stella, actually. There is that short sparkling scene, but there is also that scene when her and Noctis where children and she seems to have more mature/stronger personality than Noctis. [if that was Luna?]

      • Budgiecat

        The whole “Luna is waiting for you” seems to imply a more damsel in distress image than Stella. who stepped out onto the street drawing her weapon to face Noctis..


        • DukeVerde

          “Luna is waiting for you…on a bloodsoaked battleground”

          Really, it’s not like they tell you where she is waiting for you….For all anyone knows she could be waiting for you in Hell, by the end of the game.

          • Budgiecat

            but they show her politely sitting at a table holding her pendant…

            • DukeVerde

              Oh…well…. Carry on then. XD

            • PuppetMaster

              “but they show her politely sitting at a table holding her pendant”

              with worried faces like someone gonna attack her anytime / anywhere but she can’t do anything about it until noctis-sama arrived and save the day.

              So no wonder people will asume Luna just a damsel in distress. unlike Stella.

              • Budgiecat

                Sit there and wait for Noctis!
                Luna: “oh….okay” : (

            • Pekola

              Yeah…about that.

              It might be spoiler-ish but

              • Budgiecat

                looks like a victim who waited too long to be saved lol

                • Kaisenex

                  or she is a bad ass and destroyed the whole city but tripped on a rock and is now hurt. lol

                  • Budgiecat


              • KingKellogg The Waffle Haggler

                She is waiting so he can pick her up to buy some dang shoes.

        • Jaylen Lightbourn-Levine

          Waiting to give him something, not waiting to be saved. People are pulling stuff out of their asses, being overdramatic over a character ho we knew little about, and are reaching too hard to find something to freakout about. And it wasn’t like she was 100 % scrapped, Stella is no longer in the story because her part didn’t make to much since, so they changed her name and expanded her importance.

          • Budgiecat

            give him a kiss lol

      • Pekola

        We are -only- speaking about what we currently know.

        Its possible that Luna is actually a BAMF who is just as capable as Noctis and co.

        Just like it’s possible Stella turned out to be disappointing.

        We have to wait.

    • Budgiecat

      I’m not the least bit confident about her given how Tabata feels about Cindy and all. He doesnt seem to hold a respect for a strong female characters in this game unless they’re a one dimensional stereotype.

      Its weird. Its like he never made Type Zero or anything because all of his decisions seem so far off from that.

      • Syltique

        So unless you’re a sex-negative prude, you hate women?

        • KingNigma

          oh that’s what he said?

        • Budgiecat

          I forgot she’s a sex worker not a mechanic you’re totally right! sorry

      • MrFinalgamer

        …We’ve only seen 1 female so far. Granted, Cidney’s fanservice galore gets super annoying after a while, but still…that’s just one. We’ve yet to see anything regarding that black haired chick, Luna, or the Dragoon chick (which I swear Nomura said she was just a random goon…)

        • Budgiecat

          those are probably Nomura creations carried over.

          I get the feeling Cindy is purely Tabata

          • MasterAaron

            Nomura makes bad female characters. It’s probably him.

            Tabata is not a writer or the artist.

            • Budgiecat

              No it’s actually Roberto Ferrari. With input from whoever spoke off camera during the previous ATR before this one when Tabata was answering the Q&A for Duscae 1.0 when the Cindy question came up.

      • MasterAaron

        Tabata is not the writer or designer.

    • Super Build Panther

      My only concern is that they take away the Shakespearean aspect that the story was originally going to be about; the warring families aspect and all that.

      I really hope they don’t kill what they made the original story by Nomura. It might be the pessimist in me but the more I hear, the more I feel like the story and game’s going to barely resemble what Nomura wanted.

      This really makes me want a FFVersus/XV documentary.

      • MrFinalgamer

        I think the whole Family X against Family Y will still be in it (especially with Nifleheim (or however its spelled) invading Insomnia), but will most likely take a more ASoIaF approach, rather than a romanticized version ala Romeo & Juliet .

        • Budgiecat

          Romeo never fought Juliet though

          Also, it feels like Luna is Sansa Stark while Stella was more Arya Stark :p

    • MasterAaron

      My worst fear to. I hope it doesn’t happen and that Luna is a strong character.

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  • FitzpatrickPhillips

    June 9th?! Wow so close. Hell yeah

  • Martian Wong

    Am I over-reading into it? They put 5 chairs surrounding the campfire…does that mean there is another character going to join the party?

    • Skerj

      I believe they did mention guest characters joining temporarily.

      • Martian Wong

        Nice…I hope that means we will have at least one female character….I still dealing with the lost of Stella.

  • Infinity

    So they take out the only interesting female in the game. Ok.

    • osa

      How much do you know about any other female characters in the game?

      • Infinity

        I know if, Tetsuya Nomura gave this character serious part to play in the game. Judging by the trailer she was in….

        • KingKellogg The Waffle Haggler

          She was extremely important.

        • Budgiecat

          now instead we’ll get: Prince Noctis! Congratulatons but I’m afraid Princess Luna is in another castle!

    • Rayhan PromisedGallery

      she sounds like very typical anime/JRPG character to me. Her character arc doesn’t sound unique at all.

    • Noctis Pendragon

      Dragoon Lady , Himefu and Luna are also there .

  • Yuntu

    Maybe Luna will do a Tomb Raider and turn into Stella over the game, I mean why the hell not.

    But jokes aside, I’m realy looking forward to the update for the demo and the news from GamesCom, sad that I can’t go there this year :( Though Yoshi-P last year was also nice to see and talk with.

  • Hidayat246

    >> As we make these major changes, there are
    other characters that we introduced, like a woman with dark hair, and a
    female dragoon,

    I almost forgot about that woman
    she appear in 2011 first gameplay trailer
    glad tabata mention her appearance in XV

  • Nitraion

    also this game is consume A LOT of SE Ass-Sets…
    hope turn a good in final product

    • D.3ND

      *tranquilize you and steals all your Calorimate’s before using Futon Recovery on you*

  • Rayhan PromisedGallery

    next year announcement : Final Fantasy Versus XV in sevelopment, directed by Toriyama

  • badmoogle

    Don’t worry they will add her as DLC lol.

  • vertical09

    I wasn’t expecting an update to a demo to look this good!

    The great sword looks so much more like what a great sword should be. It always felt way too floaty for me.

    • Noctis Pendragon

      It looks like it hurts now , i wonder if they did change the DS vibration .
      If they improved every weapon like that it should be fun .

  • Bryce Blalex Douglas

    I’m lost on how everyone assumed Stella was the greatest female character ever from a few trailers yet and assume Luna is just going to be a stereotypical female character from like 2 trailers.
    Everyone please chill out and literally wait until you play the game and experience the story before you judge anything.

    • ClaudiusWhite

      The worst part is if Luna doesn’t meet people’s expectations, they will assume Stella would have been much better despite not really knowing what her story arc would have been in Versus XIII.

      • KingNigma

        their minds made up

      • Bryce Blalex Douglas

        Sad but true. You can’t miss something you never had but since it’s the internet you can.

    • Xengre

      Based on trailers and info we know Stella was very blunt/open and true to her beliefs, also stubborn. She was a capable fighter and, imo, she was far more beautiful than Luna is. Luna appears to be rather meek and possibly looks to be the type of character regularly sitting on the side lines as she gets pulled by the waves of events. She may not even be able to fight despite her last name. Then again this is all based on what we have seen and nothing concrete, except the basis of Stella’s personality.

      • DrForbidden

        Where did you see footage or pictures of Luna?

        • Orichalon Hades

          iirc there’s only a clip/gif of her sitting and looking pretty

          i guess people judge people personality by if they are standing or sitting

          • DrForbidden

            So Luna’s model is basically Stella’s with some minor cosmetic surgery and a name change? Seems kind of pointless to me. They could have just used the same model and name and changed her role in the story.

          • Budgiecat

            also drawings of her appearing out of the rubble all alone, weary and damaged from an invasion onslaught.


            Stella appearing out on a street to face Noctis by materializing a weapon out of thin air as he draws his.

            dat epic conflict

        • Xengre

          She is seen here:

 as well as in some mo-cap with the wig, etc.

          Of course, the curious thing is this appears to be prior to her “death” so she may drastically change as to adapt and survive after the incidents occur so the video/photage we have so far may not be very effective in determining what kind of character she will be for a good portion of FF15. Only really know she wont be anything like Stella.

          • DrForbidden


      • Bryce Blalex Douglas

        They have yet to give us any information on who Luna is as a character or her role in the story. For all we know she turn out to be a better character than Stella.

        • Xengre

          They have stated what type of character Stella was and explicitly stated Luna to be a very different character from Stella. The trailers also give the impression of a potentially meek side heroine. Of course, none of this is guaranteed and they can still do an amazing character… it just isn’t looking like something to get hope up over atm. This also comes at the loss of Stella, whom reminded me of a better mix of Beatrix (FF9) and Rikku (FF10) which we will not get now. I had hoped both would be in the game, oh well.

          • Bryce Blalex Douglas

            I didn’t realize There’s only one type of strong female character. Sarcasm aside, I guess I just don’t like seeing speculation based off of lil bit of information.

            • Xengre

              I never said there was only one type of strong female character. They were very explicit, however, with the fact that she will be very different from Stella and to top things off she appeared rather meek/high class in the trailers. I also said that this isn’t a guarantee that she is weak or anything, things just support that as a highly likely outcome. As indicated, it is entirely possible she is the Dragoon user going from a Rapier to a Lance with a power boost which isn’t too far off. I loved Stella’s design, but I might also love Luna’s. I’m leaving Luna’s actual design as entirely up in the air and only mentioning that it doesn’t look ideal, not that there is any confirmation to the concern. The only real complaint I have, which isn’t based off any speculation, is the removal of Stella whose character we did have a solid idea of and I thought was awesome. :P

    • Noctis Pendragon

      We have seen Luna 3 seconde , but some people seem to know everything about her .

  • DrForbidden

    I thought he said they were going to introduce a female DRAGON, and got myself excited over nothing… -_-


      hahah to be fair it seems like all of us here have been getting excited over nothing for over 9 years now.
      (rip in peace stella and everything we keep thinking this project is)

  • KingKellogg The Waffle Haggler

    So basically they have now thrown out the story. Keeping what they think makes it good. This is stupid, Tabata is so busy changing things that we have lost most of the game. It really seems arrogant. Like he is just trying to steal credit for the game.

    • KOKAYI5

      I don’t like some of the changes but I don’t think that’s what’s happening. I think it’s more the game has taken so long and they want to move on to FF16 before PS4 lifespan is up that they shortening or altering the story. I may end up as long as Crisis Core where as it was suppose be as long as FFX.

      • KingKellogg The Waffle Haggler

        It is horrible though, we should not be having to get a cut up game… It is bad!

        • Kaisenex

          christ man…just because they remove a character now the game is cut up? try saying that after you play the game…

          • KingKellogg The Waffle Haggler

            Not just the character man, tons has been cut. Also, she was important to the game.

        • KOKAYI5

          I agree. But its done. Let’s hope luna is a good replacement and not a princess type.

          • KingKellogg The Waffle Haggler

            She looks just like a sit and wait type :(

            • KOKAYI5

              Yeah she does. But maybe they do that just to make her look like an underdog.

  • Learii

    we want Versus XIII back we want to ride robots and use tanks

    • KOKAYI5

      Yeah I wanna do that. But mostly I want a large array of spells, limit breaks, towns, summons and shops and gear to get. Mechs are good, but they need to get that stuff I named set in stone first.

      • Learii

        ya I agree that the real game of Versus XIII screw XV

      • Learii

        I agree with that

      • Noctis Pendragon

        Everything you have seen at E3 will be there (+ magic and other stuff ) .

        And i am 100% sure we are getting tanks and mechs .

        • KOKAYI5

          All I can do is hope you’re right. We’ve been burned so much waiting on all these changes.

    • Noctis Pendragon

      You can still ride robots and use tanks .

  • icup ✔️

    basically… “sorry we don’t have time, they’re rushing us to finish the game. stella got cut along with many other things. maybe we’ll release some as dlc.”

  • TheMechaEngineer

    After reading this wonderfully sad article I feel a range of emotions. I’m trying to be logical here and think that maybe this was Nomura’s idea to take Stella out since 2011-2012, who knows its possible. That being said I don’t believe that to be the case. I remember how Nomura (when he graced us with any info on versus13) would talk about how the problems between there families would affect the relationship those two would seem to inevitably develop.

    I remember just thinking about this beautiful dark Romeo and Juliet / Hamlet story Nomura wanted to tell. The man who created my second favorite gaming franchise, Kingdom Hearts. Essentially its all gone, and those who would argue that it was never there to begin with, your right. I created, with the limited amount of info given to us, an idea of what this magical game would ultimately be.

    Since the announcement of the game back in 2006 I have waited to play a main title Final Fantasy made by one of my favorite developers in gaming, and its sad to say I will have to keep waiting.

    Again I’m sorry if I’m being over dramatic. Like I said I’m feeling a range of emotions, and sometimes it can be hard to be logical when one is feeling emotional. I don’t know about anyone here but the love story that was suppose to happen between Stella and Noctis was maybe the number thing I looked forward to the most.

    Before anyone says it I know, I know, I know. Not all of Nomura’s vision is lost. I understand that we do not know anything that will transpire with Luna. Again its hard to be logical when one is this emotional. I only wonder why they would cut out a character that the previous director emphasized as important to the central story.

    Does Final Fantasy 15 now suck because of this? Of course not. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t buying this game day one. I owe it to that 12 year old boy who has waited for some 9 years to play the shit out of this game.

    • KingKellogg The Waffle Haggler

      Stella seemed to be Nomuras pet character, like one he talked about a lot…I do not believe he would EVER get rid of her.

      But seriously…97% of Versus is dead :(….It is wrong,they should have just made a new game and let versus keep getting made slowly or something.

      • TheMechaEngineer

        I don’t think he would get rid of Stella either, I was just giving their decision the benefit of the doubt. Even so I don’t believe he would ever get rid of her. I think the reason they call it 15 now because they want to make a return on their investment. I’m upset with them taking her out because it now feels like the nail on the coffin for Nomura’s vision.

        • KingKellogg The Waffle Haggler

          Can’t remember if I replied to this, but seriously…This just upsets me, I was so looking forward to Nomuras game it looked SO amazing. This game looks pretty cool too, just not the same at all. More like a rip-off.

          • TheMechaEngineer

            I’m going to wait and see. I am going in with less expectations because now I don’t know what to expect any more. The little info they gave us back then that lead me to creative my idea for what the game would be is gone. I just hope Luna isn’t some damsel in distress.

    • Hierophant

      With the Shakespearean stuff gone, I’m imagining your standard epic save the girl/save the world from otherworldly evil or apathetic beings, so I’m not overly hyped. Just enough, I think.

      • TheMechaEngineer

        I agree. Luna looked to be set up as a damsel in distress. Although I could be wrong but for now that’s how i perceive things. I hope I’m wrong.

  • brian nyob

    fuck you tabata

  • brian nyob

    when will nomura redirect versus 13?

  • penemue

    At this point I don’t even care if they release the game without Noctis in it. I just want this game to come out so they can reveal their current development on the next Final Fantasy, and for the sake of your company get a decent project manager who knows how to do his job, like knowing what kind of milestones are able to be hit with the right amount of resources and in the correct time frame, if almost every other studio can do it without delaying a game for 5 years so can SE, considering how long they have been in the industry. PLEASE have a realistic, cohesive, focused vision for the next FF, that comes out in a reasonable time frame, that should be the goal of the whatever development studio is in charge of the pre-production (or whatever stage they are at) of the next entry.

  • Lara Croft

    So if Wada had stayed on, we could be playing Vs on our PS3s right now :-( Anyway, I liked Stella, but I’m sure Luna will be just as good a character. Also people jumping to conclusions, based on what verrrrrrrry little info they know on the character and story. But this is the Internet, where net people know more about a game in development than the developers.

    • Noctis Pendragon

      VS was never going to be on the ps3 , they often said it was too ambitious for a ps3 and i don’t think 12 people are enough to produce that kind of game ( they were a team of 12 till 2010/2011 ) .


    Well even if they’re not gonna have a lot of Limit Breaks and skills the are unique per character, at least these team attacks look impressive. Plus button pressing to time it right?! Good work. Maybe there’s magic based team attacks.

    • vishmarx

      “Well even if they’re not gonna have a lot of Limit Breaks and skills the are unique per character”
      who told you that?

      and yes there are magic based team attacks, we saw one in an old atr with noctis and ignis where ignis charges his daggers with magic and stabs them in the ground to release a stream of fire

      • KOKAYI5

        Its just a trend that’s been going on these days. In the 13s everyone only got one unique move the full atb bar move. Their limit break. In type0 same thing. More original moves but the animation for the limit breaks were reused animations. That’s cheap. I want lots of unique spells and skills and limit breaks so each character is their own person.


    If they’re changing the story I hope they keep the villains at least. I’m tired of going thru games fighting nothing but giant monster bosses. I like a organization to be behind things. A speaking intelligent driving force. If there’s gonna be a lot of monster bosses (like in 13) then at least have them talk. I liked 13 in some ways. But it had the weakest villains.



    Yaag fights you a couple of times in a mech, respect. Jihl plays head games and then gets quickly killed off just so she won’t see mech-pope’s true form. Cid is being controlled and only fights you once. Barely a villain. And the Fal’Cie as a whole usually don’t talk except Barthandelus. Not even Orphan spoke. Since stuff is getting cut or changed. Let the characters from now one be what remains. I don’t want to flee Noct’s home town, travel the world fighting mindless monsters and then circle back to his home town to have a final battle with the occupiers. Because I’ve seen that play out in shows, movies and games and when they do it that way it usually leads to quick rushed scenes to flush out villains in a series of conversations since they weren’t seen often thru the game.

    • SOLOmio

      they had and added a vast space of nothing and it was like 50% of the if we break it down!

    • LunarHaven

      Well, at least you can feel safe about facing huge bosses and villains in Star Ocean 5, I’ve noticed that most open world games tend to throw out unique bosses in exchange for ordinary monsters. Which is a shame really.

      • KOKAYI5

        Yes they do. Even though I love the witcher 3 most humanoid bosses are pushovers who aren’t any more tactical than a guy in a shield. Most knights are weak since most can’t use magic. And the only thing they show over monster is intelligence in dialogue. I think devs fall in love with huge brute force monsters when drawing them and leave important story bosses till the last battle.

        • LunarHaven

          Agreed, pretty lame ”boss” moments in the witcher. And all big flying contract beasts all act the same too.

          • KOKAYI5

            Kinda yeah. Maybe the end bosses and Wild Hunt members will be more unique.

  • SOLOmio

    should i rage….cause i don’t feel like it! I m just sad and concerned

    • KingKellogg The Waffle Haggler

      Rage my friend. rage.

      • SOLOmio

        Rage I will then!

        • KingKellogg The Waffle Haggler

          Good, good.

    • Noctis Pendragon

      Don’t rage , FF XV is FF XV those who want FF Versus XIII can go beg Nomura and wait 10 years .

      • SOLOmio

        true! but they want to give useless characters like dragoon girl! (just from the name u can expect an fan service otaku fav) unless she’s like FF4 dragoon or FFiV Dragoon job then i will take back whatever i said about her!

        • Noctis Pendragon

          Oh lol that to talk to a Dragoon Lady ! She is strong and determined women haha …
          /troll off .

          Seriously i hope she is like Kain , just that would be cool.

  • SOLOmio

    at very least i want to see team mates rotation or sub,(not dragoon girls it’s been overused) Cause i am sick of jrpg introducing little cute things/girls/boys who don’t add nothing to the crew besides and headache of clumsiness/useless and annoying moments that please some and pisses the Heck out of me and some peps! Funny:yeah, Annoying, B please.

  • vishmarx

    is it just me or does the grass look super dull during the afternoon scenes?
    it looks fine in the morning, but day time really looks deviod of any color with grass being so dull , the party wearing all blacks and using no magic

    • Noctis Pendragon

      What ? I don’t remenber them promising magic or a graphical update .

      • vishmarx

        nah i mean, the grass just looks dull in the afternoon be it 1.0 or 2.0 whereas it looks really green in the morning

  • Zenobia Joyner

    I’m happy with their decision to cut what they have cut out. and looking forward to seeing what they have added.

    • KingKellogg The Waffle Haggler

      Why the heck would you be happy about losing content?

      • ClaudiusWhite

        The content is being replaced with other content so it’s not like we’re getting less.

        • KingKellogg The Waffle Haggler

          I don’t see any new things to replace All the gameplay mechanics we lost, heck we don’t even know of the arcade has been canned now!

          • vishmarx

            vs13 didnt have giant enemies,counter attacks, team attacks, driveable car, car customization etc for all we know.

            • KingKellogg The Waffle Haggler

              FFVersus did have giant monsters, car was confirmed, team attacks were actually WAY better, and had control. Car Customization I’ll give you.

              I am not cherry picking, I just know this crap. This has been my #1 wanted game for pretty much 10 years, it ticks me off to see it change. Why does that bother you so much that some people Wanted something and now it is gone, it is understandable.

              • vishmarx

                none of that was ever confirmed.
                those WAY better team attacks werent even in the game until they decided to remove switching.
                car was never even hinted at being driveable throughout the world.
                unless youve been seeing the secret trailers every stella lover has seen ,all of what you said is pure speculation

                • KingKellogg The Waffle Haggler

                  When switching was there you can see team attacks and BEFORE that you could link combos between different characters. ALSO, guess what Nomura said you could drive a car and hit enemies with it. Everything I said was confirmed, unless you mean we have seen it. In which case ffXV has no villain, or real story.

                  You really just seem to have glazed over and missed Tons of info and seem to disgregard the fact that many others have payed way more attention to it than you, these things are known, it is not speculation.

                  • vishmarx

                    no you cant. you have no control over where a character is at one point regardless of switching, partner didnt look like they fought in synch at all.

                    nothing about giants either

                    heck people whining about weapon switching, it was never in the game to begin with, nomura said that was back in 2011

                    nomura started saying things before the game was even properly thought of . that was vs’s biggest problem

                    he wanted it all

                    open world, seamless, flying around, kh combat, day/night transition, elaborate weather sytem, active switching while giving noctis all weapons,multiple mounts/mechs.

                    things is he never did a reality check and it bit him in the ass.

                    party member being switchable while the mc being able to do all that they do is a terrible choice when you it implemented,

                    ps3 could never handle real time flying and enemy loading all over the map at the same time without serious sacrifices,besides, airships are still in one way or another. mechs are still in. magic will look better than ever and the game’s increased budget is sure to bring about serious improvements.that cty combat that people are whining about,it wasnt gonna be accessible either after the prologue but now theyre looking for ways to bring it in

                    for all we know , he couldnt accomplish most of it and was eventually let go.

                    if he did, wed have seen more than just some kingdom hearts combat in 5 years.heck the spell animations were some of the most meh ive ever seen. worse than xiii.

                    like everyone else, i wanted his earlier vision to happen,but it was never gonna.thats the simple truth.

                    and no, xv does have a story, we saw story trailers lol

                    • KingKellogg The Waffle Haggler

                      The game had a world map like FFVII, also go watch some of the trailers of Versus, they have things you said they dont. Such as the team combos,also the giant monsters were from the first demo, the behind closed doors ones.

                      And finally, the game was in good production, but it got switched up and had to change, we saw gameplay. Sure some of the stuff might have been cut, but GTAV proved most was possible,

                    • Noctis Pendragon

                      Why didn’t you compain at E3 so ? The gameplay we are getting is from E3 (with magics and other things in addition ) .

                      Staying here won’t bring FF Versus XIII back , just don’t buy FF XV it will make everything better .

          • Bart Fatima

            We didn’t lose nothing really, the game never came out and was light years away from a release. Tabata now is open about everything and at least he actually replace what was taking out. It would be different if he took content out and replace it with nothing

            • KingKellogg The Waffle Haggler

              Give me examples of what has replaced all the things we have lost.

              Also, tabata talking and Nomura talking was up to execs.

              • Bart Fatima

                But what was really taking out. How can you complain about a game that never came out. He felt Stella role wasn’t good enough for the story. So he switched her with Luna who we have yet to know anything of. Also, he changed the battle sequence from Versus XIII to the battle scene we saw at E3 2013. So relax a bit, we don’t know anything but what Nomura gave us.

                • KingKellogg The Waffle Haggler

                  All that proves is that Tabata is arrogant and thinks he knows better. Also, we do know quite a bit of the plot.

                  • Noctis Pendragon

                    Tabata arrogant ? is it supossed to be a joke ?

          • Heropon

            Yeah , i agree . I bet those Riding tank , Magitek armor are replace by camping and food.

        • Heropon

          Nah , as i have seen so far those Riding tank , Magitek armor are replaced by camping and food. We are not getting less but worse content

          • Yuntu

            Source on that please, the whole roadtrip-thing was also back in Nomuras vision – that’s nothing Tabata came up with.

            • Heropon

              Have you seen or they said anything about those anymore after change to XV ? With everything we see so far . It easier to assume that they get rid of those gameplay especially when they remove Stella and the party scene .

              The road trip may be in game before but none of those are the main point of those old trailer [i cannot find any source before 2013 about the road trip thing until they rename it to XV, every thing after that can be a make up from Nomura because he is forced to adapt this idea]. Versus XIII trailer show more overall about the world and the conflict between the kingdom along with the relationship between Noctis and stella , portray their role in the story while XV so far i only seen bromance road trip and food , they just show all of those unnecessary thing and try to make the game realistic by adding a lot of ridiculous feature while forget all of those main element

              • Yuntu

                Because they haven’t talked about something doesn’t mean it’s not there. Jesus people are so easily on the edge when it’s about this game, they think stuff into everything anyone says at SE.


                Here is an interview from Nomura in 2008 where he stated that the game will have the feeling of a road movie, so yeah this was his idea.

                • Heropon

                  See Stella . They haven’t talk any about her and silently remove it along with others thing like party scene.Those armour gameplay are saw in those story line event so with the removal of all those story element , gameplay mechanics definitely not include in XV anymore.

                  For the road strip , yeah, it’s Nomura ideal but from all of old trailers, the execution is different compare to now

                  • Yuntu

                    Again you are solely speculating, we still know almost nothing about the game besides what we saw in trailers or in the demo – everything else is just blind guessing.

          • Noctis Pendragon

            When did they replace them ?

      • Zenobia Joyner

        i did’nt really like those scenes they have told us that they decided not to keep when the game was still versus for xv. so yes that is i meant before and in it’s place the new scenes they have come up with for ffxv is what i’m looking forward too seeing now

        • KingKellogg The Waffle Haggler

          Those AWESOME scenes D:

        • Noctis Pendragon

          Almost everything in FF XV (since E3 ) looks better than FF Versus XIII .
          People are making a fiction out of FF Versus XIII .

  • Cheng

    I thought Stella was supposed to have a big role. At least that’s what it seemed like from previous trailers & the way Nomura talked about her. I wonder why exactly she was cut. I mean does that mean taking her out changes a lot of the previous story? Bc if they can easily take her out, then I guess she’s not that important? I’m confused. Also, who was the girl talking & the girl at the blond girl shown at end of the the first trailer on E3 2013 that revealed FFvs13 as FFXV? Was that Luna or Stella?

    • vishmarx

      what does it matter?
      we dont know nothing about either

      • Cheng

        I’m just curious. I’m still interested in FFXV regardless of the changes. Actually, I’m looking forward to hear more about Luna’s character & role.

    • KingKellogg The Waffle Haggler

      Yeah Nomura had tons planned, I doubt he shared it all so they might be lost.

      • Cheng

        They probably should have said that Stella was cut a long while ago tbh. I don’t know why they had to wait this long to even mention this. lol

        • KingKellogg The Waffle Haggler

          Leaving it hanging made it a much larger problem.

        • Yuntu

          Because their main focus since they started doing this ATR was the demo, only with this one have they started adressing the story a little bit – and with what we saw from the feedback, that japanese players don’t really focus on the story, they probably planned with knowledge of the japanese market.

    • Infinity

      I thought the person in the hood Noctic walks in on was Lightning. lol

  • LunarHaven

    I hope this doesn’t mark a new era of ”extended demo’s and demo updates” before the release of every big game.

    Also, what’s next, gonna tell me about Noctis’ bowel movements and that they’ve decided to shave his butt in the final version in the game? lol
    I dislike this everlasting flow of information feed hearing about every little thing they cut and add to the game. What happened to being surprised about what a game offers at launch?

    • KingKellogg The Waffle Haggler

      I miss surprises.

    • PuppetMaster

      Don’t worry, i’m sure the next thing they gonna do is cut the game into 10-20 demos and charge $60 for every demos.

    • Zefhar

      They’re doing this as damage control after ppl bitching for eight years about no news and spreading rumors about game being cancelled, so… In my opinion Tabata is doing a great job notifying fans about all information he can share without being too spoily

    • Noctis Pendragon

      The drama is real .

  • Mikail

    So someone who rant obviously have play FF versus 13, my God

  • Sion12

    So Luna is the main heroine?or just the one of heroine? she seems like the younger weak sister type that is constantly in the background but never the main heroine.

    also RIP Stella 2007-2015, i like the idea of exiled RomeoXJuliet quest more than the exile boyband trip more but it appear you are not good enough

    • Yuntu

      She is the main heroine and we don’t know yet if she is a damsel in distress – we can only guess judging from that brief scene we saw her in which literally said nothing about her character.
      As for other females we have the black haired woman and the dragoon-lady they once showed.

    • MasterAaron

      This game always been the exile boy trip. Try again.

    • ash45

      RIP Stella 2007-2015 WE BEARLY KNEW YOU huh why are we sad again ?

    • Hierophant

      That’s the vibe I get too, it’s mostly just that pendant holding pose. But we’ll see. I’m also not big on the road trip either.

  • Budgiecat

    cant believe Kotaku was right all this time ugh

    • Kaisenex

      wasn’t it obvious when they announced ff15?

    • ClaudiusWhite

      Not really. The Versus XIII story just had a rewrite, but the overall theme of the story is still the same. When movies get rewrites people don’t go around saying the movie’s dead.

      • Budgiecat

        Tabata said its not the same game so its more than a simple rewrite.
        The original theme is obviously gone when Stella is removed. Her part in it was a very important one; a story of conflict. She wasnt just some side character.

        • PuppetMaster

          Budgie, why some of this people still in denial mode? Why they keep defending FF XV = Versus when the director himself said it’s not.

          • Budgiecat

            new bandwagoners + corporate apologist fanboys

        • Kaisenex

          what was the original theme?

          • Budgiecat

            original theme was twerking

            • Kaisenex

              you invented that right?

              • Budgiecat

                Elle did

        • ash45

          to bad we bearly knew her to try and justife her and be happy Tabata was being honest with us you should be gratefull for that

          • Budgiecat

            Tabata was certainly NOT being honest with us prior to this ATR….

            • ash45

              LOL did you not watch it he even said he Everyone involved was very sensitive in dealing with this, and we patiently debated numerous times pls take you BS somewhere else it was just as hard for theme okay buddy ?

              • Budgiecat

                Toriyama also said “Towns and NPCs are hard” in FF XIII

                Its best not to trust S-E when they do their usual PR nonsense :p

                • ash45

                  Toriyama is not Tabata and Tabata is actually good at his then again you played versus 13 right :p then again you also speak nonsense about a character that no one knew about :p

            • ash45

              for all we know HE did not have to tell us at all and we would have found out ourselfs and it would have bean worst so pls be more gratefull

            • ash45

              oh I am worng I mean you obviously have play FF versus 13 so you must know how much of a great character she was LOL BURN

              • Budgiecat

                Tabata said “we will keep Nomura’s vision intact”
                That was months ago
                Now he says it’s a different game and a different vision.


                • ash45

                  lol note he said would have been very difficult to carry over absolutely everything as it was,” he explained. “We considered what was possible with the new-gen hardware, as well as what elements absolutely must be included in XV but might fall through if not given top priority. It was not easy to nail down what was essential for the story to be contained in one title. Everyone involved was very sensitive in dealing with this lol how blinde are you ?

                  • Budgiecat

                    Why would it be difficult when the PS4 is 10 times more powerful than the PS3, of which Nomura had ‘difficulty’ dealing with??

                    Lol Tabata is full of it.

                    • ash45

                      LOL Nomura had ‘difficulty dealing with the ps4 with kingdom hearts III the only one who is full of its is you Lol at less try

                    • Budgiecat

                      no he had difficulty adapting to Unreal 4 because he never used it before

                    • ash45

                      nomura also said since working on the ps4 its was hard for them adapt heartless and the free stlye combat into next gen

                    • ash45

                      by the way you still did not say anything about tabata talking about sequels when claerly it was nomura who said those things still wating on the replay on that

                • ash45

                  by the weay this was not Nomura’s vision this was Nojima’s at less get it right :p

                  • Budgiecat

                    Tell Tabata that then because those were HIS exact words

                    • ash45

                      and Tabata exact words they were Nojima’s story in this vidoe lol you fail at this but keep it coming

                    • Budgiecat

                      I was talking about the earlier ATR from a few months ago. Tabata literally said he was keeping Nomura’s vision intact.

                    • ash45

                      nope he never said that

                    • Budgiecat

                      yes he did. He was answering a fan question

                    • ash45

                      he was answering fan question but none of theme said anything about that

                    • ash45

                      no they were not he said they were Nojima’s :p how many times do i get to prove you wrong

                    • Budgiecat

                      you’re talking about the recent ATR.

                      I’m talking about the first ATR

                      stop losing to me

                    • ash45

                      I just watch the first one he never said that your not really good at this are you :p

                    • Budgiecat

                      yeah sure pal you just went back and watched the first one just to reply to me and try to prove me wrong yeah okay and pigs fly haha

                    • ash45

                      nope I saw two weeks ago that how I know your BS

        • ClaudiusWhite

          It’s not the same game because they have practically started from scratch again. Despite that, Tabata also said in this same ATR that they are being as faithful to the original story as they could, despite changes.

          “In the end, we decided to be as faithful as possible to Mr. Nojima’s story for Versus and focus on realizing the original story as much as we could.”

          Stella may have been important for to the story for Versus, but it doesn’t mean she was important to the overall world of the Versus epic, which would encompass multiple games.

          • ash45

            and its also good he was being straight that why nobody feels like that they did not care when in reailty they actually do care about the story and charcaters

        • ash45

          and one last neil in the coffen Stella hadnt even been fleshed out enough to be significant and we havent seen enough of Luna to be hating the change yet your jumping the sherk to soon buddy

          • Budgiecat

            again people like you think the issue withe Stella is like Alishagate from Tales of Zestiria, when its more than just the character; its the overarching arc and major plot points that come with that character. Removing Stella isnt like removing some no name NPC; they have to do a major rewrite and doing so late in the development process harkens the mess that happened with FF XII when Matsuno left and we got worthless Vaan shoehorned in along with some other issues.
            Its evident when Tabata basically is saying the story was too epic to fit in one game (which I kinda call BS since Versus was never confirmed to have sequels and Tabata initially stated that XV could have sequels but now he’s recanting but whatevs) so Stella again is much more than just a simple character being removed, and as such, it makes her then automatically more important to the original plot than the inclusion of this Luna, which seems to not be a equal replacement, but just sideline character in a much more condensed story to be fit into one game, rewritten this late into the development, which doesnt bode well…

            • ash45

              WE HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE PLOT IS THE ONLY THING WE KNOW IS THAT THERE BEAING CHASED THE ENEMY KINGDOM THAT IT PEOPLE LIKE YOU THINK THE ALREADY KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS HAVE THIS STRANGE IDEA YOU PLAYED VEROUS 13 IT STUPID you have listen buddy a 2 min trailer dose not tell the whole story and the sooner you undarstand that the sooner we can enjoy this game

              • Budgiecat

                calm your all caps before you flare up your roids

                • ash45

                  says the perosn was in love with a charcter that was in 1 min trailer

            • ash45

              LIES Tabata never said there would be sequels that was namura who said that proof tabata has alwasy bean honest with us

            • ash45

              people like you who try to lie there way in this community are called ungratefull brats and that what you are

  • frisky17

    Stealla was beautiful

  • Noctis Caelum

    What can I say to Stellas death…the party scene with Noctis and her, was very memorial and even now nostalgic, but now it simply gone…

    Can not understand this, hope this Luna has a similar character and design.

    Goodbye Stella… ;__;

    And welcome Luna…>__>

    • ash45

      yeah good bye Goodbye Stella even tho WE BEARLY KNEW YOU it was quite sad lol joking asid you bearly knew the girl get over yourslf your looking LAME right now

  • Kaisenex

    Noctis making the getaway from versus13

    • Yuntu

      This must be part of the fantasy-part of the game :o

      • Kaisenex

        his ass is a soap dispenser

        • Yuntu

          Or he used to much lotion ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Yuntu

    Honestly: I think it’s good that Tabata finally says something about that whole Stella/Luna confusion, but besides the information which name the character has I didn’t really care about her. I mean yeah RomeoXJuliet is a nice theme, but nothing that gets me hooked on a games story ( not saying damsel in distress is better, if Luna even is such a character – we don’t know ).
    I just would like to know who it was in the 2013 trailer that runned with Noctis through the grass – Luna or Stella.

    But yeah I still don’t see any reason to be concerned about this game, still looks great only character switching is something I miss – besides that I really like what we know.

  • Crocko@

    Seeing that brothers relationship, I think it will be very very sad if the story later has to kill one of noctis’s friends, especially Prompto T.T, he’s a nice decent guy…or it could be also very intense if one of them is a traitor lol

    • vishmarx

      he’s also the least trained in combat.
      thus the guns and his amateur moves.
      unlike the other 3 who are part of the royal family or serve as advisers or bodyguards.

  • AAa

    Stella’s gone? Oh well at least they ANNOUNCE she’s gone unlike one certain TALES.

  • vishmarx

    ‘It is entirely possible that key elements of the Versus XIII trailers might have been changed even if the project had remained as Versus XIII. While Nomura and Nojima undoubtedly would probably have weaved everything, from the party invasion to Stella and her exact characterization as it had been presented, it into their overall narrative, the existence of those scenes, as they were, were not yet indicative that an entire story had already been completely set in stone utilizing those scenes.

    I think honestly, this is one of the gifts Nomura and Nojima have – being able to write in his ideas into a narrative that doesn’t break under its own weight when taken in small slices e.g. Kingdom Hearts. When a slightly different set of people took the helm, the decision to find ways to include these smaller concept pieces into the overall narrative becomes a harder one, because if not done correctly it will be at the expense of the game itself, and a disservice to Nomura.

    Having spoken to multiple staff members over the past year, what I can say that when they are following Nomura’s original vision as much as possible, it’s not simply just PR speak. They -are- doing all they can to respect the world and characters that Nomura created. Aesthetically, it’s still a fantasy based on reality. Noctis still is crown prince of a family of sword summoners. The combat still is based on capitalizing on that fact. It’s still an action-based open world Final Fantasy. The game still is at its core a road trip story. Nojima’s plot is still largely intact.

    I think the way Tabata handled this announcement was spot-on. It needed to be done sooner rather than later, especially as the marketing campaign for the game itself launches next month, and rampant speculation then would have led to a much bigger fallout than the current situation.

    I will say that when I myself found out about the changes (can’t say how or when, for obvious reasons), I was a little disappointed, having been someone who also followed Versus XIII (and Somnus, omg) since the start, but FFXV at this point should be judged on its own merits, based on everything that has been revealed from E3 2013 onwards, and I’ve definitely taken to the world, characters, and story.

    Writing off the current female characters in the narrative just because they haven’t been really focused on in marketing material up to this point, and just because they aren’t what was shown in Versus XIII, does the plot of FFXV a disservice. That much I feel comfortable saying.’

    • Bart Fatima

      I love this post, and highly respect your opinion. You were surely on point, I personally feel bad that Tabata had to take on such a task but respect how he has handle all of the pressure. Nomura is a flat out genius and regardless XV will still be his visionary game. Versus XIII trailer that was released few years ago was just epic!! However like you said I cannot judge XV based on the previous s title, it has the right to be judge by its own merit and it’s own current director. Stella I live her character and was a but disappointed but we have yet to be introduce to Luna so I’m very optimistic about her and the future of XV.

      • Kaisenex

        he got that off someone from neogaf post, that’s why it’s in quotes

      • vishmarx

        actually this isnt my post,its from a gaf user who worked on the game’s ost
        i simply found it good enough to be posted here, since none of us seem to be able to come to an understanding

    • Pekola


      • vishmarx


  • Julie Hall

    As a cosplayer, I’m VERY disappointed that they removed Stella from the game. I’ve already spent hours making her costume and sword! :(

    • Bart Fatima

      Yeah I would feel upset too, sorry bout that

    • 7thDestiny

      Awesome work……so sorry, I’m sad too, but I’m hoping they scraped some ideas from Stella and gave them to Luna

    • Pekola

      Luna will probably inherit her wardrobe.

      Luna is Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, so she’s still probably gonna retain aspects of Stella.

    • Hierophant

      And now you can spend hours sitting down and clutching a pendant! I suppose you can throw glitter to emulate that sparkly stuff.

  • hull

    Tabata and fanbase deserve each other. Tabata: ‘pleeease, what should i do’. Fanbase: ‘Stella is not in game. We don’t care about item system or that there is nothing to do in duscae.’

    Almost forgot. New writer is dissidia writer. And woman. Enjoy.

    • Noctis Pendragon

      There is an item system and you have enough things to do in Episode Duscae to play at the very least 4 hours .

  • Kaisenex

    so in versus 13 after noctis defeated stella she became his B-word, i mean look at her, she’s in a dress! for petes sake! why would a badass with powers be in a dress!?!? with this picture alone she’s a “DAMSEL IN DISTRESS!!!” i already figured out her entire story by this one picture!

    and look at this girl, so serious and determined! she would probably kick everyone’s asses!

    (don’t take this post seriously please)

    • Infinity

      Did it ever cross your mind this takes place before Noctis and Stella become enemies? I highly doubt Noctis has time on his hands to go to some ball party, when a whole damn army is looking for him. If you review the trailer, you will see all the chaos starts/begins at this party, when a airship crashes into the window of the floor their own.

      • Kaisenex

        who cares anymore, it’s dead jim

        • Infinity

          You obviously cared judging by your damn post. I was only replying to your comment.

          • Kaisenex

            and i said don’t take it seriously…smh

            • Infinity

              Where in your post did you say don’t take it seriously?

              • Kaisenex

                after the last picture in my first post.

                • Budgiecat

                  Drag-on Ball Kaisenex plse

                  • Kaisenex

                    go use your litterbox kitty

                    • Budgiecat

                      but its your sneaker…

                    • Kaisenex

                      that’s fine, now use it.

  • ash45

    wow some of you fans….ungratefull brats that what come in my mind on some of this post you people are are ungratefull brats didn’t Tabata just say ?

    he wanted to keep as much of this intact as possible.

    “But it would have been very difficult to carry over absolutely everything as it was,” he explained. “We considered what was possible with the new-gen hardware, as well as what elements absolutely must be included in XV but might fall through if not given top priority. It was not easy to nail down what was essential for the story to be contained in one title. Everyone involved was very sensitive in dealing with this, and we patiently debated numerous times, but we still couldn’t come up with a definitive answer.”

    NOTE DEFINITIVE ANSWER like WOW like OMG some of you people are just disgusting AT less he was being HONEST WITH US its better then not talling us at I don’t care if I get banned for saying this but some of you don’t deserve to play this game I honestly think some of you don’t deserve the right to because frankly you don’t know what you want frome this game if all you cared about WAS ONE CHARACTER YOU BEARLY KNEW then you need to get your priority straight ASAP…. sigh done ranting

  • Ryni lullul

    WOW what is all the crying about? That Stella hadnt even been fleshed out enough to be significant and we havent seen enough of Luna to be hating the change yet. She could be an awesome character.
    The game is still looking promising, nothing to whinge about here. Both director’s know what they’re doing.

    • ash45

      thank you

    • ash45

      your post is godly

    • Budgiecat

      There was a finished script. Of course she was fully fleshed out.

      • ash45

        no she was not tabata said in intevriew that they were still working on script in 2013 all they had was a rought draft not full on script sorry

        • Budgiecat

          2013 is the transition from Versus to XV though

          • ash45

            nope it was script go to siliconera to see for yourslf

            • Budgiecat

              im not going to that crappy site you go there

              • ash45

                I.E you know it

          • Christian Kase

            The transition was made in 2012 actually

            • ash45

              thank you

            • Budgiecat

              was talking about the script not the decision to move the game

          • ash45

            so yeah like Christian Kase said it was 2012 the transition from Versus to XV 2013 was the script buddy

            • Budgiecat

              2012 was Wada telling Nomura they’re moving to PS4 and assigning Tabata as codirecter late 2012.
              2013 is when they started revising the already completed Versus script over to XV script

              • ash45

                nope early 2012 was when the wade told nomura that veruse 13 was going to the ps4 and 2013 is they still had to finish the script for veruse 13 becouse only 20 percent of it was done

                • Budgiecat

                  The Wade??

                  Dwayne Wade??

                  No the script was complete

                  • ash45

                    no it was not your dreaming

      • ash45

        I think the way Tabata handled this announcement was spot-on. It needed to be done sooner rather than later, especially as the marketing campaign for the game itself launches next month, and rampant speculation then would have led to a much bigger fallout than the current situation.

        • Kaisenex

          you literally copy pasta that from neogaf

          • ash45

            well yeah it a good post and its spot on

      • Ryni lullul

        yeah but did we get to learn about her in that much depth
        that~s what i mean.

      • iron_maw84

        Nojima, the actual writer and Tabata said otherwise. In fact Nojima said he had a draft, not a script.

        • Budgiecat

          Man these guys r full of poop. Nomura said the beta was complete by early 2012

  • Bart Fatima

    700 comments already.

    • Heropon

      only 600

  • frisky17

    the thing is, we saw stella fighting noctis,a love hate relationship, it was interesting and her face was beautiful, but all we saw from luna was her sitting in the chair, praying or whatever, like damsel in distress, someone who needs saving, and her face is not so pretty with those huge anime eyes, stella was much better looking and stronger character in the trailer

    • ash45

      and that was all we knew nothing else not enough to justify I am sorry stella could have bean A very bad charcater for all we know and luna could have bean that cool character you have know Idea nobody dose so stop acting like you do pls

      • Budgiecat

        let people vent stop policing thats not your job

    • marcy.clara

      ✞✯✜♦✰ $88 per h0ur @mi12//

      ➨➨➨ https://www.AccessW0rkAtH0me/Earn


  • Infinity

    So now let us review the women, that is still in this game.

    Luna – A character who looks like a princess in distress, or is she!?!?!?!

    Cindy – A character who is a smart engineer mechanic , and will likely will help the boys out from time to time. But damn if her design doesn’t scream eye candy.

    Then finally we have this unknown: long bangs; long hair chick. We only ever seen in a picture. Who is she? Is she still in the game, or did they remove her as well from the story?

    • ash45

      at less he was being honest would you have wanted him to keep it to themsevls and get a bigger backslash I am pretty sure non of us here kids and get overly angry about a character that was in a 2 min trailer that was like 8 years ago

      • Infinity

        I’m not angry at all at this, and just because the man was honest doesn’t mean I have to like what has transpired here.

        I get some elements didn’t fit well with his vision of what the game should be, but what is the game suppose to be now?
        His focus has been on element that isn’t that important, and should be on the story, and characters. So far he has avoided telling us much about the main story as possible, but gives us showcasing of the things you can do in the world itself.

        All I’m asking is for him to focus on delivering us some solid information about the story of the game.

        • ash45

          maybe that why there doing it the event in aguest but I guess I do see your point

    • Noctis Pendragon

      The story is done since a long time , focusing on the story won’t change much and camping shit is a (big) part of the story .

      He also confirmed the black haired women and the dragoon lady to be important .

      • Infinity

        When I meant focus on the story, I meant focus on delivering us information on what the story has develop into now.

  • Budgiecat
    • D.3ND

      Technically, Stella isn’t dead…….

      • Budgiecat

        Where is she then? In KH III?

        • D.3ND

          under a different name

          • Budgiecat

            who? Kaisenex?

            • D.3ND

              Luna :I

            • Kaisenex

              and i thought what we had was special!!!

              • ash45

                and what if luna is a bad ass you never know the game is not out yet and that must be what square is trying to do is get people so mad and then pull a twist on us

                • D.3ND

                  How I see it, Luna is an update version of Stella

                  • ash45

                    yes that what I think she is too

        • ash45

          she never exist get over it troll

  • Pekola

    Use those heads of yours to form coherent and tempered comments instead of all the hyperbole I’m seeing.

    Here at Gematsu, we’re fans of measured and intelligent replies.

    This whole back and forth about Stella and Luna has gotten ridiculous. Knock it off.

    • ash45

      your 100 percent right and sorry about that

  • Zero

    Let’s cut down the off-topic spam in here. This is not the open forum.

    Continue on. I’m being pretty relaxed with this, considering the news and such. Feel free to vent and get what you need to say said, but just be civil about it and don’t attack others for having a different opinion.

    With that said, I’m not going to allow every FFXV article from here on out to be full of nothing but Stella comments. Just making that known right now.

  • Hierophant

    I think can describe how this Stella/Luna business feels for me. It’s like I was being promised Aeris that debuted in Final Fantasy 7. Look at her waltzing around, flirting with Cloud, and threatening castration on villains. And now I’m being promised post-FF7 Aerith; Too pure for this sinful earth, ingenue-ish, garbage.

    Maybe Luna won’t sit around waiting to be rescued. Maybe she won’t try to flee the villain and have her upper arm grabbed and be rendered immobile. Maybe she won’t fight, but still be pretty proactive towards her problems.

    I’m being tongue in cheek, but there’s still time. I’ll be uncharacteristically optimistic, but if she’s still sitting (standing) around waiting or fleeing from bad guys with that silly ‘girl run’ in future media, I’m not going to be pleased.

  • Yuji Sakai

    Im sad stella is gone. she went so well with noctis. I hope she comes back in another game.

    • rainelee

      Stella Returns: FFXV?

  • Noctis Pendragon
  • Cael

    Good thing there’s still Cidney.

    • Noctis Pendragon

      And everyone else but Stella .

  • Noctis Caelum

    Does anyone noticed that the “cut” Episode Duscae Update 2.0 video and that in the ATR are NOT the same?

  • Phelan


    And people were bashing me when I said that something wrong is happening with plot. How Stella seemed to be forgoten and replaced by Luna. How plot seems to not fit to what we have been told in Nomura’s time.

    But who cares. People like Noctis Pendragon always knew better. Well not really care, but hearing “sorry” would be nice.

    But anyway I’m glad that he finally shared a bit more news with us. It’s not all bad… few things are going to be improved. That’s a good thing. Very good thing. Though I’m not sure if I want to play game with Nomura’s story being altered.

    Ow well we shall see… we shall see.

    • Noctis Pendragon

      Sorry to what excalty ?

      Edit : Nvm i remenber you , there is no way i say “sorry” to you lol OMG , you insulted while i never did .
      I did never care about Stella so idk what you are talking about , refresh my memory if you can please because atm i am very happy with everything Tabata said .

      • Mehmed

        I’m not happy and in waiting since 2006. I hope tabata dies, square shuts down and tetsuya is going to win 1 billion dollar so he can make FF Versus a reality

  • ayanami-chan

    1. Maybe if we feel like it
    2. Sure
    3. No too much work
    4. We know better than you, so no

    also all of Vs XIII was a lie
    no Stella, suck our asian balls

    • Noctis Pendragon

      Yeah bieng realistic , releasing the game and listening to the real sale target ( those who gave thier feedbacks ) is bad thing .

      FF XV isn’t FF Versus XIII and it is the best thing that could have hapenned :
      – We get a new game .
      – FF Versus XIII can be seen as the best FF ever etc , most inspired with powerful and strong females etc Les Misérables , Shakespear etc and all the fan fiction bullshit .

      Everyone wins .

  • Himiko

    That’s fine. I accepted not everything could stay the same and I wasn’t really attached to Stella or the other characters as I barely knew a thing about them. Same with Luna as there’s no point or reason to jumping to conclusions about her character. The ATR overall made me more excited for what they have planned for Gamescom and it’s good they dropped the sequel idea.

  • rainelee

    It’s like I don’t even know this game anymore. ;__;

    • iron_maw84

      …You didn’t know it in the first place.

  • Dystopiq

    Who cares. This is game development. Things that were there get removed or moved and things that aren’t there get added. Waifu nerds need to calm their panties.

  • WhyWai

    sounds like the game still very early in development….

  • Noir

    Luna. I like that name….

  • Mehmed

    I’m sad. I’m so sad I want to cry all day long. I’ve stopped to be a gamer. I just wanted FF 13 Versus nothing more. And now it was scrapped. The is no ff13versus anymore. FF XV is just based upon some aspects. It’s a 95% completely different game which I don’t like.
    I want to learn Japanese and read the original story. And I want Nomura to Remake ff13versus as FF Versus to come out in 2023 on the ps5.

    Fuck you square enix, fuck you hajime tabata!