the Fastest Way to Try DEIS on AWS


Supercharge your team with a platform that deploys applications as fast as you can create them.


Benefit from the latest distributed systems technology thanks to a platform that is constantly evolving.


Maintain your independence with an open source platform that runs on public cloud, private cloud, or bare metal.

What are Deis users saying

"Deis gives our developers a self-service platform backed by a strong open source community. We are excited about Deis' potential at Mozilla."

"Deis enables us to deploy Docker based microservices on our own private PaaS within seconds without human involvement."

Come See Us At

2015-09-24 | St. Louis, MO
2015-09-26 | Berlin, Germany
2015-10-01 | Portland, ME
2015-10-06 | Las Vegas, NV
2015-10-17 | Salzburg, Austria
2015-10-29 | New York City, New York