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CoCCA Registry Services (NZ) Limited
Afghanistan - .af ccTLD
 Acceptable Use
 Registrant Agreement
 Privacy, WHOIS Policy
Christmas Island - .cx ccTLD
 Acceptable Use
 Registrant Agreement
 Privacy, WHOIS Policy
South Georgia and South Sandwhich - .gs ccTLD
 Acceptable Use
 Registrant Agreement
 Privacy, WHOIS Policy
Guyana - .gy ccTLD
 Acceptable Use
 Registrant Agreement
 Privacy, WHOIS Policy
Kiribatti - .ki ccTLD
 Acceptable Use
 Registrant Agreement
 Privacy, WHOIS Policy
Montserrat - .ms ccTLD
 Acceptable Use
 Registrant Agreement
 Privacy, WHOIS Policy
Norfolk Island- .nf ccTLD
 Acceptable Use
 Registrant Agreement
 Privacy, WHOIS Policy
Solomon Islands - .sb ccTLD
 Acceptable Use
 Registrant Agreement
 Privacy, WHOIS Policy
Timor Leste - .tl ccTLD
 Acceptable Use
 Registrant Agreement
 Privacy, WHOIS Policy
.wed ( Wedding ) gTLD
 Acceptable Use
 Registrant Agreement
 Privacy, WHOIS Policy


This site provides the public and registrants with WHOIS, AuthCode ( domain password ) retrieval and Policy Information for the Internet Top Level Domains that appear in the column to the left.


March 28th, 2015 | 2014 Annual Reports for .CX, .NF and .TL

Christmas Island ccTLD 2014
Norfolk Island ccTLD 2014
Timor-Leste ccTLD 2014

January 24th, 2014 | .wed ( Wedding )

The .wed Top Level Domain has been added to the internet root servers. CoCCA is pleased to be able to support this Atgron initiative by providing Atgron with ICANN - gTLD compliant registry services.

Global name resolution is being provided by Packet Clearing House ( PCH ) and Internet Software Consortium. The .wed DNSSEC key storage and signing services are being provided by PCH.

January 6th, 2014 | 2013 Annual Reports for .CX, .NF and .TL

Christmas Island ccTLD 2013
Norfolk Island ccTLD 2013
Timor-Leste ccTLD 2013


In keeping with its research and support mission, CoCCA does not handle secret or confidential information.

Data in various forms is provided to CoCCA on a voluntary basis, CoCCA publishes this information to the public.

CoCCA may, at its sole discretion, anonymize, aggregate, delete, or restrict access to portions of the data, but does not represent that it will do so in any particular case.