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"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour" is one commandment the Davis camp needs to be  reminded of. It appears she was fibbing about the nature of her meeting with Pope  Francis.

In a statement released by the Vatican that  Pope Francis did not invite Kim Davis to meet him. They had no 'secret meeting', and the Pope did not know who she was when he met her.

 The Meeting, as it turns out , was a party of several dozen persons to greet the Pope as he prepared to leave Washington. Such brief greetings have become traditional for this Pope and symbolize his characteristic kindness and availability.

The only real audience that was granted by the Pope was with one of his former students and his family.

The Truth of the Davis meeting was the Pope had no Idea who she was and he move through the greeting party he said hello and moved on to the next person in line waiting in line to greet the Pope.

The invitation had been extended to Mrs Davis by the Catholics' version of  Westboro Baptist Church preachers ,  Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, who's envoy went  to Washington to see the pope. Viganò is well known to have gone further than others in the church in his campaign against gay marriage.

The mere fact that the Vatican took great pains to issue a clarifying statement about the "Meeting" can be logically seen as a rejection of her beliefs.  

So yet again, another  Right-wing Propaganda scheme where the Right has been using the "Imaginary" meeting as an endorsement by the Pope of their views on Gay marriage, blew up in their face.  

Originally posted to windsong01 on Sat Oct 03, 2015 at 08:40 AM PDT.

Also republished by LGBT Rights are Human Rights, Kossacks for Marriage Equality, LGBT Kos Community, and Barriers and Bridges.

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