Public transportation

According to Israeli media German and Swiss companies won the railway track tender of the Tel Aviv-Jerusalem fast train (A1)

On 5 February 2015, Israel media reported that the Electra Bögl Group won an Israeli Railways' EUR 160 million tender, as part of the high-speed route from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem. This new train route crosses the green line into the occupied West Bank in two areas, using occupied Palestinian land, some of it privately owned, for an Israeli transportation project aimed exclusively for Israelis.

تحديث بخصوص شركات الحافلات المتورّطة في الاحتلال الإسرائيلي

منذ الشّهر المُنصرِم، أصبح من غير القانوني أن يستقلّ العمّال الفلسطينيّون الحافلات الإسرائيليّة التي تسافر عبر الضّفّة الغربيّة المحتلّة باتّجاه مستوطنة أريئيل. عوضًا عن ذلك، أصبح عليهم أن يترجّلوا عند حاجز "إيال"، على بعد أميال من بيوتهم، ليستمرّوا في ما بعد إلى أماكن أعمالهم على متن خطوط حافلات مُنفصلة. أمّا في رحلات الإياب، فعليهم تدبّر أمورهم بهدف الوصول إلى منازلهم. في شهر تشرين الثّاني 2014، أطلق وزير المواصلات الإسرائيليّ خطوط حافلات مُنفصلة للفلسطينيّين.

Update on Bus Companies Involved in the Israeli Occupation

As of last month it is unlawful for Palestinian workers to use Israeli bus lines, which travel across the occupied West Bank to the settlement of Ariel. Instead, they will have to stop at the Eyal checkpoint, miles away from their homes, and then continue on segregated bus lines to their jobs. In their returning journey they will have to commute from the checkpoint to their homes on their own.

Translation of an article published in Calcalist: Veolia group negotiating sale of its operations in Israel

Veolia group negotiating sale of its operations in Israel

The French group, which owns amongst other things the OPC power station and desalination plant in Ashkelon, is asking $400 million. 

Veolia Transportation Israel stopped operating the Modi'in bus network

Veolia Transportation Israel (Connex Israel) has terminated its operations of the Modi'in bus network, including lines 7, 19, 109 and 110, which serve Israeli settlements in the West Bank and run along the apartheid road 443. However, the company continues to operate regular bus services between Bnei-Brak and Jerusalem, which pass through the occupied Palestinian territories, including the "no man's land" in the Latrun enclave.