Petco - Blind dog "falls" off grooming table!

I took my doggie to Petco for nail trimming and while I was there I asked about a bath and ear cleaning.I agreed to have her bathed and such.

I had to leave her because they had other dogs to bathe first. I was told that they would call me when she was ready. 20 minutes later I got a call from Petco, that my dog had an "accident" and was taken to the animal hospital. I met the assistant manager at the vet, who by the way was very nice and understanding, and I asked what had happened.

Lola had multiple scratches, lesions, scrapes, etc. he said she backed out off the groomers table. He also stated that there were 2 attendants with Lola at the time of the incident. Attached are the pictures.

Petco did pay for her treatment and agreed to pay for any and all follow up visits and treatments. My Lola is my 4 legged baby and I am very upset that after telling them that she is blind (It's in the paperwork I signed) they would not take precautions with her.

Looks like the put her on the table with a rope and left her there to fend for herself!THIS IS TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE!

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Customer service
Veterinary Care

  • What I liked
      No items
  • What I disliked
    • Groom
    • Bad customer service

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Review category
Pet Stores
Review rating
5 out of 5
review #718250 by

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23 hours ago #1049490

I will never buy anything from them again!!!
I'm so sorry for your baby

1 0 Reply

1 hour ago #1049921 San Antonio, Texas

Thank you for taking the time to read and reply to my comment.

0 0 Reply

1 day ago #1049423

Would still file a local police report for animal abuse. This is totally unacceptable.

3 0 Reply

1 day ago #1049416

Hi there. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Please call our customer support at (888-824-7257) so we can look into this further. Let us know if there's anything else we can do to help make things right.

1 3 Reply

1 day ago #1049428

I know what you can do. Take care of your freaking animals.

2 0 Reply

1 day ago #1049369

For a blind dog that had to be traumatizing for it. Total negligence on their part. That is horrible. I will never use them for sure. Prayers for Lola.

3 0 Reply

1 hour ago #1049918 San Antonio, Texas

You are so kind. Thank you for your prayers.

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