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In recent years, powerful scientific evidence has emerged indicating that vaccines cause brain damage such as autism, schizophrenia and other mental illnesses. This scientific evidence has been largely ignored by the media, and by medical institutions that are supposedly guided by science.

Vaccinepapers.org provides detailed, science-based and objective information about the dangers of vaccines. We are most concerned about aluminum adjuvant toxicity and immune activation-mediated brain damage. Vaccinepapers.org is the first to make this hugely important scientific research accessible to the public.

Aluminum Adjuvant Toxicity
It is now known that aluminum adjuvants are not safely eliminated from the body, as assumed by vaccine advocates. Rather, they are taken up by white blood cells (macrophages) and transported into the brain. Aluminum adjuvants can cause brain damage and autoimmune diseases. See our aluminum page for detailed articles:

Immune Activation Brain Damage
Human brain development is controlled by immune-system signals (i.e. “cytokines”). Activation of the immune system during brain development causes disruptions in these signals, resulting in permanent brain damage and autism specifically. Adverse vaccine reactions are proven to stimulate the specific cytokine (interleukin-6) proven to cause autism. There is a large amount of research on this, by many laboratories around the world, but it is being ignored. See our immune activation page for detailed articles:

Aluminum and immune activation
Aluminum and immune activation are connected, because aluminum triggers immune activation, and interleukin-6 specifically. Thats why aluminum is used in vaccines. So the issues of aluminum and immune activation are connected.

Our perspective:
Like any other medical treatment, vaccination must be justified in view of an objective risk/benefit analysis. All risks and benefits must be considered. Any rational medical treatment must do more good than harm. This is universally accepted.

The problem with vaccines is that risks have been intentionally underestimated, and the benefits  intentionally overestimated. In particular, the risk of vaccine-caused brain damage is much higher than commonly believed. Brain damage can be devastating to the life of a child, and the child’s family. The personal and financial costs of vaccine injury are often enormous. Therefore, even a small risk of brain damage must be considered seriously. And the science suggests that the risk is not small.

Vaccinepapers.org is not ideologically anti-vaccine. Some vaccines may be worth the risk for some people in some environments. But since the risk of vaccination is substantial, vaccines are only justified for the most dangerous diseases. However, we will not be making specific vaccine recommendations, other than to consider very carefully the risk of serious and permanent harm. Determining which vaccines are worth the risk is a decision left to the reader.


Why should I not trust the advice given by the majority of health care professionals in the world when it comes to something as important as preventing highly contagious and possibly deadly diseases?
Two reasons:

1) Because medical science is the most corrupt of the sciences. It is extremely corrupt. Big pharma companies pay to have fake scientific papers written and published. Big pharma funds the medical science journals with advertising and reprint fees. Big pharma influences research and curriculum at medical schools. Big pharma pays for speaking fees and accommodations at medical-scientific conferences. Big pharma funds most medical research. So, the people selling the treatments are the ones that have the most influence over the direction of medicine: what ideas are acceptable and supported, and what ideas are neglected and discarded. And anything that doesn’t make them money (i.e. that’s non-patentable), gets neglected, or worse.

2) Medicine has a blind spot when it comes to iatrogenic (doctor-caused) diseases and damage. It’s psychologically distressing for doctors to deal with the reality that they sometimes do great harm to people with their treatments. Produces a lot of cognitive dissonance for them to be confronted with evidence they are damaging or killing people. Cognitive dissonance causes profound perceptual and cognitive biases. This is a well known psychological effect (See “cognitive dissonance” on wikipedia). Blaming vaccines for autism and brain damage is the same thing as blaming the doctors, so of course they protest and deny the evidence. Combine corruption with the biases, and you get a medical establishment that makes incredibly bad decisions.

An example of the hostility doctors have to discoveries of doctor-caused diseases is the story of Dr. Semmelweis. In the 1840s, he discovered that doctors were causing deadly infections in women by delivering babies with dirty hands. Doctors would go back and forth between the morgue and the delivery room without washing. Semmelweis proved that it was the unclean doctors causing the deaths, which they did not appreciate. Instead of being praised and rewarded for his important discovery, Semmelweis was ridiculed, viciously attacked and hounded out of medicine. And all Semmelweis was trying to do was convince other doctors to wash their hands! It took about 20 years until Semmelweis’s recommendations were in widespread use.

Are you saying that doctors and medical professionals don’t look at the science? If so, why?
Correct. They don’t. Doctors and public health people spend little time reading the literature for themselves. They foolishly trust the CDC and industry-funded trade groups to interpret the science and make recommendations for them, which they follow. In the case of vaccines, its the vaccine industry writing the recommendations. Doctors and most medical professionals are not independent thinkers. They don’t have the time or interest. Most simply follow the conventional recommendations and don’t question them. But what if the conventional recommendations are wrong? In medicine, this has happened many times in the past.

Who are you guys? Why don’t you say who you are? How can we trust you if we don’t know who you are?
Because it really doesn’t matter, unless you are in the habit of judging ideas by where they come from, instead of by the scientific evidence.

Vaccine advocates are addicted to the lazy, intellectually vapid practice of “argument by authority”. For them, all that’s required to resolve the issue of vaccine dangers is to assert the CDC, WHO, and AAP as “authorities” and parrot what they say. It’s so easy! No need to look at the science, or think for yourself, according to vaccine advocates. This is absolutely foolish.

Scientific ideas and opinions must be judged by the evidence, not according to whether the source is perceived as an “authority”. All that really matters is the science and the evidence. To determine if VP is trustworthy, all you have to do is consider the opinions on these pages in view of what the science says. Then do the same for the CDC, WHO, AAP and other so-called “authorities”. We invite vaccine defenders to find flaws in our arguments and write critical comments in the comment section.

Don’t wonder who we are, because it doesn’t matter. Wonder, instead, about the evidence and what it means.

Two of the most accomplished scientists of the 20th century agree with this approach:

“Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts.” –Richard Feynman

“Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.”–Albert Einstein