Database Reference Center

Through the Reference Centre, APFM provides access to a wide range of information for flood prone countries and communities as well as the institutional research and donor communities in their effort to address flood management issues. The Reference Centre is based on contributions from various institutions and individuals active in flood management.

The Reference Centre provides access to information in the following categories:

  • Flood Management Policy and Legislation
    Provides flood-related policies, laws and regulations as a reference for policy makers, legal experts, researchers and executive functionaries in land and water management to support their efforts in introducing laws and regulations as a vehicle for change towards IFM.
  • Literature on Flood Management
    Provides literature relating to the various aspects of flood management and as such to serve as reference centre for a wide range of policy makers, planners researchers, executive functionaries in land and water management, NGO’s, the media and the affected public.

Note: The Reference Centre is no longer being updated.  For specific current reference materials please contact us at and tell us your specific needs.