============================= Mercury Greatest Elongations: ============================= Date__(UT)__HR:MN Illu% Ang-diam delta (AU) deldot S-O-T /r Cnst ************************************************************************************* 1954-Mar-28 00:00 50.425 7.586 .886846316859036 25.3333999 27.8121 /L Aqr 1980-Apr-03 00:00 50.559 7.563 .889596007300126 25.3211661 27.8188 /L Aqr 2013-Apr-01 00:00 50.810 7.549 .891243346892766 25.3066236 27.8284 /L Aqr 2026-Apr-04 00:00 50.103 7.599 .885351880487698 25.3211288 27.8194 /L Aqr 2059-Apr-02 00:00 50.347 7.586 .886868536796618 25.3080831 27.8300 /L Aqr 2092-Mar-30 00:00 50.583 7.572 .888494289354257 25.3186064 27.8257 /L Aqr 1957-Sep-26 00:00 50.762 7.016 .958904074550907 49.1516063 17.8605 /L Leo 1964-Sep-19 00:00 50.449 7.017 .958801595445232 49.0243057 17.8574 /L Leo 2023-Sep-23 00:00 50.866 7.003 .960740213064695 49.0916537 17.8486 /L Leo 2030-Sep-16 00:00 50.583 7.003 .960634794958359 48.8919185 17.8719 /L Leo 2062-Sep-30 00:00 50.288 7.043 .955191520489120 49.1868519 17.8763 /L Leo 2089-Sep-19 00:00 50.989 6.990 .962499029771588 48.9956009 17.8520 /L Leo Number generated using the Solar System Dynamics Group, Horizons On-Line Ephemeris System at: http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons.cgi?find_body=1&body_group=mb&sstr=1 Ephemeris Type: OBSERVER Target Body: Mercury Observer Location: Geocentric [500] Time Span: 1950-01-01 to 2100-01-01 QUANTITIES=10,13,20,23,29 Key: Illu% = Phase Ang-diam = equatorial angular width delta deldot = A positive "deldot" means the target center is moving away from the observer. A negative "deldot" means the target center is moving toward the observer. Units: AU and KM/S S-O-T /r = Sun-Observer-Target angle; If negative, the target center is behind the Sun /T indicates target trails Sun (evening sky) /L indicates target leads Sun (morning sky) Cnst = Constellation ID AU = 149,597,870km ==================================================== Mercury Closest Approach to Earth from 1950 to 2160: ==================================================== Date__(UT)__HR:MN Illu% Ang-diam delta (AU) deldot S-O-T /r Cnst ************************************************************************************* 1969-May-30 00:00 0.202 12.253 .549075130721575 0.2194351 2.3648 /L Tau 1982-Jun-02 00:00 0.205 12.253 .549054065295807 -0.0654885 2.3827 /T Tau 2015-May-31 00:00 0.176 12.254 .549035959479560 -0.2875441 2.2105 /L Tau 2061-May-31 00:00 0.166 12.253 .549079339116339 -0.7903549 2.1419 /T Tau 2107-Jun-03 00:00 0.247 12.254 .549032924114352 0.6652478 2.6150 /L Tau 2153-Jun-03 00:00 0.216 12.256 .548947071016823 0.1574896 2.4444 /L Tau A single AU = 149,597,870km. In the year 2153, Mercury will come within 0.548947 AU (82,121,301 km) of the Earth. Mercury always comes closest to the Earth when it is near the new phase (Illu%)<1 since it is located inside of Earth's orbit. It is also interesting to note that during this time peroid Mercury is always in the constellation of Taurus when it comes to its closest point to the Earth. These numbers were only plotted once a day, thus the exact time of closest approach could be several hours earlier or later than 00 hour UT. To reproduce these JPL-Horizons (Mercury-Earth) distances you need the following details: Number generated using the Solar System Dynamics Group, Horizons On-Line Ephemeris System at: http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons.cgi?find_body=1&body_group=mb&sstr=1 Ephemeris Type: OBSERVER Target Body: Mercury Observer Location: Geocentric [500] Time Span: 1950-01-01 to 2160-01-01 QUANTITIES=10,13,20,23,29 1. Go to http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons.cgi?find_body=1&body_group=mb&sstr=1 2. Click change on "Time Span", change to 1950-01-01 and 2160-01-01 and click "Use Specified Times". 3. Click change on "Table Settings", make sure only "10,13,20,23,29" are selected. (#20 "Obsrv range" is the important one.) Click "Use Selected Settings". 4. Click "Generate Ephemeris" to generate JPL RESULTS. (You will need to wait 2 minutes for it to generate) 5. Use "Ctrl-F" (text search) to find the values for " .5490". This will reproduce 1969, 1982, 2015, 2061, and 2107. 6. Use "Ctrl-F" to find the value " .5489". This will reproduce the result for 2153. 7. Use "Ctrl-F" to *try and find* the value " .5488". Since it is not listed, 0.5489AU is the closest Mercury will come to the Earth between 1950 and 2160. Also see the key from the top table for more information/details. Kevin Heider (Wikipedia user kheider) updated 2009-03-30