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Se unió en julio de 2008

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  1. This alien planet is being battered by 5,400mph winds

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    Are you having a laugh? Ronaldo jokes around during spa treatment

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    .: Better that Jihadi John got vaporised than given a day in court

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  4. Wife snapped husband’s penis while rolling off bed to do some online shopping

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  5. Former drug cartel leader and police woman pose naked together to promote peace

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    Solo traveller reveals what it's REALLY like going around the world alone

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    Porn star who slept with mystery HIV actor says she could have passed it to more than 50 colleagues

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  8. Thousands of men line up to be sterilised in global 'vasectomy-athon'

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    Wife of murdered hostage David Haines says Jihadi John 'didn't deserve to die so easily'

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    Nathan Matthews will spend at least 33 years in jail for murdering Becky Watts

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    James Foley's parents find 'no solace' in the death of Jihadi John

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    Shauna Hoare jailed for 17 years for manslaughter of Becky Watts

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  13. German gran, 87, sentenced to 10 months in jail for denying the Holocaust

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    BREAKING: Nathan Matthews sentenced to life in prison for murder of Becky Watts

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    Texas teen's death ruled a suicide by SNAKEBITE

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  16. Someone has made a calander of naked women and carp ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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    Jeremy Corbyn says Jihadi John should have been caught alive to face trial

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  18. This Indian chef dips his bare hands in searing 200C cooking oil to fry street food

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    NHS refuses same life-saving cancer treatment that helped Aysha King for two-year-old boy

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  20. Terrified couple have their 'ghost home' exorcised after eerie shadows appear on wall

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