The CPA has a long history of involvement with the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC), from providing support for its creation to providing input on its current and future work.

Changing Direction, Changing Lives: The Mental Health Strategy for Canada Unveiled

The MHCC has drawn on the experience, knowledge and advice of thousands of people and organizations across the country in the course of drafting Canada’s first mental health strategy.

This Strategy is about promoting mental health and well-being for everyone, preventing mental health problems and illnesses wherever possible, and creating, together, a mental health system that can truly meet the needs of people of all ages living with mental health problems and illnesses, and their families. 

Click here to download the strategy.

Click here to read the CPA's response to the Mental Health Commission Strategy. 


Framework for A National Mental Health Strategy

In November 2009, the Mental Health Commission of Canada released Toward Recovery and Well-Being - A Framework for a Mental Health Strategy for Canada.

CPA participated in a stakeholder consultation on the draft in Ottawa in February of 2009 and submitted a format response and feedback to the MHCC. To view CPA's response to the MHCC draft mental health strategy, click here. A copy of the full report and a summary document can be downloaded at


Mental Health Commission of Canada and Institute of Health Economics Depression Consensus Statement (October 2008)

Depression Consensus Statement
CPA Response