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  •  Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)
    As Ted Cruz shows his softer side, he surges in the Quinnipiac Poll
    Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, a candidate for president of the United States, celebrates his birthday on Tuesday. The Quinnipiac Poll has given Cruz the sort of birthday present that any man with aspirations for high office would want. The poll...
  • Christmas
    Things to do in D.C. for the Christmas holiday season
    2016 is right around the corner, and for those who are in the District of Columbia between now and New Year's Day here are a few things going on.1. Perhaps you haven't heard, but there's a new movie out called‘Star Wars: Episode...
  • Christmas
    Things to do in D.C. for the Christmas holiday season
    2016 is right around the corner, and for those who are in the District of Columbia between now and New Year's Day here are a few things going on.1. Perhaps you haven't heard, but there's a new movie out called‘Star Wars: Episode...

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Science & Space

  • Potatoes are seen on the ground
    Now NASA wants to grow potatoes on Mars for real
    In the hit movie, “The Martian”, NASA astronaut Mark Watney survives by planting potatoes in one of the modules of the Mars base who is stranded at. The plot device received a great deal of praise from space agriculture experts,...
  • Chinese moon rover finds new type of moon rocks
    Chinese moon rover finds new type of moon rocks
    Chang'e-3, an unmanned lunar mission launched by the government of China, examined hitherto unexplored territory on the surface of the Moon in 2013. An analysis of the composition of new Moon rocks conducted by a number of Chinese institutions...
  • SpaceX CEO Elon Musk
    Why SpaceX landing the Falcon 9 is a big deal
    Monday night, SpaceX achieved a new milestone in the development of the art of spaceflight, as Ars Technica reported. Its Falcon 9 rocket, for the first time since the launch accident last June, lifted off from its launch pad in Florida and...
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