
Cover photo
Daniela Tocan
Lives in Bochum
14 followers|7,809 views


I did update today our Workshop Design. If you use it with mobile or tablet you easy can scroll now endless and miss nothing.

Tell us how you like the design. What we can improve or change?
The pictures are from the Countries and cities the Tocan Tweezer developers come from. This design is beautiful if you plan yours beautyblog and like to focus to extreme high quality pictures. Perfect for mobile and tablet. We base on wordpress. Its very easy to manage. A perfect photo blog. Ideal for beginners.
A one more Tocan Networks Website
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Daniela Tocan

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I did update today our Workshop Design. If you use it with mobile or tablet you easy can scroll now endless and miss nothing.

Tell us how you like the design. What we can improve or change?
The pictures are from the Countries and cities the Tocan Tweezer developers come from. I hope you like most the Romanian pictures.
A one more Tocan Networks Website
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Daniela Tocan

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EN. Eyebrow tweezers so small and sometimes invisible in cosmetic bag, but at the same time very much needed. I admit, that in my make-up bag, them are highly much. Why? Because I like their colorful designs. Today I'll tell ...
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Daniela Tocan

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Hallo sweeties, ihope you did celebrate Santa. As usual my content is translate by a Robot. How to finish a santa cake without to destroy it.

Hallo Ihr Lieben heute von der Kraft des Santa Kuchens.
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A lot of people have a pair of tweezers in their home and mostly they are at the wrong place in case of need. You should place them not only in yours medicine cabinet, in yours bath or hobby room. …
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Have her in circles
14 people
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Daniela Tocan

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Irsa-Surgical Sialkot seems to focus for food decoration tweezers
Daniela Tocan originally shared:
A lot of people have a pair of tweezers in their home and mostly they are at the wrong place in case of need. You should place them not only in yours medicine cabinet, in yours bath or hobby room. It’s good to have some in yours kitchen too. Tweezers are…
Irfan Janjua's profile photo
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Inhaberin von Tocan Medizintechnik, chirurgische instrumente zur Zweckentfremdung. Die Webseite soll den Servicegedanken der Firma hervorheben. Service und Support sind die tragenden Säulen der Firma. 

Unser Shop ist unter oder 

International Open Source Project womans only:
Bragging rights
Unser Shop ist unter oder erreichbar. Ich empfehle sich den 500 Seiten Katalog zu bestellen, da wir insbesondere im Beautybereich nur einen kleinen Teil unseres Sortimentes online einstellen. Unsere Stärke liegt in der individuellen Beschriftung der Instrumente. Ideal auch für kleines Geld sehr persönliche Geschenke zu machen.
Basic Information
Daniela Tocan's +1's are the things they like, agree with, or want to recommend.
Tocan Diamond Tweezer*

EN. Eyebrow tweezers so small and sometimes invisible in cosmetic bag, but at the same time very much needed. I admit, that in my make-up ba

Christmas bakery – Santa Claus cake made with Gerald Tweezers

A lot of people have a pair of tweezers in their home and mostly they are at the wrong place in case of need. You should place them not only

Und wenn man schon gerade einmal nicht ganz so viel Glück hat...

Hallo ihr lieben, und wenn man gerade einmal eh schon nicht ganz so viel Glück hat. Setzt es immer noch einen weiteren oben drauf. Es reicht

Eyebrow tweezers for woman over 40 Years with EXTEMELY POINTED TIPS

You know the problem. For some time yours eyebrow hairs are thin and lie like a fluff directly to the skin. However, the skin is no longer a

Tux der Pinguin hat geheiratet. Wir stellen seine Ehefrau Tuxette vor

Hallo, einigen ist ja bestimmt der Beauty Tweezer Test aufgefallen. Während des ersten Tests wurde deutlich, dass sich die meisten Beauty Bl

Modellbauer und Elektronik Freaks lernen aus der Geschichte und von Zahn...

I was looking arround for cement spatula and their different use model building. I did find this nice slide for share including transcriptio

Set Best Tweezers in tungsteen carbide, Vannas Microscissor, V1, Tux Tux...

Set contains: Tocan Tweezer Eyebrow Tweezers, TC, carbide, Slant, 10 cm, Version1, Tuxette Penguin Stainless steel Tung Steen carbide inlay

Tocan Tweezer ~ auf dem Weg zur perfekten Augenbrauenpinzette!?

Seien wir ehrlich, Frau zupft hier, Frau zupft dort. Irgendwelche Härchen stehen doch immer vorwitzig hervor, gerade die Augenbrauen sind be

Tocan Mundspiegel Zahnarztspiegel Zahnspiegel Dentalspiegel plan Größe 4

Artikelbeschreibung 1 x Mundspiegel Grösse 4 plan 1 x Mundspiegel Grösse 4 plan Mouth Mirrors Size 4 Bestellnummer MS-101- 04 Fig. 4 Ø 18 mm

Tocan Pinzette Augenbrauenpinzette, TC, Hartmetall, Slant , 10 cm, Vorse...

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