

You can submit directly on the website, using one of the buttons below. It is your choice what you write about, but you can find out what is missing to get some inspiration.


A definition of the subject, several paragraphs long, like you would find in an encyclopedia.



A map, photo, or drawing that helps illustrate the subject. A picture is worth a thousand words!



An academic article that explores the subject in depth, much longer than a definition.


Book Review

Please share your thoughts on history books you have read. We love to recommend books.

Book Review


A very short timeline entry of a sentence or two that will be displayed next to definitions.

Timeline Event


A video can convey information like no other medium can. Why not embed a Youtube video?


Web Link

Do you know a great website on ancient history? Share it with the rest of the world.

Web Link

Why write for us?

  • Help education: A large number of our readers are teachers and students looking for information, from all over the world. Share your knowledge!
  • Reach an audience: No other ancient history publication can give you as many potential readers as we do.
  • Get free books: After you've submitted a few articles, we provide free history books. The more you write, the more books you receive.
  • Build your portfolio: By getting published with us, you can add an article in a reviewed & respected publication to your portfolio.

Who can submit?

Anybody with knowledge of ancient history can submit content. Our editors review all submissions for quality of writing, coherence, and accuracy.

As we are a non-profit website, we cannot pay for submissions. All content on this site is created by volunteers. By submitting you agree to our terms and conditions.

Please read our style guide before submitting!

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