Top Contributors

Bar Chart

Global contributions to UNDP: 2004-2014

In 2014, 56 countries contributed a total of $793 million in core resources to UNDP, compared to $896 million in 2013. Additional donations for specified projects and countries totaled $3.8 billion in 2014—the same level of support in that category that UNDP received in 2013. Governments contributed $2.3 billion for earmarked purposes in 2014, while multilateral donations provided another $1.5 billion.

Development is a long-term process that requires a clear strategic focus and the ability to respond to immediate crises, emerging challenges and opportunities. In today’s fast-changing development environment, UNDP continues to work towards expanding and diversifying its resource base in order to implement its 2014-2017 Strategic Plan and strengthen its development services and partnerships.

Top 30 resource partners in 2014


* Canada’s 2014 contribution was received in 2015.
** Excludes Australia’s 2013 contribution received in 2014.

For more details on funding contributions to UNDP, please refer to the 2014 Funding Compendium.