Case details for trade mark EU004541661

Trade mark


Relevant dates

Filing date
08 July 2005
Date of entry in register
18 May 2006
Renewal date
08 July 2025

List of goods and services

Class 9
Computer software; publications downloadable from the Internet relating to computers and computer programs; digital music downloadable from the Internet; mouse mats.
Class 41
Training and education, all relating to computer software; providing digital music from the Internet.
Class 42
Consultancy services relating to computer hardware and computer software; writing, design, installation and maintenance of computer software; provision of information relating to computer software.

Name and Address details

Holder's name
Canonical Limited
12-14 Finch Road, Douglas, Isle Of Man, IM1 2PT
Adelaide House, London Bridge, London, United Kingdom, EC4R 9HA

Publication details

First advert
Journal : 2005/050 Date of publication : 12 December 2005

The information displayed is our version of the details supplied by OHIM. For the official register of the case please refer to the OHIM website (Click here).