• M32

    Gandaan merupakan pengetahuan asas matematik yang perlu dikuasai oleh murid kerana kepentingan penggunaannya dalam ilmu matematik yang lebih tinggi. Tanpa penguasaan konsep gandaan yang mantap, murid mungkin tidak mampu menyelesaikan masalah berkaitan dengan konsep tersebut dengan baik dan yakin.

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    This module ensures that students will have a basic understanding of different forces and the application of forces.

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    This module aims to give student a grounded understanding of motion, including what happens to a stationary object when an external force is applied to it. (The object will accelerate).

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    Understanding patterns is a gradual process, moving from learning through experiences and concrete materials with learning theory and inference. Learning about patterns is very important because it is the basis of mathematical knowledge such as Algebra, Statistics, Geometry and so on.


    Students often consider the concept of probability difficult to understand because of its abstract nature. As such, lessons on probability need to be linked to examples of daily life so that it becomes relevant to students. The use of concrete materials will help students gain a deeper understanding of the concept of probability.