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About Varied / Student Rick Robin P. CagnaanMale/Philippines Groups :icondavao-artistssociety: Davao-ArtistsSociety
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Deviant for 4 Years
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Statistics 2,625 Deviations 4,906 Comments 38,309 Pageviews

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*Stars* by kiki-kit

Since someone's looking for a critique, well... I had to write this one. Vision: I've seen some lights, looks more like a concert. The ...

Albert Einstein in Numbers by BenHeine

So... it has been too long since my last critique, so I'll have to explain this right away. In this critique, I'm talking about how an ...

Summer Acrylics by heeyjayp17

If I remember this correctly, I could think of a better way than to enjoy writing this review. Hmmmm...... Vision: Obviously, it is sum...

Adult Isabella Revised by RedJoey1992

This Izzy again? Oye como va for this. Vision: Design #2, as in my last critique on adult Izzy, looks very good. That second look makes...

Journal History


RobbieMelrose has started a donation pool!
1,587 / 5,000
I wish I could have a Premium dA membership... If someone could help me...

If you got any points, donate. I need points very badly.

You must be logged in to donate.
  • :icondahub:
    Donated Jan 9, 2015, 2:59:31 AM
  • :icondahub:
    Donated Sep 1, 2014, 3:39:45 AM
  • :iconkayly101:
    Donated Jul 16, 2014, 10:46:06 AM
  • :icondahub:
    Donated Jul 15, 2014, 3:35:55 AM
  • :icondahub:
    Donated Jun 14, 2014, 5:28:25 PM
  • :icondahub:
    Donated Jun 8, 2014, 12:03:18 AM
  • :icondahub:
    Donated May 7, 2014, 12:57:15 AM
  • :icondahub:
    Donated Mar 24, 2014, 2:12:48 AM
  • :icondahub:
    Donated Mar 17, 2014, 9:48:45 PM
  • :icondahub:
    Donated Mar 13, 2014, 2:12:22 PM


Rick Robin P. Cagnaan
Artist | Student | Varied
We've got a lot of new and awesome artworks from a loot of peeps I've commished. As far as I'm concerned, it's about my OCs and myself.

1. StaticColour
Point Commission: RobbieMelrose #2 by StaticColourPoint Commission: RobbieMelrose by StaticColour

2. Keata-Kaylee (now Keatarosity)
Claire And Nereo by RobbieMelroseMy ID II by RobbieMelrose

3. julifix (now Murasaki-Koi-Mangaka)

(Because the artist deleted these artworks, they are no longer here. Only this one exists. - RobbieMelrose)

PC- Jack and Lillie by PerrythePlatypusGirl
Floatin' Magnolia~ by PerrythePlatypusGirl
15. Claualphapainter-95
Request 01: In the name of love. by Claualphapainter-95
16. MelySky
Love Story Meets Viva La Vida by MelySky

17. Daniellegarcia-s
Shine on Silver Moon_ROBBIEMELROSE REQUEST_ by Daniellegarcia-s
My Answer:
  1. How long have you been on DeviantArt? - Four years.

  2. What does your username mean? - Robbie's meant as one of my nicknames, and Melrose, after a place, for unknown reasons.

  3. Describe yourself in three words. - Aspiring cartoonist wanna-be.

  4. Are you left or right handed? - I'll say right-handed.

  5. What was your first deviation? - "Vibrations", done on dA Muro. Vibrations by RobbieMelrose

  6. What is your favourite type of art to create? - Traditional art.

  7. If you could instantly master a different art style, what would it be? - Any cartoon style.

  8. What was your first favourite? - DINOCIRCUIT's "muro time". muro time by DINOCIRCUIT

  9. What type of art do you tend to favourite the most? - Traditional.

  10. Who is your all-time favourite deviant artist? - KicsterAsh!

  11. If you could meet anyone on DeviantArt in person, who would it be? - Presently in college, where I'm studying, I've met vyankkapinkrock14, one of my fellow schoolmates, although I'm a freshman.

  12. How has a fellow deviant impacted your life? - By inspiring people through art.

  13. What are your preferred tools to create art? - Pencil, eraser, crayons, colored pencils, a lot of media to choose from.

  14. What is the most inspirational place for you to create art? - Anything comes from everywhere, anyone, or perhaps what is on your mind.

  15. What is your favourite DeviantArt memory? - I haven't recalled anything yet...

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Virnavus Featured By Owner Jan 16, 2016
Thanks for the fav! :D
Smileverse Featured By Owner Dec 12, 2015  Hobbyist Digital Artist…

If if you like to enter
MelySky Featured By Owner Jun 8, 2015  Hobbyist Traditional Artist
thanks for the draw!!!!!!!!!

you are awesome!!!!

thanks you!!!!

Daniellegarcia-s Featured By Owner May 31, 2015  Hobbyist General Artist
OMG!!! It was your b-day! did I sent you my b-day greetings? I´M SO SORRY!! I'M A TERRIBLE FRIEND QwQ.... I've been very busy these days because of school... I'm really ashamed... but... I hope it was a perfect day ;w; 
RobbieMelrose Featured By Owner May 31, 2015  Student General Artist
Not so terrible you are, but you're forgiven. I'm already 21 years old. So thanks anyway...
Diwata2010 Featured By Owner May 18, 2015
Thanks for the fave :iconbunny--plz:
RobbieMelrose Featured By Owner May 18, 2015  Student General Artist
You're welcome, Lady Storykeeper! So how's my art request? Is it ready yet?
ZhaoYun5 Featured By Owner May 11, 2015
man i had to scroll down alot lol happy birthday awesome pics
SketcherIda Featured By Owner May 11, 2015  Hobbyist General Artist
Omg!!!! I don't deserve the mention. I forgot to check the list of deviant's b-days. Happy birthday, man!!!! Hope it turns out as your best.
RobbieMelrose Featured By Owner May 11, 2015  Student General Artist
Thanks, Ida! So, are there any art requests available?
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