Parabola 1.6 isn’t left behind

Parabola Screenshot

Being older and wiser, we have tried to spare Parabola for as long as possible the pain of having part of her soul ripped out and removed like a piece of defective code. But unfortunately things need to evolve, bugs need to be fixed and improvements added, so the time has come for Parabola to lose her settings options as well.

Just like with her sisters we have prepared for this moment and set up an alternative solution… Continue reading

Tempera 1.4(.0.1) feels empty on the inside


The battle was tough, words have been said, code was written, thrown around or deleted, and although Tempera fought well the stronger powers could not be thwarted – in the end, Tempera lost its settings options…

But don’t despair. We have prepared for this moment and set up an alternative solution. As we have previously announced, we decided to retain the settings page functionality and move it to the separate Cryout Serious Theme Settings plugin. Continue reading

Fluida – our new WordPress theme is ready for download


It’s all been so quiet lately, hasn’t it? Too quiet. And calm. Well, all this calm is about to come to an end, and as calm always does, it’s about to make way to a fierce storm.

And this particular storm comes in the form of… wait for it… wait for it… a new WordPress theme! Dig into the announcement post to find out more… Continue reading

Important theme compatibility notice for WordPress 4.4


For accessibility reasons, Wordpress 4.4 changes the HTML markup of the settings sections in an way that’s incompatible with our theme settings pages. As a result, our themes will fail to display the settings sections once you update to 4.4.

To solve this… Continue reading

Nirvana 1.2(.1/.2) loses part of its soul

Nirvana Theme

The saddest moment in Nirvana’s life has come: the settings page – it’s gone! Due to higher forces that are beyond our control, the theme has just lost part of her soul.

However, do not panic. We have prepared for this moment and set up an alternative solution. As we have previously announced, we decided to retain the settings page functionality and move it to the separate Cryout Serious Theme Settings plugin. Continue reading