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Virtuoso Server Pages (VSP)
Virtuoso Server Pages for XML (VSPX)
Processing Model Object Model Keeping Page and Session State Application Code A Simple Example VSPX Event Handler Parameters Registering a VSPX Event Callbacks Commonly Used Types of Attributes of VSPX Controls VSPX Controls XForms rendering XMLSchema for VSPX page
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14.4. Virtuoso Server Pages for XML (VSPX)

VSPX is an XML vocabulary for server generated HTML and XHTML pages that may or may not be bound to native or third-party data sources. VSPX is a framework for building and deploying dynamic web content atop Virtuoso. VSPX offers a widget set and event model which is similar to that of GUI tool kits, providing the developer with much automation for common web development tasks. Many controls are tightly integrated with the Virtuoso database, providing seamless data binding to local or remote relational and XML data. Server side scripting in VSPX is performed in Virtuoso/PL. The VSPX source code consists of HTML or XML with interspersed VSPX specific XML elements which describe the UI control hierarchy of the page.

VSPX covers the following areas:

The VSPX development cycle consists of editing .vspx resources in the file system or Virtuoso DAV. The editing can take place using a regular text editor or a supporting HTML editor.

14.4.1. Processing Model

A VSPX page describes a web page in terms of static XHTML plus XML elements in the VSPX namespace, "http://example.com/vspx/". This namespace is abbreviated as v: in the rest of this document.

Elements in the v namespace introduce VSPX elements, options or controls. Some of these may in turn have HTML children. VSPX elements with HTML children are called templates, as these will process their HTML contents at run time, typically modifying these based on run time data.

VSPX Conceptual Diagram

Figure: VSPX Conceptual Diagram

When the page is requested, the system checks whether it is already compiled and compiles it if the compilation is absent or older than the source. The VSPX compilation has two phases: pre-processing and compilation. The first phase expands included files and applies the external macro XSL-T sheet. The result of which is a single page encapsulating all related components which will be stored in a .vspx-m intermediary file. The result of second phase, compilation is a single .vspx-sql file containing class and method definitions for a subclass of the generic VSPX page class. All code directly derived from the pre-processed page will be found in this file. The file can of course refer to outside Virtuoso/PL code.

The results of compilation process are stored usually in an OS dependent temporary directory. This would be the $TMPDIR for UNIXes or %TMP% for Windows platforms. If these environment variables are not available it will be some default system specific location, such as /var/tmp or /tmp on Unix's. Note that this temporary storage applies to the VSPX pages that are stored within the file system, for the WebDAV repository the product of compilation is stored as described below. For development purposes the use of temporary storage can be turned off by executing:

registry_set ('__no_vspx_temp', '1')

from ISQL. In this case both file-system and WebDAV repository will contain .vspx-m and .vspx-sql files in the same place and with the same name as the VSPX source file. VSPX temporary storage can be re-enabled in the same way but using the string value '0' instead of '1'. Note that this is a string rather than a number.

Any VSPX page invocation, whether through the GET or POST HTTP request, consists of the following steps:

Just as with VSP pages the code of the page make call http_xslt(), this has the effect of applying the specific stylesheet to the HTML text produced by the render phase. Since output contains HTML tags generated by VSPX controls, the style-sheet should have these as a general rule to leave these unchanged. The http_xslt () is more useful with VSP pages producing XML than with VSPX pages.

14.4.2. Object Model

VSPX controls are SQL user defined type instances, or objects. The SQL object system is substantially similar to any other single inheritance object system, such as that of Java or C#. The XML source code of the VSPX page is processed to generate SQL for instantiating the VSPX control tree. The XML elements and classes may have similar names but are not one to one identical.

All controls, including pages, are instances of a subclass of vspx_control. To each VSPX source file corresponds a class named after the file, which inherits the common superclass vspx_page. Normally, all code, regardless of which specific control on the page it pertains to, runs inside a method of the page, thus the self (like 'this' in Java or C++) refers to the page instance. By convention, the variable control references the object representing the control which declares the particular code snippet. The variable e represents the event which is at the root of the code being invoked. The event is normally an event object representing a GET or POST HTTP request, but it can also be a user defined event sent to the page by other code on the page or elsewhere.

The page has a data member vc_children which contains an array of all top level VSPX controls on the page. Each control in turn has this same variable for referring to subordinate controls, if any.

Each processing pass allows the developer to specify arbitrary SQL code to run in the context of the pass. The code runs in the context of a method of the page object, where the local variable control references the control that declares the code in question.

Controls may be enabled or disabled, thus supporting conditional activation and rendering of page parts. Parts may be enabled in function of a page state, for example a search result control is only on after the search text has been posted. Another example is that some controls may only be enabled if a user is logged in.

Code inside a control may locate other controls on the page by name, either starting from the control itself or at the page. Note that when repeating control groups are involved, it is best to start at the leaf and work upwards in the tree, since there can be several identically named children of the page. All controls have a name which is unique in terms of the VSPX source file. Additionally, all controls, including members of repeating groups, have a name which is generated to be unique at run time. The latter is not however constant. The vc_parent data member references the parent. vc_name is the name as appears in the name attribute of the corresponding XML element. vc_instance_name is a page-wide unique name, generated to be different for each possible repetition of the control. The find_control method of vspx_control can be used to look for a child with a specific vc_name.

14.4.3. Keeping Page and Session State

VSPX does not require any particular session management to be in effect to operate. It is in its default form entirely stateless on the server side. There is a mechanism called view state for keeping track of data between consecutive post backs of a single page. This is simply an automatically maintained hidden field which will keep the state of controls which have a state that may be persisted. The view state mechanism does not however safeguard data across different pages but is fine for remembering entered form data or a bookmark in a scrolled list across page reloads.

To keep real sessions and session variables, a v:login control is offered.

14.4.4. Application Code

Most VSPX controls will support XML children specifying SQL code to run at various points of the page processing cycle. The elements are:

These elements will have a script tag as unique child, most often containing a CDATA section for escaping the SQL text.

Additionally, most attributes of VSPX elements can have a SQL expression evaluated at initialization, pre data bind or after data bind time, as the case may be, depending on the attribute and its value. An attribute value beginning with "--" indicates evaluation on the initialization or the descending edge of the data bind pass. An attribute value indicating "--after" specifies that the value is calculated on the returning edge of recursion of the data bind pass.

Arbitrary HTML text may contain attributes with a data bound value. The attributes should be in the XHTML namespace and have a text beginning with "--". The expression will be evaluated at render time, where the control variable refers to the enclosing VSPX template control, e.g. the page instance when at top level. VSP Compatibility and In-Line SQL

Arbitrary HTML text may contain <?vsp ?>, <?V ?> (equivalent of <?= VSP notation) and <?U ?> (equivalent of <?/ VSP notation) processing instructions. The code in question will be evaluated during the render pass, with control set to the closest enclosing VSPX control. Please note that the <?= and <?/ VSP shortcuts cannot be used inside VSPX pages as they are not valid processing-instructions.

VSPX maintains backward compatibility with VSP through supporting the same processing instructions, but additionally requires the page source to be well formed XML. VSP pages which are well formed in XML terms will run as such under with the VSPX extension, with the addition of the v:page top level element.

The <?vsp ?> processing instruction expects a SQL statement. The statement can be a compound statement ending in another <?vsp ?> processing instruction at the same nesting level under the same parent tag. The other pi's <?V and <?U expect a SQL expression.


<?V ?> is not permitted inside attributes without quotation, as this is not well formed XML. When quoted, this notation in attributes has no special effect, hence the convention about the leading "--" and the XHTML namespace for HTML attributes with a computed value.

14.4.5. A Simple Example

Simple VSPX Page

The fragment below shows us a VSPX page with a few labels. A label is a simple control that renders as HTML text, using a data bindable attribute to specify a value and a C printf style format string for the format. Note the use of the <?vsp ?> processing instruction. This could just as well have been an HTML literal.

    <v:page name="demo_label" xmlns:v="http://example.com/vspx/">
        <?vsp http ('<H3>Simple page to demonstrate simple VSPX controls</H3>'); ?>
      <p> An integer <v:label name="label1" value="--(1 + 2)" format="--'%d'"/> </p>
      <p> A string <v:label name="label2" value="'123'" format="%s"/> </p>
      <p> A string with default format <v:label name="label3" value="String"/> </p>
      An url <v:url name="url1" value="--'OpenLink Software Ltd.'" format="%s" url="--'http://openlinksw.com/'"/>
      An url (default format) <v:url name="url2" value="OpenLink Software Ltd." url="http://openlinksw.com/" />
      <v:include url="footer.xml"/>

14.4.6. VSPX Event Handler Parameters

The user-defined event handlers always accept a 'control' parameter whose type is the same as that of the control it belongs to. For example the on-post event of 'button' has a parameter 'control' of type vspx_button; after-data-bind of a 'label' has a parameter 'control' of type 'vspx_label' etc.

The event handlers for before-data-bind, after-data-bind and on-post have an additional parameter: 'e' which is of type vspx_event. The parameter ('e') keeps the HTTP request as post data, request header and path just like the global variables 'path', 'params' and 'lines' on a VSP page. In addition to that, the vspx_event (e) keeps a reference to the button pressed (if any) and a flag indicating the request type: POST or GET. It may thus be used in a complex form to detect when to trigger an event depending of event data or to directly access parameters of the HTTP request, etc.

create type vspx_event
as (
    ve_params any,      	-- name value pairs of post data
    ve_lines  any,      	-- HTTP header lines
    ve_path   any,      	-- requested path , parsed as vector
    ve_button vspx_control,     -- which active control originated the event.
    ve_is_post int default 0    -- 0 for GET 1 for POST
   )  temporary self as ref

14.4.7. Registering a VSPX Event Callbacks

The event handlers mechanism can be extended with callbacks. This means registering a page method(s) which will be invoked after event scrips are processed. The page methods used in this case can be either defined using 'method' declaration inside VSPX page or using page subclass defined in code-behind script(s) (see 'code-file' below). To register a callback vc_add_handler (name, method_name) method must be invoked in any script preceding the handler stage. Parameters to the vc_add_handler are: name - name of event where callback to be executed (before-data-bind, after-data-bind, on-post, before-render), method_name - name of a page class method to be registered to the event.

		 <v:page name="handler_demo" xmlns:v="http://example.com/vspx/">
		     <v:form name="sf" type="simple" action="form.vspx" method="POST">
			 <v:text name="txt" />
			 <v:button name="submit2" action="simple" value="OK" />
			     control.vc_add_handler ('on-post', 'user_post');
		     <v:method name="user_post" arglist="inout control vspx_control">
			 dbg_printf ('Invoked: user post method');

14.4.8. Commonly Used Types of Attributes of VSPX Controls

The type of attribute that contains an expression to be calculated at run time.

The type of attribute that contains an expression to be calculated at run time.

The type of a string value that is a Text of a Virtuoso/PL procedure.

The type of attribute that contains a name of the Virtuoso/PL UDT instance that should be created for the control.

14.4.9. VSPX Controls

Container for code that should be executed after data bind.

This is identical to v:after-data-bind.

Container for code that should be executed before data bind.

This is identical to v:before-data-bind.

Container for code that should be executed before rendering.

This is identical to v:before-render.

< button name (required) annotation (optional) initial-enable (optional) enabled (optional) instantiate (optional) control-udt (optional) xsd-stub-xhtml (optional) width (optional) height (optional) column (optional) null-value (optional) action (required) value (required) style (optional) active (optional) initial-active (optional) child-window-options (optional) browser-current (optional) browser-filter (optional) browser-list (optional) browser-mode (optional) browser-type (optional) browser-xfer (optional) selector (optional) format (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

Scriptable button.

< calendar name (required) annotation (optional) initial-enable (optional) enabled (optional) instantiate (optional) control-udt (optional) xsd-stub-xhtml (optional) width (optional) height (optional) initial-date (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

Databound calendar control.

< check-box name (required) annotation (optional) initial-enable (optional) enabled (optional) instantiate (optional) control-udt (optional) xsd-stub-xhtml (optional) width (optional) height (optional) column (optional) null-value (optional) error-glyph (optional) auto-submit (optional) value (optional) element-value (optional) element-place (optional) element-path (optional) element-params (optional) element-update-path (optional) element-update-params (optional) fmt-function (optional) cvt-function (optional) group-name (optional) initial-checked (optional) is-boolean (optional) true-value (optional) false-value (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

Scriptable check-box.

< code-file url (required) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

Code-behind file containing SQL script.

< column name (required) label (optional) input-format (optional) output-format (optional) xsd-stub-xhtml (optional) width (optional) height (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

A column marker.

< data-grid name (required) annotation (optional) initial-enable (optional) enabled (optional) instantiate (optional) control-udt (optional) xsd-stub-xhtml (optional) width (optional) height (optional) data (optional) meta (optional) nrows (optional) sql (required) scrollable (optional) cursor-type (optional) edit (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

Scrollable databound multi-row control.

< data-list name (required) annotation (optional) initial-enable (optional) enabled (optional) instantiate (optional) control-udt (optional) xsd-stub-xhtml (optional) width (optional) height (optional) error-glyph (optional) auto-submit (optional) column (optional) null-value (optional) value (optional) element-value (optional) element-place (optional) element-path (optional) element-params (optional) element-update-path (optional) element-update-params (optional) fmt-function (optional) cvt-function (optional) table (optional) key-column (optional) value-column (optional) sql (optional) defvalue (optional) multiple (optional) list-document (optional) list-match (optional) list-key-path (optional) list-value-path (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

Select list initialized from database table.

< data-set name (required) annotation (optional) initial-enable (optional) enabled (optional) instantiate (optional) control-udt (optional) xsd-stub-xhtml (optional) width (optional) height (optional) sql (optional) data-source (optional) data (optional) meta (optional) nrows (optional) scrollable (required) cursor-type (optional) edit (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

Scrollable, multi-row data bound grid.

< data-source name (required) annotation (optional) initial-enable (optional) enabled (optional) instantiate (optional) control-udt (optional) xsd-stub-xhtml (optional) width (optional) height (optional) expression-type (required) nrows (optional) initial-offset (optional) data (optional) meta (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

Scrollable multi-row data bound source.

< error-summary match (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

Placeholder for error messages.

< expression language (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

An SQL statement that generates a rowset for v:data-source.

< field name (required) annotation (optional) initial-enable (optional) enabled (optional) instantiate (optional) control-udt (optional) xsd-stub-xhtml (optional) width (optional) height (optional) ref (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

Name of input to be sent to and back between pup-up and parent window.

< form name (required) annotation (optional) initial-enable (optional) enabled (optional) instantiate (optional) control-udt (optional) xsd-stub-xhtml (optional) width (optional) height (optional) type (optional) action (optional) method (optional) table (optional) if-not-exists (optional) concurrency (optional) triggers (optional) data-source (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

Generic scriptable container for elements that may accept user's input.

< hidden xsd-stub-xhtml (optional) width (optional) height (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

A wrapper that prevents WYSIWYG editors from displaying its content.

< horizontal-template name (required) annotation (optional) initial-enable (optional) enabled (optional) instantiate (optional) control-udt (optional) xsd-stub-xhtml (optional) width (optional) height (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

< include url (required) active (optional) initial-active (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

A place where the source code of other page should be inserted.

< isql name (required) annotation (optional) initial-enable (optional) enabled (optional) instantiate (optional) control-udt (optional) xsd-stub-xhtml (optional) width (optional) height (optional) isolation (optional) timeout (optional) maxrows (optional) user (optional) password (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

An interactive SQL control that allows the user to type an SQL statement and to see the result of its execution.

< item name (required) value (required) xsd-stub-xhtml (optional) width (optional) height (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

Item representing a selection inside a select list.

< key name (optional) column (required) value (required) default (optional) xsd-stub-xhtml (optional) width (optional) height (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

A key value of the vspx:form of type 'update'.

< label name (required) annotation (optional) initial-enable (optional) enabled (optional) instantiate (optional) control-udt (optional) xsd-stub-xhtml (optional) width (optional) height (optional) column (optional) null-value (optional) value (optional) element-value (optional) element-place (optional) element-path (optional) element-params (optional) element-update-path (optional) element-update-params (optional) fmt-function (optional) cvt-function (optional) format (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

Generic scriptable text.

< leaf-template name (required) annotation (optional) initial-enable (optional) enabled (optional) instantiate (optional) control-udt (optional) xsd-stub-xhtml (optional) width (optional) height (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

< local-variable name (required) annotation (optional) initial-enable (optional) enabled (optional) instantiate (optional) control-udt (optional) xsd-stub-xhtml (optional) width (optional) height (optional) value (optional) element-value (optional) element-place (optional) element-path (optional) element-params (optional) element-update-path (optional) element-update-params (optional) fmt-function (optional) cvt-function (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

Local variable - an invisible control to store a temporary value.

< login name (required) annotation (optional) initial-enable (optional) enabled (optional) instantiate (optional) control-udt (optional) xsd-stub-xhtml (optional) width (optional) height (optional) realm (required) mode (required) user-password (optional) user-password-check (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

Authentication parameters of a page.

< login-form name (required) annotation (optional) initial-enable (optional) enabled (optional) instantiate (optional) control-udt (optional) xsd-stub-xhtml (optional) width (optional) height (optional) required (required) title (optional) user-title (optional) password-title (optional) submit-title (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

A form to be shown if the user is not logged in.

< method name (required) returns (optional) arglist (optional) />

Page method - a user defined member of page class.

< node void (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

A place holder for rendering a tree node.

< node-template name (required) annotation (optional) initial-enable (optional) enabled (optional) instantiate (optional) control-udt (optional) xsd-stub-xhtml (optional) width (optional) height (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

< on-init >(EventHandler)</ on-init >

Container for code that should be executed at the end of control instantiation.

This is identical to v:on-init.

< on-post >(EventHandler)</ on-post >

Container for code that should be executed when the element gets a post.

This is identical to v:on-post.

< page name (required) decor (optional) style (optional) on-error-redirect (optional) on-deadlock-retry (optional) doctype (optional) doctype-system (optional) page-subclass (optional) file-name (optional) no-script-function (optional) xsd-stub-xhtml (optional) width (optional) height (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

Container of VSPX code.

< param name (required) value (required) xsd-stub-xhtml (optional) width (optional) height (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

Named parameter for the cursor.

< placeholder debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

Placeholder for original page in the decoration page.

< radio-button name (required) annotation (optional) initial-enable (optional) enabled (optional) instantiate (optional) control-udt (optional) xsd-stub-xhtml (optional) width (optional) height (optional) column (optional) null-value (optional) error-glyph (optional) auto-submit (optional) group-name (optional) value (optional) element-value (optional) element-place (optional) element-path (optional) element-params (optional) element-update-path (optional) element-update-params (optional) fmt-function (optional) cvt-function (optional) initial-checked (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

Scriptable radio button.

< radio-group name (required) annotation (optional) initial-enable (optional) enabled (optional) instantiate (optional) control-udt (optional) xsd-stub-xhtml (optional) width (optional) height (optional) error-glyph (optional) auto-submit (optional) column (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

A group of radio-buttons.

< script language (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

A (redundant) wrapper for SQL code, can be omitted.

< select-list name (required) annotation (optional) initial-enable (optional) enabled (optional) instantiate (optional) control-udt (optional) xsd-stub-xhtml (optional) width (optional) height (optional) column (optional) null-value (optional) error-glyph (optional) auto-submit (optional) multiple (optional) value (optional) element-value (optional) element-place (optional) element-path (optional) element-params (optional) element-update-path (optional) element-update-params (optional) fmt-function (optional) cvt-function (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

Fixed initialized select list.

< style name (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

A markup tag for use by 'macro stylesheets'.

< tab name (required) annotation (optional) initial-enable (optional) enabled (optional) instantiate (optional) control-udt (optional) xsd-stub-xhtml (optional) width (optional) height (optional) initial-active (optional) style (optional) active (optional) is-input (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

Selects one of its children to be active at any one time.

< template name (required) annotation (optional) initial-enable (optional) enabled (optional) instantiate (optional) control-udt (optional) xsd-stub-xhtml (optional) width (optional) height (optional) type (optional) redirect (optional) condition (optional) name-to-remove (optional) set-to-remove (optional) title (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

Container for a group of controls and/or HTML code.

< text name (required) annotation (optional) initial-enable (optional) enabled (optional) instantiate (optional) control-udt (optional) xsd-stub-xhtml (optional) width (optional) height (optional) column (optional) null-value (optional) error-glyph (optional) auto-submit (optional) type (optional) default (optional) value (optional) element-value (optional) element-place (optional) element-path (optional) element-params (optional) element-update-path (optional) element-update-params (optional) fmt-function (optional) cvt-function (optional) default-value (optional) default_value (optional) format (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

Scriptable, data-bindable input control.

< textarea name (required) annotation (optional) initial-enable (optional) enabled (optional) instantiate (optional) control-udt (optional) xsd-stub-xhtml (optional) width (optional) height (optional) column (optional) null-value (optional) error-glyph (optional) auto-submit (optional) type (optional) default_value (optional) default (optional) value (optional) element-value (optional) element-place (optional) element-path (optional) element-params (optional) element-update-path (optional) element-update-params (optional) fmt-function (optional) cvt-function (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

Scriptable text-area input.

< tree name (required) annotation (optional) initial-enable (optional) enabled (optional) instantiate (optional) control-udt (optional) xsd-stub-xhtml (optional) width (optional) height (optional) show-root (optional) multi-branch (required) orientation (required) root (required) child-function (required) start-path (required) open-at (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

A container for displaying a tree of nested nodes.

< url name (required) annotation (optional) initial-enable (optional) enabled (optional) instantiate (optional) control-udt (optional) xsd-stub-xhtml (optional) width (optional) height (optional) column (optional) null-value (optional) value (optional) element-value (optional) element-place (optional) element-path (optional) element-params (optional) element-update-path (optional) element-update-params (optional) fmt-function (optional) cvt-function (optional) format (optional) url (required) active (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

Generic scriptable hypertext link.

< validator name (required) annotation (optional) initial-enable (optional) enabled (optional) instantiate (optional) control-udt (optional) xsd-stub-xhtml (optional) width (optional) height (optional) test (required) min (optional) max (optional) regexp (optional) expression (optional) empty-allowed (optional) message (optional) runat (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

A validator that is applied to user input.

< variable name (required) type (required) default (optional) persist (optional) param-name (optional) xsd-stub-xhtml (optional) width (optional) height (optional) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

Page variable - a user defined member of page class.

< vscx name (required) annotation (optional) initial-enable (optional) enabled (optional) instantiate (optional) control-udt (optional) xsd-stub-xhtml (optional) width (optional) height (optional) url (required) debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

< xsd-stub debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

This is for internal use only.

< xsd-stub-script debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

This is for internal use only.

< xsd-stub-top debug-srcfile (optional) debug-srcline (optional) debug-log (optional) />

This is for internal use only.

14.4.10. XForms rendering

The VSPX form controls such as form, button, select-list, text etc. can be rendered as XForms analogues using a special connection variable 'RenderXForms' set to true (integer 1). Also XML post data coming from XForms capable agents will be parsed and provided to the VSPX page methods in usual form (name/value array). The HTML form elements substitution to the XForms is as follows: input type="text" - xforms:input; input type="password" - xforms:secret; textarea - xforms:textarea; select - xforms:select1; select multiple - xforms:select; checkbox - xforms:input (of datatype boolean); input type="radio" - xforms:select1 appearance="full"; input type="submit" - xforms:submit; form - xforms:model. Furthermore validators which belongs to a input elements (not to a containers) will enforce XMLSchema types of the XForms model. Note that some XForms agents may need special object registering or a special Content-Type reported, so as this varies from agent to agent the application logic is responsible for setting them properly.

    <v:page xmlns:v="http://example.com/vspx/" name="xform_demo">
	    -- enable XForms rendering
	    connection_set ('RenderXForms', 1);
	... page content follows ...

14.4.11. XMLSchema for VSPX page

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema targetNamespace="http://example.com/vspx/" xmlns:v="http://example.com/vspx/" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
  <xs:simpleType name="CalculateableValue" final="restriction">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:whiteSpace value="preserve"/>
  <xs:simpleType name="ButtonStyle" final="restriction">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:enumeration value="submit"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="url"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="image"/>
  <xs:simpleType name="ButtonAction" final="restriction">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:enumeration value="simple"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="submit"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="delete"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="browse"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="return"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="logout"/>
  <xs:simpleType name="SqlName" final="restriction">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:minLength value="1" fixed="false"/>
      <xs:maxLength value="32" fixed="false"/>
      <xs:pattern value="[A-Za-z0-9_]{1,32}"/>
  <xs:simpleType name="SqlTableQname" final="restriction">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:pattern value="[A-Za-z0-9_]{1,32}\.[A-Za-z0-9_]{0,32}\.[A-Za-z0-9_]{1,32}"/>
      <xs:pattern value="[A-Za-z0-9_]{1,32}"/>
  <xs:simpleType name="SqlCode" final="restriction">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:whiteSpace value="preserve"/>
  <xs:simpleType name="LoginMode" final="restriction">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:enumeration value="digest"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="url"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="cookie"/>
  <xs:simpleType name="Unused" final="restriction">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
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      <xs:pattern value="horizontal"/>
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    <xs:anyAttribute processContents="strict"/>
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    <xs:attribute name="name" type="v:SqlName" use="required"/>
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    <xs:attribute name="enabled" type="v:CalculateableValue" use="optional"/>
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    <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="skip"/>
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    <xs:attribute name="column" type="v:SqlName" use="optional"/>
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    <xs:attribute name="error-glyph" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
  <xs:attributeGroup name="LoginParams">
    <xs:attribute name="realm" type="xs:NMTOKEN" use="required"/>
    <xs:attribute name="mode" type="v:LoginMode" use="required"/>
    <xs:attribute name="user-password" type="xs:NMTOKEN" use="required"/>
    <xs:attribute name="user-password-check" type="xs:NMTOKEN" use="required"/>
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    <xs:attribute name="child-window-options" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
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    <xs:attribute name="browser-filter" type="xs:string" use="optional" default="*"/>
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      <xs:enumeration value="if-not-login"/>
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      <xs:attribute name="method" type="v:FormMethod" use="optional" default="POST"/>
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      <xs:element ref="v:variable"/>
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      <xs:element ref="v:tree"/>
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      <xs:attribute name="user-title" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
      <xs:attribute name="password-title" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
      <xs:attribute name="submit-title" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
  <xs:element name="login">
      <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:group ref="v:EventTarget"/>
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        <xs:group ref="v:FormSpecificContent"/>
        <xs:element ref="v:template"/>
        <xs:element ref="v:login-form"/>
      <xs:attributeGroup ref="v:SqlGenAttributes"/>
      <xs:attribute name="realm" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
      <xs:attribute name="mode" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
      <xs:attribute name="user-password" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
      <xs:attribute name="user-password-check" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
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    <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
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      <xs:group ref="v:AnyHtmlContent"/>
      <xs:element ref="v:node"/>
      <xs:element ref="v:form"/>
      <xs:element ref="v:template"/>
      <xs:element ref="v:hidden"/>
      <xs:element ref="v:login"/>
      <xs:element ref="v:login-form"/>
  <xs:element name="column">
      <xs:attribute name="name" type="v:SqlName" use="required"/>
      <xs:attribute name="label" type="v:CalculateableValue" use="optional"/>
      <xs:attribute name="input-format" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
      <xs:attribute name="output-format" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
      <xs:attributeGroup ref="v:HtmlGenAttributes"/>
  <xs:element name="data-set">
    <xs:complexType mixed="true">
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        <xs:element ref="v:param"/>
        <xs:element ref="v:key"/>
      <xs:attributeGroup ref="v:SqlGenAttributes"/>
      <xs:attribute name="sql" type="v:SqlCode" use="optional"/>
      <xs:attribute name="data-source" type="v:CalculateableValue" use="optional"/>
      <xs:attribute name="nrows" type="v:CalculateableValue" use="required"/>
      <xs:attribute name="scrollable" type="xs:boolean" use="required"/>
      <xs:attribute name="cursor-type" type="v:PlCursorType" use="optional" default="dynamic"/>
      <xs:attribute name="edit" type="xs:boolean" use="optional" default="false"/>
  <xs:element name="param">
      <xs:attribute name="name" type="v:SqlName" use="required"/>
      <xs:attribute name="value" type="v:CalculateableValue" use="required"/>
  <xs:element name="data-grid">
      <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:group ref="v:EventTarget"/>
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        <xs:element ref="v:param"/>
        <xs:element ref="v:key"/>
      <xs:attributeGroup ref="v:SqlGenAttributes"/>
      <xs:attribute name="data" type="v:CalculateableValue"/>
      <xs:attribute name="meta" type="v:CalculateableValue"/>
      <xs:attribute name="nrows" type="v:CalculateableValue"/>
      <xs:attribute name="sql" type="v:SqlCode" use="required"/>
      <xs:attribute name="scrollable" type="xs:boolean"/>
      <xs:attribute name="cursor-type" type="v:PlCursorType"/>
      <xs:attribute name="edit" type="xs:boolean"/>
      <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any"/>
  <xs:element name="isql">
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        <xs:group ref="v:EventTarget"/>
        <xs:element ref="v:template"/>
      <xs:attributeGroup ref="v:SqlGenAttributes"/>
      <xs:attribute name="isolation" type="v:IsqlIsolation" use="optional"/>
      <xs:attribute name="timeout" type="v:CalculateableValue" use="optional"/>
      <xs:attribute name="maxrows" type="v:CalculateableValue" use="optional"/>
      <xs:attribute name="user" type="v:CalculateableValue" use="optional"/>
      <xs:attribute name="password" type="v:CalculateableValue" use="optional"/>
  <xs:simpleType name="IsqlIsolation">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:enumeration value="committed"/>
  <xs:element name="radio-group">
      <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:group ref="v:EventTarget"/>
        <xs:group ref="v:AnyVspxPageContent"/>
      <xs:attributeGroup ref="v:SqlGenAttributes"/>
      <xs:attributeGroup ref="v:UserInputAttributes"/>
  <xs:element name="row-template">
      <xs:attributeGroup ref="v:SqlGenAttributes"/>
  <xs:element name="tree-node">
      <xs:attributeGroup ref="v:SqlGenAttributes"/>
  <xs:element name="hidden">
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        <xs:group ref="v:AnyVspxPageContent"/>
      <xs:attributeGroup ref="v:HtmlGenAttributes"/>
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    <xs:complexType mixed="true">
      <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:group ref="v:AnyVspxPageContent"/>
      <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NMTOKEN" use="optional"/>
  <xs:element name="placeholder">
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      <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:group ref="v:EventTarget"/>
        <xs:group ref="v:AnyVspxPageContent"/>
        <xs:element ref="v:param"/>
      <xs:attributeGroup ref="v:SqlGenAttributes"/>
      <xs:attribute name="inital-date" type="v:CalculateableValue"/>
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