Google Plus: Time to Hang Out and Share Again

Google Plus: Time to Hang Out and Share Again
One of the things that makes Google an exciting platform to work on is that its various offerings are constantly evolving and devolving. Google changes at a rate that defies most users’ need for consistency and stability. For anyone needing a regular surprise with their online experience, Google rarely disappoints. The flip side of Google’s ...

Google Plus: Updated iGoogle Tabs and Themes

Pulling two threads together With the launch of Google’s latest efforts to socialize the web–Google Plus–there have been a lot of changes across the board. A few weeks ago core apps like Google Calendar and Google Docs got a face lift, as did the Google Search page and a number of product pages as well. ...

Things to Do With Google Custom Search

Here are few examples of what you can do with custom search: G-Recruiters Profile Finder A useful way to search for people, by skill sets and job titles etc. with results coming back from resume databases social networks, personal homepages, blogs and so on. G-Recruiters Gurus’ String Finder A fun tool for people who want ...

Google Cloud Connect for Microsoft Office: Good for virtual and remote recruiters

Google Cloud Connect for Microsoft Office: Good for virtual and remote recruiters
One of the advantages of G-Recruiting, and cloud recruiting in general, is the ability to share and collaborate. Because data is stored in the cloud anyone who has a link, permission and internet access can find, share, edit, publish and file anything — everything  from a job description to a full-blown site, landing page and ...

[G-Recruiters’ Forum: 200] How to make Pale Moon look like the Firefox G-Recruiters’ Dashboard

In answer to a question posed on the G-Recruiters’ Forum, how to copy the custom settings and add-ons that come with the G-Recruiters’ Dashboard [Firefox Portable] to a local installation of the Pale Moon browser.