The German invasion 1940 - 1942

The anti-Jewish measures imposed by the occupying forces are increasingly restrictive for Anne. She has to go to a special Jewish school, for instance. And the swimming pool, cinema and tram are all off-limits.

SS'ers van het Regiment "Der Führer" bij het Hoornwerk - 12 mei 1940


In May 1940 The Netherlands is occupied and there are big changes for the Frank family. Restrictions keep mounting, both for individuals and for Otto's business. When Margot receives a call-up for a German work camp on 5 July 1942, Otto and Edith decide the dangers have become too great. They take their family into hiding in the hiding place they prepared months before.

Anti-Jewish measures Jews in the Netherlands face mounting restrictions

At the beginning of the Occupation, the Nazis basically let the Jews go about their business...


Anne Frank at the Jewish Lyceum Anne has attended the Jewish Lyceum since 1 October 1941.

By order of the Nazis, Jewish children are no longer allowed to attend regular schools...

Anne Frank Stichting

Preparing to go into hiding The Frank family prepare the hiding place

The hiding place is located in the empty part of Otto Frank's office building at 263 Prinengracht.


Anne writes:


“After May 1940, the good times were few and far between: first there was the war, then the capitulation and then the arrival of the Germans, which is when the trouble started for the Jews. Our freedom was severely restricted by a series of anti-Jewish decrees.”

To the timeline

Anne's surroundings

Otto Frank Anne and Margot's father, Edith's husband

Otto sets up a business in the Netherlands. After that, his family can come over too.


Edith Frank Anne and Margot's mother, Otto's wife

Edith has trouble settling down in the Netherlands.


Margot Frank Daughter of Otto and Edith, sister of Anne

Otto and Edith’s daughter, Anne’s sister Margot is a quiet, serious girl who enjoys studying.
