Frequently asked questions

How does the online shop work?

  • How are delivery costs calculated?

    Delivery costs are calculated on postal and transaction charges. The postal charges are calculated on the weight of the article ordered and the country to which it is sent. On top of this comes a fixed amount per order for transaction charges.

  • Choosing method of payment

    • If all your details are correct click on 'Choose method of payment'.
    • You can pay by credit card. Which credit card depends on the country you live in. In a number of countries you can pay in ways other than by credit card. Take care that you specify the correct country. You will see the method of payment that best suits your situation on the screen.
  • Placing an order

    • You place your order when you make a payment.
    • The number of steps you have to go through depends on your choice of payment.
  • Confirmation

    • Immediately after your payment you will see a page that will show confirmation of your order.
    • You will also receive a confirmation e-mail at the e-mail address you supplied, giving the details of your order.
  • Delivery of articles

    Your order will be sent as soon as your payment has been received.

  • How do I order more than one copy of the same article ?

    After you have placed an article in the shopping basket you can specify the number of copies.

  • Can I remove an article from my basket?

    Yes. Just click on 'Remove' next to the article in your basket.

  • I cannot add products to the shopping basket

    Viewing our website with certain browser versions, especially with Internet Explorer 7, can cause problems. If you indeed use IE 7, try using another browser. Our site is optimized for: Internet Explorer 5.5/6.0, Netscape 7.0, Mozilla 1.4, Firefox 0.9/1.0 and Safari 1.1.

  • I have checked my order and have clicked on 'Choose method of payment' but nothing happens

    This problem very seldomly occurs and has probably something to do with the security restrictions on your browser. Check whether these are too restrictive.

  • How can I pay?

    You can pay by credit card. Which credit card depends on the country you live in. In a number of countries you can pay in ways other than by credit card. Make sure that you specify the right country. All methods of payment relevant to your situation are presented in step 3 of the order process.

  • After I have clicked on ‘Submit' I get a blank screen

    It takes 15 - 20 seconds to process your details. In this time the screen goes blank.

  • I have clicked on ‘Payment’ but error appears on the screen

    It could occur that your payment cannot be processed fast enough by the server. In this case error will appear on your screen. You have not paid. Click on ‘Back’ in your browser and try again.

  • Why is no ‘lock’ shown on the payment pages. Is it still safe to pay online ?

    The Anne Frank House uses Payment Service Provider RBS worldpay for all payments in the online shop. Payments are sent via HTTPS. This means that while your details are being sent over the internet, they cannot be read by anyone else. Your browser does not show the ‘lock’ because the main menu at the top of the page is not secured. However, the payments part of the page, where you put in your details, IS secured.

  • My account was charged more than once the amount of my order

    This is probably due to clicking more than once on ‘Payment’. The extra amount will be reimbursed to you via our Payment Service Provider RBS worldpay.

  • I ordered something a number of weeks ago but have still not received anything

    If you live in the USA or Canada it can take several weeks for your order to be delivered. This is due to the strict customs controls in these countries. If you live in another country then contact the Anne Frank House with regard to your order.

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